WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, INI TH~ CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMA!qVfl..LE, ONTARTO AGE SEVENTEEN 11:30 a.m. and see for youriy-: HOS S ART M C I E Kiwanis peaker rresses self. Considerable credit goes JYMý K iwa is S eake Str sses to Murray Malcolm who plan- People are being scared by The danger in automation is ned and supervised the work the prospect of automation. that we might expect too much F asse ygangs of public The new machines are suppos-o tWemgthro ras F NefoC n t n eH e pspirited Yelvertonians a n d ed ta be so w anderful thev w iifit.'ýeiih abrdem, N e e d fo C o n tin e d H e lpfriends who turned out day, put us ail out of w ork. "Mvan, of do ng noth:ng w hile the nia- alter da, ftasist in this pro- intones the gioy u, is chines do ex erything, If e ject. We regret that other being made obsalete. take that attitude, if xxe con- comuitments restricted ourlEeah tent ourselves in sitting idly T o re en C o g o C h o sattendance to the samne extent EeWilash!ely n xcuieby and having our wark donc, To Prevent Con go Chaos of rnany others. ~ V1ir ~la xctv for tus, we will be the lasers.ý of Cnsuer'sGasCompnyThe best w-e can hope for is' Tht-imprtane o cotinud tagey Istha th comlet celenttal. "e aprecate . and Mrs. Fred Stacey toid the national association of that machines wil relieve us assistance from Canadians tolabsence of an educated, train- the interest taken by the local ar priganwCey-ofiemngmn uthVfram same of the tediaus tasks help the people af the Congo ed, and above ail exPerienced Kiwanians in the urork (Yf theipatronizing his own scene of! cackeyed thîs sort of reasoning s that ive may engage our-ý emerge rm chaotic condi-ICongolese s everywhere ap- Red Cross, anid I sek for ail epomn.js earc htsm a selves in brilliiant thaught and jr tions was stressed by Reuben parent. "Not one Congolese t.he Red Cross members in, Congratulations to the lloyd dream of the day xvhen theyJipotntwok C. Baetz, Assistant National1 had been adequately trained saying w-e are happy to belong La and leaone machines to for- As Kellyfputoit, "Man, crea- Conimissioner of the Cana-to replace the hastiiy depart-'to an organization that has in the stars as it xvere Xith La ad laveayhe regfr-y.Ativellnima -l, h esgiceec dian Red Cross Society on îing Belgians. None had re- men of the calibre of Mr. this week's article on the Stin- I 'But if thnkin guah . ine anicmpuths es hed a s Monday evening of last weekceived the education necessary1 Baetz." son Hog enterprize carried inl"u ftikn ahnstoi optr,% ias Mr. Baetz was the guest speak- to govern themselves, and un-1 the Family Herald, xritten by lever got that all-fred smart," dreamied lip management tech- er t hedine metngofI dr heBegisth ntiesltcd the Kiwalonis Clu aGy oe1-aftin r-said Kelly, "it w-ouldn't be long niques, liefias invented the! S th owavil iwns bwere flot prmttd rcte to anhe iansClb or befare tI-icy were down in profit - rnativated saciety that BomavileKians lu prmttd ratialthe service it is rendering t o butet anefficient famiîy Shangri-La w-hile we were gives us aur affluence of todav, held at the Flying Dutchmaný management, or executive ex-, hscmmntanfihdarm usiness! aka -r. i he iaiemr od MotorHote. eieneinayle f o-the members continued suc- An opportunity xvas afford- with iess effort and time. Samei The president of the club, erniment, or industry." esi hirwrh ne- dCutHonclmmes 1e vent on to point ouftha that tieswl er Ross welcomed the' The country has close ta vors. , tihig week to iiîspect two'man is a slow, sioppy and Of htted i thkin bcgrin e-, president of the Bowmanviile!1,30O hospitals, but there wasl' Abwigtoh a r-Conybidns h od brilliant thinker, whiie the vs di hnig nqe- end istictBrach f teint one native medicai doctarisented to, a teami composed of Piow Lodge (home for eider mcin sfat ccrt madtoreing thveffot.", ndI Canadian Red Cross, Mrs. W.ýtrained ta take over when the George Bebee, H. Jamieson citîzens) and the County Gaol. stupid! moecetvHfot M. Rudedi, her husband, Dr., Belgians left. The Internation-I1Charles Bickie and Neil Met' This provided an excellent Cerlainly, machines are use -_____________ Rudell, the members of the ai Red- Cross provided 168 ' aîf The trophy was then chance ta inspect the joints fuI. They can, properiy used, branch executive and their medical personnel, most 0f passed around by the wvinners in order ta "stake a dlaim" foi-Iheip i-aise the living standards, GlCs oa husbands and wives, the com- whom were doctors, and 17 of, ta take uip a collection for the future reference - the Reeve of ail. Indeed, they have al- GlCs Tda igRdCross Canvass cap- whom came from Canada~Tmy.FrOdApine Kîari Cu mmes.ofthCross. teCaada Red!being spnso-ed by the Rotary surprise attack of vertigo, gave of living for Canadians. FrOdA pine ThoansCatbthe hadble Cor. las aClub on behalf of the Ontaria the facilities a little dloser If would be a shame Il we Ths tteha al n "o tlatagenerationlCrippled Children's Society. scrutiny than the i-est. The becaine Soa axd by machines througb addition to President and Mrs. the Congolese wiil have tai Hank Jensen xvas in charge!-not so pleasant hosaitality of that we fought the pracess of Jackman ivere Dr. and Mi-.,srgî ihterhnia o h 05 rw n nthe "Crowbar Moitel' for is atatitonoi. Automation is a S T A T E S NI A N Rudel],, Mvr. Baetz. Ron Brooks, o ako oa edrhpRueitewne oae e guests" was inis»ected but o tact of modern lite. and whole- Tsf ice-rsientandMrs- in practically every facet oQi $10 prize ta the Easter Sealdsie va vocally expressed0 heartcd adoption of it is ms Brooks, Dr. John Hendry, -2nd thecoi ____________d__amust' vic-prsient ad Ms the- untry's life.leto. by the visitai-s for free room if Canadian industrv istahl Phone MArket 3-3303 dry, and Gardon Clarke. "But there is a much moreý W W. Bagneli, chairman of' and board. its place in the xvarld. In introducingr the speaker 'pressing problem ta be solved the 'Red Cross Water Safety Mr. Clarke told: the audiece if the Conga is ta survive its Campaign, informed the meet- that Reuben C. Bactz, M.A.,infancy. This is the seces. ioni inz that the next Blood Don- B.S.W., has liad a notable car- of Katanga Province. Without ors Clinic will be held at the eer o! service in the Red Katanga, the Congo cannot Lions Community Centre on Cross. Mr'. Baetz was the head survive as a nation. Remov- Wednesday, May 2nd. of the Red Cross team of doc-,ing Katanga from the Concaý He announccd that Water tors, nurses, and workers Wha0 is like remaving bath Ontario helped in the Congo during and Quebec fi-rn Canada. Iý Safety Weck xiii be held tifrom June 3rd ta gth, and the first critical year after the praduces 60 per cent of tn-e u"'ged ail ta be especiailyv care- country attained its inde-: Conga's national incarne, andi ui nrgadt atrhz penderîce. , is tremendously rich in min- ard1ding cadtheEater seaon It was the West. who first erals. and the Victoria holiday week- colonized the Congo, and itl Mr. Baetz pointed out that end. w-as the West who introduced. only faur per cent of the Con-. ____,____ the idea of progress ta theigalese live in cities, and sevenli Afiicans, Mr. Baetz stated. per cent in company tw- LONG SAULT "Progress w as a thoughitwhich have been builîtaon which at one time was un- tecbluaim oprIMr. and Mrs. H. Sheldon, known ta Africans. To them iand diamand mines, or o n Toronto, wei-e Gaod Friday life was an endless grind at;the huge palm oul plantations, :visitai-s, Mrs. Ellie Mitchell, the wheel of melancholy. But' "The remaininc, 90 per cent'ýscarbarough, spent the Easter now they believe things can of the 13,500,000 population! weekend, and Mr. and Mrs. G. be better for them," he said., live in the most Primitive Kayacs were Friday visitors "Theme is another reastin for conditions imaginable in grvss with Mrs. Fred Part- helping the Congolese, and hut villages. in jungle, and in ner. The F. Partners and Mrs. that is If the West leaves the-.savannah. 'Life is not orily ,Mitchl xeeSudMevnn Cono nw ta iran eut its oxvn'hard, it is short. The aver-age visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. difficulties, the Coi-munists'life expectancv being 40. AN ;Goble, Tyrone. will be anly too glad ta itep mast bal! of the childi-en dvo Mrai In. Canadi ans can continue'before they reach the age (if, Mr.-ad Mrs. Clayton Brown to help through their govern- :12. Malaria and other trapi-an Lynda w'ere Sunday after- ment and the United Nations. cal diseases ai-e stilîl rampant. E. Pnwastrs rde . adM We can also help thrmughi "Women ai-e literally the:MiE. Aan rwn adbo 'Voluntamy associations such as beasts of burden, for fl-ici-e are Hampton, were Stinday guests te Red Cross. n horseshxen, cam"S oi-of Mi-. and Mrs. W. Brown. 11eexpaind tat he ealmules fa carry îoads. Tribi and village chiefs still ad - Mi-s. H. Caneron, Tyrone, 1AK minister the tribal law as fhey was a Thursday evenin.g visi- MAC have done for centuries. Those toi-, Miss Audrey Woods, TUc- who break the tribal code and rone, and Mi-. M. Mavin, Bow taboos are donc away witlî manville, wei-e Saturday even- quietly and quickly. ing visitai-s, and Mr. and Mi _______ M.Kellet and family, Janet- "I would not like ta leave ville, w'ere Easter Sunday sup- the Impression that the Con- If I sirply hat heir er - Caero r. Ryand - galese are cruel and heartlessl e usso ..adMs cepts and standards o! justice. Carneon fis Espen da few in Z $ I~O differ from curs in many re- daso1i ate oiasi Janetville. MUr. and Mrs. R. speefs. In many ways they'ý Cameron and famnily were could teach us a lesson in Go ndyeeigget fUO fAM~IfA AI others," the speaker assei-ted.a. IN S T A L L G A S '~ WTNMOft#A//I A vote of thanks fa Mr. Baetz for his interesting and Mr-. and Mrs. N. Davis end Jennifei- were Easter week- informative address was mev- end guests of Mi-. and Mr5. J. .. ed by Bruce Colwell, who pi-e- ' I-vine, Toronto. They also sented a gift f0 the speaker as xisited Mi-. and Mrs. L. Fisher, a ~~~~a memento o! his visit ta theAdroonSda.' -', HBowmanville Kiwanis Club. _________ Mrs. Rudeil as president of COMPLUTE GAS FURNACE 'HITE WASHING STABLES the Baw-manville and District A W TT PUMPING SPI TANKS Branch of the Canadian Red CA MU i Sjoy the comfort of dependabieaî,tomatic gas heatwig. Cross thanked the Kiwanis You'Il 6e delighted with ifts qviet trouble free performance _______________________Club for the privilege of at- The Apil meeting of thle end youl discover there'% nothing like if for reol luxury - 'telLA1' tending the dinner meeting Cadmus U.C.W. met Tuesday enîd real economy. Take adivantage o!f thi combination -and of heaning Mr. Bactz' ex- evening, April l7th, at the deal todayl I ~~home of Mrs. Lewis Stinson OE WRAR with President Mrs. M. Mc- AVERAGE INSTAILED Kee presiding. FJRNACE PRICE a a e $625@00 Meeting opened with an O&As5 WATER HEATERmIsTA&LD $1 69.50 L ibertyTt.*N. owmanille ung. followed yteLr' LibeTty'the Lord is Risen Today" was__ TOTAL VALUE INSTALLEPRICE $794.50 PhneMUA 3-1074 DuJtatheabsnceo! rs pi a I î;v. This pai-t of the m eeting closed with snig the hymn, "When T Surveyl the Wondrous Cross." folLov- cd b.v prayer by Mrs. McKee. I Pr( gIram included readingsi hv Mvrs. Grace Mav, Mrs. Jîmý Gray and a piano sala by Mrs. 1 Ken Gi-ay. Lunch w'as servedj bv Gi-oua i1 and a social time ý;pent. RaIl caîl for May taI he answci-cd with an articleli for baznai. Clirch w'as well aftended Sundav moi-ning owing ta Eas- ter visitons and nice weather. YELVERTON Ylverton Easter Cburch Service xvas conductcd for the fi-st tirne since Openation Re- decomation com.menced, back in the White Chai-ch proper with Rev. George Richandson, assistcd bx' Fîdens F. Stinson and R. Robinson, observîng the service of! Holy Commun- ion. MVuch could be said of the great change and marked improvement in aur place of worship - instead we Invitel LOW-COST, AUTOMATIC HEATING CdEAN, DEPENDABLE OPERATION FREE BURNER ADJUSTMENT SERVICE 24-HOUR A DAY, YEAR 'ROUND SERVICP, SAVE USABLE FLOOR SPACE ON HEATING EQUIPMENT )oswumers' (î as 'ECIAL Snrng OFFER - CONSULT - CONSOLIDATED IEATING & AIR CONDITIONING (Authorized Consumers' Gas Dealer) I 375 Simcoe St. S. i OSHAWA "I 725-4729 HEATING I .... .. koi I'get this big No. 30 glass Iined, completely automatic WATER HEATER absolutely FREEI1 Inctudlng Installation. REGULARLY PRICED ON SALES FLOOR 0F CONSUMERS' GAS AT sl169.52 CG.A. APPROVED REGULAR STOCK OF NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDSt INGLIS 9 WOODS e MOFFAT McCLARY e RUIUD a COLEMAN DIVIDENDS WITH GAS HEA TINO SPECIAL 10W RATES ON HOME HEATING NO DOWN PAYMENT YEÀRS TO PAY ON VOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT 12 MONTHS EQUAL BILLING TO PAY YOUR YEARLY HEATING ... AN» GAS IS SO TROUBLE-FREE. PtaFREE SERVICE UINE INSTALLATION UP TO 50 ff. FROM FRONT PROPERTY LINEI CALL qtonsmersVj a 48 SIMCOE ST. PHONE 723 -3468 25 for----------- ------ ----- -$ .5 STRAWBERRIES (Red Coat, $ Prerniere, Cavalier) 100 for -$4.95_ Garden Tillers for Rent- $1.50 per hour Custoin Tilling- Reasonable Rates Agents for: BURNS & AEREN JET and SPRINGFIELD LAWN MOWERS PATIO STONE: 8 colours 12 x16 -- -45c ea. 16 x6le.-.69ecea. SIDEWALK SLABS, 24 x 30 -____ $1.75 ea. DRIVEWAY CURB -_______60C f t. Cernent Plant Tubs Red Wood Plant Tubs Rose Trellis, hlurninurn and wood GRASS SEED, No. 1 fine - - -____79celb. EST rE $1,691650 on this RàCKAGE DEAL -v- --U% WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1962 TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE, ONTARIO PA' )i rIMATES