Happy Birthday Cornes to Youngster ina _____________________________Durham County's Great Family Journal y ýT1ME 108 14 Pages BOýWMANVïLLË,-ONTARI-O, WE-DNËS-DAÀY, MAR-CH -28th, 1962 JTt~.ITDtD 19 Kinsmen Receive New Trophy for Winning at BroombaillR t in To Sponsor Fireworks Two Cadets 1_2, Promoted to Officer Ranks Txwo Cadets from Bowmarr- ville receix ed promotions last Wednesdav evening to coin- missioned rank in the Ontario, Regiment Cadet Corps. They are Lieutenant David 0'-: Rourke and Lieutenant Danieli Hughes. Three others, Doug-, las Hooper, Allan Hooper and Bill Cobban were promoted toi Sergeants, and Bill Lyle and' Bob Sisson were made Lance- Coi-parals. The annual inspection of! M the Ontario Regiment Cadet Corps wili take place next Wednesdav evening, April 4th, lin the Armories, SimeQe Street North, Oshawa. The Inspeet-i Ing Officers xii corne fromn Central Comnmand Headquar-: Following the figure skating numbers at the with the Mayor, Ivan Hobbs shown here, at left, ters, Oakville. Lieut.-Coi. .1J. Pop Concert on Thursday, members of the four Bow- presenting a special]y' prepared nexv trophy to Kin!R. Warnica, Officer Commnand - inanville service clubs engaged in two semi-final President Osborne Williams, while his teamn members ' ifg the Ontario Regiment, wili 1 exhibitions of broombali. Kinsmen defeated Kiwanis gathered in the background. By some miracle, ii also be present.1: in the opener, Lions downed Rotary in the second serious injuries were reported during the free-swing-: The public is invited to at-i battie and the -Kinsmen went on to take the finals, ing display. 1thedr e r thl e winsecioni play and demonstrations of! Over 1,000 Attend Fis idfaioSgalte ___________________F. N. rifle, and instruction o *the Rer'ruit Troop.Te wl Accident aiso bu a guard mount dmn stration and a special drill: Biggest Brown-(ase Show Ever Round-Up squad._- Oveflws ow Hal udiorum a coE ioOon Fridy eveg HosDital's Overfows own all uditrium ai ':1Î5a ciock at the corner of Kn and Division Streets Afla The annuai Case - Brown iwîth the singing of 0 Canada. tenance lie said emphatically., The accident happened xwhen 49th Birhda Show was heid at the TowniThen a graphic motion pic- Mr. Lavalley commented '>-n'a car proceeding north on Div-tda Hall on Friday evening, and ture untitied "Stampede" was a cnlored film depicting the iý.iofl was crossing King. Tis &gain an outstanding success.!'shown. It pictured the famous iatce-t Case manure spi-caders. car %vas driven hy Donaid S.On T us a The fine program wxas tho- ntea Caig a r y' catap:e He assured his liste1nïre that Kenp, 115 Curch Street. The Thrsa buhyejye ytem rncopee wt afrpnth et ol uls helf bhrcrwsJeing driven Te4t optlBrh ti4an 1,000 persons who attend- boc riding and chuckwagon of the ordinary spreader x;ith least on King Street by James TheI tbopitld ith The audience was weicom- races. minmum care. The Case !Gary Baker, 79 King çStreet1a1ary e o byDon Brown, and Miss Miss Brwnrdue lmspreaders also do better shred-!West. There was abouit$15 morrotwl. Thursday after- 1 trara Brnwn, his sister was iT rov itodcd lmding and rmore <even sprea'd- tn ,klAr,,- - - Il------ on, March 29th. by the a the n-------. -Lavaliey, Case sales Zmana -srte. UIt~L L~lUW'Uia the MC.dt theum ai so rfor Eastern Canada. Mr. Lav ngheasete.approximatelv $,50 damage ta th adtoiu.elley urgud ail farmers ta sop Three young girls. Sanldra Mi-. Kemp's vel icle. A duplicate show was pre- at W. H. (Mick) Brown's King Mavin, Linda Wright, New-1 Miss Lynda Potts, Haydon,I sentud downstai-s ini the Coun-Street store and sue the latest ýcastie, and Tina Hughes, dan- rpre olclplc t84 cil Charober where Mrs. W.; and best equipmunt for agri- ced a spirited Highland Fling.1p.m Friday that hur suit.case, H. Brownî their mother, and Icultural purposes. 4TURN TO PAGE THIRTEENI which she had left at the Bus, wife of the popular Case deal- Caemciey n qî-Station waiting raom, Kingi er Was M.C. The Council 'mntCaseuhnesigande ta do'Street East, xvas gone. appar- Chairberwa aso iled ta 'the best job far farmers and Tc ets N w en ty s t 840lenk.S capacity and the overflow aud-!ta answer their problems, la ed i there an o'ioc anSd lence was accommodated bylMi. Lax'alley stated. Itwilldo 'L a eti hr nhu n chairs piaced in the hall. tuncsaywr n is Ia i 40 minutes cariier. The suit- theneessrywok i lssAvaia 1 for case wvas later recoverud. The pi-agi-arn as opened !time with a minimum ai main-1OnTedymriga9:0 Loa ttýt~ W nOne Act Plays ýl'lcMs .D ubr 'reported ta the Police Station Women's Auxiliary of Me- inorial Hospital at the lions Communlty Centre from three to five o'ciock promises to be a most en- joyabie event. The auxil. iary cordially urges the pub- lic tu attend. There will be a drawlng of attractive door prizes at 3.30 o'clock, and another at 4:30 o'clock. There will aise be a speclal draw for a beautifully embroidered Ir- ish linen afternoon tea cloth, and for an amber - - - W E W W A meetinIg of the Bowman- iri aua uiscn erun '-~ . . kudousie D. ui-! and filigree or sterling sil- ilville Drama Workshop iwas iasa kd otsideDr.32 uing ver. Legion D ist. F FinalS hî nth inIenr 1~ton Street, and had been thure Mrs. Jesse VanNest and 0hisaMrh lt.a silice last Friday. After check-; Mrs. Lloyd Ayre are the p.m.. under the chairmanship 'ingpie found it was a car! general convenors. Mrs. WV. For ubli Spe kingof Mrs. Eab auess.cm- ford n. For ubli Spe kingthat had been stolen in Strat-' M. Rudeil is in charge of menced with a discussion on - _ _________ Stret School, brought honor day, April 8th. one-act piays ta bu given inD~p tBaavilbywnngBoth Avelyne Lycett and the Town Hall early in AprilReCrsFunDiv the Juniar Elumnentary Section ýAilan Fraser, who succeuded! John Selhounnakur wAas eluct- of the District F Finals of the 's admîrably in Cobourg on d aMtiketcanenolan Mi RoalCaaia LginPuli iStudaare sponsored by J ean DardtheSam uesiN ets $1,574 on M ond y * bourg on Saturday. She is a ýadian Legion, Bowmanville. ýcharge of make-up, and' Mr s.Rt,.r daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.' Fl Zone Commander Ab Ma-! Louise Orme wiii be ch,'ef r s I co ple e L. Lycett, 88 Queen Street. vin, Branch 178 Public Speak- 'usher. Tickets ai-e now ava i- *Atlan Fraser, Courtice High ýing Chairman, statud that hie able in Bowmanville t orn Peturn frn the Blitz Cari- At the Blitz Carnpaign hea - Schoal, won the Senior Highand two cammitte members, Mrs. Rober-t Sheridan, 153 Lil \as i eid bv the Bowî a ville quarters in the Counicîl Chain- Section. Other winner's were: ýJoe O'Neill and Jack Adams, ei-tx- St., MA3-3,588, aid in Bianch of *the Canadian Rediber at. the Town Hall, Mrs B. Senior Elementary, Andy Pipe, alsa, the parents and teachers, Orono from MNrs. Ed ward Cross Society hure on MGndax' L. Burk. the treasurur. and, Trenton, and Junior High, Isa- 'ail oi wham accompanied Samuel. tuluphone 227. Picase evenig amoutited to $1,5î71 Mrs. Spry, the Campaignj bel Williamson, Trenton. Thosu Avulyne Lycutt and Alian Fi-a- cali uither ai these numbers Mrs. WI. R. Sprv, the Carn- Chairmnan. countud the i-e-I w~ho competud in the District 'sur ta the District Finals in and tickets will bu delivered paign Chairrnan. and Mrs. WV.' turns. Thre president, Mrs. W. I F Finals wvuie the winners in !Cobourg, weru uxceudingiv ta x'ou. M. Rudeil, the Brandi Presi- M. Ruduli, and Mrs. H. HiWoen' ' eachi section of Zones FI, F2, proud indeed ai the splendid Thre evening conciuded with dent. expressed appreciation served caffee and doughnutsý f ~ 3 and F5. efforts of tliuse two yo0Ung the final section of ',Ur, John of the gcnurous responsu marie ta the canvassers. The District F Finals xin- people. Schaenmaker's course on thc li,- the townspuople ta the Red The Rud Cross executivei niers xiii adcvance ta take part In Cobourg an Saturday thieatre and w- scancerned Cirass appeal. Returns fromn has said th.at if anyone was: j te Area Finals btweun Comi-ade Bill Smithi of the Ca- with the five different uses the. surroundiing area will he aut when a canivasser called,! District F and District G. Tis 'bourg Bi-anch welcomied ail made of the voaie, xhlen pur- conrpleted by the end of the or~ was inadveitentlv missed, cantest will bu huld in the Le- - TIJRN Ta PAGE TWO) forming on the stage. week. ýTURN TO PAGE TWO) Attractive Hats Displayed by Five Charming Models at B. & P. Show 71 Mo.% - ~ - The Roy ai Theatre vas packcd last Wednuesdav evcninz for ioaned for the occasion bv Widc-?nan's Ladies' Wear. They ai-e, f rom the biggest and best Spring Hat Show produced bv the Bowvranville lef t to rîghî: Agn1ies Waddell, Edith Brooks, Helen Nulles, Velma Business & Professional WVoren's Club. Thesu f ive chairring Gay anýi Pauline Storkst modela displayed a wide range of the latest in femnale headgear, Bowmanville Rotary Club announced this week that they will undertake to pro- vide, a Communlty Fireworks Display this year as a major safety project. While plans are incom- plete. the Special Events Cornmittee hopes to stage one of the biggest and best fîreworks presentations ever held ini this community. By agreement, it will replace the a,nnual event held at Memor- il Park. Arrangements are already underway for a $750 display, to be held on the High School grounds, on Monday. May 21st or May 25th if rained out. In order to defray some of the expense, there will be an admission charge of 50e for eaclr person, aduit or child. This amount was felt to be ni ti st ti fr si rE CI a] ai It wasn't planned titis way, but three-year-old Murray Ball, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, received an early birthday gîft while atten-ding the Brown Case Show on Friday evening. He won this beautiful new toy tractor. Murray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ball, and celebrated bis third birthday on Sunday. Mr. Brown isdemonstrating how the machineoperates._______ not excessive, considering bat most parents and young- re ornes o g turs spend far in excess of --__-__ bis amount for home fire- works. A speciai representative rom the Hands Fireworks Outstanding Israieli Speaker Copanyvisl e e sTentad sueisso tcetshoa. ahsoad- miusie achaneon a a TeinfHi-o nr 's P o lm ltbougb Ibis still bas to be pproved by the conunîttee. RecmmedsAt Annual Interclub Meeting Approva I Word was received here this week that Mr. H. E. Roberts, in charge of the recent hearing on providing services for an industrial Park here, had recommended that the town be permitted to proceed with the lssulng of debentures. fis recommendation has heen submitted to the Mun- icipal Board, but at press time, ino Information had been received coneerning their decision. Tlhe democracY of Israel ishead table in addition to Dr.,- not only a belief but is actual-! Siemon and the guest speaker ly liived by its people, who are:i were Jack Lander, Charter willing ta fight to retain it,! president of the Bowmanville: S. Robert Abrahami, NuwýKinsmen Club; K. N. Morris,ý York, stated on Monday even-; president of the Bowmanville ing. Mr. Abrahlami was the Rotai-y Club; Howard Gibson,, special guest speaker at the'president of the Bowmanvill1ej annual Inter-Club Di nne r Lions Cl ub: Osborne Wiiliams ' Meeting held by the Bowman- president ot the Bowmanvilic' ville Rotai-y. Lions, Kinsmen, Kinsmen Club, and Ross Jack-ý and Kiwanis Clubs at the man, president of the Bov-1 Lions Communitv Ce n tr c. manviIle Kiwanis Club. More than 175 members and, Those in charge of arrange- thei- guests were pi-esent. ýments for the successful event Dr. Keith Siemon (Rotary) wure Dr. Siemon, chai-man, was ehairman. Others at the, Rotary, R1oss Stevens, Lions, fCecil AlI.dread, Kiwanis, Jack Ç13ts and1 £Pteces BEAN GUESSER - Herb Calmer of Orchardview Blvd. is the proud owner of a new Bell & Howcll movie camera which he won for being a good bean guesseer. At the Lob law display in the recent Sportsmen's Show, there was a large jar of coffee beans. Herb took a look, calculated quickly in his hcad and wrote 17,540 on the slip. The correct number wvas 17,536, just four out. Herb is probably wondering just xvhere bu made his mistaku, but in this case, even coming close paid off. Maybe he should demand a recount. t- OVERLAPPING - Citizens in the Newtonvillc- Kendal area will bu well supplied with Crippled Children Easter Suais. Due ta an urror, bath Baw- manville and Port Hope Rotary Clubs sent cam- paign lutturs ta the district. However. all's wul ihat ends wcll. This area cornes under Jui-isdic- tion of the Bowmanville Club. so anv returns sent in en-or ta Part Hope will be credited ta thu Bow- manville Rotanians. HOCKEY PLAYOFFS - Oshawa lias been al agog this week due ta the New York Rangers making their home at the Genosha Hlotel. Youngsters have been flocking fi-rn aIl parts of the city for- autographs. Heru. in Bowmanville, xve have ouir awn big league playoffs this Satur- day nighit at the Ai-ena when thie Minai- League cantenders will be in action. starting at 6:30. mnci- dentally, in the NHL semi-finals, Toronto beat New York 4-2 on Tuesday and Canadiens downed Chicago 2-1. HELD IN ABEVANCE -- Oui- information is that Town Council took no direct action Tuiesday night on a Chamber of Commerce request for council ta purchase the Steinberg propei-tY for a com- munity parking lot at a cast af $55.000. Mare dutails probably will bu available at the ncxt rugular counicil meeting. An editorial outlining the problem. appears on page four. FOUND DEAD NEAR CAR - Sym pathy of the Blackstock community is being extended ta Mrs. William Hugh McLenechan whose 37-year-ald husband was found dead near his overturned car, 15 miles south of Pernbroke on Monday. No details of the accident or the e funvr-al were avail- able at press tirne. The M\,cLenechans had a restaurant at Causai-ca and were burned out a few years ago. They came ta Blackstock wherc they operate a snack bar. He also did TV and radia repairs and recuntly had beeri a salesman. Thuy have no children. CONGRATULATIONS - Onu of the top winners at the recent Peterborough Music Festival was 17-year-old Patricia Fisher, daughtur of Mi-. and Mrs. Harry G. Fisher, R.R. 1, Hampton (Zion>. Miss Fisher, a secrctarv at Donevan Collegiate, Oshawa, was awarded the I.OD.E. Jeanette Scott Chaptur Schalarship and the Chernev rose bowl trophy for an advanced piano student. She is pruparing for ber A.R.C.T. and is a pupil of Mrs. L. W. Parrott. Oshawa. Miss Fisher- was one of the contestants featured at their final festival concert. Congratulations. * r + OPERA LOVERS- For the fir-st time, a pr'o- fessional opera company wilI be caming ta this ai-ca Apt-il 4th when the 'Canadian Opera Company xvi] pur-foi-m "La Boheme" at Donevan Collugiate auditorium in Oshawa. This xiil bu good news to oprea loyers. I L.anaer, . Knsmenl, and -Glen- holme Hughes, Rotar-y, secre- tai-y. A delicious dinner was prepared and servud by the St. Paujl's United Church Wo- men. DP~ewssi yÇpan oaldaitson. R-oss .Metcait'1 played the piano accompani- ment for the singing of the National Anthem. The Toast to the Queun was given by Dr. TURN TO PAGE TWO) Golf Pro Accepts Post At Midlanid Ian Trn er, who has been the golf professional bers since the Southview Golf & Country Club opened wll not he here this year. He bas accupted a position at Mid- land Golf Club as their "ipro". Mr. Turner, a charter meniber of the Kiwanlu Club, had a great deal to do wlth j that club's sponsorshlp et the Santa Claus parade ln December. He and bis wlfe Joan have made mnu friends ln this area, who wll be sorry indeed that they are leavlng this community No announcement ha. been forthcomlng f rom the local golflng authorities as te a replacement. Joins AIIied Van Lines il 1) ~IIL Maurice F. Preston It was announced this week that the well-known local firm, Preston Transport Ltd. nf Maple Grave, have becorne members of Allied Van Lines Ltd., one of the Jargust maving organizations in Canada. President Maurice F. Preston in rnaking the announicement, stated that this new affiliation wîll make it possible for persans planning ta move any. where in Canada, ta have ail the arrangements made by Preston Transport, including packing, storing, etc. Preston Transport will also continue with ther- other regular transport business. Allied Van Linus Ltd. is a vast organîzation which wvas formed in 1930 ta provide communities with a completu, nation-wide moving service. Its organiza- tion now includes over 325 offices and warehouses in Canada and mare than 860 furnituru vans. Its rhead office is located in Toronto. Mi-. Preston was uxtremcly proud when making the announcernent because it marks anothur step forward for his company which was started by his father, the latu Robert D. Preston, with one truck, back in 1949. At present they have a dozen transport vehicles, plus a large storage and office building, at i R. R. 3, Bowmanvillu (Maple Grave). President Maurice Preston is well known in this area, having been bai-n in Enniskillen. Following bis uducation, he worked for two years in the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company here before joining hiii father's business. In 1960, when Robert Preston died, he txnak over as huad of the cornpany and lias been carrying on since. H-e is married to the former Donna Louise Martin and tbey have two sons, Martin 21/ and Wayde 1½. -iu T -11n P.-iï- ï-ý-- 1 10c Per Cnnv lut; E-týi- %-UPY IN UIVIýbrK là !r- 1