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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1962, p. 11

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WEDNSDA. M~ 2lt, ~R2THE CAINADIAN STATESMNAN. ROWMAnVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN marketing, Not Production Main Problem Facing Farmers Ed. Ruthven Telis Lions Club Newcasilob - "VAege t a b 1I Groxwers in Ontario can pro- duce ten times the produce they are able ta nmarket" said Ed. Ruthven, Cbairmao of the Ontario Vegetable Growers Marketing Board, wben speak- ing Pt the regular dinner meeting of the Lions Club in th Elniburst Hotel on Thurs- da: evening. lntroduced b.v Lion Chas,. Knox as q T-ope Townshiro Farmer and Marketing Board chairman. Mr. Rutbven bold nf plan% being formulated bv, the Marketing Board to regain the United Kingdom market for agricultural products sud to competp, wibb the Etiropean Cnmmon Market countries. He said marketing xx asibe main 'portePd the .iudges bad hbeen ap- ' pcoblemn facîng the agriciîl- poinicdi, plans werc turaliodus.,trv,,. for Ilîenmusical prograro and Lion l-arrv Jo. e in express- s conimilice had beon appoint- ing thie apprecration of Ili? cd to arrange for entertsuning club for bbc fine addcess saîd ii contestants and the asssîst- Mr. Ruibven \&as doing gond îing .with ihe programn. work for the vegetable groxx - Follox iîîg sarnie disctussion a ers of tbe province sud Pr('- Motion waS PaSSed iaUtboriiiig senied him xith a sniall gît; ;the (ont ention Commîtîe luI on bebiaîf or the clutb as a nie- prenare sa floal for the Du-s- meoto of h ]s vîsit Io) tue cI uî. Diiring the businecss perîod conduted b Li' Frank C. Pidgeon Carl Gould, pias %Ppri- fri the Di.:trict A 3 Publi Speaking coules be g spot e V iIc sorei b v the club ntpCnii miitv iuîall onW Aprîl 41h. The cnmtr , Takes O.,vi Junior Bowlers Win Second Place 1 ln Dist. Tournament Newcastle - Wiîb bowlinR a Tucsdav Men's Leaýuigu relatiîxely new sport oib his vil1- 1(225 and«over ,iý A. Pearcc 27a, lage, ten members o! tbe Jnn- Boe258, G. NimbnaIl 243,1 ior League competed oin he'A. Dîîbcsuî 238. F). loi2:17, tournanient sponsored bv iheK. \Witncv ý2:31, B. (;t;uuille Central Ontario Recreation 225. Com iiJ&on i n Cl ' i *.I onJ Saturday sud placcd second in the tournameot. Tri addition ta the sec-ond place win for the local group, two of it.9 merobers toork single honours wifh Jim Baskerville rolling the higb singte of îlwe tournampnt and Naiîcv Gaiuucsý rolling the bigh triple. Th- girls placed !firsb in Ilîcir dix'- 'si on. Thosp. abîepding thf bouicos- Ment were Darlene Boweuî, Betty Couch. Beth Powell, Mary Dean, lac-k Chard, Rau Good, Jim Baskerville, John Cunningham and Dennîs Rcîd- Man- Higb scorers inflie Variou.LS leaguex on the local commun- ity alley's for tbe week eodinz March 17th were: SMonday Ladies Leagie On0 and ox'ert J1. Krammr 21(), ~.Coîrh 206, K. Cnlr,.aux Wt-cidrrs d a ' laies lagi 200 1aild<I oeî' i W. Luxe kiii 249. R. Couru 232. J. Rîî-kacd 226, B. Brown '225, R. Frusu 21.5, 1. Cunniungham 202. Tlhursda v Mixecl Lcugtiic (200 sud over) D. Rowve 244, B. Rowe 241, B. MeKillcip 21., M. CouJCII 219,. R. Browiî 218, 1). Wýhttiex- 21,4, M. Lewvis 2018. Fridav Mîxed LecagLue (200 and oivcru R . Miiiro m',4. Partuier 283. B. Rcxvu281, SS Barebard 26.5, B. MuCrac.keîîI 227, Mi. Heiu 218. .1. Lewis 21.3, R. Pearce 208, R Fe-i- soin 2018, S. Potwell '-107, M. Dewdnev 204, F. ('oiclî 2(1:3, S. Brown î 21)2, S. Fîcîcher 212, K. Dean !l201. Junior Leagcic 175 sur overu R. Goori'290. XK Tcidram 226, B. Heallir 218, Il. Ciffe 216, D. Ruidman 2063. S, Rai-h- ;ird 189, D. Rowcu 1816, B. Pow- e]] 185. T. Alîreairr1;;", N.-tvcast le At a ,spPcjaI ineiigof t he vi]lla ge couuoci I ipied on Moncla- eveiiiig. the applîcalron of Frank C. Pid- zr~on for t he position of village clerkxxa c'e'pted xvith dultie.- o leg n on Apt-il It. Ttx o szpPcial meetiîngs ofrith- toi iii il wxx c i-eueld lastx'el wliiiapplîcsîîts scre inter- ainicclsd thte posit ion dis- uissed, bunt il vxas iiot cîuîîl Monda> xciivîgthl a flua i decisioi xxas inadea id thle ce- signatiou of Mr. Leîîuard.. and the a ' plicaition of Mc. Pidgeoîî ic-c-col cc A.dmniistration wokiks tinît ne îîxx o Mr. Pidgcon as lie xxas eniîlov(.\ed iii an adrniusîtrativ- c'apsu-il vi n s large finarîrial inru- siitiouiniiiToronîto foc sortie M~ ý befoce bis cetîrcuient. Wubh bis experieuce. th(> coin- c-il feItlihe shoutld be able In lnstal New Officers Lionettes CeIebrai Their 101h Annîvei 1 rict A Convention parade in NF' ('asitle - 4Nt tabes i-rP Hamîtlon. Sunidav. Mav 27th iaci cvdecoratcd %wîth gold Tx-nvo vîtors from thie Lionç5 streaimer7 and purIple place Clbai Cobocook., Lions Her-mas%,'po.of rticl beci Schofield snd Max Soi- mi vhpt fatfca nîkow v -ere %velcomcd ta ibe sprîing flowers in purple and mee, 'ng Haoldold, 1.5 nembers of tbe New- Lion Hrl Gibson reporýt- casiA- Linnettes Club sud their '02- on the re-ceni Pancake guesl-. six ladies frorn fhý Stippri-said there had bcen a Peterborough Clulb sud foui- pood lilînout of Ilie momber- fr'orn thp Cobourg- Club sat l inl hcp iib the project and .doxv1n i a deliciocis dinner Ilu that a pr-ofit of appr-oximately Ihe diniiig rom of thb. Elm- *i l70aci beeo realized. He said huirsI Hotel on Monda\'ex, n be thougbi ex -erx'ane biad lîsd ing on tbe occasion 'of the a most enJovable evrning. A donatin of $10.00 was voted I he anovaniîesd Disz- trict Red Cross Societv. A bihdav anniversacv re'lebra-)l ç' ted h\v Lion Tom Lewis added hkesto Ille fine, box sud lhe fifti-flix <Irait'%von hi' Lion Chaýs. Knox âdrled 3 1*0,0to Ihp ige Clerk er April 1 baud ;r th,- adrmmiisîcaiiouu of li)Oii akiuig lis positionî in Torîri;o. Mr. Pirlgeoni iiovcd Ici Wesioail rom riortiieru Oun- baric un tx h e ali nsd bis xxife leiniiihie samep home for 263 icaus sud ruuiuuc' a fauîilv of lxx o -ms sudOnue dauiltec. tih lnoîîuîtx lut hcic cxxuîliouii1-es miii bu <ii. îr. aud Mi-S. Pid- -(,onî lavt-tIree granudchîi ldreuu. .\fîc c ls rccirueuîîeuîlfi-ouni u posut muii inToronîto. Mc. sud Mrs. Pidfigeon cl ecuded îiev xx aîued Io relire Io a silil hnux i l clo luf T'Uni oî sd af- Icr i- ha îjg doue coîîsideîable Iol 'îo . i a couicI -decicled ou Ntu-sleas t lic ir inhmpanîd pcirciîamsed flic formuer Saxon Grahîam propecix* on Mil] St. xxliu evîi have bee i uviiig tor i P ps t c-Oui pIofr-a s GI ee Club Cornes Third At Kiwanis Festival Ne u dasi le TlpIe oi-ai Pih- 'l*o\wuisli up, Pelecbornugh ('ouin- lic Sclionl GîepChlb placed vy xvas second xxitb 83 points. 1ir in id ithe clasqfoc pui c Thîe lui aI Gice Ciil iti sclîool gleec cIffulis ai t he Niwuan-tii -t-ici it uerîheu-s ivasIra in - us MtscFita inic ri-or- ed hW-I s.SîspIc roui rd Mis oîugh hast Wdi;rat afier- Acuiii.\ b rouî of îthe public sch'lt 1100,1, xxii i ascore of 81 poîn Is.ieciiigsi a ff iîîdierflic su per- Fîri place wPq iakcnî b>' Ibe vision of Mc. Artlîuir Collusoir, WecopPublic' Schnol xx'ith Mus R 8.of Rowxmanvullc. Tlîe P15 points, anîdS S. No. 5. Smith GceClub îîre-ý.':î;ed tie sMk-c- Build your bank balance ... Build your peace of mind Unexpected expenses do happen. Things like dentist bis, doctor bis, car repairs and dozens of others. Offen these expenses mnust be met irnmediately. Without an adequate bank balance... well, niany a good man feels a small flush of panic. You can av'oid this. Make sure vo u alwvays have at least two months' salary in the bank. Deposit regularly. WatCh the balance build. Enjoy that new feeling of security... the peace of mind that cornes with money in the bank. Mvonev in the bank bas other advantages too. You pay hbis easily, and on time. You capit.alize on speial discounts. You avoid charge accounit service fees. YOU take advantage of special sales. You establish credit for intelligent borrowing. But these are thie extra benefits. More than anything else, rnoney in the bank protects x'ou from the unexpected. Build your bank balance and build your peace of mind. Start building next pavday. CANADIAN IMPERIAL IBANK 0F COMMERCEma Over 1260 brancha8 to serve yocu 1MNi-. Simon Biersteker re- îîîirned 10 lier home here on Satuirdax' follnwing s four we isil ikitli friendq and rla- livtes iin Hotlaiîd. 1Mr. Vî'lliari Storks was iii New Y\ork last, veek wlere he tva atteîidiîîg thle Conxventionî of Vedlerated Wlîolpsalers. Mir. Harnld Deliiic. Mrs, Rac Frt(cilaîider suad M is s Jill Christie of Toronto xere Siiiî- dax' vîsîtors xx tIi WVr. sud Mrs. iW'îlliaiii Stor ksanad faoiil v S Mr"-. Ihlert Milchell aîiiîd .l'amiilv have tlken up resideiîîe >ini Oshawa. Mr. sud Itrs. R. R. Rickard faind fanuil v w ixeceSîîda v guIlesi1s wxilli 'Ir. sud Mrs. Franik Mc- ï\itliin d fsiiiily in Scarbor- Mr:ý. \Xii. But teruIl lias 'e- t uriind lu lir homue iin Srîiîlis Falls afier speruding las wek wilîh lier dacigliter Mcc. 'iim. Slorks and familv Mr, and Mrs. Johii lees sund lanilv have lcfîI he vil lare audliatve take'ri cîIpIesidenc(e ii Oshawa. Friuiîds of Mliss 1-. A. Nlasoui, Mis. Stella Anderson. Mr. Jonî Pnuister and Mr. Cyril Ruit ]aîîd 'ti] be sorr v 10 Icaru tilîat tle'are aIll suad are patients iii H\eîrs -ospital in Bow- oîa vile said wii oun ius i n bhe vish iliat theY will have a spî'cdy sad complete recov- \,kend visiloirs with Mrc. aîîd Mrs. ,Jnhn Vouil ivere Mr. anîd t\rs. Sidriry- vVntît of Ux- bridge sud Mr. and Mrs. Leslie K iniiel sund son Bilt o! Linid- sa V. Mirs. Fîed 'Fainhvii sud 10i and Mxrs. Carlos Tamblyn ot Oroîî stere Smiida.v tisitbor: with Mr. sud Mrr..-.....ose. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Stoul, lione « n)ootl couple of Pictire- Bultie, Alberta, wePre guesîs of bonour i-ou Mondar at a dlin- ueiir oaci' given b ' bbc bride's sou-iîî-law and daugbter, Mr. sud Mrs. Keitb Aiken .Jr. Mr, and Mirs. . C. Mattbews and famîl v o! Trenîton were Siioda.v ieists wiih Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard and Erue. Unit, 4 o! Ibe United Cliurcn Women beld a ver v successful bea and bake sale in the Sun- d.ay Scboal rooms of the Uni- tmd Cburch on Frida>', Marcb 1131h. Mrs. Floyvd Ruiler was con- venor of the bake sale aod Mcc. Ceci] Fergnuson was iii charge of the afterooon bea. The tes babIes were vert' attractive wviih a ;pring bouquet of daf- fodils. forsytbid sud puisy- 'v xvîllows in a sîlver container flankPd on eacb side b v taîl velloî t.apers iin silver candle- sfic-k Ilidrrs. Pouring tes were Mcc. M'al- fer Rickard. Mcc. Orme Par- ker, Mcc. IHsrvev \B 1ritton and Mrs. Percyv Brown. Red Cross Canvass Tlie local members o! the B3o\manv-ille and District Red Cross Socjet v baie decided ta hold ilîcir caiixass in the vil- lage duiring thiF week aud uexi rather than. batvc a one îight, blîtz. The 'v believe ibiq gives the canivassers au oppartiiit ' Io uîale their caIls iin a miore leisuraîx'v.faubuoiî. t! a canvas1ser has flot aI- ready called on*ion. she w il] he comning duririg ithe next waensd citizenî- are askced ta hro Pas libecal as possible iin Iheir dorî7ut oîîs IcIle .iork of t lip R3ed Cross wii sertves local1- I t anid ntrai l TEho geliîciat iiîecirugo! île,( lion "Nll ini tle :\pril i e- opfliorîiiilit,\ of Iîearîug iilus prize w irîuîuu grouip whcui tley appear atI hie Lion.,; District Public Speakmug Contest, on Wedneda;.Apt-il 4tlî. ru be Coiut'Hall xvleii f ic; xiIl he ucetseuiiog part ontf bbcmui- iraI pcogram of îw thr riingz Newcastle s Larger Than Port Hope NePiw-c 1 Aci'ocdi'ug fn ' figures takeni from Ibe Couin- lues assessmelt rolîs the , ilh- age of Neix aslJe xx nb2,0150 acce us arger iban the Toxwn of Port Ilotie w'itî 1.478 acre, thociFb Porti hope iul a pop- llatiiriof 8.t072 us I lie-largc'st lxxii mru Diui-lîaui o ri;- Ratîedsc(rolrdiiuig lo popiýla- lîouiIhe ucor-an muinicupaliîîucs iipUnitrd Couniîe- .are Cobourg 10,30nO, Portf Hope- 8.7.Boxvman v i h 1 c 7,308, Campbellfocd 3.1:"73 Brizhton 1,.24.5, Colboruîe1.337Newca; 'le 1,132. Hastungcr 899, Mli- bcoog 842? Rateri accocdinc tb ,ulzpun a;cres i lîev are Bowmnx'nvlle 3.20'ohouu"g 2.570. Brighton 4 .222,Ncxvc',ast[le 2.050. Pori, Hole 1.4781,Crlru 1,5. I Cmrellor 139, Hastings 1600 and Millbrook 315. Tenib Anni\ersar.\ of thp local C lu b. Afier dinner the retiring pre.sidcni Mrs. Marjorie Dick- inson welcomed the guests to the meeting- and conduucted the general1 business. Lionettes Pauîline Storks, 'Marion Knox and Jean Rickard ,vere ap- pointed as a commnitcee Io look aftcr Ilie distribution of gits Io Itt-iii5zal Easter Timev. A donation of S$20.00 xvas voied Io psy for Iie Iransportation of th- Public Srbool Glee Clulb castle / P(,j1 I iilidChluircli Womcn ixas beld io the schoo] room of bbc cbcîrch on Tbursda' a fternooîî wiih Unît 2 iii charge.Mvirs. W. R. Alliii ccl flie devotional service snd was assîsted b> MUS. E. C. 1-bar and Mrs. R N. Smith. MIs., K. E. Werr.v, mennîhecr presented with her past presi. derît's. pin by Mrs. Pauline Storks. The newl 'y installed presi- dent. Mrit, Irene Cunningham, te in takîng office thanked the in lecingher ta the presiden- ta the campaign for funds be- rsa ry ing conducted in April by Ibe Canadian Cancer Societv\. Shr Io the ir i Mýusir Festival said the club had been asked( ini Peterborough last week Ito nake a canvass of the, vil- The Glee Club stood Ihird in* lage for the Society. Afler their class ai the festival. sorne discussion the membhers The prize for the member 'decided ta roake this canvass ts-hose birthdavý fell closest to 10 April. the date of the mneeeting wvas. Two draws were made dur- ,,on bv Mrs. Barbara Miles of îng the meeting with M'Nrs. Mia- tu Cbur lu.bel Goode and Mrs Ar-esta An~ imipressix e cerermony ilam en the luckv win- pasipreideîs ameforardducted following the meeting, wxith a fe\ ords of greeting iprizes were wvon bY Ali unl- on1 Ibis îenth anniversary of named Cobourg member, MNrs. the î fnb and lighted a can dieiKay Stephenson of flic local on bhe 101h Birthdsy Cake, Club. Mrs. Peg Thomnaq of Co- bourg and Mrs. Sandy Oliph- Officerç Installed ants of Peterborough'. Mrs.(;av Bennett. presi- To wind up a most enliox-ablp de-iinr ofth(- Peterborough Club -aoniversary celebration 'thue presided for the installation o! members played a couple of ie 1.962 offîcers of the club,1games of charades and everx and xtas presented .with a pot one joined in a siog-song. of spring flowers hy Mrs. Paul- Prizes given during the evrn- mne Sîo)rks onribehaîf of the ing wveré, donatcd Ibroîigb flic, club. The, retiring presi deoh» cour t esynf Pauilines peisi Mrs Marînrie Dickinson wasiShoppe. ________ Fireman 's Home Saved by Brigade in tic that "Even firemen are flot immune ta fires in their home-" of SI. Patil*s U.C.W,.,B*owmni- N'vr ïlasi work bv.came n short ordier. Thr flam- for' Ville gave such an inspiring theN ale Volunteer Firel es were soon extinguîishrd b% your ardeson "Bible Sttiîdx.\tuflal DEp;rtmient is credited by' AI-;firemeo witb the use of the al whlo attprnded feit especiallv bcri NaYlor, a miember of the ýauxiliary water tank on the money prit îleged. Deparîmeo(,it, xith saving bis spumper. Mis. G. B. Rickard ihen (-on- borne fromn serious destruction dliicùtýd the business. Inleresi- on Monrclii afternoon wîhen According to MNIr. Na « or. îii rports xs ere made bv the moniderabiî damiage ivas donefhe lire must bave been cauiseri tressurer. Unit Leaders .,and 10 the roof b , flamnes. bY hot soot from 1the rhimnev convenors rtf varioLis omt r a o.satn i which caused sparks In fa]! olj Gppa poet the roof with the extra drift - tes. Gnealpotet ere sprinz cleaniip. hiad takeo bis created whieo the firina oiitined bv flhe program <con- Icirnace pipes ouf. 10 the yard .1r1r1m(dAcosd venor for' the balance of the to dean thcem aod bad gone pipes e rmvdAcoZ e rab] e anount of damage xvai y car. Io Ihe assistance or a neigh- dn otero ytefaeý M-nmbrrs vere Ithen favoiir- bour mwhcn orne of the neigh- adnc 10 Ie r oof t- ihofan cd wi th a dujet. Daitnv Bo\-", boi.;-hood children lbad corne ua y tr tainnue bouse, C UARTS-18<. 2 FOR 311a swettv %Suîng by Jim B2sker- running 10 Icil him bim roof buptfast wroms iie bouse, SIX 12OZ. SOTTLES 41, vilie anîd Gardoni Allun. a on fire. When be looked peetdte.fanqfo PLUS DEPOSIT Th(, meeting adjourned \xithiip he, sauv a sheet of flames petiotedt th lam-es rom UBisM- 11we repeating of the Mizpah loti flic roof and phonied the fire gtigm h os rpr Bentdictioiî. departîneit for- help wbich The moral to this stor,,v seems Saico ORANGE JUI(I Fancy Cream Style STOKELY COR Orange or 2 Fruit IGA ÀMARMALADE TDanald Duck miui-Pak 6-01. tins x\Orange Juice 6 for 95c Fraservale 4-i Pg FISH & CHIPS 55c Green Glant Fancy 2-lh. poly bag Kraft 165 ai Jar Nibiet CORN 49c 'Cheez Whiz 59cet ]Brookpark 15-ox. Pkgus. 4R oz. Tinsq Strawberries 3for98c E 2 or 7CGreen Giant Fancv 12-a:. poly li oz. Tins POLY PEAS 2for43c Brds Fie l'anry JkN5fr8 c "rench 2r off 1n-or. Pkg. N4 5Jar5 GREEN BEANS 25c 2940 Fathomn Skinless Lb. 2 C Haddock Filleàts 45c Fr al y. vc te qn dom lO-oz. Pkg, 37c Pork Loin Sale7 Receive 16,00 in Bonus Tape% with EX RA LeOff Deal. 8 Tomnata, 1 Voq. MTeac EXTRA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H einz Soups6 Tinoz B1us-ran- e1ow-PikWhil A~~rin Toa > edrzrBallet Tissue 2 w,," A Toal o Deo orizr R"q' S; L& Off Economy Se. Angel SkinIOo.ic Crest Toothpaste $ 4 .00Receive S2.00E in Bonus Tapes with 2 on.,ch Y, ... i - la.cna, Chocolats, $40 M argarine 2 1th Pcq.. Orange 16-0t. Pkq. Trahlield. S oz. Chuh. Farmhouse Cake In ~nisraesParti-lime Chubs Tomatoes 'a- Grade - -e swe'et, .Iuicy - Eaus.v ta Peel Extra Large size 9<i',; - Dox. JAFFA ORANGES 69c ('risp, Garden FIreh .A Salad Favoritp No. I Grade G;REEN - Nn. I Grade - Relie. LETTUCE eal19c ONIONS 3 for 23c Gond Sn Mlany lA av"q nnu IWhite Head% GREEN - No. 1 Grade No. 1 Grade - Celln wrapped Peppers 3for23c Caulif lower ea 29c Loin Roast O'pork RIB P'ORTION lonin Roasit <rrork Tende rIo i n Portion ('entre Cui tLoin ROA STS or CHOPS -3-1b. Avg. b 39c -3-lb. av:. 1b 49c ib 59C RindIes-ç -Sldd I1-11). rkg. Side Bacon 59C Burn'g Rettijar or Ready tb gervp. 1Smnkpd, BoneIee,% Cryovar DinnerHam b89c At mosit I(A Stores Crvo'a< Vacuum Seaid - Fresh Cd Filuets b49c 1-1h. R dea i i e v.peter q Maxwell House COFFEE 69CFIHSX SHOP AND SAVE AT ... BOWMANVILLE IGA MARKET Bowmanville, Ontario TOMS' IGA MARKET Newcastle, Ontario WWNESDAV. MAR 210, 1%82

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