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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1962, p. 1

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Ex-Mayor Honored for Long Service to Communii Durham___ _____sGreatFantily Journal VOLUME 108 14 Pages BOWNIANVILLE. ONTARIO. IVEDNESDAY. 31ARCH 21lst. 1962 10e Per Copy NUMBER 12 Lower Tax Rate by 2.6 Mills During council meeting on Mondav, Ex-Mayor Wilfrid Carruthiers xvas praised hy the presenit Mayor, Ivan Hohhs. wlio expressed the town's appreciatiotn of MVr. Carruther's iength\, publie service ta this com- rnunity. Following bis Iaudatory address, Mayor 5c an Hour Incre ase Hobbs. centre. pre'sented Mr. Carruthers, left, with a pair o~f matched bouk ends and Reeve Sidney Little presentcd him with an officiai letter of appreciation from the lown. Ro ss Metcalf Goodyear and Rubber Workers 'Soloist With c'* ~ ~ r~,i 'shawa Band aign Agreement ror une T ear At a meeting held ini the Boxvmanville Town Hall on Sunda\. the members of Local 189. U.R.C.Lý. & P.W.A. t-atified ani agreemnent which had been reat'hed last -weel hetween the Union Bargaining Committee and the Cuod cear Tire & Rubber Compan.v of Bow- inanvilie. Thp Agreement, which is for a period of ane year, providps for an increase of 5c per hour for al] empio 'vers, im-prox-ements In vacation practiees and certain changcs in contractual provisions. The settie- ment affects 450) empinyces. The Bargainîng Cammittees, were: for the Union, D. Kemp, K. Hlooper, M. Prout. T. Masterson, P. Dolan and for the Company, A. Page, G. MacNeil, R. Watt and J. Txlr Red Cross Tea Heurs ~Plans For BIitz Here Nexf Monda y Evening At the *Get Acqtzainted* Te-a held b ' \-thNe Rowi-nianvîlle and: Distict Branch of bbc Canad- ia " Redj Cross Societv at the Leglon Hall on 'londay after- moon. six ying models made a great bit wiuh the large rnumber ai ppople wba oattend- Clathes miade h.- the Wo- rnen's Work Committee xvere BROONMBALL GAINES SHOULD BE TERRIFIC, VVe understand that teamsq fron the Cotir Boivmanville service clubs u iili e featur- rd at the Pop% ('oncert to- inorrow ~(Thursdasî evening at the Arena. They %vil play broamrbail. and this isI bound to he exciting, he-S causeii ariably. the," ord-c Inarily dignified citizens for-1 jet their poise and aet like " rejuvenated yongsters atr these affairs. Don't miss il! dusplayed by little Juilie Anne :Vivian, Bieky James, .ln-Anrie Marsdlen, Babby Richards. Ciii- dy Vuvian, Stisan Spry@ and El- izabeth Spry. Mrs. Ed Rundle. the vice- president of the branch and chaîrman ai the Wamen's Work Committee, told the aurd- îence ai the fine wark dorme Ny this comamittee*s volunteers. Their work ineludes sexvung, knitting and qîiitting. AIl mat- erials are provicled bv thn branch excep the *îuiltung frames, Mrs. Riiodle said. Sýhe I reported that during 1961 alone 465 garments and 6,317i dressings l-ad been nmade. In addition ta the attrac- tive clothes worn by Ilhe 'yaung unadels thece was aux exten- sive exhxbition ai manY typest ai articles foc persans of var- uoius ages. The appealing youuîg- sters modeled sleep wear,j nightgowns aund l».amais. a 'TURN TO PAGE TWO, Manager of New Lomban Branch Here Tfhe Band of the Ontario Regiment playing ta a caps- citv audience ini the Oshawa Missionar 'v College Concert Aiudýtorium. Saturda v. March 101hN, received siîsIiîed ap- l)Iiusc for- wxas uncoubi - k cdly a vary outslanding per- I oriance. Outstsnding on the pro- gramme xvas the singing af tletor Ross Metcalfe. In excel- lent voice his rendîlion of -Wlîere Ex-e You W'alk" and "Mv Hleart Ever Faiîthful" fol- iowed bv "The Old Refrain" and -Th e Garden Where the U Pralies Grow' was sucb that aI ecr a dmne rr Ç8u«ts and1 Reid Harmoin Appointnment. nf Reiri Har- mou. 35). as manager of Bow-! niiatni leps first funance con-I panY' lianch. scvas anuîotîncedl this xceek Nc%-\Mr. ('harlesAM.1 Oavvker, Puesmdent ai' Lamhank 1 Can-ada Liu-nutcd(. The nov bcc uch lims btrn aponed a, l cornier of Kuig ai-d 'Tcunip-: miance Stîreets, iii theprm- esr fou'mlerlc* v îîîîIp mcd N thNe AgricîxlIîral Office. ,Mc. hlarnian, saualtiveaof St. C'a ~ i no ireusuastranger la the cni-ir fin anuce Nus- inca,. Afler ocer 10 ,cars .cîtb allie-r .imu iar groups. hNe joilled tIle arza-izamlion head. ed Ny Mr. Cikc fixe *cears Ti ON TO OA IWO, B.H.S. Gymnasts FIy Through the Air At thie Bowvmaniville Iligh Sehio l's X'arieîx' Nighit on Friiav. tbiete xvei'e va t eanis of Ig\'tiaists, one an ail male group and Ithe otlwrin*îuîcuinLg nIs- girls. 'flie ho> s are shown in this ph_îa, xith Grant Thomnpsoii flxviiîg îlroîuj the aiutmîxCi' txwo tiers tif fellînv athletes, i icdu,ngoit tiie hotiîi. ict Io tri u'i2 Don Kerr. Jimi Scoil îand iRuck Peteri-an tpper 1rîw, T ýn-tSiim1ism au -dciT,)nx- Mallov. Jin Co.N-e s stanidinig iin the backgrýiotnii' eadv Ili pick up I!he pieces. should anyvone slip, wxhle other tumbl-is verc standiî1u iii liuie, davtîinl"ftheir turn. -Photo by Gary MacDougal ,irst The total amount of Bow- manville's 1962 Budget is $932,767-42. The residential Mill rate for 1962 xvas set at 84.2 a reduction of 2.6 milis, and the industrial Mill rate for this year was approved at 91.5 milîs by Bowmanville Town Council at the meeting held in the Counicil Chamber on Mondav evening. The in- dustrial mili rate is practicallv the same as last year's as the reduction is only .04 mills. The 2.6 reduction this year is the first real reduction in nine years. From 1954. xvben the residential rate was 44 milis. this rate tÀas incxeased each vear ta 86.8 in 1961. a total climib of 42.8 milîs. The sol(- exception \vas in 1958 wben there was an almast im- perceptible reduction of .02 M illç Deputy-Reeve 'Ross Stevens, chairman of the Finance Comn- rnittee. reported on ils meet- ings regarding the slriking of the tivo Mill rates and selting the budget for 1962. He stated that the total budget represent- ing the plans of comiltees de- Reduction partments, and other require- ments as at first submîitted ta i tIhe Finance Committee total- IU l led $38.000 to $40,000 higher than the final one being sub- rnitted Ia council for approval. This wou]d have meantar_ raise of more than five mills, he explained. "It xvas up to the Finance Conmittee to find w bat could b'e left until next v ear," the Deputy Reeve pointed OUt. Paymnents that Boxvmanville is required ta make to Coun- ties Council are higher thiq year than last year, lie added. Mavor Ivan Hobbs stated that as it is desîrable ta in- crease the industrial and comn- mercial assessmnent in the towýn it was wise ta hold the indus- trial rate at 91.5 milîs. The re- ductions made in the planniing of the budget were necessary, he addcd. 1ý . .U Since Models Perform at Red 1958 Cross Tea "Temajor cul \vas mad- in the Police Deî)artment, esti- matez. mainly regarding the request. of the Police Chief for five more men. This would. TURN TO PAGE TWOý Coun cil Sets Date For Vote Here Apr. 9th Sun. Sports, Movies Bownianville Towvn Council at its meeting field in thb Council Cbamiber on MNondav eveniiig. agreed ta the date April 9ih, requested by the in lercsted parties, Mir. and Mrs Robert Gill, proprietors of the Royal Theatre and Jack Lan- der, representing for sports, f'or the holding of the plebes- £Pieces IVELL AWARE OF PROBLEM -- Dr WM. lW. Breslin writes again ta point. out that an earlier letter had been wrjittn witb good intention Io eall attention fa the faet. that. sometbing must, be wrong with Bowmanville, because il. had rnissed ouît completely iin obtaining new industry,.lHe suggests that. xve subjected bim ta undîte ridicule hy not giving his lelter seriatîs support. If tbis is 1the case. we at-e sorry. Actualiy, if he wilI peruse this edition which includes details of efforts to make the town more attractive to new industry, he wiil find that authorities here are well aware of the problem he lias outlined, and have been and are trving ta do something about it. We believe the opposition ta bis eariier remarks came because he suggested the to\xvn was diving. This is .lust not the case and did arouse local antag2an- ism - 'i t t T BUISY %VEEKENI>- This is going ta be a btusy weckend around Bowmanx'iile. whial with Mick Brown's Big Case Spring Show. on Friday evening. an event that alxvavs clraws erowds from near ai-d far, plus the Pop Concert, b. the Bo\wmanville Skating Club ai the Arena on Tbursday ni-ghî. EXTEND DEADLINE Word was î-eceived Wednesdav that Steinberg's have extended the deadline on their offer ta seli their praperty at the corner of Cburcb and Division ta the town for a parking lot. This wili enabie counicil ta give complete discussion ta the projeet. at the Board of Works meeting next Tuesday. RECUIPERATING Statesman Edituii Eneritus D)r. Geo. W. James is slowly recuperating in Mlemorial Hospital foiioxving two heart attacks an-d a stroke. Last week's edition reparted that ha wxas in seriotîs condition. No visitai-s. other than the immediate famil'v, ai-e allriwed, btut he is ,vell enough ta continue bis adtîlt lifetime practîce of reading ail the newspapers that the doctors and nurses wi'll ailow hum to sec. IVE'RE BIGGEST - Bowman-ilie is flot the rmost populated town in tbe United Counities. but it is the biggest in size xith 3,420 acres. Newcastle is buagging a bit becaîîse it is bigger than Port Hope. wit b 2050 acr-es ta Part Hope's 1.478. Othar details of population and acreage are ncluded in a story on the Newvcastle page. MYSTERY SOILVED -- I anather colunin. it xvill be iloted t balthbbcm trvsu rrouading new occupants of the foi-ner Agrucuitural Office has heen solx'ed b- 1the announcement thiat tlhe Lonibank Canada Limited finance company has moved in and is readY for business. REMODELLED - Our~ bats are off ta the OlYmpia Cafe who ueeniv did a complete renovation of tbieiu- premises, transforming tbbc valls, ceilings, etc.. ta a light. xverv attr-activ-e shade, ready for tbc Spring and Stîmmer tourist t rade. CONGRATULATIONS - \'caiists andI instru- mntnalists from this arra dit] extremelx- xell at thie recent Kixvanis Music Festival un Peter- borough. Nat încluded iin resiiîts published else- xvhere xvas the second place standingl achiex'ed bv Boxvmanxvilie Higli School's 50-piece ban-d. direcîed l)i % music teachai- D. C. Paters. North Hastîngs band led the field. xvitih Brighton iin third place. BHS hand. stîpparted bx' <-ther Stidents is n xx CmnîI(IIluill!Z a campai2n taol'aise entouih imane*v ta pturchiase band unifou-ms. If anvone xx-ruld caî-e ta assist wvitb tbis project. the help would be most welcome. il cite on Sundav movies, gaines ' . .'Y le and sports. Y 7Vr, Landier stated ihiat i During Ihie Red Cross "Get Acq nainted" Tea on Mlonday afternoon, ýe wý,as felfthIbi if the election - %vas hield earîv enough tîose these y-oungsteî-s modelled clothing made by the Women's Work Cammittee, Sactive in winler sports od while the large audience had a wonderful tîme watchîng their presentation. ie brîng their interests ta bear in Models included in the photo are, (front) Cindy Vivian. middle roxv, left Ia right, i- favor ai the affirmative vote,1 Susan Sprv, Ricky James and Julie V ivian, and third row, Bobbv Richards, ariathi wuclN m ap- !Elizabeth Spry and Jo-Annie Tvarsden. The Tea was a prelude ta lie annual J Mrs. GilI stated llîat the Blitz for Fttnds w\1jh i lli be heid in he area on Mondav, March 2flth. Royal Theatre bias a problemi meeting the competition nf thetrs a tev Letter to the Editor hv enal stay open- ]on Sujndays since July 3lst. If thie campaign ta Ne allowed ta T have Sor ny otion picture SD . m I fui she is regretfully afraid Th L I . > u v D * ~ 1 u Ihat they wil nual Ne able ta keern the Royal Theatre open Mlarch 11, t962. wa- ibNp -xar or lhe -ouncil next ,vinter, Mr-, GilI said. i M.Tanýz hat was at. faillfý On motion of Couticillar Da r a-. Even voix, as Editor, agreed Dy sr o . Glenholme Hughes. secondced 1I bsrdilvexlpecter i hat my .v wtb me that past, cauncils had ysr rs by Cotuncillor Jack Broiigh. the Aell intenîioned letter wvould beent lethargic. and Whue o date ai the plebescite \vas set hi ow u tp a stormi that would did flot define past l, t,_ems ai -o en Th rs for Monday, Apr-il 9tb This tKer, openul hThurs.tcer was unanimouslv rarried. hîsst ni(, editorially and chal- !yau-,il o 0ldr haverstr t- Three readingg were given enge' me on the front page. a- a 0or2I 'rso ft ta the B-Lwta provide for 'had mccclv hopcd la stimulate ýe anyone wbo felt he could On Wednesday affernoon, th hldngofth pebsctesomp inlerest in activitvtîa r th e apt the windomws of Dvkstra'u on April 9th, and il was pass- would attract new ioutvî ic r rinche..s as Varlety Fond% were still d and numbered Bv-Law ~Bownmanville. 1 neither w11is c hyprestdbitas n 1840) The t,. questions as t onv Ille impression that figures. and listed bx- name eteewothe lnt lock laid otul in Ibis Bv-Law ta Ne 1kiacked 0th ow'î, or iiîteici- xc've r y commercial impravement teve fth nelr s ubmiitîed ta tlic eleilorale ai-e cd ta gi-e offenise tn good in Rovwmanvl1le. lie should flot However. Proprietor% Robt. as follow,,s: people, least of ail ta Mi-. Car- Mmnd if 1 take bis words and and Klaas Dykstra expeet te 1 Arec vou il, fa\,or of motion rult us vhlias servedi 'Bow- comment an lhem bY pla.ving b e norkinz carpenters, pictuires.' theatrical performn. manville soa shl- sud iclls the ofher side ai the record. I c ce,.cocetsao lctre ~ani sure thiat Mr. Carruthers cleaners and themnsplveu aiter I:3 clockts nilecaters F~\ ~c iocNr 'ro will not take Ibis as an aîîempt most of the nlrht ta b. noanof te Lrds ax a Necrss'eos a bac aiswcrrcl l iiîsîe a rtînning battle but ready for opening at the reglatct Y ',\Iiniip i B- m- oseratins v I.e(iti nîraler as a gaod ciýiZen h, Iustal timne tonorrow morii- cegîîlaed Ny u ofcîtleBYfll«c- ra iii or cîiîgwil î urge a g reater effort ta i ng. iLaw under fbbc aimrhoi . f h he itcrmi-l ish uncrils a'11;S1 Th tesn ad a Ontario Lord's Day ActI 19i0- cailici! for 1961, ai-d lias ig .T1iRN T PAGE FOIR , . Te Saemn hu 61" csld thl Itak my ue ramsneak preview% of the ren- ". Are ýou iii favor af public tlhe Nallaci If 'iaî ('an't sac Toronto'si>Durham ÇCounty on Tuesday and assures gamnes and sporis for gainî anvthing one about cour ('IxClu will meet on Thurs- readers that the first eus- Pfter 1:3<0 p ni. an the 1,o rd's oeigbhour, sa.\,i io tbhii g I day', March 2211d. hen the tomners wilI 1w amazed at Dav Ica be rcgrîlated by Munîci- hasien tn pontl out Iliat 1 guest speaker %%,ilt be the the changes ,%hieh hae tak- pal By-Law under the author- neither condemned Mr. Carrui- Sgt. of Detectives Frank en place ini a i'ery short itv ai the Ontario Lard's Day thers, beliîtled him or bis ahil- O 'Driscoli, of the Metro trne. Act. 1960t-6l' ity. nor insiriuatedi tha t 1961 Police Hioldup Squad. Cancer Group Visits Princess Margaret Hospital T1hislae group, wbich included members of the local branch of the Cancer Society. the Sunshine Gu'aup, th-e Women's Serv-ices ouganization and other interested citizens, i.ted Princess Margaret Hospital on Sunday afternoonS Reports indicate that these ladiens and the~ one or txvo gentlemen found the trip fascunating as thev xvere shown the amazing facilities i xvich the hospitalI has for the treatment of cancer patients, as well as the lodge for visitors and out- patients.j

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