PAGE TE!! rwl~ C~ADIAN STATESMAM, ~0WMANVILLE, o'~rrA~to AD VICE ON GARDENING ~ FRUIT FOR THE HONTE 3sting of . or 4 wires, ralte GARDEN the Espalier forro. Tt j" in, by Harry Van' Bello terresting to note, that. IargE Van ll, Grardpn,,; nurnbers of hom-e-o %Arn ée r Boxvmanvillo screen their vegetable garder from their hack lawni; witlr No home zardprîis omplef'; the Espalier grown treeis, ui- without some formi of fruit. ing il as a living fencke. whether thiev are Ftrawberricz. Grapes rould also he 11501 fruit trees, or grapes. ManY Raý a living fencp, trainirui gardeners aîiccessfullv deco'-- thrn, on wires or aaiost a wail Ate %w.itli dwarf fruiit-trpees in Whpn planting grapes, bu: the back rarden area. or P.ven onlv the 1 or 2 year nid vines in the flowr-r border, amonz as soýon as x'ou have plaotec the sbrubs aon-l flowers. This îhern prune thern back i0n3no creates an întorestirg and âs 4 bude, to produce sturdY cinating design, ,sccomplishing branches whicb sçâould th-1 8 threefr)ld purpose; shadfo. be tied io their place on thî fruit, and ornameotal design. wire. Conco>rd and Fredonlia Dwarf apffles ]end themnselve.5 are amone the knownr best for Ibis pîîrpose, and rightly so, for theY Pan of their sfuirdiness and low excellent in our a rea. bushy growth. producine abujn- Another favotrite in thî dianthr in 2 to 3 voars aft'r home fruit is the. strawberry plant ing. When planting anv Thev ar pane in a weil typeL of dwarf tree keer indr'n edola n tesny mmid, that the graft or bud drainerd sothe sandy sido srface o7ilth sou. Be sure thai the suforcthi orf e Fîathe(ba thnrown rof the stawberry plant forfting effct on z tan' th-arfis love] with the soi]. Set theni r1wrfig efec onanvrlwrfaboit 16 inches apart in rnw: fruit trre is thoir root-systerr, of .1(j inches. Water the plants where the varietv of fruit is wel and finti the soul aroîjr grafted or buddedi on. Stakes the rw.Mlhten-ï are required 10in osi. cases, if straw io the fail. This cari hp the soi! is light, or where the. taken off io the spring oi trer- stands exposed f0 the: worked into the soi] around wind. Close. Red Melba. Mc- the plants for an afl voar Intos-b. Spy and Doudcous, are mlh vrern aite: romp of tho brst %varietios for lch.evRerbeharndg varfeio the home -,garden. Applrs atn l ake Re i anSuprfoc Par wa or on awirefned con- lJar every year, although the a, wal- oron Pwire enunetjfh earing strawberries likp Premnier and Sen Dunlop stili have a prominent -place io the DEAD S OCK gardoen. Strawberries shnuli SERVICE be ordered Parly front Your Purrhased noeordinz «n : age problemrs. They should bp andI condition. kept, cool runtil planting. TPhe nmt nimalq rêmn-.e<l irpe earlier you order themn th- Phnip Collert. Pelerhnrnugzh hetter the condition. because- RIverside 2-8827 lsonorPn thpe n dpnl ofsfr- NICx rFCo\T. Prnprie»tnr age.-kan Licence No. 1 17-C-61 Ra,-pberit-.,ç. hoth hlacksu _____________________red niake ruch a ichcg A Good Man Is Hard to Find .BUTWE FOUND ONE -. 's lntrnll!lefintOuîr FR M A 1RSNTTIV MR. R. STEL vtli.i wIli lr vonI plan and huile! " HOC, BARNS " CATTLE RARNS " POUF. 1ARNS * AU1 FARM PHONE MA 3-3388 AND *SK FOR MR. ROMKE STEL TOTAL FXPERIENCT TIhP total ,xuerienrp ant"I Mo lOU ef nvpe finl Beatpr Itijhor Igtnrps f'ow huiiidi!njr tamhollel- ingg arrno,,4 <ttarin 1,% enginieereel InIn e-r farm 1tulIdinc. BOWMANVILLE -1 e s 'i i n that chidren and even doi5 hiavP i problen, tc(o raw I tliith. so koep thi inmind ,bn you are plantiniz vour hack garden. Tt k an ideal' spot to plant thenoi againsit thee fonce> or voun lot-line a'sR. livinIz fonce. Anv good gardenl szoil wilI grow excollonit fruit. Red raspberries c ao be plant-I rd 2 feet spart and the black raspbe-rries 10 to 10; inches! apart. Cut tho caines to 61ý inches above (ho g ZrOu-nd At planting. A go<>d stnaw mulch' or sawdusî will keep down! tho vveeds, and provide cooll szoil aro>undi the hushesý. Re- move the dead canes; short] 'vl at.ter bearing. Somne of (ho:ý hest varietie., are La th air, Taylor and Swelt Septemberi- as an ovorbearor. in the redI.,I Columbian is a gond one in the black. Other fruit snicb as Ciur-' rantq, Asparagus, Bluieherries j and Gosoni, are wellU sujited for vour garden, jziviog,' \111ail a excellent selection. What could ho i-icor than t.i rnjovy otir own fruit?' Where 2andeners livP, nature gives.", No hompegardon ik comnplote withouit zome form of fruit. Feel freo to contact an.v On-' tarin Nursorvyman Associationý Menthen for additîooal info)r-ý mation. This article ha.q been I hioigh bvou by (ho local 1 momorsr, of the Ont;irio Nur-, servman's Association. W8tril for ncxt weks,, article on, Lavwn 1Car. Wins Mick Brown's Case Silverware BETHANY M.irs.Fred M7.Reýnold5, ,%hn dAand VIs. Hizh \clnli bad be-n illI aihor home xiu consoait1tin A %,s ri cz10n Mrs. pneumnonia. wa.- (akon tr. Cl\ivi aisGrtaoad s.G Hospital. Peefrbnroic£h. on rtin idMg.Gr wednesdiav. donn Kirk. Bob Blowfeti wonî jMn. and Mr.s. Rowlanîd Sr.ilt and (heir daiughtor Suisan have arrived home frono their trip (to California, 1Mrç. Winnîfrod Fitzgeraid, who bas boon in Civic HoFpi- tal. Peterborough. for nîanv weeks was able to neturn to ber home bore on Thnirsda. Mr. and Mre. Cecil McGill. Toronto, were weekend iesuz with Mr .and Mrs. Jamos Mc- Km non. William Il-atinahi. who bas been a patient in Peterboroîugh Hospital,. k now convalescing at -the homo ot bis daughte--' and son-in-Iaw. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Staples, Cavan. SDr. Norman L..wes. Flitît. iMich.. wvas home for the tk en with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Iowes. Offa Staples is homo again frono Peterborough 1-ospital.t Mr. andj Mrs. Vincenit Jack- son and Mrs. Thomas .Tackszon visite.d with Mr. a.nd Mrq. Boss Hall in Wbithv on .Sinda\v. Tho> Bethanv Ladies Orange Lodge bheld à progressive ou-i chre party un (ho Orange Hall on Frida 'v nighi. xwith 12 ta"b-I les of play' ers. Prizes for hi5zh scores wo.t (o William loi-S LONG SAULI Mr. And Mss. F. Ponxvarden______________________ Andi familv werr Saturda' suîpper guests of Mr. And M-s. Dtring! thr, W. Il. 'Mick" Brown Case Showor M. Kellett. Janetvilîe. Mr_ and Mrs. Bobt. Camer-on and ntîmbrn of fine prizes woivre nistributed to iuck 'v winn( pfamilv wore- Sunda.v evenirig R.R. 4. Bonwman\'ilie. is shnwn with th,- cabinet of st' guiesîz.q of thoe . Pejnwârd.ensz. w onr. Mir. Rrowý,n i,, making (hp presen tatuon. Mr. and Mr.s. G. Brown ai Roîss, Oshavva. were sunidav, visitons ni' the Wm. Browns r And Cilýi.Twp. Cou ncil Ms. and Mrq. Norman Davis M nvers T p o n i wre Fridav eveninz visitor'S cfon MsMMaorndTh- rnogjlar meetinc for (he ('ommiissionens ne the Ponv,ý- Mr. nd rs.Rvp ibsn ionih of Mavch 'vas bold on pool Station; Village of Omne-, wese Mn. By GisonMarch fi1h.19q62. ith ail Co;mn- mec re a WelfaRe Pcbargo-hack iek Sunda *v s.uppe gests of' cil miembers of the Tnwnship caRse: 2 shep daim; Dept. of' Mr.An Mss. N. DA v-isF. 0fMaos presiint. Reove H.\ys ce two ropresenta- MrS. W. Vaneylk, Mns. * .lkmnpoidd iV ocî s h oiCun Partnoc. Mn. G. KovacS AndM.akm; rrér.tvqicl ithnx Ci- Miss Grace S:mith attondonith(,e Tlhe minutes .gfor ilio F'ri- il meeting ne peod cilimitF "Cp AcijAitedirvmeptnz eré-rral t throîîgh Bprhanv Village AodV Red Cross- GtAqiineavmeiig c~na icd p- soveralacnit Tea;" lield lasî MondIa.'- fe- rn on motion of McGilli noon ln tho Logion Hall, Bow- AndMMsir Mss. F. R. Milnp And P.0 mainvill. ýTho fnl lowin.- Fru ii p Beseof (he Dep(. or 1-1gb-r Miss GrAr Siih And Mîs tion,;xvî-e rpccivcd And rpad i.a,s îraffic conitrol8Rnancb .1. C. Cook vstrrelativesapq ntd outPlCr .< , naldon ibe Coîuncîl and sub-ýf Goorgetown And I nLgiwood pUniction ouflitonCli ('ointes.pmitlpd figures and chants ofý lasi wpeek. piaino ntd(njtpz1 ý dv o Afi e .Mn. And Mss. BilI Mitche1ll Coinc»il (o havpe ho'Tx Ar- a lijdy of thrVilageic speed- ;an é M iSrnarSsss(emchangod hpck i noiih (ho Vllan g ofBeth -n iura,. Mt-,. I-win ,Sr ime undor the Assossment'a n « .Th De.of ibws Marîkbam, Mn. And Mss. J-At Cimn heirec mnid win. Tosonito. morp Sunday c: hpmnChmcas Se~ ppoeoai 'os r..omi ndenlo >a speed limit .35 miles pen bouir suppen guest.q of Msr.And M rS. piolsio 'ricd ix;h ltf, fet rn b G. k ovsacs. don: Financl(il stateme.nt foi- Railwi.ay track on (hoe as( limii iMn. Andl Mrs. Archie M'-!161of (Ahor G:2ana plskatRiver intohe limits of t(o bruît iup Neil. Osbaxvaw. Mn. And Mss G.C-fon.Auhnit. v 2 apiciir-nsares on (ho wes.ç Tho Couincil Kovaca were Sattîrdsv oven- frWnl l Isetr:were to give the matter con- ine guestS of Mn. And Mre. H.Mnhyeot f(o elhSidprption. Mur'hv. n. ad Mr D.Unit an Schnil Attndanco Murhy.M.. Ad rs.n.Officonr: Balance r ni'Rad Sîub Tho Dept. of igwa 5uih- Pliasex' and famil 'v,*T rono.* sidiv for 1.961 rocoi\,od un (ho mittod plans of (ho old srctions wer Stnda afornon alInsamontn of $R.3t65.4 1; Rcqtuet of No. .15 Highmav (bIai tbev of .h Mirpys or as;sistance hi. letton forpropose to tuîrn back lo (h*F Mn. and Mns. Henh Cnaig 'ofap:oor f Tra nsport Townsbhi p on Apîil ISI. 1162. and amiy. shaa. eroMoved hy MaIrlcoî,.secondrrd Sundav Lguestitof Mn. andi MoS. b~MMse (a h ui D. rag.Os.aa) KEDRON cpa Couincil or ihe Township Mr. .jac-k TOhnsoo. O1-<uý'o avr pttt nAcn visited bis parents, Mn. and 1,i ofrth MallIlip .teýsrinvof bestutae (o scoop Mns. Bort. .lohngon. on Stunda *v. > 2 f(oKorr l in lahesectin of od 35 igbwavt Mn and Mr.5. A. Baker, aneot1'bu;rcb Women beld their un plansr submi(tS ed, uini tu and Michael. Steppheni v 1 11 e. meeting sPt th,- chîurch on iÀ,pd_ e.1o ihvasrprsru woie odieds suppn uetsnesdav nught. atives and (ho Cotincil of Man- of n. nn W MnIps. G.iipp Bakger. Ms tnti'Olearu veers Township criild mako a rifMn Ansetui. krni oo, wihth rogranannd pOresoted Ibe int, inspection of (ho ares, Khem. s(ndg hmp wih h hpook wi (hoassitne -Pfter the snow bas, gnie sway : ; n ordon to assoss (lie condition Mn. sndMit-q F. E. Alocan- of Mu-s. Dnglas .ýInv . mr:z. of tho noad. (airuedi. donr, owmanville,. Mn. ann Atigîi G;iÇeishnierr (r.. plaYed .Mrs. G"o. lrwin andni lrns, lwo piano solos dîurnn the Moved hy' Malcolm. soconri- F.nniSkillen, Miss Penny Pooilo evening. Pd hi.'McMaieý(r (bat the "War- And fsiend. Mis.e Donna Ayre. Tho Yniiîigp-Oopls Sîîîdv nn propost. " nnw owno-d hi. Osbahwa, Misses King And Schnol clsss n\ovorl An ex.- the Towvnsbip of Manvens ho bann Ponter. Liuid-à v, wore opnune of bowling orn Fr i da Y sold to Mn. H-arold Thompsno Su ndra *v xiqiton. of Mn. Robert ieeniug. for $45.00. Carried. Gel Your Price For Your Livestock thrnih q T A T E ',i M A N c il A 9 9 1 F 1 E n 9 I'hnnp MArket 3-.3.03 jiiîspEcIÀL tow PRICÉS,,, *N NATIONAL BRANDS At Your Local Druggist's- Thurs. - Fri. -Sat.' CREST TOOTH PASTE Re.u-1i -- 79c ,i ~DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 74c miz'e 69c ILECTRIC SHAVE WiIianis - Reg. 7c65Sc I j~SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO $1.21 sizp 99C.11 iLISTERINE 'Il o. -Reg. 19r7 9c 1~i'1 1"RESDAN Hair (onditioner iiez. $1.1ifi $13 3 S' SU AV E Hair. Dressing 98c e 8 8C ~'LYSOL Reg. 83f -6 9c.if jiDRISTAN TABLETS M<>s $2.25 giv $1 .89-111 WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE 11COWLING'S DEUG STORE JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE ' II% LEX NcCREGOR, DRUGS 1ORONO " JURY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHARMACY t TheBibe Cas herI b-- The 1H01 i~x roli l t Mfl- nesq meetling and isocial e-vers To>wnsýhip qi-otied in iog ree] *lN, ;t the home of $~1,8.1 10.42 . $1 12,67-1.50 h as Mrs. DoilsloÇ een paid "ip io F'eh. 28. 9. Th's pas? -I Mrs. EvrrottloaVing aà balance of $25,-' 'Moi-intjoy speoitsorl day' s 4,16.q12, Moyen hy McGill. sec- wiih Mrs. Norman Gimblptt ofr onred hy porter that, the re- Coliinihîijýzwhn ihopir Joint turn of tho roll he oxl-poded (on projrci xs as quiiitine a qîîilf. Vav ]I, .196i2. so thai the fi- This w M< ~rs, Orval .Jack- tire caoi ho eirîc<-lhoforeit .son. Mrs. Rita Mounino, and.' entérod lto (h àarirea rs Mi-..William Wrrv naccomipani- ldRr. Carriedl. ird Mrs. Bruce Tînik of Solinla Reevf>..laikemao ale forý In Rrooklo for a i-ounion of tho opeoiog of the applica-1 mrobers of (ho Mission (jr- lions, for the positioos of twn dep lhat was formed ih i rt vWa rie p FI - 1loapeotors for yoars7 ago wonKodroo was- 1962. Theo followiog applica- part of (ho Brooklo charge, lions were received: .V ThP spocial speaker was Mrs. Shos. lospecrtor $1,25 prhtr .M. C. Fiqhor of r coloo Falls. plus orc prr mile travelling Mr. and Mrs. C'larenico Wor- allowance: g. BR Shes, in-' iv a;riproilin 0wclcomo ano- sotraondrasotainfor (bier granddaîîghltcr. .1 pa n r upm.n $2.60 ppr boit r. Marie. rd;3"Zhtor of Roi., and Moved hbv McMaster. second.I Mr-.. Roboptt Werv of ('ii t- Pr hy Valolm. tbat. theIlwp NIr. andiriMrs .A. R. Scoitn 'tocpld sod (bat . H V.She;ý Godcrrich. have hoon i isifit!gand<E.FBR qhr,;;ieçeîeve 1 fsmily and frienris tr the Kodi- per hotîr and thal, F.R. Shes ron .îroa this past woo-Pk, Ane Ris.hop. roprosentog ~ JTTI~ Ma\ucl HP irlhîzSc bonI. aq: B JUAflI gnld merdallist a, (he Public Spo,.2kinp Contosi for Inspor- G. LLOYDI)KENNEDIY torale 2 ot Oniario Cotiuntv, hcld on Whitbv ouTîusn The funeral service of nG evening. Mari(' Mainimân ré, -lo'n'd Kennedy wag bold in1 pres-rnîod Kodron p Il h 1 i c the United Cbuirch oo Thurs- Schnol. dav affernoon. with the Rex'. Mr. aînd Mrs. A. sîocks or' George Richardson officiatiog.- Cuîîlktiife. Su-îhwa.wrro Mr. Kennedy. agodi 70 vears. glirsis for to- al the homo of died on Mondav nighl. March Mr. Pnd Mrs. Clitîncr Worrv, followiog a lingering on Saturd1ar. îlîness. loe was the son of Mr. Mîs Doroth\. Rîshonp of Ot-t. and Mrs. George Kennedy' and awa. sýprnt soxoral davs ibtis hid lixvori in the Bethany ares wrrk wih Mr. and Mrs. Rodl- aunce ear]-, childbood. Ho wa.i gor Bisbop. a tarmer and owned his own S;i ndav diiier cursts of Mrrs. rucking buisiness u otil retire- Evereti 'Moniilnovwore Mr.* ment. HP vas aiso xvidelv and Mirs Poncy Mnntjv and ýknowo for his fine road horseS. tamily and MrF. Bill MAc-Gne- hoing a consistent winner a? gor.. the Toronto Exhibition. Royval Mrs. .. R itrd. Commission- WVinter Fa i r, Peterborou gh or of ihe Rossland District was; and Lindsay Exhibitions and a guest ai the meetin g of the 0tlier local faini and took 2Oîh Rrow,%nic pack on Wed- , reat pnide ho t.he maniv iro-, no-sdFava? Maxweil Heights p hies and prizes be har] won. Schooî. F or several vears he also judo. Mrs.Riri Prrolrd Ahn d bonses nt local fairs. Hep Mrg? s teBirderolld M.i.lobn was a memben of the United Sag~ aslhe oox TanueO1lChuirch of (ho pack and pnesentedi gol- deo bars toi ShelleY Fisher. His wife. the former Roho-na Sarah Jane S a ge, Nanc 'v Spencer. predeceased h i m Brooks, Regina S( hleîss, Meg t hree vears ago. He is sur- O'Nei!] Elizabeth Greer. Doîî- vived by his brother, Herbert na Glox er and C,,01 Giffor-d. Kennedy of Bethanv. 'l'li Kedron Unitied Church Pailibearers were Weston Women for their fîrst big pro- Hutchinson, Harrv Mel-augh-1 ject, are holding a Fashion'lin, Milton Stephenson, Fred Show: of childrens clothiigiBvers., Earl Fallis and Milford and ihorp will also ho, a tca Bvers. ron and a alp ~i fhomo rhak- Rtiriali w az i n Y t 11 til inla. i Cernetery. n F'nidav e x'onin ' 'quite a ners. Mrs. Gordon B~arrie, aînless selflatwirp. she receivo $5 per- bouir for transportunz (ho ozpravor. Car. ried. Moved hi.-MiMastor. soi' onded bY Porteýr, t hat1 (lie Clerk notifv t(o BoardJ of Transport Cmisoes S Ottawa tîîalt(ho Councril of ibhe Township of Manveirs nep commiend thal. (ho C.P.R. Ibave (ho Agent. at thp Station ini Pon-typool for s peniod of vine vear n (,p0if (hoe.joint, efforts of ail those -wbo are in fav\niur of re(aining thçe agonitcaainin crosse the businves o ihp point. wlero tîbe C.P.R. wi find it profitable. Canrievd. Moved b-,- Maîcono.';fecond. edH bv MoýMasten. that. i(ho meeting adjoiiro to Apsil 3rd. 1962. and if a Spocial mein, s. nequirod sioonor itshaîllho at (ho caîl of the Reeve. Car- ried. ' toc uhick\ rinor pri7e. (he la- dies plan a simîlar eveni for April 6th. The Cisand Scout i Mothetrs' %vviuc'wro oEnteniainerl atl the home of M r s. Vincenit .lacknn for ihoir iiiociii.- ibis vvook. TroasiircrrMns.lJackson ro- ported i ic sîccess of Ilie're- con!t Tamil v Nighi" and the 5serxingz of lunch ai the 1l .1... Diance. The Auxiliirv fundis a re iisod to furtber voiith ,wnrk in (ho comoîunitv hv si ippl 'ving camp and athletic equipm-ent, liniform items asq requiested bY the Scout Masz- tr, catering for the anuîa-; Father and Son Banquet and 10 help organi7o Scouiting ai- tivîîv %where roqiieste-d. TheP s ecrleitar1,v. Mi~s. NocI Wond readsaItier from headquar- fers snd tiwo new me mber le'- tors were signied ln ho sent out. the big cars; you know ail about the compacts. You may or may not know that now there is a new standard size car-and the leader in this new class of car is the Fairlane. It fits right between the big cars and the compacts. Fairlane is a foot longer than the average compact ... and a foot shorter than the average big car. Fairlane's wheelbase is 6.1"1 longer than the average compact-just 3.5 WV.Tt~5AY.MAF. 'ith18,l2 I booh for the ne'<î (\vo daricc ,pnsood ribv- the IO.L. çomep colorcd slides of picturrm iaken h v Di. Spelle>r. Lunc/ 'ý Was sorv*\ed. Next meeting wjll bho lîold AIth1!(-home 0fMnsm. Adidisoo Scott. G.El THE wu4À>STORY TODA Y! no ebligotiom à. as Iow as$19O The Scoi>tma;stor sked th- assistnce ofthe ladies inJA C B Gt sdngonft ibo (amis nf boys R AC BB UGI i.itlu Hot, Cross hiins delivpr- Plt'Nr*ING- and 1REATING oes on April !9. A tentati'ze Oiato for tho Fathen and Son Dih-kion Stree't .1nuth Banquet wagsrtclfor Iljne 1.MNI 3 5 f;El ROWMANVIIL9, Voluinloors.rc rpqueste odn - suîplvreresinetsaItb'- p many f rien Ve wish to thank ail our ds and customners, num- bering well over 1,000, who attended the armuail 'SHOWCASE" last Friday evening i the Town Hall, Bowmacnville. We were more than pleaised to welcomne th!s capacity audience, the largest yet. When winners of the $15,000.00 grand prize are announced they will b. published in this newspaper. W.H. BROWN LOCAL CASE DEALER 91 King St. W. Phone MA 3.5497 M interior roominess, Fairlane is as large as many big cars of a few short years ago. And it gives you Ford's famous Twice-a-Year Maintenance fea- tures that most other cars lack completely! Price? Fairlane actually costs less than some of the compacts. Test drive this new standard size Ford. Get the feel of it. Like most people,you'Il probably feel that lU's just right for you-in every way. 'Whitgeafl lie@ ottJ peeilleI4uet moers m eortionat et extra eon. SEE YOUR DE ALER CAR VETH Newcastle, Ontario MOTORS Phone 3251 is this car a compact? noe's a FORDj,ý Z4?kZ~é FAIRLANE 1$ 111E NEW STANDARD S11E FORD!1 What ls a standard size car? You know about inches shorter than that of a big car. In terms of s C-ANAMAN 5TATESMAN, 90'Çý7TýIAN' MLL -Ir, ONTARIO PAGE TEN