PA#FO~RTE CAN."ADIAY STATESMA'N. BOMAiN=VLLE. oNTARIO EDITORIAL COMMENT It's Not Ail One-Sided and Bad 1 There is one column in a Toronto daiiy that irks us quite frequently be- cause of the writer's devotion to point- ing out weaknesses in our commercial system. Continualiy, he seiects firrns which are charging exhorbitant inter- est rates for time payments, points out crooked deals cf one kind and another where unfortunate, misguided and gullible members of the public have been gypped in a wide variety of ways. We have no objection to this type of research anmd writing. The crooks should be exposed. But there is no one, that we know off, counteracting this type of publicity. Readers who day after day consume his bitter find- ings, must sooner or later come to the conclusion that ail business is shady and operated by people whose only desire is to fleece the public. We sug- gest that this is far f rom the truth and that the crooks represent an extremely small segment of the overali business community. There is neyer any men- tion off how business firms are con- tinually being taken in and robbed of legitimate revenue by an unscrupulous ininority off the general citizenry. Yet, we feel certain that this takes place far more often than one realizes. In industry for instance, losses by employee thefts are fantastic. Retail- ers even in Bowmanville, have to be on the watch continually or the shop- lifters, who are otherwise honorable citizens, would steal thousands off dol- lar-s in merchandise. But these are the exceptions and most customers are honest and trustworthy. Even in the case off finance companies who seem to be a pet aversion off thîs particular columnist, the other side off the picture is neyer revealed. He doesn't cite how frequently those wanting to borrow money tell lies about their present commitments, their employment pros- pects and so on. He doesn't mention the huge losses the companies suffer because they cannot colleet from dead beats. In every business, unless it Is operated strictly on a cash business, there is always the problem cof collect- ing outstanding debts from customers. People order things in large quantities or small and then just neglect to pay for them. Ail too offten, bis sent out regularly by storekeepers are ignored, while the irresponsibie buyer transfers his purchasing to some other sucker storekeeper who doesn't know that this person's credit rating is minus zero. Sadly, some off these poor credit risks are driving expensive cars, living in big houses, members of expensive clubs, and more or less prominent membors off the community. The storekeeput- hesitates to take court actionu until every aventue off collection is explon-od. This is the alter side oif lte picture which docsn't recoixe the pîthlicitv ar- corded the clowtntroclciî x'îct mis. \Ve present it hcre to ornlilaslze thai people in business aie îîoî ail crrioks, as some writers wou]d hav-e y~ou think. We read in the paper and hear on the air, Of killing and stealing and crime every wh ere. Vve sigit and we sav, as we notice tite trend, "This x'ouog generabion, where wîll it end?" But can we be sure that it's their fault alone, That maybe a part off it isn't our own? Are we iess guilty, who place in their way, Too many things that lead them astray? Too mucit money to spend, too much idie time; Too many mavies off passion and crime; Too many books flot fit ta read; Too much evil in what they said. Too many children encouraged to roam; Too many parents who won't stay home. The controversy over alleged frilîs in Ontario scitools appears ta have sub- sided ta a whisper. Opponents of fancy furniture, lavish auditoriums, swimming pools, murais, sculpture and driver training, have been beaten into silence. Many of their arguments were foolish and thoughtless and disintegrated under the logic off school board spokesmen, Who explained that in thte first place, there were rna frilîs; in the second place, xising costs were attributable ta salaries, building and site casts and increased births; and in the third place, that Ontario's childi-en deserved the best and should neyer again be subjected ta the penny-pinching which left such a backlog off improvements required in the schools. School boards argued their cause so successfully that ta query tite usefulness off a parking lot or a bank off hair driers approached the level off heresy. Neyer- theless, the time has came when school boards should be asked ta justiffy their expenditures beyond a reasonable doubt. This is a rich province, but its treasury resources at-e limited. The needs are great and will become great- er, and it is titoreffore essential tîtat every dollar spent is used for education -nat for the provision off facilities which are nice ta have but off question- able necessity. We have disagreed xitit the variaus municipal associations that have i-e- quested te Ontario Government ta assume the ftull cost off education. In reffusing ta accede to these proposaIs, the Province has agreed that titere would be no aver-ali tax-saving and school boards would lose their autan- omy. We disagreed wi 1\1r. J. A. Ken- nedy, chairman of thte Ontario Muni- cipal Board, when he sougitt ta impose a ceiling on sohool building costs. We argued that titis wvas a function outside JOHN M. JAMES EDITOR-PUBLISn Kids don't make thte mos-les, thse,., don't write the books, That paint gay pictures of gangsters and crooks;, They don't make tite liqtîor-, tues,- don'i i-un the bars, They dont malke the laws anîd they don't buy thte cars. They don't pcddle druzs ihtI addle lter brain, That's ail done by o1ider foIlks, grecris' for gain. Delinquent teen-agers. Oli' soxs u- condemn, The sins off the nation antdi hlare on them. By tise las o f flic blamneless, te Saviaur macle knovn Who is there among uis io castI lise first stone? For in s0 m3nv cases, ts stud; but il's true, The tille "D)ELINQUENT"' fils cuIde:- folks too. his jurisdiction. The mayori and t'eex'cs aiti Ite members off thue OxIB ar-e xvruou iii thiri approacit to buie prablenu, bultlihev demonstrale a deep cancern N'tis lte needs off the scîsools and tîte abilitv off the taxpayer to mort tîtese rueeds. They reflect the astonisitment cf thte home owner wha discovers that mare titan 50 per cent of Itis real estate tax is ear- marked for education and tite payment off debts incttrî-od by tihe scitool boards. No doubt te members off scitool boards, just like tite members off cauncils, are acutely'a-reoff tîseil- responsibility ta keep expenso ta a min- imum-consonant witi thte stantdard of education whicli is demandrd i itItis second haîf off the Tsventietit Ceutury. But without a continuai ompitasus on econamy, facilities regarded as elabor- ate can become standard lruii- before they are justîfiecl as cf educattonal value. Has sufficienit attention brou given ta the possibilitv off creatinti standard plans for scitool construction' Titis lias aiways borts s idiruird on te grouiici titat somtnt3es a schouîl lias 1Iolie btîilt on a Iili or a steep grade. Il, was for titis rcasuilnltatthe Torotos Board off Educatioti abaniclned lte ica iii tise 1920's. Btit Northt. York hias btuil, a large ntiuînb)ct-tuf scisools from statndard plans, titus reduucing architectural anîd building cout s au-A shcî-hcnttg te lime taken on callitsg tenidors. Tîsere is aislogdpulîllu demanci for expensive additionîs t basic educa- tion. Does tis tes5m frriil-,e(- \a ing parent or fruisItle- utopîyîsed titrories of tisoso svuuo are ci s'espons- ible for ffiiiditscte mottes-? LInîess xx'wotake sock of otir erica- tional cosîs, tr-insnimi- wîieic usecessarv, we may find au.tsrlses uttalble omert the educational chialîen 'ge of tite next 10 years.-Globe & MUail. GEO. P. MORRIS BusxEss MrGL SUBSCRIPTION RATES $400 ac Year, stricily in advance $550 a Year in the lUnited States VVLLiNZb'AYýMAR'213t 19 ,Cetters Jo cJ#he Scttor 8cd/?jOutîgtîans (- Last week 1 wa.q saddened a, a ne-v pin, arci with war- to, learn of the passing oftoramt officer's rank, Lizzie was men whomn I had known for off squat buiid, bow-legged,, many years. During Febriî-Iawkward striding, rather un- ary, 1927, the Durhamn Reg-i-1 kempt, wvith littie formai edi-- ment sent me to the Roval'cation, and rank off buck pri- School of In-fantry, at Stanleyvate. Barracks, Toronto. on Pn off-' He ton, waq F.nglis;h born. ficers' course, where 1 first:anid had set ved, as a box' off met John Ryan, who wvas regi-i fourteen, in a British regiment mental sergeant-major of 1h" in the South African w3r. Royal Canadian R e g i m P n t,. Lizzie tvs he butt off a lot with the awe-inspiring titie of'f Off or roLIgh jokes. and I'm warrant officer, number one. ashamned in sav that T was one He was a kindly, helpfu1 < Iliesmarit, aiockswo man, and every inch a soldier. .thoiight, 1t quitp cievor In art who must have sometinies. in a suiperior manner toxs&'ardl been bored stif! vith the task buiS inoffensive uitl( chan. of trying to make officers out, But sornething happenied one o! some of us dumb bunnies ýday that turned mie from a from the sticks. Most off1h e tormentor mbt a stauinch ad- class wore shoos anld lacks, mirer, who ouldri neer again but being a prartical person 1allow anvonfe to 'pick*" on I wore puttees with a pair ot Lizzie hevond a certain good nine inch topped boots which iiatiircd limit. ca.uscd Rvan in greet me, inl TwertY of lus wre front off thoe lass, with "good a2* man.V pack mules overý mawningz, Mr. Prospectaw," a VîmY Ridge, on a sunnY after-. name whirh stick for ihoe duration off the six weekF', 14e ss'as horn. of lisu par-ýý ents, In hndoii, Eîîgiand,' and hiad ser-ved his 'time" in Ihue fanions Scots 6-nards. AI- thnsigh lie hart A goond "parade, s oice." his ordinarv conversa- tional totile sas a pieasing! nîx ieof Irish and Cocknos' xvih h a o nîcasionali Soti kli hl arI a rarc -son r off- lhiuotr which vas dcmo-. ÙMtttli~ sIraed n iie.occasion tliatl on2 off tPe rlass. hecGiiiin,, tir-; rd off holding Pis rifle aÎt tpe Lasi ting i i tho world 1 1for ins.peclion. port arms ,want to do is îi:rn this column position. cradîrd tie weapon into a Wnekls' forum rion cdii- i n lus amiis sa -n asked the ration. XViî t 1 d(iit knn011V !adulo ie terit phv pthas n triiî . but i ;ject wotild fillý i ad rreied he opi tht t11wSîndav boots orf Cvclops, * WaS a rifle. WhereUpon, tii'the mythiual giatt Rut it sgt. inajor procddd the i-ifl(,ems1 a eamrbdf x Plsswag-er stick anl cînatinu Afler thiýz week,5 ohevel. put cb -h, Xorwll d ropit fon a w'hile. 1 hume-, s t K ilîoughl. t a fîrsît ixvas a bPikiiir îk&ie ,Bt it-ce -da îîirober of anid ou wene going I)btbirstthiouglhti*u]. i telie ent iettcrs. forth jino song, Pool atîd after a recenit columon askii-g bcleeii' Baat.At theo <-on- for opinio>ns. Remrber' The clustrno of the course, Io show ,oliimoidea t xwiZtii the actionS out- appreciation oif this jin- of a higl school principal whoa structor's wsclerful person.-1.iispetided for the rosi of li P ahîx ccc reseîed l01 wih year -Pven pîîpîis, il] r.- an exncisise gifi. whýiieh Icf!, peaters' and ail] osor 16. vchoc theci os ospeechless. svcrc not dioing their duty, inti The oiior nid frienciht i opinion. 1 thnu-ght von slipped iisvx'laUst, ,,,,,:nmiglit, hoinîrcsted in some1 ,William Banks, known ýo;cf the ideas off readers. c ever '-one in Ithe i9tP Battalion,1 Becaiise cf space ;imita- situce Nov. (ith, .1914, as L/ hutlîix m mii Pc(,Ltto, the /i(Oý but Ihiet asl, m1E. Whs'bai-e houles. 7Mosi off the Ilot- i iîcrnue 1 don't kriowý. le os xetc lon ger Ihan thev neyer seeiiicd to rcse.t iP. original coliniî, sx'ich askods Lizsice xsas the opposite ofîrcadors w,,hat shouid be donc i John Ryan, wliere R.Yan \wa.sabout Ilhe undigested lump offi t xvctl read. xuith a gond formnai voutizsters iii the srhool s'es-ilt education, trim. figure, neatiten - Ihose xx ose cotîtribti- r SPICE Bv Bill Sm iley "2;,pr tion. for val mus ucasous<-or sists off uilding dowxn a se anud holdinug up thle progre, ofoff ttiers Slîc i bruthp-ei tFROcM PAGE ONE) promoo i itluist - n ic ebette,- fit cf Bossmai uI iin get-raI - TPe Surs-es- cof Market.s t 961 t ttîhl uhîrbP- tPe Finatucia I SPosi tarrurs ati iurecul'u rempot h cf iuulriuliaI cocndiitionis ini Ontai ri to,,,ss- mitît l3oviuan-utlu x'iile Mn. Cair- t îthcrns drasxs attenittoio ii ise tuf populatitout iniihPclasi tn eti vears,. ut mere coofinnus ,at thue tusenalb tputturc iii Catuada ;s- as du'ctIos-t'd Ps-thle latest ccii- k icketî tit îîor siioruildt Pc" tic RiP Bol 1es ulat intcu ra. e Stanîd put Uîp \sx'uî wxxri, es-eutfoi' the .s-cars 1956- * I ~960, xx'ueuu une Surx-ey stats that iuudustrial cutupicyment A mnother iii Reuuhrexv. Dut., feli frouin il13 iin 1956 te 835 n suggcsts the problenu us a'- 1959; tPe numhcr cf planîtsru- TPved - cf ja-fcIr.maiturd tue samne 16; tPe gross Thetrainng orthese <e-uiduish nabproîductionli terns turcs puits IoD MuIuII cMPlaSs off ndy' tcsalucd dollar- utt on dipiomnas and degrees. tiot tell fnouii $14,440,00.0 iOii 19;56 vnough oui beacluing nîethurd, 10 $'D1311811000-00 iin19,59' hP sat-s. Many' uuotîter-, xx\ibî Does utot scern iPat tuuu(Iur agrce. Feux' teachers us-iI -tof thîs uicreaseti population A teache i-s si.ife in Vernon, sleeps in Bowmaivile but B.'., told me to stop making x':,ýorks etsexxhiene? No one couutd cracks about teachers, and expeel Mn0. Carruiles 10 knoxx' îs-arned me to correct the ail]tPe aisxvens, for tike mxv- situation In my nexi column. selff uic is nuis' îuruiduual. xx'o l'o heck %'ith that. The tea- wvouîld not P expectcd to sens-e chers hav-e a strong union, as mat- or, nun a business, uuuan- Let them sue me. age cînurl. art as pui- rela- A muale teac-ler clairiied IPatin ts rffut-er, s-tmîkc- p a ta'. rate, sers ire bond, aossxcr ahi! ifailthte kîds îsIo at-e ruot iiur and. oii c-ail expe-rt .voîhing sxenc kich-ed omut (i l terps l so ut-Pool, the labo>r unions xvculd il tatenupis. lieisui tIi;' 'aise s-cP a Pue and dry about thegladk eservledsugge. lue extr'a lahor suîppi'y that wilaliein he sefr cd, inudIlu lhe pcpiis sxouuid have to W1 uxxiii c utitelomcaloîin honi- 'e-admîtted Pastu uv. Whluti îueuuuîîth)lcae1iBs- non nu.Ni nce x tien 010 file labor iii ions start atm iii g the the eduicational systetni.' In th D î MAliteldcri.v Montreal ,vomni asked. 'Do the ehiidreîî. orc Jtheir parents, fuliy xînder-c and-L stand tlîat a bov cannot getI anywhere xxitliîout cducation"r 1" SP'- poifîted ow that, -,eap D stant -as ago, a bov could begitileais- îtug a trade as an appren-tice Froni The Statesman Files at 12, but thiats., impossible now. She warns bliat ift îý 5 migntv expensîve to feed and l Yeas go49 eas gociothe a young mari of 16 Ios (Manch 25, 193-) (M',arch 27, 1913) 1 wocnre ajb Dr. Wallace Horn, globe-' Mr. and Mrs. John Cox and est hngtadrrti cs trotter, tells Canadian Club off sonSetr Aa. are visting bi yarv he kid off, and let; Stetter. lta. fatherinlaw worry about adventures.i lier parett, 'Ur. and Mrs. r in Fred Cryderman, treasurer lsaac Tabb. t of the Bownianvîlle Foundryý Miss IM. C. Cois ille who bas 1Company, bas been elected been vîsitig lier. brotier,M A reader off the Parts, ont.,S Chaîrmran of hIe Local Home Alex Coivilie, Pas rettîrned I tao ixoi a'un,~'ln Improvemnent Plani Comniîittce. Hagýernans., teers her opinion - a returnY Prîze svinners iii The States- Irs. Jolin Dnuvn fou on the to the practire off publishingc mati Goodxs'lh Club contest icv siclesxalk while coîîîîîug frotii students' marks, at each ex- I werre 1. Thorton Andersonî:flice station Tuesdas' lesenilîg amination, in the local papier.P 2 iîre îî aliifyear old:atîd lroko hier ]off arm near SPie îhiriks thîts wouid proda Greta Snoven. Maple Grovo; 'tho shoulder. lazs' students. andI More - 3. Miss Glads's Truil off Hatîip- Miss MIuriel Bîigham,ý portant. lazv parents. She Pz- ,ton; 4. 1M\iss Muriel . Mountjov phter off Dr. H. S.Bingharn, sis ; e Snss toed o'f Cartwrîgliit:.5. Mrs. 1,LyýaIi ol cîr Roaci. Toronîto. VVas chiidreîî iliat. is practised t- Cordon, B1oss iarîviile. Dtier guest off lier frîcîîd _Miss Bo\y- das'.rliiu il saps ilieir tuajo lot xxnners wec Miss Le- etia Okrovtilue-eekenid. nunral fihre. Anti, she savs cia iller, Bowiianvile, Mrs . Nr Iloari, xlin drives uIledespite Itle rnex niethod cf Jas. Eaio.Oronn; lMiss baggag-e vagntt for Gio-r sndîgan' -thitig tuai wili SatuotuSark, Orotîn: aîwLs ar s kîkdiriI tlue Iog tîpsýet flic rlidrcîî, ilero are \Trs. Gfo go W'lton, Ncsvcas- belosv tie kiîee -ilo'idi\' aftcr - ast a;uîianv neiurtotirs aiii- tic Boenoti 'Ilie cuili erîmîred'sevorai oiiulssedrînkers as os-Cm. ii g wtth frîeîîds iiiTor'onto. l Mlr. IliintinmtI. BA Piin.. .But slie cotîcludes. Tit's i Mc: lhu Satîdors, Wst-ciplao f Boss tiaiux 111e Hîgli iiig a fes out off sciionion'" b LInîîîî, Pas, roturtieri home a f- Sciionl precsideci ai I lie attucaL III a %vlile dors cboar t lie ai' Sr sîîpriî tig flie s-,inter ini Toir- diii uer off thc I,îScin and rrelies-e feelings, bu t it ýil otite.Princripals aitlue Si. (Charles, 'lt "Ilt -t ý e ilsx o\ ' Rm oîta id Arlain5e, Rosa -Ano .o o Mntia ex'ciiitig * Bau ik, DcciiSonîîd, stient Illie 2A vers' pieasa utii ttiflok BoiBssiigGre-en, Ohin. xx el:cciilait hone. placcIeliil e dttigrooni off coiios a iettiivl\ alli ssslPs C Dr. iiîd Mrsq Il C.' itiiidle,itPe(- C.P.B. ('arnp Wedticsra.v a teac-luetanîd cotiseloir, W'1- h Brighiton vsisu id lis Poiir,,iinii irnxx htu M .1. B. Ba g- liîaîîîR. Gibbon, wiio fortiir' *tI NSlesrs Wýý. J1 S anid N. C Rîttu- get t, tle lie urf Iii iîeal f of lis'-suglit in Otîtario. Refenrtao ic dlrb, Onî Stilidav. coiii'ades îîrosetitdrl uinîu- othe originial colunun. lieCi àliss, Doris V'aripe s l i mi- os Andlersontiilh a lin ise coii- savs, U*Ltiiess tIlie attitudes. fil( testaff cf Ilic Domîiniion ta tut îg a su i off goitI ou1hIe point, off siesx anid elîas'inu' t Stot e1ý os-etit off iiiat'arnage xvit P offtiiese sevcti s ou îîg pcl MmTiiI; uci. Caiii p Bor- M1ijss Dii se Bl fordj, .11îii'ilias e beco I liatli j)\. h doit. i> 'ýilditIg a (cxx-dut s at îook p lacefuti se p.111- ,W'ed-atiiî ii poach 10 PCli the Rcut Iorsý. tescdavs eiiiugA ftcr i lie proiîeii s flot on1s- uegatix e SsI. 1lmffilaiaild rialiglu- peit i il iado ou Il its callomîs anîd foolllaiads . . ici-r baumle l setî'îidfruuuu ui-c eocc asionus .\3irlagett in Thle probteinlias it Peit lfi - ur eutis' vsit xx-iiî iiir lliaif off ii cuir;idets xv1ished 'su)ived. Itl lias 0cul\ bcý':) inoti;-: ;uuiid utiier iteltiý-ssit iibuin a Ppsandulpru'poroussliiiftod froîi tle sclinol 10 Iii" C Dm ý ..f). iIi Mms Res-usolds, 1sci Port I tlue. sus ted albtlu us Probli- W.j'luc. auis usprepared lie sîîggests that thk s ortW c rs. Sîr. Edinii Rxnods o do ail kîtîrs off ;îmuîîtiîî,toe action will give students i Mrs Kao îgh usxuitîig aler uaigiigko mniîîg tc. green light to juvenlde- reom-siili Tiiiiito.'d i M oi xu?1luiu. New_ -lillquenî'l . making iheni liNell * o . \î Ir. .5. t uz'le. 5. i u R'u \Vx. Di'-.a .up to the' mie off "laz *y'-and dr Bl](.",.lias u i rid îîtrpllî,st\, randîlMmi orf (ratîge"good -fo-nothing" w hich liasil (rmi ihir iirtiotoi Ilu p aîd Qi raîîd îodigea t. '- înng hevii assigined Io themii. ms. D ciand datighter laUsx'cukIr le on i. ""buse kidz-Il Kaîhritie of Wuidsoir, ret urnod NMr. .IlWuiod isiît ilug boa. t iosi offt herni îlomît xxwi aîînt. NIrs. SIl. Nich-olson, iiced lxi lie îîsxclio-atualx-c.'d r Nesticton Mn.A.- If. Vea le I'îîouîu it glc Vaii iii-sTues' uteed sonueadiîlt 'hlcil svho lias been vîsiting iii Tor- l\lrs. Jas. Ricli.îmi- lias i e-aîud a situat ion uiitxhiliî thus- onto, bas returned home. tuniied i nom a pil îtu5su rouaii carti ut arcaîs i ii uP iw Ebcn'er. MrtuA. J ( ay xii ifruiiui iiii I i.xxmi. iies- îrv capabule aniuintere.- was a tiiouer hostess Io a fexv1 iss. iicluîibi s 111VSPtuit r id il uceIl ati acPicvc ladies cri i.S -Patnicii's Dayj, e Fasýtel- toiIdI F WItIiss x ii l id goiii sel f-respect vehen ailI Pad a pleasaut timc. frietîds liitBrighuton Fi .iPcdie i Salenm:NIr. and NMrs. C.M. Ms iuuciiiux Frit iij. s'I ca horoinc,Iî f o ('arrutliers entertaîned about ho, s-pont. Raster \xxiihi lu i no110lu- sc oiiicour ses, xxbuI luI 3,5 SaIlnfniends ai hîîeir spac- cm. Mis. K .J. Jîul wlîîxv ll o gs si tious huomue onit .v\%-hen NMrs. eo . P . xvnd oilId teal lic o igstcahrs cver 'voil n uos-od a %-eocila\-i e, oott î. er(il E.îs- su c t l1f x-nîî. tir s ustor.- a1 i erî'î fatlui . ittrr. Baliydufff: Cuuugratulat otis Cliief r -uslii'cii- Il s î m iter,'Siuî to Mr. anud Mrs. .Johin Finncy Nt!-. mîtuultir.(lias, 'uIil ai' hperaii.j Ilix irati 11 'dCM ~ cii filuehirth off a son. ottgii, Toron i i, xx\i'rc ii\rsaat i;ils. pcuuîie xx ho are sui;- v Nrwxcastle: Mrs. Phiîip Le- I-euImit Mrt . mN I iue. uTised 10 inuuhetaniuilandmirliiu Greste s stit the cari par'. E11 ield lui;;,' idilRuisî'I 5Il \\,(-mit-e Ilvctc -eip- M.-Cý C. G rubbc. W'ston.i NIr. Tlîs. xxot ie' it'u xe10t iii' t IltOi Dr'uo :Muss Mary Sus-,On, iEuuiiskiileui: :Irs. v. xV. Lc ad îîst Io uls, orcsl.Caixx 11' Toronuto, speuit the Nveekend ai eniertained a nuuiber off ladies 1 cotild ansxxer bto ,at, pr home.dîfferent aftenoouus u-cenîiv. 'X\lix- uot"' Bil 1 ou' H-- -a *-don Wýe xxelcorneIntOutr W'cll, luero are sorit,'slarisonta A zrc-i t -tnor on flx'nciizhhouI'Pîieod '%Ji ant i rMi" todaý,îs's î;m i i i 1i1t i i i,, fl0tii' eer%-sxhcte Pliýattfer T. Crossmani a n!iu Ruts: ei scliuniîiîte x ttxr-i a whie lie knows sornething - who hav'p purchased the Mal- bol b ill î'oî ut itl.u iWilson Mivlier, - i.. lory Farmi. %What about you? 1tuý I huas e beei t iatteriged bu Statesyhuat utuduisti it tu tr xx l idio5 a Itract, ho Bosxnîauî- s li.icati otu1t- COrUter bt q ue-.Lioni i ilg xxat îuîuicstî y c.aune itîto t ie toss u xvitiotut tuiy ltier.' \It -Cari utths mus t reaiize thuat sforvuccd tatid, trans 'nocnta tion. puîoxxcm, taxa- tin, hîouusung faciltic. s; Pools andr taibri suppiv -x% ould lue gmcatrrfactors iîuuJîumtcîucuig in- dusîrs' thau an.v letters off litaise or critetsinu I miglut subnîît. Anud if Jhuere arc de- truunuis Iciunusury mn îiuv mausvilte, they sxere flot placec there by nue. I could illustrate nqy paît by quoling the Survey off Mar kels 1961 for oxn in Ou tanto. Ajax, Whitby. Os-ei Sound on Elora. Buat s-îuur Branuptou broke ito thle nessý yestettia':, Ixx tîl settie for Ii( comuparative progrcss off tim tosx t s'uîuru nwoxîfor uluc pe'tud 1956 'o 1959. and finis-lied %vitu 16 pion's Brmnpto' i nproved fi-cm .9 r lti'u(t In 44 un 11q.51).Otue 1 t0 T.B. Infection Stili a Threat Tri (S 'u-n 'da s Fi mn-uht if nuouIlxc'wCe iferîrl xxutl ;mbruîlos:s. TP csacinec uuný berxvn u-ufeted vsed utîd pliot lier ru'oup xxiii Ptealh( 'tin tor meg 'l gonîs iuuîuîot :lium'iu" Iloere. 'sIeti; c a1 Off;cP ruof I Ica thluoff Non iiuuu cxxix mu t rlon r tuix luif euuc- atuani ; mta:s tt îgem- pu orodn e-tie i. a ot - îmîîutîtu-if lu i uug tuî' -î ofr'the ilai w i-. :f lu- u-m"'Ilosx Sm' - mi "c 'cmiii .ut ifz t e v mi x -. i; i s hi -t -îs-fibs !!I(- a c !!e gi-t !nsFu m i n u e t a i h l î i bu Tu r and i umcd au c- ui u ir gu u' iluix lol cx i t ihu l îriu ti. ;O thei..t0 sut e tru I F - ia - diiiie smuu vti i i .' i O l I umugtic11c1 f roîutts.'-m tiircmth e u,îetuieîeli e- uuînîîuu ti saî.mîîuuuuu. Oupi muhu iu m (iii l-t mi i w i c- fnîm tas- doil tx iu li isatiua %V0-ie Ie fîîiî oIihm0 p tIu hur bus -Srs i-D. l ni- t- i",iif- arei' tire <nx, tui ut -v i'otiti'if tis c TE*11ý' - '.ttuuttiîIu-pi and u' iii r.- Diici' couru',D r. 1eriser tiumusii. s fb o ucatsru 1 i of Iuu lble s *'tu s iu Ille. u titis' ieIlre ift1iu in nri cntuHdiii g1 foi, a long luiue un tPe fmu- t!platItliat opcuîed !n Bratonru dîirtiig the hast fox\v v ea r, xx-P ich inîght huas-e beet inuduir- ed t1i r-unie to Boxxmaniisile or coii dt-r i ur t oxxtufor- localtionu. anouuuccri 't esterda- tlurr plantexpaisimn wouiti invoîtse a , ui tîrîtu rdolrulis and cri- pîrusniil uuixxoi id Ph tuuoae lit :tîuîuuî ,Ilpwht uc c'icvl srn i a ite fhut îul uueatt Ii Bossniansu lie aid I)uî lauin Cuut', ' A job suippit off amituo:t 4001', inecase oîî,'e' pi emýr,1t iuguires: u'oustructnuî actusit *-vIhat svîîiid mamke I 1961 andt addcd factories. lîrger -rmumncties around Boss,-nîatî- sville. Bul ihat ahas i uuuut iii lthe cartis for ius; That is for- Brmpuîtonu s-ich aI prseuu Pace off tIc lopmnitt cruIli cas-utsPhave spamed eue factoit . Shuould xve îuow fohtow -the suggesioî n tPc cluenful Pc- camuse Goodvear impro'ed theut' pliant, ho hue exteuut off'.3350J,000 or siîculd -ue lamnuît tP fart tlîat Nonthero Euectnte dîd rtin seetBoxx-îuuiaîus-uIIe tor stucli a Iremeuîdous e% eIopnueuit'. Are xsc xxrcug if sve xw-onder ,sx-hy Goods' car opouued factoruts elseveheme xx'en thet' scere ai- neadvis-ii Boxx-nuvilte andc COLIidlu axe :pont the numl1icuu. hust a1S Nuurthern tlud f o" Buramîpton'u" >1do not attenuptI o auî:sser fr'evemvbods' hut 1do hei-e I express a s iexvpuuut that xvould gather muore yeas thuat itaYss. N u uUcati affurt l1be rouuu- piaci-ct x lt-t le sui se:-,1 u-uuriss s- luat Bos':1îauuiiîle e-ti pîtut cuiuut dropped un itheu-- iod t1956-1959, xx-iIe Bu a uuuhtîu; itîrcased froni 1.588 iii I195uf; to 2133 iii I1959, xxiil an utu- rrease inii uduîstmial produc- ltion fnonu S20.776.OO.iOto $311, 081,000.00 in tPe saine peruod. i, i. inffombuiiuate Mm. Janmes Ihai a camefulti: coîîsidcircd at- ui'iipt Io ai îtse Bosxmatville slîoîîld 11,1\v' engeuiderd unnec- î'ssumrv * autagouuistus bv the flippiant uîuaîuucî-iii shich 5'Ou i1reaiter thie sxhuîle suîbîiect. Yoi liaîh au opportuuniiyle oi-e OUI tIlie fats as 1 dud and placeý s îun: -if a ii i ltil.paper n 11)(.,î liii iai'cus Positout xhene tuCît 11îlPMi- ti. x'çubfi tiCmrruthei s xx tfmlt he (utc-oîuuaged te gathuer ou1- hue1xxorhrs aroîîuud luin. But su liitr frud 1 etngage un tx'otatt t-srotllier-ihhan issues, anmd h) i îu-tis(i' iuîeclto 11,1l xi t t diicis itto lais-e securltv uutt I iii îî' 'thento mî(t otu.C-' s tg oîut alune "that lic pis-t xaî't sa «-vthai about cuir hoxyti ucodens a dissen- xii e tiisounr- oniuniitY, hit a S-criui siuutiouî. 1 IhinîhBcuwmniauxiile offecnq t lue Pesu cîtîpoultu tyin onDu- tarin tii auv iitdusiî's seekiim a site, lu huis tsvo raîlnoads, i,,4 c-os-e 10 Shuuîuîuuîg. Pas access to good liglusats;, l ias power, scots, rerreatuon centres, golf clubs. îcurling ninks, rama lIrai h. stores. chut-duies off ses,- tral ieuuoiiuattouus. excellent souic su ci- ubs, skating rink, panks anud cemetei. But Pesu. rtf ah, it can offer atOe f bauld uîutcîîclued by in- duji' rs but .uus-t tchiîîg for stîotie tii po etfilue fîrsi fac- tor' stanteri. Ailt ilat is needeti s-, a sales-nit]s ut suclu a xiritie iluat I svishued Bowman- vuieliuad one? I hîke Bowmaîî- \-;]le and xx-ishu the town veelI. Respectfullvsubnitbcd, Wiliuatîu W. Breshii, 2u06 Bloor St. W., Torontuuuo 5, Ontario. P.S. Pumblic'ation is expect~ xviiuoruî dehetions ithe C*~' adiati Statesi-nan. 1 ami a sutb- scriber wxlu can get hts point os-m iu xlur :Rotary Panel Deals iWÎth P ut' rn 'Seven, >ublication f A stimulating paneI dus-rus- cotuiuioti grounda xvîth lte esion off "TPe Sex'en Patius 10 PeotutrOof ouiiet' lands, lue s-aid. uPeace.' a hok îeccuutly ptiu- Smmtexsud huands-duakes areP I hishîxrIsRtary Internationuua i- tmioorl esrxliee ue xxns gsuin at the Boxxîuamu-iliec uritirn i thuyre'lrax tons-mu. IRotany Cius luncluotu ucer-Aprr teuits, soliotîs, anud uo ig luelt i authe FlY-tug lutriî- sctieuueuuts are to bc- fcuud cin numatu otou Hotel oui Bridas. Ihi;; oat of conuciliationu, sxici 1pDr. G. Edwxini auuu rait uiati ines t ro i maui aîîîas-enuenî off ae lutm'aitiat Comit- ti -te i unher extlitautecî ,Ive xxas tuoderatot -atîd tte Spucthui îof tle uath off&cec- Ipa- %vii'- xa-suonîosed off fommm clou - Cî tcGaitctu s-ter] uhiat mueuuihers tif t&Ai u untter . lu li-trtctue iuruxualius a Di-.r1H. B.Butudie, Clar' Gar- hasc lrurunît tuf socuett. Wiuen titi, -'t%]xxituerspooîi. and us uhîs rerlorchon andI pro- I. Stnuke gmt s aý rr Poliuaffocîrd, ho 'Fu, ie utidavx off R. P. Bic(,- sari -mV alux tce iuîuuuueriaoPaMI pi-r- Btq INtPr Fît-carat t outf hdit, Ar, Rbuhs, atndAi MWt lu1rmtua igh.ius wvas atuutoved, cr. punicosxere x-c-hratcti A - stutu-soet uf58 tnationsta nr lyiluei' felhosv Rotaruans. Pio-i- rd Zîîr twsxccars Oui ils fcrma- Stcit K.N. Morrus ou beluaif limonandb ue prncrrues fcr o tf blt-cib exîtîndeulbesf sx'usti- m~s-uplerneiet- tuoti, 1Mm.Gar- es- andrlconigratulationis tbBe':. ltiuî-uiu John u\erhnuugge oui lu 'tt u F eurmum og f fu-certlît au u ersrsof hus ocidniat-inc is , .Pc utdersu c atinitî cher- - Dur. Keili Sietuotu ld tiii !iiclhai'thie icnmunuuiit'level, s-uugscuig. Vu-itou s prescol a' >lu (l onu .ssertetl That q -- ic ue nuuuteouî tecut îug xx e wx li-n ic he effecoff lueedcm- E ric Xx'ivte. East 'momîk,Fred 'i.igmt-Ile, aisru sarnirci agauit. -Suitht, 'Paries Xtiuc, 'Ird t oui tit t s andu c uuuffcmmty as -Truc, -andîlBob Br'own'î, aliof rm I n 510lure pi reîoui. -Osluua. Fred X'auislouie xxa ý F. i u'îiîiiitst Pe rIe fe'rderl P againt iho hockey draî- x uttnnrand ci eredonue musît bive ut, Dr. .\Mannuu s paneîl tuird rmu uanmd xxiwi ' rutio-peouple ru havR teur îlmîut thitIhes'iiifornu- tils ui us.M.Garion staterh. n aiti'; su(i' ine, '-The Ses ciiThe çaI hu cffprtugmess us amin tu. uuBero mmiihî'c tc i'tainud.atul Il cil:- Y hI.sel tut. Ne u-xxi-s Ioia quie- .'u'- Liiuitutuse îc'sruual iii- - tmuiu,Ime fîllrtitt in ota)miants u-t t r ithe &ass sîan n toie Vi it mnut ounties thtcuighut t pixciitiithus'xx-oldsnecdv D Ir. Il.B. B uîrlle l(i. nýcd 11< spoli-e cf suppoirît iMlaIt-at Y hit-clapher'-oiiitir- ptîh iotf Ps' gix-cuth ruuiu hUNICEF andi Vpantiotisui. andth le palhP offUNESCO, and he1wppouirttv irnnlthatti . lt-pîumulr" 'ice? usuîuiîlrilufiîtUtian - ho as- t urt a s x'ruld iii .uutri Bt m-- ms t.lumthruligcuteroub dcna - i tuts. club uîueuîbers Ihave u ir-loie bru iii-the char-s' iiierr-a - t-c-ici huiu ouf lorikighcnmteirixs' hî0u,11p'ii'cuudi. )()1ui thucît\'IlCxxii ccuîou x ctite 'Fui Iuth: of ii.uticraitd sac- -piromionuiof ut uiuh .trnl rttu sdr-det-t u with y IMr. cirîgcf thue prubleuis tof cthurn WatPrrspiuni. J us-tute could bel 1nta in-.rtî'fiiî o a dextre to give eacli' b île amtn îîcke rif uicIii e--îumanuthuitjest duc, Pe s-aid. o 1su' o f i usm ug tins trndi uus blu' u rpeti the -necessuitv Of ln 10 sm ou- t îbtanc-es. mega trîung iii iliuxth le path offsaç- tutm:, tir natuionaul sutet;c.idi'autri tf pîx'îuu as mlin- I I v; imuportant mii b'- mmleiutut -as tpIeedit dcung P xxitiîîui bonug sMUnrgIltuts. sa - Atm iarmnamri itC- lue assertetl. soix î'sacrniftice, heasserted, - Ioîti r l u shý audwu-t r- tf ,attil ttkirI Ihuat personal thePr Rotart principhes off gruud- saciifit-es, u<resuRitn an en. t ix'tI and internaiotual und-- lghietd public opinioti which is'aîîdng. IIt- relî-'uii vu h thte xxriii bc a rit-iide-tiinfluence >tisbrca1 dtleelprnttctittfta - for Mordi tion.s fnunîî tribal roruts. i lu roruphu "The ath cf hoyaîty ticludesi r cmmxuuîîjty, toxsn andI cils'de- mati'.iunnrninosi ithocght, Pis i s-tupm'ui o thle emengetu ibt;luOPh tuf utfe, anti lis de- of no-taes.5tu1ttuti reigpuin. Mm.Strîke rne'uu natiocnal piosirtisuIi jutiluet cul' c"mu in u~îhtîunonu- ct-- 'lMte po-tu , aniuboetîme ut-- I tinauuke viiithtx.hlîc ut-akitto Ne (tt. unprecept trîhutîcis to the sîelfare or'if loeioxr cie's iueîglibtur.he saiq. -peopleiW the nmore backsx'ard ifile sîscke off theleUf un nations, lue coîuiended. TPebasic moral stantdard se Tdi robIoof Rotary is rot ho ahol- 'aIl sccieby c-an obiain the Éftii- uPý ruffffcenes. hui te10ioceMea'maIe benrfit5- of spiritual tu rtoi' - ntilonal I irlon -.,tat-uding gomi i'-. Irusahhs'ai o u ncludes a 1irl ic-orîau uni. hlua'tted i tu-i 'u n;-ciof - P, relugiausî IThr painîofcf-ouuî-uii ttu;' ît sutIns <if others aund their ,onre w hereon countrues seekiurights ta themilhe said.% Do n't Blame The Children Stock-Taking eut~n4un~4t~rr Durham County'a Great Family Journal Establshed 108 years ago ln 1854 Also Incorporating'ta The Bowmanville News q The Newcastle Independentw The Orono Newsm0 % "Authorized au Second CmI.I Moil! bYthe PostOfice. Dept.. Otawa, anud for payaient of postage ln caah" Produced evsry Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 King St. W.. Bowmanville, Ontario GEO. W. GRAHAM ADVTG. MANAGER Bo 'IU fxfl57Box , Guelph. size. Other lhatu in exepîtotuall Menc-haiidtisin)g and 'Masonrv March 1.1, 1961. cases. scch as Breuît Hughes. arci- ivun Pt'ogrcsq. A number noon. when the Germans ]iam- Dean ,Johnu: - there is noxxortlîxx%-lîtle hockey off toimîîsiig graduîates baste.d us with brackets of five activtty foi'thue average puas cr. *avatialule. point nines. I w-as in the leatI' Nonnuabis. xxe catiget aloîîg onuce lue fîîîtshes xvîthi tPe juv- A s *Ie(,sticcess off thîs pro- My acksadle lipedcau- vithout "another bill" iri the enthes. Mavbc Johnu Regatu or gratinune xvîîb depend on Ille ing the load to go coder the Imonth off l'larch, butt xs-e silîl "tPe 'Sctuator" lias tlle auuSsx cr tîipîn i. uvu i' udts e mule's belly, xvhich drove hii regard thue Statesîuian as a good to tlîîs onue.xxC are brîîîgîîg IiuýIn tfornua- ffrantic. 1 trted 10 control hinu rettin uoit a sniail unvestmciit. Kiîdest rcg.amdx i,t1, I utLr attetit ioninte svith one hand, wluile usi'ui lu -i s amvweicomed Ile oipe 1hiat shoubd an opentng the oluer to uinfasten i berFniavof terîtootu v ailonî ni- i ceci mii- s O ir ýpVfurt u. s'x girths. but witlioct sccces. br1f tefni --Dt_*i î ie u cîpefon C outr- Eighteeui off the mule-skiuuems Glad io sec thiot Miir Iuoc- !,slsur hoesui ms hcrried bs xithoct offfering kev uýstiihrn a s'erx' elîcîmis-SlrP Th i~ etilt ii;ea ,1111\ iu heip, buit 1tPe last one, Liz7.îO, sta te un BsvAuins-iil ' .uulilDfca r: i'-icisa uuî,îb tupb Ient sbopped. andI asked "cat i'Op xx iiî cnnl imuir iin tus- i hius Tut' Oshua xx aBoardii cf 'dim.Oui' xx' gYai xs YplvsIt s-cm, Eddie.' He xsas so scarcd statius as lotirg as sun-P hoiucst rat ou alIllhe ieqsuest or tmîrc ;ýalso lefrieswi Iluat Pi- face xvas the colotur anîd dcdîî-ateri sîiuit as Don Uil-'Ma *vot 's Cîcnittee anduri ticruac-a P off fnesh putty, but he lîad lunches, Ed. Riindie. Muko O- citeraitiisvîthîlte E'eilrmi Smm ti. more coturage than the otior borne andr cihuiers are xubîgGvett ii; conduct ilig lt- (G. L. Robent:, combined eizhteen men. With un guvc ueatershtp.I1 oîbv -xvush secontd program-me off Reti ami- rcu tor off Training. lits help, we gol t h i n g -, sounne xvoîuld nake anuliou- uuug cf tlîe.'ienipios cul i B s Tuose le' rý r-x verc type-1 straighteiîed nuit, and 1ivceidest c ffort i n rcs-îse tuttiuni'ttti- I u eîuu sl'ounlrses itei) a sh t siffleotni itPe1Com - tlîrough tPe barrage. Is il, atus1c' vs'for lîuîs s ilxe Bossouani-'Bîîsiue;s Coiuuîîîrcîal, a -t i. 's iî-tur;aICoîut ýc E(isNoir xx oder thai, for more thino xi lep, Pot-t IfPupe. Coi utg auîdic i-ttueSPnp. xxetdiuuîg.Bmm iI trizii r I ? ca tilfti .\t i I ed tPe'.' forty-fftxe toars, T havc te- otiueu pitaies off i onîtut rite )p(.'cm'tu utý(ii'. BosscmSe,, im.x e-ro garded iim as a x'erv limas-e ________________________________________________ nain"1IsaIde hoth geuibieriîen as they pass on tPe final 'ni LuS-- e e a te E~o tering otut". 1Lte oteE io The Other Side of - The Record W'F.T)".,.:;r)AV VAP iôàt-» 53 PAGE POUR ý SUGAR and