1'W~ !OA~ANAM grAT!~MAN. ~ ~~TA~1O b e r s n t t h e c o n g r e g a t io n ' A s pach left the church and e . A i dceived their thaîîks for the' .V WW W~~ _______________fine_ service. Besides the bore-l re a tio n _______________________of plants with many coloured leaves, a deep gold chrysan- * lhemum made a bright gIýonvC o r e i of colour in the church. This Gardon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 lAustin who recent!y celebra- ted their wedding anniversarv. Npxu casile Tt enoiîgh pr 5There iq a qultn again soi"; 'n the village are inter-R Iis week, thiq im at Mrs. ested in laking, square danc- ubi Sp knnCom mun ity !. sh, î ng îessone river RnuimberofR PubicSp akngSome' animais as well "; eeks. such a course will be sorte people take queer quirks owlingin -,he spriog. Harold Austin set iîp b\ the Re(-reation Crrnu-O lost one of his geese lately and nittee. This vxas the decision Nepcasîle F'ollowing le the a neighbour reported seeing of the members at the March N e w ca stle L io n s C lu b list of hgh ;cnri-sin thp-,at-- er valking up anld down the:meeing ofthe committee heldA I4oc D ç nding March 24ih. the lake. Another bird from '%\as considerable discussionoc H o st t D if0 A C o t s Mondav Ladies League-- the flock was taken down but on the subject of square dic i K210 an d over, M, WintePrs Ihe van derin g one would only ing and il \vas decided tha! ai i 25, . Frro 28. 1. M r orne to il when no human was' 28,9,L. 22, 1. Mecer arounid. If she was waiting for ânyone interested mnt sqîmar'- V er1'V 241, E. Perrin 212. M. Couch1 the wild geese some nt thprm dancinlg should contact M r.9 s N x e n s a i hi210, M. Graham 204. 'aebe en lignrh 'Donald Parker, Phone 2536 as theb N e ! W e n sd y N g h r \n Men*s league 22-1 5 J r c but the farm gnse is still her. soon as possible for furthri-r Neeatp h Nx ate ratmn~~ar ex l h h a P t herville 239. R. Mliro 23, A. shaxi lions Club have the signal'Eyesight Conservation, thev feet and Rive a report. revnPearce 23.3, .Jobnson ZION sîed fo Ie lecIn f- ff i-,c the o ufonr teet îo beconsider Public Speaking One Io gie an address without be- L ats23, B.WGlanve22,cers of the committee riwhen LOu A3 Public Speaking Finals'of ibeir big projects. ng nervous or having stage aG. Watson 232, K. Whitney 229,i xwhîrh wîll he held in the New- Bv these contests Iibe r b .Rwe28 dMs aree l"oesLfr il r frs awehare re-eSamted Da rastle Community Hall at 8:(0 the means or training xoung Manva bhsie smari nd Wed0 nsdades LeagC uch'0e OtO 'isitda oetKl-wtoîopsto.Teo- Wedriescay, Apri 4th. peple to repare temselveseveW.mar\,pofonr20x.cuB.eBrW. nm20on.20..B.aBrwMrMr. adimrs StJinSt onntr t ' -eon;ecrcttarY, Mr. .tStan lit. S This will bring logether the 'for things that wîll corne aftec wîsh thal, theY had had the OP- E. Darling 204. atteoded the Mnstrel Show a!Brohn and Treasiîrrr, M rs. firsi and second place winners1tbey leave Hili School. Near- ,portuoity that these young At!Jh Nortbrtip. îs fcomhot Roion10 and 11. ]y everyone hecomps connected pcople have ta train themselves Junior LeagUe -(1,5) and OCVl n Stra vn District A.1 comprises ail' the with somne Church Organîza- :lunthe art of Public Speaking oxr R9, . God 22, S. Bas- M.anis tnleyC A die l ea rpur îf ias i' duci Lions Clubs from Ajax ta tion, a Lodge or Service Club!There is no charge made foi rd 9 .Bwn21,..Bs c rd Vr.Saly ver- hiiisa h rn a ie te 13rockville and north toi Algon- and there are a great many admission toc Ihese contests, ikerville 196, N. Gaines 192, .1. lv and Karen, Ebenezer, Mc.i quin Park. The Lions Clubs of limes tbey are <alled upon bo your presence lhere is a great Chacd 18:3, J. Cuinningham 2101, and Mrs. Morley Fliîîtoff, rnittce in charge of the arena, Wayî-i Ontario and Quebec have been spea k. Some. may be called help tI the contestants, yucW, Flintoff 208, T'. Alldread Bowmanville, wv pSndyA lex Hlendc-v showing a Most Scbni conducting Public Speakinglupoo la say ooIv a few words Support. iS needed. Please keepI159, W. Pearce 150, B. Heatle callers at Wes Camieron's. sccesfar etakernfhJack ay(Aib Contests *rithe High Schools and others tci gi ve a report of tlhe date open and arrange to 1176. M. Dean 176. Mcm'dMasTm uri o the saea ro f the boea cbr nt Ihpsp two Provinces, for a some kind. With ibis traiîîinglattend tbis contest. iTbursdav Mixed League _ and tamilx'. Scacborough, were conc.ession was rented hy Stan fourtr (2)00 and oveci B. Rnwe 295, G. Saturday visitors at RobertadBb ron c.1ndvne? at Casa Lama in Toronto. May Co- .3 .Toa 2.D Killeo's. nioe htIerpotb ie ol 8-9-lOth, and the Tulip F'esti-Roe1. Mr. and Mr-,-. Tony Kreig and dealt with al, a laler date, 0'Cmt val in Ottawa. andvr M i e 'e 2 00 A and daugbters. Scugog Iand, and ihe motion was seconded Bowl Aninteresting fact, was re- Rowe 263, S. PowcIll 275, BA. tal, Hans Geissberger's. bY Tracy Et-blex.\. Crydc îl w a tevAn 233,te B.io 'Hogap 5, .FegsO Mr. and Mrs. N. Patter and n ototr Alx ienrvCarol M'rs, K. W. Biglow fcom Chap- 24-3. H. M. Munro 242, T'. Em- Dart-vle. Toronto, visiteci At andi Fred Coiîcb a commile Jh eau as Prpsident for the rm be'224. G. Kinibail 222, J. Henry' Dart's. of Sain Breceton and Tîr a c V FPr r ing vear. Il was discovered.1,ew in.P.Cîih20. Mr. and Mrq. Nornman Leach En-ciwafapp.nldTtelnk T cS oc ta! and ' Ae rsona/ ximnngsrteo teeaI vstd Jon KvealSt a r fleschedniing O h ' Mr. a;nci Mrq. 'MlurraY Wal- Mrs. F. S. Agne\i,.Pbilip aiîd tended tbe first convention of W S E VL EitiW.qCaeoMs R-sao.dico ton cornpeled in the District ,Dav;ic of Kilbrîde were Satî,r- the Association 56 years ago bert. Wles amteddanMs. o- eascnexpli Badmin t o n Tournament in1b a visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. %eewmn Ms iwig Acmoe f tbe UnîitedTh epr froni as fol Belleville on Satuirdav andiGordoo Agnexx. onevhhfeorrthissa ta oici billb WAtn me ai .e aniiarv st was read liv thellerpif -vent lhrough ta the semi-final1 Mr Andi Mrs. Perc, 'lambhlvn the office Or president. This home ofr Mrs. Hector Dar-ke awaiteasurer, Mrs. John Nortb- cepre round. ,;pett SatuLrda.y visitîng with max' corne as a surprise tri fa,- on 'Fursdav atternoon of last RandY Prout.i Rrwma,îvillc, rîîp and on motion of r ms. fnrma Congratulations tIn Mr. I-a- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Withers in mer-s' wives, whose job if, bas week in îiake arrangements spent a rew da.vs witb b<.i Donald Parker and Tracv Em- goond, ry Trbble wbo celebrated bis 'Peterborougli. yen for- tears tri tend the tn cator for a banquet, n the;grandparents. Mc. andi Mrs. Mlev was accepfed as read MilS. Ininretieth birtbday on Stundayý,! Mr. Verne Chuldr of Peter- vegetable and flower bedsq. ilTear fuiture. Ail xvere pleaseci Ray Camerari. firechso25 ltive calleofcist bocough spent Sunday afier- isgratifytng ta knaw tit suchîlhaf tbe COuîvener of the social There is quitp a lot oif meas- orion visiting wifh Mr. and a greaf. numfier of nien havecommlttee, Mrs. A. Austin was lsadciknpxaogte' congratulate hîm on Sunday 'Mrs. Perey Tamblyn. adopteci ibis art a pleasant able tri lead the mieetinîg. cbtldreon ib is commuitv. ufternoon.OnWded\ tn ed nheChrh onn Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hoog- A most enjoyable ta niilV hobb. nWded\ w e lie hic o kapadfrivo btvdiiiner party xvas beld by th e - Cross quîîts were (nnîipleted enen mmbr kapan aml o hibl wnt n ibe cbuîrch basenent, rm oxnfnmmers a i r wereSudayBoumarswth m wentrs Fridav, Zion (Hope Township), Ms. 'OPavndh mneetig of Zion IJ.C2AJ. afterý faiyMarcb 23rd al the ArsRs nomn group, hrld in the Suin- Hais many friends in the vil-, taurant on the occasion of the Service was luelci af Zion sanie afîernoon Mesdames (;eo. daY' School rorims on March jag ivresadend lstweek 401h %edding annive.rsaryorUie hrhSna.MrcTufrdHrldAsnIn7tal2pm ?o learn of the passing of Mc.lMr. and Mis. S. Bouma rif UntChuccbu10, a. HiCroenuff d, Hrl usin, ne 7nd h rat 2 p.m.sidni J ilobert Randaîl, a former c-e- ýR.R. NO. 3. Newcastle. Marrieci21,a 0an h iCGonvlBrc inrad Ms rde. Peiet rident of the -village, al. the, i Holland, Mm. and Mrs. Boit- Group of lhe Welcome circuiit Peari Austin wereP in Port opened thp meeting witb a ~me nt bis son Arthîur, R. MR have fine children ait of weiei charge. These YOLung iHripe~assisling the local branrh ,short prayer frillowed hbv 2t L ,'Smitbville. The funeral sec- jwhom were present with theirpeople are ta be congratuilat-,of the Cancer Society prepare greetings tI everyrine. Devo - sic .75 cndutec inSmih- amues.ed on the splendid ser-vice and!bandages. lionaI group, Mrs. Henry Dart.. ,t-cpivs ondctd n mit- a-lis-the s mi lb1 . un intecrupted Bill Browliul etuîrned Mrs. Mark Atkins, Mrs. Ross j ville en Friday.1 The Hi-C Group nf the Uni- manner nirwîîirh if was con- ta 'Kingston On Wednesdav Stainton and Mrs. J. B. Glas- Mr. and Mrs. P. Tamblyn ted Church are canducting a ducted. There was a good at- afte.rnooo arfer a short stridy pel pce.sented a ver-v ioter- ie'cnt Friday evening in Lind- Tuesday evening justi n lime lowped ai l 1arn. witb a better a fractured brime in bi% fool. Dacf, giving a wc»ll-prepared C r- vdiss n wt Mar n drnsto p p dive nthe svillg he-x edne udySho o-eida rm tlecsigetn eic ib Ms s~viitngwihtahep ît iespin bus-than aveî'age attendance. congcatuatiauis In Donna paper on Citizeuish ip and Mem- b Arthuir Shier. clean;ng and i gve citizensq an Mr. and Mcs. Chas. Rabv Ougltroci whri bas crincluded lbersbip. Secretarv Mrs. Hans Mrs. Florence Pearce or l'or- opportunity ta get rici of tbeii - ena nc M. obPerc o wntrsacumlaioovr speni. Surîdav \wifh -relativ'es siîccessfull. lier senn ear Geissberger .Ir., cead the min- BaaweeSudvguss ihpapers andi magazine..Resi- in Penwick.examns ai the East Genecal Utes of Ihe Jasi meeting. The Maar. nci Ms.AIbgesi Pacednt rerrnnedIaippe Mr. and Mis. ('bas,. Meiieil- Hrspuialin Toroîuio. Donna was carrespondence, bilîs andi cardsc Mr nd Mrl, Abet\ re dsuld h tied secripely n lev were xisiting relatives 10 home rducrng tbe pasî ee- !tbanks were presented. M d anM s. FsLhAoeupecd at te cucl h Ande Orîllia andi Waiibaishee last end. Drn h uiegpro M-- afnd, rriuhaî Mr F L ge. ancéPtt m pfe5week. On Tbursdav of! ast week it wax decided la help the The Unîited Cburcb Wonîen Mrs. Ken Dinner and ciMs.lCaricel Appeal. Former crao--- Met al, the home a! Mrs. Nor- Arnold Thoi-idyke qttendedi avassers in be coint.acter! witb mnan Gerow Thursday fe- course ai. the honte of Mrs.: Mrs. A. D. McMaster as crin- H IUfi ul tuIIUf iIsIs noori. Mardi 22nd, at 2 p.m., Harvev, Bouglien. Dale, wbiclîenr Therp e wro eigbt, members dealt with Moats. the various Everyrire iin favour of des- present. Mrs. N. Ger-ow, pie- ruts, and methoda o! croking. sert card Paî' t t le held on sident. apenred the meeting. Thece were f80 ail.Sundav Marri, 201h in Sunday Scboolý H oId .56 th A nnual Mrcs Douglas Whitney had School witb Sandra Payne ros h rzsta'b o gram. Minutes were cead aod!Well sbowing rarefuil prepaca- bers Mec? asked lo bring ban- O n ar o UI Ve IT UIpdopteci. Rail cat] was a verse!lion. Rev. M. Feonian w"as dages trio ur next meeting O ntari C onve tion f scriptîure. If. wa.s derided to Absent al ivPi'.e aks for the roiltlelnd ready tIo be packed Newast Ovr 110 ehe tht he aveof ieaitx1 > lold the Aprîil meeting onxveekend and bus Young people in a Parce[ for an Afrîcan ras and merecu ci! O- 1wtav otle. avpnta wauy f ifsaWednesdav the' lRtb. A bee from the' Hi-C Of ibe whole 1.pcosarium. Razaar hririfbs frosHriutrlSocieties s caigbt nmore than taughI. willihe bliAp111 0chrelnîced tbe secx'ireandi belpers in eacb wecr, taio -Irteltra leaiithe cobuurch. Sevecal il, lus absýence. il was wf nre.Anv rmembetg desîr- icverflowed 1 h e Sheratoin-, Knowing and admîring us not itemg o f business vere dus- done xx'tbunrio siaîc'or or- icîg ticane1er lc Brock 1-otel in Niagara Falls,lenougb, a participating PeopIPcirussed. The' roll ail for AprlTosAbout 18 nto b erldibtph eeto habe tPrpdeatens, hateau Plaun9ru7 March 15th Andi 1611>, for thli s a Horticultucal Society aPb bueodbit i.service rof seing. Boy Austin pla? o l et e Peting ater- tion. coamhmunityd imnrovernent:ourd-eivileetCH E ESEt2 9 56th animual convention of the ils best. And third, that thereý M. lrwin lied charge of the' andi Mamie Hoskin coiîdurt-ed jli give'nuont1t be made []P Ontario Horticultural Associa- are three basic approaciies meuetporman ed the t openiuîg Pari of the sec,- ac rsetc'1an aa Tueprsien, ev t ow uain, n onstim rtomnt ild- staiv "Second Harvest" !rrim \lice. Roui Diuinr macitht' later o.lit vaiious %va'. sOrui-rE 9 The presden f, ev. J. W theatbook.emInastinnthri dDa v. Scriptureos-in anaud Pearli Sieberi. of Emmra, openeci the1 Participation. Horticutura lunedbok.as ed tth 1)lsi eL;aivMmemSg cîlîlîs two, day convention livwpl_!Society meeting.- shoîrîci hoa o! ibte meeting liv bostess Aofd Clarke gai e ibe annroiinre- Mardi l3tli. M C R toin evinw oietiA.s place wiere arme May ask qms uc rmmte.ments andihmesgfcth U H I ifCommirnssionî Gi'eetîliti.ses, well We decrded ta pav $20t o! a:irimice-pi renneatwitecaie xvarth a hîouurrif auîbodx'pieloraîor a aIsipae aurshapipe ime. It is âtronrglv advised cuf the' pars4ui'agt' fuind: andi set li a grpeiet ,e owý Greenu» If-,m PAP R D IVE that niem-bers and iiurdividimais tua? the' pattv key elefhe atý iv'. sud candleabma thie lai- L P kg PAPE DRI E à ï I aie t ake acivamîjit'a gea o! 'f'M 1 the baseîuient'y a"usmi wierî ter trîmmeci with white rhrx'- GH. Henning's open inîvita- nec-essai-'. Tht' next mreetinîgsaîîmmsncgreifm, tirin tr i vlit the Schoil of [loi-, will ha Apt-il il. . presenteci a very P.ve appealtng Tu sa ,A ri i'lLi' hSsrtmr hv Mr andciMrs. E, Ravi er at- -pîrtum at the couinter where .i~ri 3 tirltu-e ti sr~nir Tîevterdec th Leurii niuîîer~ -oh, my' evervoues calorie ('aleting mtr 5p.m. and ae i x.îuiOtr BwlyStmdvevnmg ~ roubles were pushed aside H E show the resulîs of bleir studç- Mrs. G. Morris celebrateci . amidi xarmety of dessert dishes!T A A E Pleige have atil papers and -and labour. T'x- o me evýetits lier birthdav wilh a party lasi fe uc ndta o ofe magazines led seirely o! interest ici active anmd armi- Satrrdav eveuiing. Mr. anid felucantaorofe)HA D RE and plac'ed et curh. chair lriwer loyers alike Mms. Ron Morris and Mc. Gar'." ' everyvone seemeci in juîst tht' should nt ho misseci These Morris, Toronto. and Mc. andciinood ta enjoy themselves. kg ________________are the Sprmng Flower ,;how Mrs. long)yea.u- anci famil, i- crdOefhke ilrpot so Alex Kelly, attended. -rsth e id, Tht' 81urk epdraw sas n gM r and M rs. Don W'ire a d. made ai 3:3(0. Prize wi n s Round & Square Dancing Mc. and Mrs. L , Muldrp.c -r u!d'alu ee rs hd.vlI,_________________ Oshawa. were at Mrs. V. W'al- drap in and %te Neil Gifford, Mrs. Ross Lee, tfi he usicnf eiý' lat Suda\Mrs. Alfredi Ayre, Mrs. A. Dil- tr tt'u~usc Ç cms as Sndv.w acta, Mc.. Grant Werry, Mrs. SHOP AND SAV Alil FIHERS ORHESTRAMisses Ruth and Gwerî Mer-- DIRK BRINKMAN1 Percy Davidson. McaDo .JIM iSH R n R HE T Acr. Toronto, were home for Fllett and Mrs. Allan i ur tiithe' weekendi MIILL ST. N.. NEWC(ASTL E A heavs' log that wap devehop- Newcastle Community Hall Sorrv ta bear ihai Mc i n asdu ale eat oM under te auspies af ait ba& the' meashes, PHO.NI .671 î asda cce eai unde theauspces f irp. than \vas ex perteci The' Little Paul White liaci à next meeting of Z ion U£CW, The oardof Mnageenthirthdav partv on Saturdax' SIAISpARM MUTUAt. i will he April 41h.E ý jand several scirotl rhum s t- AUTOMO &IL E N U A C Saturdoy, April 7th 'm te id d Mrs U Lef acd OM),lPnAr'.aquiremi hv guit ias TO Dancing - 9 te 12 - Admission 31.00 ver persan Mcs E Letu Peterbaruugi bd W'f- !1llcCt ip'uidiî* ~Iorbec etd1 n ______________________________________________ '-isued it Mm.andMrs.V gtiiend or uselul purpose.- ý FitPeacock on Sunday. Tacitus. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____PAGE ELF.VX! ', SGroup Plans Square Dancingi ýural School Pupils )btain Good Marks t Kiwanis Festival îuîb Dariiuiou's fîrst yen- la pujpul xho ribtailîcci a uni;-m kr ai tht' Peterborough Ki 80 in this festival. hartin1tirc SMljii Festia paeci goric, anîd haci ta xvnrk fuir ut rxvarding R . S. Melcalf Those whn acqureci a ni.ick îec Mlusic Suipervusor frco! 80 are as folmîs. Bei ir S(ulrirl Ares. Elle uKihnke, Mapîr Gi nu'. c rst prz7> winiers wert': Lindla Edwards, Maple Cmx i itc, p Il o r Newoîl, (85),:Carol Edwards, Maple Gioxu 's Srhacul: Wa *vile CouhI, :.tohi McGuirk, Maple Gm'. r.' M Napîr Grove. Second!'Donald Btmrgess, Maplo t;ori: s xvards werît tri Cindy i eil Sweeru, 81, CorcicV: A 'vro, (85 l, Slîaws School; lJames Robinson, Sbsxx's. ni Chuimll, (83), Maple! In hIe class -Gicis' sud r c.:Boys' Duiel." 13 ye.ars snd uîuî le puipis if Couitce Pnib-idec wmtb 17 duel., coniiieuuîc. choril nuassrci s mark rif Diane Hoar snd Bouuuuc Bc-i(icl1 t ake seconid pl1a ce in thle from Maple Grnve placcnl fit I for village scIiontl triple. with 84 marks. iniprin i tii fixve Mitchrlf's CîuiS mho! rsclnols Choit- S.S.A. mbtaîncd as mark r niprize x Uiruer xvasof 83 (4th placet roniein viî up 'al'a.or, (821i Sbaxvslwith fixe Petemboroug ul j)i i. i'Srhools. thé, uýlassf,ç \vert' of a high Clarke Twp. Pupil. )re xvith mauiv entries in Tt'epuprîs of Ciarkc, Foi ciass. îhîrsc wvho plared slîip Lunder tht' Super.ision îof bi are also deserving of Mrs, A. A. Merkley' (Iîso à oui. Tiirv '.'ee Lymuda firsl atternpt at Frstuvsi xx nki 1cr. 82, Hamptocn; Lincia obtainedi splendid rcIsiulis. uuîrir 80, Coirurtice; Wend *y 'Hanors were obtairîrd iyflic, viu, 81t, Ctnnice: Esther- foliowing: Unison Cbîuruus mii c lemnu, 8.3, Base 1 int'-; ah sciriols i lkslunre plic op Whb"vte. 83, .Proxidence; Srhool, 4tb xvitlî80 nîrk Nu lBotlî'.'.'ll, 82, Hampton; Lakeshoce Public Sricîol i(Tri- yRîusell, 81, MaFple Gro- pIe Dul i. illird plai(r xxillhi ql' 'luomas- Marcb,82, Mitrhi- marks: Kirbv Sclioci u cîi Conr:Davuid Zachano- 81. -Couu-iie. tY u rc s.Glarlys Wiiehead, Ad- GlY u rc -ator from Kenora, Ont- niiînd the mai-king scherno! For Your Livestock illoxys Ter'hnique, 50: lu-ý 'atiior, 501;'Tnstal 1007S!thrngh Fseuus an s'.erage pr- S T A T1 E S Ni A N ancc. 80. gnd.: 83, verv j C 1, A S S 1 F 1 E D) S and 9). disincion. 'Phone MArket 3-3303 WiuihI)ead asso saici thet_________________ WhnIp Flank Oni LOIN O' LAMB lb29c Roast, ('honic and Stew LAMB in a . BASKET lb19 i i-iî n M i d ( î u r t -d - C2 < r o a u ' Cottage Roîls 1 b49c AI lOI( CH (>F' SPRIN( ! TIender - (irecen - No.*I1(Grade AS PARAGUS lb 39C A (,nldminfe of Vtamin C Hnda , Lge. mize 200W. Dos. ORANGES 45c Nao 1 (,rade - EINPEROR 'ni iF luie>, a mark of 80; Solo, 14 yea'-s and tînder, Linda Jean Parker, Newcastle. plac e d thcd xvilb -8-2--markq. Ir- Smart to serve-y Wise f0 buy 0 *. REDPATH SUGAR lt'q THRIFT DETERGENT ci2.oz>al"r~t SCOTT FAMILY TISSUE t Pepsodent TOOTH PASTEw,'>It,ô,t4,,,' CIGARETTES Ail Pýpu200 TV DI NN ERS FRezal -1Tur k!y IRci 'S. ~1.0 01in lBontis lapes with SLICED SIDE BACON >h.Pl.%. CELLO CARROTS I ect-iv 2 S2.oo in lBouis Tapes with Bluebonnet Mraie>l.E:Off SrnaII Link Sausage P~u,.,--b TABLERITE WIENERS P'k, CELLO TOMATOES P.E.1. POTATOES Neo. i Grad4. 14-0t. Ptq. Ne. t1Gvni 10-1.,<qq BON17S TAPE (IFT OF THE MONTIf I )cc orat or c i s HI0ObN GRAPES 21bs 39c No 1 (Crach uîhrn Tender, <,ardrnn cash - ru i-h L LO Carrots 2 for 29c 3 9c rîi%1to M, M M - IF Mi For only ti Folder ($~75.00 In MGA Cash Replrlstor Tape%) Or aider t(S37.501 in 1,A Tapes) (E AT ... %NVILLE IGA MARKET 3owmanville, Ontarîo MARKET Newcastle, Ontario WEDMESDT?.MAR 12Ath. ltfl '4 -j - S