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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1962, p. 13

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*Classifiedj Wanted to Buy LUSED e2gp xx-hr Plic7 S ET of celain barrows, good conditiori. Photîe Ne% OLD coal oitI laîîps. butte halls, n)lid < '-mstoîlet s:< Write Arx'ert iscu- 227. c/o Ti (auadiau Statesman,î. PO. Bc 190, Bowmnanvilie. 12-: HIIGHEST prices paid for Ii poultry, goose feathers, feat] f.,r ticks. scrap iron, usg inetals and uaxv fors. Phoi RA 3-20r43 Oshawa collect. 48- ALkinds, of lix epoult: f(oathers, ucw goose and duc also old fuather ticks warite Vighcst prires pri. M. Flai brtihany R.R. 1. Phione 7 r1 collect 21- Pets f or Sale REGISTERED Germian Shei herd, femnale. 10 mouîîhs ol( xab ex-.ood wuth chilc rrii. Plouc IMA 3-5524. 13 "For QUALITY Cars and Service" - SEE - McQUEEN MOTOR SALES -LIMITED - EarlIcQMeQuen. Pres. 219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVI LL E Authorizcd Dealer for MG SPORTS CARS MORRIS - RAINBLER IMA :3-3356 1961 Chev. Biscayne 4-Dr. 9 cyl., automatic. custom radio, 2-tone pain(, other extras. Eocal car in top condition. 1961 Pontiac 4-Dr. 6 cyl.. automatie. other extras. Low mileage, A-1 condition. 1961 Chev. Biscayne 2-Dr. 6 cvi.. automatie. other extras. Lowv miieage, top condition. ( 24-Hour Towinq Service Se Af %I CIL rvi'ce Station - mA 3-3401 ftcr 11! p.rn.- MA 3-5645 Ve are no- a recogniied nîernher orNff.. L . isit - ur -Shi ser rn<'e Station for vour SprinIr ('han g e - e r. 'ONTA iCT: Earl McQuccn Wceldon Brown'u Btud Fogg Ace Rlichardis Jin Cu'omhie Jack Ricard Sales NEW FOR KEM 1960 Rambler 9 cyl., automatie, custom- 1bAibtsradiorny thr ~extras. Local car -with c ly 11,000 origilnal miles. 1959 Buick 4-Dr. Hardtop Automnatic, po-wer steering apd brakes, custom built radio, wvhite xai tires, etc. One owner, low milcage, ini ahove average condition. ï959 Chev. 4-Dr. Station Wagons Tw'o t choose from. T.oually owned. In A-1 condition. 1958 Ford 4-Dr. 6 cyl., automnatie. custom built radio. 2-tone paint, other extras. Locaily owned car. lu top c'ondition. Mîost off Ihese tai5 have licen lloutghlv r'Iîcked tbrutgh ou shop suid carry otur owu Qtualitx' tIsed (Car Grîarauter. Announcinq ... For the coox-enience of our customners 'Ne noxî liste a une Notices &ds * Young Figure Skaters Notices ThriII Large Audience 11, tic undersigned, -wihh flot A ~ n d P r n r m ' Puofe.-tioiial, in thé Ritual l'ire Datîce wa-s sPeciaillv goodi. Sie looked lox-inlua black and; gttld L'O.qttlieuneud used l ixvo fhauîinîg toi cuem hli tghîn' il Wr. eponibe -ordebs n-Ailttuse ,ýilo itu ad lak' IVII s. jdI1~e . L iKcnards, tait Icrrepnble wfrebtnilu\- part t inte Pop Concert cainle1 curred . y~if r 17Ait enthlsiast le audience ut ont for tire final asud pre- (Mr.') Ian Dtck. :î Brown, whose frienld: . spirit more titan 375 people en jo ved sented antexhiitio n orIllte Mi\l hui Lake or Kiîîgs- and .Jatkelvii, Bowtimallu'4 Sli . 1 and ,Ii ole heartedi approach the outstanding Second An laltwist out skates. Tihe% %were ltit spet'itheic\w tekerid witlî xisited Mrýs* D. N. Myleq on NIr. er - NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to the service lie gives the Pop Concert presented byx theirewarded Il\- llxesof Mis Johni Morris. ulvatenn.Trn nt. I' THE CORPORATION 0F' omniunity are both decidediy Bo\xvmainville Recreation' De- applatise. Rev. and Mus. T. W. F. U. Mr.-and Mrs. Aitisiev (,_, wa hTO WN (F BOW31ANVII.LE TUE TOWNSHIP O' \otw e i de.H ar<»tadteAiit\,,Trnl,ýcedi n hlrn'pn NOÎlCeTRGH TiISE sE lihievliiall. e artnî n m tlubo inîe l'ie balance or lte ex udrxs urîî.xxecdii ee sd ctlde pît o CRWIH ODSE Spoke off the wondertul service vllwktn Cn i lc'as lakerituxer libv t irooi uler'î itsts uf M r.and ÏNI us. D. Sundax'rinBelleville xith rMu. Mis. -2V ITH A VOTE 0F TUE Mr'. Brown lias given duringiAreila last Tlîtii'sdax v G.i.b llaî ronIi ou e'~ Iloopet' un SatirdaN. and Mis. Geo. M'eMs îI I FLECORS'.Ihe laî 2~ t'ars s a Cse vic .. \iri lois yxttlîMis. L'harles Chtarlotte' MeC;i.e, Mr udMs Mi Ve ~ TAKE NOTICE TIIAT: dealer. Tepoxanwsoee lb.xîl u îînenWuiutStia xee u.Wîi ec nir-u . r. li h- ].'The Couincil off the Col-- "ei %agudwith lHighland Plaids, a da.lî- E einergitiig victoriotis a fter lie C oit C'ndaxN-here, Md s i i' a ds oit lC 'lit ugR n iqA ag hr sago pportunity n ubrwl ktdb 6hci u îlroi itls ri eIe cwate, aund MsirttMi. andue uxeuîigîîe:hai- i poration off the Townslhip offfou. 'uung people ufar ing ong iîlerwesaing w1hiectcadIiaýoiqbte ne By-Law No. 1711 of the Cartwright iutend Io construct ot1g i qwan hl l.lTown of Bownan ville provides a municpl odss o r Mr. MeMi1Ian said. lie predict- boses with their plaids over E ch e Neil Wo'od and cdaugltets UaiI !Sundex' of Mu. anid N1\11 l x ry, large wlthin the Toun of$201 ofxhih c30stletter iii the future. and 'e- slacks. Their c;îengarrv catidss.Dxd hse'sd u tioi1irv ir l e ir' tha-n.niml sha0,grage oai hi.laiiU 'l'o$13îd i ad3i0o'esar ol adii ck shmb 'pi i 92 i~oninded farmers ini this area1 weu'e ed'ged with itirtari', o dnc r voeadM.adSdHge r ohptlit ONa cdConelbyreoltin as_ llbcreai i 162ii 3o s [-toxBaurabail. n Memoî'ial Hospital, Boxi -lixi cin November, 1961, reiaxedjin196, ud $3.400 iii 1964,21 ail as the population increas- 1 mat heir plaids. o .sdMs Vi.Rbisn nil. M 's. this provision for the months'fomcnrreîît rexentie ontfesIei are wl ke pc. e taking part iii tue !re rl Mr. and Mis. (;ns Wilson spent Ms .H 'delatiddltuii of December, 1961, January ' gnerairate A seond otion piarol îîiII 1 hist Wediesdax with Mi'. atîd:the :lotiîWeddiîîg Aniiersarx i February and March of 1962. 9- Application lias beeii 'The Boid anîd the Brave" wvas Bartnbar rwere Barlbaia isc LncsHalIorno made Io the Ontariou Muîîicipaliown. Il presentca the west as CPmi ad DxsnA, aIs.sdus. M.J. l'an. 'f le"'l'omsi iir.Caboîrg clMxxii Acorlnly peae e dvs-Bordfo a odr to disperise, a nir fadetr ihdrea Ewert, Shawn Leddx', îx , NMu. and 1Mi s, Ixisoti 'on Satîrdav eveîîiîg. Wedidi ed that on and after the 1stiwith the assent of the electors-splendid scenerx', wonderful * hcrba as aeisT Ms otGaiii net pday ofha preilow1962,to run mland for approval off the said'huîîting and fishing. The mag. Sandra MeGregor, T.i n d a 'leCeeilPas'P tits -iiblx'ilatteîîded hIe Miîîstî'et Mu-. audMu.on taai. ilra d- arg wihl th MUli ipYProîect Auy ratepayer may, nificent Rocky Mountains were n~y Fv yeMr(Otii ed al îîjoYalile SliOs at OCV.. shawa, or, Mu. Veuuioii (aliaîii Mu.asd 01it Sa! withuîî 21 da.'s after the .fist depicted in ail their grandeur, aiaQiti, a7lEil'eaMiîîial Park Club- Saurdax exeiig. Mis. Cecil Grahamn xisited Iliiiie0 JAMS A HOKI. pbliaton f tis otce ilean thre as secil pe-Richards, Pat Rudell, Sheila Iiouscî'eceîîtly. Dnriig the ex - Mu. and M's. G. L. Mc-Geei hii' nitler Mrs. E. Gra'ham Chanti, -lK JAME A. HOSKice. pbiainu hstoiefl n hr a pca r-Shred, ed tpe n - Dog ontro Offier. xith the Cleulc off the Townu- setîtatiori showing the entire WnyStpe u nilig 15 tables Off rds xx'eue left c'Il Wedîîesday Io xisitlatIllue Nursing Homie in t.ind- 'l'lie l-3-1 ,ship or. Cartwrightî a notice iii aiea of the Old Cariboa TrailSusaix White. i 1Y ;rti ilîîd a ersn M.pi,. MGes.anîd On' Illie tiori'puize wiîîter, anîd tue Mis. Mt-ee snd soir Sen tf M us. Ixisoil t 'alI'anl iisiî - ta l'Tii xriting stating his objection in British Columbia. Avelyne Lycett deligiited 11w ýspeiirl diaxx' foi- a basket or 'L.os Anîgeles, Califorutia. edd]lir aInt MIS. EiBFod offBwnia 10 such approxal and the A fine musical tean, Iarry cî'owd with heu graceful solo. gro'el'ies xeas xon lixl-Harold Mus. Reg .Suttoiî lias beeni Gu'afton FrTiusa ic Floodto grounds off sucli objection. lHutton and Jake Melanson, h oeabcmngbteaîMttî'hm psaeudv. M. st Mrs Joe Satîto off Boad my oderPttsuaît o adiece rcmîîdusl wih ssh. hi tie b foing ue sandte .O'lIielîci epui x i ll a e rlî' o e s ri d ý MakereDnd'l'îîîîuîoîe n oui 3. The Ontario Municipal lioth orf Cotîrtice. pleased the white costme Witlî a gold !Mi. snd Mî's. Clev'elanîd Cax'- Maiti Street have puichased the statute that the assent off their playitîg orf harmonica andswd mcliaieîîtsud ro-x.eMs Blantchet'Car. i the electors shallflot be re- banjo, They were especiallY mises to lie une off the clibs Muirir ICu'ago. Mis. Mvutle tttî'ed homîe last 'Jhuî'sday i Miii Str'eet Nortlh and aue mox- sîseu Mus. Marlîall Cek ihttel'- iMu. hs dMr, eg Suit quîred and mrny approve orf thegood. stars iii the future. Pearce, Mus. Edna Sellis'and iet'r.îdiagnaxx'ek ithheuigî tiis eek Notice ta Voter soiaid p int, îabeore doingi Miss Barbara Brownî rccited1 A 'ILP r1 George Veale. lTe cOiixellOts h1ou suid Mu. Chatterton. atteîîded the 25th Wcdding so it av app inta ue and tue fo ilowitîg original verse -I'n o 1 ottlle ou1-the EtIclîre xxcie Mus. D-- s a Please take notice that I haveiplace fou a public heariugishe lîad xritie-n: "A yeaî' ha:ýs katets took parI t i ia - i'id Clark. Mu rs. Charlotte Mu'-and Mui..Jak Davis lAnniversauY off Mu. aud Mus. to-day, March 22nd, 1962, post-Iwlieîîait\x'objection xxil libe'otiteagain rolled by, How trop tacie piigCoos.Tie Clarke sud Dav id GCu ,N sddagîti her l.Kae Mal-om Elford in the Masonic cd in my office the last revis-cnsert dosfvOu perfect formnations aud fine Hll iiin Port Perî'y on M arc i' cd Municipal Voters' List,!E Dated nt 'loIOnto titis 201h show once more is îiearly donc.,footwotk was rnuch applatîd csle ii isdeiil xxvas ecided to hiave aîîother E uscd at the Municipal Election day off Marth, 1962. "Ve hOpe V'OLI'Ve 1îdad lot off ed. Tlh e participants iii tlîis' Mus. 'Ralpli Campbell xaoue p rul. u hcld in December 1961. B. Vickers, Secetaiv. fuuti. But xvaitve otan selectiotu were Katuiîîa Balsoui,ltule kitlîeî conx'euor. Sute ias Rcvceeid Richîaudsonî showed This list, with further revislon 1-wipr at ia,'l'e leargoffnBîenda Bamber, ids Bed-!âss'i.sted b' Mus. Alffred Sani- a film -The Chiurcl Is People" by the County Judge ivili be Imortawnde m ailead e flord, Lynti Bai'It-, Linda Bu- cIls. Mis. Roy Bsacoii, Mus. ftîlloxxcd by a discussion. A L K lr used ln the forthcomlng Pieb- Te oadNOTICE Orwne-LIca.ei h oti, Cindy Lou Castle, RhoîîdalJohil Bo<ythwJ.ell.F "wetRs"oîts a hnlîl,"ae iscite respecting Sunday movies oanCtoli TrSepae gf t e top o m ailes aî'ond. M Hethierington, Pecsga Kiiehi and Ralph Camupbell. A deli.- HIe Irish u"nes". with Murs. :HARTEREDE and Sunday sports, in accord- .Romanetataoge, CSeIarate g us n d old maiî, Mickey ged E g, ance with Section 263 of the Schools for the TOMx n of BrowttJae LreCî'lLoein1in*0ucl x ssexed lv Rithardsoun at tlie piano. Muncipl At, .SO.,196 Potvianill,. r. row tanked is lhe wiuineus were Mrs. Wm. ACCOIJNTANr MuncialAc. RS..,190. ownai'ile M. ouoitiiatîrends i L- auie l c on. ,,otneSril.Reunie snd MuS. Paul Mucha. Vuare hereby inotlfied that' TAKE NOTICE thaI ttuueîabl fieîdsfor tir-L Si îio. SaieP n II DCffe u oke c mu atîîrda.vs and appeais luIhav'e errora oraliove mentioned Boaudrt'i rakbed oîXoilfrteCacBon h w tpe in ab-l sexec].liv Mis. Clifff Fallis. hy AppointnientE omission% rectified mus t b, Trustees on the 29 1h da ' of fu s eat a fl r ya î'. h g ut i es did a is uk a e d e l Oue I the foggy ih t erP p I me t submitted to me on or befor, Janua x, 1962, passcd bv-law ts get slsato 0 P n ott uisn in c Cx .xi uî' 1 n m es p e O O 6 -OR ONO INonday, April 2nd, 1962. number '2 to autîou'ize hie bou-- a show fou snch people, heatîd Anita Trtil xvere <harni ýIulwee n Onu 17extnîemen wille- MainBO 9tret PLAS E UR l' rowxing uo uc' i'th steadded Se egFiii theMain Stieg 0 A n i e r o o f i i i e e tu mes o ff p u rp le a ligh t w i h held in the ch turch h asem e t e e an sleof dbuitîesofibsAllpiiîim teu fsotedialx'ie j Bmw seuin.on April 171hx wîth each mm Tlpon@ 139 CHECKTUE LS'l'. said Board of Trustees in t cahe d uiohesaesdîî athu seuin.I arhlu uwauherom ad DATE) TIS ?nd AY0Fi principal amount off$100,000 60 itrod'u<ed liy Mr. Brown. Tlhei A lovely, blle, ,,,d ,,, ,, cdc M eeting sieu nwa hi oeae 1ACH 1621. The purpose fou whÎihftedv an aprzs- Istar, Yx'oilîte Aîoniht k, pr JACK L. REID, thie roney is to bce lourowed xvas hedlvM' rw s ented a marvelotus solo witlt Poiuîvpool lUnited Church (,'Ierk-'t'reasurer, is 10 build atîd eqtuip a Iuew ýsisteJ liN' et Ma tlîews, Caselcase. Sue wore a stri king ,WomtuIý met at hIe home offBY Returning Officer. 'fouir rooni scîîool. sttb-dealcr, Baltimore. sud husiblack velvet ('ostumne otttlined'Presiert.Mus. Cliff FalJis ouiBU ______ 12-21 ". T1he aniotult tutbcbeloî- wite. li a double baud of shiiîing '1uedaxv evenîîug, Maich 201h. n Work WTanted. is ]00,ooo.ot) ouiHie The xiuesweu'e: rase of[ Esilveu seqtuinus.lIer poise sudat 8 a'ndck .ok W ne - sectîrîty off the said debeniturcsýsilx'er flalware, Mrs. Gordon 1alilitv' weue astonishing a s . .Mllt 9ed h e - _______-which shaHli e a char-ge p,,I'Bar'rie: filteus sud dispetîsers, sbe eXeCLIted the intticate MI.0Milreathd- YOUNG man desires emploN,-Ithe sclioollioruse property ndMJ , eslie Wehsh; Cleaning steps, spectactular. leaps ahîd\olti5l foi]owed bY the Scuip- ment aftcu 5 pu. .Depenà- 1premises and ailx' othei- resu SUsts, Bert Muttoîî, Sam Tur- spuiîîgs off heu' IInmbez-. 1blu . rcuePadbx Ms. renidSA V ablePhon MA 32272 be~~ifld persulpoety vested Indu., Gletu Malette, Mus. Ry The Stinshine Gil-s selectlî>n ;lule Mediîatuouî, wilhî Mus.ý tween .5- 7 p.nî. l3-î*,in the said Board Of 'h'usteeg Beu',Ms.Mtev ac-xas ffascinating b x'iexx. IlGo'eVu at]aigl and upon Ille Separate School tint sud Mus. F. Jose: Car rLtg, Georgac il xelec hîuae Vaustifff ail lisacn 'BRICK, Mason sud Concrete rates. G. Finuiex'; uoasting pan, Mus.wxsutd iheclenebpy,. r C[f Flsne 'work., Chimneys, etc. L. Tomn- 3. The deiîtuu'ýes ,aie Jo heýF. Wight tiue. Austin Wood, Kay Bain, Patricia Bothiwell.' compaiuied oi.ttie piano fououi, er.Te i pu r reidecedated the i5thî off Apuil, l962ý;;gas eaui. Wes Martin; Daîe owe Seia ro'lieEhLit ni. Mrs. 0O Mullet- then Phone MA 3-5605. 23-tfý and are to bc ini denominatioiîsE umibrelia, l{etî Shackleton, ILiy Harper, Kathie e n ed a sto-, followed liv thel EC CRCULAR saws machine Off uot. less than. $100.110 each.IcOffee carafe, Les Wclshb; flashLotse Mowan, ahreMcGtrd,luesiîît ihemriîesb h .sharpêned. ('uoss-cut, ril, Tlîe debenttres maturntg iuuEauteruî. Roti Bickle: flash Ian- Poaynln , taKa'uu S edIei.ta î combitiation, planer lilades. F.ftbc x'cars 1963 Io 1972, lioll i i-ýterri, Lloyd Smîith; alau'm cock Rxtue Sakan, Att Cu'oxe, 102 Eîgiru St., Bow- clusix'e, shal beau uuterest atîXVailace Botthieti; cookies, Earl Truli, Linda Webb, and ('o N'S - la, tues-tSellU iia f mnvll. 3~* he 'ac ff52% eu nnni1'erinlitre Whiite. stiier, thien gave hieu report. U T I i anile.1-4 te ae r ý4 prantiilreviiwfashlte'o, Ms. LRI, Cer hpSîxRî .vshoi] Cali Iollowed with ecd - and the deberittres maturingBrock: fashuigol, Ms. LRle menilir hiandiu-ugn a c'hippin H erman Van De Bell ti the years 1973 to 1982, liotlh Munday; transistor radio, Car- euiflsl ugetS- off their favourilet'e ipe. PH RM C inclusive, shah eu ueet un îou: rco iue Dainty sud agile she was decided tuaIt a thank-of- ' GENERAI. CONTRACTOR aI the rate off 6%,o peu anrnm, Mu's, James Lower.v: roof lot wirled liglitîx as she went feruuîg xxotld be t.akeui at. fun Orono Phone 1681 2 Brick - Block - Concrete payable anlalv îe .lth iîîg, Mus. Clarence Tink; screxv throughi a difficLIt u t inttiturd meetings. Due tu the goodMR H 9 and Carpentry lot Octolein i each yeaî- and driv'et's, Hatîs VanDei'Meer: gracefuhîx-. lier liecomnig cs uuou S u'ls a d x NEW WORK and REPAIRS at'e to lie repayalile in vauying1flasliliglit. Mus. Reg Brock; seat tumne had a fluff 'Pink net- PHONE CO 3-2282, HAMPTON1 installmetîts off prinîcipal on1! cushion, George lrwin; carbola, skiuu and l'et'- Wice was, 3 the l5tb day off Octobeu' iii tbeIMrs. A. Rx'etson; haler twine, adoî'ued xxiti.h roseburis. sud years 1963 to 1982, botb i-Ms Marjonie CrNdermar; E thete weue sparkliug seqiuiiîsl A. B A ABRS i clusive, the aggregate arnounit plotughshares, AI DeJager; eh- at ilec'kanîd wrists.1 off principal and inter(s py-ectric steam iron. Johnî Fayer: A fetchîiug qutîuette,'Bai- able in each yeau off te cr-scales, Wilbeu't Mar'k: oi, Mus. bai-a Cromîbie, Sandra McGue- -- Plumbing & Heaiingreîcv off the dehentures liig 1Keith Os'mistouî; grease gui', cor, Hazet Richards anîdPt approximatelv equal. John Rozema; certificates, MsRtîdell pleased the audience PHONE MA 3-7127 F. 'K. MALANE. Ltuther' Allan; tickets to motionj with their sm'art sîkatiuîg sud 35 Nelson St. Bowmanvllle Secretarv-Treasurer. picture show, Mus. T1. BUmna; 1 they looked as if thex' enjoycd 46 tIR.C.S.S, Town off Bowmanville rosqe bush uetificates, A. themselven too. l13-3 Knowlton, Hrarvey Yelloxvlees, Mar'y Oke iii aà.îolo, Ilag- ÀRENDS Jk uaadJh roe eaMgc rwaieea Prizes xxere doualed hy the shie seemed to dance liguithe1vJP 1 ONA VTL & CCase Coma dony, roomac , f' îî eta ai. odtexv I ees10 ,ELECTRIC MOTORS S how ca s s e o pasn , uop a , fro anone parI off thed i1 EREPAIRS and REIVINDING I oeWite Jak Sonsp, oon te. Se sktd w ahi~~~~ vorEetia ROM PAGE ONWEesu sbno, grace anîd iin perfecî nimusical al yurElcticlEquipment. h h . Hetfermn, Peterborough;, tempo. A goideti seqtuiii heari E Saieq & Serv'ice MA 3-3058 'i-ettee lassies also rce d H L. Turner'. Falcon. Stuî'- decoraîed lier bodice andlieu E 43 Third St. Botvmanvile iiuch SppldOse late o terrc! sud Sons, Arends, Dyk- ri igeasif a dm 43-fpresentation offthe xctng usr'.' BuwmauvilcMAUo parts, fil umhnage inFw.e SAVEMONEYAT - ýSword Dance. Pedlar People, Western Tire, wihnacin1euus SAV MOCarol Greenhari, ho la ýýEaisheril Farn Macbiîîery, Ab- The IlîlarioLns comedy aui Dave's Shoe Repair ian u l orso n oni nu'auts tdsrilA-Epeî'formed as a solo liv seveul: < ir pettio .made a trmnosceptan .ce Corporation. Herb f sear ohd Waynîe A nc Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. hit w-db lier act eutitled "Fire,!Robitîsoi. l'ruck sud Tt'actoî', umade a great liii. Garbed as - SKATES SHARPENED, 35e pr.!Fire, Fire." Hier attractive1 Seven Oaks, Brantford Twiuîe, a bobo with patched trouseis ~ ONTAiO Srice costume roveucd with scarlel Otaco, DeLaval. MeGregot' sud tailcoat, b lilad a hattered . W ANT TO M ODERNIZE? NEED TO REPAIIR ?GONARO TRET sequins giistened i the lights }hardxxarc, VMiuoliiue, Chap- de-bx oui bis lîead, 1-is ana'- _ ("'oe ensas cast b)v heu flaming bahons. insu's, Brookdale Kugwing tests. , p.sed u .4-tf Gou'don McMillatî, geneu'al Roval 'Theatre sud VanBelle twirls, were well applaudedri.TO A D N - ~-,rmanager of thie Case Conîpanv Gardetîs. anîd he hsd exceptions! shoxx- N Plastering Repairs fin Can ada, slated that he 5was Followiuig the dua.. ort manship. delighted Io bhepuseri.uledr'inks nd buRe qîtautitiesnt Thé, solo performuanîce off QI'CK ERICE pai uigblubuie ti . I. xer luHi:auiene.Baibai Aii..mtitic.'iiiO u The Orono News Col Ha: Y'oiu Mla %,Borrow foir Perfect1 S UPE R KEM-TONI D>urable ani - Pil KEM-GLO Ideal for Kit('hemî ABERNI Point and 33 King- St. W. R. L. TAFT Mag 54 Kilir St.F. MA 3-5030 i EIeclric Heafing For Sunroom,' Recreation Room. Bathrooin - . . any room need- ing lieat or coînpiete home. ý'lue-day. Mardi2'!.h 19612 I'otur Qiuatifled Electrie i.~i Casse. Kintg Stý lieating Contractor W., vxas fined $10 IU pî.tic Higgn Elctri Lld offS.3.le plearled gu]Ilî btu ItiS Higgon Eleclric L id'ea beuutg itîxoix d in i i cu 38 Kiniug St. k". cent iii xxhidi souîe guidie NIA 3-3305 Bowmanvilie posts lvere datoaged sud b"u 4-tf' failed to report il. .1 e told hIe court that lie had losuîed lus car 10 bis faîlier sud bis fallier 'soî Iltle cau' b s xxreckeu. 6 2 * * * Miss Zosia Lesiick, R.R. 1, faîling 10 leaxe hait of tlie t or road free for ouîcoming tua [tue. ýrmony Guide that heu ffatb r mxas gîx'ug lier OurCop FREinstrutiotîs oui iow Io lie carli- Our Copy FRF'Efuri d hiebecameiîxoxc tut an accidenit. Penats $7. (olor Match NIEredîîb Broxxn, .25, RýR 4. Boxx mauxilie, xss onîx'ctied 'lVuelveî inish oui a charge off careless drîx - iuîg. Hli aribeen ubseux cd * WalI Painit puoceedîg \xestIon King Si. E E., ah a high rate off speer anîd skiddiuîg sidewavs arotîuîid the A l4ashahle cuve and tîp the IilItWest off ýVS the Cream off Barlev. lie fou- 15 ced Ille police î-ar aud suiother Looks anîd Washes x'ehfcle 10 brake. lu was 7ý45i am. oui Mauct 4*,11. pax enîcuil Like Baked Enanui wvas drx andri lie àCiUî xas is and Bathroomts liriîti. Ilie iu i Ile ie -tliect üont 'Lu MI tSa iake ~ off ire iliat xvas on tue roari, E T H r S"I.%uhdtenyu ý-I . tiscake office, ift \-oithad toiri1 W aiipaneir !the police about ibis cake offi uc, iliese factons .voul d hiax NIA 3354311 rerated don bu miii l i ui ftîr the cotui. 1 do utot lieliexe tbe ,witness you brought. H-le wasC strate's Court -feId in Bowmanville slakiftg lîke a leaf andr lie %vas in,î. lie luad uii ituo tle biock 1: - tig. ut'a t! itk loaded xx'îh 15 Ion-, 'le offucer lias estiiiîated off sait. Perial 'vts oalled $'78.80. x-oîîu-speed sui 1lintir at yuuut Venti Clayton ut Newca tle dui îîut lhaxe otur t'a r ur;deu pairi $112 fou- dri xingXx%.i hiotit coutrol."asdiveu's luccîîse. CronuxuAtuot texlilai I, . At 4:53 Pu111. oui SatLturlax', D eyni a ii trecomnîiîded s lxx i Match!i 24ih, the Chier Cout- ,eau- liceuise stuspension as Ibis istable toid the couuut, lie i c- wxas tbe second week itn a row Iceiveci a complitt iat \woý thal Broxwn had heen convict- men lîad given a girl Iwoî cd rf careiless di iîug. -Last billes of iiqtuor sud site pu' xxeek ut xvas uaciug. sud 1i tien in heu' purse beffore theN' sîuggest that ibis masisbotuld- xsent urto Atînis' Restaurant. flot he oit theliîighxxýav'",said Inluresponse 10 a radio mes- 'Ie fi.x sage. Const. IL. Phiiips 'Nent Magistu-ate R. B. Baxter Io the restauranit and arrest- gaeBrowni a xxeek to pay a cd E,-eli Joues. 17,, 48 Duke f ice ut S50 pluis rosIs asurieu St. As M-viss Jouies va's beîîîgE ;îuohi bited luinii fuouî d rixiuig put unto thbe relIs, sic told tih' ini Cariada fuir suix mnuhbs.Chief sud Pbillips liai Jack Jamîîe Patersonî, .4, HI-I. No. Wbalen, 17, 11H. 3 aurd Pat- .3, pieaded guiiîx luo a charge nîck Gnodwiti, 17, 31 Centre (if druuk drix'ung. 'St., liari given lieu the liquori Col. RK,-reethbx said that at Iu bold iutlier purse because 12:32saui. uit Stutda x, Marnu it coui d be seen i their belits 41hî, lie cceux'ed a radio mes- Goodxx-ti surd Whalcuu xeue sage fuonithie Ciief Constable au'uested sud today pheaded tiat a mîan who lîad followediguilty to a charge off Illegai a stationi xagoni JuoniOshawa Possession off Liquor. 'T'bevy oui No. 2 Iltglîxxýav xx'as in the slaled thaI thie,\ appruachîed a pohice office. Tfli station wa- mîan on Siix'eu St sud gax'e gonî was being drîxen so errat- bim $5 Jo gel thie two nick'ies icallv that lie c uuîdn't pass it. tiýent. Frehîx auresteri Pater'son K'itnev told itue tut thIat oui RinîgSt., sluuîîped uveu' tie Mus. Whileu hiar 'lambasîcri" xheioff bis car. Pahersonî waç huîîî on thie phonîe because hieu giveî seven dax s lu gaol and boss weu'e able to get druuîk ut bis luceuise t0 du-ive was sus- Bowmaiîxille ex'ety- weeketîd. penderi for Iwxo xears. Thie ve- Thev bought tbeir liquot tromr hiclc xxas impouîîded for Ihuee a bootlegger ii towxu. 'Thîis is moutis. the faolt off the poliire. Robeut Aukiîsoîî, 3u, a pokil- The Chuef admitteri Ibete lu'le rciufroi Riuîg xxas ucou-i-rax lie s bootlegger opiattng.,, Vucîed a fier a lengthy bearing . Foty-four other traffuertick - on a charge of careless driv- ýets brougit penalties of 556. i lid \ l 'rTý e 0 c t. y o1. aued lts t nt M s d W\alsh. lQrat tîlat tus Io Mrt. and 'lîîeAI n nitheir Mvs. îîGAion osaryit, t(i \isilc'tt bei' tiltMrs. v ruion nt .x Net n' " trtc fac. i s lhltit M r. and Io elebralied i heu' 6tl ali' a fmnîly party tt u d x e c i t t t t h e fM.a tild Mrs. C;ordon Gire C]tîhs off Nr\wcastia roo Publie schools sang îltv Uîilcd Chîrrh ini 8 1t1\ i la s t S u n ld ' Y i. I. 1, j' k. j 4 ~Home Modernization Division can assist you with w e. Add living space . . . new beatuu'iv and market value t ylu 0 hom, D Iormuers, k YOUR HOME IS YOUR FAMILY'S ROMSBS NEMENT (5 j 2 31 ,j 11f. 't i NO DOWN PAYMENTS ANI) NO PAYMENTS 'TIL lUNE You can have a miodern rccrcation room, extra hedroom in hasemeit or attic. Let us finish it off tu per- OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS Limited Main u Oî'e aiîd Shuwrooin COUItTICE - 728-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9600 TT~ ~ANA~TAT'T ~TATE~MA~'T, ~OWMA~ÇVILL~ ONTA'~TO I x These FREE Services.. " PLANNING " ESTIMATES " FINANCING Otooms too srnaul? Kitchen anti- qjua (ed ? Nced more closets or storage uinits? Gi'e tus a caU . . . %eI soIl'e yomur remodelling prohiems' A-r" ARRANG1EM~ENTS C.AN BE 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU O.sluawa Office anîd Shuý%î'oonu OSHAWA SHIOPPINGA CENTRE Phone: 728-1617 BOWMANVILLE - 728-16h11 1 tor - . ËiL

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