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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1962, p. 10

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PAGE TENTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVELLE. ONTARIO Lands and Forests Weekly Report Calendar o!f(nmingr Eventg Sporismens, Show and- Sprin, April 28th -Trout Feascn a-t-Reocnn open s t etronýihParks in the lndsa.- Foresl Max-lst- 3î - cteroroighDistrict. _________________________ Max' 121h -Pickcrri Fea.sor Prepare for Bus3' Season -~~~ i\ tB head BNP.R. Davidson, J" Park, Superxiscr Let a DURO do the Pumping! sCAVING TIME ...- REDUC. ING LABO R ... INCREAS- ING PRODUCTION. DI 'RO Pumps, designed for Farm duîv, supply freýh water wliere and when you need r - ... in tlac home - h r- - . . pcultirv 'ard ..- truck garden ... provides reserve for fire protection. Sec uvolir Pilinher or DI.RC dealer 1for fluît niralonl (about the type of DURO Sliallcw or Deep Wiel ilumrp ycu ncct. or write for folder, 'Running Water, the Farrn Necessity". F1 LiR JACK BROUGIE PL['MBING and IIEATING Divixion Street South MA 3-5615 BOWMAN VILLE EDm40 SEE AND DRIVE TiHIS NEW MTACTOR Once again rampers are air ing their lents and sicepin. hagr and cbecking thcir ga. stave and other eqilipnicnt bu anticipation of an outing tr one of the Provincial Parks Parks personnel, too, hav-( heen bus.v lateiv makîng pîe- pacatians for the expectc rush b v outdoors entliLi.iast. Inrluded amnng %vork nov, heîng carried out are grave! iinz cf roads and parking lot.1 painting, anri other mainten- ance of buildings. rPfuirbishint of saoiharv facilities, crectior of directional and interna] signs, and a general clIeanil,- andl fresbening up.B%, tOc middle cf Ma. alI of thei- parkY n !hir Lindsav Forest Disirict wiIl 0e in rcadincs10 xcl- come tOch pirnicking and camp- ing fratcrnitv. Manv grîcunis bav-(-,alreadv made ceservations for ie use of spccified grouup picnir areas. Organizations planning to boîr a picnîr this Fummer xxlould I'u x-elI adx'used 10 rescrve tir area in the park cf itbcir choice as eaz-ix-y as possible in archer to avoid disappoininent. 'Witli Ibis detail loked afier ail tbalis î-equircd is coopera- lion from the wovatbcr mani. "Land Office Business" On Cottage 1.ot Building Requicements Rv G. Simoris, Lands Stipervisor Eâcb sleof Cccvii for siîmmer cottage pur s rircied oui subject. t Prnction cf a cottage nit xiîhin 24 montbs froci date off acceptant-e cf th pli catilin. This nmust be complet-( face a Crown Patent ma sie. aod until Ibis Paller socs thbc purcliasrr does have titie ho hi,, îandi. The cttage muîst cnla With plenty of weigbt .- pouncis . . . for heavy work, new ED-40 Tractor brings omooth, 4-cylinder die.sel ed omy in the 35 to 40-hp chas Look at these features: e Live pto end hydrauics a Selective weght transfer 0 8 foî-ward apeeds - high low range ahifting a 3-point hitch a Adjostabie wheei treads 0 12-4x28 rear tires (13.6 x This Iow.cost troctor is weiI worth your investigati LFinance lor profit. Agk ui about Alli8.Chalmera'terne poxment pin A&LLISÇ-CHA&LMERSÇ SALES & SERVICE A.J.(AL) HOAR R.R. 5 Bowmanville CO 3-25ý L.a d 1rpo!zces to tbhr the Iot n thc he ap- d be- aY i'- Sale 31anaged by: TREWHAVEN FARNI LTD., R.R. 1, Burketon, Ont. Phone Blackstock 986-4957 Auctioneers : A. MMKEBR HOW ARD TIR least 32n sq. fi. of floor space rta b2 used for CI.A. Promo- and he xalued at flot less than lion. This w-as passed by ma- $1,000. The $1,000 value in- O Ntion of John Knox and Ray cludes material and labour in Robinson. accordance with prevailing A D V C E N Mr. and Mrs. HowardQan wag rte an pics o*m\ \1%, trill, Clarence Allin, Erie Fallis tona 10the ocaitv.: ( and Kathleen Dorreil were! Before applying for Palent ~" 'aj~~apitda eeae aa- i that e eapp icant fshd s urecol- .,.dtend the Zone 5, Federation ofi thattheexteiorof bs ct - Agriculture semi-annual meet- tage is complote. In this re- îninPcnonAilt. ous.e th lpermnent, oofi nd, Perennials "Gold Dust". Arabs- Rc Earl Bradshaw outlined thr oussetl fnsh orsadCress". Dwarf Aster- Superb new policy re Farm Work Ar- Thwiows bouldhe nstaed.b In of ! roka mounds of colour for Faîl. cideni Endorsement and ans- ýn isxcionseethemnumberanf Kingswayv Nurseries Cushion Mums- very hardy' wered other questions on In- will expedite issue of Patent. No garden plant offers more and profuse bloomner. Mass ýsurance. Mc. Glenn Cole, ce- Building reqoirements flot for less than the Pecennial. i Phlox- very low growing ta presenting the Cream Produr- onl.v help maintain the pleas- Varieties are almost limitless provîde carpet effect. Stone ers, spake ce the caming re- ing appoarance of our lake-,but your local Nurseryman Crop- Available in a numberquest for a vote. shores but also benefit each cao offer you a selection of iof colours. Veronica- Silver Motion was passed endors- purchaser b 'v insurng that ptir- colour and form ta please the'foliage with blue - pink spires. ing the contiuanre of thp rhasers o! adjoining lots do most avid collector. The secetiln addition ta these plants do Western Feed Grain Rate Sub- -not pot up 'shacks". of the beautiful garden is not forget that Geraniums can sidy. g1 planning and this is particular- !be effectively osed in sunnv A donation of $10 xx-ll be. Tree Planting Nearly Iv truc xvhen designing y !c locations and Tuberous Begon- sent to the Cancer Socirty in Underway perennial aren0I i ro iebas and Lily of the Valley in'memc-*rx of Charles Osborn,,. B~ J Wadel, Foestr xalue to plant a perennial such jvery shady spots. Once again BueTylrwsedt d- Alth.ough ,Foeser as Delphinium whch wili grw planning is important remem- runcte r T ar sa ers oa gi. of sntow sil scattered patches to thîce or four feet in front1bering that the really dwarfBl oinn Pedntt ofso silremain under the of an- which will grow only plants sucb as the Sedurn and ih ToFamns, Peieto softwood stands in the north- ten loches and thus neyrb Moss Phlox shouldb usdbcJ.Frrs announcerl cr0 part of the Lindsay Dis- seeo througb the sommer. Witb lalong the barder ofthi pan-that they woLild lîke t0 en- trict. the Departmentfs au- proper planning the home gar- ing. lali the membership of ibis *group. Next meeting, Apri! noal spring Iree planting pro-'dener cao have colai-r fcom To prepare your perennial l8th. gzramme will soion be Linder- Spring 10 late Faîl. Peî-ennials bcd or border. dig the soif -v-. A total1 of 900,000 coni- require xery lili le rare, are dccply with a digging fork and Motion passrd b Inpay a(- ferouis scedlingjczwill be plant- incxpenisix'c and easy tri grow. add manure or peat moss if coorntsd meig a r d lbroughouit this District rn Why not sit down no n e the soif is either hcavy <lay jund bbche Agreement Foresîs nd how easily you cao digoi;l a or very sandy. Mark each spot Crox-nlans.Thi wil m-,perennial bed that wxill gixe whcre you want t u h Plov over 120 rnen for a per- You great pleasure year a1fterperennials witbh a small stake ENFIELD -ici- nf about îbiree weeks.xear with little effort on youribofore you begin ta plant so For best surxivai ires pa ri? Here ai-e some Of 1 xo know you have the pro- NIr. anci Mrs. Wilbe.rt Smi'1 .should be planted as soon as plant>s that youi need: per spacing for the numiber of and Doroîhy. Oshawva. visibuil -possible after bbc frost is oi Tail Groxving: Delphiniionîs ,plants you have purrbased. AI-: xvith Mr. an Mr.HrlO- -of tlic gcouind and before the -Giant Pacifir Hybi-ids.Daxay purchase a Iwo year old mniston. n i.laod0 wxeatber becrmcs ton war:ru. Lilies- I manri\oloors. Hol- field grown perennial, you gel M.adMsLmrIe iî Bv so doing. tbe pianted seed- lyb9,-cks--bInscx-eral roloors. more for your money and bot - JudY', Mr. and Mrs. Allen ling.s rocivje the benefit crf Rudbcrkia-- (Biark-eved Su- 1er bloom the year 'NOU plant Tyo n a'dxiic the w-a m spiing îains and (-an san .ei. pq-- Gl Yel. witb less chance of loss. Rem- teHrmnhm tEtr Occome partiallv adjusted Ia loxx'}.Heipi (Gln ember this wben you ral] on pthe.Hrmnhm IEtr their new enviconment bée- Thrse plants shouîd be set yoor local Nurseryman. Plant pie fore thbe period cf bot dcr- al the bark cf vour bed 'or the perennials deep enough to MisLuaBw n Fa r eaher arrives. Witb tbi' aîong a fcnce, and for greater caver the roals and waîer:weekend visitor witb the J. T. *lîmîited period available for effect, should be planted i well. No other work is needed.1 Tambîx-oris,Osa . spring planting. a maximum rup ftreo or pcdDoring the sommer dust or The U.C.W. field their mccl- effort is required bv ail coni- a foot or so apart. In addition spraY regularlv wîtb a gond ung in the s-bool Wednesd'av cccncd rîgbî from the men in to tOrse perennials do oct for- !insecticide or Fongicide. You evening witb a good attend- the prox-ocial nurseries to the pet your alaTbr n witl be rewardcd with better anre. The devotional period actîîal -planters; on the job. Peon\- Roots, ivhich sbould bloom and brighter foliage. Io was ronduicted bv Mrs. BiII Mca interested in tree plant- lorm, part cf the planting. the late faIt rut perennials Wright and Mrs. S. Kniowlton.1 ng cupoyment sbould appx- MediumGoig: Taîl Chry- back Ia severar loiches from the Mrs. E. White of Columbu.1 direcffi- at the Agreement anbm suti grouind and remnove the dead was guest speaker and gavp. Forest' headquarteî-s or al the sNovember.Tai bloomns tn bllaves, an ioteresting lalk on Hsi Deprten fildOfice a Nvemer TllPhlox---atlv. r Fe Gifi Midetn ofeld ffcesatgreat varietY cf colour fromI Manv people are now pîann- tîl. M s1rd rfi, Minden, Gooderoam or Aps- îunc 10 Ortobcr. Asters __Fali ýing 'rock gardens' and the Ms ie e n r.Gd lev. No hiring is donc I tbc fîoxverinc in manrci or.peenal u ted oc a-f re - Bo\wman sang two ouir- DititOfcei ida. Bergamot ---n îed and pink. dens are: Artemîsia - Silver br.- A. E. Walrotb, Colombine-- in mixed rolours.iMound". Pianthus -..-'Clover _1 District Forester. iris- Taîl bearded varieties. ' Pink". Miniature Iris- Avail- I ai finoI BETHANY L"yth-rum wine ce'èd t'resseès o'fable -1n many *vrolours. La',en- long lasting qualit.v. Shasta der- Silver foliage, blue 'Pir Daisy - delightfolly largp es. delightful odour. Ms flow e r s. These P enialsPk x avial n aycl ,nindMrs1-me-Frser ldoe piaceo in iront o[r'ours. * tLuIIIp-- MavIdII U(J Mr andI Mrg amhsFrae vour taîl growing plants andlours, with a varietv of' form. thrýuzh retordas nd Wri fl once again are more effective ýThymne- Pink, Reid., eriodav i Flria. w'hen pîanted n groups of Plan y'ou r Rock Garden in C A ESL A N Miss Laura Morton and Mrs. three or four or even five of such a wa.v to gel the maxi- CLASSIFIED Hlugh DeGepr went to Belle- each variety and spaced to takemmfom ndcouetn- rh M&kt-.0 ville on Thursda 'v to attend a advantage 'of the colour they ed or thendvhol ar e. Mulhonh 0923-30 RedCros Cnvetio asre-provide in each month of the the plants with peat moss or presentatives of the Manvers sommer and faîl. Dont over- la odt epte ae Township Branch. la odt epteae Dr. G. M. Longfield. Bramp- look Lily Bulbs. from drying out doring the tont, visited with Mr. and Mrs.1 Low Growing: Alyssum - Sumrmer. In very shady areas. Mansl Wrght urin theLily of the Valley and grounld \veekend. a special service Io he held aticovers such as Periwinkle Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Por- 1.30 on Good Friday morn- ( Vltnca) and Pachysandra teous and their children El-! ing. April 20, which wilI be a (Japanese Spurge) can add eanor and Kenneth spent Sun- joint service of the two choc-, greatly to the appearance or day with relatives in Toronto. ches in the village. Rev. Reg- your rock garden. Perennials Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cavano ;nald Rose of St. Paul's Angli- !tan be planted successfully al- WK ',o Petit the winter months -ant Church will give the ad-,most anytime from Sprîng to ~ ut Intercession City, Elorida, dress. Faîl. If y'ou are in doubt as to retUrned hmonTedy when and how to plant, con- Miss Maureen Anaicnss.isCMeti- otîrq, was the guest of Mr. and A meeting of the Parish of Do not forget the many uses.I; Mrs. Creighton Carr for the Manvers Anglican Churches Perennials have in your gai-- weekend. which includes St. Paul's, Trin- den, and the pleasure they can Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weather- ýty' and St. Mary's was held at provide. They ask nothing in Hlt and their sons Larry and the Rectory in Bethany with return except to be admired.l i Glenn visited with relatives Rev. Regfinald Rose presiding This article has been brought, in Toronto on Sundas-. and ieading a devotional per-, Io yoo by the local members tinited Ch,îrch Service iod. of the Ontario Association of At the Sunday morning ser-' The treasur.v repor-t xas pre-,Nurserymen. Be sure to watch vice in the United Church, the sented by Sidney Way and a for next week's article on Sacrament of Holy Commun- discussion was held rcgard ing ýEvergreens. 40 ion xvas observed. finances, with plans made toio the Rex-. George Richardson or- have a euchre party and dance ficiated for the baptism of Mrs. to be held in St. 'Paul's Par- o y Glenn Preston and George s Hall o April 23rd. D rco s o ýcon' Scott, who together with Mrs. Following the meeting a D e tor fFairlane 500 Sports Coupe-one of Fi s i May Webb and Mrs. Ralph social hour was enjoyed with Preston look their vows of.lunch seî-ved by Mrs. Rose. ur membership in the Chorch and Bethany Athietie Meeting MW e -,-*. wererecevedby te Haver of Session. Henrv M. Jakeman, The Bethany Athletic Assoc- v e r g Beer, Donald Low's, iation annual meeting was H v e tn adHa rry reto, eoge ad held in the Town Hall on Wed- delI, Clarence Rowan. Dr. S. nesdav nighit, electing officiers The regolar direc-tors meet- L. Speller, Preston Neals and'for th e coming year and mak- ing of the Durham County Vincent Jackson. ing plans for the usual Victoria Federation of Agriculture met The choir directed hv Mrs. Day celebration, which this at the Trading Post, Kirb ' , on M00 28) S . L. Speller sang "Jesus,1 year wiIl be held on Ma 'v 21st. Thursday, April 5th. 1962.* The Will Ponder Now" with Mrs. Creigbton Carr was unani- minutes of the last meeting iOn. Claroce Rowan as organist. mouslv elr'cted as President,,were approved as read. Annotncement Ivas made of with Allan Beer. vice-presi- 1 Motion was made by H-arvev dent: Mrs. Vincent Jackson, Malcolmn and Herb Morton that secrtarv Siney a. tea-support be given the following D EAD STOCK sorer. Trustees are -Gordon ýprinciples to be embodied in Smith, Donald Scott and Mor- a Farmn Machinery Act. 1. To SE VC le McGilI. Athletic Park Com- ýprovide for the availabilitx' of ' Purchased according- to size 'mittee - Bob Ryle. H larold:repair parts and service to and condition. White and Verne Mulligan. purchasers, of farm machinery Small animais removed free This comimittee was given ntr Ontario. We are asking that Phone Colleet, Peterborough power to hav'e sotte repairs each manufacturer and pro- made to the relreshmc-nt booth vincial distributor maintain, at RIverside 2-8827 and spectators benches. A tom- ieasi, one major parts depot NICKPECNC ropietr mUnitx' beec will be held t in Ontario. FUrtber we are ')82 C PCOI ror c leaiî up the grounds before cequesting thal parts be stock- Licence No. 17C6 Mav 21. BruLce R\'lev was ap- cd for at least ten yeai-s from -pointed auditor. Èoss Davidsoun date of sale and that parts de- chaired the electioni pot imailain a skeleton S tatArf eelsweemaero 1Ute o o Stir0san bold a Pa:rade on lVav '21 frein holidavs during the production bu m FE N St. PaUl'S ChUrCh tO 10le Park seasoiî. 2. To provide for the afotlne h hevrg and prizes wvill be giVenl for' conîrol of sale on farm mach- afo ogrI h vr the best decorated cars, floiats, inerv and parts in Ontario. than the average big car ..wi M E N T c clesz bicycles etc. The Be:h. provincial manufacturiers andý bucket seats AUl Fairae farvomur ntes nd ildr e ri Tisr buorsdasmela lcsig Miteneaance! Sporetslvl asv Dr ve theraewh I veer. tadadpuchs s sin charge of Vincent Jark- form would be used, specify- on and Harrv Iakeman. The îng the warranty to rover anv Fnort' zromirnîîtee appointed partîcuar machine purchased. wric-,GodonSmih.Morev3. To provide for the lesting the liv elilest 31/ T1Scott Who xill arrange for sale in Ontario. The testing il 3 0 thbal] games and other events.ý would be done on machines Children's races will be in'carrying any patent by an charge of Mervvn Porteous,iagency and reports of such Ip.m. Wallv Reid, Mrs, Frank Machi- tests would be made available RN LT .chenk-o. Mrs. Reg. Edmunds.'to prospective purchasers. 4. JRM TD.The refreshmient booth wilI e , provide for an inspection n charge of Mr. and Mrs. service .5. To provide for aý Bow maniil uicand '1', ile Bru&j RlevMr. and Mrs. tarmn machinery board. Perry via Highw%%av 7A. ',Va1'v Reid. I sipratt oeta Bos DVidsnerJakonad w e are not asking that local ýED oss avidon wre ppointed dealers stock ahl parts in order ED50 In arrange for further public- ta service their customers. EIi EA v; Mrs. Verne Mulligan and ýrather, that the provincial o prizes for the varinus events.Mr.V ako aarnefrmauftrer and istsriuto -pringing Y'oung CoWs Th.- dax- wîll conclude w'ith us0[vd Ii evc earlings and Calves. a concert in the Town Hall1, which we feel would be of BLO ETDfollowxed bv- a dance ith Rob- gre3t assistance ica not onlv BLOO TESED rt Ssso's ochetra.Thethe farmer. but ta the local t. I Al attle tested or cer teSisso lokstafThe dealer as well. area herds. this ciitcrtainmrnîi are Wallx, Clarence Allîn was askerl 1n ch includes regiilar Iist of Reid. Crcightoîî Carr . Allan stid' the brief îe Econoinic r Bred Heifer Sale. Beer. 'Agriculturai Resarch Insti- and Harold White agreed ta meeting. 1 look after the junior hall leamn Report of the recent Insur-' It'B.%CHER, Kitrhener. Ont. ind xill attend a leagîîe mcet- ance- Committee Meeting wa5z REWIN. BIack-tnrk. ng bi' he rnear futlire whprngixen bv the newlv elerted *N wca tle c tOc slimmer srbepdule will be Prezntîo. Lsi Pritch ard.A drawxî up. ireqiiest was made for $200 When vou need a FA M 1 M I' V;MI8 T ()A N we try to be a littie more helpful!o Progressive farmners rpcognize the need for fai-m improvernent> each year. This niaý-or nmay not mean a boan-u hntdo, The Bank can meet the need with a Farmn Improvement Loan on excellent terms. And there are many additioîîal services besides. ., ail the more valuable becatîse vour Toronto-Dominion Bank man- ager knoius your real and pressing pî-obleins. He knows the way in w-hich you operate. He is aware of vour marketing difficulties, and the ups and downs of the national econ- omy that affect vour plans and hopes. He can offeî suggestions, help you plan vour yeat-and in many useftîl ways pi-ove to vou that, peo pie at The Bank trcallNy do înake the imnportant diflerence in farm banking. W-hy îîot see him now,? i ~~---~--- - B. L. BURK, Manager Bowmanville Branch v t-4479Cý That gala feeling starts when you look at Galaxie . .. shifts up as Xî\1 yoîi settie into ils deep-seated luxury . .. and hits the highs as you take the wheel, For Galaxie travels in a wonderfui worid of its own -alome. No sirnîlar car cornes close to its glamour and "go" its superb sense of style, and fabulous interior detailings. lts choice of engines offers power to 0. spare-and famous Twice-A-Year Main- pteniance ensures economical operation. a [il(x 10At your Ford Dealer-the lively Galaxie! Galaxie'1500 Sunliner ol'y but In Canada. -the new standard size Ford! Fairlane fits rîglît betweeni the bigcars and tie compacts. It's âe compact -... a foot shcrIer 1ih tulisîize irîlerior irn. The Coupe (illustrated) featrires feature farnous fwice-A-Year ly Fairtane. values corne \ t tVETH )ntario ... ... ... - d faicon Sports Futura Low price-hi gas rniîeage-sobid qîaî -i alcc lias IIrem aIt! No wonder Faron takso vnro stunning styte, with a racy new rootîine. It7 the Flcion Sports Fýiîura, and ils tOrîlîs have just begun-for Inside are foamn-padded bucket seaîs-roomy consoie-plush carpf'inv. ard elegarit uptiostery'. Its just one et thie nîne wooder- fuI i alcoris fi-cm whiçtî you can ctiose. Try the lively Falcon soon! (,trtari t,,,iui-e. iiiururai,,d are itiui aI extra r.oit. MOTORS AND TIJCKS ' Phone 3251 bel fadn l I Ud 1 For OId Appliances1 TREWHAV CONSIGNi S AL E Monda y, Apri 1962 - utl:OC To be held a t TREWHAVEN FA] wsiih i MIo111Pe Seuog Road 15 miles north of south of Blackstock or 7 miles east o! Port1 50 WE OFFER PURE BRI HEAD HOLSTEIN CA 1We are offering a useful grroup of Fresh and and 2-year-olds, as weIl as a number of Y( ACCREDITED - VACCINATED The rnaJority are ready for Immediate export. elitible to enter listed or <ertified NEXT SALE WILL BE HELI) MNAY whic Holstein Cattle Plus 50 head in our IB -M--wwMý PAGE TM APRIL 19. "Il USED CARS

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