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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1962, p. 3

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WEMMlfMTAY. XMAR + § CWL Spring Regiona I resnionj Members onf thieclergy prp- si-nt aIt hp eotiference .verp Rex. F. K. Malane. pansuýi 'Conference M eets pret of St*. Jo5ephs Roman Therp Ra a ar2p, attendiair" nt the !,rrinz Reginal Con fer- mi',-the C;aîholîri Womp"ný League hcid Pt si. Jnoph'c Hall. Libert-v Strri Sowh. on Modxx vxcniný,,of a t~ v. %lts ichael Henan. Co:-'i tice. prerideunt of theBop mranville C.W.L.Sh-i-o. w,,lrnmed the di~îsfi-n Grafton. Cobourg. Port Hou'. Rnd] Peterborough. and thcir was ;the nonferere e hnirmar. The> Regionp! Prpsirlent. Mi-' Mar.y Dorahiie. Ptrooîî s;poke, on the' worthxxhile wnOî 4)f the ('.! .aui i:nvdi icical.r and chîrtivrs. Shp cm- rihasized tht' 7pirituai hc'npii!' ti e derivp'prifronuthu'e c(I- Mfi- ç o n u e'nm v i cF . rleJe~sîîn fiai exnvone iîi Goci livu'n talents. and is mon- aliv oblilge o tiîousehe-m. Theie iF p!e'nt- of xvork for alli the C.W.L.. ,zhe as'erted. The' Re2ional Pre.sidf-nt adi- '.Oca;tîcdI aday of reparatoni he' helcib%. earh Suh-Divi-ion ouuiIdu n ng the vear. Shie o formied the non ference thcît a (W.L. Pilgrîmage will oe hein ltri Cape de Mideicine. Que, no uAîgîut I7tb. t 8t i, and 191îh. P,îses x\ illleave frorn Gravenhurst. Boxvman- ville andl Lindsav. she saiel, and îîddeel that the relurn fare xx-iiil e $12. 'The' Rc'gîîual ('WL[. Con- vention iil hi' held in Peter- borou2hi on Max 2-Ptb. Mi-'ý Donahije annoxînced. She stai - ed ihat '.ub-diviszions a nnuai !eporî s ni i't he1rire i vee i n Pc ' erbrnr.ollîgh 001later 111;m Apt-il 1.51h lu aiiox lime ror C atholieC hurch. Bowman- ville. Rev. Gerrard Sullivan. iWarkworth. the reginnat spiri- ttiai director. Rex. H-. A. Black. Grafton. Rex. .1. P. Collins. Cobourg. and Rev. L. Clear'., Port Hope. Fatiien Sullivxan, the regional spiritujal director, opened the coriference with the Lpagup Pravers. H-e also asked a!i 1prespnt to prav for His Excel- lencv. the Rigbt Reverend Benjamin Webster, Bislîop of Peterborough, who kisil]. In his address Father Sulli- van discussed the value or Re- gional Conferences. and the knowledge to be acquired from: the experience of differeuit sub -divisions in dealing with projects and pro.>blems. The importance of familv lire and the responsibilities of par- e-nts were stressed by Father Suîllivan. Charitable work and the keeping in minci or tie: Itindamental tenels of religion' wili hear fruit in the spiritual )ives of C.W.L, members, lie st a ted. rried 50rtYearsaveClarkteeDsst. rried 50 eurs er .s report.The ladies are ser- C a k it iý ingfor the Lions Inter-ciubh H f j » Dnner on March ?6th. Plans Teac hers rv'eet were made to attend the Tea and Flower Show at MrS. Bar- nes on March 2lsi. Mrs. D. t K n a i: Armistead, LhteratA tK endal Secretary, la okso i- The Clarke district îeadîii -pla.v. Unit leaders reported for met on Tuesda\. Mai-ch l9tlî their groups. in the Kendal school. It was decided sick ca 1lels'ihe afiernoojî began xx oh are to be Iotalled within the the group meeting as a bodx units and niot given at general Io hear Mr. Holmes., the arc i meetings. A "lit report is 10'inspector. express his vie'x 5 consist oft he lime and place concerning the interpretation of 'he monthly unit meeting.,'of the îîew systeni of secon- the number present. and anv dar\ sach(o ediîcatjon, as in- speciai featureq or recommend- trodiuced b%, Mr. Robarts 11110 x atons.this Provinuce. Mis. Heur Frauîces. Supplv Later the teauliem s bioke Secrtary, has ivool for knit- -mbt two discussion groups. ters. The nemd for good used The junior division, chaired clothing and soap for bales. s bvBertha Caini. discussed 'tne urgent. the president :,a id. Cloting av e let attheinteiesting topic of bulletin Clohin ma belef altheboards uinder such hleadings j ~~church or in et Ms Bx-as lises, material, orgkanization, nian. lettering, etc. SLi b- Dix\7isionre portis WxvPr preseuiteel as fol lows: Cobouirg. Miss A. Delanty; Grafton. Mns. L. Cailan: Rowmanx'ille, Mrs. Michael 1-leenon. On Saturdax'.v, vlarch 3, 1962, daughter Nancv Wood ot Gales the Golden Wedding Aîînivers- Millq. Ohio. Neices Mrs. Hat- Readings irom Mater Pt arv of Sheldon Realia Pethick * tic Bradiexv and Mrs. Lena Magirtrata," the recent Enc'- son ni the late Mn. and Mrs. Chester, Olija\'. a. Mn. and Mis. clical of Pope John XXIII, John Pethick, Newtonvxille, and Arthuî Redkîîapp, Newcastle, were given bv Mrs. G. MV. Lini- Relia Violette Sheppard. dati- Mnr. Larrx' Lau,.aîî, Ba rrie, ton. Orono, and MrTs. A. Fer- ghter of the late Mi. aud Mrs. .ioiîîed in the celebration. guson, Grafln. Atterwards Wm. Sheppard of.Kendal, xxas l h feno n vn the conference waç rdivided n- celebrated %w\ilb a noon houriir l the bfide axon groom e- 10 groups for discussion. tîîîke'.dinuer at the ' 1cre'î îîg. P hi br i sud grimne Fathen Malatie i0 hissin-Restauiant, Happy' Valle\ * ai. îheirhome in Funiskillen. matioîi on religion and justice The bridesrnaid, Mrs Èlmner ~.ztated that tl wss a ftimda- Dickinson, Oshawxa. sister of A sxxiig Chair, .ti0iYuell1ixv mental aim to right ivron-g.. the bride was preserit as were rose.- and a floral ceîîtîepicce F'ather Sullivanî asked the Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peîhick. \veîe gifta fîomi their familv.. members of the C.W.L. to pi-av Toronîto. brother of the' groom; Mn. aud Mis. Pe'thick xvelme for the corniug Ecumenical the cruples four children, Os- alsn recipieuts oIf maux other Conclave tb he held in nlie wAald xx'itb bis wife Isabelle, giftsa Irorn their graîîdchîldreîî. autunîn. He also reqiiestpri and dauighter Gail of Barrie, r-elatives and friends, as xx'ell pra.vers for Latin Amnenica. Flovd bis wîfe Ipan sud son as a iîunber of caiels and ]et- Mrs.L. olme. GafI Robîin of Toronto, Clifford bis ters. Cougistîîlaîmons were akýo thauiked the Bowmativille C * wife Steila aud daiîghte'r Rui receîved froin Prime Miîîister WL. for its hoFpitalityv An of Enîîiskilleîi, Verna wthbhel- Juohn Diefenbaker sud Dr. Peu- inîvitation to hld the autumrin husbanel Joseph Sxx user andl c.vV;\viari,î.MP. C. W.L. Reginnial. Conference"_____________________________ ini Cobourg xvae extended hvý Miss Delantx . Mrs. Bfi-t Paynîe and Mis. L veosfor the delicotighis h Reports from < Th'e whiite lace tnovered- serv- ing table waç centredï witb ao effective arrangement of 1 \love- s I st tu e ,bow, an waxliglited bv t1ati Pnbuadwhite tpr i NEWTONVILLE W. 1. garden befoie yoîi are old." silvr cadelara.Several other Chînese pro- Mr.s. Stewart Chisholm, lm- isr Fred Heuiderson -txaý- verbtz xxere posîed up ar-oLnd medat pstprsien, ndhostes for- the WV. I. on Wed- the roomi e.g. "Mari wlîn ]ive IMrs. -John Brown presided nesdaY Afternonu, IVarcb 2 lst. aniong floxxecrs. with wife wbo lover the rnffee ruipsç. and the Mrs. C. Brown 013-<ook good . iitting on top or aqed îed thie meeting and conduîci- ol, and -Green thumb ot- locl CW.l mmbes asiseded the business. wthMrs. len inake ned lace'. ini serving - ý -q .-k.N Sauuu s t'dinuu the in iiute i vs, lMi-nS. Cotrou 5, u)lin pi-esi- fi nancia I report aud C(l'rneý- deiini entioned that xx e stili pondenve. 1t xas decideel 10 have ixco beatîitil piernitîm gix'e $2.501 10 the Cancer Socie- blaixiets foi'salie. Our final tv. and $2.5tl to the Red Cros,. choi-e of ant extension -oursý.e Mrs. T. Flenderson aud Mrs. was -uîursing bluts-. A. Wade xxere appointeel a At the close of the business nominating committee. 'we aIl adjouned to the spac- Mrs. C. Brown resel a short ionIs kitcheui where Mn. Art poem. -Jîst Builld a Bet,eî- Loxx,, our gucat speaker, had Yoiî.' M is. F. 1ieldel-soll. bus srclSet Lip. We eijo.Ved coaeinfor t-be Homne ECOi- \x' i\uîg 9ha col0OUied pietuit-eF înmîcs aud Health grO hi'b- Of lis lîlues. delphinuims and gauî lieu' progu.a.m lixasýkin 'g al] gladioiîîa. Samuples of bulbs sud to join in siuîging When i so ýitheir propagatinîweie discus.Ç Eyes Are Smitiiîg. Rev. Mr. sed. Art has de'. eloped snme White, ;LbtitUtillg for- Mi's. 'arietieS Of hiS OW11. Manv White who was unable tî , -puoblemsasnd questions were tend. i-ead thie report of Homne ctunaxered. Ecor)inuic-qansd Heaith froni Pictures of OttaWa l!n tulip the Noveuiber convenxtion in lunie, of the local tobacco bar- Toronto. vcaiers aîîd of tbe bunters in Mi'. White theuî slîwed atheir northeuux camp vvere also gnonLlp Of 9siieeaMilk in ODîr enjoyed. Diet," -T'he Fonds Ynîi Eau . A xvoie of thanks was ex- andl a tbiud oui the life , leiîdec toMnI. Low. for a mnoFt Pao~~~~~ Of onîoî u con îj0able andl profitable evecn- eluded these witb Miss-.John- iug. stouî*s poeni, -The Sonxg MxMv aiincvrs sud Mrs. b *rovîM Paddle Sings." YîIande ý;an i--. oxx'r auc- lvi s. F. G iliîîei-recl a \ l*,x an ci-rice me ie inuteiest iig report on cur re~ti toued. l'he unonex w i l hi' uzise-ci clîer the sbîît-io andi exents, xx-ielihadbeeuî pri'- ueedv folk. pared b'. Mus. W. jouies. Tue roi!1 eau was .,NI\Faxvorite derson. aften he carnîein front sctîool, contribiîîed a pianlo S.raul~'s UCW SOlIo. During the social lîoîîr î the boste.sq. andl gnoîp served nt TeAprilI ieetiig wil l b'M arc G eneralg at Mi. Milligan's xvubi U LM etn lumta I Pot I îîck supperi C.ÀAIýALLE watchýes by BULOVA 17-21-2.5 JEWE,"LS ;%ge!Aqualty Jewelled-Lever miovement watch styled with the Parisian Flair guaranteed liv the w,ýorlds largest makens or fine watches; Bulova, and priced a-, low as .$l995!! Ne wonder we'rc proumd andi happy te offer Nu the all-new Caravelle! Just as pioud and happy' a4 voui*l be te have 0ne onl our wrist. You t'uit sec these otitsanding values! "PI LOT A, RED ARROW -DATE MASTER' For youusg men! 17 21 îewels in yellow, 25 îewelî i Self. j ewelsxtiockproof, precîsion adjusted wîsd ing cale udir -waterproof! moyennant 1watch us yellow. $249ts $34959 $3995 PA Y JUSTr $100 DO WN I KENO>AI. WA. 'lix Wuiilis Iristitti i eîit at the' home of Mns. G. Cath- cart. on Maricii the 21 a. Mn'F. Siapleton sud Mis. Lowx [A 1-546.3 -'eethe îovoesou Can- adian giciîin.Mnr;. Stapie-- Ston isilildatteuiiou to OuW molto. -If vi ut hj o be loup- px ili xour î i d pl ~ iialit a Tliii' Iaieuh geeieal nmeeting if st. Pails United Churcb Wonien Nxxas heldidnthie lp-- t une i on) onîîTuescia ia fit- '[cd xx as selvixd hi'turc t lle nehu. 'I rs Gem ge Shes pI'e;iced aithie 'ea table andl poîîi-r tes 'FThe ladies of Unîit Twu pr-o'. ded thle puoria m sud reliu e'iiieits. VIsI. H.A. 'l'o- lieu iiiiiui-u -,hle lix muis aud A\lý- '. a Oiuici asapianist. Mivs, Tui-iei iitiîtuced Mn-. Ho biisoii of The- Ontai-io Tr-ain- îig Scbool Staff, xxihisbowed a filmj. -"îeastiiuc at Bethanv" Ielrs. Tcuier aid tiuis xxas an îuîpOirîauuîfilmnu the life of the cuiîuich thi:z ev- anud that toii vq uuîthtle Boa id of Iu- foirmat joiiand Stexx,-andsbip bad mnade Ji available to (con- gi-ega tji yisfor oui ix expr-ess charges, h dealt xxîlhthtîe out- i esac of the chuit h in Chri.,t- ian Edi(atioriandl Stewpard- ship i egai ding iilîxue sud talenit. The nruie to vxas at1ntuta gro0lip of tpenuage box s fronua Pool- sec!ion of anux tiban ceul- tu-e inîîeed of a leader. Th- ernphasis xxas on a xnmg muas \,x.-ho acceptî'd ubis leader-- ahip p osi reluctauîtlvx, tnx il)? îloit i beconie iîîxolved buz N% ho bec ame jitenesteci in spite of bimself. M rs Wiisuuî Pi îg ;ang "-A Lti"- Bit of Lux-e". Mins. C. H. Diieliexx%%as pisuîist. Mrs. Han- old Feirgu ison. UCW presîdeuit. tIiar)iked i'. Robinson and the muxcsicalI: e Mrs. Wmlhberu 'l'"p-eI iead the' minuîtes of the Febnumia rv meetinig. A letten of apprecia- tio iuxo the ladies of St. Pakll*s an Ixol M i's. Fr-aici-s Thonxp- >(A. tOMix-iOl Y.xoi iesci romi thle Nasoiit(-Lcàdgu fon- a fie (llllýl e d tii thet-m ouiMa- suiuîr Ladies' Night - Memben-s xxv-ne picaseel wben the pr-o- i eed' of the dunuier wag an- unmi telA ;pPcu! îbatîks.- n to \l11 Thripo The Flox% eu coniluce&.6-. Plans were made for, the April meeting. Mrs. Ken Werryý onas arranged for the guest speaker. Mis. Leno' Brown of Lindsayv, formerly fmom Fin- land, will give an illustrated lecture on Finland ai the gen- eral meeting. Tîiesda. Apri' i 7th, at 8 p.m. This lecture has proveel so populi, Mr!;. Bi-ox'.'n has given it oxer 40 time;. The UCW wnîmld like a gond attendance for such an outstanding speaker. SALEM The teacheis ofthte seîilia griadesç discuissed arithmeti i reasoniug xinder the cliairnax- aMhp of Mrs. Elliott. The nîsîl'. 1tacets of this topic xeeex*- plored and the teachers (Oui1- i-erned ex'olved mu(-b assist- ance anîd clearer idea.ç peî- taining to thiq phaç;e of mathe- metics. Hair Stylist Demonstrates Sa lent Unuited Chu rch Wio- rV n * c mnen held their Mai-ch meeting Fo inIIttes in the .new room at the churc-h. Th le EBo wrin aniiv i1e Kineite Mrs. Ross Laiîe opened thp Club held theur animual Moth- meeting with a hvmn tollowed by te Lrd' Prve. Ms.lrs and Guesus Night at the' Lesýlie Welqh aind hber DuFebrar el2. 'onh were liticharge. NMus We.Ish WeettîgsaFVrant2n. The gave the devotionat and prax'-setn aaVantethm er. Several hymns weie qsuîi.g." and the tables xxere prettv x\vith red anîd Whle decora- Mu-S. S. Buttery gave a 1-eading lions,. 'l'ei e xxere several1 on the cr' churches iuCn î 'rxxsanîd hese %\r , xon bv ada. Mis. K. Shackletomî aud IMu-s L. J. iviarshall. Mis. Le'is M-ns. E. Twist taxored with a. Roa.h anîd MiV-r. Fred Cole. duet acconpanie-d b v Mr.m. S. "i olwl h el-ivt Btitterv. Mrs. J. Hlall gave a heDî îblm eiale reading A com.înittee xxvas ap- dollars wams xvorn b Mrs. MVarie pointed t e equine about ma- Moses. l'le special speaker for terial for drape" foi the uex.thie exeniuig xxauiMi. Jolin i-nom. Plans wei-e discîmssed Weise ut Ci-catixe Flair St ' v1- for catering w. a weddintg in îug Oshîawa, aînd be cee April. Lunch was served and dcesi'glled several bair stxIes a8 social lime enjoved. for three of oniniembers aîîd There was a good attenîd- Mis. Weise. Mr. Johnî kindiv ance at, OpFn Flouse" held atdoîated two luîckY draws asid the schools last Wedne.sdax iVîra .W. l'ait aîîd Mrs. Cole eveuing. were the luîcky wiuners. A ntimnbpi- teoni hem e attenmd- The seventh birthdaY ofthie cd the Baî-bershoppeis 14/l-,EKiiietie Club was held aet hie strel show ai the o.c.'v.î., Flyiixg Duutchuîma Motel on Oshawa, last Sattxurda.v ex en-,Wedne.-dav\, March 21si. Sec- ing. end vice - pietsidelit Glad ' s M i.%. Kathv anîd Mas terinU conducted the umeting Mun-ax' Twist were weekendiand xx elcomed three Whilbx x'stmswith thein cousin5s, Kiiie1tts who showed filins Misses Karen a.nd Linda Bell.,xvhich weîe much cîvd Town. The KÇineit e are caterilmg 10 Mr-. and Mis. Fî-ed TIwisl,,the Teeuî 'Town Easten Prutî W'hi th', were Sunday %uppê.ron April 2-s. Plans weî-e made guîest-e of Mn. and Mr%. E. Ion an lnie-iLib meeting Io Twist. be held on Max' 30. ait the Lionis Mn. Don Welsbf, Miss, Norma.Centre. Kinette UI'. a iathaiî- Gritfiths. KKA.S.. Kemnptvlle.gue meported that a chequie were weekenld visitors wi.1o 1696.5q had beetî fonwand- Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh. ed Io the Mai-ch of Dimes, tue A numbner trom ahmre atteni. -PI'Oceed% of the snnuaI polio ed the W. H. Brown S3how on drive in Bowmaiville. Fridav evening and wmi-e A fier the meeting, the nieiii- lueky in brin-,ging home e'-bei- nJoxed hinthdaY cake eu-aI Pr i zes. and coffee.L 'Some men are not a bit cnnf tised about srîitq they always go fo reliahie .JACK FRASEW'S for finest lit and valuable savings. You ave$20 On A Guaranteed Qualuty Suit For 1962 * NEW Al W001, WORSTEL) FABRI('S are MAGNIFICENT! *STYLED WITH IMAGNATON ...... by CRAPTSMEN. *LOW $55 PRICE for 9 I)AYS ONLY. *No I>OWN iPAYM~NT ... Easy ('redit Term s. Regular $7.5 Values lts Smart To Save $20 I $!î tM>tIE PAN'I'S ujrv# MI'EWEAR< - ANI)>DOUL'lE VII The làttbgt aIl woo)l worslcd fabriem i mstnitireni patterns andl »hades . . . neAt aMAIl checks. mette-d airipes, dignifipd plains. %emailldesign. tc. masucline. aharl" inirlidini new hrown and dark rrey-. Ali tailoring ad.juqtmnnt-tau-..made frep 4,(f thr-ge. Sýizes 35 te 46 in regular. short, and tlU modelg. Buy TWO SUITS for $100.. Then you'II save $50 off the regular price * Oshawa Shopping (entre Cuit and W'ra pped FA(vr THREI Ed Leslie At St. Joseph's Hall A t a i et i limK. a sel1f - r iad e nian got op and talked at great,'length about how thank- fui he w-as that he had nlever conne in contact %vjth the perni- cious influence of higher Places of learning. He ad- mitted ly had no eduicat ion anîd mias proud of It. lW'Ien he had flîmlshu-d the chairman lnquired:-"1) o t u.mderstand ybu tbsay that you are thankful for > our ignora nce?'* co an put il that wuay, if you like.- he proudly an- swuered. -"Wh y? " "Oh," sald the lia irnian.1 just wanted to point out that you have a great deal to be thankmmi for," 172 CLOTIHES CA'RE HINTS: Proitec t ljo trseif . AIx'.aY.s iliusîisti hiil i i r 1 n r etoi gua ns ixies garivi us .nid to xîîî ii o hi'di l ii, s i SUPPIORt1'TiHE X OUNGSTLRS 'ANI) XTTFNI) MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT, SAT., MAR. 31 X'r b P.1>M.. lNIEOlU XL XIENA ol- FIRTH BROS.1 47 King St. E. - Free Homie lelivery - NIAGARA BROIL79 STEA K IAK IKLOIw& lb. LEIAN, VRESII INWIF-'I S NIFlPRiF HAMBURG Sliced Bacon î'iitom' 3Ibs. 07C (_______i-49 SWIV'FrS IRiII M I'R()TEN PRIME RIB ROAST CVl Rr b.69 BIlE BRAND> FRONTS 0F EEFlb. 39( Just. Arrired! Se -T/tein T'oda v at l M A R R'S M ILY GUARANYEED FOR ACCIJRACY JAltODEPINOABILITY MARR'SJEWELLERY & MARRIS IFT SI. EATON'S UN OSHAWA NERVE DEAFNESS ... Hearing Consultant explains new approach Io Hearing Problems! F.verv hearing prohlem ix diffprent.i. utri mçîtho% treatfd in<ividjall*v. The fnllowing farts indicate pn.çitixel t t n nfis met<a orct ail hearing difficîmties: *Sortie people <an tinderstand a conversation wi,îh one pers-on: but are confused in larger groups. 0 Some hear niens% voire% cIeï.rIv, but annot ,îndersitand those of( qqilim: onen and children. *Soure hear natturallv in a siall room. hîut <anfot do so in chu rch, a( lectures or meetings. The ahove facîs are just a leu- of the reasons w.. suggest you corne to EATONS .. and discover the wide range of hearing nids w~e offer, each designed tii overcorne the-indiv'iduaI hearing problen. B~testing yoîîr hearing scienîificallv (the audiometrie way), NIr. W. E. Lang, Eaton's Hearing Consultant, <'an rustom fit the instrument that suits your needs precisel.. Reàiietuher. toon .. our purchase is cov'ered by the tiinîe-hto.îoutred E.IAN(G gtarantee: Goods satisfactorY or '%Itne.% Refunded. FATON S Hearitit ('tbiultakit BR an lesidriit% For an .Appoèntmnent ,tinpiv Dia[l'd!5473 and ask for EATON'S HEARING and OPTICAL CENTRE ý qý NIA 3-508t BEEF

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