WEDNESDAY. MAR 2Mh. 1962 THE CANAflIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE. ONTABIO boys with Mr. and Mrp. Roy R A I f l'A ~ ~s!Uu~?oe bes it r.anint Ryfriends here on Bunday. Y L E TOvalls, Insulationi, 5plhngteo pesn, eerlaice I Mr. Allan Stainton spent a of.I! i< Toronto visitedMad finishing of-the basemn el undinieotadiud !eksvcto ihM.adMrs. Jack Elliott, Sunday. Yelverton communitv x n.dw.Enr a andb Mrs. Walter Loveridge, Hay- ~ I ' u s**4 Miss Alice Nesbitt of Tor- tends to Mr. and Mrs. John, ît was decided atametn'frigabc do.Tisi don S t P a t's A tt ndanto, sipent the weekend wil' Nesbitt of Nestieton their of the congregationonSdathsendteteMFrld P hone MA 3 -3303 onrtl tiot Mr. and Miss Anne Nesbitt. sympathy in th~e extensive loss that Yelverton UnitdChrhomclhabenoriy _____________________Edgar__Wright_____ cele- Mr.and Mrs.GogeSi sustainedn h f ire that de Spring Centennial Sevc viitrdad ti oedtecl brated their 25th wedding an- " ul a e ng of Blackstock were Sun- stroved their large hip-roofed be held on 17, wt nr-pi rcirt ilb p esronMrh2t.TeU u u l V iolIet e day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. barn early Friday morning, ing and late afternoncuc pecdd Mr. Harrv Hamm is visiting îs aINo planning in attend riverayo ac h h i Bill Skelding. %vith samle 40) cattie, grain, services. The gardnpr' Svra lernin at bis daughter and son-in-law,, trom Bowmanville. Sr. Choir, in appreciation of The first da\- af spring was general favourite. H on le v Mrs. Bertha Deane, Toronto, hay, pig.9 and a thousand or so will be held on Fridv ux eddteFrnUinbn Rv r.Gro rtntheir valuable leadership inhera!ded in a verv- delightful, (white with pink> and Melod-y and Mr. Herb Heard, port rabbits destroyied. We arc m,5th Prior te seric Su-ueinCantspatWd R~v.~Mr. Grdo Brtan Mrs. Allan Kearney, Mea- musi, presented each with a wav for about 80 members of Air, also a pink and white, Hope, were Sunday vîsîtors pleased to learn' that a bene- da, dinner is beingpand cdy .an d a Mrs. WiForake. dowvis. erb et AesndToronthroa;it nTusdyS.Paul's Church, Bowman- were beautiful new varieties.wth Mr. and Mrs. Clinton f it dance is planncd this colin-,to be held at the cuc f r n r.FodSisn Ms. nd rs.Fran MounMrs.HerertAhies, o.rnnght at choir practice. ville, when Mrs. J. A. Barnes, Double Pink Charm. an older Brown. ing xvcek to lhelp alieviate theorder that an opportnt s.Lwece ta Bill and Leslie, spent the: where a surprise Party was Another Old Time Dance Base Line Road. R.R. No. 2. variety, received a lot of at-I Mr. and Mrs. Sîd Burley otgetfnnil afforded ail fore eiupc n r n r.Hwr weekend with her parents, Mr. held in honor of the second was held at the Communitv fget iacills ufrd and Ms m al ieveanvravo Mrs. Kerny' HallonSatrdarnihtMac town. opened her home for a tention. Isle of Dreams was a 'Toronto were Sunday night On Friday evening, rather dents for a socialcht ihMaommore toheit Onth.Goo tme asViolet Tea on the afternoon most attractive plant with pale dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. a dull evening was endurcd ini old cronies and farnra-o ensa h int Ont, ~~~son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. 2t.odtm a enjoyed,0f March 2lst. greeni deckled leaves and pink ýCecil Burley. 'Church Hall'by hs na-qanacs tedteOtraHgPo Kinr. a s. re.weBadean Kea rucy o! Oshawa hrzsweedntd The attractive flowe r e dorchid-shaped flowers. Otherl Misses Donnaand Dareen tendance when ve (the Har- Syinpathy is extcddt ucsmeiga uh Kig t.Eatweeweked~ndMr. rceKerny ndby Mrs. W. Howells, our Avoný pigbneso h guests o! Mr. and Mrs. George.ý family, New Toronto, and Mr. salesîady, and Mr. Roy Mc-sreones0 h ladies pinks were Stripe Mek Pink,lSedorka, Li n da Stapletonve Malcolms) showed a fcw the' relatives and finso onysvtn eoae.'i YonBan<ýand Mrs. R. L. Dawson and Gill, Agrico Fertilizer ep-wremtdbthvvdpinks, Pink Celebrîîy and Pink Ruf- 1 Donna and Patsy Hatherly at- sli-des taken sporadicalix' last Mrs. Ed Mitchell a4 Lfodsi htaohr1 et e, Dno OhawEsr astates,. whites, purpies and blues offeslene Betty Skelding's birth- sumnmer enroute to Victori,' ,wha passed awav I ek!a aktn e onwh Mr. and Mrs. A. Knight andiamong those in attendance at< Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wrightat 80 varieties of African Mrs. Barnes has flarescent day party on Su.nday. B C, and return. Howevcr,' n iarnngnra in b eidt a o hi x Mr%. E. Heffer, all of Deser-1their brother*s anniversarv land tamlly, Bowmanvjlle, blooms es n fl bloo M ahghtngn e r bmasemelntuot Mr.pend Mr. Alvin o M ClsrenHoad aecomtane er ladies af the to-sî. pne a iklmgthv onte. were Sundav guests or1party. 'were calIlers at the homnes of cesson S. erher, Roert . MLeod. Mater onad TrwinEn: The ladies of Unit 4 were shelved flower stands. She uses1 Sunday. loa nerest-moving ai theBert MeMullen aionfiîcgn sopn~ ces.ond MSt. Wm.D. herenawa RobagratFAMLî,les iskilern a r ld Sieon, n-responsible for transportation rain water (on tap> for water-1 Mrs. Neil O'Connell, Brenda church, etc. (as wcll as of the wha iindervent surci r n Ms a acl Mr. Coban wreSunm.D. av isi-:the end aralasi-ees1ki n, Mr. Laod SlMrs. c 1' gements, canvened by ing and waters plants tram theland David, of Cobourg, spent St. Lawrence Seaway). sa the Ross Mernorial Hoita iSetti atweed tfClors t t ereughendvsn- tourendof scAprosin Ba in ek ando, Mrshaandwere reCE.!Mrs. Robt. Davies, assisted by! top whenever the soil feelsSunday with ber parents, Mr. evening wasn't entirclv wasî- Lindsav' this week.Gldath Rp MlcmsoScr tonslaw, Mer. and Mers.and on the cfscotin t r.McLedltea gueOshawa, Mrs. F. nT Mrs. Alex McGregor and Mrs. dry ta the touch. To dust leav- !and Mrs. Stan Rowe. ed. Twenty-three dollarsan report that Master Ma1 'î-bru Morris an tamiî administrator o! the Starn- Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Lv-1;Ross Stevens. Mrs. H. A. Tur- es she uses a small soft baby Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton, fifty cents- were rcceived ta spending a copeofdsinnibosMradMr.o- Moris nd amiy.i trg ititBad-fEua nUbrde eeSna ner and Mrs. Ai Cuthbertson tush or just a furry leatftrom Bowmanville, visited at Mr. O.,add Io the U.C.W. trcasury. spedigiacoualier hsps onoa curn Miss Myrtle Brown, W tr isrc oado Eua ns xrigwreSna received at the door and Mrs. 1 another violet. Shei ltoe Edgerton's on Sunday. taedfcerlr hý%m, was a weekend visitar tion, which deals with both tea guests at Lamne Lamb A. Watson was in charge ai the ahI stages off grow. The Two student teacheri from' The church redecoratian 1xveek. vtn ed-aefmî.W with ber sister and brother- pîay ad secondarý,n alesa r n r.guest book. ýyoung heaves were pîanted inl'Toronto. Miss Maynard ando .a shifteri inta highl The summer homeorn.~rgoîiaeta ihti i-aMr. and Mrs.Tomjschooîs. His wite, the former S. Lamb's. PeietMs aol e'pcin fa lsi c-ueMis Wna LBle rgrami eka ayo teAde cal bn]a, r.guonan Ms RssStvestry n ixur a vricl-techn a ar coo tiscomniy' mn pcaedanMrto!.eveandnHrnas let tret dn JArtohBouavir, Ms Athr rnt Prsîen rs Hrod e- ecioso!amlatincecue is ana gartiswek s ay ffth Adey Mcarad h nieeongfelo ta terown Harniss, Fett Sreet.ý gusn andMrs.Ross teven ý try in mihirehorbermnulan te"changes"ur cmadl thi Miss Ruth Angus. Toronto.l acoay irn on teHwarre visita s , Mmds sBob Stephens pouredlite and pearlite. She mixes week, and staying at; Mr Jack the scienie taassist in the pro- \vay) was ransacked was a weekend guest ai heriwhich have made the most Gyrave. itea at the attractively arrang-jher awn potting sou tframIE'liott's. iect.- e waîîhnard on thr'bv sonne unidentifîed. sister and brother-în-haw, Mr. prjesi h vctaaer adMs rn d table. The unit leaders and 1waods earth, compost, sandý Miss Anne Nesbitt was a'prn liiigc. progess n te voatinal r. ad Mq. FankDor-the executive arranged thelland peat mass. This mixture1 Sunday night dinner guest of, and Mrs. R. Hawthorne and field. lhlrnwr and, Mr. Albert Oke were'lunch and served the tea., Mrs. is then baked in tme aven to r.andMs ecil Payne, 'CopeivePce PlsProaSric Barey LbetvSt Nrt. heîoîoïn Sndy inergust n M . A. Barnes showed the flow- 1 puriiy il. Mrs. Bannes told the1 Port Hope. oietv P We would be very hapnv, presented for the Sacranient and Mri. Clarence Avery. ers and answered the numner-i ladies she uses only liquid fer- Among those fromn our vil-, and give us information con- Church last Sunday morning,!guest on Wedneday ai Mrs. visitons. ýsolid form concentrates taO gaine in Port Hope Sunday! cerning guests in yaur homne March 25th: Jili Patricia, dau-!H. F. Werry, Kedron. It was most interesting ta much fertilizer in one area. A night were Mr. and Mýrs. H. or where you hav-e been visit- ghter ai Mr. and Mrs. Marvin1 Miss Bannie Beech, Maple sece ome ai Mrs. Barnes' awn freshl]y cut leaf is finst dipped Wade, ?jlrs. Bill Wade andi Jng. Allen; Robert Herbert Daniel1iGrov~e, Dennis Ashton, Os-vaitisof violets which she in oting campounid, thenî Greg, Mrs. Ross Brown andi Mr. L. B. Nicholi; neturned andI Sandra Lynn, children o!f awa, were weekend visitonq hense f had grafted and devel-iplanted. For freshly rooted Marty, Mrs. Phil Gihnier,l1 last Sunda.v after spending a 1Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleshaw: of Mr. and Mrq. Harold Ash- oped into prize plants andI then leaves, she uses a Vita B fer- Messrs. Sid Brown, Grant SEILVLE N EIDR week with Ilis son andI daugh- Dawn Lorraine, daughter 0'olat os named. Mrs. Bannes' varieties itilizer. In two weeks time she Wade, Lloyd Clysdale, Barry EFFECTIVEALTIIEK ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morris; Mr. and Mrç. O. C. Ashton were in bloom and one or two changes ta a fish emulsion-, bane, Bob Stapleton, andI Mr. las Nichais, Maclean Park, Ian Paul, son of Mr. andI Mrs were aniong the guests at, the! af them stole the show. Mrs. Blue Wýhale liquid ail. For and Mrs. F'rank Gilmer. In- Kingston., C. J. Munday; Tammy Heath- haine o! Mr, and Mrs. 1. G. Bamnes started violet grawing, ilowering she uses Hymen cidentalîy it turned out to be! Mn. Jack Lyle andI daughter, er, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Traveli for a surprise paty just as a hobby only a tew C oncentrated Plant FoodI 5- the final game or this season~ xotCgrte Miss Helen Ly, MmcwneRyPeto:Pu avid, son held in honor oi Mm. and Mns. yeans ago. She bas over 70'110-5. She sprays plants ivlm for tihe local teana Sunday visitorq with Mr. and ! Mr. andI Mrs. Robert Sheri- Harr Coutts on the occasionivanieties and concentrates on!twa weeks ta keep thern free HockeyiPano Fle i Mms. A. E. Lvle antI family, dan; andI Stewart Alan. son ofof their 25th wedding anni-' the double, the new, the dit- ai disease. To the question Newtonville teamr was elliSEIL Flett St., and' other relatives'Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Tilîson. versai-y. Rîferent, 'lWhat size oi plant is best ta niinated from. further play, in' - end friends. Mr. an M- - ussellO To rf andI praduce a niewlhuy?.," Mrs. Bannes said thelthe Port Hope Mercantile Hoc-i Mmsrnt.JaePone we17TIT p rty t M. atIs Howrmiarwa .Bars hossmoderate size is the best buy'key League, when, they el ONAT N L BR P CMare, Qu.. Jvste Pis n-e pOrmtonsMr.and Mt.He oasionni twaems leaves. places their because it has a chance ta ad- defeated 9-6 by the Brunner fetveMrh2 Clhier, QrueW. Jamies, ast Mm. EdwLLE Or irn theisoncasirth-'ihems together and seres apt ta yaur house and yau be- teain, Sunday evening. rcsEftieM ch2 - 31. ther Mr. Go. W Jaeslas Mr.Edwn Omison'sbirh-'hemwith a tbath pick. They fore il rames inta bloom.. Gilmer Opened the seoring' Thursday. Bill also xisited hisi Mm. and Mrti. Dave Both-lday.Sudv cboa are pianted. The baby leaf EPtiiyspl sawmvtmtehm en brl fîC OT c tahr r aeaptetwelî Ir. and family, Mn. Fred Following udvShoa whicii cames up wiîl be'a graft t b s 1AQ nwitrfr ftrte aesarebt In Memorial Hosipital,. Hogarth, Maple Grave, Mr. pleasant surprise visit tram adhvCaREtaueSibth MsTansinwne o f c h aestrebtJ PASTE $1.05 79c-2 for1 Mms.GwynethHnag WhlandI Mrs. Elwyn Dickey andI Miss Doric Wright. Mr. Grant parents. Mns. Bannes bas orig- Powm i at iehusnBunrsamdbok it- by, fomrely ai Bowmanville,IVelma, Bowmanvilhe, M. andI Wermy andI 15 members and1înatenl andI nained at least f are, man plantsdwe. be omefnernyGadnasnderbx kr'M ISE Reg. 79e 'at was the commentatar for the'Mrs. Milton Stainton wcre graduating memlbems of Mrs. loveîvy new vanieties in thiseac ayha' ppru- Groiil that IL e.adSv the~~ I..DE.hlt ls xee riatMrdny Ms Carne las theI asc bbopudporooertunn-a ga tIGtordaonnom alaftrm1tffpuLnang-r cwo fashion show sponsored by1Sunday evening dinner guests Ralph Virtues Sunday Sehl" 1district. Hem Canissima, Italian the secondmhall Lonsber DR staff.putaonefeensfbrtNerton- Henry Street High Sehool,' Staintans., Mr. end Mr%. O. C. Ashbon, tfram Can a-Mia. Hem Blueonue of the aIder vanieties. Mrs. ville ta end the first haIt 4-2. R S A e.22 Mrs Haolt Han- Rodney lrwin spent the L oi.sandI Charles were Sunidav Blade is a double dank purpîe 'B anne a tog htflly sli. b IS AN 1.89Toandfceordoknbeit- Mr n r.Hrl a-weekend with Lary Tnimble, visitn wibh Mr. and Mns. Hemannsual ine-ed Panpda a a a ahla m' rea at odn -os'1e i'.;a ieRdPmpantIen' Tea ed h r.nrladb ETRIC SHAVE .Reg. 79c 5 AR A O nond, Liberty St. North, ac- Bowmanville. Roy McGil-1 ta celebrate theipoi bas a wine flnwem with sulples. s3al lstcen re Ted th e ,run ner and!b companied by bis mather, Mns. Mn. andI Mms. Donald Lee birthdays off Mr. Roy McGilI a veny deckled chartreuse , elopes. ff luiin e, leraILS rsls A. W. Hammond af Toonto,iand »familv, Terrv Deie andI Master Charles Ashton. 'edge. The ladies particularly Mrs. Fred Smit h won teLastfpuld be ocl* lLI apent Sunday in Bnacebridge Oshawa, Mn. andI Mms. Keith Mrs. F. Toms attended, liked hem showy "Pink Rui-10or pnize, which was a beau teaim dloser. Lolnsbermy then LIST KINE Reg. 98e whcre they visibed relatives Ferguson and family, Mr. Harnpton Anniversary on Sun-'les" which had 'a waxy deck-!tiffl violet. Hazel then fold ice.Lnafcored 2,a t egano endI fniends. Zak Aas Bowmanviile, day and was a tea guest o! led leai andI an ar-chid shaped'Ihle ladies it was a dauble plea- ie agtf crdaien Y A6 c 4e -6c -11 Mm n rs .M RtbnZa-. anImrs, lrneGn Mr. andI Mrs. M. Mountjoy. ibower in deep pink. sure as (bis was also ber bimbh- ingless goal, at 29.40 ta coin- Y ORe.81 Liery t.Noth rtuneýCadus wthMr ad Mrs r. F. Toms accampanied Saine ai ber latest vanieties dayV. Marrh 21lst alIso happensiPee h gie.T e wnnlers oo a Libert St. Nrth, rtumnedCadmus with m. an H. Hibben.q te the Redi are Raven (a double tIark 10 be Mrs. Bannes birtbday. 1 took 4 af the 6 minai eale. vn 44 pleasant six-wceks' sea vaxl- Master Donald Tnewin en- Cross te& on Monday at Bow-ýpunpîe>; Pink Witeb (pink 'What, a lovely way lb was t tetioan:eUner.tPnrtHoey,-aD y ,ue5 g.2 979- 98 age ta British Guinea. Mn.itertained five af bis school manville. These ladies have flowem dotted with bIne>; Star share a birbhday, andI murhitbi'ough a roPr oe 'Osnd rs. Rabbun ad thechuin an Saurdaybeen very husy all winter;Holly, (sbiny curled leaves andI appreciated bx' the ladieai oar Clb upcte th Iffgood fortune to enjay perfect'101h birthday. onbsmking clothing for the RetI pink flower); Rufthed PinkSt Puls buch m il lie raAipasta lsi R S- eg 150___________ weathem conditions during Mn. and Mrs. C. E. Haro, Cross. ;Miracle andI Isle ni Drearns. .-N tovleae.A inps'13_ _ _ _ _ _ 'Gla Ras", doble erie lears, the Bowmanville Rn- their holiday. !Oshawa, were Sunday visitars Mns. 0. Mitchell, our Sr.'"Gad ags, adoule erie iailed Eastem Sealsi S LV K I e.12 Miss Mary Lou Mar. nurse- wthMhersn.Eal freeine, Totor tueontaopnkwa bauiflplntNE TO VLLwewtnvle amnui cer tai ornt (iswekît paiin lbmloowsm. a h N-. . t. .2w.99sET N W U In-training at Peterborough lwîn. _ y, since the crippled children I dubies Tuesday evening aftler' Osbawa, wene Sunday c a e s t ayngthryOMn. and tbey ced home fnam Memoniel Hos-,by the Bowmianvilhe Club.AE.g 8 FRLV.Ç. spending four days with bierat Gardon Yea's. aesaigwt nadMspital last wcek. ýPort Hope bas advised they, parnt, m. nt Ms.Jamesý Mr. andI Mrs. Floyd Pethick H. Ashton. Jo Bon,* Mrs. Marjorie Watson, Miss ;wili forward any retumast re- NV-EP i Màrn. Miss Pat Marr, also oïand Robin, Toronto, with MnMr. atIMn. U .C B-ta hmsnan rIevMUrmNwtnil Peterboraugh, spent the week- andI Mrs. S. R. Petbick. 1Mr. andI Mr. Joe 'McGill andI Beraoe.Thorpon to, re ve d tr omnvl lbam c n d,, t~-a ieaif tI ~~~Shaun, Port Credit, MissMaAari-,Trotwn c~ h omnileCu nI end with bem parents. Mrs. Gardon Mcbean, Bow- .ceti55 ami-wit Miss Anne tbenebvy rectiy this duplica-, '.splmn m- manville, was a recent aven- lyn Billings Brockville, were ~~t At a testimonial dinner In night guest at Irs. F. Toms'.'v isitons at Mn. and Mns. Han- R E D I T Nesîtt . Jnsset lio.aIrnsalimt Ottawa ta-day (Wednesday, Cnrtlton e Grhvey Mc'Gills. rs .M Jnssen at- E E AL MAscia2,tio ai ttawa iMcGill who came home train Mn. andI Mns. A. L. Wearn M rdGoe a oe lTlY"'lL O AK L Asoation8)obbcOBtaiw 'iaCnrtltos o Gn ensa a oat.~frn t will K A.S. Royal with a ribbon and SsnwrevstnNa -.n honor senior Magistrate Glenn! *'RoyRbeit' i o Shirley Iot The badge at Newcastle on Nw huad E. Strike as citizen a! the year Meorehapihown. rcltr andIA. M. Wearn*.Claremont. A unuijeof loa l young Sarry tnrepart tliat Mr.!KEP for Chapisowmn AniutuaAR' ns oT usdv ibeIast weloalek. Coupons in" (Iserh~ OA ton196. Mgitrae S 'ik S: Mn. andI Mrs. Joe Mei anfaM M. and n s. Eg N .'gh Over ladies bave agneed te under-lf oln Dean is in Por Penny . 5 abes17 a brother af W. Ross Stnike,' andI Shaun, Mn nIMsJeat aiy Mr. anI Mrs. N.tkecnvsin hevlage for 1Hospital, We hope his candi- sp500 Tablets 2.7 Q.C. Brown, Part Credit, Mrs. Al-E. Wright wene tea guests oif, >0M MBRSie anetFun ion wilIl soon bc i mproved. ~ aî1'm ke100Tbts.9 We've noticeil (bat many ai Ian M a r t I n., Bowunanville Mn. antI Ms. R. Clemens. Mn. M ER te ane rsn. lednPt- m nIMs.Hwm a- packages of- the store windows aîong KingîMiss Marilyn Billings, Brock- Hampton, on Tueday even- ick. Enniskillen. calletI on M.'ehell andI famil, M. andI Mrs. *_____________51C_ Street are in keeping with the ille Mr'.Garth McGill ing, this being Mr-. andI Mrs.- for -- and Mns. M. Kimble andI Mrs.' HamoltI Gatcheli andI fa'mily,..1EMNNE g- r u areeatbng O efRai we-jKeisilleof rJad MrsRalph anndracleaMr.yad I1GHER INTERESTS A part nhro inîy tMr , n ' NAPKINS 5 . *Triade Mar most attractive bv the use afi Mrg. Bruce- Ashton andI Mms. E. Wrights were Mn. andI on y'nur çavings wshlIi b amnt saa eeFia aln multi-colored imitation ilow- Doris, Oshawa, Dr. andI Mrs. Ms. Ray Sanderson, Brook- Hall Satundav night. at the home oi Mr. andI Mrs.ý erq in hovelv hues, butterfliesý Clark Werry and John. Wiî-lin Miss Lois Black, Oshawa, I sap-B ubr.Nsi anIpetyrbbn.ladl, eewihM. nIMr. Murray Sandenson, Cal- - and for -Mns. Mary O'Neillfqap-B ubr.Nsl Mnd E. A. Wcmry. umbus, Mn. HaroltI S'pMy. Ro- tientbin Memorial Hospital. The Social Evenlng Fridayý W. Ross Stnike, Chairrmanri ME.m. nd r. FedBilet hser.Y.,roudnay Axo-d C117TRET 1urenih tiehm a i. n OL RN EM oney Sa ng S E AL spaesa-heOlna- Mi- nI . Jim KiasmanN Mirur ý)W'F.FqMrs.aZna Caomunrlaw, W itby, a t einoymelol. n Hah -itin SrvceRev. Wbite presided ýau Prs . lea %_ congregational meeting et S hi- 'tBOW ANVLLU& C lcaedveem fan rg Rr .bg.BAYER NOSE PA eua 510 A CRDIL WLCME O AL lob Tuesday evening last week BO MA Vj" d! The Prepanation Claqss W'1 3 when turther plans wcrp fo r-, eto Tuesdav' , April lrd, 5 c 9 9 sue frhe C7. ennial 1jjIat 7 p.m. in t.he church hall. Isevie uue17 DhTIT KANELH i Mns.MautI Brown, Scugog A 4 WAYA Mn. andtI rs. Orme Fallsý41 Island,. was a Sunday guest af I.D.A. Brand andI Harvev wene Sundav' Jithe4< .I.D.A.BONHD REHOBOTH ~flM~îMN guests with Mn. andI Mns. Stan 0 h Sonry ta report <bat Mns. E. QELD REO O H C RSIN Falls, Toronto, ti4 liiMcbaughlîn's condition in not QULLIA ougn Syrup tMr. r. C. Westheuser, Miss0 so goad. We wish hier a speedy COUGH SYRUP Cpue 5 REFOR ED CH RCH Sylvia Westbeuser and M r. ýî l!âIqk:h.41!1 necover. Cl - --12 Frn etesTrno aiuadiaiu' 1Mnr.and Mrs. Leslie Taylor 'eqîkatn ScggSreBwavleispent the weekend at home. andI family wene recent guests Cough Syrup hsRu Re.Jlt .VebugBAB.. itr 1Misses Norma andI Beulah' <~f off Mss. Beatnice Taylor andIC etR b - - -9 Rev JhnC.\'mbuge A BDMîîser Hallowell, Toronta, Mnr. and!, *1 Stanley. 4 ounce% 1.50 Idaphedrin Naa1pa 5 Telephane MA 3-5023 Mrs. Bnian Caswell andI faF ýle .andf rnil. Oshaa en e io WOSHPSEVIE at Mn. Liew Hallowell's, Red Crosess adfmlO!shawPear Sunday. <i111 unda ___________The March meeting ai the Averv andI Mr. andI MrsRSRPIN ..~RMDE 9:0 ar. Enlis IU.C.W. o! Shilob was field tI ht x rs h i h n st h ~I George Allisan andI tamilv. 9:0am nls the home ai Mns. Percy Far-11 iht x rs h i h n st h Mi- antI Mrs. Jaznes Trick, 11:00 a.rn. - Holland row with a fine attendance. Ille!Ohaa were Sunday guests devotional portion. Ladies aof ' farnily. Proclainiing the Whole Couinsel of God ithe coenmittee served. lunch lie ,.. Mm. andI Mns. Glen Lowrcy N W ATE-P andI Mrs. Farrow's hospitality surrounding aeafor their g <II aNEWCASTLE - PHONE 2001s i was greatiy appreciated. lie Oshawa on bbc weekend. Mr. GenaltI Hallowell. Ton- erou support 'fteRe rs Mrs. Greta Bailey is spend- "Back To God Hour" Broadcasis anto, spenî bbc weekend %vith IluloeLe eud ii ing a few tIays with Mn. andIA his parents.' Mrs. Fred Harding, Oshawa. AX c R G CKLB, Oshawa, at 9:15 every Sunday 'r at r. ednon a ~ppeal for f unds. 411!' Suavcoo t115anEXhiGREGOR DRUGS CKF, ornt. a 7a.n. ~ Jand famiîy, Bowm a n vill1e,' andI Cbuncb Worship at 11:15 B W AN LE -PH N MA359 CFTrnont7am wene recent visitons at Mr. Il.__ __1 a.m. A cordial invitation is B W A VLE-PC BraCawW.- - -~ - - - - r -e - - -wel' ex tended to al. WLrD"SDAY, MAR. 28th, 1PAI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE! Sr-ViRm m