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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1962, p. 2

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PAGE 'rô THE ANADIANSTATESAN RCIMIN VVTT..W 'I9AnT Local Couple Honored on 35th Anniv. Mr. and Mrs. George Forsey 66 Ontario Street, entertainer at their residcnce on Saturdiv afternoon at a mozt onjo 'vab!c reception in celehration of th- "5th anniversarv cf ¾r eri ing of Mrs.Frs. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wî] ai' ;.L v\- Ply flowers cnhanccd the rooms for the evcnt. M rs. Willatts wvor(, an af- CDACER TER fig i WHEN7 YOUR NEIGHBOUR KNOCKS ANS WER THE CALL AND GIVE Ti CAP CAN( Y FOR RESEARC rDCAION A Failn tractively smart twe - piece e try might net have located and-Ms daBtrlndNi. suit cf magenta brocaded taf S aW the price would bc $1.000 an~ acre fer one large propertyH M T NC ie filt Ir prettFicmrsageTON JoinsEdna comnosed cf yellow gladioli n 150anar h, There will be special Good The spacieus hall was at- and r. illats ad 3 oher Cou c 11o r rouh 1Friday Services in Hampton tractivelv decorated for the Adryanthmur WringhChurch at 7:30 P.r.-A short partx-. Mrs. Bruce Mutton was ch .s n , e u o t n i r .p ented ut. H e explained that ~ e i d b f r h r s , n c a g f t e d lc e Nurerous cards and messag- Fo rnrac 8s would bc thed firt tm e h ch theoss n ch a e rv te delateo ultoswr eevdb î.tuni'y te pick up choice indus- 12'> Ester Sri :30 cin he \conveni jand Mrs. Willatts and durin A happv group cf fema' C trial ]land at a set and reason- i 2 EserSrvcs :0arm: n.,r- the atternoon a large nube barbershoppers. the Oshaw'a able price. os te aifrens ale t tnerChtecfteSetAees C nclrFiesitate Fridav. April 27, Toronto Bi-os ote members of the of frinds I to teder Capter f theSweetAdelins, Coricillr hie sCodlhegeh GraduationGradVar-nVar- mitmite., andnieeiebero their good wishes te the happy arrl\ cd back in Oshaw\a last seconded the motion te arnend sity Arena. This is cf interest the auxiliar 'v. 'Mrs. L. W. D p- 2couple. urt m h Rginh u t-La be use tour people as seme et the pell was treasurer for the 1 Norherncompeitio heldthouht tstudentsd aWassist-, evening. Thcrn any attractive it in L ondon on Saturday. been a plebîscite on it. He 'cd with one of our recent ser- Befoe Ille ailneuntceiient received by iMr. and Mrs. Wil- vcsSul Ar 2.0 lats from their children, ether Nineteen Choruses f r 0 rn claimed that services could becie; ud1,Arl 9 n- cf the winners the prizes -were rltvsan red,%eeMichi.can, Ohio and Ontarie iinstalled fer the land as quick- M.I tarie, Temperance Federation arra-nged an candle lit tables gropedundr te fstie pnk ied for top honors, with the ly as a building could be con-uny an lesraesc a-Oshawva Chapter p 1 a c i n g structed. Six t îh ek irhusbgn a-po the score sheets cf this sea- andblu steamrs f a0a-45 eia.m.:k me u gna, Hampt, onsaahn Big a pole, which was placed in the fourth. The Oshawa Chapter would be time enough for such Mothr45 aya.m:Sndacrarnent been dMratn pByrs.dg'eiLa iliving-reern in front cf a high is a camparatively rexw group xverk was his opinion. ohrsDyadSrmjbeil ub M .O'il pila as dcoatdinpikand its dîrector, Dewey Tut- He added that most of the > otf Baptism. and placed on view oni tables and blue. The backs of Mr. and ton, ,vas rcarticularly Ipleaseri places where sel many new in- ~ (Balance of Hampton Nelis near the door. ,Mrs. Xillatts' chairs were a- Wtttie wn.Frt utishv lctd e ar Held Over) There were 15 tables of orneci with pink. white and place was won bv a Toronto'tram this town, have harbor bridge in play during the ev blu roes Chapter. second by SOC Sub ýfacilîties. "I hik tatBow- cning. It is doubtful if an- i lu rse. rbnttsRoalOas Mch'mnvll il hvea aro other Wind-Up Party wil'l bc îIn the dining-reom Mrs.ubnteRylOkMc. avlewl aeahro Harry Bartlett presided over, and third bv the Seaway Cîty within six te cight years, and M wm.m7 îîeld next %-, bute.o- the tea cups. Those who assist. group, Ohio. this will then help te bring1 standingly' successful Mai-a- cdMr. oreyi srvngxvr Several ladies tram Hamno- industry here," he stated. ;thon~. Bridge. wbicb -,asen Miss Elleen Large, Mrs. Muriel Iton and Courtice. and Bow- "Cempetition is 50 keen that P i - E :.oyed by' 125 people Ibis sea- Albin, Newcastle, and Mrs.:rnanville's loan representative 136 industries teck a look here, William C. Hall, B. Comm., C.A. iFROM PAGE ONE, son will becentinucd agaîn Gwen Massey. Courtice, the r. .W.Bgnl.Scugcogand then located on land that nipthleoauîumnV. otbnr daughtcrsof Mr. andISt., are mnembers cf the Osh. xvas already serviced else- lias joined the firm of Mon- ippl c)ropn~~d,__ IMrs. Willatts and their grand- ýala Chapter. jwhýlerc,*" Councillor Hughes re- teith, Monteith, Riehl and Ca.,Ms oe fd Mr. AT G VR MN diihtcrChery Forsy. markcd firrnly. He said that Mr. Hall, a native cf Ne\w.- Tom Rchder cf Graup III: TO TAKE OVER Th perectIyappintd- Fic's antnmntcastle, attendcd school there .ird, Mro.S. R. James and Mrs, Te pret1v apitd Councillor FcescnetetMre asoeo ru Iý BoNvmanville Council will table was centred with a beau-I wîth a white lace cloth. Taîl ite wait another seven years and in Bowmanville before lv a nd4hMstone cf GrupiII soon receive a resolution u Ipink t apers in rase candle-ibefare new industry cames graduating fram Queen's Uîîi- ad4hMs .1.Mrrsnrfrein Port Hope Councîl tiful bouquet cf pink, white, holders lighted the table. The'here is a defeatest attitude. versity with a Bachelor ofland Mrs. James Bell cf Group 'ihwlaktcm oe- and blue carnations in a cry I Il. The1 hhvlastemoen stl asan i wsceer~large wedding cake %vas decor i Commerce dIgle He subse- prize Winners of dre~mv ohv h _____________________-was-core_______ quialywih loenently obtained his Charte r 3oup V wcre Mr. and Mrs.1 provincilgvrmn s __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ a ed oart istic l y w i te, flo w er A cc u n tant's dIrl e w ith t N lson O sb orne, and M c. a nd' u c a o er m n s tormd c pik, lîiî, a~ c sue aIl costs of s',condary Air, Rail or Stcamship 'leaf green icing. ýno eClarkson, Gardon and Ca. be- Mirs. C. Birtwistlc xvon' the'euain otHp p T1CKETS 1The honorcd couple recciveLl I fore becoming an assessor in Gru1V rze.* plive suchl a motion on TO EVRYWHRE a attactie se of elevsi*n the Incarne Tax Department' The luckv draw %vinneîrsý Mna vn TO VERWHRE a atrativ st c tlevsi n ~ - M~P M t Toconte. He is naw living were Mrs. V. H.Soeg.r. __ Cenuitsnack tables frorn their so n UinOhaa.R*L1MtHell, Mrs. A.Lobh J U R Y & L O V E L L ..and. dau;ght. r-iar-la, v,. Micaean 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 Mrs. Reg Willatts, and their Mrs . BaretAGMrsONhE) (POiAG N Heenan, Mrs. S. Chartran. Bowmanville daughters and sens-in-law, Mr. day evening, April 24th. CounMrs. M. J. Hutchinson, Mrs. J,' N D _Jand Mrs. George Forsey, ir., cillor Hughes asked that eac Local Sp ak rs R. Stutt, Dr. H. Anfossi, Mrs M e Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Albin, New. member of the counicil b giv- M. Rathbun, H. R. (Bud) castie, a nd Mr. and Mrs. Roni en a cepy of this By-Law by MiI L niee Xoses, H. L. Goddard, Mcs. H. Metin g ~~~~l~W l UCMse, arie.AoAri 9ht gîve ntssi, Mris. T. Masters, Mrs., FROM PAGE ONEi 1 4 green airfoam cushien cffect-'time ta studv it anid the uhbrinlr.Hwr nmmto clî ~iib r vlydceaedwthrse as 1amendoients. GbEn un **h Finibsse Mrs. Lawrence C. E. B. Jelliffe, Q.C. a former the gift cf Mrs. Hannah Albin,'i Councillor Nih i l scon WIIe is Mrs. Stewart Chisholi, i MLA and at one time Ontario, M O N T M' Newtonville. cd by Ceuinciller Braugh mx_____________ni______________ Among the exqtîisite flowers1 cd that the town pay for thec Two cf the entrants sponsor- reccîved by Mr. and Mcs. Wil- cernent ta be uscd in the pav. cd by Bcanch 1-48 cf thei latts were a bouquet of ced ing in front cf Ithe ncw IGAlRoyal Canadian Legion, xvereI h t CANCER carnians, yllow ris atp-' store and its driveway along winners cf their categrein înums andblueiristram the portion which previousiv [the Sauthern Ontario Finals!I with a heck up tain and Mrs. Donald Ritsan xvas a sidewalk. The motion cf the Legian Public Spcak- r wit a LoUfetthe Bowmanvillc Salvationlwa' carried. iii and a helque Arrny Corps, an exceptionally, In answer to a question bv' cently. o pretty pinki chrysantbemum j T)ptv-Rceve Stevens as tai Avelyne Lycct f, Ontacie plant t r om M. Wllatts' ýwhat pragrcss bas been mnadeStreet School, \vas he winncr friends and ca-workers on the coünrorning a possible sucvev ý ftejno lietr i ctf f Memocial H-ospital, ao the somswr in the !vision, and Alan Fraser, Caurt-! bouquet cf pink and whitelitown. Caîincilloîr NichaIs stat-Iire High Schiool, waisthe SeniorîIm mrums iin a ceramic vase tram cd that an estimete of the. High Division winner. They%, IMc. and Mrs. Herb Coimer, an * onvreured for such iicmeei h nai attractive bawl filled with ccd i program is bein~g made et ne Comnmand Finals to be held in m roses from Mc. and Mrs. Ben casitot the toxvn. This es;ti- Tarante on May l8tb. I N King, a Talisman rose in a cry- imate is heing imade by a cul-; stal Lud vase, and other gor-i vert sunplv firrn's nier, geous flowcrs. .egnes rM. and Mrs. Walter Now_ IN è uinîe t a B P/4enbr relis and McI. and r Coicli the near future, e,& M m b r Noelal of Toronto, aid Cauncillor Oke comniplained r fo fredso M.and Mrs. Wi"'-[ about the cos f garbage pick- P ep r f rF r hIA n a atts came te Bowmanville ta up te commercial establishl- attend the reception in their mnsi h on ao ~ t BLITZ IN LEAFS BEATEN DO Ntbs iencehEe fer S cMlyCr BOWMANVILLE - *sppcific. askd hc b LEAFS BEATEN DOWN "Ipav $Y27, andi 1 have not IMcmnhers f the Bo%' ni-S a a r istening residences have. Aise 1J cnly Womneni's Club are busy pre- 7 - 8 P.M. watching the NHL playoff get anc pick-up a week, while paring for the ovnt f the hockey game in Chicago on Oshawa has tbrece commrercialiRegionel Conference cf B. and Tuesday, it sheuld ho re- pick-ups," Councillor Oke said - !P. Won's Clubs te he hopld T E '0 IrH Ecocded that the Maple Leafs "I knoxv some others feel as et th(, Flying Dutchinan Motor owere beaten inte submissianl I do." Hotel cn Saturday, April 28th. I' m~by a score of 4-1, te tic the Councillor NichaIs then rr- Miss Velma Gay, e past presi-ý Y1AU IANi socles at two gaines apîcce. intiested the Town Clerk, Jick ýdent cf the local club, will bec1 à Ncxt game wili ho in Toron- Reid, te mmcmrn Councillor Oke !Iltle conterence cliairman. f te tomorrow nigb, wethcr flic tawn was mnak-1 Miss Gay and the presidcnt 1 ~~ER hage collection services. Women's Club, Mcs. Victoria i m IPF I 96aYiAo S ) D a Ma . Reidc expandtha Frank. assisted bythe groupl ilw iudeNChERow1isjust aoltorganizatian of the sessionsý CH CNCRliving in Springficld and hreaking even. He addcd that of the conference. l AND WELFARE SERVICES noted for hec unusual anties* full information in this regard The Regionai Conference -at an advanced age, celebret. xvilhbcseen ini bbe 1961 audit registrations will start at 12:30! h o m n i l _____________________cd her 96th birthday recent- which will bc before councilip.m During the sesinsin!1 h u ,, i, ,, ly by making a shopping in the îîear future., h feno. eot ilb tn. According 10a thie Alte rmConrIE .Irereived, projects planned. and, Sprîgfîed Reorte sheCro îgh, O.P.P., 2()8 Churchlprablems discussed. was born in ýBonevîlle" on Svct expresseci the opinion Ms ee isn aîtA s cae March 10, 1866 (thats U.S. bat a brec ntn1pcpcy t.M i e. e identi t i for Bewmanvîlle, we sup- ho wocn bils home and resi-OtaciMare sdeion f Bîsi pose). e lce cf M rs. F r Pd T. MthlIOnai.eeato fB 20 hrc teti na ininess ad Prafossionai Wc- I a -eloCucnditiadshla n-mîs Clubs, 'ill ho the' O ntario Society for §On b remved.Thismatter waslspeaker at the banquet to bel M ot 'Iheld that evenin. Miss Doro-ý referred te the Rolads and 1 th Milliganth patrsi 5 to art. This was moe ydent o heOtriMeer-1 ry aserWrppe n oc tsCc icillorHuhs secanded' ion. will aise be amoîig those (F <ROM PAGE ONE) . Councillor 1Ilooper. attending. boxed Uiocolates Novelties Large selection of... Gaily Wrapped (osmetics by ...(()TFV . . . CHIANTILLY "'FLAIRi" hy Yardle.v Pr-iced 2 75and up RE E!ONE ROLL 0F BLACK NEGATIVE FILM FOR EVERY ROLL 0F FILM BROUGHT IN FOR DEVELOPING AND PRINTS OFFER GOOD APRIL 20th to APRIL 23rd v WATCH FOR ()PENING DATE I)F OUR ... NEV and USEI EQUIPMENI 10'/o off per da. FOR A PERIOD 0F 10 DAYG ýw ý"D T ay iS JURY& LOVELL WEDELI VER 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENCY were Cuncillor Glenholme - Muhs, Councillor Jack Brough and Councillor Roy W. Nichols. Deputy-Reeve Ross Stevens abstained from votirig and' frorn discu ssing the matter, be. caus, he is an owner of land in flic area. fThe TownCerk, Jack Reid, be added to the By-Law, for the inclusion cf tht', intent. cx-ý presscd in Couincillor Ilnoper's niotion. The By-Law vil ibru be brought before council for: its approval at its next mieet-i * ng and if that is received it xviii then be forwarded te the Ontario Municipal B3oard for apprc val. It w'as conter ded bY Coun- ciller 1Huopuir that lie îi lit against the servîcing of indus-, trial land, but that he is against servicing such land as dees net have a firm, commit- 'ment frorn industry to build upon it. He said that sorne years ago it was claimed that * if a water supp]y frorn the lake wvere obtained industry would cerne here j Councillor Hulghes stated that between 1956 and now, 37' industries had gene into the adjacent towns cf Cebeurg,ý Tort Hope, Oshawa, Whitbyl and Ajax. He drew attentioný te the fact that 36 eut of the 37 had located on lands which had already been serviced. Councillor Hughes had pro- vided each member cf council with a complete list cf these new industries with place and date cf each location. *Councillor Brough pretested that the passing cf the amend- ,nt was a backward step which weuld hold back the ad- vancement ef Bowrnanville. The men wvho were the own- ! ers cf the land in the new in- dustrial arca were net con- cerned with rnaking mone 'v eout cf it fer themselves, but were ready te make a centri- butiDn for the benefit of the, toxvn, he asserted.Il If the land were serviced these mnen had entered inte an agreement for thrce. or five years. and at the ei-d of this lime the town ceuld take ever, lany of the land whcre in u ÇBtilsanc1 £Pieces NEW FRONT - We negiected to mention [hat the front of Oke's Smoke Shop recently took on a new appearance which is most attractive and bright. Workmen applied aluminum, finished in baked enamel. which shouid withstand th e wecather for manv vears and resuited in a ire- iendous improvement. OVER 30 FIRES- Since thc first of April, Bow- manville firemen have answered more than 30 fire cails, most of thcm burning grass. Il is estimated that before the mont h is over Darlington taxpayers xvili have a 1bi11 for near]v $2,000 for ilhese lire services. On TuIýCdaV, after extiniguish- ing a large grass fire east of the new Dominion Store, there wcre two cails from the Enfield area, wbere many acres were ablaze. Fortunately, 'no serious damage has resulted bo barns or homes. NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY NOMINATION MEETING Monday, April 3Oth 8~:00 P.M. Odd Fellows Hall, ORONO ÎPEAKER: E. B. Jolliffe, Q.C. Il ,quwu ImWun Ilere are a few of the iiany things that the Rotary Club, with the heip of your Easter Seal (liat ions, have ac<(>mpliie(l in t(lie p'ast V Car: SProvided ftree transportation ho hotiu -Nerrywood Camp and Blue i4/lountain Camip for Cripplcd Chiidrcn from this leader et the CCF party'. would gîve the provincial A NDP spokesman sa'id thet candidate a chance te becorne - in pccparing the double nemi- xvcll acquainted ini the ridin ' 1 le nation meeting. the party ex- To date, there has be n ré~ aqecutive bclieved that the twa indication that the Social Cr~l Is candidates working tegether dit Part,' plans te enter tii, ýr duci-ng -the -Fede-ral campaign iDuirbani canstituencY race. f TOWN 0F BOWMANViLLE Thelst Instalment f OF 1962 TAXES ARE DUE ANI) lA VXBLE APRIL I7th,, 1962 DISCOUNTS 101 discount ivili bc alIowe d on second instalment. 217( discount ivili be aiiowe d on third instainent. :'ý discount ivili bc aiIowvcd on fourth instaln-ent. T7he above discounts are aiiowved ONIA' if paid with first instainent. JLREID. ('Ierk. e e ripaign 'pLDEN OPE Rotary Club Crippled Children fOUR HELP *We bave many chiidren on our active list .. .ail have been heiped whenevcr possible during the past year. Ai ICrippled Ciidrlen of (district were >ii guests nt Amnnual Clînistinas I>ant.'. Looked after the foilowing: Speciai Braces, Chairs, Major Therapeutir Treatment. Several children supplicd with crutches and corrective cquipment. % s i.1 "11 WHAT YOUR MONEY DOES a*. The Rotary Club's share of Easter Seal Funds may be spent on the care, treatment and rehabilitation of orth opedically crippled children in this area. ApiiiL la, 19E PAGE TWO THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIn 62

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