ITEMS 0F INTERESI, LUCKY DRAW WINNERS Bowmanville wil be re- prese$ed at Maple Leaf '~d is on Thursday night wr'en the bruised and bat- tered Toronto hockey team cornes home from Chicago and tries to win the fifth game of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Those who xiii be present include Don Mars- den and Elton Brock who won the Lions hockey draw tickets. GEO. TOTTEN RESIGNS' United Counties Engineer George Totten announced his resignation at Tuesday meet- ing of the Counties Council. The popular engineer an- nounced bis intention of entering private business as a consulting engineer and stressed that he had no dis- satisfaction with bis job. No information was available on - when bis resignation wouid be effective. HAD CLOSE CALL Cecil Sidney Mutton of1 Duke St. had a narroxýv escape on Saturday ivhen bis car lefi Hîghway 401, just east of town. and rolled over several times. Mr. Mutton was thrown clear and sus- tained onlv minor iniuries. The car was alinost a corn- plete iwrerk. A WEEK TO GO lit won't be long nom- until Daylight Saving Time %vill provide more daylight in the evenings. The changeover wîll corne here on Sunday, April 29th at 12:01 ar. when docks. wvatches, etc., m111 be set ahead one hour. CHOOSE BALL TEAIMS At a meeting on Sunday. t h e r e w a 1 considerable horse-trading as 75 prospect- ive softball players wvere sorted out and assigned t() varioîîs teamis in the 5-ilean tovn league. Because, tiiere ma 'v bc other adjustmnents, the names of players have been hein over for one week. Team names wiii be the same as last year. * 1 WATCH YOUR DRIVING With a %veek of Fraster holidays starting tomorrow afternoon, drivers are urged to take extra precautions on Bowmanville streets and, Indeed, on ail roads. With proper rare and attention, it should be possible to corn- plete the sehool holidayq without any major accidents, lnvolvlng children. ~ NEARLY READY At the new Donun ion ~tore gupermarket, there has been a great deal of activ- ity this week as prepara- tions continue for the big opening which according to the huge sign in the window, wiIl be "Coming Soon". We suggest you watch next welk s paper for more de- tailÉ * *!t BIG BOAT SHOW This -weekend xiii see uometbing new v n Boman- ville. a big boat show on the prenises of Robson Motors I Kinr St. E. Aireadyv, a beaut: iful assortment of colorfulc Slastie Brunswick boats areE eing prepared ror the show, d along with Evinrude out- board mnotor.s and Gator and Champ trailers. EverýYone is invited to x isit the show. CHANGE IN CONTROL j1 Over the weekend, a major change was reported at Southview Golf Club, forth of Bowmanville. It is under- be 4rTb1Tn tade m uï DuirbiaiînCotunity's Great Family Journal VO'bTUME 108 14 Pages BOW31ANVILLE, ONTARIO, IVEDNESDAY, APRIL lSth. 1962- 10c Per Copy Friends Say Farewell to Golf Pro NL'MIBER 16' IVoteWasFour toThree Motion Blocks Third Reading 0f By-Law to Service Lands Without Industry (ommitmvent A motion Iliat tbird roatinug anîdii hiat receiîtly bee", afh- 'be net given te the By,-Laxv proveti by tOe Ontario uiri le provide services andti t au- pal Board follexving a Public f bridge for the Glenbrook lui- bere. ,S'.. fc dustriai area xvas passeti by a Councilior Kenoeri on four to tbree vote at the meet- Mondas' eveniig, Hcnopedî on Hours fo ing et Bowmanville Town'Counicillor Wesley Fiee, moveti I~~ ~ Council hedi h Cuelthat Ibis By-Law net nowe T o iU i t be amended to read that ser- x vices ould ho suppli cdinis ii. Holidal -arca provided that wve have a Office< on firrn commitmi-ent froin indlus- (0, 196-2 br ,v, and fur-thcr that tliis Box 1, P.Iiiîvidniîont ho ' uit)itcdIo a.n. Io the Municipal Board for ap- Lobbyop pioval.- 10:30>a.nî A .sandîug voie xva-(ile St 'ihe reqJist of Cnu1(1 There Hlooper. â\Io\ C andi secorider Mail Del] Coun cillor 1--ooper and Cotirîcil- or Savin, loi' Fice, Reeve Sidney Little, ihere and Couîîcillor Annie Okc Letter Ef v-otod l in favour ,of the motion. 200P-ni Those %vlio voled aga ilîs it Maîils TIIRN TO PAGE TWO lýa!,t: lI At previous meetings ut council the unamnended By- Law wxas given two readings,. ADVISES BERTON Former owtner of Brook- dale - Kingsway Nurserips 1here, Norman Scot, Toronto, %vas mentioned ini Pierre Berton's Toronto Star column on M.%onday. Nos', a full time horticultural con- sultant. Norm andi Pierre had lunch together. %vîth their conversation torminiz the hasis for Mr. Berton's column on gardening trends. i2,ts antu1 Nearly 75 fellew Kiwanians and personal friends cf golf professional Ian' Turner anîd lus -vife Joan, gathered at tlîe SoutiviXv Golf Club's beautiful leunge on Satur'day evening fer a farewell party. Mi1. arîd 's. Turii- XXill soon be leaving for Midland where he wili be the pu-ofessional at the golf club. During the eveniîig, KiXvanis President Ross Jackmaiî made several pî'esenta-1 tiens to the couple, ineluding a decorative Xvail pantel, a dlesk set and a gift for their daughter Sandr-a. He expressedi the gatlieriiig's fireat r'egr-et thiat tliev were leaving the cemmunity anci Mr. Turner' fittiîîgiv î-eîlied. The eveîiuîg concluded with lunch and dancing. Russei Honey Predicts ýReturn of Liberal Govt. When Electors Vote June 181 June l8th xviii see the re-!Brutce Powe, Toronto, chiot turn to responsibie andi sounti Liberal erganizer for Ont.ario,' government under Liherat ad- F. R. Lovekin. presirient cf miinistration, Russell C. Honex' hie Dunliani Cnoiit.- Liberal Liherai candidate foi, Dirrh3i Association. anri (Gl(nlicîne Counbs..predictet a'thbbcldin- Hughes, cai'paien di rnîali. ici meeting of thle Liberal Fîr Huev ivelcoiie l tlie cam'paigiî exective fori tlie an tinounceeîneiit cf the date ni -outil'v, xvhicli xas hltiat 1-fIl<tlie coIlîîîîg fir I l <'e < Boxynanville Hotel oii Tueos-Ile saiti thai afîci' a great deali daY. everiig. cf imdecrsion andi pr'oerastina- i Those at the lîead bable in lien .Jchn Diefenbaker lias at addition to Mir. Hone.v verp last set the date. Tiho speakeri Many Prizes Won As Marathon Bridge Closes for Season At tne 1LiOiî5 Coinni1' ,' mecus lovptMr\i~î] ' t C'entre iast Xeueca-excnn- S. G. \çî ii.x"l"ndtile, iîg the Wîind-Lp Paii-t, c f bihe nIaY.erýzSlw a Iso e'xyr(-se I iuecessfuil Marathon Br-id,,(. lier appreciaticix and t bat cf' îeld b' v-the Woniierîs ,ýAiixili- the auxiliar *v trMms.O'Neill, an, cf Memoria il Hospital tIi iýlier evmc.Mi:. flow-,. scason, was eîîjoveti Mis,. . and bihe eninîittu e nîeinbct- O'Neill. the Marathon Bridge ,for the sîilemidid xvork oniiO- onx'encr. anti\Is.E. t'.lina r. lia If if Ino Ma' uliom Bridgeý he co-couivenor. xyere -' ,s MMuti called onr ciarge cf armgînn1.Thi.". 'lis O'Neil] 11a iînni O cere azSisted Ïb" tlle (il iir ýrO11n xviii uc amnd tum live t Oc miebeis cf thle lIa ra t O )i ,'Inethi d orîia The noprii/i Bridge Conîiîîib tee, M -Lc, lxere ir' icaîl' gît xx rappet Ayre, Mrs. L. W. Dîppoîl. Sîrs.ji, Mi.s. Jesse VfanNo>t Br'uce Muttoii, Mis. Toni Rein - ýThe îîi7e xcunmers ste, dei, anti Mis. AubreY'S tb I~ M. Gerrv anti Mis. L.V The pn'esident ofthte Wc-L TURN TO PAGE TWO' added tlîab he is confident (liai the electors in Canatia wiil demoinstrabe hv their v'otes o'i juine 1ttlî agaulnst the last fiv(e \'eari cof mismanlagenuni 1)hv tbe DiefenhakerCosratv go. crineint. Discussiiîg lie iesponsiblii- tif,,<;if a Niemberorf Pailar mnicn, Mr-. Hoc nv îold the meeting tlîab lie iq piepai-et to diedicate aillcffis lime anid en(îrzg, to Ille seriue cf the people cf tis coiistiuenc v. "'The electorate cof DurO-aci Couintv. are entitled to have a ieprcentai n e Flouse cf Con-iluons xvbo xviIl sieakuon: ilicir beouaIf. anti aiso have a volte iii thec ountr ', affairs on a national basîs r 'LIt s inn iess impomrtant that' bline' bave as bineir represeiîia- tive mie xvbo '.ill ho niind(fiilý alsm cf bis local clîities, and of tino ne.sýi.v (il binîg avail-i por to tlnoiifi omît tu ie 1'o tilne.andtIo hincndie tino day I Io dix probleîins xii l ariseýp il) thi's nirtx,'Mi'.Hn siatedieîîla cuî WHIO LOST A FERRET?, Dog CnbroI Off uer A 'chic île-i un bailuuîuai ealu oni 1,1- "c , I-le xvas rrti - fiei tma a eu t at boon s onn ii Se'onîd Stroe-t. Arçhli i n trie oubhle po'k- îrîg u.p the animîîali xbîlcao ho L-laiiiîcd tih le Dog Poundt by ils cxvrir. ATTENTION ALL, COOKS-- Aftei nexi. Wednes- day' ni,-ht, April 25th, almost ex'cr\' housewife iin the ai'ea tvil 1 ho able to consider biiscîf a culinaiv ezpcit. During that ecîii.Cunsum-ers' Gasw\ii I have IXylibhome econoniists a t a C'ookiýng sclinol in tihe Town liall, he the latestinii cookiiig mnthods xvill he demonstn'ated. Many fine food and other prizes \viii lbc grx'en awv. This eX-cnt ris being sponsored hv sevei'al women's greups in Bo w ma n vi le. IGth BIRTHDAY .-Somehox ve rn issecl this happy event, but on April 6th, Jack and Mcl McNultv of McNulty's Sports & Cycle, ceiebrated their Iëth anniversarv as members of Ihis com- munity. We wisli thcm nany more years of successful business lîcre. Inicl(idntall v, Jack is e\pecled out of hospibal this \xvcekcnd, folloxving a bout of surgeiyý. BONERS - Two rather glaring erirors appcared i last iveek's issue, for whicli we make humble apologies. In the Home & School report,thie guest speaker was nanîed as W' Hickey. lie w,,as in fact. Mr'.Il. lHedges. In the Lihrarv Xeck st orv, comparative figures xxet-e giX'cn for 'bock circula-' lion at, the lihrarv her'e. SomehioX the -word vear crept in Xhere it should haXve heen month. t t + + QUICK PHOTOS --- Last Wednesday afternuon wvhile the Muir barn at, Courtice was huirning, il. NTiII he recalled ihat we were able to incîtide Iust a noie on the front about it. withott oo much deta il. Jîîst as tlîe front pîage was heing completed, Paul Haîîcock ruslîed iXiihtwc îphotos ofif te fiî'e lie had takcnii itlî a Pnlaroid camnera. Un- foittnatelv, tiev came iii about half an botu too late hi be used. but our coiigîatulatioîs go,,utIo Pauil foir bis quick action. and or sympatli.% te thie Muirs for- their great loss. They werc iideed fortumiate that no cattle were burtned. BANK HOURS - All hanks in toXvi willibe rbosed Thursdav at 3 p.m. to re-open oii Saturda vmciii- iîîg from 9 to Il o'clock. Thev will he closeci ail dayý Good Friday and Easteî' Mondav. TEEN TOWN QUEEN- Younig lady cliaimers cf tlîe (ommunitv Xvll soori have anl oîportunilix'(of seeing tlîe rnanv gifts thiev could Xii at thie 'Tuet ToXwniSiîring Prom, April '27t1î. The prcseiiis, donated Iix BoXXmaiiville mercliatts. xwllli e 0o, dispia>' ili'i ocI)les JeXellei'y ,vindow. andItllte luclv Xitirer Xviii lic tie 'Teen Towvn Queen". Tiieme cf this aîîîual big event is "OX-ci the Rairi- boxv'. SAVE YOUR BLOOD If vou ai-e tiiîiiîg of gettin iî'd cf aiiv hlood dniio'i 0 . I an g onrt() everi d i-oputil M\av 2Ind, xvlen the Red Cross Biood Clinic wil XX'lcenie \-ou aithie Liens Centre on Beech Avenue. P.m.: WC à:09 P.m. -Ilolida, M on da y BoN Lotl a.111. to Lobby or to 12:30: .AIl bus a<'tid as i 110 Rura Street l'f as 11sual. patcei Bys ay 1-lours for the Po>st m Gond Friday, April >are as follows: <>liby open from 8:00 6:00 P.rn. Public )eu froni 8:30 a.m. to i. . will lie no Rural liverv, Money Order ngs Bank Business. isilI bie onie Street Box ('ollectien about Il. will lie despatcheti: 0:00) amn. anti :01) est: 4:00 pan. andi y 1lours for Easter April *23, 1962:; bby open fromn 8:00 6:00 p.rn. Publie peii from 8:30 a.m. Noon. isiness %vill lie trans- isu;ll. There ivill be il Mail l)elivery. ,tter BoN collections 1Mails will lie Des- as, usuial. -FRONT PAGE EDITORTAL Progress In Reverse .About two >C Iai'sao a griitp of i'esponsible cil izens of Bowmanville gathered together for a meeting. They \were Nvorried about thie groNving tax rate in Bo\wmianv\ille and could see no hope of cor reci ing t he t rend unless ncew industrv could be br-oughIt here 10 share the tax burden anid also provide more jîobs for local citizens. A fter several lentgthy sessions, the\. were able to corne up wîîth some proposais, one of wvhich -%vas anl industrial area Xhere the land wvotld be serviced and pî'ices per acre Xould be fixcd. It was feltit tat this type of proposition vouid give the Industrial Commission sornethîng on the shelves to seil to pros- pective industrv' and both Bi-ookdale-KinigswýaN, Nurser .v representatives and Glen Rac Dairv expressed their xillingtness to enter into such agice- ments xx'th certain portions of their lands. At, ]ast it appeared that sonie positive action would he» possible. To take the situaition a step ftirther. a dex'elop- ment conipanv was suggested and. indeed, formed later, to make possible t he errection of a factorv shouid an incoming industry require local financing foi' a building. This, il \vas foit, was aniother for- ,ward step which xvould convinice prospects ihlat Bowmanville xvas reallv vitally interested in attract- ing industry. The group later met -wîîh couincil and, after considerable discussion. their proposaI was accepted as something Xhichi would be in the long term best interesis of the communiit 'v. The necessary agree- ments xvere Xokdou.t and signied. A tgrcat deal of Xvork folloXved. until finall v N\Lunicipa I Boar'd approvai xvas given bI lie town 10 proceed with bhc projcct. Tlîev, apparent ly, feit it \vas a good plain. Then., on lMonida.\' nigli t ai counici I. on h ir'd ieading of the by-laXv tuai would have put t he plan imit action, ani amendmient. was pi'oposed atnd l)assed, to the r'ffect that i'uuncil Xould not proceed Xviih servicing theic idus.-trial area until an industî'y hadl tiven a firm commitn-enî thaï, they would ct)fi bere. Now, tliis î<îXviîis 'iglîtback where il vas 1iw -\vears a 'go, The linduistiial Commission still lias nothing to selI in comiparison with other commun- ities vvho are getting new industry. The two years' \vork that Xvcnt into tlie project bias now been tirown iibt a cocked liai. Is il aux wonder that Bo\vmanývi]le isn'bt goiiîg aheadt as î'apidlv» as it ('001(1 h'O* >We 1hopC t hOSe Who \votl aga i ii tIllie proposaI have a hetier plan up their sîceves for l)roni(iiing industrial growth. WTe would he imost interested iii hearing it -- if indeed. they have one. ýChoose Council Comittee To Prepare Regulatory By-Law For Sunday Sports and Movies A t 11-1fmeeting cf Bw a Pipmonrled bu îb a le Depirt 1- îoris on Ib ho towivîî's bnsiîaiir' ville Town ri oincil hedit1i i Reeve Ross Steveris and Coun- policies he divided on anI Couîn<-îl (lianîher' on .Xfoiday eiiloi' Ken Hooper. eqilibasiq among ail regis- cyenin11g a coýiimittee was 01)- A requesb fî'om the Menior. r ered insuiiance agenis ili poîtoi ' greParo a reglila-,iliPark Association for per.'- Bo(wman\'ille.Ts a cr i 'tr- By-Law foi' Sundanv m omission to holul a Tag 1Day cri rieti. ies and spnils te lie proseiii. Saiasie2 asraet On motijoliof Comineillor cdl bu comiiueifoi- enauient b -couincil cii a motion b'. c;erîîîoîme Hughes. secondeci at I ritxt mieetinig. Reeve Sidney Little, secoiîdl- bý' Coîrneillor Oke, Iiis Woî'- Cotîncillr Jack Pi'ougiî%,,,as ed b * Couincillir Annie Oke. sbip MaYor I-van 1-lobbs. Reeve nanneti eliairman cf this cern- Two readings xver'e gi%,eii to Sidney Little anîd Depuitv- inite andthelit hier members a Bi -Law to authorize IlleReeve Stev'ens werre authoriz. isueetdeberîtures ini th( eti b atten.d thie Ontario Iamnount of $51.708 in conjnec- ;Mayoî's anti Reeves Conven- KerthionLibert-v andti i o obe lielti atPort Arthur iGuesi Spea Thdrth Bi n Un appru ai Law." h put on the agenda f'or Dep it, Reet e Stev.ens, sec!-Ithe next meeting of the Boa'd o dcd b Cc cilîi- îr eo ebe heition Tues- Oke, inoveti that all commis-i TURN TO PAGE W NDP Announces Convention Plans For Orono, April 30 11ev. 1)eloss Scott (if Ri0gxv 11.îb, vi li e ItOe (-,eva t rie u pukifor ca seis of(if eetn gs it bine Bap- j p1il :22. Mxr . Scttlias uastor- p . chices in i. t Ont.rys Di aind Washîingtoin, D.C. The Itr'barn Counily Nt-" r Dernîoraiic Party Association il viiolti a double innîniloatior m ieetirng at thie OditiFeillow., Ialain ii rorn April 3:tb. IA c'andijdate 10 coutestt tOc riti i ng n thie fort iîîoninîg Fet(I. eral elcetiori xvilIi he hosor andi also a e3niiae fuir the nrxt prmovincîal electicu, Tine aiiuncemeiît fr<urntiht part'. exeCLtiiVe erîSures I.;ai least a biie-onrfighi cfnr the l-}iiiîain seat. The Pr( giessive Conseivahiveo51)avc alreadv chosen Dr. R. P. i'- aîî oif Port Hope xvlo lias re-1 presenîbedthte tnîtei' *nne i957, wbile the Libeialq i'have pieketi R. C. Honmey of ri Port Hope, Di. Viviain's op- porienb in hie 1958 election. Riirnming against Iieni uri thbie 19,58 erectiori for the (CFP -was Erînest Dent cf Oronno. ýi Althougli pronîloont in the Newv Democratile Pa rtv or- Igantîzabion, Mr. lDent is t elikciv Iormin agaiui for parira- týment. le was a iso aii mimi.- rcc'ssfuil canldidlate ini 1957 The parue rmiay<-boose a candidate ftoni oîîbside the iiding. jGuest 5;p(aker at the NDP (JRN TO PAGE TWOu Auxiliary Members Serve Dinner on Legion's Vimy Night - - - - - - - TIhe euitin'e sei-itig staff oif the Canadianu Leution ' giveni a ro(tutd c f aplilaîlse. 1,e()'Neill, left. is shoxxn Wonien's Auihaxwas called 1Io cuXcthanks for lieiue eîudiu ie-aIappi eciattirt iii) add v. Ot bers their help dîn n t hicVimv N iohltd iniier aIi lie Legronii ui tlie gi'up. i m (,Iiie ti 141'M b. Reliaa hat ae, Hall on Saturda\y. When thev appeared, it -,vauiiiced Ms.Mulhie Bates. ýMiss Rob!in Osbi-tîie, Mis. Ada B3utler', that one Legionaire had voiunteeu'ed luis services as Pi-esudemît Audrev- Bate. Mis. Violet Scme'scales, Mî's. d"swasher, in the person of Paddy Welsh, who was , Ede Rundie and Mrs. Florence Knight. 1There were over 75 WVoic Wau' I Xeterans present at thie Vimv, Nighît Dinuner on Satum-dav at the Caiadian Legion Hall for a idelicicîrs ch ickeuî dintnc;e e(I hy t hic rmen's Aux il ix.Sonviir-a rcca!lerl thai tis xas iîuch î t'îlirai ile liard bat-k rb oif earHer 'daye .Sper-taI dpciiablins hli dhpe<n 101'scii mlie iuiatibt ii ceutred lixa a I-ge paiul îrg (ofArlinii' îrnv rîlotraI.\\Mîii i tecal xvent oui fou' aIl those %vho had serx-ed at Vimv tIo courue to the f rouît, 'this large group assembled for the photograph. They are, front rew, loft to righb: Walter Jobruston, J. Bubtonslîaw, G. Gilbert, A. Lx-le. M. Vesna, D. Malcolm. C. Garrard, E. L. A]Idread, J. Lawrence anid Tlius. ha *ves: second uow.: iH. lohbs, T. Hlircock, C, Rtoss, E. J'upi!-... Livuinu. R. G. flam-ly'n, F. ('or'nish, B. Fai-head, L. Byam, B. tehî'rs.F. WiJJiams. J-.1 arn R. Hlarper, J. Adams, J. Clîilds, T. (GibihsR, Bt ummell, W. Hlackiîc-yand G. Forsey. The meeting wvas in charge of Legion President Jin Woodward. Vimy Ridge Veterans Recali Experiences at Happy Legion Dinner 1. a