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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1962, p. 5

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i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO l;The Mrs. thee.Voung Peope s nv tion in Napanee on Saturda-. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd c' and son John. M sheSl= Faith and James Faith. 0Th- awa, were supper gct Mr. arnd Mrs. Lo-ne BHavi.. and Sandra on Su-nda',. Mr. and Mn , c;o Arnm strong and famnilv, .Tim.n'ý will be with bis mother Mi> John E. Armstrong over thc Easter weekend. Mrs. Orlev Cnjapman. NTrý Orville Chatterton and N.r Jack Chaprnan attendcd i Baby Shower for Mnrs. Barr, Henderson off ScarborGu,,,I ï. the home off Nr ,DoUaý Skinner, Oshawa, on Sunla" Mr. and Mrs. Rus.-,ell Gimbl) lett and Sharon, Mr. Roi, Barrabail and David, . Maip! Grove, Mrs. Eldon Esserv auic Marion, Courtice, x td Mr L. 1. SKAIFE CHARTERED1 ACCOL NTANT Saturdays and by Appointment P.O. BOX 68 - ORONO Main Street Telephone 138 Round &Squ ta the nmusic of JIM FIý in ORONO TC ancien ausI Orono Amateur At] Saturday, 4 Dancing 9 - 12 p.m. .Ad 50 - 50 Drai to be m: . . . EVERY F Including air-conditior music and privaf e of For those w\hn pre Morris Co. offens the and re\'erence. Morris 4 DIVISION ST. TELEPIO N E "SERVINC; THIS AI y 2 fi 'i j- Morris last Wedneýdav, Mr,, ,OaGBahTUARf lE S %vidow off Wm. Graham, pass- 17 ed away April l2th at Water- O TAI * O rLiNw nday iafte e h 1-INA K. BURNS and Uwo grand-nephews, Don-, ROY' McDON.:LD Jame E. ichads, ditr Fueralwas n Saur- Following a lingering illness ruhrsgt bat1,loa The death off Roy McDonald Cemeer Rev. D. R. Dewd- Burns occurred at Memorial tributes from neighbors friends manville on Moda.!prl :, nevoficatd.Hospital, Bowmanville, on Fni- and relatives. was a florali'1962. He ,vas in bis 75tb year. (I andA Mrn'ý. Luther Barrabali. Mn.a-id ?ls Jack Davis, Mr. Wm. Mitchell was the day, April 13, 1962. tknfo h ntdCurh M oadxa onin - Mrs. A. H. Keane. Oshawa, Sberr> I. Karen and Jackelyn. g'uest soloist at Burketon Unit-î Miss Burns was born in Women off St. Paul's.1 Brock Towvnship. Countv off. visitiN Mrs. J. H. Morris. Rowmanville, w e re dinner ed Chunch Sunday morning BowmanviIle and was a daugh- Ontarlo and was the son off the M"Ir and Mrs. Rucsell Van guests off Mrs. D. N. Mles on and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell were ter off the late Francis and' late Donald McDonald and Horne. Wbîtbx'. Mrs. Fred Sunday. dinner guests off Mr. and Mrs.'Mary Burns. She was a life-f CHARLES G. VENNING Mary aeSudr.H t * Tnin'n Mn an Ms Ca' Mn, and Mrs. Murrav Por- Arthur Ribey, Burketon. :long resident off Bowmanvjlle, nStydyrndigt A-t nde Scboolat G e en- fE. Ml;llr anci sons Larn'ç- and ter, Newtonville, who xvere Mr. and Mns, Geo. Morton 'attended school here and re- ril -, 1962. the death off Char-;Ont. Wa n ixsited the Aflar, Gir- ceicebrating their i8th Wedding spent Tuesclax with Mr. Ar- sided for almost the whole off les Gilbert Venning occurred' The deceased %vas employed dený in Toronto on Sundax' Annix'ersary, and their child- thur -McKa',« Starkville. 'ber life at ber late residence, suddenlv at bis residenei o avyasb h od -nmd attended the Easter Scal rn - were Sundav dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Chat- 3LbryS.Nrh Blackstock. year Tire &i Rubber Company *Parade at the M.\aple Leaff Gar- orf Mn. and Mrs. W. Norman terton spent the weýekend with; The deceased suffered poori The deceased was a son off here and retired nine vearsý don Ms.Tamblyn visidPotr Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, health from eanly girlhood.1 the late William Hennyadg.H a amme f h C' hon cou-mn MrF. C. Stout, Tor. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. John,., Nancy and Bonnie, Brampton.1 She was a former emp1oyee 1Hannah Orr Venning and was!United Church. onto. Care Bowmanville, vi s it e d Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Norman loff the Goodyear Tire & Rub- born in Cartwright Township. uvvn riasseMs Mr.Ca1- ýodseChas. Wood Monda eveninge. Porter with Mns. M. Basker- ber Co. and off the Durham Sept. 26, 1895. 'Alec. Boe (Maudc) off Bow- Wood PCfl. Mrs. E. Gradv leaves this ville and Miss Leatha Mont- ,Knitting Mill. er last positio HewsdcadinBakmnvladabrtr.o- S-anda\ xx îh Mn. and Mrý n H a euae nBlc-Mlile n rohr o- il W'od nd dughtrs, eek to visit Mn. and Mrs. roy off Toronto returned home was as a part-time assistantstcan mdebsorefronM oadofPrtFry t-Fred Zitzen and ffamily in lai week fnom Florida and at Osborne's Sports Store, b1 is whole life in this vicinity.' The funerai service was held' Laef AToledo. Ohio. they visited Mrs. Porters sis-, Miss Burns was a membe Duning service overseas in ro the Chapel off Northcuttl Mn. Harni' Lxceti is a Pa- Mn. E. A. Byworth and Mn. ter' Mrs. Duncan Johnson of ýoff the Salvation Army and ac-i the first world war he was & Smith Funeral Home on' tient in Memaorial Hospntal, Harrv Phillips off Weston were'Daytona Beach who lost her tively cngaged in aIl phases o fi taken pisonen and spent al- Wednesday, Apnil 4, and was! Bow manie. dinner guests off Mrs. J. H. ;husband in Februan'. lits work when her health per-!ms w er nGraiodce'b e.W .K Geo M r f l o aftnd Mthe fond off k wdsparticularly concentration camps. He en- Houslander off Tninity Unitedý e Leoxaortang e de Cayt-honoFefosnd o ntigand crochet-Iîisted for service overseas in Church, Bowmanville. Inter-i tian in Ottwr an,,e oe Ce .r no O d eloîngan created lovely pieces the second wan, but wbile in'ýlment was in McNeil Cemetery, in O t w at w e .of work. itraining at Pctawawa in 1940'W ick. Ont. .Miss Catherine Power, Ton-rU unviving are two sisters, met wifh an accident and: Palibearers were six neph- enýH old urkey Geogequetingon lysuffered a broken back. .ews, Garnet Roberts, Fred Mn. and Mns. Gordon Power. ~I~LV )off Bowmanville and Mrs. In 1950 hied' gcrpnWd, RossDowWilsn Mr.rendOtMaw. ii Labe amtirW. J.£ Carew, (M. Melonia) off tny work near Caesarea a Boe, Onville Boe and Donald Kae, taa.wl b n 5 t Ii ieIcr Lindsay. She xvas predeceased scaffold broke and in the fail Boe. visifors xith Mrs. T Wilson. 9 i a brother, Harold (Bobbie) sustained tb e isb" b The Onono Unitcd Chuncb b 90. leree is acad \ e wa il Ar al rSeisi Women will bold their Easter Orono Lodge, No. 436, wasý Home at Barrie, considered one h aea erie wsboenaan n e a i i.Ralo tasi dulv insitued s a fuliof he inet o th NothýT 1 C K E T S Tbank-offening meeting on du1 ntttd a ui0 h ieto h ot held froni the Morris Funerall thi Trnto.bno Hs TO EVERYWHERE Thursdax' evenîng, ]9th. Therce fledged lodgc receix'ing its American Confinent. Chapel on Monday. Apnil 16,1 On Sept. 22, 1928, he naiCosî xxiii be'a special Easten* pro-: charter on April 2nd, 1912.i Sisten Gladys Gamsby was and was conducted by Capt. i îed Ella B. Ferguson and they JU Y o VELL g rni.Therefore on April 4tb, 1962,'escorted to the platforn and D. Ritson off Salvation Army 'took over the Post Office in R5 Yi&gSt.0W. VAE3 33L raMn an r.lmsRte-they celebrated ifs 50 years of rBro. Wilson made a presenfa- iCitadel. Bowmanville, and Blackstok ofinicg ets.BW.MAnvi3e-36 Mo'drDc and D. amid, off Kr- operation with a turkcy tion'off a beautifful plant. Capt. B. Stevens off Lindsay Stijl Postmastr i. enn b,,, Miss Joan Rutherford, aqe n:h udy col ierGmb va ae yCifadel. Infenment was in Bow- carrying on Sthe business while. O:hawa, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Auditorium off the Orono Unit- supie bt takd the avleCmtr.h a wv Dcîîîlon d b Oh cd Chunch catened by the ladies'ýBrothers off Orono Lodge for Palîbearers were Messrs. Dcae a ebrof G Ski lub) anqethin Oshaxwa off the cbunch. Af 6:45 thelthe gift with sincere apprecia- Harr.N Bartlett, Leo Mutton,l Dasock lJnife Chrh ' G A E A O SiCibBnutiOsaagathering was ready f0 sit lion. Fan Brn, lreMuto ockUntedvsbe lcd Saturdax' evenîng. down. Grace was said by Rex'. FaThern, 4fh off AIprunerdas e la B. Long, a toast to the Queen Te4hoApil being the Ted Bartlett and Milton Wil- basebaîl and hockey and Stijl are Dancing followed and then al partooki cedingrs. Ver r00of Mn. coxmn. te veyforlti-x;s very much nerested in1I~~~ off the delicious food before an' r.VrtlWlotbey, Aogteleyforlrialspt.S.H hdju inh- thei. to ce ace1o h lt butes, evidence off the esteem , cd watching the hockey on TV form wwbere Bro. Robt. Chaten, 'in xvbich the deceased wasien he suffened the fatal' [SHER'S ORCHESTRA Wlien the lnnerman hadîP.G. made a choice address, held, wcre those from the Sýal- h ýeant aftack. been satisfied Bro. Watson, 'presenting a beautifful gift for x'ation Army, Bowmanville, Surviving arc bis wiffe. three' MC., introduced the head'the occasion. Hattie and Vert'and the Salvation Army, Lind-!duhesadtosnGr \VN HALL fable off Bro. Long and Mrs.,wn srîy srpied btsx. yof ten x: Jonc, (Mrs.01 Long. Chas. 1-utchison, P.G.M. thanked evervone for the gifft. lFnýiends and relatives attend- Dballe Gunten), Napanee; Nor p i s o fo ff L o n d o n , O n t . ; B r o . j MsR . K . :J n s a o r d e t e s e v c e f o m L n d a , R E 1 hetie Association ýWilliamson, P.G.M. of London, Ms aoy oc aoe'c h evc rn da, of Lindsay: Wayne and Linda Ont.: Bro. Al. Perfect, D.D.G with a very fine solo withlToronto and Oshawa.i at home; and fwo granddaugh- O..M. of Durham District No. 42 Mrs. Yeo at the piano. Mr. ifers: also two sistens, Alice andMn. erec; Sstr laysWhite off Port Hope plaved admsy .P off D;istric N tonubesonhi acrdon ELEN L. CARRUTHERS .(Mrs.Ernnest Hale) ofJack- mission: SI.00 per person Gasy ...oDititN w ubronh codo, son s Point, and Lillian Mnrsý BROILERS or 8: Bro. Leonard Pears, V.G.,:'aîso sang fwo numbers ac- TedahofHlnLus onRh) lcsoktv iade at Intermission Mn. Roy Patton, N.G., and Mrs. companicd by bis banjo. CarThers, ago e 87. oured bohe rsl, H arrx' ioAlbeta O NG H N Patton and the MC's good wifei Oui' 5th Annux'ersary xvas!on Friday, Apnil 6, 1962, at 'and Orn, Cadmnus; and tww OUGHN ____________________ elma. Bro. Rolpb moved alla huge success and xill be 'Marnwood Nursing Ho me. haîf-sisters, M au de 45MÀ' r x'cry appreciative vote to theilong remembered. Roll cal Bowr-nanville. Miss CarrutherslBlakeman) and Mable (Mrs. 53to 14 POUNDA ladies for the wonderful found the following veteran ha been MI for two years. iRockford), both off Toronto.1 banquet to which Mrs. Long members present: 25 ycars and1 Born in Cramabe Township, ý He was predeceascd by one AVERAGE suitpbiy replied. lover, 15; Past Grand Masters, Nortbambcrland Counfy, thelhaif-brothen Albert and. a sis-: 't The gathering then vctd2 D.D.G.M., 1; P.D.D.G.M., 14 dcceased was a daughtcr offý ter Mildrcd. the tables and walked acnossPast Grands, 30. Visiting the fate George M. Carruthersi The fanerai service was fo the lodge hall for the pro- 'Lodges: Bowmanville, CoboungJ!and Elizabeth Russell. hcld at McDermotf-Panabaker HKLE EUN grami. Port Hope, Peterbor-ough, Lon- ESHKICE i r.Nwo otr rn oOhxa a ker apas Miss Carruthers came Io 'Chapel, Pont Penny, Tuesday,GE M ' ro NwMa Fster, off Kings on, opndksnOano Tures. Bowmanville from the Col- Apnîl îOth, and was conducted 100F.ofKigto, ne hall . borne district and had resided by Rev. P. Romneril. IntermentR NGAM t me n 25, 195,f o ewllox' r bere since 1911. She was a 'followed in Cadmus Union. by ro Ktcen of te al. OLNAmemnber off St. Pauls United iCcmneter1'. by paye ofSdeicaionCburch and, as long as ber1 Palîbearers w e r e Harold LEGSLabiBa i forlodge purpe, o the aTl ehealth permitted. an enthus-iCnawffod, Wesley Pearce, Ai- ram n a for lcogmmuit mihenjaloy Eporrsgou mtiastic memben of St. Paul's Ian Rahn-, Maurice Sameis, Short Cut, Shank Roust, Chops,8 hall for ycans to corne. Bro.i in the Sanday Scbool room onEeigAxlar.Ms a-Gibr alw ad Rav r ., ~ Fstn ase aayFerary*Satui'day affernoon. The meet- nuthers was also a faithful! Snooks.1 4th, 1962. so two minutes off îngl opened xith the Explorensan deodmmbrffS. Te ayflaloknad 7 m silnceto is crnry as b-'paroseandhynrifollowediPauils choir for many years.1the large attendance at the l bW serx-d bya beafifu praer yp iynl unison. Mu-s. Tink1 The dcceased's interests cen- chapel showed evidence off the l j by ev.Bm.Lon. ld te mssinan~ tadred around ber home, family esteem in which deceased was: Bro. Riddell xvas then called group on "The Church Steps,!and the work off the chunch, hcld. ".upon to give a brief hisfory offý Ouf." Jennifer Best sead aan h eie ahpesr Orono Lodge daning the 50, poem. Lou Anne A -re and froni working in ber garden. years, reading the minutes off Carol Hilîs read the seriptare. Miss Carrathers was pre- the finst meeting and the insti- Mrs. Tin k rcad a prayer and deceased by two brothers, Prdc FUue tution off Orono Lodge. Twenty the meeting closed wifh -the James D. and Charles M., andmebr indth1hrehmn"hirnwn ak asserMsNaI roueFuue itallic reed y thed a d ly iJess' wxva.'"S rvving arc a sister, Jean 1 M W A ~ XC L ON IA O G GR E EN st ff of lo en e i ht n g le M ' nd M r . D o T yl r (M rs. D . S . M cG reg or), an d ! N O. i G R A D E stffo FoeneNiinal ! ation r unayta abrother, William H. Carra- TOS WIIATWS aimAOii Frniths umlebeinîg, Mr. t tathers, bath off Bowmanville. TQ$/~TSAT /ASPA AG~ US Lodge No. 66, Bowmanvillc.rguests atMr. E. R. Taylor's. i The fanerai service was - AiO 4VÔ-CeeWOE guo idc b a hm wisegPi an d r Nelson Fice. Douglas held from the MorrsFnrl / /A e SL L .! gdee, Orn Lodgie PNo 3vith dkeitb, Taunton, visited Chapel, Bowmanville, on Mon--_ FACILITY basucly pro ogedN. s3 ince Mr. and Mrs. Frank day, April 9, and was con- C&Lî. )ned Chape], organ day. Mn. Keith Fiee is going off St. Paul's Unied Church. 'htdtbighml ev etaeadfml nSuu utdb c.Hrl unr2 9 ants off the Brotherhood as West for the summer. Ifnetfloe nBw ff-streî parking. xvell as the community at Mn. and Mrs. Lexwis Trallmnvler eet loeyn. o i cr a chapel slagefrrviice 8.3 hsand famil', Hampton, xisitedi Palîbearers were Messrs. J. 'u"~ts RED SPANISHNO 9GRDE ulmosi ij heen naised. 75% off this wasion Sunday wifh -Mr. and Mrs. H., Abernethy, S. McAllisteî', ~JMOSZ LIIO'týindi-nitv ýrfor commnunity service. First' unit to Bowmanville H 'spit lo,,roean auy Douglas Kemp, Roy Lanneyl Q osi iMi' and Mrs. Douglas Flett a 3-bcd ward, $96800: the P N A P E Orono United Cburch Building and Lynda ai. Mrs. Flett's, Columbus. P N A P E ~lFund $475.00 and our $3,500.001 n. onLwTonhill l1off free labour. Sick benefits; DEGHTNS iMu's. Ray Bemis, Oshawa, > C h ap~e ireased brothers $2601.96. virs'.do udya. n f r9 Bro. Chas. Hatchison, P.G.M.,'WM K MIVEK Spies'. olesfml r-rçîré D .......... VEN ADY E ýket Stew 1 c w anme of :vrs. K C- HOP- 1 ýMn .and -Mrs -.rv 1 ot.tô.n kuis on Thîurs-cax aftennoon uisited ffiends at Blackstock M~~ STEA4K '\1 ý,Kexes ripne maux and Mr. and Mrs. Don Pascne,, law~alian Sty le atlractivc parcels to nex'eal Dean and Danny, Hampton, Useful and prettv- gîffs. Sand-'x', th b s parents Mr. and Mrs DLV xxnihes -and cookies, tea and Harold Pascoe. coffe wee srvedfora soialMiss Norma Caverly. Cooks-' Ai t he t î*j nm ings ladies for thein giffîs and a ' family on Sunday. 1nleasant aftonnooui. Mr. and Mns. Wes. Wer,'v icx'eral off oun young pen- and~ familv x'sited on SandaY' ple attended the "'pronîi' at TU ORbyRoe witb Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf, 0 E.s'lic ofCourtice High School on Fri- T U F~ Oshawa. wbo have utr dax' ex'enine. turned from Florîda. 1i~ Mr.A Bre ndGaeeilif nRNEi r n Ms o e-G oioldeF. A wcre present af the group off and ffamily, Brougham, wîtb R DYAR 'rtbrec one-acf piaNs put on bv 17 jewel, ighock-resisting Mr. and Mis. John Knox and th Dramna Wonksbop in Bov o-magnetie, aeI-wind- ffamilv. Mn. Grant Down, Eb- x'isied Mar' Pilk Deivryon: r ayeeing fitted tgfamotis OYSTER adMs r1ffnfl R g ir.ulvr A E'NT nIr and M.\rs. Bill Kolenko case. the world'à firât and MnI. and Mrs. A. F. Aber- and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Han- emlii finest waterproof wrist- nethv. Manilla, visited their BOWMA N VILLE old Wilson, Oshawa. were the watch. daughiter, Mrs. Don Taylor and SA TU R D A Y , A F * r guests off Mr'. and Mns. Clîf- r familx-, on their refurn from fard Wilson at a ffamnilv dunno" Prired fromn $89.95 a xisît xu ith their daugbter lu min Sîuîdav wfien Mrs. Clifford oa cta Wilson and Mn. Harold Wilson M oi a.ieBeh al Sp g eticeeHO fter itha -.G nove. and Mr. Ross Farrow, Mn. and Mrs. A. BannesrkU Ke with Mr. and Mrs.' LiCkn thne M. an Mns Banes xiii e et iox ndthesoi onGl e iiknGrace and Ted soent Saturda *v Go.Kandlefmiy afternoon in Toioto While JEWELLERY & r1 rdîy C.unt Club h xisited Globe Road Vrilei GIFT SHOP Thunsdav evening. Apnil lOth. Iat ma i ~Chuie' r-ia'nrzFa- Mr. and Mrli Ros.ý Cry\de- ()-x f 'rîamViolets" uî.u2 in t.E -M :-74 an, Ellen andi Lamn'xvisi.ed -in progr'ess. - Mis. Rundie, Bowmariville. (OOKED - READY to SERVE SMOKED HAMS, Shank Portion l43C More Savings at A &P Choice Cream Style ~ A&P CORN 6 20-fl-oz ~ O Regular 2. tins 37c " SAVE lic Choie@ Quality Reg. 2 tins 27c-SAVE 22o A&P PEAS 914-ztn 0 Jane Parker Reg. 59c-SAVE 1o RHUBARB PIE 24-oz pie eaclî 49c e O IA R RegUlar 69o Regular$19 1-lb bag 6 5c 3lb bag 1.87 COFFEE SALE! SAVE 4. SAVE 12e VMS PCI~ICTfA COMPAMY f LY. Butt Portion AI! Prices Shown In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday. April21st, 1962. WEDNESDAY, APRIL18, 1912 NEED MONEY a a. for Spring Shopping ? Borrow Here to Buy! Don't lbave a frai] of bis ail over lown. Borrowv the cash you'1 necd for spring shopping from us. Then vou'il have onl\l one bili to repav - ini month- I.v instaliments thaf fit vour budget. You'l save money, tno. Corne in today or callI MA 3-3363 LOMBANK CANADA LTD. ~"~.1 c HA, R CA ii!e home va nl OLYN RESTAUR, KING ST. E. Try OurSpilî Pizza Pie andE Bar-B-Q Ch Diuop in for a I K ERY IL IOth MRIL 2.lst Da«iry - - ý -bý - PAME 1 emulý XIVM 3 KingST E SNA BOwrai i l Il 1 1 3 King St. E. Bownianville

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