PAGE TWELVE THE CANADL4N STATESMAN. BOMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAIt. 2ltt1962 DEALN FOR CASFE __________ Tuesday 4:0pm ___Births _ In Memnoricun Comxîng Events _ Articles f or Sale Articles for Sale Auction Sale j Help Wanted ýReal Estate fori aeRa saefr0d BURGESS-Ron and Muriel ROMBOUGH-In loving me- Dance, round and square 0012-1 trw hoTeDuhmFamr itSIGEanobyfrdivIFORomehusr Co 3fl-2060flL12fl,1 nnual Spring Stocker Sa e1 arm. Wesley His, CO 3-235i.o v.Ms laeSot le riounce the birth of their Rombougli who passedi away Sponsored by 4th Cub Pack.f5 pm ihIY'hs o ulty-Md nCnd will be held on Thursday, SUMPpum wih 1j,,hos ;Tp Qaliy - adein ana-11- -LEML3T057 daughter. Mtzi Joan, an March 1March 28, 1958. Admission $2 per couple. 12-2ÇCal]M 3-5205. 12-i 17 cu. fi. $269. - 22 eu. fi. S299 April 26, 1I1 pi., at the Dur- 12, 1962, at Memorial Hospital,-Sadly missed by Bella and MnM nei-cle i a a ountv Sales Arena. May EXPERIENCED car salesman.ININE-room stucca hauea 9AHLS.WOHW Bowmanville. A sister for Bob. 12-1:3.o Hce igt ac IpSEED Rde oats. Les Colla-i Ne awe have your consignments Apply ta Fred Owen, Nichais ravine, about 1 acre.TnMutB od 316:30 pim. Four champion-, Rdn~ BOWMANVILLE 1 al Phn rn5r 8IooSaeCutc. 1-fiwtr Estri. Ronnie. 12-1 ship gaies. Atoni. Pee Weeicutt._MA 3-2242. 11 -2! FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM 'al PhnOro5r18MtrSleCuic. l-f aer. Esy eM s.Wisn3hs-ttat4!al una ROWE-ln loving memory of Bantam, Midget-Juvenile. MIE hafosle25pr Phone MA 3-557i Jack Reid, acine. 1-1XË-ÉNË machine op-'_ COLLINS - G e or ge a ni d.a dean dad and grandpa, Fred-.___1- bale. CO 3-2670. 12-1 *8t erators nequired immediately. NEW bungalow, 7 NElsns.amnil.Cre o 6 Yvonne (nee Chant) annaunce erick R. Rawe, who passed - - - - EA-IF---j Z 50 Cattie, hogs, fowl, A.C. Tripp Construction Ltd., Port E., Bowmanville. Privat ae~fUî onp3mn 50 Western dance, Manch 30 in TIU ingenig-Zag tractar, baier. combine, impie- Perry. 12-i Reasonably priced fingo l nc 690 o ute the arrivai of a Bangtord One yearchas20,ssed1. dean Blckstock baby carniage, in cdesk like console, slightlyî~t rpnyo oadW rcs.Mpnîuascî SliMaia Bantgod er,.y Marchas20, 1961. !BacstckRecreation Centne; good cnito. MA 38.1 useimaes hndrds opty20, Con6ar MAN for ihtdny tsevc 328. 1m!Carls aorne- 73-1 Syelv HospManie, Mrc I.'!îusic by Courtice Countryl1-1Of[Lamb, o 0 Cn ,-fl 328 sister far James Gardon. l Since yo wrecale away; Travellers. $1.00 per persan.' ac ticebttnhls ington, 112 miles south- station 5 p.m. ta midnight.,-V...Port Generl Hosital n Mar h ow 1. da do, . i'r -- - 2MIXED baled hay, timathy, sews onl buttons. Cash pricelwest of Enniskiîîen, onSatr-Contact F. Owen, Roy W. &Plr hstreya-l ac 11 Th axv w andw doreme ry a. M ntr ig, T usdy1lvrand alfalfa. CO 3-2628.$48.88 or payents of $6.80 a day Mrcl*i3 1. Ters cash. JNichas Garage, Courtice. Tele- How e rk ugaow crnsto HATE-oyadR T hat su adano one a a. Mostn1iga T 1rd1 2-2* month. Dealer. Write BoxiSale at 1 o'clock. Ralph Lmb'p -hone -728 -6206,1-1REALTORS (n ARTLEY-aehy adtt a-ou ae naanca lsnight at 8 o'clock, sponsoredl ---225 c/a Canadian Statesman, leLb Oshawa!Jacks$n,.50 nhly. Fo ne Chenare appyotaa sn- fu arewobeilby the Junior Chamber ofWATER for sale andcidelivered. ..Box 190, Bowmanviile. 1clrk1Tdacan2a*tînefWAITRESSES and kitchený67 King St. E. hrifraincîhs tonn;ýCmecRdBrNrth Call Cliff Pethick, CO 3-2131.11-2 22ýstaff, full and part time ne-; MA 3-3672 or 725-71 Rnie7213. Gordon Lister, 8 lbs. 7 ozs., on The heavenly gates wereOsaa -t- -- --urd. App1yNtha Rnc bnglw iha-Salgoeysoe,$001 ThrsaOach1,h92atwae.dwie -- 45-tf qie.ApyNrha!Rnhbnao TusaMrh1,16 Th ened wdeIVEEKLY Restaurant, on Highway 11l5,tached garage, six nooms 1rrenytr-vr eleup the Oshawa Genenal Hospital.' Te ioving v'aicp said,î Rummag;e and Haine Bake GARRY oats, seed, $1 per bus. l B A R C L LAVYTOKSS L Newcastle. Phone Onono 107. modemn throughaut. a ,e.Lvngqatr brother for Stephen and! "came". Sale, etc.,. tMemonial Park, HaoldSach.16r 2COrnoSALTES!P112 insae o.Akn 200e o opeedtjs~i Alan. 12-1 Gd knows howmuch we*Marh 24th, at 0 a.m. SPOO10 King St. E., Bowmanvllle iat Durhami County Sales Arena OWN a lifetime business that dow for this beautiful5:anChleRnkn 72-3. miss ye adBrb o dr hept rau.a rd b othiersPofkthe9_stFIRFWOOD instoe wody * inand se urdiply fOrono - Every Thurs., 7:30 P.m. grows frai repeat arders af old brick home. north edl-1- JOHSTO-Ke an Bab ow arkthepat w Brwni Pak. 24lengths. $10 a load. CO 3-2275.1 1962 Horses. Cattle, Svine. CaIvesIdaily necessities. Aient deali catianl in Bowîanvillt~.M are happy ta announce the And whispens, 'He Adnceat a--duf- Sha__ 40-f!etc. lFor truck pickup Phone' a vnae$0 n orHmto,$.0 arrivai of their chosen daugh- sleeps, 1 J AudanceaM ach 24 TShree 4-f REETING CARDS rn 8bv~p a fers ral averis$.0amiherTHe eamp omeitu$-7,90u 19 2. A site or Per. Al a s em m er d bY ie e or heta eau in M s Q AN I Y f Rodney at y Gbs n'aeo. . Rii & So, Sl Pof 0 d utsi, nDept. FM 60 cd o o i7 1 5 f., coe toE L te62., Diana L for, Marh 1- orlvd rei o )Rcado iano. Door and stnaw. Phone Newcast7e-1l-1 Managers. -lieoime.Montreal. 12-1new school; 4-piece batfc-emrsoOsaa&itit 12-1 iKeith, Audrey, Kenny andJ. Rcarnd onr 19.2196. 12-2* darwt i etag a elEtt or _____i Lynda. 121,prize adspot dances. 1-1;edai- - Gi lcai _______ MIXED sab waod.Resawed BEEF HINDS Auction sale of two tractons, GOOD apportunity ta, build atdawn paynicnt. 10Ars erPr oe SHAN-Carol, Elaine and' i Canadian Old Tymne Square Mi sa îngth. Neswastl ftîl ne of tractor macîîinery, profitable business la tnwni- ,Cali Joe Crawford - MA1%I. ~uead annedsi e Velm ar hapy o anoucelTAI'rONIn ovig m- ý136 40tli SPECIAL !onchard spîayer and equip.;ships Whitby East and Dal-, 27 Parkway Creseet the arrivai of a baby bother, îory of a dear husband andlDance, Friday, March 23, Part We have again made a mpcalnent, baled hay, straw, etc., ngton . No capital nonr cx- Bowmanvillepa-s$750 March 13, 1962. Proud parents father, Herbent Stainton, who!Hape High Schooi. TonontoïHAX a-nd stnaw-. 20c. O0-and ucaeo efHni adtepoet fRwadperience needed. Dealers seli- ~Hp a nHgwy41 are Ray and Ruby. 12-1 passed away March 2th, 1961.' Orchestra. $1 pen persan. 'wheat. Austin Woad, M A are pleased int pass thi- saving Coombes, Lot. 5, Concession 5, 'ng in adjoining localities do- i'60.Tens 1 His weary hours and days of, ___ -1.*3-2388. 12-1 Ion tovou at Darlingtoa Twp., anc mile îng quite well. For ful la- Plrý14Ar amna saa SHACKELTON - Keith n pain, Wovenaînt eteFEEca adctig 3 b orth of The Acres Restaurant,,formation write Dept. C-140-: etrF euema andi H omuiyCetej RESea oo utigl53 b selling Satunday. Apni 1 JA, 400.5 Richelieu, Moatreal.1 REAL ESTATE BROKR ecletbiliggo ai Muriel (nee Tink) are happy j is troubled nights are past; -Monster B i n g ci. Twenty fon firewood. W. M. Aluin, $10.000 14wi to announce the arrivai af In aur aching heants we know gaîes-twenty dollars; five Scugog SI. 12-1~ LoadTi our Home Vretezeri or coîmenciag ai, 1:30 pim. Fur-n - 12"-I Manvers 170 acrei -8 ce erTnn.Ga their san Mark Douglas on' He has found sweet rest at ,ames-thirty dollars; $150 CHAIN - saw, ---mecC-ullouh Locken wtith Choie Steaks for ihen particulars. sce bills. IHURRY up and choose a good rooni fraie house, baikbrisrai 950 ens March 12, 1962, at Memiorial' last. jackpot. and twa jackpots atî Madel 47. 18" blade. lPhane atin low prire. îRgleid actioner 12-4 bukýdsin.ess wtha csaa silniw e $14.000. Tens. Nati.$000.Tç Hospital, Bowianviile. Ai-Wife. Edith and Faîily. $250. Doar pnizes. Next P-ý-a hilwpir led utopr 24ýrc 1.0.Trs baby brother foc Barry. 12-112 Monday, 8 p.î., Redi Barn,C -25.11 Beef lx at Ils hlghest quallty and progressive fini. Coni- Clarke 100 Acres.,2rai5Arsna ano d . ________ - i;Oshawa. 46-tIfBRANTFORD conibinatian box i at this season. being grain feti DU3RHAM COUNTY 'mission 45%;, incomes rip ta fraie bouse, L-shaped anj2o0 - n os,7' x il'. Phone, al winter. NHO0R T HORN CLUB $85.00 weckly; ceai baî.gainspraduciive soi]. Priceay Baufu -dro bic STEPHENSON-Bob and Ar- WILLIAMS-Ia loving m-Caraz' a Poppin', 1962, Town fewdstt cu3ta.ersCLFt $125.00. Tenms.hus.anetasCnray lene are happy ta announceImary of a dear mather. Ed Hall, B u aviAil 6, ti 36 2-1 iCut.turappold andi fast frozpn iSale rci ocasts $200. is the birth of a son Ronald'Wiiiams, who passed awy7 and 8, 8:15 pim. Tickets ALSCO doars, windows, awn-îto Vour specilications. 3r lb.' 41st asoten nnHp 1uArs- aaîlctd Joeh aeso Fbuay26:arh25 95.d0rays withomîi cisk. .îîTÔ, full'y maclera house, hrsi1rc 1-tnyna e Josph ame onFebuar 26Manh 2, 159.avaéilable frai Jack & .1111 îngs, sîdings, raîlings. Lrmel FROZEN YORK a M, .51-30 St. Huhert.ý excellent, repair. A bte'hpigCnr.$, oa 1962, at Memonial Hospital, Beautiful memonies are Club inembers. Admission 75c A-]-n, M i A 3-387 1 12-a TTTTal Blaçkstn1 nara ha vrge fmi Bowmanville. A brother for treasuned ever. Seia1tdetspncMcnAROSfo aleuean R NG epi. 12-1 tanaergPftnice100dw usbnao Ricky. Judy and Brenda. 12-1 O happy days when we werc for Thursday night (,nly. Na feed. Brng containers. Robent tt 6o<7. ans ue ay pi APLICATIONS il b- $28.000. Tecnis.a îet S.Sh togeher.reserved seats. 12-1iStephiensan, Newcastle. 12-11f Speclal Case Lot% (4 '7> 96't 130 eived by the iadcisigaed Unl- Highwa.v No. 2 aad sin.Cl Deaths Always remeîibered by ONemoniai Pai-kk -to -el ou it92,ait : P.fl1. til Tuesda.y. April .3, at 12:00 gond garden sail. Pi-ici 350 ALE R _______________________Genaldine and fai- Mmra akAssaciation!OEBehcosoe fn .5prdz .0 HEAD. Horned anti Polled nofîa a oflth eroi ugl11-17 hrhSt A339 BIRKS, Cleora-In Osaa1iy 12-1 are holding their Annualllid5 and wacming closet; ancej!6 BULLS, somne eligible for theposition nf Co-Ordiriatoc foc piece. bath, cilfîre fu I]rBonanal General Hospital an Wednes- ______________ Spring -tme Tea and Bazaarchncaie.C3-67 do.lt235ero. Government Bonus. an Eîergency Measures Org- basement. garage. Pnice 850i2 day, March 21, 1962, Cleara £ in their club hieuse, Saturday,li1- IiCsc.I'of Twheei Bowma7.ville Frigid 1Cow% -with Calves anizahion iin the United Coun- Dawa $1,000, McGegr, eive wie fte~ ars j. ±±nIs Ani 7 Hoekig, rale. 7ft X4 ftBreti and Open Heifer-* ties of Northumberland and' latte Dr. W. H. Birks and dear- - -booth, candy, runiage, fishlbox, 'new: sial bench saw: LockeDunhan atr aattaogting saiary af Highw ato. .owmnv il mother of Aleck and Mary 1 wish ta thank Dr. Spelier pond, white elephant. Pro- fishing boat. Phone MA 3-3069 iFrctlge wieSceay$4,500 per annum, plus 9 cents Es fBwavil ee oa (Mis.R.G.Stale) f ont ad ures f os Mmonaicedsare aiway's used forý 12-1 PHONE M1A 3-5579 Roy Philp. Pres., Port Hope per mile foc the use of bisý Telephone MArket 334 ELO real. Resting at Northcutt & Hospital and îy neiglibors park playgrounds. 12-3,11 Jh ikad ertr car ia the performance of his Salesmen- Smith Funeral Home. 53 and friends foc cards, fruit, i - -- ' -- ---TRACTOR, John DeereL.ISae Newcastle. Ont. duties. Duties ta cosist 5 gStetWs Division St.. Bowmaniviîîe. candy, etc. during îy'stay n Foty-ninth Haspital Birth-1with piaw, raw-crap cultiva- Cars for Sle12-1iuîo ulicc iG. Blyleven, Phone MAM-30 9 ig tetEs Service in the Chapel an Fnl jhospital. Ernie Lane. 12-1 day Party ta be heud by theltan, mawec. Phone MA 3-2787. daiofnpbli relations anaj A. .1. McGilI, Orono 47 M -43o A356 day, arch23 a 2 ~____Women's Auxîliary ta Me-l 12-1* USED Trucks: 1955 Interna-ILvetckedcaatineo the subject af C. R. Lovekin, Newcaste24 1marial Hospital atth iaa YS cut autoîatîcaîîy, whiîe tianal R180. cab and chassis; iFrSl a flot plc-1- îdcc tet euiu .men BomanilleCemtr.1 KEYS - ackei-a ta5car- - '5-ani brik bungaow wît nientBowmavil1eCe1etrie W ad eishbota frthak aronity rCntre, Thrdmî uwait. at MeMullen Hard 95Mruy1tmptfn;YOUNG pigs. Victor Cook- tents on the autside wrapping. tahdgrg nanci lkind expressions of sympathy three ta five o'clock. Be sure ville. I-tf '2-ton. 1952 Interational 1 .bclndd u-ai unior-__ JEFFERY-Suddenly al. RR.!and beautiful floral tnibutes ta attend this enjoyable gala - lton; 1950 Ford 1-ton. Cowvan PUREBRED Hereford bull. ulig Cbur en.--dcaae hoghu.Pie ., Bowîanville, on Friday,Iand cands, aiso the many actslevent. Special draw prizes. POWER take-off for Interna- cipal BidnCbug - Equipîcnt Ca., 134 King St. amie year aid. Clacence Btrley.itanio 9iAPARTMENT M tforlheow th aeng March 16, 1962, Cccii Mark of kindness un aur sad beneave- 11-3]tuanal 'M' andanc set, of han- E.. Boivmiax-ilIe. Phane MAIPhorie Clarke 181.1. 12- 1'ý 'Clec. K. Sviaons, Couruies 9-f!îacetvaue orthi aea Jeffery, aged 67 ycars, belov- ment of aur loving mother rowspri- 1'-2sl]bargain ah $17,800.00.k 12-2 edhsado laVnMargaret Milîson and Mr. Smith. MA 1135.12-i 'SIX-canai bouse. TIwoephone 'a hoiIahîTe dean fathen of Doreen (xs Mary Topple. 1- aspic a d.Tloe3612-12-1 RED Shocthoil. r itw . MVUL EE KO RA 3-34,12. 1- 'micil nK t (uIr.j_____ta MOTOR Scooter, seail-auto- ay hairvan~od e, ry uiet.' TILL YOUTRY THIS Stephen Doyle). Service was,, matic. dual exhaist, ail ac- av rirneEnuilc.'If there is any doubt in Yaur LARGE hcizlbtmogui-8'x0' it9 roonibrc held in the Morris Funenal!i1 wish ta thank Rex' btM riK ny ac cessonies. Apl Meuls B.A.10-tf mind whether rou can rea lly ian. 205 Kuig E. MA 338.'oewt itwtrhaig Chael Bwmnvlle a Mn-MrandMr. lod uysal, taio 15 Hghay Pon [PNDandAREHIB hufrfcshloygd m ahî moeyselig 2-tfTcc fc uy t nl $7.00 day, March 19 at 2 o'clock. Dr McKeenzîe and staff of A~T~Newcastle 4566. 11-21 not;Arsuecw rs oiin...yucnfniotAATET hremoaeî Intenment BowîanvilleCie al Hospital, Bowîan-l LIIIUINSULATION, blowingimeth- with caUi aiside; Holstein iwithnow at aur expense.adbth îad.Tlpo'$600O fIprc fnS tery. 121'ivilie. Alsa friends, neighhars Flor Reservations _ Phone od, with rock woal. Work- 1 n ~feue nIAasDntwor bu om ast Math-10. hu-cî ad ntni STete an rltiesfr herkidCOLMîER TRAVEL SERVICEIianship guaranteed. Free esti- Phone Blackstock 986-4774. history. Vour ambition andý JOHNS, Fnedrick A-At the expressions of sympathy shown mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele. T 1- l_ i ae oeipotn t OEN.lctd, 4rn 100dwn pitl n atrdyMach17 Gad Ran 1-1J.Lt UU~M'IKNGe3cticc265 spa- 14HADc9 CARSeor ad salesinan. We can prove ibis and bath. Phione MA 39 rc uglwi h ot _____ 12- KIG ator; faurwte owsea cyl.,59BELVEDERE 4-DR. Durham year nId stocker with earnings from $8,000 ta OfWc o ahbyr 192,NestietnOn. beovens on'1 2ish ta expressr rny sun- i ;severai 6 lautoniatic, backupliughtr,'stceu-s and heifers. Private S12.000 iin a ear paidti taour HUEoiMiILre BatieteotlCurhbidn ofth at rs W.ceethnk a1l wnysent- HAD 'gaad used parts foc Massey-;new tires. Beige and copper. sale. Thiursdav, March 29.1men in 36 other citirs %vho fi big gai-dca Posssinadltfn ae a ecn ohns nhis 84t1Mr ea rs.. c fl tawes oad cardsen i'C AR ER BUS Harris and Renfnew creami Lîke îew. Gcoi-gp A. McGowaa. Phone started without previauq ex- Apnîl Ist. Phone MA -70'ctdahosecnicly ed at the Chapel of MRest-[fruiit m wie asd . ea1tn. hnBaksok 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 7421 acak edlx-perience in aur field, 21*Sial frcuso te rnott-Paniabaker, Port Penny. in Memonial Hsit-ad ice si ngon DC.1 - --'--f-l<-"---_.-1 6cyl. Gleaimig black. 1 __er __.--___-_ __1221___- T APlob oMENTtop arnines Service was held an Tuesday. I came ha.spîtal an se vahngoJJ TV SET, roof acniai, Marconij 1955's 1I _ liberal bonus incentives. profit- AATEI apo,10raiaia March 20, 1962. at 2 p. Ihao ie. u ii tJhns ,orking condition, $75; siail PONTIAC - 31ERCURY Seed Grain for Sliesharing retirement plan. anti bcdranis, $55 monthIl ocSlemn tretNestîcton C n- a ii unRn oaso Easler WMeekend ýcoakstove, Findlay. bcand ncw PYOT frire lifte insurance. If inter- uazpcctioti -ci-Mils.Deîa. .A.Rro -MA-09 ternen Ceetey.~nd ifcd ellni.Dr.Mc-'Ygrates. round fiîcbox, good e ted. N~~ ~-ite 0. J.Stephens!Hiîu. 221- 12-1 Keazue, nurses and staff ai. PHONE ýcondition. $20. Phone Onono 1953 PONIA 4RUSE IRTS i -re. Texas Refinery APARTMENT. thuceronmý _____Memonial Hospital. PONTIc -1W 1ere JIOHNSON, Edward John. Reg.i Mns. Harvey Cordea. COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE'30 - 4, Genaîl Fisk, Pantypooil. Redurerd ftn C1eir T atsir-rltvonyllBnoTx 711,F1rt-Irt Imed ieporiotri , ueYII LU 5 12-t1 1 i12 _I TelaetCorp. utl1dný ea. Bx71 at lrthI hearl. mefncsraor, ;neD No. 303-4940, l9th Batt.. C.E.'_ail_ VI 1JUJ SE lmr ilur 1lapon PLM R <r'5 stra w. -__M -958t'.4Ar aa m ilw F.oo Passdiwaa t unndy- ewdlk t hn mfor gond used televisian sets, 1rngr -, -Wi~ essane \ork Vlanted EE-am hu ,lev-ctei au;7roe oe brokHaspita962on Tuday, nKeith Siemon for bis rare ofi chesterfields. beds, dressers. 1 I>ta <isense auid thinner bull. _______--____îiig. good locatni ouie odcicrieincs Aî Johnson, retired emipioyee Post mewhl aptinti M- Notices vanities, chairs, refrigeratou-s,j MOTO SALES AlISO BRICK. Masan and Concrete oad. ,-, aile eaý;i of lc-'1.0.Tn. Office, of 814 Broadview Ave., moria Hospital. ls thanks ______xasiiens, oi heaternges, Dealers for v ork Cbimneys, etc. L. Turri- stock Schonl bu; (l'16 cefnLsae Apt. 29, Toronto, husbanr oftOlde fHadu CA Mrs. E. Eatonr Iva-t- atrn!OWslcighs. CalElmier, COirlymnuth - Dde-laln onv&Ot " ipararvnsdneRupeni Wýýercx, BtacksicDa ibukbca rxeshd t. the late Ethel MeKeana, cdean fan lovely plant and everyanc w-te Mina WV., 2301 James St.,3-2294.- 46-tf Simira Ca" PhoneaMAy3-605 23-tf rikhm, idu li-2e294.ntywh Phare1MA .îe 0a. îcorivricuiceM.OAEking $21,000 father of Mrs. N. Jenkinsl-n he oîîuitywlîone-Orillia, Onît. 12-iUPEPARE for cold weatheriDtgeT-_ nItî OERior-aaiaat-iciiigaiahicy 1.0,Bwgrel , _.yDEAD AND CRIPPLE auu(on ____- Maw r . and Mncia At RS., 16. nan eieJo.hniaxhl. 12*al vour Electnical Equipment. - RNISTOCKINOEHMnwbîk Mn, and Ms n John C.Mutton. vou are îereby notifieti that JjJ WLfl. and Iipncs ad o iveSles&Srice, MA 3-30.58 HGEST RIC Brown of Bowiarvilie, an- Bownianvilie. announcc' theiappeals ta hav~e errors or 95 C,,.Bel Air HIGHEST HIGES PICE PIO wcl hil, fbohrom, ec naunce the engagement of engagement of their daughten omissions rectifieti must b poultry , ganse featliers, feath- 43 Thîrd St. Bowmanville tRmcAlY catd1tlVou1ijA thein youngcst daughter Saily!Jacqueliae Elizabeth. ta Bry*anI ubmîtted ta me on or before AERIAL t1tEtAIRS 4-Dr. en iicks, scnap iran, rags,! __ 43-tf R A Y VilIANloaloe ndtld~s Arn, ta John J. Dabroshiasky, Caulson Trimbie. son af Mn. M'%ontiay, Apnil 2nd, 1962. 1 Automatlr, rustom built radio, RAis-2a43dOsawafrscoeSAVE MONEY AT P- n ar HilIMar1603as son of Mn. and Mrs. Jascph ard Mrs. Exerett Tninibic, LEASSBEWURE.O%,hitf, "aIl tires. Seafoam R -03OhaacUc ,24-hr 7-day Service9Roeirc uligo flobrashinsky of Courtice, Ont. Bonmanville. The iacniagc1 CHEKBTE SE ýgreen. ____-48-tf i vs earLiccase 102C61man tee laNwst. Marniage ta take place on!will take place in the Salva- L V SUt'VLY Lii. .D*~ALI, kinds of live paultry,, Store Hours: 8 a.m. ta 6 P.M.' Saturday, Apnil 21. 1962, at thon Army Citadel on Satur- DATED THIS 22nd DAY 0F 15 Pontiac 4D .tahers nINCOMEan HOMESKAES ut New-35epr p.m. in Bawianx-ille Baptist'day, Apnil 14th, ai 3 o'clock. MtARCH. 1962. hoei -faer,-wgas r dcSKTSSAREE) 3eP.- etupti Churh, NlsanSt.,Bowmn- 1-1 i.IACPhonell)728~-8180 1 Clean cm. light green. also nId feather ticks wanted Q uice k Se r v ie -ste ilmodm onea Churh,_elsnS.,_______YACL.REI, ighest pnices paid. M. FlattI, Re-_-irs_ - ville. 12-1 - -_---------- Clerk-Treasurer.5-f15 hv -r ctayRR .Poe7r 1 6 ONTARIO STREFýT - ----mecslAah prin ___ - C Photoqraphy jReturning Officer.1 USED Traco 11trnto-1T1955onevreen r hleroetn .R.1 2oe7r1tf Closeti Wednesdays RADIO an-d Televisior ears 300 onFew ac ._1______ 34-tf i'Prompt serv'ice. Pick-upiams i2?as-B975 diesel, B250 diesel,_______ Mn. and Mrs. Edwiand fot2D. FrSl rR-dlvr.George's, 14Cetesyebnaowihtacd Clarke, Bowmanviile. Ontario*1 PHOTOGRAPHY FarmailMD diesel, xvîdefrn 1954 Chv.2DReFrSaenaRtIrsSt. Phare MA 3-5713.41t are pleased toanarrunce the .;rPano Teachnqg end, hydraulic; Fanmal Super -ev- - -_ - j - grage, broadoamed floo engagement of thein daughter Portraits - P 1pot -__ __ .C". with 2-roxv cultivator; Ctistomn built radio. SIX-raoni bouse fan sale an UCKS RCEary extras.lelsi Karen Diane. ta Mn. Robent. -. - 's POPULAR 1puia n o lessons. Fanmal Cub. %with plaw, culti- Gemn lc. mn.PaeM -34-1 UCK SNDEVICE GARe ANsere Telsinacvensbutflfepc. Roy tepenssonof M. ad' ~eddngs- Anniversaries ls onhy. No prij ar ad scuffler; 2 Ford'SICOADNWWR ai a evc.Tlvsa omdbnao nBw f aSpcilt tAduits peýar- Be rxiu1ator,,oe ih od r- i RO Y W."'i R. L. A F .î manvhle ito.alPmodnecon Mr.r oensM tehnsaobeert Ni.rg reesay. Bcn ratosSaewih ode feni.ITPTc' Borer vate T SrvceC. haeMA3383.vnuncs Ol $.00dan PaynîeNMA 3-2697. li-2'Ailis-Chalmers 'B' xxth ,_ Il R__L._T_À_F_ Bowmanville. Ont. Marriage dChvlr-Coai ASTOR STUDIO ~~~ouiited mower; Massex ' - Cary asoir Er"oY BOARDERS %warted. Pharel 4Kn t . M -5030 INCOME HOME in Baw- ta take place on Saturday.1 Newcastle 486.r12-1 April 2l1st, 1962. ai 3 pim., un 23 King St. E. Bowmanville Found s, o0o; Case Model "DC"', $295.' Nxvcsth 246. 2- TrinuSt.E. -5030 6:RiEARta aIl omes !nemailbrciloda DomavllOn.PhneM 3202 FMAE egl n oda.rumi seed' and fentilizer drill:iCourthde BowmanvilleL ' - u - ~owarvli. Ot. _______--41-tfiNMA 3-5825. 1-1 John Deene dise; Cockshutt1728-6206 NIA 3-3353 Gel Cash ioday Electrlc ueaîlflg ga Electnue Limiteci8 ig 70 e lt Mns.Wilent nai LJCNSE - .- -dise, $35; Massey 3-point hitch' 12-11Fr:urom ereto RoSt.E. Phare MA 3-330M ~ Jh . eW l' .an Mrs te enageet Cof N - ' SELost 13-furrow plow-; Irterrational ' For OId Appliances !Bathroom . --aay room need- WA TCH REPAIINuV A thnnei the agBent of'cersng ome WOULD3furo plaxv. on rubber; PesnlP ng heat - or complete home.Reto dGnrlIsa* thi tiddaughter Bursing WULDthe gentleman whi'Massey 3-furrow plaw, an --- ______na__ _ - -our Qualhfied Eîectriec (ertifiet W atchmake' f~watePoo34 ta Mn. Robent Davies, oniy.SOUTH Haver Nursing Home pîcked up an av-ercoat, sure 38. steel; Johni Deere .3-furrow .HYGENIC supph:es - (Rubber througb Heatint Contractar Cnda eeîr'As.Dnl onJy A335 son of Mn. and Mrs. Rhys.ý -Accommodation for pivate %vith Black's NMeus Wecar label plaw. on rubbcr; Case 21-whee1 gaods) nîaîlcd postpaid in plain Cnda 1ules Davies, Melbourne, Austraia. 'an d semi-pnivate patients. dt Boxi manvie Badminton tracter spreader: Internmational 'sealkd ervelope v.ith pnice lîsi S T A T E S NM A N JIso iemaOon,19 The manniage will take placellounige TV. Fully licensed, Club, Saturday. March 3rd byýtractor spneader; Fie uryýSix saîples 25c, amls C L A 8S 1IF I E Lgn lcrçLî.M r'sJwley8ouDvîioB1hn,3 en Saturday, Apnil the LIst at'new building, modern. Visitorsîmstake. kindly caîl 728-4875 inspneader. Cowar Equipinent1j$1.00. Mail Onder Dept. T-28.1'1.39 King St. E. 3 in Salem United Church. welcome. Reasonable rates. arden ho exehange for sanie',Ca.. 134 King St, E., Bowman- Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91,i Phone MArket 3-3303 IlMA 3-3305 Bowmanville 39 King Si. W. FakHne,7527 12.1 iPhone Newcastle 4441. 13-tilcoat size 40 or 42. 12tivile. Phone MA 3-5689. 12-11 Hainilton. Ont. 1-521_______________44: l-! 2