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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1962, p. 4

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PAGE 7oUR EDITORIAL COMMENT "Grim Reaper" Starts The Easter weekend, April 20 - 22, marks the unofficial opening of the 1962 Spring Holiday Season: after the dreary months of the past record-break- ing winter, Canadian motorists will be distraining at the leash" to take to the nation's highways. hither, thither and yon on the initial holiday weekend. Mr. R. W. Trollope, President, Dominion Automobile Association, after a study of the 1961 Easter accident picture, points out that, if 1961's reduc- lion in highway accidents per capita is Io bes maintained or further reduced in .1962, a policy of safe, sane use of Canadian highways over Easter mnust be uppermost in everv driver's mnd. Hazards during any peak holiday inultiply threefold as compared with the average non-holiday weekend. Investigation by Dominion's Statistical Research Department into the basic causes of the sharp accident rise at these times has shown that one of the main factors in mishaps is the urge to attempt to travel too far in the time available. To reach their destination these motorists must travel at speeds '62 Harvest inconsistent with safety: they become impatient with momentary traffic slow- ups and attempt passing in potentially dangerous situations. As Dominion's records bear out, the peak of accident frequency on holi- days occurs on the final day of the holiday period, during the last few hours of that day. Much of this can be attributed to a common human shortcoming - the tendency to put off the start of the return journey until ît's too late to permit arriving home at a reasonable bour. MIr. Trollope offers these hints for the enjoyment of a safe, sane travelling Easter weekend. 1. Don't even TRY to go too far away' If you mnust travel great distances, take the train, or fly. 2. Don't put off your return until the last few hours! Start for home in lime to make it with ease at a reason- able speed! 3. Neyer forget for a moment that accidents only happen ho the "other ieiiow - UnciU me tneULiie.Lt1ws you're the "other fellow". OTTAWA--Despite the fact il w-as lrought down on the eve o! a new Federal Eleclion, the budget unfolded lasI wcek by Finance Minister Donald Fleming was anc c! the barest the average Canadian baxpay- er bas seen mn uany a year. Il xvas a no-nonsense, business budget hereft cf al bbc glittering pre-electlun goodies usualiy dangled in front ut the 'voter a few mnonths before be is sent pack- Iug iu the polis, Il was a budget wtb a single goal, lu stîmulale expansion ufthbb Canadian manu- facturing and petroleumn industries and Industrial research lu general. By pruviding hax cuts uf up bu 50 per cent on the additional profit stemming fromn Increased sales, manufacturers and pro- ressors were encuuraged ho get out and starI hustiing. They were encouraged ho step up tbc lagging program o! industrial research with a 150 per cent write-off o! ail research expenditures fromn taxable income. In effeet, tic Goverument cxtended an offer lu subsi- dize business research lu an effort bu pro- mole industrial develupment through the discovery ut new products and new process- es. For the ordinary Canadian baxpayer al Mr. Fleming had ho uffer was a $50 increase Jn the tax exemptiun for dependent child- ren. For a man with a taxable income oif around $1,000 and two cbildren, that amounts lu a tax saving ut rougbly $11 a year. Even in post-eiectiouî budgets, the general public has frequently fared better than that. Even bbough Mr. Fleming budgeted for a deficit ut $745,000,000 (based on the assumption o! a healtby 7%o increase lu tbe gross national product and nu new expenti- itures) only $45,000,000 below the peacetime high recorded last year and his sixth in a row for a total of $3 billion, tbc document he presentedti t Parliament may still be cunsidered sornething uf a monument bu fiscal integrity. The problemn is, however, that lu a ycar of alleged prosperity the deficit may very likely turn out bu be tbc bigbest ever in peacetime. The question then is bow sud when cao Federal budget ever be gutInmb relative balance again? It was also sometbing ut a daring experiment, since fcxv Canadian Goveru- mnents luthie past hav-e ex-cc bad the cour- age tu go lu the eloctorale witb as few xvote- catcbing budgct concessions foc the ",littie in" and as many concessions for business. Il is true there bave been ther nîcasures carlier buis year designcd lu en- courage bbc voter lu amile un the Guvern- ment at the pulls, suchi as the $l0-a-month increase i the old age pension aud the 12- cent-a-pound butter pire subsidy for the consumer, but everything (Le. pulitics) be- ing considered lheY bave been reasonably moderate. The budget ilseif is based un the theury bbc Governmenî bas some kinti ut fiscal i-espunsibilit '-v10 uaintain and thal the incentives proxided for business wiîl benefit ail Caxadiaus by'N stimuiating tbc gruwtb of bbc ecoriony'x sad tue creation of niore badty neededndîexx-jobs. 'Te sciise of fisc-at rsporsibitity lbas beecu prox-iced lîrimaiiiv by Finance Miii- ister Fleîminig. xx'iile the drivirîg force bebinîd the grantung ut conc-essions ho spur Canadian indusîry lias becuiT 'rade Minister George lres. l'Flic bcudget is uot a Diefenubaker budget. If the Prim e Minister had bis way, lt la almost certain that lie would have choscu the tinsel sud glosa, sbunned like the plaguE the more fundamental changes required tu heip Canadian industry undertake the agon- izing readjustment lu increasingly intensE world competition that is so desperately nieeded. Thee fact that Mo. Fleming was able bo bring down a business budget sbortly before bbe Goverument embarked on a battie tor its very lite is bbc best possible evideuce of the huge influence sud power be wields ir the councils ut the party. LaIe lasI yeac a sbatiow feu uover tbe Minister ut Finance as rumors inspired by Prime Minister Diefenbaker bimsclt circulat. cd that lie would be removed from bis portfolio. From severai quarters il was repurted that Mo. Fleming would be stripped ut bis office in an effort lu atone for the political odiousness whicb clung lu the Govcrnrnent from chronic budget tieticits, bbc bungleti Coyne attair and bitter relations witb Britain aver its bid for membersbip in the commun maroket. Mo. Fleming, along with Justice Min- ister Davie Fulton, were scheduled ho be cased out of their portolios in the course of a major cabinet shuffle that would be carried cout within bbc ramparts outhebc <d citadel aI Qucbec City. At bbc lltb bour Mr. Fleming sud Mc. Fulton succeedet inl winning bbc battie for their own political ]ives, the former because ufthbb alarm that spread bbrough the business cummuniîy be- cause o! rumors ut bis pending dismissal. With tbc show aîl set ho go on the road, Mr. Diefenbaker and bis cabinet were forced lu trudge down lu Quebec to go through anc o! tbe greatest political anti-climaxes in Canadian history. Despite this apparent demonstrabion o! political power wielded by Mo. Fleming, Ih was suggesîed from some quarters that he bad in tact made an unconditional surrender ho the Prime Minîsher, bbc real victur of the battle. Il was said that Mr. Fleming bad agreed tu throxv fiscal responsibility bu the wind, providirîg a x'ote-catcbing pot-pourri wbich would carry a budgetary deficit ut around $1 billion sud a cash deticit close ho $2 billion. Mo. Fleming had bbc answer lu those charges in bis budget last week. If the Conservatives win the next elcc- lion, howex'er, Mr. Flemiug's job may again be un seoous jeupardî'. Prime Minister Diefenbaker migbt besitate tu engage lu a knock-down, drag-out battie bu establisb bis unquestioîued supremacv lu the cabinet lie- fore an election, but there is nu assurance that be xxill not do su inîmediateîy atter- wards. GOOD FRIDAY PRAYER - 1962 Oh, Thou who titi dry hears by crying, Anti who diii finti eterna] Life by dying, Hear our humble prayer! Give us strength, everywhere To corne toi berms xith Calvary, Anti finti ils Peaceful beauty! Help us lu know the joy of dty, Anti isten ho Mankinti's entreaty. Let us f indt the innocence of a chilti Anti xalk along with Hope untiefileti. May' we fint a niche of service That is Your will anti promise. Survey life's gain, flot loss. At the foot of bbe Ct-oss. -Maron Ford Durham County's Great Family Journal Established 108 years ago ln 1854 Almo ncorporafing The Bowmanvjlls News The Newcastle Independent The Orono News "Auihorizsd as Second Clou Moil by the Pott Otice Dept., Ottawa, and tor payoment Produc.d .very Wadnenday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowman-ville, Ontarto JOHN M. JAMES EDITOE-PUILXSK GEO. P. MORRIS Busimmzs Mon. THE~ CANADIA1q STATESMAN, EOWMAn'M1LLP, ONTARIO 8ci Y/oungmcin s Co/ainti WEIINZ!SDAr. APILIL Il. 1052 Religion for Todayi The Assurance of Immortaity An Easter Talk by Rev. R. R. Nicholson 1 amn sure that rnost of the' peoplp. who read this colLmn, "Religion for Toda.v", have a strong conviction, that there is life after death. Wp cannot reconcile ourselves to the theorv that death ends ail. We rejoice with TennYson in his strong faith - "'Thou xvilt not leave us in thé, dust; Thou madest mani, he knows not whv, ahout,.lesus andr the resurrecix fail to realize Hé, is living and iS îus't as rcal as their personal friends. M.anv vears ago. Rex. Di. R. \V. Dale. xvas a farnous Congregational minister of Birmingham, England. HPl x\vas xriting an Faster sermon, and thus describes wvhat happetied as the lhoughit of the risen Lord broke in tipon -etiiKnewsoma.'e <~to aie; self; Ative- andi thC'n 1paused; And Thou hast made him: Thou ait "a li\vp"' and then 1 paused again; julst." "ýalivel Caoth lat realiv be true? That. is a conviction common I o livinig as real ly as 1 mvself arn?"I manv', . religions. It is at ihe heart and got up and lkd about repeating centre of the Christian religion. 'Christ is living' Christ is living'" At Belief in the future life, ilhat i.q, first it seemned strange and hardly true, lifP after death, has been almost uni- but at last it carne upon me as a burst versaI and has become a vital part of of sudden glorv; yes, Christ is living. Tt the experience of mankind. xvas Io me a new discover *v. I thoughit Rex'. Dir. W. H. Griffith Thomnas has that ail along I had believed if; but not A MACDUFF OTTAWA REPORT BUDGET FOR BUSINESS 's,. :ivate lns n IS .., -ur.. '.411 îiî-maiîo mentO1I1 djd 1 li xtel sure about On his show, "People are small scratch pad; souvenir wirp: twuo sulifloixpr sreds: a nitv is Christ' --- "There was one it. I then said, "M 'v people shall know Funny", Art Linkietter seems pencil fromn Dept. of Lands & p a i n t scraper; ivindshield point on the hattlefield of Waterloo, il; I s hall preach 'about it again and to take fiendish delight mn ex- r'orests;, claxv hammer; hiait scraper. which was taken and retaken, three again until thev believe it as I d(, amining the number and dozen paper cups; box of No vvonder the Austin seemý- times during that memorable dav. Both nl0\7." variety of articles contained l)i Kleenex: rollof papcr towels; cd less roomier than when if women's hand bags. He woulcl socuv<enir from Diamorud Varîety w as n e. Napoleon and Wellington realized the If such consciousness becarne habit- have been delîrious at the pile! Store,. Minot, North Dakota,. --- strategical importance of the position ual with Christian believers it would of stutt we salvaged frorn ourý U.S.A., anod a courtesy' tag and concentrated attention upon it. Ils make the half-heartedness, doubt and thirteen year old Austin, prior froîn the Police Dept. ofth to turning it in for Our new, sainie town telling me tîiat 1 Letter to the Editor ultimate possession andi retention bh'v (owvatdice, xvhich loo oflen disfi gure itwo cylinder B.MW. 'vas parkcd overtime, xvas a.7PrsetStet heBiihtois otiue a-e\ hi c rae nd nfecutrl Here, in truth, is an accurate welcome vistor, and please ýPotc tct h rts roscnrbtdirev tercaatradifune tel te ecod:hel thrnby bsevig teRowm-anville, Ont. to the final result. In the same wa, impossible. We can, therefore, breath«e ci i ord hc aqul lptking by bser- ngthe pil1t, l6.there is one point in connection xvith no better prayer this Eastertidp than enough to have been made by x'ery kindly of tlîat tovn. Tin 0 ,oî, Christianity which from the first has that our mind and heart and wili, max' Whistler's mother; an old ram utf auto bodv tiller; bottie open- CnIrJliamtaesm,.h et1 evia nicnrl te be tîplifted tili thevY reflect the glorv oft ru cat; snow shovel; tool kit; er. txxoniloms; box of aspirins: axe car jack; lighit logenl bx î>f r t.~sueuDa bînv Resurrection of Jesus Christ. As a our friumphant Lord. chain; canvas Nvatcr buc-ket: p ora eufatches. and a box lAt thrir monthly rmeeting On consequence. the opponents of Christi- We belieVe in IrnnOI'taiit.V beC'aLiSe whisk in leather cover; six[,., 4()f îd u linis: pctî ini to FridaY last the mcmtîcrs of the anitxr hav'e always concentraîtd their of the Im1perishableness of Love. teet of different sized, stron" Qiic-co< t ' iinversitY for an Women's Auxiliar 'v of Memnor- atlacks andi Christians have centred Rex'. Dr. R. J. McCracken says: "Love -ecord; top of box of oil filt'cr lL.foi. George James of iai Hospital, Bowxmanville, ask- rinstalled Dec. il 1953: si-nîli Lownanvlle: s ouvenir bat- of ed nie Iu write In You and ex- thieir defence upon il. Everyone realiz- is sîronger than death. Time andi space I îspring from a child's col' : soap of C' P. R. WTndshicld press their apprrciation orfthie es that, it is vital, fundamental and ar poels todtovi. nis chunk of hard, yeiloxv soap. stîttI.',r acixisiig top spced of xva v'ur pap er cox'ered the essentia1 Wiîh this uncertain, exerv- naueiislieGdhmefimoa. nruliber lhing-a-ma-bolh for as ti x mît s u,, er hour for first Bir«tbcla.%- Part.v, Marc-h 29th. pedal; souvenir bail point noir fixe hundied miles ot Austin; Thev asked nie aiso Io lbank bhing eise is uncertain; xith this safe, When W. R. Matthews, the dean ot that doesn't work, front JFrank notice Io L.e'lie that Bob *Vou for iour eux erage of their ail 15 saf'e." "This explains, beyond St. Paul's Cathedra] in London, broad- Jamieson of Bowmanvu-lte: tIwo Ymlnigiau xxas ou holidayý,' regular nionthix- meetings. It eveu-ything else, the prorninence given cast four talks on "Irnmortality," lie Ychunks of chamois; a fotirteeîu dated Jiil *\ :1, 19.55; reccîpt J'or helps to keep thieir efforts lie- h atrDy hog h etre f reccived from interesled persons somne inch piece of bincl"r lxvînc-.rc-pairs te r)Austin: hinci of fore 'mur manv roaders. tChristr an hito."1,90thetscebouttheihecom ent [ssecond hand set of iîiîtac-î 1>11) cleairîs: box of Exer-Chita sor. points; a worn out lhermo:-tatî 0hIarp leacis, box oft thunîmbnee Mary Magdalente was the fit-st of ed. "If there us any lesson to be learil- 00ne plug; assortmcnt of ~ml taî-lsz. Bouk of biank cheques. Mulriel Ciiddabe. ih icils og t bctm o ess rd from the letters I have had, it is that dbolts, xvashcrs, scrcxxs nand ur" gteuîarantee; lnai] file: ('orrpsponding Serx',1te0scin live and ohe o recofvJesus' love is the main source of the desire is nuts; small spanner: crin of a i noires of a Coliserx'ation oseHmai ndtieev Jus thermos bottie; a note froîn mx n\- e tol Kinsnien Club.lo;Iv Message for the disciples. The gîoom o fo ebynd eah" Te rets * wife to Nurse Gordon, of Boxv- pp'r r cips: a tire gauge: note l~nTTTT eu- nigbt of despair, is changed into bil grief of life is the parting of friendq, * imanville, apologizing for ic i o1:-1 Toronito ,street udE LIL1ABDLL.rVILLE ! usun fte - andi where life bas been entwined with d slow making the doily becaiisc 1949. lad.%-*,;plastic- rain coal: SIihieoutefrst aster morning Ia faohr h re egr e of eve touble. onof rSylva coîîtaining story Clîur-ch and Sunida\ eho and lVarv received the commission scpin.Lv isoessad ant Roll of friction tape; ,pi (-Id of 1tîsh hatc-lerv al, Newcastle y edasuulMscMi]- which cornes with every vision, and she rito.Lv isnes adc nt envelope from Richmnd Hitl, iinpteeîî «years ago; four rub- fordWht sptigotege bcin heiyt eltefrt endure separatuon; il refuses ho believe with the post office h-ucla er fluor mats: piece uf eîm storx Wrhi is ptig o esg ac aothsiy elth is that the separation can be permanent." tio dteofAuus 2. pl sahIostndra- ac o i aflaîînelgraph in the next ga digs of the resurrection in the Rober-t Browning groundeti hi% ecrayon for unarking ]u bicx iiud: txwoc>pieces ut scautling lu nurnîber of Surias.wortis, "I hax'e seen bbe Lor-d." fi nimuîlt nIeineih ot M & E thrent li'kî&:ieet car truni rclling xvhen Alr, nteeutto fle at nimraiYo h meih SCanadian Customis xelirle peî- clianing lire: quart tii of No Oui WVednesdaY iucx. larn the exutaionofbe abîeness of love. After the death of emit issued at Sarnia, ,tîiue 26, :30 cul. Pair utfiubbers; pair m'et at Thiekson's with 16 spirit, coulti not estimate the full sic- hi iehxroe 195; aplaticker-bit, hre utmdx s :lioes: two gunnv iienibers and tw~o lisitors. nificance of the words she uttereti. No, "0 thou soul of mx- sou]. I shail clasp rcopies of tbe Statesimaîî dateci sacks: îexx fao belt for Austin;, MrS. Trexx opened the mccl- nor are we, after the lapse of nincteen respectivetv. lune 2,,tiil\- 8, txx îî liuîks ut rag, tin ut Bar- ing. The minutes xvere îead he gan July 15, 1954: sinaîl fîrst aid dalîl; serexxdriver; grease gui,* sud approved. Several items anti a haîf centuries, fully able b n ih oih teTs. 1kit; flashtigbti: ii-t atîl iii- býoys boIt: pair of tire eh1ainis: Iwcre discussedi. Mrs. Miltord' realize ail that the resurrection mocans. If he was mistaken, if we are nleyer to struction bouk: tpair ut fetîce txvo pairs 0f old icather mittsWhitc conducted the program It means that Christ inot deati; He is etaantoewh aegn rî piiers; smatl Stilîseut xxi ciîc1: pute clamp: ilîîee feet ut fence par't of the meeting and gaieve ng. lis a ver.v intcresling tli xini s, if tiealb writes "finis" over everv- Some, of the other members. The angel at the tomb saiti: "He is lhing, il us indeedthebb greatest of aIll - ild iii bY reading the Scrip- nol here. He is risen." But Mary was evils. It leaves in bbe heart an aching In tUe ~IJ m t-r aid other passages. Lunch flot able ho realize ibis great fact, until vi htnligcnee iI ,cd the meeting. she met Jesus and taîketi wilh Him in "Our Saviour Christ Jesus, who and I ~~~~ ~ bar; ~the gardeti, and was able to say: "I blseidahanibogtheAn and oac ofladis atened iieýhav see th Lod."immortality to light through the gospel. P Easter services ufthei Canton: Many Christians to-day, who talk -2 Tim. 1 :10. D ïst nt fi t .C.W. and reporteti a very educationa and social time.ofteei -e. 'FreinThe Statesmian Files On Tuesday cvenlingthe! lUU hUUIM do t emachu reh. an d ed Junior Farmers helti a parent! into declaring their willing- meeting. Mýany could not at- ness to serve. There are train. 25 YEARS AGO 49 'IEARS AGO tend due to the Ca&nton U.C. W. S U GARiiig sessions, wvhich are a cross aud the Horiie snd School at ~ , between a sales meeting and (April 22, 193à) April 24, 1913t the Northi Hope Schoyol to ý ,1a pep rallv. for these voluti- aflu.. thecparTrntsdous cothuPiasd Mrs. W. A. Shane h rs'id ý,is M i - Ni . Bragg speni '5eerch the parnts ot pi-e- sir Womnen's Canadian Club for Suridla' xxii Miss Fdna' sehool chljdren were especial- i ..s aroused. This is fanned ensung ear. 22n, Saile ~Iv iuivited to attend. Mrs. Milne iito a xeritable tiame bi, a On March 2d M i s s NIr.and MiS.Fi-Pd Williams! soke10 uegrop. unh ws 5*caspeershwhtelracktle Chisin rema va pe-laxe mo ci otux îfrlnIserved. Several ideas for mat- liardnvautsh rc h shrntd ih er 20-y e - a ve oi uîove o îi fo ng i-onex- were discusscd. It iar us setdwtlir2yerpnToronto. was decided to liold a buffet __ , vrbd g-e hti by A. M. Hardy, plant supi r- 1Mos. F. D. Mackax, Toioto Le oiee'uin o ue- i S ie verbod else gae hat lif i intendent of the Goodycarrceniv'\xîsted beri , dangcas hrpret--.-yel avwa i, Tire and Rubber Company. Mus. Thos. Slîcrîuî andulauclss.thrprnsI should, the church xvould ha Fire completely destroyed a Mis.s Stella Gale. Cothurne. idtacîus rolling in greenbacts. Th* large barni un the property \ lsited lier aulît, Mliss Gale, of! Friday evenhig the 4-H Club I look fou xxard wilh the Thex' bad bu move indoors, auîd,îist ofut ch-liembers is pro- ;~ Isac Hady, wst u tut-Publi- Libar~.girls; held their meeting at keenest anticipation to the pronîptly walked up 10thedce.I ltg.I o Solina, on Saturday evening. NMis.s Emîma Tabb, Rochester , Thickson's M i ss Wadde]1, annual chuircli drix-e for funds. ears int aRmurass of carpets as tIhough there,1l have lu ha NY s îstiîglier parents,!Lindsax-, attendcd. The girls eyya otnte saadnw rof n tie n addition built lu the churcb, Doug. ichoiswins av ax'.-abous hee-gls wnol n -racsb assare M ac]Mos IuatTab. made lemouî sauc-e sud swel asr eas iec-gaswnow n trae i the lime the campaign 15 assatst cadet on paraîde- Miand',s VaxayPot ud orsace Tes wr pericuice provides a capsule and seats and baptismal fonts uver. bueetcmn grop. ws igb sT-Iiu cpr;xasguest of Miss F1or- iseox'ed un giuigcrbread. which crmnax n uaiaue adcorlts n uh ser tries lu Point out that At ton eviws igh -1-oolciluc Van Nest anîd uller Ilie leader-s and girls madz. concise but cumprehensix'e,' As if that wasn't enouch, is the missuuîg men-ber's soul group frind., nve Sun a nd'The girls made a gingerbi-ead and1 njuy cx'ery minute of '1>along came this crazy, social-'we are atter, flot his roll. But MisWxnnc Street, T i i aîni-tcd 1,ikado Foidax ex-en- mix and the leader-s a ginger-, Lite: everything eIsc, tbelistic idea that ministers and nobody Pays any attention, 10, spent lie -e1î xl î rcdlx eîe ae h drive for funds" has beenf their familles iqhould rat as iMiss Daisy Cully. MiT'. Trexx n sud IMc. girls d.iseuissed the dfftcu-ence eîcx-ated ..Just as the <are- f weII or nearly as wvell, aq the IWe h oute avs Mr. Newxton Ashtoun, xx ui sundtMis. T. R. Teuînauîî, Toron- b rire, texture, flax-or, etc. takeu- bas become a Superin-ithe rest of us. Ever since, uses areinspiatfin, theirof lias completed bis lxx o -eau tu. xxere guests cf Mrs.J..IW. i Fiayngp lretendent, ut Mainîtenanîce, theimost churches bave been -. Coiihnprtiard, or pledg. fcourse at Kemptvillc Agri- Kuîîglîuriver Suindav sund at- codgtîrd tCmbî-batteof the bucts has assuni- fstaggering alonir in sorry crs r addott hm cultural Coîlege, returîîcd tleddMikado Frîdax' iiglît. croftîHall to celebrale withlcp bedsgie fa er fnnil odto.alt]caimnl n i os homeon ucsax- o.rS IlIer -and Miss 1-ilena iMr. and Mrs. Ouville Muld roucoewiiaioo u We asabxtepo-Evervbody deflantiy Increaseii Mis huAudeso u te erx. Kuumstlln, x' e r e lwîîo w'ere ceîebrating 25 years n-ahrn.eîî vsdupd n ie bi givingr by a buek or .50 Bell Teleplione office, is holi- guietý, of Mos. C. N. Tamliu tmare it.TeGimr rBut the vi dus aren't foot parsonis lap. If he wanted censa iciarn a i daying witb relatives in Bob- 'xci- Stiiidax. ocesr uî odo iso They îecognize you the eat, bie preached. Sume oif the fellow%-mnrkers. Mago. DnWlim tQci sîdLits paesnts t Pcter- procetad h ormdon.isonr minute thex' open bbe door, most fîery sermons I beard in Mr.DonWiliam ofQucn'. ýjiie hi paent atjrk,_ roulierded the auscdress.Ca- ust as rcadity as you penemy youth were thuse based oui University, K ingston. ils home ig. O a.ra trate thelic -lllowe'en garb of the need--nax-, the duty-to And right there, thougli uot for bolidavs xxithî bis parentsý, Mrs. T. R. 1loar s xîsuîiîg OiStra Mr. and Mos, the neiglibor's little girl, thejýgive more than two-biti a too nauiy realize it, la the !Mr. anîd Mrs. Frank Willianms. lier dauiglters iii Torontlo. 0. Me-c-er, Mr. aid Mr,;. C.minîute she says, "Twlok or!week lu the churcb. Tlhe min- cluiiax oif the enture campaign. 1Mrs. L. G. Gale, m~anager R. 51. Mitchell & Cols uîcx Meî-cer, Mc. aid Mrs. i-. Quan- tweet, Mr. Smitey, t bel you ister would work bimself mbt Oh, ut runs its course, lite st lof the Kiuigsxxay Ftower Stîop, drug store is neariuîg compte-itrill aund Gloria. Mr. and Mis. don't 1know who I arn, I'm a regulau paroxysm ou the spent rueket returning bu carîli. iw-as un Belleville un Monday ion and xx-ut, xxhen tinislied iH. Thickson, Mrs. C. Prouse Mary.' " subject, while bis flock iust The canivassers are blessed on attending the Unit Convention be une cf the fincst il, toxvuî,. 'sud Charlev atlended the wedi- Tbere's notbanz, new aboulsal there aud looked a ihim, Sunday murning, tbey bave a ! of the Ftorusts Telegrapb De-t Reorescritatîx-es froni Osha- ýding un Os«hawa of Carol El- tbe churcb needing money. coidly. lunc-h atter the service. and 'lix-cox Association at Quinte! wa, B3etbanv-, W'arsaxx, Peter-t liott sud Richard March atl'~il ay odds tbat St. Paul was1 u- . tîev go OUI i pairs, drjern- CapIl. sdMo.C W borough and Boxx'uanville at-ýSinicoe United Church. Re- telliîng petential Cbristîans to Alter tbis sy\stem proved an clx lucin hir'0 rd Capt an Mr. C W.E.Iended a meeting lîcre Friday 'ceptiosi %vas at the church liait., put up or sbut up a couple of utter flop, and the taithtfui and their leaflet.s. ,Mealli motored up from Otta-latternoon ho ar-ranîge business Abouit 25 ot Mr. and Mo,. tbousand years ago, nearly. proxed as bloodless as stone. To their aima-/ement, as thé wa ox-er the weekend and for Ihe Mýidtand Football Lewko's frîends troni Sudbun-x, Adh rbaI1gtte aeteuewmtîdc nie m isfigures are talied, they learrn called on friends. !League for the cuming seasoui.,Levact, Toronto, HamiIton, answers then. ýown. tt bas turncd out lu bellialthie campaign bas been à Mr. sud Mrs. Will M. Dustan, Mr. Ernie Brumeit, Peter- fOsbavwa and Bowmanviîîe ga- Sucb as: "Weil, we*ve had a> immnei-i.ily successfui. ClîurC-b complete success. She's gon. Frcsno, Calif., arc visiting bis'borougi, xxas elected pres-îbhe at thrir home on Sat- lut ut expeuses thîs yrar, wilhirevenues hiaxe sky-ro-keted. over the top. Huxv(corne? Be- mother, Mrs. W. H. Dustan. ýdent, snd 5-tu-. Fred Crvdrr- orda\- aid Sunday and pre- the new bouse"; sud "It îecms Unfortunatety, wbat with iii c(ause tlîey, and their fellow- Mrs. W. H. Hellyar, Clinton; man, Boxxnîanx-iile. is tecuc Sclaslokn lto ad'h ix--uclanasrcrre wy Dr. and Mrs. Ray Ives, Mary, Treasurcr. Hax-eluet . CýseIed est-lt xx-ýitli a Jeather tecuc sawy okn lto u h ie hrl aîasrcare wyb clubilîfotti cuntainîng $25. Mtîî-îîfor monev" arîd We doriat expenditures bave managed toithe spirit, tcmpurarily, hat inl- Catherine sud Billy, Stayner; 1suspend ed tasi\-ear, xxas ad-Iteasîîtn, -Advstn aonfpet exyluohr<hrtes tyaet trevenues,Uilcrae teiow dnton Dr. ad Mrs Geo.Patteson, mitîd agan. - ' kno"; su 'Sees to ie itnow uts asmuclitu OPcnoug lu mke th tota, he GEO. W. GRAHAM ADV=G. MAN<AGER SUBSCRIPTON RATES 54.00 a Year, strictly In advaxice $5.50 a Yeatr in the United States

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