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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1962, p. 2

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WMJNESDAY. MAN. W~. ~O83 PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESM.&"~ ~7vA~rTî 7W I~'A~TI% 1Several Streets in Town WiI Receîve "Mu Ich" Top Cobban, Mrs. P. Cowlini M.%rs. T. Dustan. MINrs. L. Des; cl, Mca. J. Firth, Mrs. J. Lan der, Mrs. L. Parker, Mrs. C Sparrow. Mrs. M. Vanstont .Mc. W. Whitehead ,and Mr! P. Passmore. John Living, captain; Mr. g, Surroundeci hv 45 million hos- -tilt Arabs in seven countries. nIsrael. none the less. openedi ;i her borders for Jewish ce-j e,'fugees fcom ail over thet,\,-rld,: s. in particular the poor suc- vivors af Nazi concentration -E.camps. As long as aur state hý At aspecal metig ofmatey 550(Agalln,; C-3 t'J. Brown, Mrs. J.- Cuddahee, viable anY Jt'w i15«welcome'. Ata peia metn o mtey 5.00gllnsMCs. t~J. Fair Ms.S.Muroc, Dem ocratie SocietN, 13aw'manville Town Counicil a peice of .245 cents per gal- A. Sîuîtr, Mrg. G. White, Mus5. Mrs. R. Patfield, Mrs. R. Hayes 'During 13 ,.ear, ive lia\ e 1Oh1owing tht Board of Works'ion; 2. Russell H. Stewart Con- F. Oliver. Me,-. William Van Mrs. F. Rehder, Mrs. J. Man- endeavorcd ta build a denua' Meeting held in tht Council struction Cornipany for stock Der Byl. and Clarence Bell. tie, and Mrs. J. Living. ýcratie sacicty ba.sed on nmaral Chamber on Tuesday evening,'plling lakeshore gravel et a Mrs. W. R. Sprv. captain; Mca. L. Lucas, captain: Mes. and ethical' justice. The Is- the Roed Expenditure By-Lowprice of .18 cents pcr cubic Mes. Leland Berry, Mrs. A.E. Colt, Mrs. A. O. Dalrvm-'..!caei people are peaceful, 'n for 1962 was givcn three read- yard, and for crushing approx- George Brook.s, Mrs. E a r 1I pI'eMrs. N. Gibson, Mrs. ' t!act tht' concept of pence W&S Ingsa nd passecd. Tt will bc imahely 5.000 yards at a price Clark. Mcs. C. J. Elston, Mis.- Loýb Mrs. H. G. MacNejll,, giveti 1a th, xvorldi bv oUic forwarded to the Departmcnt. of .38 cents per cubir yard, K. Sumersford. Mca. G. Vin- Mrs'A. McGregor, Mes. A. Il. prophets. Wileiî thle United of Highways for approval. Tbis was cacried. isb. Mrs. E. Tomlinson. $nid Strýike, Mes. I. Woolsey. [Nations was focmcd tiiece was When counicil passcd thr -Mes. J. Werc 'v. W. W. BEugneli,. captaino:a search foc, a tieme to cx- Budget for 1962 nit thtetcc- RMes. Cliotori Hetioing. cari- Mrs. M'. W. Bagneli. Mes. C. press its hiapes for Ille fuiture. lng held laet weck, monc(wn tain: MrF. H. Bons. Mrs. A. Burdett, Mrs R. Jones, Mr-. and onie xaitoi i si Included in thc Roada an~d ' w ýDcJong, Mca. H. Henning. Mrs. N. O'Rourke, Mrs. C. Taylor, "Ntoswlli italîrr Streets estimates foc the mul- POM PAGE ONE) G. Muttoti. Mcs. K. Nickecsoii. and Mca. M, Vermuelen. I gainsf le îiglîbor. flor wil ching of the tollow,,inpg strectz and would like ta make A do- Mrs. A. Wlker, and Mi . ____ there be wac anv niai-e.' Tlîi. gubject ta the, appraval of the' nation towards the ,vartlî\,Midivo Wilcox. was rar\ert an hie ails (Ir District Engince of tht Dc- work ot tht Red Cross heytai Stewart Meîavislî, 'nrp-rhe UN Builcliiîu. partment of Hialîwa ycul o obysndn t etain- Mtrs. F. Clark, Mca. H. Pu b li c Gunls Are Rolling nht ronds includcd arc Rclî- thc local Branch of tht Tor-, CoaMs.S aroMs. W .'o i sccsltîv- CeSurcLm' arýot»oiinBn.o o orclIen, Mes. M. Dale. Mes .t sn~tiOltgalhe bor-- der, Sret r Suroc, nb oLn,, onto-Dominion ,B.or ho83.R. Elliatt,, Mcs. rD.Gilhoo ders of Svria aiîd l.s; 1rbaiîa:, Firt Street. Tlird Str'eet, . Wanl.. prBx18 Mes. F. l-laapei-, Mes. J. Par- tht' Siez Caa i.î kclo'scd ta iiv. CoutmaStrndt.HnpihMtretn omnvlc terson. Mes. G. Wallace, and<l î ROM PAGE ONE)i and Nasser i, deteriied in Colma ad liaet Mrttî Thoçe who look part i i tii Mes. G. White. iaewoatne.Cm'd puslî Iscactiîîto huile sert. Rond South, Machin Road- canvass wece: Captain, Mes. Mrs. M. Beatoti. captaiti; Dude -holI, einal Vcome- e' i.Acha1 tcse u Nürth, Bradehavw. 11gh Strer't Ed Rundît', assistcd by Mes. R. Mers. R. Dilling. Mrs. P. Green- sidenHillaf gOnai ce-mmand past vicfarcq of Iscaci agaiiv-t Pouth of tracks, Lambce't Bacon. Mers. W. G. Burgcss, field, Mcs. S. R. James, Mcs identsooficiario CxttdedandttAabai i:lsdta Street troni Kine to ChurchýMes . C. Enguislî, Mes. R. Guth- E. Mqtztcrs. Mes. C. MeFeeters.cnet htpriiatsadi h'Siuîcuyîagliiil Street, Lambert (rnm Quecti rie, Mes. M. Moore, Mrs. K.Mr C.-cion M Nloîî t teaudienc nt Ud, tSS eqiiitgis id ta riceStret Nlso cshPorter, Mrs. R. Swan. Mes. T. Osbarne. Mrs. R. Oke, Mrs. u-plan" werec captuit-cdfroiii of Liberty, Victoria tram Duke, Thon-pson. and Mes. A. Mc- j. .Pressotu, and Mirs .Ki.î cd ThermetangCam teade rxie Aas n lom u- ta Hunt Street, Victoria tram 'Robbi, tht'dcah, adIols maîv Ru Onai o ietySrePr,ýSlemnon. Tuioinpson ot the Elizabehi sian tank-s were takliî. a 1la - gc Strto WtLBeartvStee, Park, Mes. Robert E. Ratc. cap-1 Howard Gibsoni, ca p ta irn; Smellie (Ex-Servicewomen's) Inumber \vîtlî USSR ptrisniiil. Line East. Cemetcry Rond.ti;MsPer Bathate, Mes. Mrs. A. Lobb. Mes. A. Fetcîi- Branch Peterboroughi, wbo isý' RsinIflrto Mill Lant, and the Middlc- . Crawford, Mes. Clarence Cor. Mes. R. Mitchell. Mes. L.- tht District F Chairman of! Ht'-warlied timat the, Rlis Rond. !Oke, Miss L. Kilgannon, Mi-s. Connors, Mca. Burnham, and Public Speaking. sians arec iifiltcatiig iîto J Brownlee, Mrs. W. A. Ste- Miss Apha Hodgins. Mrs. B. Tejdswr [o C-cunisilteMdleT:t, Councillor Roy W. NichoIs,iyens, and Mca. B, Perfect. !L. Burk, captain; Mes. Ea r TheourgadgPteroramgh Ca-he ont rie âs iainic idoe\,Ast.:- c.haîrm-an aoflie Ronds anIdý Lawrence C. Mason,!Oshorne. Mrs. M. Cain, cap- large audience was impressed can natiotns taugetq toc tueuir Streets Comnmittec, reported;captain; Mes. J. Brine. Mes. A. tain; Mes. E. S. Dawson, Mrs ý,witli the high calibre af th'infiltratuion. Thi:' speakcr spokir ta Town Council at the nmeet-lCamtron, Mes. F. Crowe, Mr5. Allan B. Svesteî' pehsadth ievreyo the phhigcoîiiose ing held in the Council Cham-1 C Dunn, Mrs. L. Ellis, Mes.; Mes. William Cowauî, cari- ot subjects deait witb by thet Povr illiid çdisca'-e beha t bee recci 1 tend.s .' (cher, Mes. S. Hooper, tain: Mes. J. Buttonshaw, Mi-.pripatineh ls ha rva IeIljt- liedbee recive. iMes. Harold Lake, Mca. D. H. Cowan, Mus. Il. Emn itit Commander AI Bue- ity afthue upopulationi of thif It was moved by Caurîcillor Martiru. Mca. J. G. Mactyn, son, and Mcs. A. Richards. ~ga Dunbarton, presented Acab state, des;pite hile groat_ý NichaIs, seconded hy Cauncil-' Mes. R. Poste, Mes. G. Teiv-4H. Dave., captain: Mes. R.Isuitably engraved plaques ta ail tari-tujuis ouijovcd hY itie lac Jack Broîîgh, (bat the fat-; hune, and Mes. R. MeMulîcti. Gi]!, F. Dilling, Miss J, Barr, ltht winners, and certificates ta few - lowing tenders be acceptedi:1Mes. J. D. Marsden, captaiu; nand Miss J, Vermuelien. !tht cunners-up. The singîng T 1 aecgelfe spai lin the 1. W. A. Rder Paving Com-[Mrs. N. L., Mes. G. Mes. J. D. Marsdcn, captain: of tht National Anthem bro- Arab cottis sonil 8 ~any__for suppl.ving appeaxi-iMoffat, Mes. M. Puk, Mes ts. D. Caverly. Mes. W. J.îuh h omipoednsyas ud(i average atiîiialý *ta a close. Afherwards a delec- 1 iicouuleis, btt I;.5. lie snîd: * table lunch was served by tht These poor anîd ltbie odiwatrd Cabaurg Branch nf the Royah People att'ecrie ta ho easy i'- 1 SICanadiati Legion. ttms of Cotimintist propagaîli-1 i - da, ho asserted. I ! mo o -l *u. gghests Aiuq h wlz1a F 1 ~. i~ * ~ ' 'f'îîee uvi Il lE iiî-easjz Town of Bowmanville B3Y.LAW No. 1840 A By-Law to provide for a vote of the Municipal Electors on the question of passing a by-law to make legal the presentation of motion pictures, concerts, etc., and Sports on Sundays. WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Bownmanville derns it expedient to subrnit to the Municipal Electors certain questions under the Lord's Day Ontario Act 1960; BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a hy-law of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville by thle Cotincil thereof as follows: 1. That the votes of the Municipal Electors of the T1own of Bowmial- ville shall be takcn upon the following questions: (a) Arc yotî in favour of moving pictures, theatrîcal performances. concerts and lectures after 1:30) o'clock in the afternoon of the Lord's Day bo be regulated by Municipal By-Lav under the atîthor- ity of The Lord's Day (Ontario) Act, 1960-61? (b) Are you in favour of publie games and sports for gain after 1:30< o'clock in the afternoon of the Lord's Day to be rcgulated by Municipal By-llaw under the authority of The Lnrd's Day (Ontario) Act, 1960-61? 2. That the said questions shall be submitted to a vote of the Municipal Electors on MONDAY the 9th day of APRIL, 1962, from 9:00 a.m. in the forenoon until 6:00 p.m. in the afternoon 1. That the Polling Places andi Polling Officiais as outlined ini Schedule "A" attacbed hereto and forming part of this by-Iaw%%, are hereby appointcd for taking the heretofore mentioned vote. 4. That the Clerk of The Corporation of the Town of Bownmanville shall attend at the Municipal offices of the said Town on the lOth day of April, 1962, at the hour of twclve o'clock noon and shaîl then and there sum up the nuniber of votes cast in the affirmative and ini the negative on cach of the said questions. 5. The M1ayor ofthie Town nf Bowmanville shail attend ai. the Municipal offices in the Town of BowvmanviIIe on the 6th day of April, 1962, nt the hour of four o'clock ini the afternoon for the' purpose o! appointing, if requestecl, so to do, two persons [o attend at the' final summing up of votes by the Clcrk and one pcrson to attend at each Polling Place on behaif of persons intcrested in and desirous nf voting in the affirmative on ench of the said questions, and a like number on behaîf of persons interested in and desirous of voting in the negative on each of the said questions. Read a first anîd second time this I9th (a ' of March, A.D., 1962. Read a third time and finally passed this l9th day of March, A.D., 1962. 1, Jack L. Reid, Clerk o>f Corporation of the Town of Bownmanville, declare the foregoing to he a trime eopv of By-Lawv No. 1840). JACK Il. RE1 1), (jerk. POLLING DIVISIONS WEST WARD No. 1 - Pnlling Place - Town Hall That part of the West Ward as lies South of Wellington St rept a id Second Concession Line and West of Temperance Strre'. WEST WVARD No. 2 - Polling Place - Town Hall Cornprising that part of the West Ward as lies North of U'ellrngion Snreet and Second Concession Line, and Wesi of Temnperance Strert, Reoeh Avenue and High Strect, NORTHI 1WARD No. 1 - Polling Place - 48 Church Street Comprising that part of the North Ward Iying South of Lowc Stret and Loyers Lane East of Tcmpcrance Street to the East Town Limîts. NORTHI WARD No. 2 - Polling Place - 10)9 Liberty Street Comprising that part of the North Ward, lving East of Beech Avenue and High Street. North of Lo\ve Street and Lovers Lanc. Easterlv\ to lhe owon Limits. SOUTH IVARD No. 1 - Polling Place - Ontario Street Sch<>ol Comprising that part of the South Ward lying North of Albert and P! i nce Streets. East of Temperance Street and South of King Street. SOUTH WARD No. 2 - Polling Place - Memorial Park Club House Coraprising that part of the' South Ward ]Ying South of Albert and Prince Streels. tFROM PAGE: ONE)> Slemon, the chaix'man. The president of ecd ser- vice club introduced the mcm- bers who had joined since the last Inter-Club annual dinner meeting. Guests present were Russell C. Honey, Port Hope, R. Doyle. Willis Barrable, Jack Lowery. Oshawa, Don Brown, Ken Shelton, and Rev. 1 K. Reid, al of Sunderland. Prizes fo Lions Curlers Mr. Brown on behaif of the Sunderl'and Lions Club pre- sented prizes to the merrilbers of two teams from the Bow- manville Lions Club who hal taken part in the Sunderland i Bonspiel recen't]y. The awards were received by James Bell, Skip, Jack Brough and Fred Cale, and by Dt. Ivan Wool'Is- ley, Skip, S. R. James.,aw rence Goddard, and Georgel Webst er. S. R. James led the rousing sing-sang, and Ross Metcalf was the pianist. The audience was tremendously pleased by the singintg of a quartet com- pased of Dr. Siemon. Keith Jackson, Ken Hockin andý Rackbani. The birthday of A. H. Strike was celebrated by his fellow service club rn-ember.-. The hockey draw was won by Gar- net Rickard, Dr. Slemon (who presented his tickets ta the guest speaker), and Neil Met- P caif. Flew from New York .ack Lander, who lntroducedý the guest speaker. sald that S. Robert Abraham! flew from New York that day especially to attend the Inter-Club clin-l ner here. Mr. Abrahami was; born in London. England, and was educated at Oxford. Hel was a founding member of the Zionist Youth Movement,1 Mr. bander stated. He told of Mr. Abrahami's service tn the British Armv at Dunkirk and later with Gen- eral Montgomery in Nortil Africa. Atter the war he went ta lsrael where ie servpd with the underground, and later, became a Major in theTlsraelii ArmIl "Mr. Abrahami for a nLIM-1 brof vears was editor of ai l newruaper and Mayor of anl lsraeli citv. le is chairmani tion of the Zionist Move' S o O Frst Speech in Canada o dee n îsp er o ore 0(ore r0 Mc. Lander said that Mcjj. Cbevroleh .ser mr cO Abrahamni naw serves Roscn- ý, or 0corniort0 Israel ln New York, and added ,#want .- m ,r l ýhat this was his first speak.'jaue5-o b ing engagement in Canada. 1mor ea la nS 0ter o1cO Iel's 13th Annlversaryy Trhis is a signiticant year In10rje the life of Israel as it is the i 3th aoniversary vaf its inde- penden ce, the z)peaker pointed out. He cxplained that in the i .Iwish religion, Bar Mitzvah mneans a Jewish boy h". comne of age ta enter intobth work of God and assume an adult roîr. The Bar Mitzvah for a < bov is when he is age 13.- 'WL, have chosen ta caîl 1962- lsrael's Bar Mitzvah Year. Oui' Young nation bas camne ta manhood and taken its place in the ,world as an established progressive demnocracy orien- ated ta the West. Service club meinbeî's are moulders of public opinion. ,Mc. Abrahaml said, and added that it is important that they (.11)3 Y Il NOIA 400 understand Israel's raie in th e4-boor 2'.Seai 'Middle East and at the United station ivagon Nations. Ht asserted that 13 ... iotal!y new! years is a compartively short spart' ii the' life o! a nati on. "The birth pangs of Israel E H M A as a nation %vere evidenced in the last 13 v cars after a nearix' 9 hireuia î ireç aprional aiexra co.sî 3,000 vear exile for its peaple,j he exolained. More than 1,-' Be >itre tu -ce Botmdîî/a on 000 000 Jew,%s from 72 caun -___ tries acrass the globe came ta - Israti where they founid aihoe- place ta live In treedom andI h eMA 3-35 digent.the British lfil B OWM ANVILL* ver ; z te option or long as the vast resources of' RRS tht Arab counitries go ino tht'OR IS dpurses of a fevw w'hile the' -people starve. lsrael could Tht reglar mnonthi' rneet- [show'v the Arabs the' way ot iflg of the U.C.W. was'held on, -demorratic lire. The' West Tuesdav, March 2Oth. at 2.*30 n would be wise ta help raiselP.m. in the Sunday Sehool. the living standards iin these There were 10 members and countries. and place an arms two children present. Mrs. embargo ta ensuire peace in Harrv Beckett, president, cari- ethe' Middle East," lie uirged. ducted tht meeting which xvas Mc. Abrahami stated that:openPd with pra.ver and a much bas; been wvritten iin the 'im. United States and Canada The scriptie verses Nvere Saboit, the w'ondectuil fighting cead bv Mrs. Harold Osborne,; rarn- ot Israel. Il lias been lesson 'thoughts and prayer by called the mast divniamic and'Mrs. Fred Cornish. Mrs. Frankç toughiest iin the warld. and lias Anderson gave a talk îîpon. beeii said ta pertormu miracles. -The Chujrch at, Corinfli" froni "This is riat truie. We have the stuid,, book, Mrs. Morlevý a icitiz.en acniv composed of Hacnes,; and Mis. William Mc- plain, ordinarv w'orking pea- ou-n reRding the' Bible ver- pite, 'who go into battle ko- s es. iog lsracl's existence iq ah h ertrv r.Mro sthake. Sa ' stand and figiht "escea~,Ms otî and are not pushcd inoafile llcodcrson, called tht' raoll nd s(là Ilis otquatit blt read tht minutes ofrIthe la5t. serti.\ hals tîjtsquntt 1-bt eeting which \wcre adopte-1 Pay Prier for Frerdom as read. "liillihustorv rua110rî'l'lie report aorhIe two qtiilts rîeîîl hae aida -gca ecru-ot lv qîîilted was givon ncpVj< fo afv e Pd à; t a tU c r a nid th e prire for h s uvack lewish people lhavc. Now-- v arr-anged ve tirpe -ta thc I'îv reedonil and will nmaini- satisfactîolî Ot a1 I ocerîîled. tain il. We do tiot aFk focr'rwo invitations wvere gn- ctins. equ ipmcîîet, or' monov. ceptcd ta atteid Easýtet-Tlîjik- iWe aillv ask ttînt "Nliciî vrîîi otferiiîgz services, one hCaî 1 read abo uit Isrzicl v nui seec.1 uIý tari. the ottîci ai WtC atoi- ias a fcllow. democrac.v. and Unîited Cliiiîc(hvq diîrirîgîe give v' rsynipathetin cotîsid- iiith. ('ration anîd vauir fcienidshi.p ha ris." ~ ~ i Mr haînisad Tht' April t. . iIshart clo~iiîgeveniîîg meetings ait 8:15 p.nî. .Jack BrLlogh. Lions, thal!-. itîstcad ot 2.301 p.m.. starting cdt1ir gucst speaker-aol he- an the h 7th iii thp t uinday hair of ailltiiose preselît fo School: a programn for Easter- iniocantmesag le l~dtime ta he preparcd hv this he motn sgeconmtte'Memb-s îlo t pre- so ablv preserited. le eark-cmite.Mme ed (liait te gî'cat applause Mr.lset t tlis inonth pheinse note Abrahianî l md received for.<ils'change or timeî rxcnlleiît addrcss \vas at in- Mcs. Hiar-v Becketi aAkcd dicatiai or the inteîrest fiid îîîietnbers ho save ahI used pas- enthusiasi lie liad acOuIsed. tage stamps toi' the' children lt' extended. hest. wisheq ta 0f the Mission Band vho arel the speaker anîd Io his gallant,:rollecting thetîr as a project.ý colinticv. Mrs. D. Hlainies gave two co- Dr. 'Slenjiîo lii passiîîg 01 ports of meetings atteîîded in! the vote of tlîanks ta Mr. Ab-. connectioîî with Ille t.C.W., cahamni also expressed. appe- 'Tht' Work Shap" and the ciatimn ta ili for luis pawerý- .pro\,iiial bii igli cal .set'vice' fiît saccelic. As a souvenir or 0f U.C.W.« his v iit ta Bov.nianiville lie The corivciior of the' bootlî prescýnted the giiest speaker1 at, tht' Sales Bar-ri, Cobourg,! xviti a, tie rck of Canadian gave reports of this successfîîlý wahlilirnmade bv Walter Re'.- 'entuce. Little Latirîa Galle îad.a local Rotariari. Andersotn was happy ta takr p MTORS VA 728-6206 COURTICE 1, A GENERAL M tuie (CBBC.'I'\' inetN% ork eacl Suiîday . Chieck N our local lidting for lîaienl and iinie. Y W. NICHOLSPhn THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, nO'%"MANVMTlr- M7ýYT&'RTM 1 1 u.p the collection. the Community Hall oil WPCI. Mrs. Mlvorle.v Harness gave nesdav,, March 2lit. a vocal solo, -In the Garden", For fi vears we hlav.e :srri accompanied on piano bv Mrs.,this shed to store w"oo d. coal.s Helen, McHolm .Ar -eadiing lawn mower, gardenl tools anlc: "Pray-er' was read by Mrs.,rmany other useful articleÇr Morton Henderson, and Bren-Miss Beckett lias als;o uscd a da Anderson sang very sweet- Ipart for Wood and coal. The 1l, "When He Corneth to mnakeilandlord, Mr. Morton lender- Uip l{is Jewels," accomnpanied sýon. used it to keep miachincrv bY Mrs. Hielen McHolm. The'in. His Io,, is heavy and wa- mieeting ciosed Nvith the Miz,are sorry for lirm, everv stick pah Beniediction. of Wood %vas biurned #- Iteet During Ille social halft hotirpart-s of bols and în h.xner-v \v enjoyed tea and .zandw.ýicli-iremain, also a si-all pile ot es prepared b *\ the lunchi coin- wet, stearning roal. H-ow thi.' mlitîce. M'rs. F. Cornish and tire started is a mys.,tcr\v. Last Mrs. llarrv Beckett. xveek we wrotc, a storx- ot The Euchre Club enjoyed snow and ire, Iffs xvck onie another pleasant evening ar ot fire and heatý Durham Progressive - Conservative Association CONVENTION willbe helinti hIe Town Hall, Orono oIli Wednesday, Aprîl 4 aI 8:00 P.p11. foi. Ille puipose of transacting igcner al ils o s and Ieîg a Candidat(, for Ille FederaJ Election. DR. R. P. VIVIAN, M.P. ALEX CARRUTHERS, M.L.A. and other Prorninent Speakers FEVERYONE WELCOME ROBERT SISSON W'. K. LYCETTF President Secretal.(;OD SAVE THîE QUEEN 1 1 U#Ww %aq1wmn Speaker

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