~7ENErY.APILI~ 1 TE ANPIA SATSMN.~OMAVTLE O'T2I PAGE THREE MA 3-50141 'largo- rabbits on it. During the! rvening, as a special attraction, a band from the higýh school,! *The Monterav.s' played several numbers. Near the end ot the Sevein g. a draxv for the door, prize, Elvis Prestev's abum "ueHax'vaîi,' xas won bv ik.'Lucas. Al',o on FridaY, iin the af1 ternoon, the w-hole schoo! %aw treated to a musical selection pla «enPûbx' the Army Signai Corp's Band. The 'oumbers ranged from Dixieland tunes! Io patriotic mairches. Besidez; Stuen!s Ctinil nd ro ihe band. a vocalist sang Stuîcnt~ Cunrî an prved i"You'll Neyer Walk Alone"*. I Io he a big surcuss. The hall am certain that everyone en- was cleverlv decorated witlh joved the band and that they bunni'es and other Easter sYnî- are hoping it will visitus bols. On the back v.all there again. xvas a -bunn.y -traîl vwith five " crerhOw IS DECORATI Color KEM HamoyGuide You Ma «yBov OrCop.v FREE for Perfect Color Match S U P E R The V'c1vet Fini> K EM-TONE Wl an Durable and Washable - PLUS - NG sh I OLoos ad Washe% KEMwGLO Like *Baked Enamel Ideal for Kitchiens and Rathrnnms 1962 WALLPAPERS G001) RARGAINS IN SOME WALLPAPERS ABERNETHYPS PAINT and WALLPAPER 33) King St. W. MA 3-i431 IDEXS S PECIAL, FOR EASTER! English Bone Chlina Cup & Saucer 98 C * * * OTHER CUPS AND) SAUERS Priced from $1.00 tb $5.001 * * * AYNSLEY Ser nitr large seleetion of Costume Jewellery by CORO 1.00 Up MARR'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 39 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE à j' 43 KING STREET WEST BO WMA NVIL LE MA 3-5041 SPECIAU! SPECIAL!! SPECIALI! Ladies' MnsBaby BLOUSES SOCKS DRESSES 98C ip 3 prs. 99C $1.98 Ladies' First Quallty e' SLACKS LADIES' HOSE Work Shirts $1.89 $2.25 69C Work Pants $3.98 ,-',ýOTHER,. ATTENTION... Sep Ouîr Large MATERNITY SELECTION SUITS- TOPS- SKIRTS - SLACKS - Biggest Selection in Towni! Ns os en's nin DRESS PANTS WINDBREAKERS WHITE SHIRTS Reg. S6.95 Sizes 8 to 14 R egr.S5. -05 $4.95 $3.75 $4.25 ~lcns R is' nd ,îrî Girls' WINBRAKES a d COATS DRESSES WINDREAKRS AR CATS $2.89 - $3.69 - $4.75 $3.98 "" $2.98 tir> 1 $6.50 Aprons 79C S 'isal Bunnins Sisal Baby Bonnets 98cI MATS CARPETS 2 7 " wide Site 6 x 9 Boys' Caps 98C[ 2.25 yd. $29.50 C Bring G/pj.5 H anar Couple on Golden Wedding NEWS By leane Rahme I gue7sx 'Frirda' 1.lht' 'va,: flot 5o unlucky for thelic h schi)ol) studentz. bocaue manv, of them attendpd our hiig dance. "The Bun'v Hop". This w's, the last dance for fbis vears WEDDING KIMMERLY - GIBNER 1 Revei'end G, Lokhoî'st offi-' ciated af the wedding of Karen Viola Gibner and Edwar'd Alexander Kimmerl'.- in Salem United Chîîrch on Saturdavx afternoon .Apr il 1. 1962. 'l'lie bride is the daugliter of Mr. anîd Mrs. Rav Gibiier. Bo'.v- maîîville. and the bridegrooni s the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kimmerîx', Oshiawa.1 Given in macriage b *'vber1 grandfatber, Mr. Gibner. the bride wore a ballerina lenglî gown of white iiy Ioti over1 satinî. A pearl crown held hier1 shoulder-length veil, and lier corsage WaS of Americaîî Beaut y roses. The maid of horioiir Wasý Miss Marleîîe Dalbv, cousin ofi the groom, Oshawa, gowncd1 iii pink silk oi'ganza. Hec cor- sage was of Talisman roses. Mr. Anthonv Wilkins ofë Bowmaiîville wvas best man.i A reception, which followedc for immediate relatives, wasf hield al the Globe Cafe, Oslî-r awa. The bride- mother re-a ceived in pow.der bliîe %itht beige accessories. and the grooiii's mothcc assisted inc royal blue aîîd beige acces-t sories. Pink carnations corn- preside their corsages. C Following lie receptioîî thee young couple left for a honex'-i moon in Buffalo, N.Y. Thev will reside in Bowmnîville.a Many fcîends called, sent cards flovweîs. letters and telegrarns to Mr. and MVrs. Ernie Passant, 122 Duke St., on Saturda\', when they celebrated their golden wedding anniversar. Thie 5tftlî ainivei'sai'v of tie m7eddiiig of Mr. and Mrs. Er- nîest Passant. 122 Duke Street, iwas celebrated on Saturdav, afterîioon and eveîîing bx' a deligbhtfullx' airaîiged recela- îioo at their resideîîce. The bostesses were their daîîghter. Mrs. l.vY HenrY., Oshawa. aîîd their daughters-iui-law, Mrs. Banuier Passant and Mrs. Lloyd Passanut. Messages or congratulationis and best wistîes were received bv Mi-, aîd Mis. Passant from Riis Exceltencv. the Governor- Geîîeral of Canada and Mis. Georges Vaniei'. Prime Minis- ter and Mrs. John Diefenîbak- ei', the Premier of Ontario and Mrs. John Robaris, Dr. Percy Vivian. M.P., and Mrs. Vivian. Mr. and Mrs. Passanît were also the recipients of man 'v attractive presents from. their children, relatives, and man"' friends. A grou.p of their neiahbors presented themn wit'n a gifî of a sîîm of money, aîîd the v rereiv.ed mniaîî beauliful bouquets of flowers. Th,ýir chiîldren's gift '.as a bridge table and maictîing chairs. A large number of people called to offer their best wiFh- es to the pOpular couple dur- iuig the receptioîî in their honor on Saturday afternooîî aiid eveuiing. T h e i r little granddaughter, C a t h y the daugýhîer of Banýner Passant, ,greeted the x'iqitors aI, thei 1fr ont door. Two other grand- daughters. lie d aLIgýh t ers 0of Lloyd Passant. Mis. Bob La., renne, Oshawa, and Miss Marv Passant. Cadmus, were ini chiarge of the guest book. Mrs. Passant was ueariuug a becoring gomii or lîlar sîlk brocade, and ber lovel.v cor - sage of golden carniationis '.as piiined on b "'11ber daughter. Mrs. Iv.v lenrx .' v, hose gift il was. Mî's. lHeur.vlad. also placed a golden cration as a boulonniere ý.iii er father's lape). The beatittilît'ý, appoiiîted serving taible w'as centred with a four-tier wedding c'ake sur- mouinted mvith a golden airch from w'hich was suspended "50th" iingolden nuimbers and letters. Týhe cake .vas ex- quisitel 'v decorated iii white icin.g with daint'.'white roses. Each lier was topped wibh a golden color rose aind theî'e were golden roses au. the four corners of eachl ier. Thle entire table seltiîîg was artistiraU 'v carried out in gold and white. Taîl white tapers adorned vvitb '501hi" in gold were held b *' golden c'aidle- sticks wlinh flanked the wed- ding take. The gold aîîd whitet tea services aI eltiier eîîd of the table were placed on large gold ti'ays. Duriîîg the a fIernooîî Itirs.1 Sid Luxtox and Mrs. Frank r Rundle presided over the jea-t cups, and Mrs. L. Mabel Thick- i son and Mrs. Lester Iliglifie!di Reports from Women fs Institutes DISTRICT NEWS TVr5. R. J. Pernx, Kingston, eoîî'.'nor of the Citizenship aînd Eduication standing corni- mitee of the Fedcrated Wo- mns Institîîtes of Canada, conducîed a W. I. workshop on WA. business proceduire on Aprit 131h. The meeting was beld in Hampton Churci Christian Elucation Hall fromn 10 a.m. Io 4 p.m. Mrs. M. Enîmerson of Ne.;- tlebton. another Board member, wms in attendance. also Mi-ss Wadctcll. JHomie Economist, of Dept. of Ag-ricullurc. Mebusfroni each Braîîcb n We'st Durliani eiijoyed a tliorouugh gu ouli uiI ilîgin cons i - tutioiîs ut the' i".w , 1. hauîd- buîrk. '.'ithlîuvltipful Su g- gestious frni Mrs. Peîîuîx s '.idele xPerieîire as a o'tru- tirer I îîîu ine.bîrh ui ti tue FW.t.le'.el Of parlicul.,u uit 'î."V, '.' uî l iii iuiîou atioîî t liai the l"edu'raIl'.einet tf Canada. tlîrOtUgh thie Nor- tlîeî'î Affairs Departmeuit, eri- rotirageS tie organi7atiori of Wonîen's Inîstituîtes in the far ni-tI as the' most suilable program 10 lîelp the Indian and Eskîîuo ionioes. The remindeî' xas gi'.en Ihat W.V.'s world widc mollto iz for 'Homne nd Cointrx'." A '.'le of Ibanks was, moved b'. MrsIz 1. ujiday oui behiaîf of thosr. present ta Mr7s. Peni- nr, ancl a motion b ' M rs. Er. Larmer 10 Hampton ladies for bospibaliîxý of the daY. Mis. Thomas Jpnnit)g-, Agri- culture and Canadian Indus- tries; Mrs. T. .Jackson. Histor- cal Research and Cur-rent Events: Mrs. Addison Scott, Citizenship and Education: Mrs. Hector Morton, Home Ec-, onomics and Ilealth. Mrs. T'. Jennings. Mis. Hec- for Morton, Mrs. Ina Palmer and Mrs. Harr v R le v were chosen as voting delegates bo the district annual meeting which will he held ai Baile- borti on MaN' 2.1rd. If \'as agreed to Rpply for a shrri course "Focîîs on Fin- ishes" to be held in the Faîl. This course %vill gîx e instruc- tion on cifii tiî from conier'- FREE SERVICE for fuit farm The modern farm complex insuranc Proper coverage areas calîs for i tailorinu Ny vrail ns At ther aniiuaî nieetiuug o o cansi>ur'ai tuie Reihauiv '.tonucis bs! silote hcntre hîeld ïîi the homîe of Mrs. Bruce look river voi R'. ev n Mouicay. evening. ance. and ma MiS. Harr'.'Rvlr'.' xas elected 'ndîos rsPresident for the romîng cxend Iinse year.etn hsi AIrs. T. J. tac'kson, branch out Obligation di rerior, roiiveuied the lection o u recc '.'.tlî tler appoiniiineuuis as «orpoet Jolt v lu.. \ ic-pi'î.sictit, Itrs. R. C. 'rcs4to i : serretai *x -lreuîsuiu- î'r. M1r*. " uomnas Jenîîiîgs x'. n i .'vlu E.tarl 'McQtjid as a,,sist- ï.ui: distric t dîrentors, Mrs. 1-ecior Mo -louu with Mrs. H. STUIART Ryle ' as aiternate: branch dir'-1 ectors. Mrs. T. J. Jackson and INSURANCE Mrs. Ina Palmer; Sunshine'! committee. Mrs. Vinîcent, Jack- Klig St. E. t-on ind Nrs. Eart Vteatherilf: uldbiors. Mrs .Bruve R"e andI Office iss l.auîra Hutîhinson. pubhlicI :-5 on-ofula t " Earl McQuaid, program conveners, Dur p ake Si Wev ervice m. Ca ion. B. RE did ,50 iiithe eveuing. Those who assisted iii serv-' iiig were Mrs. .Johin Welsh, Mis..loaîî Bucklex . Oshawa, Mis. Muriel Holroyýd. aîîd Mrs. Don Ruuiidle. Ottiers x'.'lo aýz- sîsted wei'e Mrs. John Wil- liams. Mrs. E. Edîndson, and Mrs. lrwin Beauiprie. Mi'. aîîd Mrs. Passant re- rei'.ed a lovel'. bouquet or lar'ge xello.s'clii'vanthemuîs fi'oni Bownviuaiv ille '1'o w ii Counril, aîîd a goig-geous -, ranîgementî or bronze and tawn *v colored munims froin Mr. and Mî's. C. G. Ted Mor- ris anîd iheir son Don. Amoîîg the otheî' beauti fui bouquets were carniationis oî'deî'ed b v table b'- Mrs. Passant's bro- ther. Fî'ed G. Webb, Pershore, Englaîîd, eîvatimisin goldenî shades fî'om. Dr. and Mis. Ji1. Fergusoi. î'ed roses from theiir graîîdchildreîî Da- vid, Cathx', anîd Paul Passant. carnations froni Reg Harding aîîd H. Richards. and daffo- duls froni Mrs. Arthuir Bur- ro\'.s. Mi'. and Mrs. Passanît ".ere married on April l3th, 1912, iii Ti'init ' vChurrh. Cobour.. Rex'. W. Gai-hutt peî fornîed thîe rerenîoîîv. For sonie '.ears I he. li'ed li Soi itlifield he- fore eorning 10 Bo'.'.'nanville to lake up resideîîre iii 1918. lIn the vears since thex' hav.e made inanv fi'iends iii the towii aîd district. Both Mc. and Mrsý. Passant '.ere born in Eîîgland. ciat patternîs, facing, h ems, zippers, etc. Tlhe Inistituble '.i ll rater for a Bowlinig Banquet on April T'he retiriîîg serretar 'v, Mrs. R. G. Prestonî. xvlo lias rom- pletel a six- 'year teî'iii re- poî'tect on the vear's actîvities \v'.h icài incluîded tlhe sponîsorinîg of thp 4-H club, a leader's .iann o re.~ fs b sc cial.--- haîf,-, ,ýý . 1,1 - - ...- - h u. and shulin members, donations- Io the Cancer Fund. Adetaide Hoodiless Memorial Fund. iiew NESTLETON W.], Inîstitutes in the North West Mrs. George Johnîs and her Teî'ritories, Save the Children gî'oup Pntertained for the Aprîl Fund aîîd a sc-holarsliip fi.uid. annual meeting 0of Nesileton The Instîttte bad also pr-Wm n'slstifufe in Nestîtoný parevd an lînnor roi] of the \et- ,United Church Sunda'. Scbooi erans of the i".o Wor-ld Wars,' room. Mrs. H. Vine, Prýessideni. presentiuig il to the Manver.s and Mr-s. M. Emerson. Assisi- Townshiip Coînu'il aîîd il iiow ant SecreiarvN, occupied the hangs iiithie Tow..nship Hallchis Ra epts o he varvpr- Aniiouncement was macle Repots t th Yer.,;pro ofsererat forlh-coming nîcet- gî'ams were gixen b'. Mrs.T.ig:Smav YM 1t Jennings M1is. Ross Car-r. Mrs.ngs Su\,mmarv Da',Ma lIsi: Enior'.' Smiîth. Mrs. Ha-lar'.'R'.'-,W.I.Procediure W\orkshop in leY and iIrs. Fanl\Icuaid. tHamptonu Aprîil lili ant ithe ItIrs-. " J clii i1's lidinDi sti-urt Boarziicmeeting in)Box'- ut rouv ,.iîuuiii.t ufnul t.'.iiitn m u I Api'îl23 trdSe'.Oui ,'. . niehcs planî tu alttt. lA iili '.. s suirvec'u.llx tlic It 'w.a- gialti liu tu lia'. lusu'asstud b%. 'Miîs. Lur- I LeVrai ,s "'o su)iiýia ed Wc'ii linilt.. >' iiucît J Utk - b'.iit spleniidd treports gi'.eii solii anditMi-S. T. .h'iiliiigs, b. ro ofiuu tandainîg A u;i ic ouiiuiiiig "G(el-Well" Cumînîtces anud lu leaii mofthu1 '..'stu'sxus si ")t vhxailthIe work (ac-rompisi-tîrd. Mirs. B\ý îîittlIber Stu hee ut Iu Mr's, crs pr-eseîîied the "esri' Xahu'r Ho\\vtmiid, '.rlo s a Pal- Repoi bl Delt'gaîes tu the' Dis- ieuit iii Prbi ough Ilospital. t rirt Auj uLal ar'e: Mis. R. Da y- Mr-S. La nll Qtiidcl x press- îsuîî,Mr-s. A. Hvxlaiid, M-s. G. ld thie tIiaiks ufthie gri)up I0 o "ers, Mn 'H.Vine anîd Mi-s. Mrs. Rylcy for the ulse ut hený A. Bt'avck. tome' ' . Da i-îead iî BeHes MAIIIF GR0Vl' W'. 1. 1c ourageo t P IcOn'nf Maple Gov szponsuble for the April 9th presents somne program wvi th Mrs. Stuar't ice problcmrs. Morton presidiîg. A special feature of the pro- in ait vital gr'am was an addre5ýs b'.' mus-ic precise policy director for Souîth Dailirigloni uraîc eser schoots.NMr. Roîs Metcaîf. '.ho tir opera t on%, tIdeluglit the 'auîdieunc w'ith prescnt insur- v.ocalI uuiih'r lting aithfle rîecific rccom- Peteu'borotughi fe.tival. Missei ,wold iketoDiane Hoar and Bonuî'. Beecb woud iketasang in duet, and Betty ,'Kîî- Ie tn N'oua with- hnke. Linda and Carol Ed- ait US .* . for wa2,rd,, J o h n Cunnuingham, Frantk St. Pierre., lerr'. Russe] andctJerrv" Siowdeui givinig a gtuud accourut of hihnyset ses uî'id Iîeir lu-ac.heu' in (olo work. Mr'. Meit aIft ld oft sortie tof Ille .psand (Io\, ii xperieii'i'd ifestival wvoik and said 'wi JAMES or]e ao'.rthe xperienuce for boih .teaherand hilrenis ;wellý EAL ESTATE wocth the extra effort." M-.. Metcatf said that music is a! Bowmanvllle nattural îîeed in sa'isfactocv living. referrîng to the c.'aim Residence thai bbc lovw grade music bMA 3-591,nous" ýi iiun- from rdo PndTiV'Et, t-whu r iîecop; wanit la a sad reilection, il it Flattering Bretons FOR THE BAR-B-Q STORE SLICED Hamburg 3Ibs.89C BACON is true. on what childrerî have-cSlatp of Officers wx prepared h heard in cari,'v lite. by the Nominabing Commitee From infancv children re- adto h hi o h spond Io rhvthm and the scen- adto h hi o h limient of music and il car Election of Officers 1962-1963p never be 100 earlv te instil as follows: Pasi President- g the lov e of that iniisi lIrs. R. Da\ ison: President- xxhich keeps lite steadyv and Mirs. Il. Vinle; lst Vice-Presi- feeds the soul and miàM \itd dent- Mrs- A. Hvland: 2nlda the goodness. truth and beai0v Vire-President - Mrs. C. Wil-' of good music. Mrs.«J. R. Mle'- ;on: Sreav Mrs. A. M. caîf commenting on the miot- Bearock: Assistant Serretary- 10. 'He who plants kindness Mrs. M. Emerson: Treasurer--' gathers love" îsed a lov'e;%, Mrs. G. Bo\ývers: Pîanist--Mrs. illustration ot the lamplightei' L. Mlo:Dîstî'ict-Director l leax ing light afier light as lie -Mrs. R. Davison'. AIte rnist e-1 coes on his \va .So in living District-Director- Mrs. V. Hud-iy liee.lie wbo bestows kinci- son; Dîrciors l\li's. G. Johns. - eMs .IesiMs ,Fs ness., love and smiles as h r .Iesi.Ms .Fs-. goes. lightens the burdens of vr: Auditors --Miss R. Prouit, Il others aind gathers love iin re- Mrs. W. Jackson. turn. 1\1rs. Metcaîf quoteci Conimittees - Conve.noî's: ýI som e appropi'iaie uines 0 t Citi:,enship and Ed (ication---t *verse. Mrs.' H. Melatigbliti: Home1a Tbank vou to the Program Econoiis and Healbb - Mrs. guests on behaî f thie mem- W. Jackson: Agriculture and bers w~as expressed bx' Mrs. Canladian Industries_ Mrs. C. L. C. Snowdeni and added 10 Wilýonj: ilistorical Research e, bx' Mrs. Morton and President and Cîîrrent Event.- Mrs. K. t, Mrs Hwar Badty. Samelts: ResolLutiolIs- Mr-. L. a Unintentionally Gm it tedc Malcolm: Public Relations 0f- from March prog ram were two irer- Mrs. G. Tbompson; g readings b 'v Miss Phvllis Holt. Radio Reporter- Mrs. B. Hea- 1 Mrs. Bradtev condUîcted the slip: Suosrhine Comtite- r business. Rlol ail - A nIew Mrs.G. Johns, Mrs. M. Fisher, plant 1IwOuLd like in trmv gar- Mrs. E. Mairs. den this \,car. A motion car- Ms. îH. Ville rcsumned bier ried te crater bo two Mapie office as President and asked Grove sumimer veddings. A the sre of the meeting re letter Was read fî'onî0111 the Short Course: Home Nui's- adopted refugee c Ilild. t oue nFnse Tweedsmu]ir competitions ïor ing Is. ouoso inse * >nd and Ne\\,Lamp Shades foi 1962-63 were announced. SI'. Old :r hie *Short Couîrse -l43 lbs. of meat' r hie su mmarv day is 10 be beld il Two fmore loveî' samlpleis Orono on Mav It. Ail lsýdicS, wVere MI displav rmpteted b.wbetber members or flot, are Mrs. H. Vine and Mis. M. Em- welcome. erson of wh'irh Mrs. A. Hvland Mrs. Ken Kuhnke reported took plir'tureS. Mention wa.s for Good Neigbbors commit- mnad,ý of the Handirraft Com- mittee. This being the annuiilPC! ilion for samrplers. 2 quill meeting.,î'eports of standing tops. one made b ' members committees were given by Mrs a und asscmibled bv Mrs. Vine Cecil Milîs. Mrs. Rav DubeaU. and another made bY Mr-. Mrs. Hlarold Coonev .and M'-s Vine' and assemrbled b îv Mrs;. Cliffoî'd Swallo\wý. Reports b"A. ~I1 land. Quiltings are Io be Public Relations offirer MiFs. Chas. Greenhamn. and Good /' iNeighbors comîinitîce ('onven- Or, Mr-S. W. Kubonke. Mrs. Kî- l iy G lea tie hnke reported 85 cards Sent during the Year. ftowers for- funerals and itlness and Val- A %veaithy AXnerican girl entine boxes. ia tedn ekn at A ve r ' SLCCess'fill 'ea:' a atni, veen at work \vas outlined in, Mrs. at a country home in England. Bradlev\'s, report with a total *'You American girls haven't of $221.4-d being spent on vari- su('h heaîîhy complexions as OLI osWOI'tbhIile pî'ojectS. oa.-mn ae"si national a il d interxatonla 1. îN'e English %% e hv."si Mrs,. W. H. Brown reporbed a an English ducess bo the girl. sati sta to r'.' ear: Auditors -1 always -wonder m-hy our sMiss S. Laird and Mrs. C. noblemen take a fancy bo yoîîr *Swailow endorsed the finan- white faces!" rial r'eport. Mrs. L. C. S.iowdeii con- **t sn'toîîr white faces that ducted the eln'ction and instal- atatte, epne h lation of the foîîowing- for atatte, epne h 1962-63: Past President, Mr,. American girl. "lU's our green K. Hopkins, President, Mrsý. backs!" Howard Bradley: Ist Vice. Mrs. Howard Ci-' yderman; 2iid CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Vice, Mrs. Stephen Dovie; Ion't Put Away Dirty CInthes. Secretary T r e a s il r e r, Mrs. Chas. Greenham, District Dîr- a garment, the harder it is te ector, Mrs. W. Il1. Brown: Dis- cleaned regujlarl. trict Director Alternate, Mrs. Lawrence White; Public Rela- CANADIAN CA ,,lions Officer, Mrs. Stuart Mor- M N .Y ton. O D Y Branch Directors, Mrs. Har- r'.' Wright, Mrs. Cecil Jeffrev, Mrs. Fred Stevens; Pianist Mi-S. Wmi. Laird: Auditors, Sr W. Miss S. Laird, Mrs. Wm. Laird: Good Neighbors committee, ;Mrs Ken Kuhoke, Mis. Leslie.______________ CollaCuitt, MrS. J. R. Metcaif, Mrs. Stephen Jeffrev: Mem- bership, Mrs. L. C. Snowdeîî. Mrs. Edward Fotey, Mrs. Har- tee convenors-- Agriculture W D EA and Canadian Industries, Mis. 8KNGS Cecit Milîs: Hoeme Economics 4 IN T a rd Health, Mrs. Clifford Swallow: Citizenship and Ediu- cation, Mrs. Ronald Brooks; as1 - Historical Research and Cur- rent Events, Mrs. Ray Duheau: Resolutions, Miss S. Laird. ) At the conclusion of tiis Ver '.V SUccessful vear, girls S /.17(fff' were collected for the Goldenf Plowv Lodge. Ma'. meetingi not' vel off the press. Refresh - Frvu e menîs werp served for a so- rounw I Fl~'oral (-'Iocheq Rotigh StrnAws Newest fashions for '62 Moclcrately lPriccd Thom, Ail-important Arcessories: G LOVES -SCARVES H A NDBA GS ALL, WEATHER COATS BENGAINE 1)USTER COATS ANI) JACKETS Jusi Arrived COMPLETE STOCK OF SUMMER COTTONS lb. 59c held as soon as possible. Mrs. G. Thompqon mad* another $5.00 donation Io hos- pital wvork frorn Statesman subsi'ri piions and twenty-two niembers joined for the com- ng year. Mrs. G. Johns read an appropriale poem dealing wilh the motto. *"If vou wvant to be great, be smiall enough to be uised". Mrs. L. Malcolm *oiced apprei'iation Io the of- ficers. past and present for their splendid work and wish- ed thern success in the coming 'ear. Mrs. Cecil W'ilson thank- ed the group on behiait of the mnmbers for ihe delicious, unch and pleasant afternoo unch and pleasani afternoon. n Max*' the ladies will mcci at he home of Mrs. Vine when here %vill be a sale of plants and bîîlbs. Sonie peopie, tbink thal the easiest wxv Io bmake a ;;mtijn- tain out of a molebili is Io acd a luttie it The mari who lives bx' the golden ride Ioda v neyer hRas* Io apologize foi' his actions to. morrow. MECCA Fast healing for CUTS, BURNS# BOILSg INFECTIONS Sooffing Antiîsepbic ec Si y Mecca "70~. >rs C/I'uckle Last week, the Screech Owl i'ent on sale wiih a promise o f mna n % new and excitîng fea- turcs in the 1961-62 edîlion.ý For Pxamiple. there wîtl be Iwo pages of coloured art. storiesý in foriegn languages wvritten by our better language stu- dents and last but certainix' not teast, i5 a record on whichi ive will be able in bear some of bhc ighlîghîs of tbbc'yea r. To ad'.'ertîsc bue Screech Owl and boosi ils sale-. the Fifth Fnrm Four Plus. Two crformed a skif illustrating- low liard the w.ork of being Screrch Owl editor î'eally is.1 Also, Io boost toe sales, the first form to reach 110% sales' will receive free passes Io o000 of the local theatres for each' studenit in that class To conclude-, I wvould like to rcmînd ever.vone of Teen Town's Annuat Spî'ing Prom. "Somnewhere Over the Rain- bow". The tickets ma' be ob- tained [rom anyv member of the Teen Town Executive. Fine ('bina bh' PARAGON - SHELLEY $1.95 to $6.75 <;'Bg Easter Specials%. FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY $$ $ Where You Always Pay Less $ $ $ DENHERTOG'S CLoÎHING SPRING HAT mee our <isplay COUPON tIlis coupon with * ou wvhen vyou shop. Entities everyolne tn a Fre ifI. FIRTH BROS. 47 RN ST. E. "QUALITY MEATS" MA 3.5081 -FREE H1OME DELIVERY - 11FAIJI f0 SERVE! or HAMS i9 SKINI FSS - EFATTED 5 MANY OTIJEIt VARIETIES OF IIAMS . .. ATTRACTIVELY J>RICED! Nwaft s PrmamRE-DIIESSEL>ç BITIIRBM" IL & " OVEN READYIL5 12-1b. Average TMu 1 Carl Leslie Tlhe longrr soil romiains ini get out. ]lave y'our elothei ANCER BLITZ NPRIL 3Oth LEET EAST r XEDNESDAY. APRIL 19. 1192 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. SOWMAnILLE. ONTARIO PAGE THREI BETHANY INA.