£ il,.. I'fl.L'....I1AlJ Afl1311 ** *ENOS , ~ ~n~L'r~ ~ £~rL~LL. AOp .LUUd Surviving Members of "B" Company 136th Bn. Recruited Here Many of our aider readers will recail that during WorId War I, Bowmanville was the scene of considerable recruiting activity and later a good deal of training which took place south of Vanstone's Mill on the flats. These were some of those who remembered those days because they were involved as members of "B" Company of the 136th Battalion. Many of them saw considerable action over-I seas during opportunity Legion-spon roxv: E. Bru Williams, G Byam, H. H Christmas Tree Growers Discuss Mutual Problems At Toronto Convention The Christmas Tree Grow- and towns of Ontario and later date, the land could be ers' Association formed ln other provinces. A concerted casily reclaimed for forest use. 1955 and now ln the process effort has been mnade ta en- Eyti-eme concern was evi- of being incorporated, with courage growers ta ship to the dent about the damage done memnbers residing in many United States, Mexico, Carib- to the buds of trees by the parts of Ontario, held its an- bean Islands, and South Arn-,feeding of grosbeaks during fluai Convention recently in erica. Qualitv lWM been em- the winter. T hi s damage Toronto. phasized throughout so that a while prevalent frein Sauit The active number of grow- tree with an Ontario growniSte Marie along the lake ers seeking advice has been label should be accepted as'states, down ta Pennsylvania increasing annually, and the the best grown in any mai-ket.iand up ta Ontario. could pi-e- program has been enlarged tol Spirited discussion prevail- vent the grow-th of the trees include mnethods of plantîng,'ed concerning some conserva- in 1962 unless drastic and ex- management, pruning, insectý tion measure that would in-pensive pruning measu re s iletection a ii d elirnination, sure timber for future genera- were adopted ta insure some grading, harvesting, shippingtions by requiring the plant-igrowth in future years. and marketing. As a resuWting of timber seedlings with' As an added problem, i-e- of these continued efforts,ýscotch pine. so that in the presentatives of the Depart- better trees have been avail- event of a farmn being aban- mnent of Lands and Forests a'b!, for markets -in the cities-'doned by a gcroiver at zom-e advîSed that the certif-virus take this oppartunity to ex-! Those In attendance were: Mr. press our gratitude toalal those and Mrs. Robert Rhodes. Lit- i,%ho assisted in anv vay - ith tle Britain. M\iss Cocile Parký. aur canîpaign. 'ýhe generous Bowrnanville. 'Miss Marilyii support of the people of tht.s Weldon, Os-hawa. Mr. and M "S. area. -,vill enable us to carry Arold Williamis and famiiv on aur mnany services. Red serving- our neigbours across the street, across the nation and across the worid. Yours sincerely. Betty Spry. ('Mrs. W. R. Spry) Campaign Chairman, Bownanlville and Dist. Branch. Canadian Red Cross Society. NESTLETON Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip were Mr. Rupert Byers and M.rs. F. Gib- son, Bowmanviile, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Irvine, Lindsa, and Mr-. and Mrs. Wiley 'Mc- Keown, Mona Road. 1Mr-. and Mrs. Lonnie Chap- that war and on Saturday at the Legion Hall hiad an man, Paul, Jim.mie and Jef- to talk over those davs with their buddies at the f rev of North Bay spent the w.,eekend with lier parents. sored Vimy Night. They are, from lef t to right. front Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers immeli, J. Childs, J. Grafiamr, T. Haves, C. Garrard, F. and famil.v. rGilbert and E. Alldread; back row, R. Stephiens, L. 'Mr. and Mrs. Char-les Briggs. obbs, B. Fairhead and T. Gibbs. Toronto, spent the wveekend at _____ _____their home in the village. was ovin eat raidlyandMrs. Briggs is remaining in would be irivading Durhami Nestieton. and Northumberland counties Mrs. Nelson Mariow receiv- about the first week in Mas'. ed word of the safe arrivai Since this destroys the foliage. hoetPrhofler daugh- membrs ere lered t pie-,ter Madelinie and husband Jim pare to meet the disease ly' Red Cross Campaign Ferrier from a delightf ul holi- arrangements for spraying the Bx13,Bwavle n.davr via air in Nassau. planatios. Box 638,Bowanvile, nt.Sympathy is extended to the, April 17, 1962. H-ermanus Vander Heul fain-' The Association expressed uv the Bart Van Ryswyk the appreciation of the assis- Dear Mr. James: fainily. and te, Harrv Vander' tance, advice. and co-opra< nbeaf fhi xeuîv eul. on the death of their fa- tion offered by the Depart-I nbhl fIl xctv ther in Ho]land recentlv. nient of Lands and Forests, o h omnvleadDs Manus flew for a short visi'1t, .and expressed the hope te trict Branch Canadian Red with his parents and two sis- some consideration be ghti Cos ocey.I ih othn ters after an absence of four-ý at the government level ta yu and our staff for your-teen vears in Canada, and had! hel dfry te ass sra-! assistance during our rcn just returned home when newsý ca mpaign. es. ,as i-eceived of the passing of' m~thsetres1 am pleased to inforni vOu Mir. Vander Heu] Senior. >1The following officers andthat returns from the canvass Mr. and Mirs. Can'm Thorn- UBoard of Dîrectors were elect- are now $2,523.00 %wlth mriebill of Lindsay and Mr. Rov, ed: President, Dr. William W. area still to be completed. Armstrong ofÉ Gravenhurst' 1Breslin, Toronto: Past Pi-es., Without the help of a great: visited Mi-. and Mrs. Grantý RS. Spurr. Don Milis; Vice- number of interested persons Thompson. ;Pres., R. H. Wood, Willowda]e: these resuits would not havPe Mr. and Mrs. Bud Virtue. -Sec'y., H. R. Drysdale, Downs- been possible. BedBnvadDnao view; Treas., G. Wilson, Tor-! Red Cross wou7d like to Bowmanvflle spent Sunday, onto.vith Mr. and Mrs. Ell Mairs. rDirecters: S. Anderson, Glenri mock,' Willowdale: E. V. El-[ On Saturday afternoon Mr. -Cross; G. Aylesworth, Toron- liott, Spi-ucedale: H. Hutche- and Mrs. George Bowei-s heldý te; D. Bell, Don Mills; Dr. . son, Huntsville: W. Richard- a farnilv gat.hering while Ille ;J. Copeman, Sundridge: Di iE.son, Pontypool: D. Somerville, Lonnie 'Chapman faml re * G. Dickenson, Toronto: T. Di- Allistoni: A. Vivian. Toronto. MNorth BPav,.,r .,;..4+i,.,. io"el Mrs. Wilfrid Vine and faniilv,.' Remember the good cl' days and Eari,. Bert. Jerry and-w n charity was a virtue, Ralph Bowers. not an industry? Mr. and Mrs. E.rnest. Wond Alwavs do right. This will spent a day Ilast wveek in Buf- gratity sorne people, and will falo. astonîsh the rest. V EVINRUDE MOTORS V the appointment of... M BOWMANVILLE MARINE M 166 Kinig St. E. (Rear of Robsoii Motors) Bow~manviIIe Jj FJ as your new EVINRUDE dealr, cotnuing J the EVINRUDE tradition of quality outboard 3I ymotor sales and service in Canada. push button SELECTRIC SHIFT WHISPER QUIET power smort STYLING WORLD'S MOST VERSATILE PLEASURE-BOATING POWER EVINRUDE MOTORS A dvison f Oitoor Aliin Cop.Canadas, Iargest manufacturers of ouf board motors The public is- cordially invited to attend -7- FEATURING THE ui FINEST IN MARINE EQUIPMENT EVINRUDE MOTORS* by Outhoard Marine G ator and Champ TRAILERS .by Beatty Bros. * CUITER BOATS by Brunswick of Canada Get in the. fun this summer, Boating can assure you a happier holiday.. Corne see our large display! Ensign-Model No. 15 76 Tornado-Model No. 1780 Scamp-Model 1467 Display in the spacious Service Dept. of ROBSON MOTORS FRIDAY, APRIL 2OTH 1:00 P.M. - to - 5:00 P.M. * SATURDAY. APRIL I1-sT 9:00 A.M. - to- COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS ... EVERYONE WELCOME BOWMANVILLE ( rear of Robson Motors ) MARINE BOWMANVI LLE 166 KING ST, E, m 5:00 P.M. APPII. la ladz-1 a