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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1962, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE TTT ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ia lAlçNqAmSABWAVILOTRO VDEDY ART 1 o 7 lewcastle cSocal and1 Liersonal Winners Ci Lions Dis ri Public Spe Phone 3621 4osen in ict A3 aking Mrç .Nechue Taylor off Loti- Mr. Norman Woodian.d offN-csl,- 'i oa in ýrIgIl don spent last week vîsiting Weston wcre Sunday visitors "csl Fu oui ia 1 iglteiuenkitht with Mrs. H. C. Denoîs. wilh the Rex-. and Mrs. E. C Club uvas itost club oin Weriwr wveehule taidacii, Miss Jean MeIPhersýouti and Woodland and tfamil 'v and at- dia' vni for lte "Fitîuill*-' o tluespecesa d litirl u tendcd tbc service in the U ni- n ue ari u'Ipîublie spealci oonhî s('.lEIatllel il Uni-. t ue j1idgus sore s utere bliîg tdCuc.conlests coîîdtuîted ,tîuî,llu W tail-lic i thepî'tuiuuîgnb IJesI B k r tdCuc.Lions in District A-3. W1-I, zpb Ne a e y On Wednesdlay, MVr. and Mrs. i , abraMII ýIole ]cSLtool Gîc Club itider Ile .Mra Wallon attcnded a tes abr Mlut< lMra Brightonu aud Chester- (abriel dtueîhotu off At iltu C ollisori welcome home party for Doin- off Pelerboroago, vîl dvtî etriîuiied Ile fair - sîzed Sho O ens al Jaksn, oid Sattc-,iuwlli Ille .ptittconi- S hop ~Dpens ~1dJacksonu~ WridSkatiuig 'ota the District A ffttuilsfo- lîu ' iI aiu(îin it parents, Mr. and Mrs. George auîda, Quebec, un May. In Village ~Jackson in Oshawa. Sekr niis Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bontahatu coSpeakersill tiie coatel Newcastle -Aftcr more t('han returned hm Saudvcons in Ili eluîîiiutou twenty years wtbout a bake- Ifollowing a three mouths hou - scbools, advautcr Insoute con-i rbop it is sometbîng off a novel-da in Lakeland, Florida. tests and Ille tytutuers advitli' (v for citîzens off Ibis villag-e i' Mr. and Mrs. Jon I \ oii nef fîîîî , dt il i fo bave a n xv modemn hakery seiWuîay~ ttg u llll _iî:us îluîscil i i ii' su lu-\ T opened in the business section Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Sale in drlt,îîcls giuug on I lie tut o awa. in the premîses fformerlYI Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cassie prizc,. are cash andis'ouî occupied b 'v Keiseys Meals. 1off Brampton were Suodayshîps. The premires bave beeîî visitors wxith Mr. auîd Mrs. D5. 'flue 1,r1u1,uier v; by John W. Lcý -ompletelv\ reîîovahed ffrom M. Bernîard and Eric. the Neuvastler Public Slnu floor (o ceiling and gives tb-2 Mrs. J. J1. McCandless, Mr. Gîe Club, tudr l tue cInîtit your telophonE âopearance off a nexv building and Mrs. Sheldon McCanrllcess of Arthuir Collîsoti.sit 1%t,,-'.o on the inside wilb new mod- and son Arthur off Stralhroy vers'es off (le Nat iotual managuers cmn lîgbting, glass sbowcases and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Litle Off'A few uvords off xvlcîiîî n rle inanage etc. To be known as the Oshawa were weekend visitors given by (tie îresidiit ou lir n u ".Jobnn\' Bo y Bakery", the es-1 witb Mrs. Thomas Euîwright ' lcaLotus CIlub. CalrI ll uil fablishmeiit bas a revolving'and Buck. intrnduîcedNoriui îrar ga5 aven and uil] produ ce a Mr. and Mrs. Austi Turner orf 'illoni, i-lairîuîr ' (f i i full line off hread and pastries have returned home folloxx'îolg Ditict A PutblicSpa for the retail and wboiesalc a holiday in Lakeland, Florida. Cn"satd cliairman for tii" trade. ,Mr. and Mrs. John Vout evýCiiiig. île iii: roditiccl li te Born in Ednmonton, Mr. L 'Vs- visiled with Mr. and Mrs. 'Nil. speak ers, StllîI '!],Bll.Fetue anchuck is a married man witli liamn Hoy in Kendal on MWed- tout Fous: Hierbert Cuîuîpbelt. four cilîdreti and is living east nesday. Trenton:; Chester (Inhii c- ntf Oshawa. He is a graduate off Mr. and Mus. Murray 'Naitoti rboraîigli: arba .ietio.l the Oshawa Mîssiouiary Col- iwere guesîs with Mr. and Mrs. Brigiitînli and Marilx î uî M lege and bas bad thrcc r'ears'George Jackson ah the Toronto Bancroft. baking experience. !Cricket, Skahing and Curlinig Club on Saturday for the per- Ai spe'akers uerr'gvet: Th ewhkeyoPpeued Oit formance off "Maria" ffolowerlseetrinue 0 r> ttlt Manday morning and ffrom al by a bufffet and dance i the preîiorecl sperchlus atni er reports is turning out some cub ong.gti lfi fleetli tuintiles !tri pir tasty prodîuLs V JH t0 rs. Ria Erblevard MVis~ -li Wl iUIJW 1111 CTil0 pvrysu'cssinhi nw en Mabel Oldfieid spent the week,--'P(les ture in our village. end xisiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Embley in Centralia. of 11\r. and IMrs. Hoctrtor fiaike. Fiowers on the altar in the . Gerald ili or Brýock\-i;1V Communu.y United Church on Sunida\, visited \vilh EF, roeaîgh were placed in loving memory on Sund i], ao Yr n i Bowling off Charles Alexander Prott R. 1h11l and faililv orf nr Bow ingwho passed away a vear -igo, Hlope: at the sar nr' ho on by his wife and famly.ý. Stne Mr. and 'Mrs. F. r Newcastle:--- Foliowing areý Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paedenl ne Alai rs/the high scores in the variausland Jean off Starkville v isi tedî von ('1 and Willie orf 'loronte leagues an the communty with Mrs. George Smith 0'i Mr. and Mr.vaîî'ýe (ooper bowling lanes for the weekýSunday and also visited Mih 1 ObaaPa.c a il r - -nig April 7th. 'Mrs. J. G. Jackson in Fair-:r obugi, n ud~F1 Monday Ladies' League (200 view Lodge, Whitby. returned In Ringstn to \\ ruje end over) - T. Langstaff 227,1 exams and hopes in hve 11 J. Allen 223, R. Couch 218, D.1;s off bis foot hefore h(, re- Mercer 20.3, J. Ard 202, M.l Donnail ý Grahamn 201, M. Winters 20EL0.IL E tun. Ouhîe n1hm Men's League (22.5 200. from Toronto for a daY dll-- nver - . Pwel 299aL. nig- iMany people were glad Ino ng the mweek. ove) -S. owel 29. . Hgh.j5e the April showers as weils field 262, G. Kimbail 263,'B were low and cisterns drl Glanville 254, L, Johnso 250,1Other signs off spring a'eI.,. L K. Aiken 248. K. Whitney 24 evident too, many springbds\.Afi eeS ,I W. oller 30,B. ake- 'are here, spring flowersar P. Ames 226.showing their leaves in atnhine (200 and lover) - B. Couch 327,lcome signs were the lîîî I. Wincop 226, A. Rowe 204. Ibroken botties scattered acros", Junior League (175 endjthe lakeshore road betweerî over) - D. Rudrnan 244, W.Ihere and Port Hope on Sun Plintoff 224, S. Barchard 223, day rnorning. W. Pearce 215, D. Bowern 192,ý There were 56 It Sunda P. Good 190, T. Alldread 18,9.*Sebool on April 8 and Gloi Thursday Mixed LeagrueNichols read the scripture (200 and over> - A. DubeaijiThe Sunday Sebool film night 226, B. Ferguson 2,57, M. at Canton on Good Friday Couch 207, R. Brown 205. announeed. Rev. M. Freema Friday Mixed League (200 continued in bis sermon i end over) - R. Pearce 281,A. morning church service, las4 Pearce 228, A. Rowe 226, K: Sunday's therne off tbe Divin Dean 224, B. Brown 220, G' and human in Christ. Mrs. Kimbaîl 212, B. Partner '209: Ken Dinner sang the solo part 1. Cunningham 207, S. Brown, of the choir's anthemn. 206, S. Powell 206. Clothing for the Save th(, ____________________ iChildren bale and Crippied FINE QUALITY ýCivilians are being packed at Mrs. E. Barrowclough's anri MONUMENTS AND ýMrs. Harold Best's. There is MARKERS stil] time to hand in clothin. 4 ~~ Mrs. Cassie Glover off sa sual of wa was a recent visitor \v îth OFLI \STAFFORD lad r itherMrn Bwn aMr". Craftsotan William R. e, BROS. LTD. ýGlover is still receiving Ireat- 18, offNwasiOtro - ment for lier arrn, brokon somo en lvîoopletd it ,, < linie ago. biasic train in at Cal .1jthorizeJ Sharon Thornd ' ke entertain- tiaDsLepîn i)C.împ P('! * Deaer de about 15 offlier friends at h\av.Soli of Mtr. anîd "\I! a hay ride last Saturday night. Frl< t Eey(if R'R. No. :1, Rloy Austin was the charioteer, N iaîc~ îtr.Chin. SiffrdBrthrs and aIl rettîrned to Sharo wxtilil aMe up nue\t <lut i( \y, LI1NITED honie for the food that is thThe Rot ai ('andia liii ri necessarv part off ail good & MechanjuailioierMShl Monuments parties. tKnsoO Marie Hoskin off Welcomv igtn îtro Box 133 spent Saturday nighit and Sun- 319 Dundas St. E. lVhitby da i with lber cousin, Barbara Thue mil production offil Phone 1Vhtb.v Dinner. \i s rudliicdmouc i MOlîawk8-3.552 Mr. and Mis. T. Riie *Noff b ' tua i tItl a:, t,îu __________________________________ Trooo ere weekend gl ilosI a i ig ci('Ie. svx usuallv develop a1 clothing aund can gene new ecations ealled E oi the other band, Ji distant (inuit streams. Ibis disease might be the nest-hîilding urge Iloi,,LitaU 4 'phones. As Increase inb recent uxeeki vouirc suiffer ('1h03 it.Re IlP, t't cigaged ni uIt covet ol1 lelepluone se nnuMe ible w x, ct he-r. 3.()fl homne- 1Its a delit- citime to a tfeiphonle cal av ailable for two-par-ty lin Rowsmantille. the hallxuay, aiyt%-here i-I stimmouîs yot ira rest 'phon colours - tv doubt about i nient ans<le( a loud bell ti 1elIt for Ilb more iîîformn talk il over1 iunac-companied three-parî bar- monv. N umbers presented 10 excellent fashion by the Gleeý CIlub înctided -Blue Belîs off Scotland-, -Mine Eyes Have Report from Queen's Park GET THE PRESTIGEý (1N<FR IFN9. <1ke/vewcc4le 9~~p Gordon Àgnew, Editor COURTICE reater in i UU UUin our UU o reextenion i Mrs. Gordon Osborne, Lii- ,s a matter off fact. therc's a decided dal and Mr. Bruce Tîuck, Ramn- the nunher off orders we've received In ilIon, spent the xxeekeuid vi s. I guess that's proof enough. So, if ber mother. Nlrs .A. WNilkinîs. Mr. and Mrs. L. 'N\ilkie anud ýrinz from spring fev'er, just relax and ffanilv., Sarnia, uxere dioner emember, you're In good company. guest.s Sîîîdav witlî Mr. anud * * * *Mt-S. C. ElliolI. Mr. and Mrs0. Robertson attended Ladies' Niglîl ot Cedar Lod.ce. Oshawa, on Sal- urday exoning. Miss Mary vWilkinus. O -hauva. Mrs. Frank Ilooper. Bo\wtiian- trille, Mus. Gordonu Osborne, Miss Linda Osboriue, liamil- tou'. Mrs. R. .Johnusnu.slioxs, Mrs. F. Hale, Neuvmarket, Mrs. T. Masters. Mrs. T. Faire v, 1 Mrs. E. Faitrot%-, ssColnni(, A ~Osmonîd, Boxvtnil 10w 'ei from out off louvouvîoas Wiiifred Bottson Saturdav i ou cing ini11uo1uo11r of Mi >:s VIgiiiizi Brouvîi xx lo \uitli e iaru ied ai Ebhetîcrer Satuir- 'FicEbeiizer t-titcid Cluirelu 'Nomeit held t heir getro i- meetinîg Muîrch 29, 1962, w itb Mrs. Allait Douxtipresiditug. Mrs. Dlowui opeued the i c- ng xxitIi a sitrt addlress antd CUtIdCtLced thex buisiuie-s peu'uud. Lluîîilii uit counIittte t n. u 1(nî -)ta be in cllu.iue off seu- er'al ritu lie tiideltakeî OUR UINDERCOVER MNEN i lhecti.4te au tctunt otioccasîoîîallv seun fclep(ioii e t bui, iurs.iitas i- Iat(. seît' otiuvoiideriiig withsort off sable uîSint c1lultg t Io beSvit pistîoîtas goîîîg oi u iside. Actually, to the ToXrotoluSt tutu t l)ut eu, 'j'lue teiils are suiPprotectiont uIiereIlite suitlijilt u uerv lix u nor huot suitu for , pbone nieuî at the presentt tmt'. plii'tg cables together. lt's une "inider- Aruuounceiientî utas muade liat hleps assure flic dependability off (huit a Leadershiîp Tav uvîli be ,ruîe, store tlents liMe luis alloxv us to îîeîd at Hamptîonî oiiiApnil 10, renpaîrs in juisi about aruy kind off 1962. 'Flueofffering tuas ý recixedi * * e i hu Mrs, Wilfred Rrouvîuý, fol- i loxved buv the sinztog off thé- ('ui-E hynîn 'Figlbt the Good Figh'." Misq AnnTHoltroarithie new Souind for - scriptuure laketi froi Tlirssa- -Bell Chime.- lonians 5 frorn(lie fi ftiî terse -. r j muscaltco the enud offthie chuanter andr t lîtffîîlmusical i Ilue dot uituia I perionl nnoutce yotir ~-x uîuvr Ils . . . and it's J i~..ack l.itou clîik- litin- individual and i (d u ed lue prr)-Igruionilîu s-î e customers in V-- 'Wlnre aiere f îuîrand divîrle, (lie merntei-s intto four bu7,' lnstalled in ' rIP5 Mrs. Wtlffred Bn living room or reporled on tue qîie5tiouis dis- se you like, itctse regarding Spirituial [n- u gently tn the spit atioti: Mr-ý7 Keijh Ormnis- ne. Bell ('hime cornes ini (-wo beautiful ton u >)(ecrted 1 ',lie Coninîîuti t- tu Frieiidshn) î cîscui* utîtu : r elevgold or soft lvory. There's no t.<iu il Dîitx i t'. n . uu uni t. tbis bandsorne littie item wlll comple- fXJli gi ti s tticti cor! A lhandy sw itch lets you set it for' Mora! i'e'ari M rz. R' us- f) reaî'h iou at a distance. Or you can stail C; n . i r1lhTua d 'r u te fuimiliar. realîlar telephone rint. For t ex s <of Ilire glu îp ri. 'lue qtuestions 5 i or luugoiua alion, rive tus a rail. VelI hie glad ( tutiuios utrakeiib" the ,N iti 3).Ou. Uited Church Xoniîeiu. Arunouncementtuasrniadi- off ~ - R Cofffee Parlv 1o0 elieeld at - '\ ub~~te bhomie off irK.Hoiiu land a4 socialJ hall-houu enjo>-ed., *sawu a cuow on sooif' wing, That raucous harbinger or Spring! I even lîkpd his husky sang, "Caw, caw'7," he cafled, "the winter's Rane". The snow stili lies in patches deep, *To help the earîh lier secrets keep, Buît ini a sunnv corner there, Pitre snowdrops bloom 'gainst brown earf h bare.' Ycs! Spring is ini the robin's sang, It's iii the hursting cherry bloom, Tt's singing in the hitle nuls That mirror golden daffodils. Nothing cao stem that unseen thing, That ptuIsiiî,, surging of the Spring. Softl.v it w hispers nowA hope ta 'au, And Spring is in your own heart tao. -Marjorie Cunningham' DRAPERY SALE END)S APRIL 21st >qooFabrics 28 KING STREET W. Open 'tii 9 o'ciock THJIRS. AND FI. NITES SAMPLE DRAPIRT and I'PHOISTERI' loc up g r weî tc v.lwon a me numlac pointed ont that the cost off He recalled that the Oppos- ber vhih wn thm 3d pacepower to secondarv industrv ilion two vears ago advocated n the Music Festival in Peter- ranged betw,ýeeni .3 '( and 2.5% a reduction off 25 per cent in boroughi. AIll i the April of the cosîs off manuîfacture rural rates. If this was done, Evcning.c" ad.ha.b.rduig bis per- the cost would be $30 Millio The difficuit task off judging centage would no1 effectivelv Iand xmould have to be met eith- the well prepared and deliver- assist indusîrv. He asserled er by an increase of some 17% cd speeches was ably handled that the province lias not been bn rates or ont off general bY Mrs. P. F. Hare, Newcastle; subsidizîng rates in rural taxes. In either case, the cost Mr. Roy Turner, Blackstock, areas but rather bias been pro- wvould. in the final anal.,sis, mnember off tbe Bowmanvilte - iding grants over a period be borne by the taxpayer. If Public School staff and Mr. froni 1925, and amounting 10 a reduction off 5 in indus- Rrînald Munro. Principal off the somneSI112 million, for tlhe con- triai rates xvas allowed, it Newcastle Public Sehool. structior off rural lînes, su that would mean an additional cost Bizcrnton Riekard. governor ýpower could be brougbt into off $18 million which must be off Lions District A-3 made tbe areas tht iiunicipalities iii assumned by someone. presentations off a silver cup, the u;ystemi could flot afford to It xvould be very difficult, and S20.00 in cash Io the boy consîruct. These are capital as- he said, without sbowing dis- .and girl winner and $10.00 in, !sets and COtild have no relation erimination to decide what in- cash to the runners-up. It wao ito the suibsidizing off rates, bu 'dust.-y sbould receive this re- stated there were no losers i ~ said.. duction, and that it would onl 'v this contest, only runners-upO. The municipalities bave paid, be placing an umbrella over Foloio te rora teto tario llxdr-o a rate forlim-efficient companies a ni d Follwingthe rogam teý tvirpower,. lbe sa id, and in companies wbich could flot ntmesnteand IbCiubparns. hat rate lias beon included compote in the world markets. members off the nGîeaCrubind ythe alInountIpid iby the ImUn1- JInbringing tbe debate 10 a ,,ai the takig a esrt i a y Ai cipaîiîîes M..Pto î-fvdrlo to pav off ,c-los", Mr. Macaulay pointed wav ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~h uiterormwrsr-b AexCrthrMPP (ledehi agaiîîst varions as- on1 it thiere were many other ved refresbmncnts bv mnembers of flic Newcastle Lions Club Onec off tlic mosîteeît sets. At the- preset ltime tiiere effective ways of assisting in- ini the Lions room off the haIl. debale-s off tîhe presetît session ire soneS414 million off as- dustr v, and these were being - - ----developed duriuig the preseol- sets now exisling debt froc.: put ino practice or were under atioî off the estimates off the Tiereforo the varioîîs mioiei- coîîsidcration bY the new On- Departnient off Eiîcrgv aîîd iad paltc a $44niloitro Eco tomie Council. A 1% spocial refereuice ltu Hvnro cq di- h ud rdu ion in the Corporation rates in induistrv\. - lc xx d oti.a tgges(d,'Iahe said, woud be off rucu LbrlPitcnr ii1ltdrrteowe-greatr assistance than a 15% libera l'oin off Vew suduction in Hydro rates. MVr. XVi ni iltever. ino devil- h oIlep\i opîîg lthe debaîr, for i- e 0-W HA r OTUIERS SAYX L~ ;~* ~ Posiiioii. stated llti te e h-SI ; mates show a .statiîtorv vote off $S?îOO(1, a sui ih haý t a '~r 2 c~~ tr-adil ita livý been paid nui orff O U C E Dwry (tic revenue offte litePtO\*Ilti N DvdGeneFna ilEditor, The Telegrani of Rirai Hy\dr-o. TEhis votte, lie, Enilht.t:iasmn alone doesn't, make sales -- but slaled, dontons,,trýaieri the xteaM sales are evcr made these davs wif bout en- i ess off t bose tvliho a1gj u 1hutsiasm. iHydro mnust ho sold at co. t, and qLlggeSîetfl(Ilýitelle fgU - That's worth remembering when you con- latUre bas voted over aiîro sider some of the grass-root efforts being made in of er vrl o ff Olnul r Ontario 1o attract new industr. lion Io suhsidize hit-e lectifi-1 caton ff url hdro I. lcre r Here are two examples fore.,ilydro is prepared t0 suit- *Kitchener, wbich, has .lust attracted a sîdize rural h 'vdro Mi-. Wioter- e anbeeytlot hrhsnwdcid mie -ver said il shoîild ho lire- Gra rwr oaetee a o eie pred also Io suhoidîze indust- Ioluscnd a thrce-man delegation to Germany and rial ae i rîrtiecu h -K to look for other new industries. age (lue developmnent anidex- Hamilton Industrial Commission says it pansion off our economnv wilh intends Io place a permanent trade commissioner Ilhe fundameta pîrose off in the U-K to represent local industry as welI as booatng itowcobs.reThelurlioiî look for- new produets that could be made in on tlie part offlthe Govrîtrienti,i l'Harmilton. ho said, tb help iodu.utrx-v unt he (Id Idea pei-ovnc oiiomanlauu deîo- I-This iN quite a change from th, l ie optintive fposLiiofau. dvel lat ail vou had tb do wvas put up a sign saying l1i lis second poitt'Mri. Win- "Choice ijndustrial sites available' on the edge of termeyer statî'd that, ho did bow.n and then sit backi and wait. nt believe the concept (batl Sorre communities are stili doing just that: H -vdro \vas an IlltOIIOInOLIS in sitting atigad oig s.ýtitutiOn owvred b the muui- atn n oig * icpaltie. bt tht Ie lcalThev're the ones who haven't realized that ( Publie uitilîties conirnîîssiouî 1i a communitN is to attract new industry, new aîî Hyro ommsio shuil assessment, fleWý jobs, then it's got to go out and he atitonomous witli171-ivd1ro i r sell prospects, on the advantages of locating there. mien. one off our operators ie Position off coritrollîing Tho Basicallv most businessmen are concernied, Inprodluction off lcririt 'v anîd od for Springir tith ber bright flic sale off pouver t oal iai,- about market prospects, transportation facilities, stitutions for dîu-fribuiioiî.lie labor and lAage rates: ail the factors that enter furtiier siated, in suppiort off mbo the final cost of a product. Life today is ,ING FEVIER [subsidizing hb'ydro . îetîtat j theLgae or trie in,.ti- _List loo competitive for tndustry ta choase new iq time most of liq fail l etlm tuiin should ho giventhe op-,,locations for an'y other reasons. known as spring fever. The, portuittv off deternuîning wiîe- Too many communities fail ta realize that r) etet.Memer ofth far(lier a giten idst w inder ihev can'l answcvr (tie ail-important question any detcn t.cuMembersesoff thed faiC keen intercst In colourful inew given scium sie sluonldi businssa ncobe expected la ask - Wa' 'rally be seen sporting lovely respect Io ht -dro rates. le in il foîris.* l'aster bonnets. The menfolk, made special referejice Influe I If thev (an't answcî it, ihey may eventuallv just sit around and dream ofAtlas Steel Cuimpaiuîv tyhiîi face slow economie attrition - perhaps even Anohe srage ffet ' moxed to Quebestîpposedîx e(icnnie Suicide. i. Aothr srang efectOffbecause offtloxver powuer rosts. etermed: "A reawýakening Off The lion. Robert M.înailitv,SIN 0F PR G W"' an Intense desire to n reffilvtng Iothe Oitpostit -'t-v. ieusonalized ",lust for You*j stationeî'v and thank-you cards add that extra touc' of waimnth te your iorrespondence. Your nainle and address or initials art printed on white or coloured quality writing papers irt heautiful raiscd letterinq. The impression is dignied, and oh so charming;j ypt the cost is very low. Choose, your personalized 9tationery, dinner napkins,t cocktail napkins, coasters, matches and playing carda f rom the many available styles you'Il see in the personalized "Just for You» sample book. P.S. Thry nake wonderful gixa sfor iamîîy and friends too. AVAILABLE AT The Canadian Sialesman. PHONE MA 3-3303 SALE wmmm"fl COTT AGE PRINTS Nursery, Kitchen, Bedroom Prînts 36" Ide D)ue to low overhead, away f rom high rent plazas, we are able (o offer more than Competitive prîces. Also a new budget plan. IVe offer a complet@ decorating service .. drapes made i-n our own workshop - hand-hemmed. unconditionally guaranteed. READY-MADE - Save up to $10.60 pair. Bring In your measurements . . . choose from our special selectlon. FREE slip-in books %mvth ev'ery pair. SINGLE DOUBLE WIDTH (Cox rs up tn 49"' smide) (Covers up to 96" wlde) VNLINET) LINED 1NLINED INED Reg. 1088, Reg. 15.90 Reg. 21.751 Reg. 31.88 9.38 13.59 18.601 26.98 R11.55'i Reg. 16.9 9.90 14.44 Reg. 1. 90î Reg. i9q'2( 10.98 16.35 Reg. 14.25 12.151 Reg. 1.5.60 13.25 Reg. 21.40 18.69 Re. 232.5 18.90 Reg, 9.25 19.79 R eg. 25.88 19.99 Reg. 28.50 24.29 26.49 Reg. 34.13 28.99 Reg. 38.39 33.39 Reg. 42.75 36.44 40.191 TRIPLE WIDTH (Covers up to 144" vvide) UNLINED Reg. 32.89 -Reg. 34.-99 29.69 Reg. 3965 33.79 Reg. 43.50 37.97 Reg. 47.25 39.65 INED Reg. 47.70 40.57 Reg. 51.3i8 43.68 Reg. 58.3 50.36 Reg. 64.50 54.87 Reg. 70.87 60.241 549) 63" 729Y 90, ~~jii I m Inuprove andl heautify the home. .And that's exactly %%liat a lot off folkis ln Bowmanville are cnncerned u 1h these dayS. Hox do %t e knowN? WelI, we've KONG SILDE TR RIPLE K -.- the ai, purpose cultivalor Fre F.EWisWERRY Demonstration F * WRR CO 3-2086 THr, CAnADIAN STATESMAN, tOWMANVMLLM, ONTARIO ;VEDNFSr)AV, ArRTL Il. lofa le - 48 1

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