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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1962, p. 7

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WEDNESDAV, MAR 21et. POq THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. nOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO £ ~ ~ V ~ 'No roori. S.EFltofk Hoskin kindly drove al load of cassion wvas held on the Sectcr swell. How about the basesh etn lsdwt 1oo. %,usanding p a e the young people ta t h e Plan, but decisions were re- Don't forget ta collect h .payr MrOn r.E.Cpe-1'Kcefe Center on Saturday. served for a later date. The ýAlsa there is to be a pprDntfre ahl o thatPtrogNr. and Mrs. Ed. Copper- .Osh dates for the services on ail drive the first part of01aandtehne.Sede cs clir r.Don Wake and Shauna, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. three appointments for the Clean up trne in Haptnltfro. P hne A 3- 3 03Ann, Londn, spent SaturdayAdckoSuay next two years were arranged _____________________________________Mrs. W. Marsden and Mr. Gea.! spet Aturd alswith Mc. ndaas time goes on. Kempthorn.MsHaodBsn Hampton Home and School' Mr. Vernon SaunderF. Tor- play booth at the Sportsmen's Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Ashton,' r. e.Weir, Club was well representedý onto. visited his parents. Mr. Shov held iast week at the Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oshaa er e Sunday eeninaWeneday eveningu. The an,4 Mire. Arthur Sauinders river Colisenm, Exhibition grounds, Ashton, Larrv and Sharon, dir guests Blathar. ad'hyw h guesteas Mof Sae fbh weekend. Toronto. Toronto, were Sunday guestsMr.AL.Bacadgutspke as rKaiy L -Zlr and Mrs. A. J. Clarke, Weekend visîtors with Mr. and Wing Commander A. L. Miss Joan Peel spent the, Lycett. w'ho spoke on the ob- lown, were Sunday guests and Mrs. Harry Akey and Ashtcn. Centralia. was an over-weenathrom.exy.lginpope av toak TOWVN HALL O~ !IN IL with Mr. and Mrs. AI. Elliott Gary were the former's bro- night guest on Mondav, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Far- 'ont proper legal papers when A and Steven, Whitbv. Ihler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Babcock. ýraw. Starkville, visited on ýdoing business, especially em- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lap- ýphasizing tene fmkn Mrs. J. E. Campbell and Ian, Ted Akev, Stephen and Patsy Don Morris, secretary and tenc fmkn h r d Ottawa, sppent the weekend of Odessa. John Bain, president of Bow- 'hmM. sLapa on Fn- ed a s eMs Lna er with Mrs. Campbell's parents. The Newcastle and Orono manville District Boy Scout 'r n Mrs. LpaonFi sangR solo. The Salem ladies Rv ..adMsNihlo.Glee Clubs, under the capable Council attended the Eeu day eveniflg. servedi a lovely lunch. Mr. and Mrs. J. Goheen, Lib- direction of Mc. Arthur Colli- tîve Committeeman*s Training Mr. Ray Killens, Montreal, Tyr1o Meeting erty St., South, were weekend son, wili be guests of Trinity Course held at Tabernacle andi Mrs. E. Killens Sr., Whit- i guests of the latter's uncle and United Church on Sunday, United Chucch, Belleville, on by, visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Tyro! Tyro! Tyro! Opening A aut rs hals ach2, t11am.StudvMrc 7tfrmKillens on Sunday. ýprayer was led by John Bath- Saturdc ]Reo emre.9.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. This course iMc. and Mrs. Proulx, Osh-1well. We are [înding many S u a y t Mr. nd rs. ughMcDo- ws deignd taoffr a om-awa, vîsîted Mr. and Mrs. Ben new games by following this, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McMil- aid were in Oshawa on Satur- prehensive training in ail pha- Mc. Fansonter eîingt ni iingmedo each me y etin. ]an, Joan and Jimmy, Belle- day for the funeral of the late Mses of Distrigtoict Councaîl work.meeing ville, visited recently with Mrs. Mr. John B. Jackson, manager se iîitit oni ok ng his daughter and her hus- We are startîng a new Tcesaalbe<o McMillan's parents. Rev. R. R. or the Rotary Printing divi- Three rinks tram the local bnM. nTr. iln. hm,"WrsooKnns and Mrs. Nicholson. sion off The Oshawa Times. Lions Club journeyed ta Sun-McanMs.RselYuadweretdigure AC & TTT LU MEV ES c. onny Seeto o? thr M. and Mcs. Neil Mutton decand Ist el e a take rtOshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. hymn 605. The boys tee il, onaton afe retrne lat ad M. ad Ms. . Trne ina bnspel ponore bytheEarl Luke an Sunday evening. would be nice ta use it as ouir Thursday after spending a an*r.adMr.E Mre Sundecland Lions Club. Among . ý.Mr. and Mrs. Ran Luke and anthem. We also studied why ADMISSION---------------5 --nionth and a hait wîth cela- spent an evening wil r.iother rinks participating were: ...., .... ..IbbWhitbysetSnaIwlaePl SnaGo *ive ~ ~ ~ wa inNe ere. n Mrs.LcasNiycolis, shthosrnepcesetng Lions lus Per.. with Mc. and Mrs. EarI Luke. Friday and atcSnaec pca tdn' rc---------- aw, -h ecnt elbrtd ra Baeron ar, ery ,qMc. and Mrs. Wîll ChalliïsStars were presented ta aur Thursaiih il Mr. and Mrs. James Pater- their 60th Wedding Annivers-ndCnntn. insrm ........................adgancldeDrelan winning teams. Our flash ce- ~Onaant. ee iio lîst vîlery the local club wpce Skip Jim Dale Barcett, Bowmanville, corder was put up shawing a- NO RESRE ET On.,wee istos a~ wek Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Flett re- Bell, Bill Burk, Jack Brough, Tecmite nchrea awieh sr dasCucl-Ms .S.und tjoy. s il god mUp fcllows esrc doin with his mother, Mrs. WL. înrned last Thucsdav tram an Fred Cole: Skip Dr. Ivan Tecmitei hagweawieh sre sCucIýre T.S.und y ust it ad u nt elof praress. Keep Paterson, Concession Street. hrijoal oth*s vacation at WoVIe Sti James, Laurence the Interclub meeting of Bow-Ilac in the Jccnisalcmni 1ucpal1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colville Mc. E. Murpi ýoff Murph. Davtc a, Florida. They were Goddarýd, Geo. Webster, and Monavles srce clubs n tetCmisin and 'ýwn childcen, Bowman- Co. assisied a friend n a disç accompanied lb-v his cousins Skip Dc. F.d Ewoî't, Glen Lan - LiondaCnr, Mave 26thabte Inlesrvc teSa ilvstdM.adMs GoCnpttv Pie diec, Dr. E. Sisson and Byron offIsc ~ ansone.tasecure as guest speaker, Mr. pf ast , Mr.Sivîîn pld the Yeo on Sunday. Osaa the Iscael Embassy n taw.ernor off Jerusaiem, Depty .,is spcnding a few days with TRINITY UNITED (HURCH Mc. Sivan was haroi in Comrrissioncr off Tei A"viv. hec daughtec Mrs. Jack Rice. Jerisaem n 121 nd s aand Head off the Municipal Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters Minister - Rev. Win.K. Housiander, B A.,B.D. ENFIELD Jusemi191ad saDvsonofheMntra n- 'and Mc. Ralph Peters, Toc- Cnci , e Organist - Mr. Arthur Collîson, Mus.B.,L.R.S.M. ancestors settled in Whalestne]terior. Jo 1952 he was award-ionto, Miss Mary Peters, Bow- Mcl , d Mrs. Bill Cacr, in 1832. ed a United Nations Fellow- 'manville, visited Mc. and Mrs. Ila..- MORNING WORSHIP Brenda and Brian, Long Sault, In Wocid War I1, Mvr. Sivjanship inPubicîî Administration Harold Salter. SPECIAL VALUE] ADREIDR Mc. Frank Cowling, Hampton, saw action with British In- at the Univecrsity of f epol1 Mrs. Dickie entertained her EFFECTIVE ALj HS 'E The acra ent f BatismMc. L. Stephenson were\i- fantry regiments on fîve fronts, England, and shoctiy affter Ilislthree sisters and their famîl- tocs at L. Cochrane's. participating i the suppres- 1 appainted by the l es on Sunday ta help celebat "The Necessity for Repentance" Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, Mrs. sion off the Icaqi Acmy revolt reidt of sbct i, c. Benfher bMisshay. ELpert Cigarette' Newcastle and Orono GIee Cluîbs iili supply S.aE. McDonald, Toronto, Miss the sieg e off Tobruk and Elfic'i. a het h ich er offhis Mss ari e aeOsawa-c1:.. P C A SPan rFle special music. and mblyE n, sha andM. aen . Mc. orSulivng a fc a mish-, he pentsîterMaeÏ ie, Oh thea. M oney - avîn S ECAu Mrs.E. cDonl n an wrdher italin ca mis-arrival in Otta\va in Septe m- gcandpaients, Mc. and Mrs. p.m.- LENTEN STUDY Bob.bie. Bowmanville, visited s'On nteIha ap i ber 1959~, Mc. Sivan headcd the 'Jas. Smales. I.D.A. Brand at . owan'. inwhich he was severely oslj' eeai ofIsraeli atW om .w ounodcd. osAnugele aonoc a . i'Miss Beverly Smale, Toc-i Y???? ?'ER SUNDAY SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. Elmner Lee and Mr. Sivan's civilian careerLsAgls aiona onto, and Mc. Bob McQueen,M TH .L LI 9.45 ar. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior Norman visited with Mr. and began after the mar when the H-e is a charter memher off Hamilton; Mc. and Mrs. Bob 1 pound tin. ceg 59r 110 ..-BgnesMrs. Chester Lee, Almonds. British Mandate Administra- a Bnai B't-th Lodge in J(,r-'Abbott, Bowmanville, Mc. and -- _ 11:0 am. Beinnrs ion appoînted him District nsalem, and a I~p s iot Mrs. P. Goodwin and Nancy, Lady~ Esther Four-Purpose Reg. 85C 11:20 arn. - Kindergarten and Primary Mc. and Mcs. RaIýph Davex' Oficer off Jerusalem andi fnr offthie .Rrî ni oacv C)h. Bowmanville: Miss Lila Young, FACE R1E'fA f 9 2 BaystigService anud Robert had Sunday tea _Toronto; Miss Audcey Smale, I ff~I~ L~LJ A CODIA WECOM TOALLat he asce hme.Whitby, and Mc. John Cook -79e -size Lotion M.and Mrs. Ray CowIing, flH A M P T O NUmereSunday vîsitors w"" McrRM.iyB~TeCro hibvisited Mrs. R. Grif- and Mrs. Wilfced Smale. LUSTRE R M SH PO6 fin.. Mc. and M erMw ~in Mouint- 'dccv\. Mc. and Mcs. Glenn Smith, S A P O6cadSv jov 11joyed the Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Il.îrold Ash- Douglas and Sheryl wece visit- Bottle or Tube- Reg. 79e REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN andJuvlimp on, ie!S Iiivan Opecetta in Bowmao- ton, Clair mnd DnLngýIaS, Ennis- ors on Fciday evening with VAM QUELLIDAC ahteLee home. vle li.sen audveeigMc. and Mrs. Allun Taylor,_H IR TO IC------A Ban at the ~~~~Mc. anîd Mcs. Merwin Mount- m-tîî Mr. anîd !rs. Sicî IÇo(rse\- Bowvoanville. On Sunday Mr. ýRCADHDU ~Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oke and Jny spent Wednesday at the !caîî\r orand Mcs. Glenn Smith and!'RCADHINTTeQikAtn R EFO IvIED CHURC chidcen visited the Wm. Law- SPoctsmien's Shiow.% Toronto. Mc. Mark Turner, Osliawa Ry mih Nwcst EGG CREME CREMEC UGSY P Scugog Street, BowrnanvilIe lacs at Frenchman's Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Don White andMad M( aesSîe, M. adMs et mt H M O IS Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., MmnIlster The Young Peapi&'s Glass end wvith Mcs. W. White and anl3 ~ - Telephone MA 3-5023enjoyed a hayride Sat;urdav Miss Naiîc Johnîs and 1 Miss C'lara SonPtrisednSudywhMc WORSIP ERVCESsonOakihl, sent he eel- Trono Ms. ua ih a nd Mcs. Smith Sr., Toronto, Reg93C2 Reg. 1.2 aeenifoadrwleunc tte W.ainedVS~d Mr. and Mrs. Douglas theronm , were sitrsihand then on ta visit Mc. andlae fcluc a heW wkgan hîden in eînd, c2.dMr.BetStvn WOSI EVCSBowman home. Mr. Verne Chanît, Universitv IMe.SanMrDe. JniMr. Sean ra t Steenson.Reular Hom0 Permanent M.and Mrs. Roy Hact,man off Toronto, Mc. and Mrs. Jack Bovniîanville, called on Mcs. ývisited bis sistec Mrs. Ethel M.adil. UC o s-~ PN E 9:00 a.rn. - English and Mr-. and Eric Jack-,Carter and daughter. Peter- Luther Allun anid family, :nBurgess, who bas been very Regular 1.23 110 ..-Hladson, Enterprise, were week-1'orotîgh, visited Mr. and Mcs. Thursday evlenîing. nill. at the home af ber daugh- n EIVSYU HL' 110 an -HJln end guests of Mr. and Me-.s. Ted Chant. Mc. anîd Mirs. Percc Cooper, ter. Mrs. Taylor, Tyrone. Mrs. BUFFERIN o 7:30 - English Allen Tavlor. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carrick Oshawa, visited Mr. arnd Mrs.'Bucgess is impcoving slowly.NET E SR Z me-are invited guests at a banquet'Geo. Ar-mour ani Suiicav, Mrs. L. D. Sykes spent a few E T S R Z Proclainiing the Whole Counsel of God The U.C.W. held their me-at Rîverdale United Church, Mrand Mrs. Chas. Johns, ýdays last week with de éau- ing in the school Wednesdav Toconta, on Tuesdav' evening. Bownianville, calied on Mr. ghtec, Mrs. Gardon Brent, Regular or Soft evening. The devational per- This is the church which they ýaod Mrs. Armour on Thursda.y. 'Bethesda. Reg. 69e 59 Reg. 98, 9 Reg. 1.,9 9 at :1 pi. v]y Sndy eadiiigs bv Mrs. Donald Pres- and also their daughtec, Mrs. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. day with ber brother and bisi Special fe 1 CKLB, Oshawa, at91 a.eeySna catt, Mrs.- Wilfrid BowmanlK,,f, and Mr. Keefe, return- Wmn. Axford. wife, Mc. and Mrs. Arnold' Revlon CKFH, Toronto, nt 7 ar.. and Mcs. George lrwin, andliog home next Saturdav. Mrs. John Balson was taken ýLashbrook, Brampton. muse b Mr. Gdfry Bw- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Niddery, ta church an Sunday niaco-!Mc. and Mcs. Don Goode _____ ___ __________ I nian. ~Bowmanville, called on Mcs. iog, courtesv ofa lier son Mc. and two boys, Lakefield; Mc. U Ilonteerenwthou 'i.Niddery and Miss Mary Nid- Gerald Balson, who took berand Mrs. I. Hacrell and child-1a i S e foc a lovclv drive after ccii, Oshawva, visited on Satur- Satin-Set will keep your haîr si soti..sit .soff ruaPNXbsn petn .1 ch~~urch. The,, ,vore lunchîcon:cday xith Mr. and Mcs. C. Tink. cotoldadstnbgh. ..iousîkvess. woerrgsUetmette Memorial Hosp i guùest s of Dr.' and Ms. Keith'Mc-. and Mrs. Charlton Mc- cnrle n ai rgt...wtotsik e \Ayf ~ Report Bi~\7ot. avivlg Piîip Bride, Peterborough, and Mr. Revlon Satin-Set Nover Flakes. LIE:rgua n il hry and rs.IvanLawpWoiby, Giant 12-ounce size ee~~.y ~ and familv. North Oshawa; were Sunday visitars with Mc. 2.40 v~alue foc onîy .CnetaePeae For the week of Macch 12-18 Mr. anîd Mcs. Rudy Jammer and Mrs. Clarence Tink.98 6c,10 inclusive. and babY, Oshawa, were Sun-, Mrs. Blake DeHart, Brook- Admissions 4 j day tea guesîs with Mr. and lin: Mc. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, E Bicths, 5 maIe, 5 female Io Mrs. Bucrows. ýBowmanviîle; Mr. and Mrs IU Major operations 8 Roff The Young Peciple's Snndav centlY visited Mc. and Mrs. 1 1 N N ~ ýMinor operations 17 Sehool class, acc(ompanied by'Lorenzo Trull. ýEmergency tceatments 9 their teacher. Mc. Gordon Ms m hpa a E B ad IO Visiting bancs 3-4 p.m. and Char", motoced to Toronto: cecent visitor with Mr. and - 7 to 8:30 ~ niade a tour ni the OKeeffe Mrs. Austin Barron. u m. Play and sanie ai the class cen were Sunday evening T V NI Ci weiit o Io Ihie Soprî:oîcn's guest.i off Mr. and Mrs.J.K N e's AAembersShow in th eeiig.GloverOshawa. A generai'bontc for the Drm on gahrw Intc gg ---j dawyebe r n;ilît r- tp îesw'anMrs SpvToid K,-rsey. îc(adrArnr-tc aî Frîches p \o i th enie il m at Il was decîded ha put a pot 1Mcs. Fred lliovd Sr.. fia Hampton __S u nbeam Explor- thp ficst Sunday in Aprîl ta ers, Mrs. JOln Rodeý,(rs Jr. Mcs. Hampton C.G.1.TF. met Monday 'cammemarate Cancer Sunday. ýOlga Tompkins vece Thurs-a7:0HapnChreUi LIEDA Vîsits ta tho sîck and hospital1 da.% aiternoon tea guests off ted Church A.O.T.S. Men's ,r I~ sue ?haig ilto îefitta e 1bt IGa theo aeton(r h om.'lorcalls are ta ho reported at eacli McI. and Mrs. John Rogers. on Club met at Eldad Chuceh on NIVEA CREMERgA~IU Nwtehaeahouse. and a mortgage. ONLY LIFE INSURANCE CAN PROTEÇT YOU mThe pcogram xvas in charge ding annivrsarv. Zion Tycos visited Hampton Pam l eAVRg 6556 But it takes time and mone v ta own a THESE FIVE WAYS aof Mrs. Arnold Williams, lead- Mc. and Mcs. Gordon Tonîp- TYros, Tues, ah 6:30. Hampton am lv CR home completelv. ou can't ho absoluîlv er of No. 2, Unit. She gave a kius. Toronto. alled on M. Little Friends Messengers met Î. MIK0 .surlofonvithao.Ilubeîoct, taWhe..reut 1.dGaMrs.edpJohntiRogortre omi.YoSun-ak ontednesday, -hah a2:45s.JohnRogHamp-Sun WedesHILLI :45 .M.56cp vouf n uaranS.Thie the monly athrouh fmî wcrieroeî n nadmaîae lxe Christian and Reli- Mc. and Mrs. Ronald Wervah "i p.m. Hampton Ladies Sec- Lif e nsure on o me is is telogt or 2 urnte mei tiony way the giaus training in the schools. and tw-o soiî:. Krdroî. vere \vice Club met Wodnesday in a nl Fif suyou hom t e twiI le gta the momearnt yed uim dae rtctotrm te A shamrock cutest was con- SaturdaY eveniig guess w uh, the Hall ah 8:15 p.m. 1 8 9 V I Àl L S - c . ito .- payment.s. 3 urnedpoeîon pcaîn ~ Fîve new members îained and Mrs. Ralph Bollard visited hec trio xvas sung as a specialPR S R P ON. Undoubtedly you are presentiy insuced gusigio nweacl h ubro ad their fees. gcandrnoth e r, Mrs. Corox,,choir selection. The ladies h ~** U AD A EIC .~ butyou cceustnce ae cangng so dolar h cae.Mcs. Quackenbush, a former Whithvý. oui SaWîrdav' sang were- Mcs. K. Smith, bau e your lue rnscance eeps ningso olarp om.member who had moved away M-. and Mcs. Rernord Shawv. Ms. K. Caverly, Mca. L. Trull with suyour lie Poinsor le eu n srne 4 urote eeit iog xes ums o ecent y . was present and was WlîtbY. visîted an Sundav Mrs. R. Short, Mrs. G. Balsoni aget what lifl l ourntfr youraily' cnGuaraoteed tnds for a utueexpensessuch u presontcd withî a gîffhfor w'hich vii Nîi. and Mrs RalphiBal- and 1cs.A. Bothwell. 1 JO I S O ND agen wht itis ou wnt or vur amil's an garasee uedthorfutre dpethe scladiesnkd tndlaienan lard arOnOn SundayMr March ON E JHth future. CGuarante that your famiiv wiii as sending children to college. vited thîem ta vîsit hec in ber Mr aiid Mrs. George Honev, lampton's Spring Thankoffer- E C S L H always enjoy the comforts and security new home. Feiîelûii Fal.. visîted Mr s. ing Service will be held at 2:30 you have provided for them. Make sure of 5. Guaranteeci retirement s ncarne. You have an The meeting closed with Fred lonex' one aiternoon last 'p.nî. Regular service wîth- N W A T E - P O E 2 0 tomorrow, todav. i ncarne you can never outlhve. prayer, afher which lunch was wveek. drawn. The speaker will be: served by the group. Mrs. Mc. anîd NMs. Retord Cam- , ey. F. J. Reed. Special music v1 f f r f f WHEN PEOPLE DEPEND ON YOU_..YOU CAN DEPEND ON LIFE INSURANCE Saniclîs moved a vote off cran. Bowmauîville. and Mrs. hy the choir. The service will AI U E Wu E [ DI< IF IN U RA NC E C OM P N iES N ANA A nksro M ii i lse or andvtey reChant es ihîr. ndy cxScp euph<rlwIbe ah 10:45 arndas A U X . M c R E TH E L 1 E I SURA CE C0 M A N1 E 1 N CANA A ru n hrgeWilon and teyJoro Ctshan xcre Sndav sp- h up iiil the1chu5ch.munay L-5éiC pleasant atternoon MrF. Cea. Bert Hoskuuî and in the- oven- usuial R l M M II - P O E M 9 Bnwrs kundîx otfercd lier unr su vî.,îtrd Mr aid Mrs. Ai the official hoard meet- B W A V L E - P O ihome for the'April meeting. Grant Williams, Zion. Mrs. ing last Monday evening, a dis- ;X rAr.lrl ýIv.vv.v

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