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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1962, p. 11

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WEDNTSTAY, APRIL 1~, Ig~2 TM~E CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAC~ WX2VVVT..? 1k /Vecadl&9K&c Gordon Agnew, Edilor E. R. Lovekin Is President Form New Chamber of Commerc Under Canadian Chamber By-Lai Newcstle- A or-.rb camb, a-T ea -iii er, Go!rdon Ag- 1 zat ions. it \,,-as rno\ od Iý of commerce was formeol"at, 'anový. aod tn director<, Lorne ard Quinnev and set ni open meeting railed for ihal. Johnson. Murrav W a 1 t o oBilh Westovýer that the purpose in the Queen's Fotel Franik Hoar. Howard Quinne%-. ber affiliate with the on Wedn(esda\ e%, niig of la.dý Brenton Rickai d, Fred Shad- and Canadian Chami week. The ce hamber w:ill dock, Bill o~ovr Bud Wa- Commerce when funds operate under b lv pie- gar, Joseph DLigosz and Bert a'ý-ai]able. This motion pared by the Organiation Ser- 1DeBruin. opted. vice Dppartment of the' Caon- Afler considerable disCUssýion AmoinbC.R1 adian Chamber of Commfrt.el,ndstiidvor varîous ideas'for Amoon \C.R and conform to the' pro%-iions foe srhedies, on motion of and Howard Quinnex', of the' Boards of 'Prudes ýAct of Mîrî Waltoni andi Frank optePd. setting the orn the Federal G~onfetAc- - loa r i. s] iding scale of fee:, was meceti ng for t he e c6ýding to these b- a i x doptvd arording to the' numn- of ilhe Chamber for, .rfutabie perSon, partnefrsbp, ber of' ompiovees in a buisioess,, t'be Arl25 i ih or corporation dirr 'o oin ner n I$10.00C, uwith thethe Qneeiîs 1bld. directly engaged or interested fee for indiv-idjaIs flot con- A heartv \vole of th in trade, commerce or the ec- nected with busine-s hbcbg set host. Joe Diugosz, xwas onomie and social wolfirP o2 a? $2.00. Businosses wili be ai- bv the president an(]isi the district shail ho cli gible for iowî,,(d acrrdited representa- with hearty appiause mnembcrship n ho, Chamhcr.tîo for each S,500C)foc up hopresý'nI. Following thc The Councîl eiertcd at Wed-ia maximum of five persoos. rîg coffre was served nlesdays meeting includes Pro.- Afler considerabie discus- 'bost and suggested 1 sident E. R. Lvî,Vît-e- sion on the' ansantages ofafî-'o the, oew Chamber w Prcesidrot, Harold F'alk: Srire- îating wîth th(- parent organ-i'ciissoýd mformalix 7 l ewcas t/e Soctedand clu] isona!1 IMr. and Ni!rs,. Mlirv Jose And MNr. and Mi5s. Woliiîgton Farrow were the gticsis ofMi end Mrs. Cia rerwe M lin on Wo, ,d n ( s(t l \ %ex( on iîliîg a i a i i l- ncr paiitv at theTr hiading Pos;t bo celebrate the 46ith Weddiitg Anivîiersarv tif Mr. and Mrs. Farrots. Fohhossintg the d inoci duey, wei e enterlat urd ai tht' Ail iii home whiere Mr. anti Mis , Alli n slîtisvd pît ct iiirevs taken on tîmet rieeît trip 10 Mexico. Mr. antid A. R,?vMac- DufI, Juds'anid Rogor s îsited ini Oakville on Saturdav sith :Mr. artd Mrs. Thiomas Cotîdon.ý Mrs. MýacDiîfl remnaired anti is spendiiig ,tis xseek witlî ber dauighter (Naiîr'v) and baby graoddao]ghîer, 1,aîîrîo Annie.' .Mr. and rîrs. fiari-nidMosiev Ted Fairey At Lions CI -eyath A Bostmaiuvilie EiO URNER SERVICE nît.Ter Faire\-. was time lucky wioner of tue $101) prize M ~ at licStag Nîgbt sponsored by the' Newtcastle Lions Club at the lioiev lollosv Restaur- r' rt on 'hhursda'v niîghît s'.th< L Lloy d EFiîs. lhosard Wvoods, lHowtard Gibsoti and En-nie Dic-, w o okens of Bowman-i Ihe, Bob Por- i WOOLter of Oshawva anîd Frnîk Hoar and RaY Goode of NewAcastle Any Gnvernment Deficienry stirnîng $5.10 oach, p.îyment %viIt apply only on The parî t'v as opr-ned by properly graded wools. Lions presîdent Cari GouldI parni-sho weir'omod those present'1 Secure the' utmost by p mnz-ad caiiedi on Lions District' Injg the' organization that Govrimor Bretîtoît Rickard 10 made this possible. i and daughtet' Brendai Hope w-ere Sattirdas- xvith Mr. and Mrs. Agiîewt. Flots-enothlie Allar United ChUrCh 0oit were piaced in hovîîg r of Mrs. John liendr,.. members of lier laroilv Thie United Churrîb are parking a baîle ni cieao uised cohtbiiig Ct seas rolief and ans iie ans- (ocontribtiteina% il al the' Sondas' Srho off the chutiris d i n i hohîdas steek. Mos. Il. C. Deiiiis sp xs',eekcntd visit îng -wi tii Mrs. Ahdeti Poliard oin Mr. Roy -Allino rf visited on Monda vi Fred Couch Sr., Mrs.r Sarrilsr snd Mr. Leslie Miss: Joan Alhdreada aod i\lrs I.eslie A1hdr Oi-onostre Siitida%, xsitb Mr. and Mrs.1 uw la &.ec1 É Iub Stag s;ay Cra-e anid the 80> men pro- sent sat dots-n (to a dehicious tîîrke 'v dinneî. During the evetiing the grouîpsen enter- taioed br .singing ss luîquitai arronipaoinient, tht' Chiicago- Mapie Leaf Stanhev Cîp FHoc- key' pla 'voffs on tehevision and pla.viog cards. A. most enjos- able eveoing was had bY ahI. At rorditîg to Lion Fred Couct-b e.t chairmaît of the rommnitte in charge of stag, tht' excoing svas most suress- fuIf as st-cl as ontcrtaîîîiog wîth the club roahizîng moi-e than $150 in profit from tlîo pro joot. Ou RgiteedW Teo1usf Holy IcWcaIServices .No. 1, IVeston, Ontario OhtIn VillageaChurches without. charge from ln V la e C u c s JohnThomson Nstnast ho- Maiiy speriali toiductod and on Good Fridax'7 Jonrhopsn services are hcîîîg e'ounte tisra xill he Ixto services ii KENDA lansd paîîned foi' this 110ois-Saint Ge'orge's, at 1h s.m. will or by writing to lWeetk. St. Georges Aiighican be mattios, aute-Commuînioîi CANADIAN h b as heeîm holdinsg a' dsermoin aid is ihe eseîsîg CANAIANCO-OPERATIVE ,rvicte evenv day fuis \sveek.arid WOOL GROWERS IMITED On Mauiid',Tmrds at 8 a t 8 chr-uE%.eî1stmg. 217 Bay St., Toronto, Canadaip.m., a special -sert-ice of Even- ' Oin Fasher Day there wtihl be _________________soimg svithî mii ddress xs-îh be servit-es of Communtion at 8 SPE( r E E a À At Your ALKA 'lý AQU, IBUFFI I'i OLGATI i~X » L FLORI J&J BA PREPA I OLD SPI( TA MI Iii'WAJ CGWLING'S A LEX McGR 'l JURY wIAL i.ow PRKÉES )NATIONAL BRANDS *" Local. Druggist's - Thurs. -Fri. » Sat. -SELTZER Reg. 79ec 64c jý SVELVA Reg. 1.25 1.04 BRIN Rteg. 79c 6c TOOTH PASTE - Reg. 9se--c----74c A x -- --- -------------Reg. 49ce - - -3 4 i1 lENT Reg. 89 ---- 74cii %BY POWDER ---Reg. 75e --- 64c I LRATION H -Reg. 1.9--1.64 :E AFIER SHAVE- Reg. 2.25 1.84 PAX -----Reg. 5l--- 44c ['CH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEI<i ANVILLE NEWCASTLE DEUG STORE JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE IEGOR, DRUGS ORONOI k LOVELL STUTT'S PHARMACY iI Married Hear Fir -On "Pec Couples ne Address ice of Min d" Nrwrat l:-Tht' Mei'rv Mar- siderif, Mtirras Paterson as ried Couples Club Aprilin eet-1 in charge of. tht' rocreahîon h mg wvas held on tht' United period in whiich ao Eas(ec Egg, Chur-ch Sunda', sehool hall hunt w-as conduîcted and cha- stith thme membei's of the rades w-as pîar'ed. Oroîîo Couples Club as their' It. sas annouored the next 2îtests. Tise Pî'esident Seidon r meeting svouîhd take tfie forno ,Parker \vehcomed thse guests cÊ a dance to lot-iîehd in tht' atnd assîsted by Mrs. Murray Newtonvîlle Hall andthr iose Paterson, eonducted the devo- tional service with the' theme wthi g tices oudecoriltte ol 'Sprîngtimo". The Rev. iEl mmc' ftocmntc' C. Wodlad ld inprayr. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pedwell, C.heodîandspedkeisfpray e Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin or The ues spakerfortheMr. and Mis. Albert Navlor. et-eîiig, Dr. G. Cormack, dir-ý ector of the' Day Care Centre: Foîlowsing tht' serviîmg of re- in CoboLIrg. was introducedi freshmenLs bv members in hv Yvlurrax' Paterson and choseieharge of tht' meeting, Mr. foi- bis suibject. 'Peace of mind Donald Staphos, on bhaîf of Kthe tinattainabhe". the Orono Couples Club, ex- ý_Tht' aprpreuiation of those pressed appreciation Io tht' presem w-as expressed to i'. - local club for tht' most enjoy - Cormack for bis fine' address abhe ex-t'îsîg. b. tlîe Rev. Mn. Woodland. Tht' meeting chost'd.stitb a Fohlowsiiig a shîort business stoî'd off praver hY Mr. Wo iperiod coîiducîed bs' tht' pre-. land. ionnettes Distribute Easter Potted Plants To Village Shutins Net ail.-Tht' Api-il dîn-!ss'îth the project s uih vill ner meeting of tht' Lionettes be beld in hie Newtcastlie Coni- Club stas hîehd iii the' lmhurst mLinitv Hall auditorium on Hotel on Moiidav ovenîng with Max l161h fn-am 9 ar.10a09p.m. thie prosident, Mrs. D. Cun-it ki hoped ever ' -onin l tht' nînghamn presiding. village, regardhess of mgoe, \vil] Folhowsiog a hovelv dînner, take. adx-antagt' ni (bis oppor- thle niembers discussed tIse tunity - 1 attenid the chiniî'. comnîg Polio Chie cfor Oral' Severah members nof the ohuîh Vacine. The North umnbe'l and' vohurtoert'd thoîr services for aîmd Durthanm Htaith Unit are this pioject. u'ordur-iig the <-inic and 'sert' The mniîbers tride plans seekirîg tohuîîmîerîs to assiqt 10 cans-ass the s il[age on be- ýhlIf (,)Ithe Catiadiais Cancr' Societ',-oni Aprih 'ltis, a n ait- nuai prtmtect of t ho îhiîbPlatis Ca d P ryLionetir draw for h itl xvere also isu-iisŽl frfi Plan ned B y oentýs Inft with tht'ania Even ing \V.A. DTuhe an i as 1 In;J,îrr sor if %is rerde tn nid it at Nets ea .11e - T n f- E'eriing the' June meeting, înIitie Elr-n- Branch off St. George's Wn- hurst HotecI man's Auxîhîau-v met in the' Wîth Victoria Das- fahuing parîsh hall on Wednesday, 0on thet' (ird Mîdvi m Apî'îl hil, 1th.5 rnembcrs in the members decided , hold attendance. Tht' meeting OP- (hein Mav meeting on the tsec- Pned xvîth praYers conducted ond Mondas' of the' îîsoîmh. b'. the' presî-dent, and reports Folhotsiog -ie mee,(ting lite xvoro gis-en b. ho h 'arious off- memberF deliverl flîrîr Fas- fiçrs sThîaok-v-oîîra rds stere fer Cheer packaes ofPnîtî'd read lîotn Lyno Reid and Ms'r- Chrt'santhîemumni mrt\fricio Ile Har ris. Violets to the, shiit-îns in Whîle ;zome ni tht' mpmber% Newc-astle and Orono. '.sorked on a quilt, plans were- dîscuseni for the proposed card parts' fo he sponsored bx' tht' group in the panisis hall, Presîdeot trsDew&dnp\van- noîîîîced(thr W. A Annual Meetitgig n be bold in Toronto .\pril 30 and May t and 2. Slhe MA 3-3303 smîd ans- member otf1th k' tfr Branch V. 'a s welcome ho attenîd the' meetings and the, Branch, igdelegate'-. SERCE The îîo-xt rpgular meetinmg of tht' Braîsch stîlI bh hed on Masý -tmd, ai the conclusion of ,he annual mectinï. The' servîog onf retresisment.s brought the meeting to a con- EXTRA! I A TOTAL OF $28-00 IN BONUS TAPES Receive $6.00 in Bonlus Tapes with SALAD DRESSING CIGARETTES mirmcl. Wturp 32 ME. hottu. Ail Pmrulnr eroud, clii. mi 200 Receiv'e $4.00 in Bonus Tape-; with iIM DANDY CLEAN ORANGE JUICE od South 6 lin Receive $2.00 in Bonus Tapes wvith GREEN GIANT PEAS T<lnf'y 2 lin ROSE PICKLES 16 svý lMax. TABLERITE WIENERS pq TOMATOES 4os..~,Iotb SHOP AND SAVE AT.. WTDNTSDAY, APRTL 18, 1962 of her daughter Bea iast Sat- iCail Firemen I Nudy ZiO NMisseq id .la-ac n I U.. ew t nber7 of flic U.C.MW. are Cathv Twist %verc wcekeild 'Te4 e *M or April 4th was meeting diay inviled to join the C.G.I.T. vîsitors with Linda's g.,and- o'- the afternoon unit of Zion girls at their Mother and Dau- parents, Mr. and 'Mis. A. U.C W. Athout 22 members and ghter huod-ieon to be held in Mairs, Bowmanvilie. 'Grass Fi res visitors ,w'1h 4 wee folk at- Itle Sundax- Sebool rooms on Mr. and Mrs. F.Blcbr teoded. April 29th at 12:30 p.m. and family, Mr. John King- Phone 3621 Ne%,ýeastle:- Local Voluntleer Pres rs. Bradlev openced Mrs. Hans Gesisberger m'as horn were Sundav siitoper Firemco were cailed 0121.t twicc thet eeting ,w,-th a short poem'appointed 10 be coovenor for1guests. of Mr. and 'Mrs L. last week to Iwo grass rire; followed b,% prayer and greet-'our PresbN-terîial Relief Mis- Savery, Oshawa. sn iIlt sm. and Evensoog al which had got ont of conîrol j i sion. Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and 7p. m. in the village. The dovotional period, ar- Mant' contributions of band-;Muirrax- were' Sundax visîtilrs Special Easter Music wihl be Fire of Lirik ilown r origin ranged bv the' group. Mrs. Nel- ages for the Leprosarium were %vith Mr. and Mrs. Fred Twist. tesurd t il erics. broke Oui around nloon on son Fiee, Mlrs. Harold Bennett,i rerei'ed . Anvone caring to Whitby. frtr' ialsrie. Wedoiesdav in the' orchard of Mrs Percv Davidson and 'Mrs. furtlhcr donateIiitmpeac eswshsfra pod b th' loue CbrchtheReexe Douglas Cunningham Frank Pascoe, was a program bring them ton our next meet- rcvr o Ms -ete roml. ee brance wit ll at re and was tbreatening the apple ragmn from tbe -Plan- ingas, arier thalt hey wvilh be Brîmacombe who is R natien' comenc wtb Cataa pe-trees. When wvorkmen in the iied Prograrn Packet". pree and sent Io terds nMmna optl eoe ytecorudrteorchard sawv the lire was get- Eacli participant took her tination. Salem Home and School direction of Norman B. Wil- lAC i ams on Gond Fridav evening ting out of thcir control. a eall part -,plendidîs' , and our know- Our trrasiirer, Mrs. GleniAssociation held their reguior W J at 8 p.m. The choir wl pre- was put in to the lire depari- 1lodg" in the mways and means GIaspeIl gave a ver 'y gratify-imon thls' meeting on April Il .;(nt Tbe Temptatîoos of ment with whose aid the' fire otf firtbering Gods work was:ing report andIo10 keep t bisiwith parents and puipils ti Ch ris hv b.Fric W, Thimaît. as extinguislhen withijuitle, gieatix încreased. Appropriate report miost gratif\ iog. the attendance. President NIrs. F. Wv Ht)55- Evers orie. s invited to attend if ans, damage to pîoperîv. lit mrns %ere sung, at dîfferent ladres; are industriousiy quiît-;Twist opened the meeting bs nided bv "fils'service of wvorship. About 10:1,5 On Thursdav iinter\vals during Ibis program ing quirîts hofore the' onrl îsh Of ý the' singing of "0 Canada." Ona On Easter Day ibere wîi morning firemen wePre called ar ddwt olcinr- pi' os- Mrs. Woodcock was the' pro- Ontrinclc n fetr rvr laig or ofh w troe iwosi tbe Wsve Heighlts siib- (i dar fetr rvr laig gram convenor. Miss Stephani'- heaewbc i ae ivte.Tedivision weea rubbish lire lrigbsns ptbMs i.Brde nore s Prozienka favoured \with t1wo beca p ,-hch il re nVied.Theon he roprtyof PP on-2ý>D. NI(Master was appoint- ithat ai the' hast board meet-!piano solos.'Mr-. Ross Mî'îralf per d- wommnionbfe hesorv d ' il stable Bruce Tilîson h a d ed tonx ener fuir the' Cancer ing, the sector plan m-as t'x then directed the pupils i i aerm aod a specîeahlsrvie Il sra h'hnggasiiteCaii'.as. .Itfsas noted more phatned. but it mwas rejected. various choruses. Loei vrhpwl ecnutdat area and was makiîig reat (anvassers vr needed. Suimmer fimie sehedule was Thejno uissn Lovekinheadwav whci f remoonarrixd-1The' suggestion that our Pre- arranged for rhurch ser\vice,.ns. e jndior puil sangso xvas ad- 7:30 hap.m. sî freie deîît art-ange for a speaker Ouir allornooin unit ni the:!dancsendhein with ale ong .11ii-a ed on the scelle. olowei u'eraadance.una-The C.Wnterlediatxithth- oungia Vsilh t he bel p of tile volunhe1 iiolarer oopn oîrbazarwasunn- ing un xitii mh UC.l xv and:hopils provided two-part singiiig Wdri es -fîremen imtiitlxiagreedptîpoî . evo\ingl unît ol the L carrier!ndnand the senior room three-pari the ire hireuipet Cuiwsigs hig aredrnox-thei'fi rsl joint imeet- ,singing. Douglas Wooicotk p.m inNew ivernbers seilhngdamage rJ clit r)to neet theeNpenses of ing on %Av,291h rit 8.30 p.m. lavoured with w acodn anks; In ec iv d i lrigging (ie weil. lias been coni- 'and prayer. fohiowed hy a soc- îMinutes n tht la t eing moved Recelved at pled and a badhy-needed con-'iahlfimexn i h -e ail enijoy. 1. rtel1s wconded ommfluflity enienctc 5 now Ouirs 10 use Tho tlattor part vstas arranged byailU td ~ ur nsdi ov. as hv Mrs Tom Sobil, Mrs. Gien GE TN PRES e mneet-Unt d C u c Bowling ;err.y Glaspoîl a h mnGiaspoîl. lr CarlBrde, G T HEP S I hY' thle Newcastle A t a s rfe1of Illt,-,W ol11*"euminittee--tht' and 'Mrs, Rossel Staintoni. proyîces candidates \,ere-rotcei\ed in to Newc hte loo tes beîng Hans Geissberger Otîr next alternoon meetingGE ere dis- the lelhowsbsiip Of Church mem- list t)f high scorci s lii the- var- .1r., Nelson Fiee, Oscar Pingho viii ho on May 2nd in Su.ndas E -d hor5bip ai the Palm Sundayi tous eagues on theo tonmunitx' and Albert Eddy are to be c'on- Schoo nohroms. Service in the United Church ýbowling ates loi' the wveeký gratîiated uipon foc the sphen- of Port o udx oon.Icue ending April l4th. dîd iid speed.v job whieh theY intcls ee rc Aln!Mondiay Ladies Lealguie ~rn and t-arried onît. SAÀLEM G ors 10 thýeneiasswere Bruc e an, <200 and ovt'i' Fi. couî'eiilx ManY behpers, throughouît file. ShraFegsn.SîaoFi.240, .J. Quiantrilh 215, l. Fý . or-ninuinitvý, came 10 assist LasI; Thiir-sday ex coing Mis-1 il- to (hïoff, Mr. and Mrs. Rov Pacey,ý row 2018, D. Neai 208. G. Sta- theso moen and to them ahso-- ses Grare Blackburnoand Mar- Stmnax arrsPedehl Thoas er-pheton 204, J. Kramner 2t02. mir s'erv sintt'rest tbanks, By- ion Butterv s'. re bostesses at.G N E SundaI eaguie 225lloThmas Peh-,r-own machiners-, the lattershome or a mi mtm Rv no , u a hv S ol. Fanes and ulver P. Luxton .14, . lUis tmai,\,hours of bard work. ellane.ousqshover loi' Miss AL E b', tht i r Caiv Srt n Lake 285. B. Rnweù 272, sç. tOsts xvere kept downr to a Bea Craîg, a bride-to-be of .. CaodY Stoiks. Powell 248, G. Kîmbaîl 2.38, L. minim-uni. Thanks again In this Sattîrda -\. After Bea had W omen The sei-vire w,\Aas rconducted[Joboson 235. B. Ghati he 231, 5 oui Gerry for yoiiî' fine opeîîed lier lovehy and x'aried >1f good b (ieh ui,\trIb Rev. E. A. Poarre 928. mîanîagtenent of a big itoder- giits she graciously takd-osfao or over-,C ,X,'uodiand, B.A.. wbose ser-, Wednesdâaludiesi.uîîî tik iil 9 ail for thiei' guifs and gond!r -more sporkle nuivi'moui suîbject ,vas 'The Art of 1(200 and overi' Drîg27 W,,.\\tore iniforied bv Ihe tvishes. The evenîog w a s -more for v1Y av Living and Dying", taking as G, Couch 229, B Siia(ýddork .lT leader, Mrs. Tom So- spent in nmaking a bride's eu oe Ool Hia]) his toxt the' 46tt verse of the 22,2, M. Na. (or 2(07, R. Couith bil Iibat $40.00) is being giveil book. aCter ,-i(h a dehicious y Fate 23d uba pieiof the Gospel ac- 24 0t' Vs'ehel" fiînd bx- these lunch s'sservedi. ,oi Iomg1St. JLuke, "And;, Juînior Leagume f(i,5 anid bust girls and (lieîr leadiers. Ms .Cagetrandr_________________ when Jestîs had tried with a roe>R od 24 .CifeTaiiks so oiirhl altou -isseaui tea in lhonour mot ie oîdbrnvoire, He saîd, Fath- 120)3,B. Heathie 1912, N. Gaines I Mrý and c-it h ad oled Oshrawa. in, Sirtomdmav n ad Thurtsdax- Mixed Leagit 1h Mrs. (huis Ht' gave uip the' ghnst". 1(200 and overi D. Whitney , Noh ra - iet'Scripture Lessoo for tht' G. Barchard 242. .1. Lewis 24 ~lîservire was tlaken from the' C. MontgomnerY 202, K. Vui- Ali. M 2:rd chapter of St. Luke's Gos- I ney 20(0. ra r.pel, readitig from verses. 34 10 Fýridav Mtxed I.eague 0 1 edI r aod over) G. Kimbahh 286,B. Visitors,1 Diiring the service the lovehv Hoogkaoîp 252, E. Porrin 24 Dýou1igias vocal duet '*Ht' Lves' was M. Henry, 211, A. Pearrr'21 sunig bx Mrs . James Brown B. Mr-Crac-ken 210, B. Ail- and Mrs. Glenn Ahhîoi. drrad 209. y~Iv Le fS. fus soci.u tt Wpop ows.ntu. W1P@Mewftu». STAFFORD BROS. LTD. Authoizd Dealir Stafford Brothers LIINITED Monuments Box 1.13 71R Iundas St. F. lhltby Phnne Whltby MO0hawk 8-3552 'I6E GINGER ALE MARGARINE STRAWBERRIES 2Tuii p Colour Qulk 21 lb. pkg. 5 53 F ra se rsa le -rn7epn .$ .00 15 0.pkg's mm.a.a.0mImImN I a 0 àm am mà mm. Sweet and Juicy - Large size JAFFA DOZ. Oranges 'Nn. 1 Grade P.E.U. POTATOES No. 1 Grade - Grerri - Tendr BROCCOLI No. 1 Grade - Fresh. (*r%p, Snappy CARROTS 10 lb. Bat 33 c Bunch 29c Bunches 2 for 25c %%'@ reserve tht' right to lmit rjîantities Ask for your frre' opte or 1(;A'!,npuw catalogue of Fret Gigit% for C'ash Rcgoe,ýLPr Tapes. BOWMANVILLE IGA MARKET Bowmanville, Ontario TOMS' IGA MARKET Newcastle, Ontario w Iii'~ Iii'~ Iii'~ Iii~~ 6OF THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 130'WMiANVILLE, ONTARIO m-erp reaci and the financial report was given. Report or the grou rai committee waq Mr "b'-II. E. Twist. It was x-oted in give $30.00 te the giviiiiii, comm nittee for shrubs. Dite, for roianting shrubs is Apr-il .30. A\ lnorinaliig cnrmmittee ot Mis i1,.Allun, Mrs. T. Brima. comnbe and Mr. F. Blackburn waý: appointed. It was alsa v'otcd Io sponsor a bus trip for t hv senior ptlpils;. Liineh was served and à sOiil 1111P.enjo.ved.- FINE QUALJTT MONUMENTS AND MARKERS PAGE ELEVEN 1't 1

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