PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO M'EDNESDAY,' APRIL 11, 1962 in the ground and expe - I U t G ts .O.F.U.. Mrs. Elmer Cox ladies grow int a perfeotly health 'a Local IH Dealer re s revlew 1director of Durham County and statel-ý specîrnen w%.ithout iO.F.U.. ',%r. Cox and Mr. Frank asýsistance.' If thîs is true of I UL I TGabe Provincial n.rtay C ii G arde ADVICE ON , fvorbe oaios Of.[ New Combines>and Iractors"2MrslCox spoke about the much more important it [s for ' man' ladies activities of theByG d n Li î / cil\- trees which have far dit- "New for '62" 1H combines1 grain tank and cornes in sizes 'OFUÙ.. G Â R EN N GN i forntcodîtos aaistwhchwere unveiled to Harvester 1up ta 14 feet. The 503 replaces Mr. Albert Cormack the, to struggle. dealers at a recent preview i n the 181, the 403 replaces thcesspaean Pst r-:E etsSyBnd Bet t The followtng [s a list of Hamilton 151 and the 303 replacer, the sidnt stated that he was nl o r'h:veaelwnms trocsý for varlous purposes, Mr. Thos. Cowan of Cowan 101. longer a farmer but congratu- Foxprte averasg a blnd of g SIIADE REES beplante as the arehi a Y be hclpful: Equipment Co., International " These ne'a rugged combines'lated thc farmers because , xetof's uigabln fg SIIADE TREES 0e planted as they' arc oyrn- ~~For cîty, conditions: NorwayiHarvester dealer in Bowman- embody miany otttstanding ad-'terscesu atya ha aiu rse ahrta bySionHmmrsa erîalad ansoeinfltv\apc orranc Locust, Car- ville, wha attended the Hamil. 'vaacements i f~f-he hdc heard about whl-idvua itm.Te ix by Smon lammrsma er and foliage. The Pin Oak 1 -iganhrvs-tetr be sedursryPeerfaogholîna Poplar. Chinese Elm.'ton introductions, lias this to!ing machincr." continued Mr. acngtlvso.H wstuegie ucbtereutst Parhii urer Pteboouh ayr lsgrceulNorthern Catalpa, Lînden or sa v: Cowan. -'New exclusive full- pleasc'd ta sec a dloser rela- < because they contain vaarieties When choosing a tree for, drooping habit and bright ren Baswnod. "Three great new MoCor-:width threshing is a good ex- tionship btenteFre' the home il must he remcm- flu leaves. Other large grow- Trees: XX'cping mick - International self-pro-, ample of th~e nany new croplUnion batd nthe FofArers h ifrntadvridsa bcred that somne trees necd iing trees are: Northerfl Catl pa Birch. Wcoptng Willow, Cut-Ipelled were introduced-- the :saving features found in these He spoke on the first meeting sons of growth. F~o that there muc rttar rom hanothrsandCarlîn Ppla, te ira laf '\aple. ,503, 403 and 303. Each model'oombines. 1 was vcrv impress-of 'te F.LJ. mentioning the wîll be somcthing green and c and tat all trees are nat lawn'one medium fast growing ana, Trocs wilh colourcd foliage: 'a'aas dislinguishcd by a new cd bv their groater'aperating ra-da fapoiinolf-atisbeifo Crh a ai trees. Shade ts needcd in the a beautiful trce bath for il' Rod Mapie. Purple Beech,':low silhouette, new big capa- case. And tOcnew low stîhouet- reved espallopos[in 10ev- gardon and a suttable trec [nleaves and bloom. The Caro- Stinburst Locusl, Variegalcd itv and extra power. !tes greatly facilitate transpor- cerent at that yitime H ome- Sc itrs cr u theen rtht placemmayHeecome lina Popxarris fast fruwi1gyanl, thbih lcera eo eamepl s atg sh ade tocd pl."Thc 503 lias 106 .p. engine, talion and storing." tioned the stabilizatian polio-Iblended b, qualified seed,- la( 1e enr fodorlvnQutck gr-o%'alng tIrees: Silver170-bushel grain tank and; Also highlightod 'avas "lc iles of this go'aernment con1- mon tao, are more adaptable ir The larger trees such as Elm, ;where spaoe is available. Shade Maple,. Caroltna Poplar. Chîn- icames in sizes up ta 20 feet. ,new International Cub Cadet ccrnipg the defioiency pay- tair Maple and Linden are mare trees for a medium sîze la witc e E lrn and Wceping Willoav. The 403 has a 90) h.p. engine, garden traclar which, it is bc- ment made oni hogs and how m 'aariotts types of sou., cli- tu suitable for the larger proper- can be selected from thc foli - -buhlgantn n oo i'ac,'vl im'vd ieonti ac ao fa o atae and position. Il is pas- so, tics. Tc Elm it admird for lwing vaietiesiun sîzes tîp la 16 feel. The 303 farms. estatcs and in parks and fd o rdcr e sisble, of course, for anc ta go sit ilsshoterng ranhes an Mountain Ash seldom x- BL CK TlKias a 65 li.p. engine, 55-busîtel cemnetries throughout thc West. that IOis and this alone xvas l base tre u eea thc Norw.ay, Sugar and Red:ed 3 fet CKheghtOTOKbe- <____________types____of__grasses_____a__d__mi t d3 eti eih.Tebl-brought abaut lhrough the cf- feettyefgrse n Maples for their colour anîd ries, perhaps thcîr greatest forts'of the O.F.U. He closed ake up a mixture just as it I glory. follow the fiat htopped TOc ipril meet g ot Il formcd trecs but thev arc also foe lsesa a Mothers Acixiliarv vas fied ~ ~I n~ rather slow, grawing. One of whîîe fodrue so .ýTusa eventtîg .n thc Co-a gricu iturai a en ers ta support their organiza-ýbaco05 but it is far simpler co the ficstest growxvtn IMaples is ,adTuc'I Juav liali] 'ith 18 ladies rFicFliston tOn.caerg prahtogt0 and erlv tmixtures already blended bY 0< the Stîver Muple but t shauld Several varietes of ButchOa t:o'el'.lie trca-.tirer report- 'î,ttLrsdax' ,April 121h, 8:00 Tîhursday May lOtîtg-)( 8.Ere<ali taked tecampetent secdsmen. In lOis, a'a bc given lots <if space and also neyer grow otut of hand cd Sl1.1>1 had bcen donatod 10 p.m.--Mllbraok 4-11 Caîf CIlub Durhani' 4-H rPotutu O.F.U. for thoîr in'iatiolîns ta case, taa. hc will bc sure of te( snould 0e ,we1Ilavav% from and theit- white bark adds col- se. ulaest rxncadNrODra - ri lbMeigMta htch. tOc banquet. He hopcd that etting blends that are espec- be rewcrs or disposai beds. aur Ia tOc garden especialIlantcnf Training«. F i nl a1 Club argantzation meetings. Mlibrook. Scoure potatocs anti botliarganizations shiould work ?all seîected for his part cf jiý If sp acet: axalable. mare i winter lime. plais ttc madle for the Fai- Cavan Communily Hall. All rece ve ins;rlccuit l n 1;tlot- closor tagether taward a cm Canada la gise tOe beslt-c- - Lîndens or Bassxsoads 'should The Flosvering Crab la at:cî- 'le" antcI Suli banquet April,, oung people are 'aelcaîne. Be ing. etc. tMon goial. Ife sa'a a greal 1 suls ther small Ire 'ahich ma\, h'o1410. lr Frod IHamilton was a 4-il club mnember in 1962. Saîtrdav. Maci\ 12, I)îîî'O:ît:: t:eed Ici rocuce tOc surplus of iis plancd n asma l w. i l: i:vw iîcrii lc0w Thursdav, Aprîl I2th. 6:30 Couî:îy *Lit-týsi k Il îîf od in lOis country aînd lelp;** gro'as 15 ta 20 feel hîgI: wî:i'tfolu' tIlle atitumai ic ne- u r h a ni Vegetabi' Camipctit oi cOtcbsfruaontions. Move With Care ~ U ful dvloe.Ils beatitful l . tîl jMrs. E Farrawav. Groxt'eî'.Annuai Banquet, Ma- Mav :î lnl iit Ot tuit Eser - oi: 'aas favoured by ai D U T C H net only in ils flo'vers Outi î tttln. xs'ti:tle laî:kct. soliîC Tonmple, Port hIop,. W.1. District Atiiit nsclOtt utcMrlnIW:thri sa oga i saine varteties also have beau,- TI:o Atîxilitart Wîsh ta express Guest speaker-Louis Hcri::an. ' May 31 - âme 'o2-Tlitv- I3ros. Mr. Ed 'Mot-don. Mrs. we arc abouît ta transplant or, tiful rcd bcaves. _Mvost of flic thctr gralittîl ude Ite ladies Tuod ,pî .80 .: islAîta cnfr':eutiHlopkcins at:cl Mr. Frank Gam- maya, or juFt a 4-inch higi: n~st:allest iawn trees beloî:g îîsItusold atid botîtghtIticket-' --Omýgainî~ti: oe4HCî'tît elî:.Cî1rîanttt: ectI:gave a short and tinte- loniato plant laits permtanent C R ED I tOc arnamental fla'aerit:g trocs: for ll:îa cr:î's- Noxt nieeting CîlubBasemnî:îWelcon:e Uti- Couicioîl -11 lub E nin-y ýardress. place in the gardeon, the rules thase will bc discussed it: a wi]] lieo lîchI Julie StI: led Cl:trch. Contact Roy Mc- ton, Abet.Mr. Moi TîbOutI, president .arc preciscly tOc samie. Kecp ~m lalor article. Titoadat aller suliool tl:e'Hoim or I)on EBtdc for ftither lotte 4 - il Antutal Cuit- of OFU. sîtoke abottIlile thc rouIs prDtoctcd as rnuch as MWith tOc exception oif Wîi .1 iie- atnd Exfflorers met îinfornmation:. ferentu', Exten:siont Praittcl: Farm Manageent: survey held posible from the air, caver Ioavs, Biches, Pop ars and togettert tusoc- a film n:cttlol ed:edy, April 251li, 10::30 Ontario DepI. of Agietltuiri, ii Dufifer Conposvse 0c ibl "aid masufie tso Silver Maples, ail shado tIre es ]ats lte Ctri",thon a.n:.-Slieep Managementl Iay. O.A.C., Guolph:. svtt-iefrers with an as psil îdmk ueta Ovr can bc planted successfuily iîn wc'nt lu Il:eîr separale raams;. Souls Building, O.A.C., Guelph. Satuirdav. Jutîe lt,1 3 -average nvesîment of $40,00)) tOc soil [s moist and stays thc spring or fail. T0e abovü'l1e Oc essot:gers sang the Lectrsat Clasrlas4-0p: uh ub î, 'uî-aci: Oad a net incarne aonly moisi unlil tOc plants get es- 7011)MFMBERS tî:entiancd t'arities are bea' lî11uit'Toli mne tihe to7ies o:f an shcep managemen:t -\Vitl: auto. Tcoronito Dcirhain Catty S1,500. Althougli Mr. Cor- tablished. planlcd anly in carIs' spring. Je:ui. , ani te os-rship bds-eilepai i ie ecprnu.mî)an te a farmei, Thal's ail thcre is ta Iran- Trees should ci. staked foi- tOc b% Mrs. D Dtrreill sas Ite l-tucb programme in Ontarào . itJcîîîe 18 - 21 --Aniîal Cont- sec a bright piolure of agri- plaî:tîng and if tOc plant, Ire -for'- fîrsl season and a good 'valer- Panable of te(, Losi S1cecp., Thursdav. April '2611h, 8:0(1 t eîîîtiorî, Agt'uietura I iitstîtiltectulture paitidon TV thec1or shrtib we are transplantitig HIGUEI 1NTRESTS ing aI leasî Issice a xee'ok duii- Sîlsaît Thtuinp>tîît eceie th'e JO P-'aiîil.untior Pari:- of Canada, Ottawa. rcoadtepress, thcre - avi a ist u t' and fiî: eno ing dry summers. Sprayîî:g tlte offering. Rcîi' a] a rna Festival. War Mcm- SaurOs, utt 23 i O.t. vet'anfiilfdinin utfatmi faîtage, branches and trut-k *s Spritii.tfitîset- Otîo ta orial Hall. O.A.C., Guelph. Alcîniîîi D'at-. profits and farn:crs recîv e!wi rse dw bu on nc'. MLau ltavay xteistn Ccireitan lalf tOc ayfor thucirrseddwnabu te n ouravns alIso a help [n iot'h lot t. ri d.Dcîî:î:tî Lighln Iay1 3 esnCore News'ffice Location c's payroosw r uea ucs Tros hvesaine ettemies, told Illet' ccon:d c-aitet' of cFa': Mnaeet OAC, TOeExten:sionî Briattu:orlabourr Ihat wcrkers get lin otsvei- re lime. 0 f ttsue, svi Iicifotr --n:t"r uha aepllr.a îî îtk îdagi(:e tas Guelph. Onîtario Dopt. of Agriculture h. usî-Y larger plants and t-ces. ec., bt Oelles, bores aî:d other iii - ilavetl. Flot-eiu cl:ildt'en aW- Fi'idaY, IsaY 4th - Dîîrlam i :cw local( 1d aIîthe(' ata îOai oend-ofmentlie slatediit is wcîl also ta lic firmlv la LOWVER INTERESTS sots which catîse a leavv losa ituncîct. 4Ha: uiî aie oc- . Bo"i:anvtilie cai:Frank cStree rnd n out oi:and o i- lake taokepltand rotr ai ltces cch yeî'. c n:ut Wiiu lit [5 xakîr'rs Ms îîg Night. Franlk Streelta s est otiftiti- c'teasingpuduînaO atwiin bse nd al-n nat o'a'rlaok troc diseasoss Uici:Routent] led a dcsiotuedl lca:80 lie tt'S:pi:gCîIcîdtht'e ogtai aktngalt off same ai the top growth. on ', ur lmanTw iJno are'eisnn sI(me( ntpout rdce.lemn;to sb as blighls, rosIs and rots. TOc> Ilue îi,,, thet' Iîad juslsvatchî Fss shi tJîîiîr Fa-mt-DpaBillî t lc86t, tc rauîspiducditl mn-Tanplntngaooni bs 100 are a seriaus nmenace. Docicl. an:d Pal Adaman:. o in - neetit:g itets'ec btick butîlding îpovmeO Bh 8,bowt sti n l, done in the cvening or on a nol hesitate la ask anv boî:a- sctrktt:g ont a put zp7'n:n o tiifo cloudy day as a hot sun i Be(thsepets.Ifa itle 'wok f nuit get paî'ilY prices if tl:eymaisture and shrivel thte Becoe amemer fde ut-orymn hst'la fgî. iî tetcirk osn s o eth rnhir 'nhaloar-praela î t15 hought is excrcîscd ini theîr ta itue Tioit:as C Ç \ N i tn aiizalion, Vertical integration planting, trees ,%ill repaY> aIlB ot. tua aits foîri[t and ils dangers!** tOecoare that mustl Oc git'ci: Vùdn(csdap cetitg Captait: Aopt'aximalelv 2710 people in Cavait Cot::t::utiit\îslall] o ltochefamii' fat-m wcre men- Tn ed n aiPat Cali . . . I sovauil :1Gt~itiTîtot::pýzot, Bîa'îî ts et-c'it:attendaîce at Ite an- W'ed., M. tch -21 ai 6:.31)finit:: toued, i uîgscdta1lt enoug merey tasot alt-e SI:îic't Turnier', lite si-xitutal banqutetai tOe Duichaîn MrVie Malcoln:. Couiiiv Dit-- OFU. si:ould Oc te soice oai We al]remember lte warn- VANDERGAAST ~~Girl Guides cio hiae rci-Coî:cFarniers Uionit:helO ecl c- uteci as c-iarmtcttfoîr ihOc' tOc bat-mer and lte Federa- îng about "big oaks from tin, ed cci tîein ail-round cotOs, oveoulîîg. lion ai Agr'ic'ulture shouid golacaros grow , or something MR. T. D L.t.JJD STOCK t nanteit Cher\ I MoIraI t .10.1t: Jaoti:Hanmiltoanaîd amih- .1 ab:eacl at-icidcteop lte Ca-- ike that, but many of os foi'- n3A3705Afllo a boîîîtîfutl antd ci-oemtseget that tOc same applies in' at M 3-015SERVICE LSuggve. atC Saro laitd. Mran d M'.Ga ut:r cas Mn.LesTyo laked 10e'degree Ia tiny flower andî o rPuchse L tcl Ke. ntaiRa:maîd oîd ad llitsvt- Sinayjayed by ail Mn. Malint î:îo- Casat Ladios l:stitutte fat- vegetable seeds. Secdstif, andcodiin. bsi aîider es. vicl ailroLat uple.gesscNVr iadiaucOtieîc'"sîs a i li eathn ieir particut î:aking lte ban- narigolds. zinnias and pela-' ~l«. . POST adcniin udr.Lid ala ai oslrtable, Mr. Eric Fallia tresidelit quietl uc'-'s ss't sha nias are so smalh ihat il takes Small animais removed free Sc'i:scnc'tzandt Alice Stephitean Mt- aî:d uc 1o:1r.îî aîleaucîndi-a-Mms. Eîmeî' Archer t-f teDuiî'lam Cauttty l"'cici'- spleîiecld itucal. I iteraits' manv thousancis aif nt 728-0858 Phone Collect, Peterborough "ý iilie xhb and famiît, Whitby, aî:d Mrs liai: of Agricutitre anul \I s. R7esiebelO Lidlgi h xii Bert Smnith:, Toronto, speitt Failit. Mr'. Albert Corm:ack,ap for further infornmation NIK eCONi, 2.882i lion gr'ountds. Toranla, ta sec, Surîdat' tith Mr. anîd Mrs. W. past prestdc'it of Ilie on~ ~ ~ I 'tOc Bdert-Pcsccli a:d hearArcher and Mr. Doser. Paruters CUtion:a(011_ Pro liet r sItur Ot-er 4- Gulties - i i I m Licence No. 117-C-61Mr adlr. laeceMa-42))))10kns l'c weme iii atleiucaiitc.Mran Mr.Crc:eMt-tau'. m.l!pit tai - - St îtpatiîc i; exîet:dcdIoalowsv isited Bey. and Mt-s. NMii- Preaîdcî:it tif C) 1i. Mn . dVV 1 . J H E DATII M tr. audj Ms. Kcilt\VanîCaî::p tai-tSandersaît, Torti:c, Sun-MotunO-a:'ainl)m-ti.JUAFIIULI e ,o.i. ~.~ ~Mr'. Mel 'iibb:itt, Prcsendettotf Dnnniru TUAT arnimnrc rTUr DDEriÇP AAATriU PLAN A LOAN TO Plan an HFC Shoppcr's Loan to cover a new suit l'or Dad Spring and Summer clothing for the %ýhoIe family .. . even gifts for graduations, weddings and anni- v'ersaries. You make better buys with cash and avoid bis at the end of the month. Instead, you simply pay HFC AMOUNT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS OF 36 30 20 12 LOAN moit/n mont/3n ont/n mont/n $100 S 8. 16. 1!S 9,16 550 3 3 32.86 51.24 750.... .1 44. 13 69.21 1000 1 . l'-, ,578.11 9 1.56 1600 60.88 6S.8 1 94.11 14 6. J2 2200 83. 71 91,.ti2 129.41 '-01.46 2500 9Oc. 12 107.52 117.05 228.931 Above Pvire'ts ,clA tcipa l and are bied oon iO",t epyment bOt do fot nctode the cofit of Ite rltrC one smail monthly amount. HFC money service is always help- fui. neighbouriy and confidential. Drop in and see. Lfe insumance available on al bans 64 King Street East . ;. Telephone 725-6526 Oshawa Shopping Centre .. .. .. ...Telephone 725-1139 OSHAWA For the BEST in 0.a. MOVING or STORAGE US E ALLIED VA&NUNES A('ROSS TOWN OR .. ACROSS THE NATION We handie the entire operation... EST131ATING - PACKING - SHIPPING STORAGE . . . Goods handled by' ex- experienccd personnel . . . carricd in dust- proof %.ans . . . Alil goods protected I)y insurance to full vaine. ('ALi, VOI'R LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE PRESTO NMvig1 Sora Ld - MA 3- 2441 Bow~ iîanv ilie [ bci ltlire(Ttut-at tgli:t. Mi, and Mrs. Oscar Graltatu Tlite itttiali banîquiet orfthue antd Mn. and Mirs. Chat-les Gra- fartri' t -cii Cinug Club \tsas tamn vsitild Mc. actd Mt-s. Les-,O t ro F m iuoId Satut-dav-, April 7tO, [n!lic Grahtant, MilIbrook. Suit:-, O tro F r the Reoreaictu iiCentre. Thee' daY. J O.N'.O. Club oreî'dc a deliciatîs Mr. aînd Mt-s. SIat: Rali:: non N w an atuc heir ss cor. lias becît 'aitli:Mr. and Mrsa The mo t' îîuccîîing n Prc>tiet Rot% McLaougîuin Arîlicr Ralim foc soi-e xeeks, Daclintgot: l'Xi'tticnin, Luo- atitouced cd he aut s tanding taOct'l-horn:eini Little Britain cal 78 nuet inthue boitte oa iM. ainci ptizes tt mmcacadcd. lI on Suînda ' . Mrs. A itOh uî r nd Mt-s. Ivant Bal] Boss'n:n- tik i u. kilupedi b"t-KeiuIî Vin.:Raltnis sîlsitint lte Stait 'a'lle,. Pricii ttoiiciBragg Ctît:tî, r(ceisc'ýd b a 1 cil eut e;: Rahms. Mi-,Attiuit'Rahiita chaincd the meetinug. 'ccip[uuc' t-t k -li ped licv[lu Ositawsa lspital ai linme of i trtSvea it t-cueel spot',-ta- witiitg. Ma latAfler opeiting c'xemc-sea, Mrrs t-itt iuntu lgt ls: 30pao M' tdBailc't'.Eln:er Ccux, Secc'-tat->, t-oaii:ch( it k xl:ippici ilu: Elr o c ; I Mîs. Arttur Leigitlon, Mn. and ittnuttes ar Pcc's'îous ncIîg scati euit f-i * t-ct. Bcth lte YMca. I tector Sl:artridge anud .xvi:c'h \sre approt'ed and ad- iplvautd Buil tecre Stîrîdat' stpper <pled. Mn. Bcagg bas Ocaiteci t lue Boit piet trapus wet t lcuests cil Mn. and Mcs. Frank [wtt' olt) i es utc' Oiv a itu Kt'ut t \'.:î Cuttp's t-tutk. Bailet' oi: tIrts. Bai les-s .ý biî'Il'- 10% lafcsted iý l Dii t ng tt'e osci tuutset emaî ciaa'. or. 1lot discuission: foilo'as'cO lite cit-tutta u cfncettd lte Ifol- Mr. Bill Fcmgttsat aindIf'Ms. icading. and a fIer beiî:g ain- Icîs iug :î1-c' sucIa c'hic'kcntCeci liillsceme SuttOa.v' pperendcciand passec in tils ce- acccec. Dtavui K\.te,'Vertnon guests ai Mr. and \Irs. Noei OedF. it',qiars I Guicipnth. AsI t iw. Chaitniic Nasîcit, MalotGn andr Dav'id, Osh:awaa. .FU hedurrsGel. Cu'ti'.-'.- rýtîi:tn. Bert Btisv- -----V-rs. Ciutll, Bd. Cuîî:ttî c .Btuh pttt-er. aliad NMat-- PRENIIVM TABLE îcad a ]cietrt-rocoîccO lt-att t' u Ru'tad 'tit C il ni P,IMr. .1. L. Bakcer,Dit-et-lot- aif C-ut.Latrir. Allai: Bcacou k ~Dainytiitg. Queents Park, t c tuidDtus'- W011t: t-otluit ý ff Cheese--o xpot'ts antii in'îpaîs. k , ,Thlututka sen expmoestt A letter lias been senttol c f.ut- oaitttu ctifrcn:î Bruîte _______Baker ccqutctiug imcre itîfocu iljso ita:tu.Ic foi-th le tars'cl -atimait mgardi:g ttis auîb oc-t tua - s'ut 1: t' t i i tI ut-Nor- Ihat arenont even 24 liaurs old and ai rcjuicst foi' Itt ll! î t an Ititai the limie of delisrery ta fîîn:mlalu'ci negtrdiîîg'Dni>- N t".0't' ' us dunlî se [tutstoresj: Cltî'esc ' mntOtarico.NMmx. Cix n iii iii' 1f(ut1luosv: iuig ufficc'rs reatOil papti site 1-'-'v'O fuo c ~ ~ ~ Venl AS'tc Po to:t.\cmtut - Bîiy tIl icm5C.B.C. t-cgncding F1"ni:l"au::î 1> i-h t " tc'Pt-' îIuîîî l 9 -A inStretE . SOi'tncasts, via radcio. "lT' ttiDut-t-t I -Sec ' .Tnetîsh îi KngSret .C.B C. tc opt' in[tionts antd (IIIýii oiit: Ctîtîîîîî eI e, BOIVEN'S GROCERY 'utili::tt:tîa ecgat'luulIic'ese tiro- li 1 ss tit. li:itlan loiiit 65 Scuigag Rd. uu.iiits. Bo Iiilt ', t burt. D)AVIS G ROCERY MistPillerCaX it'ile a t-e- [*[ ,li < ,hownt andtutihie 125 Kinîg StreetlF. wt o 'un(sius'hiaîuc'w tIu j1;t - t * ' lt, - I ' tIluî'] 1)X'KS'rRA 'S btL i t cIsII. Or1U - t î-ttt'u uied-t c-tf lu- Iii'. \cl-lci"Itttu VAEIE 1001 - 1t t itis itînt-Lut is luit' Etiti- ,\Il-r N 'utti: 'Ic-Na] i C ol'u- 77 ing Street W . uns andnitila 't-c,-O isirtiliioii" biioice. uct a lots claa, : t ts ioa sct 1:Mn. tt ' r 1 ArlIRIVAX1FO01) MARKET utonrt) rcTltts tîmar'ket \va-s sct r'.rtt ciituti -nted ~44 King Street E?. tp>tIoe tslo cari: thic'r lic - frî rd- FIRTHI BROS. (M ttoig itv fanttui c'cîuî ld si Mu .andt MiCaitn. Torcunt n Specialy yMeats <ii Ii lie -il>'. c-,ot:uun'rie.d s~ ~ ac t riNi at M-Albotl î 7King Street F. p-t[cemiama-uaueîîio \\'îgi'. 1,ihec Prcci Trewsîtu- N EIGHBOURIIOOD STORE n LestWoodtipave ia t- Mt-tu ci n> d in tt.antd 87 Ontario Street juor- t: 0F.'.tt:ccttng îld cai o'î"- I -"tcs l.u 'i s'a'ck ot Litudi a". ai :Mou:tuut, Atuciil 2îuc M-POutula Moui-tijus. Gsi:- owaahm r"daIt 'T:.s ~a Gc uuc'm'u IcMmhe- atta, .ruriu' 'ast wss 'cck scîth 1e ROWMANVILLE HOTEL Y rv so o I:rý RESTAURANT < Oei-nelin. AThmît-use us n ît 'cir ituui M'.Citai le'- Sait]: CORONATION RESTAURANT informt:iion sitouild cniîtM iiitti Gtc"pot týi t coeket:d FLYING DVTCHIAN (Oto Braggt or MIrs. Elmer Cox. t: Ottits ,u RESTAL'RANT Tlte nmet5is-arebt'ttg hii tt'ctdc-a1tt'u(,il iitheAI- OL'NIPIA RESTAURANT ail 'cet-tisa Ounta. b'ansts ,Mcs ai Nu r. t- 11611SCIIOOL CAFETERIA Mn.ifant':.\tiuta :iý tit cutr :iuutulIttue 'tr autiM %IE310IILHOSPITAL r-îti a ' astt suulIl W'alîr lIItMi-. M 'IaîdIS. They are the freshest t.table l's'clat'îLA (itttt' tt>'tt ti Edgarut'I lut-tu. .c. tof G>lisaa. eggs on the markt- bh> Nlt-. Ccux ciaeu f niuitIer MnIl. :und tîJsames GilI- nmore,. Tuniut'o. svore Saluritdv produccd hi' aî:nîitîec, -cg:urcIiuug t(liii l-tu guteta a 'tI W.N Ca:pbel ecî'ng doneofc seaile Itolci guess ofNIr.W. NaCamtelte larn: tuf 'Mc. andi c antI n'-G.V. A. Sea!. W K N W S at Don Lanmb. stio lic ceicft cci- Su uict' esx'upalOv is e uyfp ~ iuaratataseile ait a itrît: tut titi toedl ic'.Charlces Vettiini CH~ fl~KICK A'A Besdlev disicit. tie cctc:1 a Cht-usSalira;Troitiies antd ma.:vfirt- i -m.c crp frion leIh'ilcit' iilnd 'tI t nl 'ir fcît Butkmttfor lte bu'st cggs ai C'NE. Ctn -'Mu'/ O t i">" ani jCitutu. GItassa. autO Clii Phone CO]fax 3-2567 tlicon c-iî tled 'I tu fîuct:ta tout lit' Wîo.Tui-n1tu' pc1t 1'il rR. R. 1Bo-wmanville Itllce %î :e" asi t-t il v wihN:ýan Wr-i'c specualuse n procîucîîg htainatd 'aits nuchuc:uoI Chtas. Wulsout aithv table eggs of onîlorni Ncxt meetin:g sii 0e luolul .tIc. autO 'thts. Hcctll XXIeei- qmain th1e rmost hygicnic alI-te tomeo tf Mrt. tunidtht-s cm attd 'tia Dîauî:'Oshtawa. and sanilary' 'avsin lotlhy Otto Bragg. Paria Ut:itn t: art: - tf e 'i' O 'Mr. ac.d mc'chanized hen hauses. We thîs at-ca, ta lte fit-st Tuesayt NI' B - ' ' nd-r at-O l.ur ' 'uroduice xhite' sOhi legg ' z o1xtf oser>' nucînthc.rr'xtel e- Ocerc.,:,Mc. and M .thanîks ta ouiri:oSt and itostms. en Service ndsay Smith 1ein to ingha:.ouw'c. YXX give thern imoi * z1lr h :1-d zood soi] and ¶cvwt!1s. Ito big brî..h\ 'ti. O ýquirc ailh< a foi*n il ,,av to dA, ný dc I t ýey arc on V ae among tIllen-lzeof plants- spossible Iogr mt C'naail ncltned 10 o' ý t nt: ze that even 1: It ilvssun:l. Or terbeina. )'t t- aca or som-e se ht )est resu] ts, req :tire nIea riches ail istn I htI et nw t- ure plant:. This 'tieiw h owing n thn'firsl 0kittil1n blv rnixin- ht n k< vith a bit of, lrt i't10 tIo nit 1h [a 1h 'd tt:', )lanting 0 t't lIttt :ýlike !Il'u .rgest zinntlii id 'îîart .tctl .srnos. delphiniuînt. tel icks at ~~ 0itie 'a stter fmir fieut aci fri vails andi tt". . I <t.' oo fanm iiitr t i- i ttt it i ¶ .goest fle cl:ii ct I i.- formation on the sced packet. Ticre lte mature height as t'a c't as sale lime af sowing ai lte best location wil e %Vide Varîcty oPIaths E-il, uts'ail layots'urid Itoine sorie sort of paths .t' tsitil teqcired and they e, int Oc î.d b attractive tu-.. a ilti a litle care and 1)iîarntit:. A wtuding path, of iutst' , nîumc'lmot-e interest- in,, 'i.n aoethaltruins straight ft-i <utl ccitt t totanother. ;it ,m-! aidtdlit-ns should shn: r'st:,eason like a tree, i f t'tp0f-tutbbem-s, a bench. ta or w ett aali, even if you 1iî.îcî' to plt iluese things there t] Ii c'mîîls.WItcre there 'aili oi îtl '*îv:cîderate trahfie over titi ss tub on palO 'ae can use 1t- , i, tasuîîprising ho'a .îu:tt i t soî w sill stand if it ia.ti. litIle plant food itti- ii a avOe. 0f course foîr iti:tc trltallie somcthing wnrsit aîtaîîal svill Oc re. lu[uc ikc' llagstones, brick. titci iî:icr, asohait or even w -uir'tt. It addition tb a i-, tt',tutd some trees or a - u Ot--- ots steps leari- A 'Jets' cIlite Tc)rris Fuiiet-ai Chapel 's ith ample ]ioff-at 'cci parking Out -of -Town Service If nicaîl: O'tits aa 'sfroîtomute, Iciephione Morris Coa. 'lh tuo'jl t i ii r ffîiliiut in iti IFuncral Service Associationis. \iîls('. uttîthelpyau rnake the necessans i ntYmîusandi save \'otineedless expeuse. iu 5s '( s a vas s as near as the telepholln& mnrr;e 1 Fi % 4 I)IVISIC TI d, i1i1"a O)N ST. Funeral C h apel1 BOMNANVILLE ELEIPIIONE 'VA 3-5480 1( SF1 AREA SINCE 1881" 0F TRUCK TO LOAD ... GET A4 CIEVROLET! VVfLJ N YOU RUN A TRUCK OPERATION THAT LEAVES LITTLE TIME FOR MAINTENANCE AND PRACTICALLY NO lIME FOR REPAIRS . GET A CHEVROLET! WH ENYOU WANT DRIVERS AT PEAK EFFICIENCY - RELAXED IN COMFORT- KING CABS ... CET A CHEVROLET! i - -~ r '1 i SWE WIlEàmiYOU CARRY LOADS THAT o __REQUIRE CAREFUL HANDLING- AND WHEN YOU ~ ~1 NEED MAXIMUM SPACE ... GET A (NE VROLET! I -~ WHENA LOW-COST TRUCK OPERATION IS VITAL TO YOUR BUSINESS . . .GET A CHEVROLETI CHEVROLET TRÈUCKS are best foryo..u! A Gpnrrr Maotors Voit@ SEE 'YOUR AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER W> lacîi n trnl nf erfra coet CT-72 Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check pour local listing for chcinnel and time. ROY W. NICHOLS Phone MA 33353 BOWM A N VIL LE Phone 728-8206 C0U RT 1C E MA 3-2493 iR.R. .1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEN