PAGE FOURTEEN TECNDA TTSABWAVLE NAI W?~e.r~AV M'AU q¶ 1eR., P congratulated Bill Tomlins entering the new office Durhazm Jr. armerst President. H as Following the chairman's imarks, Peter Newton, a vi! Annual Banquet îa ng member from Northuml land County, favoured the a ence with two nectations mî bîlarinus by bis broad Engl Record Attendance accent wbich b. put t a dvantage. More than 100 parents, 1962 Durham County Junior' Bill Tomlinson introdu( friends. visîtîng Junior Fanim- Farmers Annual Banquet the the guest speaker for the evi ers nd urhm Cunt me- ýgreatest success even remem- ing, Mr. G. N. Hawn. instri ersandDuranCouty e i bered in this area. The ban- tor in English and Fut bers turnied out to make the quet was held on Friday even- 'Speaking at Kemptville Ag ngManch 16, 1962, in the Odd'cultural Scbool. who chose Fellows Hall, Onono, at 7 p.m. bhis topic "Are You Listenîn Bob Cannuthers, president,,I the course of his fine MEET OLO iof the club, presided as chair- dress, Mr. Hawn impres: 4000 an fo theevening. Other upon tbe audience tb. impc S FOLIKS..l 'ea table guests wene his :ance of listening. The follo ANO~ UT wife, Pat Carruthens; Incom- ing are exerpîs from 1 ANDYOUL MET ing Publicity Directon, Bill speech: "He who speaks so' A REALOL0FRIEND. Tomiinson; Incoming Presi- .he who listens reaps. He w dent, Miss Moneen Whitten; speaks exposes himself, . OLD Sa'Mnim. A. O. Daîrymple, Durham; who listens adds tbe speake ConyAgnicultunal Repre- wisdom to his own. W. im i,$.e 0 A4AIi4GefATi, sentatîve and Mns. Daînymple; . talk ourselves int trouble b RIWCA eNTROS.., Mr. G.N. Hown, K.A.S., guest we neyer listen into trouble, T/meE WE/Nvo RING..,1 speaker, and Miss Marlon But-wetboinrminisn ,and r#f SL'FE - RfI&G.. !tery, County Directon for tbe for listening. The more we]1 club. ten the wiser we become." Following a delicinus tur- At the close of th. addre key dinnr expently pnepared Victor Hall expressed appni and served by the Kendal Uni- aintMrHw obe, ted Church Women, Miss Pat of lb. club, after which t' Knox and Harold Yellowlees, chairman presented a P Iaal dinected an enjoyable ýCounty Director's pin to Di U,4 .ItT.'I]I'Ltsing-song. ýGreen for bis services as Cou H 1 ~Chairman Bob Canruthers1 ty Directon in previnus yeai IWHIEWAHI__111i~ welcomed those present, es ýBill Tomlinson then preser HITE ASHIG STBLES pecially parents of the mem- ed a Past President's Pin IJMPING SEPTIC TANKS4 bers who had tunned nul in Bob Carnuthens and spoke full force ta support the club. 1. odwr, nhsam He expnessedi thanks ta the improvements that Bob h; Imm______ executive for their failhful bepdbiginoteJn wonk during the past yean and i Farmers' Association. ____________________________________ Mr. A. O. Daîrymple, Agi cultural Representative, i stalled the new officers f 1962 whicb are as folîov Past President, Bob Carrut Is Had To FindHall; Treasuren, Eric Shackl Is H a d To iend ton; Publicity Directors,P Carruthers, Judy Fonk, Lari * . BUT W E F UNDWelsh: County Director, Ma The evening closed by haý BEAVER Haxvn draw for sevenal doi Farni Representative ipnizes which were donated 1 lmerchants in Bowmanville ai Beaver Lumber la pleas- Orono. Winners were as fc cd t annuncethîsap- lows: Canadian Tire pnize wc by Mns. Les Welsh; W.1 polntment for now we 'Brown prize won by Rc have a representative to ýWelsh, S. S. Morton pnize wc dlreetly help ynu plan by Ken Knox; McGregor Han( .. .~. y iand build your farm ware prize won by Miss Donî Scott: Western Tire pnize wc j biling. irnly'phne by M. L. Kelly; McQueer k*and Mr. R. Stel la ati Motor Sales prize won b your service. See for Maurice FlettI; Cowan Equil yourself ail the versatile ment prize won by Geral and englneered Beaver Brown; Lunn's Hardware pni: rwnn by Wes. Yellowlees; Dui farm building plans that lham Farmers Co-op prize wc expansion programt. !Carnation pnize won by Mr Genald Brown; Jackman Flo n~...... i ýist pnize won by Mns. A. Hal xseaver trngineerecL Dulialngs A farm building to-day bas on. Job and one *nly . . . to help you get better production at1 lowest cost. Beaver engineered buildings can do1 jobt TOTAL EXPERIENCE The total experlence and Know How of over 60 Beaver Lumber stores now building farm buIld- ings across Ontario i. engineered Into every farm building. BOWMANVILLE M _ JANE PARKER FRENCH APPLE PIE (24-OZ PIE) *act, 49C Reg. .59c--SAVE 10e 12c OFF TIDE DETERGENT giant size 6 9C Reg- 750 - SAVE AN EXTRtA O. FANCY QUALITV LIBBY'S TOMAT'o jUICE 6 20 fi-oz tins 7 9C Reg. 2 tims 29c - SAVE 8* PONTYPOOL It Is wlth no littie regri that the Manvers Pastoral knows they will be losing M Sormmerville, student mini: ter, in June. At that time Il will be ordained and wi have to move to anothE charge. A meeting will b held in Janetvîllfp on Wedne, day evenin.g to arrange secu. Iing another studeinf Pride of Pon-typoci L.O.B.,P 1314 held their regular meel ing on Wednesday evening. Recent visitors at th~ Bqy semealitUns at this law pie..., for sala«s sandhes and snackh Produce Feature Florida, No. 1 Grade, Full of Juice VALENCIA ORANGES 5-lb c.11. bag 45c This Week's Super-Right Qualily Meat Features CANADA'S FINEST QIUAITIY RED BRAND 1BEEF B EEF ROASTS SHOULDERCROSS RIB lb53i5b9ci Freah Ground, Al Rouf Hamburg MINCED i BEEF 39 PORK BUIT lb Q9 ROAST Short Cut PRIME RIB SNOWBIRD BRAND HADDOCK FILLETS l"-z pkg 35c L'6 "MI c & Nm N C.BNV hil Ail Prices Shown ln Tiis Ad Guaranteed Througls Saturday, March 24th, 1962 son, of re ' isit- er- ýud- ýade lsh f ull ýcedr ,en- blici gri- as ad- sed his wvs, 'ho he ay but .irs is- ,ss, lalf the ast )on in- irs. nt- to of Lnd iad or in- for )d or [e- 'at ,ry In. )or by nd ol- Dan cers and Singers Entertain Large Audience at BHS on Two features of the BHS Variety Night on left to right: Gwen Cuddahee, Donna Ferguson, Linda ýCoM H.Friday were a choral group and dancers in colorful Cale, Nancy Stephenson and Marie Hendry: hack Mw on costumes. The vocalists, at top, were 1\Iaric Foran, Shirley Tomlinson, Kathy Osborne, Sheila Thompson, Mns --Linda Gibbs, Rose Robinson, Beth Crowe, Carolx'n Li bby Cale and Linda Steele. na Stacey and Marilyn McDonald; the dancers, fron rw -Photos by Gary MacDougal on 'IS Paynes' included Mr. and Mrs. eedtaSpirisely )37 Freeman Eddy, Orono, and Y E L V E R T O N nerededtha. AiRn bag PMr. and Mrs. Archie Wýhitmec 1 er Id iged his first woodchuck of the Id oif Brooklin. A disastrous lire wýas nar-,son and girls as hosts. Win-!season a week or so ago, and r- We understand that the rowl1v averted on Fridav ev- ners of the evening were Ms bagged mov first mosquito - n Van Wieringen Store will be eriing at the home of Mr. and Palmer, one of the welcome only took one shol at each, Dpopening on Friday, April 13.:Mrs. Ed Lawson and Bruce visitors fromn Bethany, and too . .~ The building is nearing comr- by the quick response and, Dave Wilson. Low scores were1 We at Malconia enjoyed the r- pletion, the roof having been action of the Caesarea volun-ýclaimed by Ray Robinson and conpanv of Reeve . Henry 11. put on last week. iteer fire brigade of neighbor- Dorothy Bris tow. Eighteen Jakemian as wte motored to' M%1. and Mrs. St. Clair Dar- ing Cartwright T o wn s h i p.1 dollars was grossed for the!Queen's Park, Toronto, on a noch have been recent visitors1 Sparks from a chimney fire1 recreation facilities for ourý township business matter this to Toronto. learlier had a toe-hold on the junior athletes., week. The United Church Women roof and were proceeding: The church re-decoration, Mr. Offa Staples was schF- et el a roresiv euhr 'speedilv until, with the timne- got underwav this week on duled to return home from. ýte he choo, wich as arglv arrivai of the brigade, thcylFriday. The coming week1hospital this week. te he cholwhih as arglymanaged to squelch the con-1promises to be a hectic oneý Glad to hear that Mris. fr. Iattended, on Fridav evefling. flagration. It wvas estimated with everynne invited to as-ICrawford English and Miss 5- Ldy wnner Caty Falis;bv onlookers that in 15 morce sist in this community project. Donna Engis ofantle ~e en wnne, oron ir.minutes the large farmn house Mrs. Ted Spencelv is cur- are recovering from their re- dl They will hold another in could not have been saved. ýrently enjoy,,ing a visit by ber, cent automobileacietf er April.+i eaepesdtp1acdntn be A large crowd was present eae laedt av tri-launIt - sorrv,, we missed ber'Peterborough. . English' s- on Saturday evening at the bu te to the gond neighbour name. lwe understand is stili in hos-î r- dance sponsored by th, L.O. POlic-v Of Our1 Cartwright 'i--, n B.A. Kawartha Ramblers sup- neighbouirs and Io the effi -_____________________________ Ai. plied gond musîc and will be ciency of the firemen. This is ' t- back againi under the saine the third occasion within sev- auspices in April. eral months that they have come f0 the assista nce of ** *** Manvers residents without re- There was an excellent at. ed the facts and made sxime tendance at the euchre party 'definite arrangements to pro- spensored by the Salemi Home tect ourselves in such emer- and School Club. There weregencies rather than ta con- THE 13 tables. Prize winners were tinue to depend on the gond high lady, Mrs. K. Ma,,-nard; nature of adjacent communii- high mani, Mr. Lloyd Harmer: ties for our fire protection- consolation lady. Mrs. K. better to lock the door before, Shackleton: consolation mail. rather than affer, the horse Mr. Don Richards. A number bas been stolen. of children present enjoyed Syýmpath, of this communi- games under the supervision t, is extended to Mrs. Brick of Mrs. J. Burgess and Mr. Cýapeli of Toronto (the former Norton. Mary Kerr. daughter of thle The new i-nom at the church lateý Mr. John Kerr) on the bas been completed except untimelv passing of ber bus- for the drapes and floor cov- band followingf a fail several ering., weeks ago suiffered wbile at A number from this com- work, causing a concussion munity attended the Junior which culminated in his deatb. Farmer's Banquet at the Odd The Kerr and Capell fami- Fellows' Hall, Orono, last Fri- lies have a summer residence day evening. ;east of Yelverton. Salem United Church Wo- YletnsS.S o a men will hold their metn he entries ini th-e Peterbor- O at the cburch tbis Thursday' evenn'gMarc 22.ougli Kiwanis Festival this evenngMarh 2. week. On Thursday Master Salem Home and School As- Carryý Bristov was eet sociation were hosts to Hamp- ialrgca s s th77pon4s r ton Home and Schoo] Assc< a gond voice but larked a lit- B O W M A N ciation on Wednesdav, Marchtiinslcnfene--ai- 14, with a very gond attend'- île bit of fear let bîm downi." ance. The meeting opened Two chorus groups for rural xith "O Canada." President, pupils, (1) Grade I to IV and Mrs. E. Twist welcomned ev- (2) ail grades, with Misses eryone. Marguerite Wilson and Carol The minutes of the last Sta('e\ providing the accom- FR meeting %vere read and ap- panin.ment at the piano, under proved. Mr. Nortorfs room ::the direction of our school Rk won the attendance banner. teacher, Mrs. Ruth Skuice, eacbi Mrs. Twist then called on received identiral scores of 81 Mrs. Keith Smith, president pinsand each placed fourth of the Hamipton Association, ini their respective classes - . foBe r a neistat a t piiesrci 5pints.F INNEC fory ta proreantMis natthCopgations eceved8rpoithe. Peterborough Kiwanis Festi'- Cnrtltos Cry h va],favredwitha slo. pupils andl their teacher for a val.favredwitha slo, fine -howving under stiff crm- Mr. Clifford Twvist introdur- petifion wiih rno extra profe- ed the guest speaker r. Kqv 'unnal mlusîcians, extra coachl- Lycelt. a barrister from Or-,igo riig ono. He gave a verx- informa-irgrtann.- te rril thndthespeaker.n Fl h eho ith evnorm W, L M D A N Estates," follwed bv a ques the Festival and the fiic.iv anrs n"il nl OnFia xeîg fe ion and anwer period .Mr. final echre partx-was liid OBN Mrs. Smith then led in a sing.- ton for sharing their enjov- ie able program wuith US. The meeting closed with ",Godput C bto s r e yr Save the Queen,' wsPoufy C u convenor of the lunch com- Thhe organization meeting of mittee and ever.vone enjoverl te4-H Poult.r 'v Club was held asca meflA'n th tthe nexv Agriculture Office.,~ E meeting. Mi-s. David Hall, FTrnk14Stheon emesL Hamipton. moved a vote of ac 4 h i ebrsL AS F O 5 thanks toi the Salem Associa- present filled nut their appli- tion for the evening. cation forms. Ron Brooks, the club leader, outlined the program for the gf comîng year. It was suggested3K Yf*ou'roTIR Ihat the Achievement Day b 3KINGi M D N Now and Ihen everybody gela a 'i red-out' iheld at Blackstock Fair next feeling anid maY b. bothered by backaches faîIl. Pehae ohio eboy wr n a teon r rSTREE T ELMNC Pevap cnith ionaus yiay roiaa temo The officers elected for 1962 biaddei discomlrt. Tha's the liml e 1 lk- rsd ntG r OoddasKidney Pilla. Dodds heip selîmulale th IiI jE I kidneys te relieve this condition which may Jeffe rY Vice P resident, Larrx nfe cue akah adtie fein.Thnyo Wlh:Scrlrv rinBrc-Ask for the M anager - M fatalbattu<, Puteu, wok battait, 81 11elv, and Press Reporter, Peter Werry,-.-;1 Iauu .-bLe -----..Ina un 'a )wling, Salem ,on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon i-e Sunda *v supper guests of'ýý S. F. Toms, Enniskilleti. Mr. and Mr.Viieger, John, Rena and Ronfle. Ajax, spent the Nweekend with Mr. and Mrs. Viieger. Mrs. Viieger accompanied Mrs. Ted XVerrv, Enniskil1en~ and attended a 'plastie dem onstration in Bowmanville. Sorr\ Mr. Arthur Reid hadi to return txo Memiorial Hospi- tal, Bowmanville. on Mondav of last wveek. Hope he ýviI soon be home agaiin. Sundav Schooi at 10:30 and Chuh Service at :» U.C.W. March meeting was held Thursday aftennoon at th. home of Mns. T. Smith. In the absence of the presi- dent, lb. 2nd vice-president,- Mrs. J. PolIs, opened the meet-. ýq ing. Devotional xvas present- ed by Mrs. C. Garrard. Mrs. Lloyd Slemoîî %vas in charge ,of pnogram. Mrs. Slemon was 1flot present. Mrs. Cowlinv- tookch.ageiofmeeting.will be !ohelors av, apnlk 121hea 8chagsotheaI Mrs. D. Cae on0s. Metingcolsed and nc wantstsr. twsdce o Mrs. aFotlr, Duebbîean d Sday inflero n caes of Mn. lieRoss Ason. rl12hn 18 o'Mr. ,and Mrs. Bert ashtn ' nd Lyeeng. e adluc Mrs. nd rs.atorn. i ohawa,Bell. were Taves- daYing visios a Mr .andMrs. 1Mr. and Mrs.BStroophlen Gn eorgeTanrGai-i-vwere lStn dayv isitgons aI MiA. Rad Mr. Vandgens. w ArtMra. n Mrns Vlegrceler and thei birthdahs. Mr. aW. Blackburn and Mln K.eogeindg aende te lSu- ve ed ing sAnir and o Mr. and Mr's. alcolM Sartudav eenng Mr.s.Llydkbuemn atnd-s man Talor attn the hapl o V PerrWedigon Turdvafernvof M. and Mrs.. Malorlove-f>r igead flamth Mn.a- Mrs. Arîhud rewin atndWl-! liam onwer sudayadienonr guesîs of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn and familv%, Dunbar- ton. Mrs. K. Cowling and Mrs.: Il was our pleasure and pnivilege ta instal up-to-date heating ini this modemn office build- ing. J. Brough Plumbing & Heating MA 3-5615 Division St. - Bowmanville Con grat ulations,. LOMBANK CANADA LIMITED on opening branch finance office in Bowmanville Il was our pleasure ta be the general contractor on renovations ta this modern office. E. LAIRD BUILDER 4 Concession St. E. CING.I Your Dollar Buys More atÀ&P IVILLE'S OMPANY CANADA 'ED commun ity 0. to $5,0000 IAN ADA A,.16 A R. REID HARMON THE CANADIAN STATES1%L&N, BOWMAN=E, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY. MAR. 2igt. lqR2 Bowmanville LOMBANK (CANADA) LIMITED on opening Branch Office in BOWMANVILLE HAYDON ST