PAGE SIX T~~~~~~~~ CANADIA'N TATESMAN, WAVTLONTARTO FS5TA.A.21,P3 Ail on a Wîid Marcl Ry Nfinnie E. Nfelolm 'Ihiez't'as about the wor.'t hli7,'ard I1 "uhr durung theII.P . .cars of nisir.c i:fe. P' happrned ri ¶the .,ear 1921) un Mancu. a sinrun one cari neyer foreî. &.ý-rs, <hidren.. men Pnd livi luuî k tt're frozern pruiî. Iu a barun ij ver. far frnom insix loteel" taiiioiuS urere foan'i tic fOoinîg da'. frozeua as W'pv .sioor un theur F;Iall1-. pccin nu' r! siO-ut end Ire. Th- duix' eluii'e %vas a Sun- d ., a Itc c.u 'rnoi-ing. Special Off ers TWEED 'rOII.ETIIES 2.00 size C'ologne 1.3.1 3.00 xize ('ologne 2.00 2..30 size Cologne 'Mist 1.67 2.,.5 size Bath Oil 1.81, 1.2.3 size Talc 83e . FlashlIi glit rompt ete 49C- ; a n t Sponire 97e Tex Pot 990 The stock was reslless, wantni ho gel out. Hens ,vere scratch. :ng around un the suote-, gisc luo fiel tbc v.-arinn suii oucE again. 1 was restless ton), Wa ing ', be out, so after rn nlus- baud had let the stock Ou,'fou a ri ui and teithout too persuiasion Mac agrced tou g Wý'e starled off un graund st> le tbe Ixcu drivcu', Nngger and lui, . ere fresli, sun and sno', hnîght and glislening. Du rk sun giasses were necessar> to avoic!i tcblinndness. It was Tonics for Spring Pardec 1.25 - 3.00 Geritol Liquid or Tablet 1. Î5 - 3.29 - .5.49 Phospholecithin -1.165 W'ampoles Extract - 1.65 Nyal Multiple 1'itamins 3.50 W'axed Ps pe r 29C- Vac uu m Bot tes 79e- L.adies' Hair Brush 49e Relieve Colds Nasal Spray Dristan Snex Spray ,--- 1.2.5 Tablets 1.25, 2.925, 3.75 DitnSry 12 OrnaI Caps. 1.35 DrsaSpy '12 Bromno Quinine 59c-, 89e Bayeri Spray 1.25 Naremide Capq 1.25 Tyzine Spray 1.2.5 FREE Hockey Book m-Ith $2.00 worth of Gillette Blades (OW-LING'S PHIONE U MA 3-5695 DRU STORE R OYA L THIS THURSDAY, MAR. NEXT WED., MARCH WE FIT TRUS SE S BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5i89 22 T0 28 Twvo Shiows Nightly at 7 and 9:30> p.nui. Matiuîee, SaturdaY, 8 P.111. Special ""Senior Citizens" Matinee WED., MARCH 28 at 2 p.m. "FLOWER DRUM SONG" Ail Senior Citizens Welcoine to this . Your Regîilar Theatre Party ATTENTION TAXPAYERS! Televusion lias elosed 60 sniali, town and neigh- hourhood theatres in Ontario. A CLOSED THIEATRE resuits ini increased taxes for the rest of t he Taxpax ens. W'e now have Suuuday inovies on TV' and in four uearhv Oshawva theatres. The Royal must meet this opposition ON APRIL 9th v~41Jorf 6m t>ui ti iiuî.sp' u L e g ai bu sdek îded bu luùk uîîtv ,lit po.ssîbilthUro nx'dn S'1RIKE and STRIIKE lieueflouorfori- lie I.utec'r 11511 Barristei's. Solic'toîâ as a Doibies' Club pu'ojisct.1 Noharues Public' Mi'. Btiu litehens. Mr. Wale W. R. Strike, Q.C. Davis. Mn' A. Spenicer' aîîd Mn. A. A. Il. Stnike, B.A. Stanilet- 'age w'ere named a' 40 Kinîg St. W. - Bowmnvtille a cotiinitîeho disciiss the "elepbone MA 3-5791 uîaton wîîih the Boand of LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Sîtvun-aids. Barrister, Solicitor Mis. Douglas I.nve lo)trodui< - Notary Public Pd Mn. Peter X'otitig. nf Osh- King st. W. - Bowmanville awa, v.hovîoed sliies and<' Phones: Office MA 3-5688 gat-e an interesting taik on Residenîce MA 3-5553 li.: nabixe Aiustnaiia, Mrs. Ev-- - erett "\bouîntjox'. thanked Ille MISS APHA 1. HODGINS speaker. Banister, Solicitor Wortd's Day of Prayer Notary Public A gnîîup of VUnited Chiînci Teunperance St.- Bowruîanville Woineîî fî'oun St.Stephen's ' - Uriter! Cbirch joined Ile Mo rtgag e s Kýednoi) ladies to observete World"t, Day- of Pra\eci on Fru- SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO dat aftennoon. Phone 1 r 16 Mns. Bruce Searle opened Finst Monîgage Fonds the service wtih quiet music, Residetices - Fanmi aud accunupanier! the singin g. BusinessProlpenlies___ The thieme of the aflernoon Mortgage Loans was "God's Love for the Prompt, counteous service Whoie World." Pneparabîouis HAROLD C. PEDWELL for the meeting were made ht' Real Estahe and Mrs. Douizlas Love and Mns. Morîgage Broker GeorgeMicei Newcastle Phorie 3856 Duning the tosupserv-ice ;ruv-erS for the Qucen and Wu*or!d leaders. fo- Canada, for 0pfom e ry Ilfarnilv. and for t1hp l- KET .BLLTOD Cn'1inCbarcb wene rear!, Optomebnist hx'MrsGrat Gove, Ms,141 King St. E. - Bowmnanville Robent Dale. Mrs. Bnian Lee office Hours: By appountment and ,Mrs, William Werr ' . Telephone MAnket 3-3252 The speciai speaker Was Mon. - Tues. - Thuirs. - Fri.i MrFs Stepben Sa,\ tel!. v.ho'sc 9 a m. ho p . ,,,cwas pprnpr' to the T'lhursdav ev-enings itheme of lte servi c j Wed. and Sat. . 9 - j thuu , iIl L. AI ~Le'u i ,lit i i. i oui l %etl Ir. )utid D)iii plu. -, cd b t tiliii Zulo.u ruîusc bu I D. l)àý, whiucu dtuta îîîuîclî aippi ecîated. by ill. Congvatiuliîns l '%1r. Oli- ver Beckett. whou celebratur! lus 861h. birthdat' on Manch 1711hi. A fannix' atilet îng w'as her! a the borne of bis sort John and Mrs. Beckett, S ýi gog I.Iund. o)n Saturdue. Mrý and Mrs. Jack Holdstock of Bowmanville alIso athender!. along with AMn Beckeltt nr! Anvilla and M. antd M s. Lloyd Alidread and Maxine f nom Tynone. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bradley and chiidreu were Sundux' supper guesîs of Mn. and Mrs. Allun Wna ', Bowrnanville. Mrs. Florenîce Scott spent the weekend with ber sister, Mns. W, Macdonald and Mn. Macdonalr!. Mnr. anîd Mrs. C . 1Hui Bel11e,%-il1le, visiter Mn,. and Mns. A. Hoar. Mr and Mrs. Fr'ank Werr v are visiting Mrs. C. P. May a. Windsor, Mr ndr! ns. Leslie Couinhes Bowm-nan\,iile, spent Saturdax' eveuîng wilb Mn. and Mnrs. R. Coomnbes. Mrs. Wý. E. Lewis. Welconne. is %vh--ting ber daughîer. ' R. Gluspel and Mn. Glaspedil and! famil>'. Mn. and Mis, J. Gibbs and bos, were dunner guesîs 0f Mr and Mirs. R. Perfect, Bow- mu nville. Mr and! MrqA. Brrwn, Rot', inanvile, visiter! Satordav ,evenhng with Mîr. a.nd Mrm H. Skinner. Mr. and NIrs, George Talbol. Slnnufft icl,.xvere Tbuirsday t su tors: Sundat' guesîs e' MrI,. and Ms. D. Dickson. Toi- onto0, at the home of Mn. and 1Mis. H-. Windsor, 'On. and Mrs. James Wood- le.\- and children spent the ,veekend %'ith Mn. and MNrs. R. D. Hodgkinson, Aturora. Mnr.and '%rs. Harold Mur- phi> v Margo and Trevor mwere recent visitons of Mn. and Mrs. J.W'oev Mrs. Arthur Rahun hadi lier et e operated on last Fnidav at Oshatwa General Hospital.' Mn. arîd Mrs. Van Dorp and babx' were Scundat' dinnuer Igiiesîsl of Mrs. V. Henîderson. Bow1inaui 1e. Mrs. T. Scott and Gail spent the weekend wili.bMr. A. V. Edvards and visiteni her mo- ther Mrs. Edxvardr, at the, Welland Hospihal. MnI. and Mns. Lloyd Taylor. Orono. Mrs. Ro> ' McLauîigbiii. Dennis anîd Debbie, Nestleton, Mns. Edith Murphy vusited %In, and Mrs. Walter Murpht'. Glad bo report Mis. W. MuIir' phy nelunned ho>me froni bus- pifai last mweek. Mn. and! Mis. J. Weisb anrd farnilv, 1%1. and Mils. D. AIl- dnead. Bowm-anville. we i.e Sundat' vusito-s of Mi'. and Mis. G. Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. G. Alîdr-ear, Mns. Earl Prescott and ,lerrx', Hard ' attended the Sportsineli Show on Saluurday. Mn. and Mis. W. Park t'usnt- ed Mn. and Mrs, H. Steele, Petenborough. Mrs. -D. Dv>.Ms ei> Stainton, Ml-s. R. GiaspeI'. MIrs T. Scol, i. L. Annis, and MiA. Kuiowltoti attend- rd the 'Gel Acquainter! Tea" for- tIhe <-sutlIssers of the Red cross MO 0NEY AVAn ABLE FOR RALPH S. JONES Barrister and Soticitor 130 King St. E. Oshawa 1 RA S-6246 four arn. Mac suggested 1 g tobd.-wh1di.Mck eur Tentative Budget on the couch unt i the dloc struck the hour of six. I woke e h M rnlong up to hear Mac hammierngA C u M nng aiwa in the coai shed taking A ncil Meeting uni g good to be out after a long in an effort to get out, whichCa t rg t T w s i1 i-wnter Spriig Day %vas tomor- he managed to accomplish af- id rovw- a promise oft waî mer ter much shoveiling, Doors and Th eua metn rto sip hr fwic e da.vî to corne. -windows were ai l bocked. Te reuar metng o1onsi hae o whc We arîvd a ou frends lghtanyher inthe îhouse Cartwright Township Council wiil be paid over a tnree year sin good time for lunch. Need- until the snow was taken from wAas held on Tuesday. March~i dubct1apraib r less i sav the men ent o Dw rs hd to bedtig 6th. with ait members present.Ithe Municipal Board was giv- 'b the barnt wlere they sat tin the out before either could get in Finst-hand inspection ofien two readings. sun on boxes for a chat of this or -et out. Whiat a wondierfui propenty owned by Mr. Bruno Two reso]utions were pass- and that untîl the cail came for sight when the sun came up, Dressier in Caesanea resulted ed, one appointing Counties e.!luIch.Iii 1 the meantime my huge drifts evervwhere. There in the refusing of his request1 Engineer Totten as consuiting' d friend and 1 hadi a verv plea- wa s une verv hi gh, it as to construct a new commnnercialiengineer for the proposed con- t' sauit xîsir as \.e prepared lunch. iiigh as the house. Later in the enterprise at 50 ft. from the 1Struction of the municipal gar- k Tine pa. sed qlîckly and il \taS dat,' I climbed it and sat on centre of the road. Council age and the other authonizing, 3O Iinw :ic start for' homne andi the telephone -wire. Many of did, hovever, permit construc- j Sylvester Land Sudveyors 10' s choi'ý's all 100 scion. Mac -Nas which, of course. were down tion at approximately 60 ftI. survey and make a conveyance ý afraîul sonie of the caille mnight Il, lots of prairie miles, For- tnrom the centre line subjectlof the new connecting link' tvander t00 far and it \would tunatel.v our phonîe s ail to approval of the construc-lbetween 7A Highway and thei take longer lu î'ouad thîein up, right. NeWvs drifted in from tion by the building inspector. East quarter line, south and'l su a\Vav We Wen t %ith Promis- here and there ail d\ After reurig 1o he. ast of Eastenoss Creek, and' es for a returiî xisit souriayeurig o which will by-pass same, s0 1mwth pîlesraedalng The teacher anîd children inspection trip. Council settled ruling out the estimated costi llo th puils rcedalogspent the nîght in the school- down to regular issue. The of a $30-40,000 bridge there., ,lie sniow \tas liard and smooth. room, sleeping in a circle minutes of the past meetings B, motion the land is appnov- we eeed10li' om. acaround the heater. As sooîî as were approvedi as corrected, ed for purchase from Merlin wtas quibe a long tîme round- it was light farmers near made 'and a bnief dîscourse on the Phiîp at $200.00. îîîg UP the ast feW cowýs Vwhicil their way to the school with Good R o a di s Convention, lîad w andered acruss the prair- bot coffee and miik, wrapped which xvas attended by ail Council also authorized the os anid takeîî sheiter iit irauoid the childien up and took teach- members of Counicil excepting caligo edr o h abnon.i hckad eere- er and chiidren 10 the inext Councîlior S\vain. crushing )f 5.000 iii. yards of ~buiduiîd sack îîd eregravel. This rnonth bcing Ilhe luctuiit tu leave. farni where they ' wer-e cared Business front hie minutes usual tinie for the discussion B>' 6:30 choies w'eie finish- for and put to bcd for awhiie. _Caesar-ea's Cemietery was'of township empioyee salaries, (--c, pigs, hiens, cattie and hor- Mac %Vas anIxious bt get t10 tabled on motion until next sanie were reviewed, but asj ses sheltered and fed for anto- the barnî afteî' clearîng the meeting. Mr. Bruce Mourît- rio increases had been request- iller duy. Supper over, dishles dlouis and windows. There hie joy presented a complaint with ed, Council passed this bus- wsashed anîd Put at ay, 1M1a c îouîîd ver ' utIle snow had regards t w ater running ontoiloess over util later in the banked up the heater and drifted in.' Snow was in the ýhis pnoperty off Scugog Road.!,>'ear. cookstove anîd as we w'vere both heen bouse and the liens were pMunicipal nepresentatives to Cornent month's bis %wene sieeov \wýilh oui' long drive wve busy scratching when Mac took the United Counties proinisedi appnoved for paymnt, Roads Wveil.tol beti. the feed in. Pigs wene flot too toi speak on the stibject. if and. for $1.883.53 and Generai Ac- Monda> niui ning xtas dill bad. We had nuch 10 be thank- when same is introduced 10 count for $7,1 10.22, .w.hich in- anîd mach cuider titan Yesler- lui for. the meeting through formai ciue 500frtehg da>'. When ac cine ii 10 We had a loft over the sitt- compiaint.schooian apoxmey breakfast lie bîought in -au1ing-room and by noon betwe en Cuclroe m od 10 s ehoo1 annual insunaney arniful of hiarness tu miend and the heat of the sun on the roof, orclnoe noras$,0 sana nuac seterai sacks for nie lu patch. and the w'armth of the house . business. The roads piograni pî'emiums -for municipal build-' Whe Iakdhmwy i e-i eodteso hr for 1962 was approved and ings and equiiument. plied,1 "I lhini \hlie oiig t hd difted athd stntwe 10 italso the B>-Law authorizing, A tentative budget for 1962 stoniyuucaî't o yîirwas- dip.dri. Te cilig dipthe expenditure of $42,000 for was pnesented 10 Counicil aiong ing tociav. Iwas aoob normal construction and main- with a cornesponding pnoposed îîîg ~ ~ ~ ~ w tou.Ixa oobs uhrIwodoe anîhd tenance. By-Law No. 1080itax ievy as follows: îiraw wxaber ()n Saturduv (e Ven Mac came in for tea e gu te t be Ir valtda'about four pin. and saw alapoîngte u l -etr Budget for Genenal Accounts, fron lebr)admtsgt-tedihs osadpanis p expendituLre of $20000.00 for S14500.00; for- Roads, net amt, tn liht barîi'î uîî il w gect-ihereis ths, ots aadcpla a_ new municipal garage, the $22700.00 after subsidyv; total stratv alone, su 1 thou)iglît lIci the dnippings lie scull operîed - amourit $37,200.00 to levy for- mend harness later ori. n.p the înapdoor to see what Buies irc1r i 1962. Orle of the hliied nmen had wa happening. Then heîping B sns rcoy 1"Required - A Commercial gone honte lu Prince Albert for rne U onto the table for a look *a , rate of 26 milîs on $52.000 tu wiîte, heolie' asin ýl saw oîîe of the loveiiest sigh ts; assessruent, $1 .359.80; a Resi- towii 16 nilies away for this I hadi even seen The cobwebs RA .DLIG dentiai rate of 20 milîs on wekeîd sdifîtstrmdeveîî were ail covered wiih Certified Publie Accounltant ý$1.625.840 assessment, $32.516.- Jins woîild trot malte homte tu- white shining dust, every knot 9:3 Chur-eh Street 80 - plus the usuai per capita day. l was rathen pleasaut 10 and nail hole was outlined ni Are 336 grant of $4,740.00. An estim- be' by otirseives. sparkiing snow. Snow rover- - kt3-81aied nreserve of $1,416.601, total Breakfast over, Mac went ed everybhing. The liit fromn WM. J. H. COGGINS $38616.60. tu il tue Iwo water paiis at Ille larîtern made rainbows oi Chartered Accounitant The requested levv for tbe the pumip as usuai. I1iîoticed the snow. It was very beauIti-ý Second Floor Cartwright Centrai Public 110w the wiiîd whisti dthrýougli fui, but by bcd lime 'we were New Library Building School Area for the year 1962 the bouse as the door banged tired ot its beauty. Mac shov- Cor. King & Tempenance Sts. is: Commercial rate of 18.12 siîut. anîd when Mac carnîe back: ciled and fiied pails with Phone MAnket 3-3612 -_ milîs on $52,000, $947.68: Resi- hie hasd but biaîf a pail of -water snow, passed them dcown t nie 1YALE, FRIEDLANDER :dentiai and Farn rate of 16:31 in each. su I eniptied lins out standing beiow on the table. & COMPANY imilis on $1.561,465. $25,467.49, and back hie weiit fur- morle. 1 lhanded up empty ones, iben1 Accountants and Auditons 'for a total uft1,26415.17. This 'li hevindcri be su slruiîg oui. oulsîde 1th le sleigh where I . Lîcensed Tr'ustee shoews a decrease of $2,585.53 oi hIle prairies thalt water iS.dunipedi it. Then il) the bouse iii Bankruptcx' for the C.C.P.S.A. frorn 1961 biotvî righi oui. of the Pai1lu repeat buis manieuver tînitil 64 King St. E. 725-1621 and an increase of $2,292.19 snd the carrier' becomres a niost uf the snow was cieared. Oshawa, Ontario for- the municipaiity fî-om 1961 sheet of ice. 1 have had mxl» The sieigh box was three parts B. L. Yale, C.A. or- a net decrease of $293.:4 tuat and dress; frozeîî wide and fu when it xvas di'awîî awav F. Friedlander, B. Com., C P.A. on these ttvo levies trom 1961. 100 sbiff tu enter the douror f uext day. Such-l was this Spring MONTEITH - MONTEITH Correspondence was receîv- the lIotîs;e the uIsual Way. 1 day, RIEUL, & Co. ed from ithe foilowîng: Mrs. uadi ttu tri sidewas stu get. Our neighibours lost their 13.5 Siîncue St. N., Oshawa Evelyni (McKayýý Armnstrong iii ai al]. I did iîut oico go0 tu bet sottý--she appeaî'ed later, Chartered Accounitants nre roads drainage in Cadmus: the piuitip iii wiiîter. yiîî wuuld o ilu rn from a straw 728-7527 rueferred lu Roads Inspection. net er recougnize iltvwas a Puiol stack foliowed by seven pig- Parînler.s: Ontario 1-lydro re method of su ea\' ruiP cuil ii c.Lf ecie itmn Hon,. J. W. Monteith, F.C..A~. cycle biliîg (at the middle cf coeedwti c. ie One ecir-ntMal A. B. Monteith, B. Coin., C.A. ýthe monthi. Reply from Hion. ori the praîriuscrail be grini at Imiles ;fr'ontî ils--Sîsited bu drive G. W. Riei, C.A., RI.A. W. A. Goodifellow re Service lime:. Ouspeu il lur xt'tuin. hume with three childien fi'orn1 ( Licensed Tr'> ICenti'es onu-401 Highway. A Bx'diine lie l ws il0t' th hme vhre heboarded. G. E. Trethewex', C.A. Il elter fî'om Ken Symons re ing a fine, finle snuw, ike a On the xvx the pon.v stumbled. R. F.-Lightfoot, C.A. letter from Hion. Mn. Cass twhi te dîiSt. Il ceîtaiiîi' iooln'1d overtîli'ned the cuilter and statiîug rio action had been lak- as hugl tc ver sea t ~w'ere foud frozen 10 death WILSON & BVRROIVS en tu dispose of the currentiv d ntr \iii a otIouedCatee Acutat sed Tax Arrears Registra- dll)liti'isc tnd ntpi fed Th;,; xvas a Spî'ing Day coie 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont, iîontinceue tab n forcsaie l upiiu îdpgs for the ci a y. couîid neyer forget. ilcnnut binfren Coiniîîg in for a luai terri bc.- ates these United CoLinties. Couril "or ' il j to the lake hlie su f, Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A.. approvedi of the decision of tue -l gits lIl uTttakftie sT -Minister cf Municipal Affairs cylitr iiîc ith nule jusIliii case Kx LiILU± G. Edmnond Burrows, C.A. and the Treasuner cati no\t 1 norud it. this 15 sonne blih- Phone 728-7554 stant again oni the collecting zai'd.' This safety uine is uised The United Chînnch WomnenloAL TaeinArasor on dark or slurin ' Nnigbt-, jt are planning ta Fashion Show rrontChi* us fastelued lu a bîîok iii door and Sale of Childrn's Clotb- Cni r o pra c 1 i c twmar s. iA letutefoing Chp or post. carried lu Iule barn ing. and a tea at the churclu G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. price of the Warbicide 5 whei'e the other eiid s fasIon- late Ibis nuonlb. Ciorco odra euto f8 cd b.\,huie barnî uiuur. Thîis ser-- Mi's. P. Philiips and Mis. Office':Cirprarorporderatarnduct of r vesx'oa gide Ilie. wa' fror TeHaceld' Fer atioru dinher15Elîgin St., cor, ut Ilorsey St. Cierk xvas inistructed 10 ordeî' eas' tuloe te roi Taeers Fcieaton iner Phone MA 3-550)9 120 potinds for immediate bain n 10bouse in a blizzard ai. ut Almnids Uînited Chîînch o n Office I-lours: B>' Appoinniment needs. A letter frorn the DepI. Inigbt. Tuîursday. v Miss Lotta Mci4eil - of Municipal Affairs Assess- 1 waiîdered front ronui oluIrispector froîn U xbr i dge, nment Branch requestiug muni- i'utim scratchiuîg a sîîîaii pccp spoke oni 'CLIrrent Trends iun.1D e ni t a i ipai assessoîs 10 attend the hocuitn the wtindotts l sec Ediication". two-dlav Assessing School ini tvhat il xvas like outsîde, there Receni guiests of Mr. and DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Linidsa'v on May 10 and Il. was nothng to sec, sîiiw \vblock- Mrs. Slatiley Ogle have been Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. Cu i etn dore cd ci[thble xt udotts. 1 upenedi Miss Fei'u Ledgl-ebl of Oshawal 40 King S t. W'. Bowmanville Cunimelîgaoird :he~ dtr u> u fiid lMa1ud anîd Mr. and Mrs. }idroid Mil- Office Hlours: îîntii Tiîesday, Aprul 3rd, 1962 faseido, l'\ou uro he1rc rno.9 a.nn, lu 6 p.nn. dail>' at 1 p un , li. I vate_- d aiedfo.lln.-Cli'-_ Cnup -PioCiosed Saturday anîd Sanda>'-v- BEST BUV! - Save (;c CORN Oit St. Lawrence BEST BUY! - Save 1(1< MONARCH Margarine BEST BUX'! - Save 4c-! - SPAGHETTI OR LANCIA MACARONI Sav'e 9c!-! BRAVO PLAIN SAUCE, 13-oz. Picture Cards Enclosed RED ROSE TEA BAGS BEST BL'Y: - Save 22c! KLEENEX TISSUES BEt' Bt 'l* - Suave 4c! - .TeIIv1Desserts LUSHUS 4 pkgs 35c FE:ATVRE! - Sav'e 6c-! - Sweet "<ixed or Sw eet Reiish 16-oz. Jar Supreme PICKLES 23c FE'A'riRE! - Sav'e17ie - >< Off Pack Mapte Leaf 8-o7. Pkrzs. Cheese Sîices 2 for 49c fi FTRE, - Sv TIrepses <et 6-o',. Tins Lemon Juice 4for45c 25-oz. Tin 455 1h. Pkgs. 4 for $1 2-lb. Size 33C - 2 tins 49e 1>kg. of 60 77c Refular or ('huhhy 6pkgs 89c Bt ST BUV1 - SAVE':gr?-! 32-7- Bot. F LEECY LAVNDRY iRiNsF 39c l"resh Baked ! Rer. 33e- RASPBERRY TURNOVERS Pkg. or 9 Sunbeam COOKIES 29c FI'ATU(RE! - Save 6c! ('hnlstie's I-1b, Pkg. Premium Crackers 33c VFATRF' - SAVE' 54c- 35e OFF PACKAGE DEAL, KING SIZE FAB 99c Quality Meats m-i Swi ft's Pneiini - B<neless - No Waste - Fulliv Cooked Smoked HAMSib79c îWith ti he Newn Speciat Process - (otd Foil Wrappeci) IdvaI i t îbbuge - Old fashion <cune For $ conomy - Lean - 1eativ Corned Brisket 1b63c PORK HOCKS 1b25c Extra Lel - Niraty - I'ORI< Sld -'tTin-l.'lh SPARE RIBS 1b49c HEAD CHEESE 1b 35c BONU S (01 'PON! - PIIT BRC Sunspun ICE CREAM (oupon CCouponC FEATVRE! - Save 4c-! Wîhite onr('idern4-'. Botîle Canada VINEGAR 19c VEA'1'RE - Save grc-(,iant Size - l'kg. SPIC & SPAN 79c <,OI.DFN HOVR 16-oz. ('ello POPPING CORN 19C Prices effective at the listed Red & M MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISH'S MARKET FR0/1".14,001) VlA'l' 1 1,"- AI 4 l'O P.K B izANI) MEAT PIES 3 for 65tr 1-03. botte. 59C Giant Tube TOOTH PASTE 5Oc ý 1 Tin Mlapte Leaf LIQI:l) D)ETE RG ENT W'ith the Puru'hasp, of 2 Tins at Itegular Price - Ail 3 Tins 9 c Vhite Food Stores only ..Maple Grov Orono SPECIALS 'l'lrow C(ushions, .sstd. ('nIons 97 c BaZ of Soap, 1.5 bans 88c 1'iny t Garment Bag 88e L.adies' Plastic Raîn Hat 9c Starflash ('amena Outfit -.-- $9.99 Tissue Holder and Kipenex- - 99e (liant size Humr Spray 98e< Hot IVater Bottes ---88e BEST BUY! - Sav'e 6<-! EXCLUSIVE OFFER- Double-Wall Insulaled SERVING BOWLS YOURS AT '/2 PRICE rermîatîenti ' yîniaid îîh hand-w~ove<n ABACAX straw .. .icial for all hot or cold foods. Decorator-designed, so handsonie in haîî(-wov cmi ratIna froit the South Sens. Ou'der y ours today - Bowvl is $1.25 value, filled %vith f ine. nutritiotus (len Rae 7 5 COTTAGiE CIIEESE - Limited Offer -7 5 Order front your Glen Rae Driver or purchase ai Glen Rae Dairy, King Si. W. GLEN RAE DAIRY Reg 7o3<'-I ISTERINE' ANTISEPTIC Reg. 67<- - ('REs'r FREEI 0 0 a 0 0 0 Sweet, Juicy -1. ol.).Bag Florilda ORANGES49 Painu Garden - No. 1 14-oz. celto tube tirm - Crisp - F"ry. Grade - 3-lb, poly Tomatoes 2 for 39c Mclntosh Apples 39c O trio Sun Panlour- No. 1 Grade Giarden Fresh - No. I Large Bunch (UCUMBERS ea 19c Green Onions 2 for l5c Imported - Mid - No. 1 - PkX. of 2 Ontario No.I1(Grade - 50-lb. Bag Spanish Onions 29c POMATES 99c PAGE six MAR. Vst. lont