WEDNESDAY, MAR. 2lst, 1~62 THE CANA~IAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVtLLE, ONTARTO Students Provide Good Entertainment at Variety Night Bowmanville High Sehool students prescented theji- first Variety Night last Friday with a tvide range of interesting nurnbers. lncluded xvere several well- received instrumental numnbers bv the dance band ehown in the upper photo, including, fi-rn lefIta right: Antan Trejbal, Lionel Van Nest, Bill Cobban, EN NISKI LLEN The ladies fromn Enfield end,mon read the Acts of Inter- Burketon joined with Ennis- cession. killen ladies for the Xorld Mrs. Slemon introduced the Day of Prayer held in bbc guest speaker', Mîs. Ritson of ,c<hurch Mai-ch 9th. Mrs. F. Bowmnanx'ilie Salvabion Aîm 'v' f Poms opened wibb the caîl to w-ho gave a vcry 'n e address, Worship, "Gad's Lave for bbe on "YVou do not haIebeca use' Whoîe World." and prayer. you did not ask." Mrs. J. A. Smith, Burketon,' Mrs. Craxvford and Mrs. F.ij read the Acts of Confession Wright sang a lovely duel,1 and Penitence. Mms. W. Bow- "Take Time ta Pay." The i mnan, Enfield, read the Acts'offering was taken by Mrs. L.'( of Confidence and Assurance. Wearn and Mrs. M. Hobbs.ý Mms. Crawford gave the Acts Mrs. A. E. Ribey, Burketon,' of Than.ksgiving. Mrs. J. Sle- gave theBenedietion.___ GIVE TILL UT H To serve you and yoL Your generaus donation will continue the essE programmes pravided for your comnîunity. Y( Cross active and alert, always willing ta help YOL your consideration the traditional wark of the whenever and wherever there may be a caîl for p Red Cross means a better community. You will share in every act of mercy-vital ' B ~ ~ creeds and political beliefs across the street, the world. This year be ready and willing to gîve yoî 'iolunteer canvasser calîs. Your donation or s0 many. < Your Red Cross needs your MRS. W. R. SPRY Campain Chairman Phone 'MA 3-2343 LOCAL ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1419 BOW'MANVILLE ONTA RIO DONATIONS M1AT BE SENT TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS OR TORONTO-DOMIN Be.Hese During the evening our high School band sold fudge ta help defray expenses for their new, uniforms. The "Varietv Nite" was a great success with an attendance of over four hun- L*rua1 On Saturday night a grade thirteen hockey team played *IL W Ja team from grade twelve. The grade thirteens won with a score of 9-7. Top scorers for 'the thirteens were AI Wood-, By llane ahmelock and Jim Rickard with By Ilane ahmethree goals each and for grade <%L-441twelve Don Rickard and Doug -On Fridav ex ening, 'Marchj Lane with two goals each. ton, were recent callers at Mr., 16, Bowmanville High School and Mrs. S. R. Pethick's. ýpresented ils first "Varietv S LN Mrs. Frank Carter, Nite Sho".ThLprgrmm Shirley and Donald, MaPle opened with the singing of Th - lb etn a Grove, were Saturdav evening *-O' Canada". The Master of he4o-HaClub1meatinhghal callers at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ceremnonies, David Werry, then hdo ac17tthhl. Trewin's. 1nrcl Tthhos'Gm e group xill now be known Mr-. and Mrs. Joe Drew and Teamn which gave Lis em the Sauina Cereal Chefs. family, Hampton, were Satur- cînsration of nlenientarv* and Th ere were seven members day evening visitors at S. advanced turnbling. A hange pressent. They made bran Lamb's. of pare came as the 'Girls'1 muffins. The next meeting Miss Darlene Scllick. Bow- Gice Club sang their twa seîcc- ýwil 1 be on March -24. manville, spenit the weekend tnons, "Ail Through the Night"'i The Explorers met on Sat- at Mr-. and Mrs. G. Yeo's. and "'The Whiffenpoof Song". ýurday afternoon, Mai-ch l7th. Mrs. D. Yeo and Lorma, A. cambined ballet and rhyf¶i- I!The roll call was answered Oshawa, were Sunday gueSssmnie exercise xvas put on by the' with the inscription an ane of at G. Yeo's. GrsGmTam Later a the memnorial windows in aur group of girls did a Swiss folki church, For the next meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Run-idance to conclude the contri- 'the rail caîl will be ta name dle, Boxvmanville. were Sun-,bution, of thce girls' athletic de- a Christian deno in n a t i a n day visitors at Mr. and Mi-s. partment. iother than United. A sing- R. Rowan's. Intefedo uiw n og was enjoe.Arve Mr-. and Mrs. Herman Haass I h îl fmsc eu-snoe.Arve and amiv, owm n 1 1 eJo'ed the Elena Polka played 'of the meaning of the church wean aMr.x' awdmra nKv i il e, 1theTrumpet Trio, and also 1sv mbols followed and a stud.v Gili's. a dance band. the 6 Bops of :of the variaus kinds of chur- IOA plavin- "In the Mood". elles was made. Mrs. Vice Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brut "Birth of theý Blues" and "Fivc' read the story of St. Patrick visited Mi-. and Mrs. Jimmvnl Foot Tw,%o". To conclude the and a game was played. There Rabinson, Elizabethvjîle. programmne, a une-ad play, 'were 12 girls prescrit. Mr-. and Ivtrs. W. E. Sander-,"The Man in the Bowler Hat" l Miss Karen Y e 110 w 1 e e S son, Columbus, Mi- and Mrs. \vas presented under the duece-, spent the weekend with Lois E. Wright, Miss Betty Wright tion of Mr. R.W. Sheridan. Harrison, Oshawa. spent the wcekend at Mr. and, Mrs. F. Spry's, Rochester, N.Y.! M.adMsIvnSharp,'D M NO A E and girls were Saturdav sup-DO I ON M K l per gues4s of Mr. and Mrs Ted Wer-y. Mr. and Mrq. Frank Dor- M ý ]and visîted Mr. and Mrs.! Frank Hall, Oshawa, on Sun- day. Mi-. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and boys were Sunday visi-! tors of Mrs. S. Rodman and Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Oshawa. We welcome Mr. and Mrs.' Allan Hoskin ta aur village,' who have moved ta Mrs. W.! H. Moore's home. Mi-. and Mrs. S. R. Pethicki were recent callers an Mrs.' Alan Hooper, Bob Durin and Bob Lynich. Lower photo E.J. Dickinson, Oshawa, Mrs.ý shows the actors ini a weIll-pi'escnted play ' lefta oW. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs., right: Carolvn Stace>', Merv Englisli, Robert Hager-1 Milton Pimble, Newtanville,1 mari, Diane RËoberts, Anitoni Foi-ster, David Orme andý also at Mm. and Mrs. Arthui1 Doug Oke.Redlknapp's, Newcastle. Doug b-Oke.McDL1aI Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb Phots 1' Gry MrDogaland William had Sunday din-1 ner with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart i The World's Day' of P'a.erorship and prayer. Five: Lamb. was observed by the C.G.I.T. "iris assisted in the Order of M- n m.Vr eiu at a slightly belated date ha e- vtrxi e hc ade coductedand fami]y, Oshawa, Mrs. A.' cause of scbool examinatioivhythirladr.M -. .C. Peigoe, Miss Marilyn Peri-, The service took place on Sat ' ALto. As~sh ery owa goe, Caesarea, were visitai-s u-day morning at the chUr(1 ctrlrc osashtn gaveMsstDne at Mr .and Mz-s. T. Werni's. when 16 C.G.I.T. membOrs. nacriptura led in .MispDo- Mr-. and Mrs. Cecil Robin- leader and anc visilor gather- ia lloxves lfe rixvn se son, Orono, were visitai-s atý ed at 9 o'clock. ua r~r.OfiigwasýMr. and Mrs. A. Sharp's. rece\'c li Trasuer iss Miss Florence Wern-, Whit-ý The gî'oup partook of a Katliryn Slcmon vbile offer-:bv,, is visiting with Mr-. anrd SUMPtUauIs breakfast which tory music n'as plaved by' Mrs. R. J. Orm-iston. ncluded anything fmom bac-on Miss Lais Ashton. Miss Shir-ý i.J .We.y m n o pancakes and svrup. No 1ev- Avers' presided at the1 Mr. .J. A.cGill, Mm. and porridge because of calories. Hammi-ond argýan for the hymn Mrs. E. A. Werry, Miss Betty,1 of course. After indulging in singing. IJn er e- udyda food for the flesh, the group The .llst Wedding Anniver- ner guests of Mrs. Walter, met iin the church sanctuary sarv of Mi'. and Mrs. Fi-ancis1 Muri-ay and callers onl Miss, aor a-woaderfui haîf hour (À Reid of Harold, Ontario, vas, Emma Werv arntaiso celebrated on Sunday at the Dm. and Mrs. Clark Wei-y rl home of their son, Mr. andiWillowdale. IMrs. Bruce Reid. Those at- Mr. and Mms. Alian Werry' tending xvere Miss Judy Reid and family were Sunday din-' of Harold, Ontario, Mm. and ner guest .s of Mr-. and Mrs. PMrs. Douglas Reid and fam- Ross Lee, Kedron. ily, Mm. Ivan Reid, Consecon, MTi and Mrs. Ross Ashtoný Miss Joyce Reid, Ajax, Mi-. and and ia'mîly, Haydan, were me-, Mrs. Brian Hame, Mr-. and Mr-.cent guests of Mr. and Mms.1 Allan Warren and Randy, ssShrp :jToronto. Mi-. and Mrs. Jim' Miss Phyllis Howell, nurse- Reid, Oshawva, xveme Sunday in-t.raining, Toronto, spent the * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~callers at the Reid's. wekn1the oe m MMr. and Mrs. Gea. Imwin,iand Mrs. Earl Cross and fam- -- Donna Gail and Radney, an iiy. Maple Grave. wei-e Sun- FIONSunday visitcd Mrs. Miltonýday visitai-s at Mr'. and Mrs. Justus and Mr'. and Mrs. Ern- W. Hawell's. ~ I~est Irwin, Bobcaygeon. Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Tamb- 3of the ouflr M. and Mms. Eaml. Trewin' lyn, Cambray, weme Wcdnes- ~ .~ Nattended the funeral of his'dy dinner guests of R. J.Or- Bovvmanville aunt. Mrs. Normnan Taylor,i miston's. ~ekofrBlackstock. on Tbiîrsdax'. iMm. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb, retunedhom frrn isi ngKenethLam'sOakville. ro 3 st reltive n oroto. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarenceland Mary, Toronto, formerly ; Bowvmanville. Mrs. F. Toms on Thursday .1 M'.Earl Masters and fam-,attended the funeral of Mrs. ilv, Bowmianx'ille. Mi-. and Mrs. Nornman Taylor. Blackstock. Kýenneth Mason, Little Britain1,' 1 1 Mr-. Ex'crett St-utt. Burketon,i IMr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp,' O IU R tîimsevesafternoon callers at Mr'. and 11 Mrs. Ralph Virtue's. MRS. CHRISTINA TAYLOR Mi-. and Mrs. Ron Clemens,ý Folloxving poor health for REID, Hamp>ton, Mis. Jini Muller,lqsaine lune inihwichshwa RICâstleluîî, V. CiC xisitui-s aI r.inport Pi-i-i-and Oshawa the Corporation aid Mis. da' Ilptls then Nwal- wn of Bowniaii'iIe. Mî dLid Mis llî Werrv Rest Homne until Sundav. âIid Suî1.îî ceSund!Lav ' Slp-,NMai-eh il, \vien she suffei'e'. Per' gueStS Of MI'. an(! Mrs.,a beaî't attack and was rushýýd Fugana iesewell. Coni lice. Io Bowmanville Hospital, Mrs. Il be el inMi-. and 'Mrs. N. E. Wright Norman Taylor (Tiny) diri a 7 o 8 .in.are visiting relatives in Osh-,Mai-ch 12, 1962. She xvas in i ava. her 85th vear. ! Miss Rubv Vutue, Toronto,: A daughter of the late Mr. spent the xeekend ai Mr. and! William and Mrs. (Margaref Mrs. R. Vu-lue's Henders;on) Craxvford, she was - ~ Mi-. and Mrs. J. Spîcer. Tor-iborn in 1877 aI the corner of - nto. Mrs;. S. Dewcll, Hainp-! Scugog road andi Port Per-x' road as then called, now -,A Highav.In 1901 she mar- EI~S ied Nomman Taylor and ta- gether thev farmed just west of hem birthplae Mr. Taylor predeceascd hem Nov. 13. 1955. Hem onlv hi-- ir community ther. William Crawford, al"ýo entil Rd Coss ervcesandpredeccased ber. She is sur- antil Rd Coss ervcesandvived b.v one son, William aur dollars wiIl keep the Red Taylor. who opemated the gar- uand your neighbour. Through aae where his mother's homne Red Cross will be carried on originali' stood. eople ta help people. A strong Mrs. Taylor was a memnber of Blackstock United Church. I work for people of ail races, The memarial serv'ice held across the nation and across in McDermott-Panabaker Fun- ci-aI Chapel. Part Per', on ur har whn te Rd CossThLi-sdlax, Mai-eh lSth, was pr shae when dhe Red Chfros conduced bx' Rex'. P. Romr'ril plede wll d somuchfor and was largely attcnded. In- terment was in the Union Cemeterv, Cadmus. m Palîbearers were John Ham- he l e.D ilton, William Hoev, Stanford VanCamp, John 3ýeacock. Cecil MRS. NIRLDELL Hamilton and Ivan Cochrane. The large number of flow- President crs tcstified ta the esteem in Phone Newcastle 3,5,1 Vhicli deccased was held. R"-'rtives arii fricnds ai- tended froi, Toronito. Osii- N'IONV BANK, BOWNIANVILLE 1Iawa, Knniýki1lcn and sur- !i-rding areas. Stoney Creek 20-oz. Tin Choice Tomatoesi 6 Culverhouse Cholce 20-oz. Tin for Cream Style COR NJ$V10) Lunchmaster 100 Ft. Rol! Wax Paper 2;for 49c Dare's Choice Apple Juice Dole Pineapple Juice Kraft Macaroni & Cheese DINNER llalds Boneless (hicken 48-oz. Tin 4 for$1l 48-oz. Tin 3 for $1 7'2*.-oz. Pkg. 4 for49c 7-oz. Tin 29c Carnation Ev'aporated 16-oz. Tin Canned MiIk 6for 85c ('histies Plain or Salted 16-oz. Pkg. Premium (rackers 35c Serve on C'rackers - Kraft Plain or Pimento - 8-oz. Jar CHEEZ WHIZ 31C PLAIN, 16-oz. Jai- 57c Plain or Cinnamon - Golden Bar Hon ey Butter 33 C AVAILABLE ONLY AT DOMINION RICHMNELL Pkg. of 12 SCONE ROLLS 23C RICHNIELLO Pkg. cf 6 Pkg. of 12 HOT CROSS BUNS Pg. of 6 29C pkg. of 12 55C Mr-. and Mrs. Wes Yellow- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harri- lees, Mrs. J. Yellowlees and son and childi-en. Oshawa, ;Miss Gladys Yellowýlees were xvere Sundav visi toi's with Mr-. Sundax- guests of Mr. and and Mrs. Harvey Yellowleca -Mrs. Rov Grills, Valentia. and family. IlDorso"i WAT(HES 17- JE WEL FuIly jewelled lever nmovenient ONE YEAR GUARANTEE W Iaterproof *Shiockproof *Permanent1 M'iain Sprinîý *Atiti-iniagiictic fon$9095 HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 29 King St. E. ONTARIO No. 1 TABLE Bo w~niaUv ille 50-lb. Bagj Potatoes LA SELLE COOKING $ Apples Bus. 1.25 Guaranteed Quality Meats DEVON BRAND - RINDLESS SIDE BA&CON 1Ilb. Pkg.59 SKINLES S Sausage P: 45c N APLE LEAF BRAND) SLI('ED - CELLO 'WRAPPED Bologna Pgh39c DOMINION QUALITY PRODUCTS Domino CHEESE SLICES 27C Richmello - Unity Jar Peanut Butter Richmello Salad Dressing 16-oz. Jar 3S5( 16-oz. Jar 35C TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE PROCLAMAI Mis Worship the Mayor and Members of the Corporation of the Town of1 do hereby proclaim the WE MARCH 25th 1 as RED CROSS AHl citizens are requested ta goveri accordingly JACK L4 Clerk of of the To, Values effective in Bowmanville until closing All merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Ltd. timie, Saturday, March 24th, 1962 is unconditionally guaranteed to give DOMI1NION STORES LIMITED 100% satisfaction. "-»-à 1 9 'MRDNESDAY, MAR. 21st, 1962 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO P PAGE FIVE 8-0z. pkg.