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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1962, p. 16

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-~ "~**~**~. ~ J~riv'~.'WEDNEDY API , Ti AADA TTEMM W.MT PAGE SIXI Ou lb Mrs. Stanlev J-lau visited Saturdav cvening Tyrone wibh several eeceîving prizes. Wbccler Il ~ee TYRONE it (.o V. Pleasance. thle Boxes Prior to Monday's vote on Sun day sports and movies, a great deal of preliminary work went on behind the scenes at the Town Hall, where Town Clerk Jack Reid, the returnîng officer, and his capable staff prepared the organization details. Mr. Reid and his secretary Mrs. Rob X anderburg are shown here checking out the six ballot boxes which were placed in polling booths at six different stations in town. The results carne in rapidly, following the 6 p.rn. closing, xith the final tabulation completed shortly after 7 o'clock, showing that both Sunday movies and sports had been approved by the electors. -Oshawa Times Photo increased Use of Tele vision As New Educational Aid Predicted by H&S Speaker,: A well attended generaljsided. 'said she was pleased by the meeting of the Bowmanile The meeting was opened by excellent turnout. Home and School Association the singing of God Save the ý. An informative and inteeest- was held in tbe auditorium of Queen with Murdoch Beaton, ing account off the new Second- Dowivmanville Higb Scbool last director off music for Bow_ - 'bv oL pormwa ie Wednesday evening. The vice- manville Public Scbools. play- bowîr Ln Lucas, principal of' prcsident of the Ontario Street ing the piano accompanim-ent. . avle mbSbol e School division of the organ- Mes. Lucas welcomed all those, ycsdcrb teadmi ization, Mrs. A. Lucas pre- attending the meeting, aidHg colcuss n h __ __four and five year technical! and vocational courses that will - atalabe orstudents. W. Hcke\-, a member off the faculty off Teachers' College, Toronto, gave an addeess on' e -'Educational Television*". Mr.! S RT NEWHckev was introduced by! <~ Vce-President Lucas. Sportswear . Television is a most effect- 59 Kng SreetW. te spakerstated. He alsoi Bowmavillepointed out that because it is Bowmavill a vsualpresentation it is a decdedaidtomemorv. 68 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Mr Hckey disc ussed special, telvison nstructional pro-, You are invited grams designed for schools.' PARA ERS o opn a harg iand piiidicted that the use of to oen achare tiis medium by students will' account. greatly increase in the future. Television will not replace COMEIN AD SE OU SELCTIO 0F teachers, be ernphatically ex- COMEIN ND SE OR SLECTON IF- plained, but it wmll become off great assistance to tbem in off- C OATS . .. CAR COATS eivy imparting informa- non to students. Ho spoke off Ail eat er C atsthe benefmts of geography les- D RE S SES dents would be able to seeoh WEEKEND SPECIAL! cational insttutions, and na-ý tural resoueces. Altbough a stromîg advocate Reg. Value $1.00 Pr. 2 progranis. Mr. Hickev stabed NYL NS ~ r.~.5 hat heis firmly againstth T.V. liv cbildren. He reminded OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. THURSDAY, APRIL l9th parents that they have the res- ponsmblit.v buo oc-rsee and suLp'ervise bhc belevision view- this netspace f or GRAND *.~*. THURS., FR1., SAT. -ý APRIL 12-m13-m DYKSTRA'yS PHONE MA 3m3541 VARIETY We Take the Pleasure to Invite SFe ade oteCide SALE Fe ade oteCide You to Corne and Look Aroundv Accompanied By Their Parents!! E HONEY- CAKE ONLY 29 C EACH - AV0 SAE61-SV! Produce Deparf ment Specials 2 Me at Department DEEP - CUT l Our Beef A-i in Quality Govt. Inspected Red or Blue Branded FOO14 FOODS Ç- so v#ur irirst 39 çustomers on Thurs., Apiril lZth One 16 oz. Jar of Supreme To NU OB *5 UTomERs PEANUT BUTTER BUTTERCUP RDFAD I - - - - - - - - - - u ~ ~w-U on 1I L.Pkg. Margarine ASSORTED - 131PORTED BISCUITS MIX AND MATCH 5PKGS. $.00 REGULAR PRIC E 2.9c PKG. 5 lbs. SUGAR AT 1Ic WITH THE PURCHASE 0F 4 Light BuIbS 40-60-100 w~att at the Regular Price TJOKLAT EIMPORTED CHOCOLATE BARS 4FOR rILK SAVE!!1 25c HAZELNUT GOLDEN RIPE 2 LS BANANAS 2LB.33C REDl GRAPES LBS. 25c SAVE! - SAVE I SAVE! - SAVE! SAVE! 'r, -SA! CUSTARD POWDER PKGS.59c . SAVE!!1 SAVEIlc CIGARETTES ALL POPULAR BRANDS ONLY $2.99 CRT. SAVE!! - SAVE!! SAVE!! TINS .0 - SAVE!! SAVE!! - _______________ L _______________ L __________ To Our First .50 Customers on Fidacy, April l3th One 24 oz. Loaf of Home-made on a Beautiful Box of Chocolates One Free Draw Ticket with Eve ry $5.OO Purch~ç~ I .-.-..--~ F~RONTENAC ICE CREAM 'A -GAL. ONLY -79 ASSORTED FLAVORS SAVE 10c .SAVE!!1 TrOI LET- TISSU E 14 rolis 99C QUAKER CORNz FLKgs ONL2-1o9PKgs ONLE 10c MIX OR MATCH Lynn Valley Peas Arrow Brand Corn Lynn Valley Peaches No CHICKE BROILEI only 33C B ____ I ROUND STEAK 0nly 75C lb. RIB Only> 65c lb. :TEE.N For Another Vote îing <of ineir offspring. M.Hckey stated that al children are strongly imitative. and it is quite natural that they should copy behaviour shown on T.V. screens. He ad- lvised parents to use their bes-, judgment in selecting pro- grams for their ,youngsters to see, and also to mnake sure that those with a possible wrong effect are forbidden. The speaker suggested that one hour a dav is sufficient for television viewing. He pre-, Isented an interesting film that showed television being utiliz- ed in a school room by a tea- cher to assist her pupîls vith a science project. Cecil Morrison, on behiaif of the audience, moved a heartv vote of thanks to Mr. Hickev for his tbought-provokinga- dress. It is flot possible to found a lasting power upon injustice,i perjurv, a n d treacherv.- Demosthenes, Mr, Harvey Smith. M:;z Jean Stainton, Mý,r and M.%rs, Walker and Debbie, Bowman- ville. Miss Phy lis Mý'ay nard, Salem. Nirs. H. Hall. Mrs. 'X Miller visited Mr. and \r Ro.,, Mýay-nard and Mr, Johr Maynard on Sunda, .%r. and MIrs. R, Pei fect and faînil \-,Bo;vmanvmlle.xv er e dinner guests Sunday of M and Nîrs. J. Gibbs. Joyce Davey had ber tonsîls remnoved last xveek in Bow- manville M.%emorial Hospit al. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wýoodcock, Rickv and Robvo*. Osbavwa. visited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Davey and familv« Lorraine White, Bowman- ville, spent the weekend with Kathv Hoar. Mrs. H. Partner and family. Orono, were supper guests o*f Mr. and -Mes. T. Scott. Me. and Mes. Jos Snowden and Bruce, Solîna, weee din- ner guests of Me. and Mrs. T.. s> Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Heffori. L. Milliken. iited ast week \ith Mrs. Otto Virtue. Mr. and iMrs. J. A. Rosevear visited Mr. M. Jones. Toronto. *Mrs. H. Philp. 'Miss Jean ri P h il v ,. -'\r. R on ald P h ilp a - teddtefuneral off their înephew. Terry Bird. Codring-, .ton, on Saturda'v. Sympathy to lus parents and hjs grand- parents. Hon. and Mrs. W. A. sGoodfellow. * Mrs. Jean Abrarns and Les- lie ,t)ent the weekend witlh ber faîl ear Kingston. Ir. and Mrs. W. Park visit- 1ed Mr. and 'Mrs. G. Wiilis, Cannington. - Mr. and MINrs. A. Youngman iand familv visited Mr. and *Mrs. N. Leach, Taunton. Mrs. G.ordon Averv return- Sed home to Little Britain on. Sunda-. 1Mrs. Arthur Rabm is x isiting Nîr. and Mrs. Stanley Rahm,' Blackstock.1 hec father, Arthur Rahni. ati TTn moving to RHR. 2, Newcastle, Oshawa General Hospital, who UD J J.UAflI in 1934.thcy resided at Thorn. is sligbtl.-v improving burv, Ont. Mr. Grenville B 'varn and '%rý,. Harold C. Pedvvell Surs iving besides lier us- Llo.Nd Barnes have bouight a Te dahof Mr.Hrl .band are two daugliters. Hel~ truck and are going 111.)Pedwell ocurrd uddlyMai A. A. Youngblut, b,- plurbing and heating btîi e ue rei e c. R Cathîarmneù and Muriel (M J nes. hr !ie esienc R' R S. J. W. Riekardi. eavrt; ns.Newcastle. on Tuesdav, Marc '1 i Russell and Mrs T.Fmnla. Tornml, 2. 61,i. rs. Pedwell \as in Lloyd off Toronto, Kemneth, ipent the weekend with Mrs. bier 74th Year.Bar . nic. N c ste . V irtu. e. T ogether t ey t- \ r P d cl'v Bh f r - anrri e i of S. N ec a st le ,. tended the L L 1- ttrke\v din- e r sExa P d W eel s te a n a nd iso su of ar nes ner ai Hampton Hall Saturda" , a7Tidý"elrad a 4ýosrvvn r -lgrand- eveing an onSunav he e dauiglier of the late Nlr. chilrircn and t-o great-grand- evsed Mr. Peron BuncrsIlow- and NMrs. John Wheeler. She children. vistei llr Pe nBv rz Bol\- vas born at Clarksburg. Ont.,, ma n ville. xvbere she attcnded school. During the funeral service, N Us. R. irt e. r Jo 'n d e d d h bu w hich w as hield a t the M orris Moore and Grace visited Caro- band. Harold C. Pedvcll. wîhoFncrICae.B mail, ivyi Doivn at Toronto Hospital, survives. were miarried on, 1 Fridav, March 30. Mr. 'Xetn L.'vme 7 98 e Glenni Allun off Newcastle sang Mrs. W. Ralim attended tlie, ducied bv Re. R. F. Swann. Leadership Course for L.C .W. LO. 764 met at Hampton Upon arrivai at Tornbury, a Executive and Convenors at Hall ,,-eni around 100 ladies service xas lield at the David- Hampton United ChLircb on and g-entemien sat doxn Io a son' Funeral Chapel. Inter- Tuesda. delicioumîs turkev dinner pre- ment foloxed in Union Cere- The general meeting of the pared and sered bv Trone tr, Thrnburv. U.C.W. wil] be lield Aprîl i18 U.C.W. 1Mu11icvas, sulpplied Palibearers were Messrs. Mr .and Mes. W. Rahrn wverc bY r W. MeKnight and bis Rov Lawrence, Arthur Wheel- 'dinner guests offNle. and Mrs. capable helpers. A social ev- cm, 1lfarry Alian, Aubrey Doan, Ronald Ralhm, Sunday. enmng wvas enjoYed bv euchre, Floyi Fiowbley and Gordon 15 oz. :N tS :lb. NJD lb. VE!1 NIAGARA BRA? BREAKFA BACON 0nly 49C THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIýiANIMTr rimrinTr% 1 1962 Come in and Get Your Free Ticketl >ry $5.00 Purchase KOOPMANS - SAVE COTTAGE BRAND SAVE 11 . SAVE! 1 SAVE 11 . SAVE! 1 SAVE 11 SAVE VOOREMANS SAVE6c . SAVE ! 1 BONELESS BONELESS SAVE 1 - SAVE 1 1 SAVE 1 . SAY 14 BOWMANVILLE LBS. 23

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