WEDNESAY. ARTL 11 1t~2THE CANAIDIAN STATESMJ WMAN TL. ONTARTO PAGE TflRE~ The bride"z attendiant x's lieu cousi, n Mi;s Le.cHt-Aiîij'l Stephenson )f OQio. reeC jn tre et-length pal(,' bloc lai'- feta with a nylon faille ox'cr- skirt, and desîgnerl,i aa PERMNANENTS . Reg. 12.50 Reg. 10-50 The' reception was lîeld ai tue home of the' brides par- ents wheue the guests were re- cived bx' the brides mother '.vlo wore a deep bIne, floweu- cd sheath %v.ith pink accessor- tes and black shoes. To assis', the grooms niother chose a beige sheath with beige acces- soutes. Botb wore corsages ot pink carnations, Following the rue'ptîoîî t la hraapky c'ouple lict eon a x.e ding trip to Ottawa and îaor- theuni Ontario. For tavellîil th( lichiide x tre a hlc'k suit kitla box-style tacîcet. pli bat aari cîbo'.'. -lcngtb glox'e,, black accessories and wh.'ite ouchid corsage. OUR NEW step out in the softest 1eathers and 1oveliesi 'colors WOME N'S Naturalizers $11.95-$15.95 WOMEN'S STYLE SHOES Brown, Beige, Whlite 7 Ct O Black Patent$79- .5 Teenage FLATS_ $4.95-$7.95 COINPLETE LUNE 0F Ch ildren's SAVAGE SHOES Ait sizes $4,95 - $7»95 MEN'S - IVOMEN'S- OYS' HUSH PUPPIES $8.95 - $9,95 31EN'S Dress Shoes $7.95-$19.95 CO.NPLETE LUNE OF' WORK BOOTS & SHOES $7.95 -$12.95 CORDS WOM EN'S $198-$2.98 Lloyd Ellis Shoes PHIONE 31A 3-5941 49 KING ST. W. B0OVMANVILLE MARI() CHILDREN'5 99C - $198 NO1(.10. NONV 8.50 Recently Wed in Double-Ring Ceremony at Newcastle Mi'. anîd ?'rs'. DavitdiRo)ss Reid were married in St. oîc' Ati-lîci Chm-ch, Newcastle, on Satur- ula. Mat'ch :>,] 1962. ai'2 o'clock ini a doublc-rincg CCYiMMa ý aret 1 "ni i" Son abîe vc iih thae bridai part 'v%-ci] lî',"cdig.From loft to ril-ht, NMr. 1f)lb Steivt isci. ,,t()()i-nsnîatn, thlic onta nd litis br idr, BASE LINE r,' .5"' i hr, <r i lt ii ]ii ci ' n S i iiitk' C a I i 'lac"v r ci u' ' îîn~1k f iP Cl" r <r (JI vi i" 'c ' 'Oic \lî iiiitlik k'. S. 'Fi'ula'. Xl a c SXl liiin 'c' i t - (i; c l 1(i kIl 1 > h r' 'i N 1' 1 T S':' a I i i(l('( i-l rf i t, 'il n(j" :'ri I ri 11'u j il, ions M I , 1 ' S' il i f ) fi, 1,P., , ( k I k o . ki i i p ('h D'i'e 'n A di imi BW1 o -A . J.hing Of Beaîul Is A J<î lou. r' (HARM & FASCINATION GOOD GROOMING sti lîrag huA'. nthonv anîd I.înio,. .. NEW LOCATION is conmplete mi th ail the' latest equnipm ent. t - > 1-~ ijl tk \ 'Li IC'1 tit ilt-11i 0 i O Sl, i a d(1 ii1i t' i nîîti:holdinig a puotcî- of ft !Cix'uC'- ad soni.chraitt f trr1< ici-ctad Ithe x'.alls. .li \iiii ii)illiIng îa, "i', GM Sales, Production Hit New Peak Anuî il-' iîîae sales record aidi 'i oh i tl ai pi odcî' îîîî rtor mn' i lt' i r t al ftf n a tc ' ýC î C I iio ut (' _itiladat Ini ni\ îîîltias hr')iilitg 0u' ' 1,ui 19611, ther rorpatîs iioA i 2.19 cmaiiclandtruc'ks, auiIl- zci c' of 21 pi< r c'en t the' ne îapei ccla .%.Car, agt S î: i" 'Iai lî ttailerl 2 ,. i t Pl r celit Iiîc'r'uîce îl<cG'ti ,s l ad i rucek'c .uiîc nî'.Ur' e 01 u .iiie.i'bus - Prndiof mi tO-ua'.' . for. ciie .1 six mtairitatlof rt t la196:1 a.iioci"lc' 'tor tola lîed 133.61-1 t i c T('i au paî'.vion- bigla p'H.-trcild a 11,030) 'i "~i I' 9 ' 'c cl l car, 10-U6t4 cara anîd lu .cki, bridcsmaid M\iss Leslie Atitie Stcphenîson, ushers Vince' Vanstone, andaiBl l 'ei'gttsui. The bride is the former, Edith Mlarilv'îata Stcphenistti. daIU-hter Of Mu. and' Imrs (ui' s-oilin'oîii, Nr'anè.tn tnric-, no is tIhi sou <if NIT'. a ad \lrs <2 IWomen's InstituteésI 'I'iie tt"Iieî lîstîîtc beicd ser'ciii¶ of h"'r tîiaîic' triîp t' i'cii tin r uaetîîag Tues.. '. iit b Palîc ,fci .ItCi \Api .i 3. Tlae dis'riet puesiciet .xiu alsii Muir Xt'ni ati t of ..'avilc lrF. 'ieaiigikc .< 'e ilia;Iilicfci tufolic er for'Illac ae t'sit addi'c. Sher'cral ('()11111g X ared li'î.'. in 1897 thi mli i 0-iiî" ()ia Frtirba'. ApItil 13. "lia- < anie iato Ieiîag a'aa'nd s lttîc' Wtorks-,iaop"'.'.ll be lc I a o'.'.' t' i o a nd cîî mi nui- StîadaX' Scbool rtaoia i-s also upcrnlcd al i lacUni- froîaa 10 ar.. I 4 p ni. Sîib- teri Natirons. Slac t c l t1ih leit '..i l lac "Inisliliitîe Punr i 'l piaini f() bcden t cic îot liacir- m-re The tcîatî'c îocîp hati eus oumI'.v". Btak"'lnd i'larit g of flic. pmogt'arn. Roll NIMis rMae-Naiih ucîriîr cH ' ca Il v. as wcI rcsponderlIob h i' Ens i <'rduîî s. i riiaaiuîg a îac eni'td or polir".' 1,uJIiaci k. a cm i'i It Ii- E' cîns f Ille iî Mayor Hobbs Qpens Spring Tea-Bazaar At Memorial Park 'ilu"animaîal S;t'Iiîg 'ic laiae .fni' lie lonc' i i Fn 'nar lluilix' 'tIetioria IPark XlýýI . li i ibli 'id iC' tN ni iaenoii aIfie rîcîblocîse xnlor 'tii (i l-:c icli (r on Satîidoy 'aftcaooîa '.ns etn- AIrlaiemîî isiqu h ui ci îîx iy crI 'a nlarge taumber ut scuai uctahl aIt ".n-irrdt u< jilace rspile bt' iiieietit a bc;aitifî ii î~în'icn x'.eailaer 'Tlac siîceessfufl exciat riator!bl , and OP)k C i k'.'i tifhrilly nIX'oaiacd by Bis Tho,ýc '.'.liCaci t C cimiii . i t"ii',"liua. ayor Ivanî Hobbs. ix"cM trs ('iant r'(lai Xii' . IloieiiPauks. 'tiiiaiip E iaglisihandrl'ti'.D; Mlayort linias tomiitcuedReader. Mus. A lice t 'lhe miaiaa1ru of Mcrnaorjal'.\vas intaeliî cc' i(lact('a i Parik Ars:ociafioniifor the w'.ona- cf'5 dertiilî .'.ouIk ibes nuedoing 'trs. ('iacîriî'ýKlipîti. cIietlI'aridniscîtishi'.'for x"us the lielck k' '.uataîr (if th la etactîtof It'e ctmmiaity.v. ccetrît' ilatîket chaitttil Hr< cnriiga tuteIc'iliherni on Hlieni tW'. Ktaap Dorm-i j th lai ncalaugcd t'luiblocr-e.acnd es "urc 'aot A l'. M s. Cli spniki' oftthbe cxtr'Ileîat po Etctaadri Xl u. iir wF g 'ii ii puoxidrIen b- thlac pari Mus.1: Clcipp va, i i;il fou lacai cliilcli'cîa.Hc ..îsadoftias uîna'.. Itl..'cî c inii fliac 'tirial Par'kAssoaciaitin cru lIai,crî Ginai %vk'.s iconitaciceri siic'ces.s n tais xaoî'ih .'.îaîrof thlc 'te iiX M"ISîi' <'alaors. Dr'..' .\aogtlose îarr'xrîailiî'iag 'ts .'t Mr- 1tiI< ' 'c lai' oprmnaiiig mi nautuîs ."rrpcharge o'2 tf tîr i iio r' lit pi' orcit*i 'teîîarual Pat-r accrsîtk P'u'homaîîîe 1rî A uocamn u.Coittcillnr Atiiecîîîaoî'îaoî kuci-r 'tr:; C)kr'. Cniiîailior and 'tus. Diilitg. Xli r\'e'. inir' G en ri ieHtîgi es.andruRuts- Mus ..'.cla \ra Ma'Ii B', oeil C'i loties .Port lIHa. Rîla adia.l'tr Ret ix'11i 'tiîaaii'dilPaik Ciciblioiise k. ('cIII t'laîtgt' if irwi' k'. a. hcaitîfuill dec'orated foar table. C rutA maessage tif x'.'l- 'lT'e ki'ciii ' %\mi ' <Cia k'. ined bX lar'ge' sil I- Nu l]t'i, andtui k' 1' î't'î s pîieiacerl fi Un(aie t' elîiîi. I rci î'Li a', iriii i u c '..'addition, '..a: Aiiofl r 1!1ci (,lr' Spi, IM >piak iof c'd roses a'i Duci'.. t r IIIIici S C i k "i" i'I 0 ;III i i c't tlawc 'iil iiiii f ilc'i, ' I 'm <iii i (k Cc 'rc'cl 'tii rît i k'.' 'ira rk c' t i. lis'.' la i' il i t' c 't t'k la mi:- clx c. i iii a 1cr <-Xii iii ~ r 'ici.: air 'ilk' r un i . i C' .1 'Cari c' il. Mi rIca S. i' i i: . w C u l nî vi t X it, rii1 m il 1 i a l o'1 i(. l ira d I - f1u C'.'..i ' t ' i i î' i Ci k 1 la it ,' C I 0 1u t i il!t !i i i A NT Ift)N l Stylilng by.. ANTHONY and MAIRIO 136 SIMCOI STREFT SO[UTHI()';HAW'N.% 1'I0\F 2s , Mrs. Wm. Steel %whn returnod H M via air Aroma xnedho'tH r daughter Margaret and famî1ý.v and other friends. TheY re- M e port weather verv hot and e t humid and are quite pleased to be home latter a 26-hour ol'>î, E plane trip. from ille Mrs. V. Hudson's mother ough Regu' Mrs. Farrawav has been ut'- Rduc'a t iolIa] moved frorn the critical list their pii in Bur]ington Mernonial Hios- tral S lc pital following a heart atta(ck. NIus. P. Pi It is interesting that she \Vashosie. the winner of the blanket on Rcprv.c'iin the Cartwright Guide and l<1W'. POee ScouIt draw of last week. C lt\.( Mr. and Mrs. Arthuir H,-- mnil.F land and Mr. and Mrs. William t't'iig anîd( McCabe were Sundav visitors , ent. The 1, with Mr. and Mus., Arnold mneeting kk, Hickson and Mrs. Jean Mc- Grace Gill Cabe and Eleanor, Janctville. chairmiario Mrs. Herman Sameils enter- The ue tained on Sunday in honour fH. Ethring of her niece Gwen's birthd-ay'. Puîblic lcal Present were Mu. and Mrz. Citv of I Norman Lyons. Uxbridge, Mr. ,vo rk havi and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Mu. nmaiix parts and Mrs. Hermanl Rodman corng la and baby daughter Karen. Fthefrîug:or0 Nestieton joins Cartwright friends and neighbours in syrn- fqi! a «e<'I, pathv to Mrs. Venning and thîig.tir. familv in the suddcn passing Poriit)op of lier husband Charles Ven- is rostinug as ning, lite-tume resident and p-cteri. llier long-time postmasteu ot Black- too gond. stock. Anothùr Mrs. Douoth.v Henning otîr (*la -(Iand Toronto is visiting heu- b'ro \t'l]îanili ther James Gibson and Mus. a miajor opei Gibson this week. pitai. Preet Mr. Robert Nesbitt of Clare- p)ort is thlat mont and Mr. and Mus. Heïb provement, Swain of Burketon visited on otne Sunday with Messrs. Elmer ,Mu. 1Fred and Marvin Nesbitt and Ted cent piattciii Lennard. Ipîtal, lbas n, -.-- - înnpCti in OBITUARY MIrs. Joseph H. Martinell a bl e tt0 ' Ille fanai. a pu-ii 47 KING Economics Teachers in Peterborough Ec'ni ~i US teachers Osuava Pm'erbor- on of t lac Ontario ilASocýiation hIeýd zg incCt îng at Cen- a o i, Peterborouigh, îIk ingtoil actng as tasvek cx rutPort rboo'îi,.Oshawa, amripbelitol-d. Bn'.- *cVneluîFaoi. Pick- C'obourg, k'.ere Pue- boomns part of tc, 'A takenà bv Mu. braitl.C o b ourg,. tf tlîhrntîop. A speaker uns'aclins ýton.' supervisor or 11hi Nîursing for Ille P'terrbouugh. licer îîig taken lier tii sof (')îtario betoro '7s backgrotund gave ,k agi amid brole a Best w.'as taken 10 hopîtal wxherr :shi, S U kCH astnA bCcx- t ondition is ne neae a'ohîon t ai(, sîd nt,'tr. îI'Uiiî. îec'uitly' itoîl 7ratii inHCî.u ciios'he -IaOt'ougl. littest re- 1there is sone 'ini- bluC(orîal i a te- il n onir local lans- 'ti bc omne 1nutcl bi eaiti. Iioughîun- 0k' rail dulies oaf Mr. Bu!i Bc'kett s hr<i. pleasatal i' Wniiiia',d -i ~~""'"" Lii ý 'i')"' Following an illness or ' ' i ' x'¶ir ii ~i' ii C isu J atocs Reid, Oshawa. weeks the deatb of Mus. Jta- crec c plaved'c dom puî c Plio . In by Rplbdeu seph Henry Martinell. agecd thandîlam aco'.'. aidsril a c ka cat 87. occurred at Kendat on lihiaîd0sticoe gvn. hrach, Wednesday, Apuil 4, Ditl O BJTUARY The late Mus. Martineti \v as CGuapefi iilt alr ho'a-td c iitiii@nu the for-ner Hattie Gar- a:etI ueý o 'mniese growill iibpttearwork CHAI.RL.ES R. ELLSON rett and was the daughter ofclit". !tbc ]le Mu. and Mus. Altlea ht ii ome on i Fidav", Garuett. She was boun iii Hope Xli,2. t962.Caue Rich- Township and attendeci s choiiit lirCi Eîlisoit, a ttfe-lorag resi- at Kendal. On October 10. dontî of Tecunîseli TIow..nsbip, 1897, she mauuied Joseph Il. uni 'ci PaaY .in i[ Martinell who predeeeascd heu-. .l'oC.uC X.ii n lisftih 'cu.'Mus. Mautineil a lifo- 'ihrp i-nirrp arguinir Rut îial Pcuaxille oncthie 5t l1ong resident of Kendal anîd Unc'etfTectnseh. no Aîîgctst wvas amember ofKetîdal U-over xvlose Profession was t, I o93, lic 'vils Ilaeson of tht' ' d Chcîucb. first pstahlished on parth. ]inte Jobin.Insepb Elli-oti, and Sirviving ste haire 'sons Said the isurgivo, "The' Bible sarail Stephentsoni. and three daîigliters, htEx '.amaeb F'iîî' tt'c past 17 vcar-; tlle de-I George Roach (Vera), Peter- i l 's cnîiplox'ecd as sta - borough, Mus. Victor Palmer carving a rih ont of Adam. ti1ii"ehg era t r"ot- (Edna), and Lorne, hotu of 1I gut's htmks01et tei?,raa t'enaev.lic xa Port H'ope. Robert cf Peter- oldest profession.' ' ofnau n RBP -1-8 atnd LL. borough, Mrs. Albeut Colon Saicî the' enginer. 'Not at 29 (Mary Anti), Hamilton, and hisdé5 ,,q,,Gorden of Roseneatli. ujl. An engine'ering .job came Surk i'iig lesies is '.' ft~ efore (bat. In si-,days the Ilîc' lCnC'(Huat c l«-Rose, are A sister, Mus. Mautiia Bute art aa'riael fvho brndaigilîters and fiv"snsof Port Hope, also suirvives. atnscrýie]otfchs Rcrîii <'irs. T. J. Sleehaii), he funeral service was Ileiî .. and (bat %vas an enginerr's Roiniî"lic: Robent, Velda, ab the Jex & Smith Funer ai job." ("îîiî Flo ' d. Fredia (Mrs.F. Home, Port Hope, on Fuiday, Si id the' politician. "V es. M. 'tiatiseri. iotlî or Toronto- A'pil 6, and was conducted by but xvho created the chao-?" t"rn. ?a'.eîiuust; Joyce Rev. R. C. White. Interment 'Tr.T K. Clauseîîi, Totten- was in Welcome Cemeten'. CLOTHES ('ARE I'INTS: bain: Peler atnd Pauil. ai home Palîbearers, al] grandisons. Paper Baed Belts art isc"i'ah Mnud Fcei utl -randelailduen.rwere Harold Roach, Gouden, Tht' p;pcr dî:.solx'cs. V. it sirviviiag are thuce bro- Palmer, Dick Marbinell. Allen: Er"'rBecton; Harry Martinell, Kenneth Martineilt upr oay C ;In Frdfloh o Trono, ndand Roger Colon. ;twri l.'frri.tbof I. H.(Mary) - - 'for Crippled Chi W;x.dn. oodbrîdgc. and Mus. jRetiiro 'mur Pijnk Envelope for EnîaiI acac Palier, Tor- SALEM wî'to. w . C'ck ii ' aslId ont"'tIli' Thr, Sacuaietlof flac Lot'd's il~ ~ 1 b' f i l i i lice ntibeus1 Supper was cybserved al, caurcla of I~PP758. atar Rex. '.Fredion Sunday. I..rî 1 if oîttaaniUnied Mu. and Mus. Waller Black- Ch tl oatridcnd tht' fumerailbuun and familv. Don 1tMilý, c"'ît aII lac Andrson Fcniti Cla~îcl. TntIcîli ~~ rx'siied bis miolier, 't<rs. . Chapl. nttiilam onBlackburn at Strathax'en ResI Xticii.'lareb a5. Temipoi'arS' Home on Suîîdav andi .'.ci- ciat u' hiaîia filiascdinmas-supper guests of Mu. aîad Mus. oî'isSch'liabrg. Gerald Shackletona. Ilr' li rotters wcre paîl- Severai membets of or 'r lacaî'r atri eila."cnPo 'sYounîg People's Uniona attcîad- k'.'er~~~ t e"'uierîs d the Oshawa Presbytenk' liai raitalx"asoitMoada Young People's conîventionala ApriH 9. iii Mountt Taggaî't Ebenezer Chcîrch on Saturria". Cr'tîettrx. oîtcaiia. iMu. and Mus. E. Twisýtandc famiv were Sundax' supper gsts of Mu. and Mus. Roz-, N ESTLETON lAllunNewý\castlte,, hi e oral bîî'tbdas's were ccehuat - Tl l 'i (v xctiî imitors'cd. a'. î Xi,' alici Mu.. Clarke Mr. a td Mis. Wnii. AI liii t\iiaaa ..eue Mr. and Mus,..Kirbi'. weî'e supper guests lasI S. Slcetaaiall. Mu. aîad Mi's. B. ITliuusdayv witia Mm. anr Mm-- .'idi~atdari.uand Mus. D.,!Ken Shackletonti when Mu. AI- F nof Port Hope. lin celebratcd bis 80tb biu'ha. mr i aid Mrs,,.Robert Mc- da. or Il<i Trotito '.'sited Mu.' Mu" andi Mis. K. Sîackleîriî ari cI'ti - fi. Lee. anti familo. atteoded tlîe Odid Felloxos n- 'tir. naci Mi'-. IHarold Cra \- niveusarvlbanquet aI Oroi-c Icît. cIuncî. Stt'ven aîîd Michael last Wednesclax'e'tar k r'-d lier ioretits. Mu. aiîdý 'tii E.I Hox iiiMidlaad (an fornir NuMORBISH lTrot 1<ra'CCfpse x'î Sutada', Scîaool x'.as beîld ii ' Jhannti crnl '11:15 a.m., actinag superiuateitcl- 'e*ltIr .1 oh a NIcahlda v.'ino nt Miss Joaîa Mauvin. tlier" if'oct da,;ec'k hcîu a lioli' were 29 aad one visiton laie- Suîthii cilus eialildcii iisent. lDite McConnell x.'as tlwi îa'ist l 'e dus'5vsin Mcli- on hand tb accumpans' thulcItî cli la mi îîon theeEiiipueýs in, hy'iiilonritanoatt, lîavia', i lî iîic li tCî thei'St. I.i'.k- takilî paît t i c' lle jolttît (' Pl\" I (.!.u Iilo* si i:c . Seri"'ce at Zîrît a iatd sti k. tt"lîîii' îîîaî'tii Mi' ad laie in ar'nhîil., .ol iri oi A TIIMI' ANI) AX PLAXCE " it s ;[ tliai' ifid ailîlan, iii' ta 1k iti r' Thu'fiulai t tcx'r uec' n l (-t)nit(,, TJ'laci'c is a litait' , id l a llae lii ."lsi \X'itch tiîtîl'Iahe4tii "l'lîeîr' i'v, a ltuî'ail ilplaco t oic . r'\th i2 Tei'sa fli nr'aInda n ilace loii'-txlin If x'cu liii k iiim ai iw od fisîtric si. il'l 'e Iti' ii tlii.anid a t licIie ui' tla, Acida limeîcfcr tlîe' tlirtiiîii C. But veux'vegui 1m)lik inil acertain'.'ck wlîtch nticv t.' oiallYe.' oI k rit. N-) 1i()x g l ui kî iî". ie'.'.') iî îl Cod niade lw ,-ýl i iut ic i x' il l'ut 1 ii i i c, For. (;()r1. I le is"li liig t îu"' A\nd '.'.latabouti Ilial Iiit le tliiîîg, Tlîat didn'it et dochinetc.da 'v, Wcll. m'on '.vulel sav "Thae 'plie îc ddl 'îîg Anid J1len i" jie'i'.'.'a Wiîlî a iItoît' 1i!t lits aned a' imec fu)ýir iat Andela ti-neu'ilie' nui'itlîîîiiii, (). Eaclî lut lc i111iingxvilIl ettnc Anid leaxe soie ime .îîst foi't011. --Susati Etcnhcr. 9A 3 Or-chiiadx'icw BI'td. Eelîtii '; Note 'lis jcute n .eiIlir uervAward in t r IqeB<ii:ata'cl iiScliooel's Screccch Oxvl Unin t c'-'.(i' icihii 't- ~ e xcice oMiss Su2XaruEteher. ISuîiday School. We are sourv Io epot bue seubous accident of Mus. Cihau-- les Best, mother of Roy antd Mus. Norbert Mcl-olm, 'who): r, w -~ MA. authoritvIo lier talk. 1-er sub-' ject cneernedi the sweeping, cýhanges in exvironnient and theliir eftect on the. growing ehild. sle nmcntioned the in- fluence of the population shifi, w..or-kîng naothers, television, and moderla labor savîng de- vices on tuhe attitudes and tlaînkiag of tIe child. ShE, conîpaued that seti lecd fanaux' lite of the 1 890's Io lite -it puesvint. anad '.'erouind liat a set of standards diffenîiii, froniaitlair parenit'- xwas de- . 0dopinig ainong tIale 'vouîag people, ducIt o ¶ the shiUftiîag population and thic resultant nîîxîng of claiildreiî from dit- feront racial backgrounds. h child cot1ild adju1st vel 11 ttlescsiftîuîg stanîdards if thec folio' rnceds '.ere.nmet: tIlc npp<irtctnii'.' t giv.e and uecvve affection, a senise oif beloa clug to ts lhonme, aid bim peu croup. - a Senlse of inide- tic;:1 Sec- a sîs01ofacliieve'- nientl, - rcognitiîon as a peu-- Son), a Fisoinscof Self-esteci. Ir t lacse basic îiceds wec rnot meift t la 'chlId '.. tulci rtu 0oOh- tain t beaa in itidcsiuable wa vs. Toia el a tlla c cild adjcîst. si. tsac toi-Cl'o 'O is ýc'iaîging ccix'irolinient. i lose '.orking '.'.ithle ue ilciaI laonîîe and ai, scclicol x.'cgiven tIlrce ke.v w.ou ds. Reîîet it ton. Consistea- cy, and Patience. Mu.Conlii tbaniked miss Eibrii ,gt on on licItaif or tht' gî'ocp. Il'Illichi kas Servcd at. tite silint. 'T'le iaext 'egional mla ii gasilit ake place in Po-rt Ijolie ti S('Pt(,-iber*. LCKACHE Ileys rail ta remnve (td'i Kidney Puill krtlnpys ta ,iormAi C!2 briA «4!eop ixa. Leslie- > Pid c<niiot ho IlranvrI. b's Program idren .Eastc'r ScaN% now! c; CHULDS' LADIES' WEAR 37 KingSt. NV. '1.1 r '~ C 'i '/ t. 'c a Ouiîr '.elrct toinof (lie fa te't 1962 S(t'es ik;;Irp, (o please ytu, eCOATS ix e(Sand e DRESSES Sloi ais andi solîif1 e HATS .Xlso the alI-iunporttînt Gloves - Scarves - Purses C 1 E J I N A 1)BROWSE AIIý()UND ... YU JAPE UNI)ER INO OBLIGAT1ION! '"Butterbal i TURKEYS MA .3-5 lbo 45C Reports f rom Preparing for EASTER ? TARE ADVANTAGE 0F OUR 2-WEEK SPECIAL FIRTH BROS. ST. E. "QUALITY MEATS" - FREE H'OME' DELIVERY - PORK LOIN SALE RIB TENDERLOIN CENTRE CUTS PORTION PORTION O HP 2 32 to 3 lb. Ave. 2 12 tfo 3 lb '%"' O C O IL 39c lb. 49c IL.69c FRESH PORK Sl~ TORE I111 BACK Leafl Breakfast I SPARE and I. AO D R IBS etla69 BAOlb59 SWIFT'S PREMIUM - 12 1h. Ave. WED',TESDAY, APRTL Il. lq82 PAGZ TEREU r e P(i IV C/(-,