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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1962, p. 9

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WJ5 NESDAY MAR. 28th. 1982 and cbildren visited Mn. and ley. ilwmanvilie, visited Mn. ready ta ep Robent Wii- Mns. Stan Wodkiewic-i. and Mrs. Earl Luke on Friday FreshBuceWilinMeTotyd Mrs. Jlohn Lvon '[cri-v and evening. ýair, Kenny Chamberlain, John .limmie and Mns. Sid Kersey Mr.and Mrs. Woolhead,'Bunîton and John Kuithor. Shnls spen Wplnedaywit Mr an Agncort.visited Mn. and The Red Gnoup started with hnls Nfs en edndey wibMand Mrs. Allen Macklin on Satun- e ieap tmog i-day directed by SH ULeul5 Mrs.LenPve, oa-d-. Richard Chant and Blues won B l il.'Mn. and Mns. Géo. Yeo were first and Greene second. Steve H U ER3 'Mrx. McCune and Cindy, Sunday dinnen guestm with Reynolds gave us a gond laugh Oshawa,. visited Mn,1. and Mis. Ms. and Ms. Psatt Von Eyk, with bis Iicklens. (Jokcs?. ROA ST iMr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler Mr. and Mvs. R. H. ReynoldsYouth Committee) led a game R AS and family, Oshawa, Mri.JToronto, s p nt the weekend o! Tug-9-War won by Carry, Player and Tommy, Bowman- wiîh Miss Luis Reynolds. Mrs. Çannish after quite a acrarn- Graioe A~syl ok oln 'ville. visited Mn. and Mrs. J. R. Reynlds, Bellevile, 'ble. Feafumre FOOI I l 5 ýKersey on Sunday. visited Miss Luis Reynolds. ' The Goid Graup did a Cher- Pro uceF ~ W V 1 Misses Sheryt and Kathy i Mr..and Mns. Chas. Johns,1 ades. Kris Balsoni was riding' W.l iinm dSotr os McCune visited with Mrs.jMn. and Mrs. Milton WJiCOX, on samnething with great dif-' FANCY GRADE, John Lyon and chitdren an Bowmanville, wene at the Sun- ficulty eften a lot of wiid RIBOA Saturda. day services and wcrc tee guessing we finally found out Snawbrd Band1G Sowb Seagram tetd higeat new bî-aro ~,,OQVMr. ai-d Mrs. K..!. and ests of Mr. and Mss. Harold Ihat it was an aId car baving EC'! FRETN cao Q lchildren, Toronto, spent the galter, four flat tires. Eacb boy o! the'I'ln i O IL T 6o k V SrmWhis from cost to at agbant heof iLweekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mn. and Mns. John Antonuk group was changed as a tire. ifCulsa o ryewik rmcatt os gisth Alex Cannick.1 and Mardi,' Rexdale: Mr-. and Mn:. Lyons directed a gams' Choice Sole three Ieading brands in its price class... y-Mr. and Mns. Crawford and Mrs. Bob Abbatî, Bowman- a! Rares, and Hounds. Whene,~lu m ~~Ju ~ and Canadians Iiked the taste of 5 Star two sons, Scarborough, visi t - ville, Misa Audrey Smala.and did ar) many haves carne fnam? OKRVàU. V.E1ciiI. l jy I ed on Sunday with Mn. and Mr. John Cook were Sunday Blue Group then ected out best. Next time try Seagram'a great -new I Mrs. John Cockburn. ivisitons with Mr. and Mrs. thein jolies They did aà gond brand with the Five Stars on the hottle. ,v/wm. Mrs. Harrison, Scarboî-ough; .Wil!red Smale.i job of acting as weli as giving' Mn. and Mrs. Quinn and son!j Mr. and Mis. Glenn Smith, us a gond laugh.7 9 i Gordon. Oakvîlle; Rev. and1 Douglas and Sheryl were Sun- Green Cran p lied a puppet cello bof *Tesed îedr tg ~~eî1 apI-cîvI " n cnd'g ~ .,""*~ jMrs. Fred Reed, Sunderland, Iday evening tea guests of Mn. show. Carry Cornish and Bah Resterrh frawnîa were Sunday tea guest with 'and Mn:. Hoakin Srntith. Van De Beit. That wam e novei j AliPr;. hw nlsA Gaat. h.u Mr. and Mns. Alex Carrick.1 Master Tommy Yeo and Miss thaught boyq. And then they StraMci lt 0 Mn. and Msis. Tert Chant Lais Yeo were Saturday even- gaveb us a song, John Bothwell!i ______________________________________________________________ visited on Sunday with Mn. Iing guests with their muinI Iwith guitar and Lawrcnck- en ri Mn. Jack Carter, Peter- Mrs Glenn Smith. Mffat. ndr Bill Holrond sang ibarough. fMr&. Wilfred Iawier. il with him, "In the Temple',r I T "--' r-ANA-D'AX "qTATLFSMAM-- BOWMANVMLZ. M"AIRIM rAGE NWB - lleaving on Wednesdav ae e.P for Mxs. Van De Beit had Usd01~A r R e cre atio n R e v ies Teenage League Victoria, BCto vi;ither s hing nott e. sRiev.r.MltnPage M d Te n g e g eparents. tol, a 3tory. Which shoul Mena Sftallgeter fr te ear. and nr grn Noor the BeBaSPoitvlste Mr. Nddry e-tha my fotbe oNoe.lyMr2.LoydSimonatenddLundoydenngcaier Itvn' b to on nw ron 4)an Bbb Hwe anamLegu--are o.1Phillips 4-McKnight 3, Char- cently. true. For as they passa along I t ont e to log no Brwn () m Boby Hoea antan LegueGameNa es 5 - Brown 2, Gay 5- Van- Mr. and Mns. Frank West- jthey cen get verv nasty and Hamptoni Anniversavo u r lopo iîe Ibefre he the bll sasotges acouned fr te Roket 18 1:3 p..- Fyerfoarîtheto. 2 akeJr.,Jo1,-S 1:30, or- omene culd be hrtvyudy an wee supergue.s rIatveanndBwmanill si yundcrway. so if you are inter- goals. The win moved the fer garne No. 13.lkJrJn SieyGo-sn0ecudSehtb fM.adM ested in playing or acting as a Bears Into the second round Atom League-- Game No. Teint Standings don, Solina, attended the spec- them. o ito. ad Ms Mrî et coach or manager please getl ot the Mug playoffs. 19- 2:15 p.m. Winner Ne. 14 Phillips - g ije church service, on Sunday, Mr. M. Fratîcais, Zion lead- Muto.M adMs .Snt m in touch with Seth Hunt at In the second Pee Wee M us Winner No. 15. Gay ------ 52 and were dinner guests of Mrs. ier led them in a relay that Mr. and Mrs. R1~ Altigrsviie e ohra MA3-04. am heRages eeaed Mîge-uv-GmeNo 0-MCniht-40 Niddery and Miss Mary Nid-ireally put us to puffing and visited Mrs. Edna cai tufil nSnacle We hope to have a meeting ithe Hawks 5-2 only to have 3:05 p.m. Orphans vs winner Charles .. .... 30der.y. also -Guess what it is" garne. lin nt Glen Cedarm etHm nM.adMs eleTbr early next month 10 form the!the game protested by the game No. 16. Brown. 27 Mr. and Mrs. Noskin Smitht Then the moment or niorn Columbus, on SatraveenPkenintevnng tasadrw pthe sched- Hawks. Veral MacLean (2),, Minor Hockey NItht Vanstone -- ------- 23 spen t Saturdey ex'ening at the 'ents. Lunch. There were ingan n. aidMr uic sand plaw g ule o h rnPtr an owa hsStraMrh3s High Single- J. Phillips 236- home of Mr. and Mrs. How-!mountains of different sand- Mr. and Mrs. LlodAhox n Aeada uoa 1962 àieason. and Lee Lemon scored for the will brîng to a close the 1961- 230-231, B. Coombea 211, T. ard Ormiston. Bowmanville, Iwiches, coisadcooaeRnl n a Atom Mug Serie.% Rangers. Don Forsey scored 62 Minor Hockey Seonn Mason 238-238, D. Neads 235 in hanour o! the birthday of' milk along with rnany giggles. day dinner guests o n n adMs .Lvrde .both Hawks goals. Bowrnanville. Four Champion R. Virtue 208, P. Buekler 212: Mr. Edwin Ormiston. I arn quite sure there were Mrs. Roy McGill. AlnSanoEnsiln In he rst SAtom Mug rn e b I the third Pee W ee Mu ip g es iî be îa e D. Brown 277, 240-210, G. Mr and Mrs. Hoskin Smith!so mne hollow legs around, for M Mr r. Ce a m prtaf w d y ih M. m played last Saturday mornîngWoolner 206, N. Vanstone 201, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray ýthe way the food disappeared. r.WLoeiganfaiv the Vikings defeeted the Bi- game the Bruins defeated the starting nt 6:30 p.m. Ti,1 h Ce]]eldor lsn pa-ad anl wr , sons 11-0. The win moved the Bears 4-2 In move ino the 6:30 p.rn.-Atomn Champion- T. Clan 206, W. Burgess 219, Smith, Newcasîl, lst Thjrs%- Rex.Pg l'or îs ng p rs ndfMiyre.Sndd virt ORIFFITE B. MBCDONALDCP.A Vikings into the second round Mug final againsi. the Leafs, ship Barons vs Hornets. D. Gay 209, 202. sy radw alsn h y on, or nt.dM..A.Wl SndyShoSnaymr- a!teMuoefs gis the Ru eisaantt engr nHws KnTb, 73 pm-e e ham- High Tripl- D. Brown '727, Mn. anid Mrs. Allun î'ayor "Tell me the Stories of Jesus" sn oot.ig~ 03.Cuc e~iea The PubliecAccoun tan tACouncil Indiens. Mike Donaghue scor- Gary Wilson, Bud Depew and pionship Canadiens vs Wings. J. Phillips 697. and children. Bowmanville, md eaillef for hu]ofom i th Mr. and Mrs. W.Bakun 30 6r thé Province of Ontario an.- cd nine of the Vikings eleven John Taylor eccounted for the 8:30 p.m.- Bantam Cham- Teenage Girls were tea guests on Sundey miser andler, fi f dies'Dale and Neil visite r.M 1Ouncea th@ election of Kir. goals. Kerry Noble and Bruce Bruins goals. Alan Calver and pioiiship Pirates vs Tigers. Munday 5 - Colp 2, Van- evenî ng with Mr. and Mrs. hpy n er "rd Blackburn at StrathvnRs Griffith B. MacDonald. C.P.A, Simpson accounted for the Peut Morris acounted for the, 9:30 p.m.- Lions Midget- Stone 7 - Pacden 0, Mulholland, skin Smith. Chair comniittee -Noel, Rob- Home.adMr.oyGhmBA ICE bf Toronto as its President to other two Vikings goals. !Bears goals. Juvenile Championship Gen- 7 - We-sselîs 0o. Gardon Stevens, Ennîs- loson. John Payne, Kris IBal-1M- Micee Mn C K.MaGilivay Toth seon Atm ug Bntm Mg eris ral v Cones.killen. visited Mn. and Mrs. Ison, Terny Shuttleworth and: M.adMs luCSd.A C . ofarilon theofirpra meInthe sBonbrd feted u ato m fi t SrBsentmMg Al ga mes.l ethe fTeantStandings BrSevnanStdy B!HoodddveY wî and famiiy were Sna u-W.lînyftrmv bIleted vere Vice-President Mr. the Rams 6-1 ta advance into gamne the FlYers handed the teen minute periods with the Mlolad- 31nn.gtîn i h hir ak~pvguests of Mn.adM-.*es ~d n at, hesecond round ageinst the Tee Pees a 3-0 shut-out ta ad- lest thnee minutes o! each Mundey- 46 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thomp- place. Mr. W. Rahrn's bihd. IrnwOddKdn PI D.A.Ympfrd.E.Sheppa rA Illoyals. Charlie Cattran (3), vence to the next round of the gae stop time. Sudden death Vanstone 46 son attended a party On Set- Announcenient.q In ail --,I,>.~ . wrM.M .SeprCPA,ýBruce Welsh (2) and Lawrence Mug pleyoffs. Larry Simpson overtime will be pleyed in Wessells - 45 urday evening et. the home of Apnil ist: Chut-ch for us RIl.! Mn. Eart Thompo n tmIt uny ,nru rreWa».e,Mr.W. I. Hetherington, Courtice one accounted for the accounted for aIl three te case o! tie" et the end of re- Paeden -- 27 Mr. end Mrs. Charles Hiltz, 'We are going ta church as a 'Cindy were recntspe tt.kbt. r.C.A., &Il of Toronto. ýBombens goals. Flyers goals. igulation time. e-. 16 Oshawa. gnoup, wear what un ifonm you, guesta «. Mrs. W.hompn._____ The Council draws to the at.ten- bInt he third and final Atorm In the second BantamMu Admission às Aduits 50c: High Single -- M. Mundey Mn. and Mrq. Lorenzo Trult have. Apnil 7th H-ampton dlean- lion of the public that ail those Mug game the Royals came game the Huskies defeated the hlrn2c hMnrMc 0-3-6,R alr20 .wr ndveeig dne;up of 6 qt. baskets. Keep sav- whoraticaaubleacoutatsup ith an upset defeating Cubs 5-4, ta move ino the key players holding member- Vanstone 256-228, K. 0ke 269, guests o! Mr. î.nd Mrs. Her- ing them anid give ihern Ic Onô rateas ubelicensed utndetm ikySakeon()adessoehwa 2,Lc i bead r ittfre !charge, HigP. h Tfriple265 . lunday Ms nTa Truli w and isspoeC) -22frpiku.-eAI.V I A I li-nai ms elcesdudrthe Giants 8-2. Tom Simpson flext round against the Brav- ship aditeoreeirt har , wg i l e -- 26 . MlnandMiTruAita Bw and isse. your nearest Tvro hoY -or; 2~II~L IM ýhe Public Accountancy (4),Dareî OShaceond (3ere ndhesalM-aiRoert Large(2n, oe but they must show their card 698, H. Vanstone 662, P. Jet- Joan Smith took part in the pa ho Hampt222 o dean u 2 c YActDarre Osmon werethe golpMeConcertert trgehen Arena nid pap n meagazines. K)ntao) 1950, and must observe scorers for the Rayais. The Readeî- were the goal getters1 at the door. fery 604. Pops Cncîert theicase unie ou papers n aaiens.A te Code of Prafesajonal Ethica Rayais will play the Bombers for the Huskies. Bill Sumers-' Hockey Sweaters Junior Boys ,oMn md Mr. Faki ri l maaies ndyc aroad i nid down by the Council. Any in the second round of the ford (2), Randy Beaupnie and There are stili a numnber ! ech5- eupi 0, Col-vsiehsant Mr. and sepFanlnTrl aatiesbundesT!ndbo helpi uioratonrear ïg hee Mug Series. The winner will Howie Edmondson accounted!Recreation Department Mir vile Mac Dan Bapi ,etc Ms. Loh rent rul. ad spta bundle hem fcaî CO 3-228 nabeersandeo the peactiesdfreguoa- advance into the Mug final, for the Cubs four goals. Hockey Sweaters that have 5 - Carter 0. Mn.nbr.CaleWr rakunl hr n aes TyO 3boy. Pc. Wee Mug Serles Io the thîrd Bantam Mug not been returned. Any persan' Team Standingss ren taok part in a curling Bon- O God, Help us to live and >loena ae oteAaind frreM. Inu. istPe Mggamne the Flyers defeated the who has not returned bis ve uln lbm Ï00 Ma beobtine fom r. n te frs Pe We Mu Lins5-4 ta move ino the sweater meay do so by bringing Beauprie, 3 spiel on Saturdey at South- respect ow- friends and neigh- .Doughty, Rogstrar, The Publie ga2ebouasd, the Bears oro os f rAP ln. ~ccoiîntata Counci for the rl a7ete the akes 5ar Mug Senies final against the 'it ta Mincir Hockey Night this Colville-31ea wnthprz. heraus hyogoradAe.B komnantsCounil fr deeatd th Rocets -5 aterBraves or Huskies. Glenn Rabb comng Saturday, March 3lst Etcher g 'ff t. five minutes and fifty-six sec- (2, frris IjonPyman, Bruce or neturn it ta the Recreation ýLeach 28 Mr. and Mrs. John Wa rrack. Tilt M. Vn De t agan, Fneof0Ontri, aoor32, 2 Boor onds af overtime. Doug Hayes Coombes and Steven Burns Office in the Lions Community Cre-1 Bowmanville, and Dr. Albert Ms. ..anDeLyt nd i ;tret Eat, Toronto 5, Ontario. (3), Mike Bothwell (2) and CadrotheFyrs ae etr.HghSnle .Sml 17 Alun, Fort William, wene Sun-Mr.JLon.IOA George Cannons were the goal - ,~aeuo n-BClvle 1 rml day evening tea guests with _____________________________ Cholick (2), Guy P.ark% and! ftesetr r o e .Clvle21,R rml 204. 1Mis. Helen White .nd MimsWL OS ORSEDN O E John Lockhart were th. Lions 'furned the boy respoosible for High Double- B. Clil -W~~,I~ (L goal1 scorers. iCilb eundt e fo 30 .Sae32 .Bomeli , Nancy .Johns. Ohw.\/UT OE XR PIG EPNE it il b rquiedInpR -fr 39, . Sal 32,R. roiel;Mr. Jackson WrayOw, \ ndi an 0 J T fl Lions Sidget-Juvenile it. '356, B. MacDonald 325. visited Mn. aod Mrs.* Tom Wray Mugr Serieq Pla.vground Supe.-visors Junior Girls on Sundey evening. Tr h is MdJiMg The Recreation Department Yeo 5 - Goodwin 0, Browni Mr. and Mrs. Murrax' Yeo Tirne Ca tiers .. gtexrcahnalup m- N OIEseries game the Raiders upset li bin eceipt of several appli-1' - Ga.v 2. Mulhouland 5 - le- iRnd Jennifer were Sundav rgtnw o edi afyrcoh the Jets byea 3-0soetaQae cto~for playground super-.0. dinneî- guests with Mr. and c~ a c n xess 0gt1.hts ed o ot th seondroud i evisorq for the summer months. Team Standings Mrs. Rosevear, Tyrane.. SpionsaouyarcrfDranurce T O O U R P A TR O NS ~seies against the Maroons.ibut the application frms are Gown33 Mrs. H. Tink, Slina: M. epine apybl ________________ Devitt scored 29 -f - the second Mid-Juv. Mug mer employmnent. G ay ludygusswt M.adfreno ondadsur gaethe Onphans defeated the!j Applicatian forrms ane avail- MulhltPere - y Deweii and tamily.:dancing to 1h. music of Mn. RFCOND . . oîrdu- oî peet.,îhvpv Acs4-3 ta move ino the Mug Htben h ereto fieMllad2;Mran Mrs. EgrCoe, Sam MeVanel and bis Munsic'i e ofyarprsn Effective Nlarch l6th lrigant ih n the Rad1e L os r ot the ReretonOfi el 21 Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Makers fromn Woodbridge. The IsaîetacutyupyLS j a rons.alther ElsTw lr' fiei the Ri-High Single M. Yeo 221, M. Cccii Slemon on Seturdav. dance was sponsored by the i (2)rsorJanske. odB i Towo Hll. Ait O picion te Wle liHately 184 Mr. and Mns. John Carnîgan Canadian Oid Tyme Celiens e'r ot rmnwo.Ti en Forsey xvere the goal sconers forms muîst be returned ta the Hioh Double M. Yco .360, B.,motored ta Brantford on Sat- ýAssociation and was hedinetrmoe tapndveypyay The Resaurant for the Orphans. Gary Down Recreation Office no later Bnown 336,M. Hately 305, W. unday. Port Hope High Schoo aon, (2) and Brian Down accounted than this Frida.v March 30th. Lewis 304. W. are sari-v ta know that Friday, Mai-ch 23.1 at he n l. Aes hre gols.Mrs. Sykes is a patient in There were a number ao' VOUR ilomBA ntteirteAcstregas Bownianville Holspital and thal. ceilers from Toronîto who are 'Gaines scheduied for Saturda.y, H A I T 0 Mn. Gardon Wilbur is ili in membeis o! 1he Callens Assoc- Marh 3lst hospitel in Oshawa. Vie hope iation. Also in attendance were D Q D -/z ~ ~~~~~that thex' wiil soon b. much local callers fnom this district OOs e fQ ] LANWL. Pce Wee Leaguie-- Came No, We welcome Mjs.Harold Mrs. Grace Bartondale, Oak jîpoe 12 .01 ar. Lafsvs an-Pater omefro Engiarîd 1Hil Lake, Mrs. Kernohan and ýipoe n health. inciudiîîg Merwin B e nson, 8 0 t Whîty, pen Moday Ouîr besi. wishes for betten Bewdley: Harold Rensberry,SO E URM EY RBEM - gens or Hawks. weesehsbn itngKevîn.WibsetMnalhlh Banitam League--Game No. with ber parents, brothens and wîth Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chant.healthIre extended ta Dr. Onano: Clarence Turner, Bow- 10S M',..JI',jK HOTEL ~iGeorge James. menvilie: Neil Cane. Cobourg; EOT YU PNJG PWR MOTOR HOTEL ~~~~1.1 7:45 arm. Braves vs Hus-,sisters. White away her Iwo Mr. Verne Chant, Univers-, apo uba esn aodBh n iny kies. oncs osvisited with lity of Toronto, spent 1he wapoeSnbaeese-Hrikeh o iny'GTTECSHVL EI soi. Pe. Mn. * gesmt Mondey at 4 p.m.. Lockhart of Port Hope.M. reere t rg la ice (Canadiens & Wingsî. Mrs. Alex Potter o! Saline. Chant. Mr. Gary Chant, Ty, MondeY at 7 p.m. Hampton Square Dance Club at Cobourg; sum er our 9:20pia.m. Bantam Prac- Mr. and Mns. Gardon Wake- . rafe, is staying with his -par- iTyro BOY',;Tnet, Tuesday stcancelled thein evening ini Or- s n er ousie(atLee ge. IamvN.iY Katherine and Dorothv nsfo' w ai whîle bis, 6:30 p.m. Hampton U.C.W. met der to attend this dance. 14 10:15arngIens GamVbNo- and Mn. Richard McLean, Toi' wife is i n Hospital. tonv T ciuesa t 8:15, when, These dances, which are :14 -10:5 .m.Inian v Vi-anto, were Sunday visitons Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thur-s ldes on Equador wene shawn edSrn adFliae Restaurant wiII b. open frornLage iae ogln nsadMr.Luther Ai- ton and Shirley, Toronto, apent yMr..Teble -m Ingrowing very rapidlY npou- LOM BANKC N DAL D Ato Legue-- ame linandfamlv.the weekcnd witb Mn. and Hi-C met Wednesday at 7:3<) 'eity because of their high 7 a.rn. until 12 niidnight 15 11:00 arn. Bombers vs' RayaIs. - Mr. and 'Mis. Fred B3il-lettiMnsq. Cliff Couleter. ;p.m. Choir practice iS ThUnsday ýstandard. Another dance suich Midget-Juv- Garni No. 16 and San Mr. Jim Billett, Scar-, Mr. and Mns. Orvilie Hind- et 8 p.m. as this will be hetd in file PoeM 33 MOTE OPE 24HOUR EVRY DY -11.50 arn, Maroons vs Raid- bonough, visited Mrs. A. E.Iman and famiiy, spent last The -Hampton Spring "hanik- Commuinity Hall, Newcastle, 3 King Si. E. Bwnnil MOTE OPE 24 OUR EVEY DA teS. Billett on Sunday evening. weekend with her parents, offering Service at 2:30 p.rn.isametime in May with music Pee Wee League--Gamne No. Miss Faye Smith spent the 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dedrick, on Stîndey, wes well attended, provided by the same orches- _____________________________________ 17 12:35 p.rn. Bruina va win- weekend nt ber home allSimcoe. Miss Diene Hindmnan and an inspiration Ici ail who tra. _ ~ ~~Frankford. rcturned home after a pies- were eble to attend. The choir _____________________________________________ Mn. an M.ns Bih auhsnt holiday with her grand- Sang the anthem, "I Heerd the ýStMr.andMrs Bil Vugh, 'Voice o! Jesus Say', wt .h In te t... fter est.. afte testWhitby, visitedi her grný aetkAfde-Page giving a sweet rendition- . IsY u D llr M koT eMt s. ryelme iln, Ms.i Sunday services and were tea1 quartette, Messrs. Harold Bal- Mr. lmr ibu, rs L;guests withMr and Mns. j, sn Geraid Balson, Lewis,0 ~ " aClemens and Mrs.A. L. la-C,,lemnsTrull and H-arold Wilkins Of If VJp~ 7cherd were dinner guests on pleesed evenvone with their Wednesdev or lest week with Mr .and Mns. Jlohn Siemon. n f'I eo 'Misses Leona and Fisie Stain- Enniskilleo. were Suinday snino!'Beogt.lss" conevstoswbhMn dMi. Douglas Deweli weis pian- ,ton, Oshawa. istigvstr wt r n m for tbhe fternoon, and we e armMrn. and IMre. .A. Noî-îhcîtt Mrqs L. Clempns. are ail protid o!. the service Bowmanvîie. visited Mn. anâ Mi-s. J1. R. Knox lx a patient' rendered by this fine Young Seagram.L.Blacsrdon Stun- 10 the Toronto Hoscital:. d man. fr. 0LdTO ~SAVECAla&i 1 1.and Mr. Wllison we-re [Mr. ad Mrs. Cha%. Burraws, was, "Maidie Gets lelp"' The £UIU VLiBBy'SFAC ý supper Ruests wîth Mn. and Brougham. ' guest preachen was Rev. F.J. Regi2itins-2 M.and Mr,;. Merwin Mount- ithe ne-union ai the Missi~ion .r now living at Sunderland N ew b ran d 1Set- f 'and rmmr hlavri edsl0JU R02rs29-AV8 6 lc

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