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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1962, p. 4

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PÂGE TOUR TH~ CANADIAN STATESMAN'. ~OWMANVTLL~. ONTA~!O _________________________________________________________________________________________ VVf~L>1N~IJAY, ~d~'lULa 11, 1U5~ EDITORIAL COMMENT Words From Out of the Past This Saturday evening, the local Legion Branch will honor quite a large nurnber of First War veterans from this area, to mark and remember the battie of Vimy Ridge. Actuali, the occasion will include veterans of miany other batties as well, connected with the 1914-18 conflict. Alex Mairs, one of the branch rnembers and a disabled Worid War I vet, recently brought in a letter found in the effects of bis brother John who cied a couple of* vears ago. It was fromn another brother, CpI. Norman Mairs, who fought with the l6th Bn. Canadian Scottish, and was written June 2th, 1915. Cpi. -Mairs was killed at Amiens on Aug. 8th, 1918, after being wounded three times. Alex Mairs was a member of the same unit. Some of the exoerpts which follow will give young people some idea why we have Remembrance Day and other events to pay tribute ta veterans who have gone through wars, and those who have died. The letter was virtuallv un- censored because this was an officers job in those days and this unit had no officers left at the time of writing. "A few lines ta let x'ou know that Alex and 1 are stîll in the land of the living, My wounds are not severe. 1 got a piece of shrapnel in the right hip and got knocked out by a sheli burst- ing directiy over my head wbich put me in dreamiand for three days. I suppose you will have read of the attack we mnade on the 2th of May at Festubert and around LaBassie. ýYou can remernber what a hail storm is like. Well,' it was neariy the same. 0f mv battalion cf 1,000 men, we last 600. Of my compan *y of 190 mien we lost 141. Alex is one of the 50 that is left. Of rnv section of 12. there is nnly Alex and two others left. "We wei-c pot it thal charge at Ypres on 23rd of April, but we left England ta reinforce tbemn afterwards. We left England on 25th of April and were in the firing line on the 28th of April for six days that trip. We came out and marched 30 miles to billets. We had no sleep for nine days to count on, and that march afterwards. If you have ever seen tired men, it was us the iast 10 miles. We were just going on our wiils. "Then we went bo Festubert and made that charge you have heard of. Alex and I and six others were going back for ammunition for the attack when I got bit in the hip and after the charge I was going back to get it dressed when the Germans started sbelling the road. One sheli burst about five feet over my head and killed f ive men ahead of me. I don't know how I got out sa iucky. it was the shock ihat got me. Knocked my nerves al ta flakes and made me deaf and both- ers rny eyes. "It sure is heil ocer tbere. When we were at Ypres there were more sheils passed over us than were fired ail through the whoie South African war. At Festubert when we charged, Ibere was a machine gun every 15 yards and we oniv had tbree and they were put out of 'action before xve got far. We aiso got a taste of gas at There is mucb more in the letter, but we believe these bits give a fairly accurate and extremely grim picture of war as it was fought in those years tbat seem so long ago, yet many will remnember as tbougb it were yester- da.y. When the "old sweats" get ta- gether at the Legion on Saturday, they wii bave a great lime going over some of those batlles with their pals, recail- ing manvtif the hardsbips and the ligbîer moments. We hope tbey wvill have an enjoyable time together and w,,e compliment the Lcgion for their iboughtful gesture in sponsoring tbts "Vimy Nigbt*". Changes in Municipal Act Amendments ta the Municipal Act ln Ontario at present going tbrough Legislature will have an interesting effect on local councils in some cases. The provincial government bas now apparentiy handed back bo local councils compleite control over store closing hours witbîn their municipal- ity. This is a "bot potato" that few j councils wili want to deai witb because even the business people themnselves seldomn agree on what bours tbey should be open. Il is even more dîfficult now when sa rnany businesses have moved outside urban areas ta wbere there are no business hour restrictions. It would be a verv brave council wbicb would try to regulate the bus-. iness hours of Ibose witbin their junis- diction wben only a short distance away tbere may be another group of competing businesses witbout anv re- stricting hours. Another change is that in future al ratepayers will see their municipal- itys financial statement published in their local newspaper or receive a j copy of it by mail. We can recali some F years ago here when Bienbeim and Harwich used to bave financiai state- ratepayers. but it lias not been done in reettimes. If ratepayers would take the imeta study these reports they would perform a service, but we doubt very much if the-v iii. The figures, however, wiii be public for those wbo wvish ta go aver tbcmn. Another amendimcnt saYs that in future a counciliot- will automnaticali\v lose bis seat if be is an officer of, or has controliing interest in a companvdealing with the municipalitv. Under present iaw be is fia] dis- qualified if be bas less than 50 per cent interest tn the corporation. prox-id- ed he discloses that interest. Another amendment is that no longer will a tenant of a propertv in tax arrears be prevý.etted from running for municipal office. A mtînicipaiity iin future is for- bidden ta grant bonuses as an incentive ta industry ta setile in the area. The bonus now is included in the scbeme t of redtîcing or fixing assessments, banned by the Legisiature last N'ear. Councilloî-s max- now seli tlieir property ta tîteir owfl counicils if the land is requit-eciforîroad widening oi- road alignment. At pi-esent a council- lor can seli land ta the mtînicipalitv if lhe declares bis interest and refrains from pnice negotiatians and from vot- gIn future member% of municipal counicils will be permîtted la vote for thenîseivý,es if tbey run for a position on a local board. If a qualified candidate dies after nominations are closed, tbe election wili be beld normally withaut his name on the ballot, providing it does flot lead ta atn acciamation.-Bienbejm News- Tribune. Tribute to Truck Drivers Miost drivers Lake for granted the trucks that haul the goods and pro- v'ide the services on which we depend. We dont notice tbem particulariy. Certainiy, we arent apprehensîve about tbem on the road, in spite of their size. Tbis îs a supreme tribute ta ibe way commer-cial xehicles are operated. With very rare exceptions thex ai-e dniven efficientiv, an d inconspicuously. The ordinary road user knows that the tr-uck abead, or bebind, or ta the side will do the right tbing. Tbey are pre- dictable, dependable and reassuring. William E. Austin, Generai Motors executive and President of the Ontario Safet 'y League, recentlY addressed some of the 11,000 commercial drivers wbo earnsed OSL Saf e Driver Awards for completing 1961 witbout accident. He said, in part. "Yotî displayed skill, and responsi- biliîv in 1961. And you did it consist- en tl. right tbrough the year. That is tbe important tbing- consistency. Wbctber it is driving on tbe higbwav, or driving on the golf course, champs are those wbo are consistent, and NEVER make a mistake. I vant to tbank you, on bebaîf of tbe careiess pedestrians and cbiidren wbo migbt have been injured, or even kilied, if vou had been a littie less alert. On behaif of individual drivers wbom you belped ouI, of a tight. corner by y out- skili. or quick thinking. Above aIl, 1 want ta tbank you an bebaif cf the great body of prix'ate motorists ta whomn you set such a fine EXAMPLE of reiiability, inconspicuous skiil, and courtesy. Because of the example * -ou set, and the reputation att hav-e won, il is the ambition of all o~f uis pr-i\-aite oturists lu '<luirve like a pi-o" "Please remembei- t}at xev mile, e\,er-\ month that v-ou cotitinue ta rall down the roads xvthout fault yoîî are adding ta y-oui- personal satisfaction, bo the dignity of your job, and ta the safety . and thereforp, tbe welibeing -of your neighbours". ~Ijtu aia n ittt#m4Ui Durham County's Great Family journal Established 108 years aqa in 1854 Aloo Incorporating The BowmanviIle News eu The Orono News «Authorized as Second Cass Mail by thie POs Otfite Depi.. Ottawa, amui tir pcyment Produced *very Wednesdcuy by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 62-F6 King St. W.. Bowmanvi]le, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES EDÎTOit-PUBILISHER GEO. W. GRAHAM ADVTG. MANAGERt GEO. P. MORRIS BUSINESS Man. SUESCRIPTION RATES S4.00 a Yeczr, trictly ini odvacne. $5.50 a Yectr in the United Statea 'So 1 said ta Doris, I said, dont you know it's National Bab'y Week". .1SUGAR[ n H and SPi CL, i 8v BII Srn!ey It miaY i O 'tilsuioxiinug 1 itnure 1'liotiigli 1Ihope for tIlir sakps t lialit nit*i lHui thtli liiii i]itî l i ssi 'uxnicîd chu-il had xxorrcsfrcnr a-ni )'ouuîchan't kuro ho xxluom ni i eiruî 1 ni 5:ture vi auîe mauqîîaînteid, oaid tiig- 'Flc al ixhas u un1Iariii shirriîîg- Is gu-oed tihi aptuire as 'Sprinît*' And that s preltYix' lirhle of îlîîs grectit uae ntc -a dloggecel Rutitlu represeots son lias lîeeun sunîuir ta that mx- ouîg - heîci a nui]ç-nre fi j 1 «-vnf a cl xiiîgmanî ia a isfor cosidred opinionuo î <f tlie ,wa ter anîd s gi\-oui a heuî h i -haractec of tlîat particular shuug of vibooar. scasouu xu]iciî s supposed tii* *e folhaw lin the hels of wunter. For ypars. 1 have lonzed to but us usuaîIvsuî fac behind get hold of one of those poeis h lias bhvu'u.\ uitîsi oni la write anu auîîîl aud etrerool\' j]]l - leoupeci- < n lu i ouuîabut spruog. Fou opinion %%nonJul ri atiutet I'iniy <rocises poking (unir heads up ta the stin, and show hlm some of the stuff thuit pokes ilts h end thrnîîgh hte snnxv around our Place, ln the' Ths ea, e'e adsuha Religion for Toda, delightful spring here, sa far, __ that 1 find myseif in an un- usually mellow mood. This I year, 1 cannot bring myseif Io vilify spring. Even thaugh behind that disguise of chaste and gentie maiden w'i;heslte A \Aeekl warmi sweet breath, le cold-hearted oid harridan. Even though 1 know that she How comforting ta kno% i wilI probab]y praduce a winid that God is ever with uz that would 'frecze the braîn ls Though aoui sorrowv may b out of a bra-s monkev along uver%\helmitng, though th about Opening Dax- of the darkness and loneliness nia, trout seasan. be Aippalling, stili we can res Il must have been that i the assurance that God i wonderful manth. of March aw v wth Lis. We may no that softened mie. Almost sce Hfim: we mnay' nflt be con ex'er 'v day. the vellow Sun sciolis of Hîs presencc, y-et wi nibbled daîntil'v Rt Ille huge,'K-nou He is there. For God i cruel banks of ice and suow novvhere absent fram the uni uintil thev \\ ccc suddenly verse, but is everywhere an( gone. Ai] except the big one alwa '1.s present with it. Th( behind the garage, on top of Psalrnist sa.vs: the pienîc table. It w~Ill be "Whither shall I go fram Th3 there until .Tulv. *Spirit' Or x\'hîIither shall 1 fiee froir 1 hate to destirox a Ira- 'Fhv presence" ditioiî. and l'ni daing il wijth If I ascend ta heaxen, Thai mY' fiugcrs ;crossed. \v, hichIl art lhere' makes tyNpmig rather awkward, If 1I make mv bed in Sheol but Ihis year, lin going Ia Thou art' Ihere' wr-ite a salut(- ta spring. l'ni If I lake the wings* of thE goîug 1a sav fiee thiugs about m-orulu g hier-. She'ît prohabl.v he sa And dweltlui the uttermosi surpriscd ithat shetil blush anid parts of the sea, weep ali o\ r itOc placýe. So Even there Thy hand shall get \ Our .sumnp puimps rcad *v lead me,"' LeCIs face it, Werfc t fot Wlîcu, Jacob was a farlorn for the belicf tîa t h fe wîVill waiiderer lie made a great dis- rot n ru ii on r frozen lanid cox crv a t Bethel anddlie ex - annuall *'v, ver '\-hod *v îorth of cIaimied. "Surely the Lord is in thie 49th paraliel would be, I, pace; and 1 knew flot", rinuîing around drooIhng and There wcre certain places gibbering h "vthe idieetofwlicre hie expected ta find Marcil. God- i his father's lent and Spring ks like Santa ('laus. at the allais of his ancestars-- ,She lias somethinz good for but lie did flot expect ta nieet evervbody. She brinîts pure (,od ini the wiiderness. lie hadi deiight for the kids. Sktpjng rfîci from home. He was sad, ropes and niarbies and mnud. dcteclcd and uniîtlerablv ]on- And miud and mud and mud. elx. At Ibiîs critiçal moment, And off w~ith Mie rubhers and ào n u nesapae ijîtoI h.e m~nîuhe your back Coad pake words of comfrt is pk vodofcmrt For ti' ldî ,pija.acob lcarncd for the first ni F(1 1 l aIl a ). ()11(1 iletime Itîat God cannot be lm- lengt lling (l ra v,Ùfie warnm- ied or Iocalizced. He is ever 'v- . \. (;uld anod da rknîess alldxxîtli JIacob. He had traveltcd Iet rInai "oemx xx li lrIks "À Ih hîni ithrough the xx'lder- n Ic , aox Rc, beaecss. hut *Jacob had been un- ugpaî. Lite. hnxx'cxr ien-a\are of His presence. No,, Ilons ils, o nlforaIld Ilh vsonie nieans or other. he painrtrn heCOnIV.S rOFSCinuIS that God is FFu niollice_ , Oc ings gîft' willi hlm. bo off.nt t lic track ng h]n<ofThe Dpists io r lie eiglileent h flirt mI(Iiihe constant 1batle -citir aughit Iliat, God s far <i ue x evariîing eiiouil clo)tieýsax Having made file world xxilli t lie k rsýis, ir ep rc,,p Ilic aniselt il coing, Heis no lon g- to isof rcppricx c froni mari-_______ iiess a goofx s_,pring hli a flouwcr penrîng utp froni th, carlltil:a wxx ieow shiache ,f C paint fori- hE kltchlîobdui Dad glslin îîrc(Sentfs, io00 Car hodx r-iustcd ini spots, a file] l i]] i kotli nat ional i ct , :ucu w xi had a few ,halli- April 31) and tur ece-ivci Con- dais ;diue w1hcn those nicc, pra]lyin in ail ut Ie ,am davys came a long, last (-an staîn t 'il riveo-on Illeck. whuich werp particular- lak- v; gnuic. Tli<- golf cus .xocm after the long s drxuong ip. And1 a Suîîda . winter s sheady djet of x&od talin t on lic miirld,\ sidocoad.s cuuttung. Iree prunîuîg, uce anîd lis nlscxcei uo , itsnow. ta wliiclimust be added stani of siîpcîiatîve poten- a oi monhh of washing, til.penla paitingand papering aur Toei-nci tomi± underth eagle eye of spriiîg. as s epunis potions iîîto t heir londanaid boiues.xvhip - cracking Mrs. Simon leclor, grec. 50 youî can bet, it didn't Rodes a<ucnI ' cv it cr- 'take nînch coaxing ta hit the lx lisiless. the îîcxt super- openî rond in aur puddle juimp-! r.liargerl wýitl eucrgx,. 'liere is or anîd vîsît frîends wlîom %ve agreat iliîcease in uli n hadnut seen for a dag's age. and pii.sliînganîd i'auîd-hall- Mheu we called aI Memor- 2 5 YE.-XR S .1% G 49 YEARS AGO "n ,,,.,î,iuuîudIngabtuuiî.Oun i as ' o wmaox-tlle, <cners, anud long Ilooks. Ita iit u-lttond side kick, Gea. (April 15. 19374) ( Apt-il 17. 191:1) J amesc. we werPie disappoini- Rowmnvile .,ii silh I Mr LelieCo , Torollo T311Bitc-i'trolInp haç 01ci'cdriIo fuod that he was on tlîe Bil pomnle xniiaui sxxit b Mc. esie Cax, 'fîuîtîtobeg-un Iotadustrîhuite hem lac- "Na \lsitors A]lowcd" list. dia]yposo n R. Sattîrdax iilceinxrst-,u mgesse. wiiei '<xc 1151 ihese. Mauhe that w-as a %vise pre-1 Mis iayor R. Strike w i n-plce Ms..J. .Tuîckcm anîd îi]e T'rees the louelu sniptî Of calion bec-ause one laok ah I aguuattuesxscm Scutsou, Oshawta, are vistung hecrnttung carth îoîung aluVe as menîig]îî haie had an adverse auguatelieu s v sem.parents, Mm. anîd Mcs. Thos. utifcawls froîuî the tomb. effect on tIi patient. We hear. Leadrs eate tmarraxe ct o Bttreil. There's 10e -clittier of birds frauîî his relatives, fihat lie attend a tw--dav Canference Pleased ta se Mr. T. B.aî lu hchec cnuig seenis ta tue slow]v improx'- of Scooters from thle district Mitchell. ex-Mas nc, abletaIo ciaher.'Th r e.% he grand. ;uîg and that is 'jo]iy gaod in Port Hope -'Fronp Lcad- out agaiuu aftec hus secincîs îîî- sprîîîgy f e c I cf .sieldirig ue ers Arthmur Lixving and John îîess froni picumonia. grnuiiîn ucudrfoot again. Graam;Pat eadrs.Bil (cuic- us itie sombre charcoal For sex-ecal .years;. George :Tait inel Parkeaers ih] Miss Dor-otliu - Sýaudcrsnui sIetch tliat vixas xxtier. Hoes anud 1 haxe managed Io gel 'FatLiae]Pacer Pal u-le-lt Suiuda- uoruîutg for a toîcli of green,î there a fîuck togethier, usuahis' once a xveek aons, Rt]] Broxwn, 'loni Catch- MontrenlIto enter ftlîe Rnsai tof vello\w. y ouîdec a stuîudge taonîul] nier the local scene el). Bull Grecen. Doni Ventan, Victoria Hiospital intu raininug of lii'ownui.Iloti warmniig au-o as xxcl as nationah, and inter- !Mark Lýanibruuri Rab Puird*\-franre ixlieeshlatla rxu ex Lindsav Mîtceli IandclDoinfoanus.I Ysiitlae rw nainlfar.spnae, Ahli. 'SîoutmastecrBert Mort- Mr. Cea. 1F Joli ui lias ca Id anud paletI ihlonuug uait taiti iaccus anîd have a ciuick]e lok av care f heblenspndngth wutc i llo r tIun abouît some humor- loc tu]] aiet-a me o hh luet spuîduuî h iexx it m a Tireé, loxstlin h focr-a ri nu5ini dents. lac-a] gl-ocp iHamiptoui anid io ut- ete de Ii siiucuig" AnicIifit 's sermoir a loi langer thla n Iwo Mm. RaY .1. Dilluuîg. ('.(;.A.. cf'lis tx'ek for iio]be(-k. Sask., ' xîu tpnll-noutî uutetcîalarls Sheppard & Ct]] l.uiniuer (CO. i(-conipaniod Ou lus datigitor- sr u o oiI -snetela u-ls Limited. Rowuianoille, was un-laie. Mrs E verard 1H1.Joli tuai maxiuiioruiiig so suneconiia hit-h means fihat, elected Vice-Chairman or hhe'and uhid ixho have spent 10e cuglît. \vieni tt do mcci. George 'sý Oshaxwa Accoutîtatîts' (']tb at ix intoc î tiilier fathler iMir. vuar xiii probahly unstst bits annuin] meeting on 'FOurs- Ccci. P. Rtc-kard, Shaw's. onku,)PDeuicxxarîuîg a speech- mc-. dav. srictîg muzzlc foc fear 1 talk day Dra lx la , orn- A nonth ago ixe gave, noiia .H.S. NEW S nu haclu mitn lospitai. Miss Drii-Ior oo-fii-Ncoshohrsn ta. spent ihe weekund anet o i Nlol heersoshy lois Ashton Ourc tweix-eveat- nid grand- brotersMm E V Har. of Mms. 'Fhîs Nicho]s. goiîig broter', M. E V.fior. iota the buucher busnîess iii Oc> Frudax - Mari-h .30111.. tue daughiher, Donna. is pet-king up Rex BR. R. Nicholson.,'Tweed, the wester-n part of Mm. .'Fauditorium ah CI. stagd uue lier appcndectomny. Being was guest of his <-user, Mrs. Cen MaIsans h;bnck. andcI lîus one of the besl attended dnîcs of the Votuogman famili' troc, Miss C iara siiewB e i-ek Mm Chas. Il. lladdu, Son this ' year. 'Fle thenue 'As Yncî sue xx astît content with an MissClaa Ahlee R..tuf Mc. F. A. huddi -rglcer. L.utc-If" x,%as cacried acut iilet-ocdiîunrv appeuix maladv but Toronto, speîîî file xx ckend lfias opeuued a jeweclcri- store in dri-c-s"Contue as Yoe u-. 'Flt<'hîd tii coriplicate lhungs hi' ýwith fieîîds lucre. thie asteriupaît offtlîe Satine d iC canif, it tirit-li it-t-r- in ng <-uuue stoties triithe cf- MIr. Wilu I. C'ait r, Ro- blotk \ihoe Dr'. A. S. 'Flicv's tllibîgfiiuuaiiti %fui uuals alid tt-îîîlug urgan. chester. N Y., speoît the xxeek- fiehsbeifc oîey s u-at uîuk sh tic ot etl nîu- B uruii î-i u endffictIi luis roîftrisoniM s. Mmi e . BchcnuLibrîxSt M Wl Rungganc M.. randice\<inCiln uu cnsuiulaltust ,cof sick friends roncerris RineR atn iet ichard. M.nIxserare ani Peer-panir tuf BortillIicla shotcson a ~aruauatc fae a Di us. J1. C. Dexitt, G. C. Rc ad M s re i i fr-feux of filue uuuuu- l uu Iiug i u u itn fo ii i oniinstue, E. \V.Sîssuuuaid hcruiugli uîttîuudîug 'i~uu- C<n Ccîîîu uu i ut-it t sanding. llis name l<Liiul Iuu hli m iia i N i a ad eI n i Riucu.-tiu it tlu.I- iuniîî-thei îîd \V<or iir i uii hili' lon InIot-tI ci;tu t livu-c i c i l u Hill. Vue fis ilme eii în if tfl s,.iiallui at i e ii tt&tiii.itiuîi.s Ii tit-i .111lîuu1 LIU- 1!1 190hc. li4 xilhul t., Oslari'.- ia l R \Oîcuîi . \ýjt u0c.uîf. <ii AI .\u i litudtI utu ii ttili l of tic piîui . 'odalîc Muh3. nuuciOhît.thttcilta, -- lid thi s ccluîuu-I, Nuu tI Znut Inu re tut-ru- ailloliiig tilt- Mrs, at 'xix R I iii . l ioUll ciJduî i iias- niI lîcl lui, sud an' Scohi, uns tiellîuuu4 hu'uduii, ht u t iýISe c As- ui l l e w i u i l l jixu Ou cui tlin i aP u icuit- ccil a bait . ie was pux sîîîiatuuutî At ]iuîuîî lî,cîl ai thie lieu- suster Mi Ru-i.) .1. u luuîuuJ aîx -for'-u-ii f i tlu1' a 'bouett* îîîtî platc., andr ! Ontaio uuI hupithah, VlithnaCoolex - 1-anovet .lias uetuiui iiiid' 1lug la iiii'tlonîîglct a Ihiîtur liSecuurr Fricîr i exouuuglimnelill i ls 1uîituh.t lic uippos-ci tend,îc whictIi wuin't Mc anîciMrS Franuci iti il MuSs, liludp VucIlis andic Mis Ex -nu i r ic cii îc so. xviih Ilie resu ft ihat same- are un Buffao .NY , thi, week Flamenco 'Moore, Torontn, spe Ynuu 'kLuisel ol u io(a(" iitiiig ch g o and hit-amp i attendîtîg theconvîentionn f the xweekendrl xucuh tOc fnrm- ardcutuic îuc à i aiiîinihen i uopper. Iuianming an the hatril the Muisic Educatars Nationahlrsiter, ?îmsW.Mayxnard.rugu 'o4i(-S>cetc rm toliî ndbeloix. Confrenc, EaternSeatliohx aund na-cl the uumco stat- Conemeice Esteo 0Sctîii rî John MrCillln epre- ci \\hien xu-pisitcd tfheme, 110s Mr. A..1. Wlialcui mînd fani- sented St. Paucl's (]îîm-l ut Flicai ahieMf_-çs Rapupi..îx du.xueîerd thuis amaziuig il'-. Tnononto, tuere uiu lawi numetinug of Ilie Pieni oryb Xili nicK. W'amclen innoii cur- Nor-aI's rai] wasnont Saîurda ' v nli uuîg ouifi tends Whitbx -'Fcesdai . ici - oa lui illiiZ tram a great height but in the acia<e heaemnal],Mms. Chas, Yaîuig s visitiig lt-o Spot Danciuor)uai lv(,anl- îurccess he nîanagcd ta endi up Neutonttil le: (iuugr1a tuuatiarîs Mms W,. N 'il hex. Tolrouito. clfi ldsuuaiii(c-]e M iruu -xuthlua broken îîeck : broken ta Jean Millig-ari xuhia xwoauthe Mms. Wilfrid Aiduna il, Parmi'Phl llu-i u uVuc iue ntiî- t*,log.tex-en braken uiccrack- prize of a ui hm ia tsel andi a, Sounîcis i isitirig hem fatlur, RoIîîu' Bnîlîoi&î uBakcrerichs. broken collai, bane andi slof cfsi lvccxx nue nl 10e De- M r. C. Cc70 t> and Llu InPi l: gu, i t ugcîlîcc( uuuidîrab]e damage tnoluius hanex eiui Suhowxhîcre. Miss Olgau Feu c-cuiac u r] proucci0,1 tîtut i lîc aîl ,mclient]. hesudes other lat-eratiaus Birkctoiuî Mu. and Mrs stock, x isutoci ler gndîîî eltthaiu nue . il aPot - 'Noix%-accorîinug ta tîrst aid un- iRavmood Dat et auurd finulîx' cm.Mms, .. eac-ock au c. lancu(,ui tnt- . rtictionç, a person. so enriei- liai-e omo-uer inii it hpvillag'e' CodaiucrBa selun 11iI 1i h c lue p'ui hfinii cof t lic aI] x ini trd, sbauhd be mnade fron o n ug Sauî hlit athlicmet Fridax i uugalici ecit *"- ' ]il,,uîixa ýliii'dehiicutlier- cru fortable as possible, and boiuse iocuti' ucupied by r] 1 i e .fnlolioxxrîg offîcers: forminiiuof tic Fixe Hîu - îiimuvecilaunder a doctor's HarmxStrut :11<-svý a nun-x danuc baud uith rîrders but fellow warkmen did Nesîîteuîî Mcýanîd Mrs Vul- Vice-Prcsideiut M. .J. Snuth: oui u-xuurP'u kurk>a 0 -oehmadb odi fred Jlacksoni entertannd a'Set -Tri-as.- Chas. H. Aider- pi;nîu 'ti' e ui tuo ftliuk Ii-liiglit have caused his death.ý few friciuiii-lahai ui rdge pachtsuî :Manuager talaltues hutG.ciic, hînîi Hk lui t .hospita t, Oc tas placcd an oui Fridau cx culi an thheS iss ic-nigguiit.-<triker" frauiie and lhrre otcansîuîof lierouIcu rthdu.N-Diu tDors e Rîcui iupx.o-kater ,uhiIe stil] an the Ein nuiuiNi-I)~ g uiitiS, I Il ?xhau M: NI-.nuici iî icu.ict'o s-iii îucibed had tlundergo uia<c- c- uci~ fIii .\lliInuln -. ho reteut ix t utr. tuk< - 2<0 igilblacicer operation. Be- Buffalo, nul uiî idu'it. lii akiug lut-i arui c i xi luf 'lInk(-le ail iis. after thirct- Nu .î t ast11lre Ma jlu-c l. V' pct' . -u ruu ~tc Ioid ciMn.' Dat t-s, Ml., uccufl tlus iiiliosputal, he îuudcr- Dcîilex s Oi o.a sss-iug ter-ifi ni Ue sOn kMiuncia.., Mr . Pouers anîd Mr,' ulniîîmroeaîî i Maple Cuot c Miss ?xlidred Sahuuin MI' nuit Nlcc-AN-1Parko-z, otm cîîapeuuuuîs: Mn-c haie -sanie artiticial hardware Snuuxxden sperît t he xx ekeuuc Rex' ýnoids anîd Musses I.uhu aruc Dretu duic] 'Mm ote Keutuîh rnvc that had been put xxîtlî Miss Doris Groomis Edria Ontve uuînîucnlioîtcî anmd Rlinîr M C 'oCarolhandilhtOi-c in splce bis Ieg tageth- Toronto. village pfroni Scaulunu Ri fr- iPi.onatiou> th(, doom orr Huaim n iu Niu i W-, . .~ 'Mu F T \.uu5cm-î-c 'c 'te'm o-u e bfore thiccu humni, u s cting fniencisFit h n e-encagcd '<ýIn A S jjrc- cnniitee and the record rom- enop of uhappi' events. 1ha Lindsay. Merhaya for another term. mitee.'"&.'-hnnoo" hai arrràe , 0 aw-oon.s/U naci peioUrme~U Au- Always With Us 'y ]y Talk by Rev. R. R. NicholsonI e r irite iesut.d 'î it . ile îi dxuelI iii sonîie dis,.înî . ,i ccssihlue place. ouiiiîu i' wxorlId îie lias mce Bojt x knox thiat Cii]> s otla,-o 'FeurIVSsoiisai-s Ch-<I îl Ilia r n bro1uttîuigý. aînd iwai or tiau hianids anîd tc. l.î betl h a cret t Hi <lxxî lg d t-laI-es .Eam llYt uuîdx i 1-eaxeui. and exe-u cuunîîuuu bush afin, ixilli God". Cod i. x-eru oî-îîich iîîtercsicd iiiti xxorld anud thle peopie xx hu Rev. R. R. Nicholson dwetli n it. Nout a spacmow f all dO xxuhîu [lis kiowlcI(dge. 'Fhc i ccx hairs ofounr Ii-î,,d- are rtuimbeced. Tesuis suux thai as, God lias cînîheri the luv%,andî the grass tif the fucld iiinbaui- lu\, su lie xi IJprovide uali- meut aundifond. and a i]l utlic-r oces, a ru* tIinigs for tluî'e x lii truist Hi ii. fr i It is i uirecd, cunioî zl ucioxxilu tat Car k lxiax xuti us.r auîd 1tiolîiuig iusc;îurair- us froni Fi s luiing -arce. Nro a f fluetan i intuasîrruov-uc no cîii flt euen death tsrif tan p arate ils froui n uir -auu Futlier.'Fhe Psalist ,saY 'o - xoithough I wvalk through the xaicv of the shadow of do(a:li, I fear î"0 cvii, for thou art x tIi me."' When John W Wdii su- dxiog. he said: Ti hest of ahi is. God is witli lis 'lII('Quaker poet Whittier Ikiioxtnot \where Hus islands Ilift 'Fhiir fcnnded pahoîs in air; I on] *v k now I cannot drift, Beox ad I-is laove and care"#. Il s also verv comtorting to ,Iuuxt-th as God is with us, , io s xuith aur loved ones. liot-ever thcv ar-e ah home ahroad. on ]and or sea, in o lospîhal or in the place of luger. Hie is ex-er with them :iCex-cc read 'v ta bIess and lp in ime of need. He is the i,îuat Comirade, wha is alWayi thîcîr sîde. Noix, if Cad is evel-vUýiPr* ild aixuaxs witii Li. why are i-iot aiways canscious of Hi, t uo' Ih us because of siri i our hîfe. Sin separates us ti u odu C I h1>ides Hin fromn like a cioxîd. .Jesus tells lis îidt utis -11Y the putre in -.îrî. xulo shahl see God. Whoîi shah] ascend the bil] of the Lord.' Anid xuli shah] stand in His Hol 'v place? le xxiii lias clean hands and a pure hear'. ilîxx lion, may we become locluouis af Ille presence 0f Goî'! We mnay do sa by think- iig uîh anout Him. Jacob had lu-euthinking about God 1, x\ lau or he wouid not have Iccamned about lim by night. B- studying diligently the WuIrd of God; by being obed- eutr) to Fim and keeping aur- ciie m uure aod unspottedi fi Illeî w0 xorld, we shall knoNv lialf lic Holy God and loving Threisc1, nohhing that will euuc greater strenglh and dig- uulîx- In aur lite than the con- st(ionuîcuss that God ts alwaî'g iiti tis. tIirocr opral st o1 uu ue an tr' liu uig Able tn bP gain- ri-ipture-(d ni-ilu xiirx uîlî tua li"lv emphoyed. What do yoii extra imoihl,.suume liecaine ui, think he is doing? Carpentet 7as iiitichrdl a in aixlAutxunmkl You just can't keep 4 finiîe nfwxruing. NarvaaPpr(c-lf'guîod mani cown. WATCHINC, YOURSELF Go BY Jus] stanîd aside atîîl xat ch-hou rself go by; Thiik <if xiîtrsehf as "be" instead of "F'. Wateh clcusel v as ini aller men \'ou note The bag-kneed triuiseîs and seedy coat; Pick.fas fiîîd fauit, fcurget the man ix vou And sîrîve ici malx-e tue estimnate ring true*. Cotîfronttiii-sel f aîîd look -vnu ini the eye ,lust stanid astde and wxtach'vourself go by. Interpret ail y-ur moutiv-es just as tbough Yoii iooked on on(, wlose aims you did not know. Le't utidîsgtîised (-antempi thtu-c 'vou wben \'ou sec v\-ou sbirk, O commonest or men! 4 Despise vour cuwaidice o; -idemn what'er You note of falseness in -,-ou a nywhere; Defend fat anc defect ibat shames your eye- Just stand aside and watcb you rseif go by. And lben -- wiîb ex- es utîveiled ta what you loath. Ta sis xitlî su-et ebarîi- '<au clotbe- Back la '<-aur self-walied tenement you'Il go Witiî tohet-ance fuir al] o dwell below; The fauits of otiiors Ilieti will dwarf and shrink- Lavs tatugcourvsI rutger k- cîne migbty ]ink Wben '<o( w'ith 'he' as stîbstîtute for "I' Hlave stoud aside and xvatcbcd yotirself go by. - -Gleane-d- - ( A.H. stays potent longer te f ight animal diseases Y The potency-protected molecul. in 1er- raqmycun Animal Formula makes It the supprior antibiotic for drlnking watertreat- ment of disease in ground water &réas. 010cr antibiotics break down end ose patec>cy rapidly in aikaline water. Get a test paper tram your dealer and see il your farrr water us aika- fine. If ut u3. you need Terramycun. the antîbuotic that stays patent longer ln alkaIine u'ater. Terramycia Animal Formula promotes growth, preveals stress setbacks and fig ts scours, respiratory dimeases, rhini- tus an>d leptrospirobsis in hogs, shipping fpver in cattle, enterotoxemia in lambe and shpep and infectious enteritis In mink. Patent, economical Terramycirn dissolves instantly in water; administer it in drinking water, feed or individually. Complet* directions on package. Other Patent TERRAMYCIN Animal Healti, Products: Poultry Formule wlth Anti-Germ 17 - Liquid Formula for Masillia e A à 0 Scours 'rablis # Injectable Solution *90*1. of Canad,.ao (arrns have Qtoufld SINCE 1849 waler supplies which f - f are usually alkaline. MNA SPECIAL V05 eCharçeablé Fl&shlght ONLY $.00. Sand $2.O0 OFFER 4-1 ce'or, top off any Terremytln Animal Haih Produel OtFRI r ' 7~. P 0 Bgn ir 11, MrPa .Que. r4V and IL Distant Past Frorn The Statesman Files THE CA'NADIAN STATFSMA.";, BOWMANVMLLP, ONTARIO tri . r%" qeT% à %P À "ib" 1 1 Il -à il" 1 mit ice. PACM rom i a

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