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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1962, p. 13

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DNESTiY, APTTJ 1. ¶~2THE CAXADIAN STATESMA%, 0WMN'TL, OTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN Mr. and Mr5. 0. W. Rolr<ii were weekend guest.ý cf R,ý and Mrs. John. Kîtchcon andl attended the Dedîcaton Ser- vice on Sundav of ine nc Lundy's Lane Unî:ed Ch.iir i. Rev. Kitchen is the Minister at this cou: ii. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. iouan tended the Golden \V rddnck- Reception of 'Mr. and NMvrs.Jonri Stark in Norwood coi Tîn' ca-. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wîiggin, Greg, Linda and 4)1i Don Milis visited Nlis. M/. Ji. Staples on Saturdax. Mr. and Mrs. Wnî. Bo', (1 Debbie and Larr v of Naltoît were supper gnefsts of M! . atiri IVrs. W. A. Tomni nson on Sat- urday. Mr. and llis.W' W. Muî. gnf Coiborne re-tu; r!i bfone L., 1. SKAIFE ('HA RTF:RFI) ACCOL'NTA Ni' Saturdays and hi' Appointment P.O. BOX 68 - ORONO Main Street Telephone 1.18 'ioi'......<.n t t: S ,(t'1. '- . t',t.', -.. it ý Iý ýi : ' ' 1the'-ut Vr;. B::cti R. i. --. e r X r Rt' t Bo..t. ... hpi Gi o:t, Mr. âmn i:Mr XXiR. V', m.iRt i ):.. , R- " a" .,' Xi h lit n oî Xi X'n ut,'-Hi u c tîl us' ý f'oBo- O't'. o tUni- Xl' A ia', XI~ - t- ofl Mh - 'nuF lt:ct '-' Xic. - ro' te. 't-M; 'car It ' -, t nii I- M 11,11(.111it sons a. i ,ýj .Mr Krit't'k t' j n loi l;- k -,' ti - 't X1 î c 1u HAMI USED CARS Tritiri X i n iilakr 1959 Plymiouth cti lit' ' it'- r n ;tiD(w l1 8 i'vi. Tan,. e;o Satiliciu ti " u i 1957 Plymiouth ~ uVta - l-.Ilt' <ote 4-Dr. ltli-Mr 6cyl. GIeaminir Rlack. ohaxn.u h Mruu Xi. anîd- Nirs. Arlcik t)tii u'ci Ia 1956 Chrysier K ini ilui riscuit.(. îîn.i Windsor 4-Dr. Mran 1 A.o!,%hl Ai ryl.. automatir. radio, ier ucînînux !, t i f uehoic;i ta'. 1 whlto- waIi tires. One nwn- M-r. Xljiiiva "c t ril. Tii it- er car ln A-1 condition . he i tt c vî-ehc". l ,'hotini Mu-': Dur,r'r-t 'i:t. ntti'cktl- 1956 IDodge ]bt. x us it iitu e'al tho, Regent 2-Dr. } .'<xÇtriPtit .i ' - 'î't' ('ustnm radie), ittici fa i it xx i,t ' itir ci- rear seat speaker. tage al, ('; t'-t' t, l ýf1lî'uî asa gîte ta. N X l:' î lXli-. J. K;u- t '55 Mercury 2-Dr. vMa!.rs Xuu;- (ittc tn. iJ v4,9. radio. White and gre .Miile li 1954 Pontiac 4-Dr. Xrat l c. : it.- 6 hi 'hte and grecn. ar-I idtISttF-_. tc' uat 1953 .Pontiac -r 6 CYL. Green.c, itlr' ii itipu-t Jor a rond îie tutt'nlil -o ('t;,i.[i't , '*DEPENDABI F' u c t-- iitui,. I'SED CAR Xi'. andcl ii -ý P)h!c](an-t i gauri t c re n iît i .e - oilti it:- t( sec ,us first. da\. ex eui i't1 xîp N; arnd I Mi1 S. Jaik Peu -.(, Osla -Aa,a I ~and >penit tii-' xc (Itl Paimer llanîip:ntiil lit: 'a'1 isuu"e] Ies f atîurec ..upîeuoui 'StIlur- dax ec-enuutg cxli' t tce Or- ti M otor Sale angiLolg uttttlr ;u itein (ý Pdl K , XeApe' -Ji grcs e - ~~'Fihe J, DRUG TONI HOME PEI Reg. $2.001 - SPE REVLON SATIN SE Reg. $2.401 - SPE BISMA -R Reg. $289 - Sl>1' (ARNET AN!] SHANI Reg. 199c - SI>l INSTANTII Reg. $1.29 - SPE( PEPSODEIN TOOTH PÀ Reg. $1.19 - SPE( WATCH )R E 101% Off1 YOUR CHAN JURYl 15 King St. W. YOUR LOC.A rBt'llc'vtlle. NIr. and %Ir,. Frnuk rTnîml :nson cf Hoccm atîx villie. NI:. -Dennîs <'<anrn. nOrorîci ' ýpîtt Suridax vx-îth Mm. andc XcW . A. Touninson anti Ni- .ci Nî ':. W.W.XX'N.1Miîttn ouf'titri Nîn'. R.R. "<aci- dot:, Nir. andciMn>. Harra' Mer- ce: at'euuded I{encial Unuteci Ci h Sorcuc(e oun Scinda- Xlrs. Ne ilNîoffat anîd stou Da- cid. Bitig-eiiortii. spent Frudax and Saturdav x uhMn. anci Mns. '<<ni. Moffat. Mrn. anîd NIrs. arrv Cnc-der- miîn, Boxxnianc'ille. Mr. aîîd Mrs. Ruissel '<an lorne. '<hit- lix , c usitorci rs. Fred Tambîvo tut SLiIa'. t'ntt Onue cf tth- Oîonrto'Uni- ton ('itrci "<onîcri helci Jhenn meîetinug oui 'Icsciav ex ening tin tu S.S. Auditorium. Miss Marion McKel,,e\-. Tor- ttio si penii the cxeekeîîd at lier o miie. 'NIt- i taind Ms Gîî' -huit S;g- Qiutt. 'T'iiitio, c iste-IMrs. 'W<ni. Se'. uîîoî n tiSa;týi-clax Xv l uutch'Mrs. '<îî. Robintsoti aht-l lnclavc-anud 'lcsrlavc ast xc t i'xxtiiMr. autlnd ns. Kttmici h Sx ou'.Cax unu. Thelix s.tuiunos fî'uîîPceiu- in O uIi "i'i-hrs CuOIICo eat Ovtîuv' Pubhlic Schîool tIius xe' Miss e. Kus. oes antd MXiss Fi 'te tut RooiniOr-e: .Mr.Bates nîd XMr. Bohîce inn Rocrt i treo., Mi's.s Solîrriter andt Miss Peto- heon ] n Rcuui Ficeý %îrs. Marc- Ltxout. Keuidal. Mn. andc Mîs. fNarrv Mercer visint-il Nrs. 'Vi. MerLer aI Si.- J.iîiî's Cciiivalescent Hos- pittil ini cilloxx-dale ou Sturida,\' a! 1 1 iioui PTON .o- l(n 1 Il i3us xx o s t 1 it l f 1 boa cl- t-ns tiis cveek. Mi-'s Kace Da- Ciian IMo-.giPNexcastie Miastor Roger Prescoîtfandr his brother Ern t, Enînisk illtii, -ei.Sat utrda v oveni ing eiti t ioui. granud.paî'eiuts. Mr. anduc Mns. A. W. Pî'escutt. anci thet: aittt. Missz Marie Presî'ott. NInr .Ecerott, Cm-cdermnac Bradle> 'a. -iec on Mr. aîud Mrs."<A.'<'c. Pnesî-ott-un Frida" evetlinug. Oui Satir'ri- 'Mn" !I. Ni ifret] Hoxcýnîa)atid son Eritc, Enn us- kilin, cahlot-n<iithe Prescoîts. M<Ir. andciMos,. .12s. Harris. Iîinda, Maniene andi -immie. Scith.lî Monaglian. calied on the A. W.Prescotts (n Sinncia.c ufteriîoon. Mn. atuci Mrs. Ralph Ballard andc dauîglters were Suuîdax- bOa gîuests xx-th Mo. anci Mrs.' Jasz. Matni armnoîy. MiF's Fax e Smith sperut the xveckei-id xith, her parents ai t-'r;umi> oi-c. Mr. andc Mrur. Borc'ke andt lii Idreut. Toron to, cisutec M'. -nid Mrs. Chester Borek on S tuciavc Mm. anci Mre. CiiftorrI Cham- îa gui. Bellev-ille.,c rsited MVr. and Mrs. WVi. 'X'lbuir Oi Sun- dac - Mo. and- Mrs. Ted Chant vusiteciMn. andi Mos. Jack Car- fer cvho hace moceci from Peterborouîgb to Toronto. Th(-, tiso ciiteclMo. Cbauit's fath- 'o. Nr. Stanîe.v Chant, Tor- Mr. andc Mrq, Ra\-motîd Pet- il. Tcirontc, i.vsiteci Ms. Wm. ii-'apma-t on Sunda> - Mo. arîc Mrs. Perex' Dexcu-,(Il .nd. n i r.- The Orono Mrs. James E. Thte 'rtiiet-l hîuncb AOI Nen"s club 'adies Nigh ciii nake the fornu of a ha! ril t ['iieAcrox"reti anut OuinMond-a\t,, Apni' i 6tii -6:4.5p P. .tociiefolîcxeci lv tour tif tlu (ci c' rPla nit. Th(, ' C Vi. are roulertir tuszabie ciaîhîîng for ihe Ovej seas Clol.hiîi DepIt, cave an, dlonationus xx-tlî McI1";. K<-'î S nii t Ii. A Goccl Frida.- Serx'iî'cvwi be iîeld tuitHacintont Chiîre at 7:30, Apt-il 21h. NE WTON VILLE Rev' R. C. and Nîns. W,'Iîit speor 'l'uescia v ini 'orornto ai- cuiile tliere cusuteni ber sso Mrs Allait Prestonu. l'lr. aud Mrs. Jolin ('arlax xxene i cetciittaI ens xxvth Mri anci 1%rs. W<.i. Jrunies Congratutlations tcriM. FHan r- 'v acie ont havuug hoen no o et-ted Pusrdeitt t-f Dii riîan Colmnt \- Luberal Assouciation. Mm. andtrl Mn>McNalilnxl taliler at Mnr. Franîk Cimerý recent iv. Mr. Grant 'Nade bas bheeni il andci uutble to attend i-lugl Schnîol the pasi 1w-o Mo att ,,' rut (il of ic- -i '.utod Miss Marc' Keitb au-icierhi eti ' . M-t 'r. aitd X'rs. Dai tcniîî " lliam - O iu f cf te tri .m r îîuo' i i .~uîpîuu sut, i'iictto oi Suuda-. li-, 'MIr.anîd X lns 'ecl Bouugiie _____ Nrs. R. Short has been a ' fa ith Itîl c i itor tno lr ieu juuslaod x ee presi'nte ier x-ui a puî mcii tciîo s ini Tt-irociliosptai; as nOfti il',t, sc ua thc'îFit s M<r..Gordnittu Wiibtur, xvhO-:e 'te dxx tus _ýi iia np aId h ftilc hi sharndi usin Oshacca hospu- Tun1 Ilîiîchu ceioei to balS home- andciifit rsiîgs a shor- JMs tn vs ok, Mcni on -ich-xcr iruc villecnatrinrîduglutr, rsc'uut Hoight s pe' i iteo Mr, chodiin. suHocirMn. wChunl italg r .Abe a n e rs Jr. and s. HB rce-Hore th nt- < t-- iet an a~o '<lif niI, isck -e ilng t'ker . n ugn atu sI t i c xxu'oM.î'îan( Y T $L'.1 . i uc h uttin uitDo cald. utn pacur-Ns.acI 'cd. tic Xi . F Ml i irt't ngScuîi etnttvfi Mrs. RiH Rax nd ,'llc' XlCr . u(tc- Hjgi .XIn ou ; Uiliuîtipud al r n i ' iusbotll J 'c ait Xl- hi cutch , l iiy, ' l 'titi' and cors . s icutu r ent-e n t c î lgi .tti'ut $ 1 0 r nt iXIs But'Lionl l'it t uiibt c Su' luth- ut îct $ ~ 8 \j ~ - i .ýt(oi ut- li Ktut R v» K t 'l{parnts, M nd -i c ia u ll M .tnlici MiS.Fr l t ap.-Xlt- 5 9 ( icziý-vvmii', i- i f' ut .sti!.i- h .î. l ci- F uh t ' iltt M It xtcî t' M x a îi 'd hi s iîcBn eiu, cr cîti t1 - sI1- al t t. Xl K'liticiat -,ý. h, VvîjdMu ( lîm tnîn Eau- A-1 'id A11> uix)b:11 A î1 cxi lu '[r Ml Al : s. lac ai-nox. Mn. tui Xn- ..t. Porer 99u uh Tue alsoý aIl V un Mn. t'<ir. aîucl ;'<[ îhtapetn 59 ýý'~t d I r s Sm anu MtRi. S Fianu '<I. <<tri I M s XC Iol'til au" cM i e.-u'gtd Mit eo M)r cci',uuMo. g nuîo'e mc Nc--w i <'<'r aueDonna ' ta er ha va ,da n tgîd anîceT1 urni n e n -l 9 9 ~~ t'e rgr y H ina zlsoît ha1JSt a ;nî .r. andci N s. Bll '<arat- b h rok n d la r son JackoM3- cMrsutnci MrsaNi.iPrte('o ta, e u sîtec n Sîdano- Mr.xi r neucut i ti iTMoi-cii lýI- 'locx endti iand ir Pc-illu Sucut- c'lMm> I rihl tg. e l&r ainvt oe nc m'niew -i Nobile.Bal ' mudx . aI he ond-1.eal. nin h S t iint re M s .1 o gr'v n ler Sn. Oir i g xiiceinaItet. castle. uction u-'G at rg ainot sud aNMu. utnlie '<lu. Biultuca tuaPc' .cî rr. Brookimi ot o pe, lfrerbnncîgîsfnurcet-iai.'- txtu ays ;îîc:u ri lSu mterM-, soHrx'elotshtp eM.nx icE nitllvf Nobkhle. n PoSr na. asptet Mir«l. ac î> <cle <h S homî e o f da,s x.t.-Ro er ciaStr. an-ur nýit p Malc uf 'I't'ottui Mrt ad . \Ir Sie nuo Brook- ere S' r ida v c usî or" c i l n i d oatîi Xl -re andSNI'r. atîd îr>e mt <'Pako aic vit ci fa r. il'. MrsNe Ceciat le.xiSI?-ti M n jo be. aurcrtc. ~~ E i S : ort it raN. s '< i.aînd Mir-. Gtigt' Ki act ulî . bswihhe a i a-ua iL .Ju;u; of--t ' Sititlo V LL hnssîstersh Sernospe,ler SiiMr.CNda Iioil r MIra nd Ni I)otigl as Sm i ll at nd ex euîtuîg duîn1rkgesî %x ianI:d ar 'Iia ''i, r ad MNîn Ho: r'- Hoxoi- Smit. . all mi'o w ' toc ai XI V ELL Ma.'ud r >t Har'ec' tli anîd eChrutngFaroxxi-'gsto.s wîdaM'. sc'n anid sons spent thp w'eek- M: and Mr-, a'.'riv'n with àtr pa=ata, bMr. aiBruce spent Sunday ti Tor-1 E nlightening Address Given by M. Grimes At Cancer Society Meet i i-ut u:e tji isome î'arîr-er ~~~ c~~i11t '-ut-. xx ii loutrco , cc : a îlot-toi shrîîlt-i te!]i a if (n, c' ttclte htucancrmaniid A BATH ROOM, MEAN ifSn - hf it1 pif orm 1c PLEASUPE G;LIORE , N A COLOUR shti t-ili rîanrl I.Mn.Grini WE KNOW MOM WILL ADORE es id îuat cuily a doctor ct tJ J- Iie bi-t o tis repe rici' ()uir'a ci * -id %-ut' a i' ti xx ho lt - 11i f r thH r eu c to'. c err ii '<ie -Prr'siclont i r. FE. T). - - i « lis îhaidevpelr'dd le J t«)ni(' 10 Hixni li i' agat u - Le okl'h1. ctur front <1cov ' ,:1 ( offlt- <'<'rlci Caricom Organiza. B tiR NCric Ï'i'C î1i t 'y ~ - en1 mqoCL ilaced icîth a decision to be- cornme a gcîîoral practioner, or News SHOULDER BLADE lb47c SýGtCu tRed B atd Beef PRIME RIB ROAST Leao Sksttder C.uts GROUND CHUCK klEATY l Richards, Editor *MsLashbrook, Parrc' Souý MIrs. Rut'an. Gravenhur is spending this week w. Mr and Mrs. Lorenzo Trul' Mr. and MIrs. Hlarland Tn visîited oit Sundav ,vithN and Mrs. Aui'>tn Barron. Mrs. Trec ail. MVrS. janý Mrs. PExicý Langinaid. Oý awa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred G ro,\,. Brighton. NMr. and NI Washbrook. Tormito. M t NIa --' Petet s. Bocnianvî-i hav e been recent visitors wi Mr. ani ?utîs. Eloier Nilbu- Mris. IHairold V%7111ins a] Mis. Gerald BaIsoril 'c'e1 guesis on Satuirduxa\,at trou 'z»ea i tbu gix on bv Brnv\n. Court ce. n hononr, herdnher Miss Virgir Brc It MrsWlsi aîîd M Ba Ison hoth sercec i atthe it Mr. aîîd Nîrs. Sam Kea] and boys. Oshawva. wxere %-i tors on Sundac' cxith IMr. ai Mrs. Tom Wrav'. Mr. Jacks( W\rax, Oshawxa, calleci onF Pairents nM tîe ex eniîîg. Miss Mary Nidderc i5;s pe îng sevotal da *vs cx th Mr. ai Mrs. Fernandez. Scarborong Mr. Jirm Wîcdecombe i5 sta ing wi%-th bis grandmothE Mrs. Nidder v. N' i Ss N a rIt(ex -jrliiis speltt feu- dlat' \ cx th Mr. and Mi Donald W'bîtc, Oakc ille. Mr. and Mrs. 1. liarreîl ai (ibjîdreri, Oslîawa i, Mr. ai Mis. Don Goode antd childri Laketicîci .Mi. and pMs. L)ur lsîîî aili c ii d ii. petu hnr)ouJgli, >pi et Sundav Wl Mri. andi ,Xfis. Clar'ence '1'î i 01n Pas,'icti Suiîrac . Api litil. the sc-iip:ni-e 1k son cx Matt. 4. I-17. The stoivf tire cliId rent >.(u de Tlîe sermi' i îî bt lic f aciiîlis c on -Tlhe Temptations cf jostil The Sacrametît of [lolv Cor, mnuion ceas adinii stered. the hooîîi f tire Servir a Portitoincf t mie xc as gîven -Admissioni of Menibers cf th Sf.'.iori" andrl ht' ..Installatin tf - xa rs Next Siindav Service w-ilil be on the palr Stindav liene. H amiîptonîî one antid]Sîboý Club ".il lia aPot lui -iîppeî . Tiiero uvîcii be a îx-lii elephai sale. fish pond ai uISPri ciothing bhoth, H-armptniExplotrors are h iiîgý a U sedi bitl jsahie SaI' foilIow ing t lie a bine S Ancon wue xeh 1tn,,t: o <li a rticlcs pleaýse Piloi- Mis. ARe "voolcs or MrS. Ciarenc Yenc. r ýesea: ch'. l'li incalculable im- The 'United Churcb \X'omen portanice of early diagnostic xill hold their April mieeting îranetfoi- cancer patients in the church on Thursdacý' xva-; ;,lIso st: essed iii thîs film. evening (to-night r Mirs. Steti- The nicctiîg t losed wîth the ger of Enniskillen xxii ît:îo\c Sîiitlg of Goci Save the Queen. pictures. Mrs. Alfred Gii, - 7Iiss MIl îWilcox ceas the rard*s group in charge, piiîst. 'aruîtcis t' pcs cf dress-- Mr. and Mrs. GordontW,- ' ings îîadiebv he'% iiWomen's'r,, Toronto. were Sundax' tc'a ServieCorimltt ee cere on guests of Mr. and Nîrs. L~xî displav c Niir Nîr' XV. Main- Ashton. dotialci aii Mrs. Il. D. W aters Mr. and NIrs. Cha: lie, Raý - iii chnarge. A rclicions lunch kine, Oshawa, calleci Oit,1x1 xvas served bliv the Women's 'eral 'friendsin r the village o'i Service Conîîîit tee. Mrs. Harry Sundax-. Froon t . xxtfe t:the hranch: and . Thnip- Mr. and MIrs. .-rt Gia-. pretîeiî. ~~îl is.E horp-Oshawcca. were Ssqtnrdav ccci - Soit. preý;c 'îîth e Suoshine. Grot, p. predecic i-t he teapn v\isitors of Mr-. aniid l andc co l* e-' C]em Rahim. - Mr. and Mrs. Gîibson a' ci boys, Bowmanville. cvîth t it' E BENEZER IT. Smith's on uia\afc, Mrs. Fred Ashton,. Mis. Be':ý Th(e F";t or'l'linaiîk-of fering Ashton. Toronto. vvere îin îîeetiîî.z of Ilîo .-fteiîooti Unit iguests of Mr. andi Mrs . Att (if thie C'nitcl Church Women Read and Lynne, Saturclax c 'a l Otula f Ms R. R. I Mr. and Mrs. Murrav Taboi Gav- an;d -Nrs. Bake Courtice and boys, Bowmanville. andc anîd c a>litelc itathIle church! Kathv Liptay were Satlluicia onTteca April lttth. Isupper guests of Mr. and Mrsý Att a OVTtîai-offerin-giW.- Blackburn and failv Yand Service. prepared h 'v lsabellMrs. K. Cowling. Squiurcs Clark, was iised with- Mr. andi MrsJ. Po-)tîs a-ici NMrs-. R. Gav- as leader and: fasmilv were SLindav stipp r mrs. C. T;hh Nrs. Hawke, guests of Mr. andi Mrs. Arth.îir M's. S. inoi ar Mrs. K.,Read andi Lvnne. Orn, tlt a itîi~. Hymns: Mr. and Mrs. W. Ralîti. T - iti.ccl w cr0, 'fli lead that rone. with Mr. and Mrs. R0n' itito c -i t'rtxxiîe ccith! aid Rahm ni d fanîlxonciiSti n- bliniv t'\\Phitc medi- da.1 tate, t11iegraîc'. NeSint gthi' Mr. aîîdMrs AIlfred Ga rr:î 'ci iri-'tfH ini vht icid", a ndanci Barr'v visited Mi a. Gýi' foin tr t lic xxorld 'île Iîiî.ît laî>s HisIl ife" uaxz a slîî (idialogue gîvenIlbh.y W I E A Mis. Ga\ andl Mr. Vinson re- I E A pie>ii i i; t o nothers;onue bitter' c litî ertoidaiighter 48 KING marricdi î< t tisson and xx tnt x I iiiî )tohie mission field, antd t heo îter tinder- -.bocîc t l it' it'ed <if doctors ve"tsa i](jacceptcd ber ici- pH,- The i cat wo;r hcig donc canipaign aire: IHarold Gihsoii, Irs. b',. t lie Cuiiccr SoL a' t uc Sacvt Nexx Astl. Broccn's ilsw ot"fMI.I i tht heing iîacie iatd N o. 9 School: Mrs W.' -. i. a "a nt ii ' e is;'e c :s 'ciiConsiîvromtn.ileCi oîk- ,iy pi ohensi el c' nt Iîd hv NMau- <'ciCreek, portGraubp .andi niec J. Grn imes. e\ecut;ve di r- Lak '.lore. Ccc-anville, Stark- ector of' 'te O(itario r)' 'sion c Ile, anîd Keuida t; Bill Gooci- nid of 'te Ctuian Canter So- win, K irbt . Leskard. Antioch re ci,,-, a-t '<<'ciiesclay' tc oi- Noah iand iSocbh.anîd Oroîto: the rI ng.g Il. uns x a tte pee- Carsonî Elliott, Salem, Provi s;i': ci t m ýý e ! rî. ofdort'.nClarke,'.Union. Tvroîie thle F'.ci', tiI tci e Braili <if atîci I aciori: Bruce Tink Sol- 'n h o Caîti it Caiitr 'Soctet tdua. Eitîikîlei BurketnEn- Irs. helc i n theon.ts Conimci rt t driatnciHampton :Ls Sinale, da Cetître, Zîcîî. Niaple Grox e. Courtice rine Rex A G. Swt:t cpawd tic îeand Eboeeer. It mcas annouri- î'oi- miet-tiii wtIi a pi aeî The cedc i a: t he Canadian Order, tand p ercint, la rrv Frreîraniex- rtf Forestors an-d the Sunshine! s0n titriecia cx cicuit' t0t he laige G Ut p ciiillîead btle BlIits Cari bis rin;iîci if tîcotie le aoatteti c as it Hocentai -ili. ed. I11 adtlîtin to att exilleýI Nîrs . B . S> or. lie cia ir- ld- ttiitt tnt of rt î itctthe' smrai -poko Oit thle cvork cf t he îîî iiini hors, itî ccv o: hors Initeor- Wcmii 's Sercvic-os Ciriiit tee, ig. Psetiin t hi'bette cia I cx ricandci xpressed approciat ion tii mv- bellt , doule cx re alI-c proseiit -alli liose cc-ho niake dressinigs or Wdiîboas cf tho brandi ex- on lutosciay aterons ini là, r eti wuc <tei nVp urluc'or bcRose Roorn cf the Lions Ceit- Mîr. Fi eomaii as folIoues: Wal<'ai-tre. Sue also thanked the vol- totriPasc-oe. past i eciR ît I:e>t'drivers mcx'l ake pat - msCIa ronce Br I.tma -utrer. Mrs- ients Ja the Prinr'ess Margaret W. B. SýPor. -unirrinii tufitue Hospital. 'Torronîto, for tîeat- ic Wionîîit's Servcil"- (titriitcr', iîeii;.the Suiinie GiOcIp tor Ici Rev. A. G. Se'nti.Nîrs-1. I.G. Pto) s1, aitiUgîfSCe m Sauiidltr-s. chliraii-ii i i cîiuma- sait aîiùî iccrii tion and Pcblic-t> - W."l. R-Scer - t-i lions ("h foti' ailoc'iîgt - i aitit *vr'î' t' i atic"()tDis- It , i -cofth e Rose Rocnî ii :ct 2 Otlîîn- ut ic'î.:L; ott dîc nl'lTie>tlacaîtî-:-I;tttiis. k.(cdiv'r Jack R île'. . ()xla x i aI pas: piesriît of lîte t ii uit TIi"Hic ttai î ianch cf ,a s Cocîîît> Luttatm X'. 1' icci tSeCaiiairiCuîîr Socîetc-s for [,or.h .îo-i.t li t ito 'e u îcryi!i ut c î'ltpcd fitini a Ti'rintx-Uni- d: c'hargt' of t'e ('nuttr'Sou t t tî ('ciiiii'h C.GI.T. Gi'ocp uii- Rud I,'D.o[tnlior. dsm- Se te tc'derslîp ntifte Ibdt s [lc p-osdorî 'aM h Mis \i'sta Spa rgo. Mire Scer tît Ile acudiencftlaifoeloc- At C. A. Sadît r. the pi esîcîeîît Ot ic traien i n af1 ail bIe nita rto Cniintyt it, tad- ont lit'table mxas gîcen b 'y the- cisii" ~o îîurîîîîit'at a:" itsîîtne Gt-ccp itnrernory of ýhe Nirs. Maggie Wtndlet .Bt)m.-XMi ss Spargo. onr mnrcilkle.han lt'f a hî'qttcst cf T'ii tiest spea ker Matirice0 10 Ilhtttotlie Ccîrtacltati Cair, J.G nnis. exottt<c_(etlî li Sciiet c. ot>0, e C f tSe Oc ta no Dixvisioni of the- I ,ýt Oit Caeîi;c aCamd ncer Societ c, mas .XII pa l;tiîat îttttii-litr'riîo hcUnI. Scvr. lNe ek fli tht'(eti-tiScîî-îc'tt an- statî'îi l tt Mr. Gitm-'s xiii go tle iittcl tuiiuî riildc isciiiahîtoar Iiîs scimn ir t tend Cidch-l-iittoctîtic1' -î thle 'VriiCant--or Organisa Xltîîticîc tve;ting. .\îî'i l iih y itin riiotig ici be IîeId Iià tii-'fîîrn cf a But: rlîîîrA-o"Xcs'ccu' xxtii roîîresonîta t es titîcît (f c)-rj-tvs bixiei et' orf lu -ît'r îcuntries. anti cgh lr ock'. Tii;' suri-, Mr. Grims infnornod 1h- rp ritoibtitis t'ap :î' Li t 2tti,- îeti sent antd 600fhadcibeon i't nîtîttttht-,ititbdi. Thr, oie'- ci> ' cliotind mii 70 r'oiirines loi ce for thle braiieh thls yea r 1S treserita tion althtle Word au- e snyoIth. i-or Society Conferent'e. Three 'S '[n ltOutrit- l SItai s fîr St hi'laci leorsubin itecirm Cao- ari @a andcilxxv, both tif xci1- n - cOMM gîte' y cMi-r.andriMr:z. xc-rp nu-it iridra i, ccere select -1, Ir- Watersrd. Bnth tiiese papers cdeait fi ail irtîii t r -.T <t-ait mf cit li thle remorcrs sr'oppe0 ofý a nni rioott stt-rl Mi. Airiretxthe uxcrk heang doue bvhyt il Roîlirat h oit Sîturlay Cartiuri C'anctr Socret)-, he pl ng Mr-,atndi Nrs. ArehieBrîl- sa C. nr r- oit Osiux' e ocontcaî le speaker emphasized the m iers v Nîr C l in'e'faut tIîat cehîlethe Canadian Cu IL' ance'r Society s cf lîelp to MJr. andri-IS. llarrc' 'W arilocal! t:eople anci others in ailnr c icîte1dIn l.tiruc a. SuIntiai a:Parts <of this colintry, iut k aiso nr i]Mr. AbInHtc 't'. a part otf a wcoid-wide or- Pl hn Nî.aîc xrs W. IL Ioiii-t; ganiatiou doducaled Ic i b(t v li thot r gra titih nId r eOn, Imrportantt task of stampinug out bc ChtxlalittJohn Coriiish, cianceîr, a cvu're Sititdnvisutt;s xcilh M rx'. î!Io atiko of hie nved of Davxidcl NIerrll. "a riccctrIi fititîttiai:i assistantce. andiPx- bc Mr.- A. E. Snoîts alit -ci'sPlainocl Iîat fuîîds raised te litez Syîitiui.NMorra'h and icXi .t h roiigh I toan iîa ICa oduaî id Jcîe Racizîiuk)na t of 'Torrîuito. Ca nier Scciet y Canîpaîgus are r, et-e Sciidaa ut gît t ii trer useul for ut l aspects t-f the c .gîîe:ts xcith M'r. andîci jr s, benefic'îai cxork in eaclî'local-M cFrtank Ginter. ttc, arnd ais-o tocxards Jhe suti j r., VMr. rc is ' I lc e B out- ît tif('ailier Cliuit-s i n Toi'- ghouicsitodi n tiBrtririg utri.Haro iton. Jondoii andi -oui Sunday nt Mr. Ar t Camp- Kintgstonî. tle acideci that new helur..clhiîts hiace been plannoci for o M. aîc Mr. (Imu Bcux'nOttacca, Port Arthur, North 11 N r.andMreClinon row 1Bav anci oliier centre.q, anci cx"reSundcav c iîors cc-t h MI - cxilibe establushei as soion as ianci lars einBai iOi-ro. fi-ielnt fuiis are availaible. s1 Mr. andciMrs-.tJack Elsiit Fie dcs-sedJthe importance anci Doroth' c t loti cth Mr. of lociges lîke the onie present- - 'anci Mrs. Neotn Doxc-rîevPdliv thte Canadian Cancer h'iBnîptot Sutuidx -Sott>and operateci by the 71M. :tl Car! - Bl r a i a ion in connecîron nItdIrî ftiî lý.Hîx'; iii' Mr.c-tl Priiucuas Margaret's Hos- andtul i; s. I .tîtiter flac o> . ('titi tta!. Toironto. Mr. Grimes ex- ou tîît2 cc-' ttice c î'.îtiirrpI)airenthlaI tlits locige andi PIS 1 Nîr. a roi XlN'W <'m. Sa- ut er'. iha, c eeot f belp il P p1eîIoi. the Proiionuttof bltbor tîetît- - Mn.i id NIrs Stit Brtîx'tt otroei'- Irpiocoît tmes pst - anti fanîiffi of Oaaastii* t'ttciiuz rtuxc- rhav e aî-t-nio- pSiiiiu tîtla xxt tt Icr.andi Xîrs. ai itinit Sie locige. lîardec r NMurray Prrtr aî< andâiity. 'tV Xxx- ai a irîcge tblox ne- t i-ite guîg'la ton liiiesaii .IJ1,LJYY±~~ t'.heting rex-oteci Ii ntseart i Iti-r-ia-tiîgi c-frtut iIi-caeti is ait ' Reîeit cts; os t r -ti rtsi-rvened ci i--i-atie of le n - w. CoV 'a! mcr:e Mn. atnîtl t-nht'ation itmn defîîîito t-han- Xin ;I(ik ('ailancd farnt, Ix i., els. cndt-ihîe aid cf iolr 'de À andi XI> Xitlt Dx-sa;it -i 'ttdc Nîr. Gnio-e.poitri out. liox s.TorontoiEiutci iciiiit> citallv r mport - Mu'> R. I lii-ks atîrlhaIt" soIit ii l uSe fight againsi cani- retiiiut-I lîrîîte onic T:cldaî (u 1e a)sserIýd, but, lie fiî-mic' For vour texx. SPRNGHAT -.Se nir display i"laitering Bretonsi Flonral ('loches Roligh Slraws,, Nex%%est fashiois for '62 Moderately' Prired. HANDBAGS COATS . . . ALL WEATHER COATS and JACKETS ARNEL SUN DRESSES with Jackets Hall Sizes 14ý,2 tn 1. S PECIA14 $898 ___% ____________ . dflfll 47e- SAVE gr SV;1 -et1e1 - With Pork Resg. tir, 27e-SAVE qi ANN PAGE BEANS 428.1otfiîn99C ,27c Off Deal CHER KING SIZE bx.19 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Red Sparitsli, No. 1 Grade, Jumbe 9'é Puineapples L.uty Gitert, No. t Gradie Asparagus 3 fo89C 129C SPECIAL! Jane Parker LARGE ANGEL CAKE each 39C RIHAUIAR 55c SA VE 16e SHORT or CROSS RIB ROAST WELL TRIMMED a57c lb67c lb 59c Smnoked, Cooked, PicnI r Style Snowbrd Brand HADDOCK FILLETS 16-o.' pkg3lc ~ "cn--c:,:ii'îbtrrtt-ALL PnICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTE ED THROUGH- SATURt'DAY, APRIL 14th, 1962 turct- he Cho!re '. w-as shoxehi 57': .irk R~ibx' It deali cxtth the ýproblemsâ of young doctori Nîrs. t-hec ýSnucxxdeo gave tiextuua - Ea-ter<comnes whp liu ail ruattne hogins 1o uîîO Pah alîc ' tteeuîbernor iirnrtit, ltfo.I lie triniî-ph of rtgiiî ox rnît. I-'xho ccas icarî ns d t fou oeu rmore. luhet e tutti l')ipr'ogress un-, tuiui uu<;t'are x uihnîtinbo arrc' a i'niixs a n( iuit;ikoi-'nre'-at-it- Tn tiil'.otaiim cutrag- rdni îîe coiîerl lic a tiird on litxhu' ici tuiiiaîîs necc'Him unth Rubueakiuug cf hnead ho- gu'li'r. "The fi: sb Faster gavte us the bî'-uîîîîîtg cf Ohe Chrîs- loi ' gtii - '<"litîrciît tthe r'-, sun eutiii 'in ci tp" or future i f. ;o-tcri for xc'e-altl a nd îocv"r. i(r tu-i : ihought for utiîr.s cx!t lîlp &tosavethie orIfrotîtdhrslrucrIion. Mrs. Snoxxr]iet nsecicuth pracer. 'Ms Cati Duîxxut tpeneci t'e nettigcxtiia corse "God's rax e:. Sue as;korltie nemn- bers b cxuutk for a haz.aar to te hluiilater, TlutopxiM le a xît ltiuî table. The sua l Sac a ge tcil lectionî xiii te 2\ar-'. q.-lbulng xviii ho hdiuu o<n h tIRAhanud a I unch Th-e Gte-t le Iui n May' .'îiî lie a des-'ert. iuncheoti. lIrsz flawxku"anci Mus. Mc-, uuiglil t-someouia <'rp ot lea Bda socî;il lialf itîrn ceas eri- v et-I. i îSPE' "RMANEh E CL% 1, MEX ('IAI, 4T 'ASTE I IAL OU'RF.\1U Carnival Daily for 10 ;'E To SV &Loi VE I>ELIVER AL TRAVEL A&P Super-Right Quality Meats CANADA'S FINEST RED SRANO BEEF BEEF RO-AST SALE BLADE BONE REMOVED ( HAYDON ,,,> 39c rard's narclitzs, r. aiid Mr&. 1_ Griffin, BlackIstock, on Sun- dw NîTr and XI;'>1_ Tillry, jolhn, and Susainetd Nîr and lrs. W Saliiion and faniily', Tor- tinte, On Sur'dayi Nir and iNîr' F Viieger mord c NI' andi NIrs K. %lie- itîlîn Joncs 'tas finished the .\r'niv Snrvacl Course t wh li !Idsec al-ic dîng in Osh- XI: Tbûnsoî w as Sun- dil\ s;1în-ner us! of *\r. and D.: DCa'îtcroin "Ir pad XI: W. Blackburn ani i K. Cow<litig visited Xl ic o(owiîigat the lei\i tIlonRcst Horne. New. MI r ýi :> T1. Smîit h and! '.îî oýilStniday evening \ Xlh I'an'd.1 Xrs K, Roblin. '.\l- ai(;Mi- Rov Paterson a: ci ý f \~ î.ilod NIr. and X: Ted Scu r.Oshawa. anci Ilerl ni i Njon Pat- iliove isiteci MI, and Mrs. Louis. Ashton:. Peterborough. ron Itnvaftclrnoon. Sec cai boni li accon a t- toncidcc(orr- a Poppin' put on Hh- ,t tekJa rcidTill Club tii tic l ow n Hall, Bowm'an. AY Editson At tu as dis- miss- 'iltrnt lo as a yOUng t1il f ro N YSLADIES' M'SEAR fS/1 Cyin CLOVES SCARVES $8.98

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