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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1962, p. 6

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THECAADANJTTWAM UWM1?fANVILLE, T ARIO IV~ I On Wdîsuvecîn r At the Suîîda\' uîînring-. di otir oa' cung Lý-i L Coniing ta Royal ... Alex Drancs, off the îcbsrie ai Kedron United MISS APHA 1. HODGINS inserts composed offppr EA tianBadnt "b Chunuli1, Linîda JeanClîîs Barrister, Solicitor irlear -plastic, foul, fabrics, or Au "B BE I T Y AN Ji wtheBoard ffseaershipainfant dniglter off Mn. and T Notars' Public other matenial ha%,ing the gen- IN TmYLANDgwn the peial spea er aMns. Clîistoplirr Collings. re- r..mperance St. - Bowmanville eral characteriitics of papen m e eti n gr r e te e rn Ls o wt e r c iv c i th e s a c r a m e n t o f f b a p . R C A R O V K N w i I1 n r m a l îs' b e a c c p te d a t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H a l uere o s e na ti v e n s - t h l î s m . ';B .A ., L L .B . t! h e u s u a i p o s t a l r a t e f o r p e r -F E r htrce of sîaa unidi- A lar~ge nuinber off mathersý Barnister, Solicitor iadicals, without additional CEAn ittcîded the nîeetiîîg off theiKing St. E. Newcastle charges. Cn Scout and Cub Mothers' Aux- Phone 2246 rIn making the annaunce- VI *ilianv in the Lower -lall ff Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-11îment, Mr. Hamilton pointed V1 Kcdraîî Churcl oui Wednesday. ---- ont that a studs'off advcrtisingFA iTsp her iveng apr o ad aI M o r i g a g e s mater in peidcals had' Stuar its ptche rcmveddiscosin ___________shown that for the rnost part a sum off $4.17. lit was aisOiSADIE HAMILTON-ORN the purpase cf such advertis- E reprtd hat51.2 ha benPhone 1 r 16 ing inserts in periodicals was FO couicte r st n ofthchir R sidences - Farms of product advertised. rather g cocer. ' Business Properties than ta demonstrate its usab- IMrs. Bob Fraser, the Pres- lt.FrisacM.Hm Fen ident, informcd the members Mortgage Loans iis.FrisacM.Hm af coming events off intcrest. Prompt, courteaus service ilaMxland 1sac f '4 n Ms' 4t thre ilibe HAROLD C. PEDWELL cloth affixed ta an advertise- *a pot ]lick dunner for all Aux-' Real Estate and ment van anis' be regarded as CRAý * s * ilary nîeuîbes a Cap Ne Margag Brkeran illustration off the advcr- Save Sauiac. Nwcase Phone 3856 tised material and i s in no Way - tsabe lIncantrast, a ao 0un Jonc 12 the 21s.t Cubs sble.o apO1wui e u *and Scouts are holdingPa-ol nnrforaPllWUd PLS cuts' Nîght at the church, and' 0 f om ie r 'y able anîd would bc subject to - "MàI*Mats fo Modms"al parents are invited. KIHA ILT, -adcdituouial postage. "bl-ae o oen' Mrs. Fraser turnedi the meet-1 Optometrist Th 5otnserGnrisî recipe booklet.Write taday. Wn er, ta Scoutmastcr Wm 1ý141 King St. E. - Bowmanville1that inserts arud tip ans" Werwho wuth the sitne ie Hours: By appoîntmenr wicli met the new conditions m A Divisonof off Scouts John Davis, John, Telephone MArket 3-3252r would be accepted at theus !AR ^MRS OF CANADA Rose, Toni Ogle. Gars' Schwassi Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fnl . ul-aefo e(0ial h b 147 Davenport Road, Toronto a ~and Biorn Peterson. demon- 9 arn. ta 5 p.m. ;thr rr not the uiserts coutaun stnated somne off the values ofi Thursday evenings as ttmîtputn u h #à he Scouting program. Wed. and Sat, - n -13 iipecial material advertised. OBT RYmeniber ofthte Salvation Bownîanville Legion i pe Sturviving besudes his wuffe Gewiral Maltons af Canada. M IVILLIAIMSON ALBIN rare four sons, Charles, Albert, Anialis' Freuglît V/a *ys and Cra- Tuedeah ff /iliaisui I-Cecil. ah off Newcastle, and okeni Creek Conînunuîv. iii. age hof ,laccdsuddeAI- Chi!off Oshaw.&a, and twa dau- Din ag d 7 , o cured udcen-ghters, Ha nîualî t Mrs. Arthiur , [fnomî a lîcarî uittack at hîsiFarriow i, Newcastle. anîd Dor- ssidence. RR. 1. Ne xxtonvile, ccii (Mns. John Cordon, off n Moîîdav, April 9, 1962. Oroîîo.M 0NEY The decused was born at The ftuueral service was lîeld .ockmacrnaiev, Ricx 1h11l, Ca. fn tîîhe Morris Fuimcral Cha- AVAILABLE FOR ýrmagh, Nortii Irelauîd, auîd'pel. Bawýnîan\,ille. on W'ednes-,1 'as the son of the late Mr. day. Aprulil.1,and 'vas cari M O T A E ind MIrs. Jamies Aibin. fie at-:ciucted by Capt. D. Rulson tuf im0BTGA ES 'nded Wasteland Sehool, Ire-, the Salvation Arnv Ctaýdel md.Bowmaîville. hile* a R LIlS.'lNE Mn. Ahbin niarnieni tle for- in Lakevuev.-Cemrne Ne\- -PI . JO E er launali Kaîe, who str- tonville.1 ives, iin Julv off 1924. He xvas Pahîbearens xvencIlqroi Barrister and Solicitor ifariner iii lrclauîd, but lad sans and two sons-in-law, Ax-'13 igS.E Oshawa soen retineni since conig ta tlur Farrow' and John Goi*ýnd 10ainut.E e Nextonvlle area 13 veas Amng the loveiv floral tri: RA 8-6246 Io froîn Irelauid. lie m'as a butes %vere those frnm the of the sha]lowest off the post- gave the treasurer's report.' war period and represented a )MsLly Coriend r. Consurrers Spenclin Ipause rather than an actual seso n t WMr. LlMCKn ig eeanomnat- 9 set back in overall growth". b s e &n t W .MKih eenmnt 4. The economie recoverv led as representatives for the, S een as B arorre fer ýduring 1961, which brough't By Minnie E. MeHolni had amused the children bvT resbyterian Conference with pu nredsncar ndionaltrt- botwhe ia using a flint and steel which:expenses paid. The church bi the reslience of the Canadian writing happened vears ago, it i ~ oehr asdiice is ta be locked, -with enC n d ' conomy nm and its abilitv to was the trne when a ~ asakt alo ic fn onn f lcrcleup saeoff reccssionarytne- maker or scarnstress washr rag and you had a small flame ment. Full allocation is ta be des. cd by day, xveek or month to' As the children started ta 1sent to the Presbytery. All Canada's economie health inla spring round-up off the state %v. e for the familv %Aherel cough from the smoke, Lena Unit leaders gave their reports RB 1962 wiii dcpend largeiv on of thle economy, the Commer- 59. Exports set a record and'hircd. 'became frightened and to!and are gathering large mem- Ai how consumers spend their!cial Letter also makes these were a high paint off econom- Et roteth saîfaehdbrsp.M. Cecil Adams " poi adontents: ic activity. atrwsleth vr covered it with anything she read an appeal from the Pres-:an moe adonto rwigand Grandmother was hig could lay hier hands on, then byterian Deputy Depot forýte -nlue of capital învcstmcnt,1 1. The true significance of! The current expansion mavl fine weather would prevail soihad taken the children to hide clothing off ail kinds, each unit'la says thc Commercial Letter off 1961 was in flhc growing pub- lose some off its mamentu m 'ththrfu ml agtr'!tebi e.i se aapitamm the Canadian Imperial Bank lic awareness that Canada may during 1962. the Commercial id wtler the alda t es the box e wîth the prappontty 5 ner off Commerce. dvlpia aetof\,vsLetter said. But further gans couldwa he *it dresses h oe wt h r tat work with Mrs. Adams on m Cndastn ob aadvclop in l var ieî 0xavs ga,-sand matching bonnets an Eas-i bonnets were crushed and this project. The devotional vii Canauanstendto e ca- an. wihin limîs, i cain the level off economic achiv-'ter Dav as was the custo.sie by rnk an wtrnd rgame eeco ina flous in their spcnding habits, hoeisoncore s'emlke.Mroe.teThe bonnets and dresses were, dresses had met the same faecdi ia Easter pageant with be but Ilhere are indications floW 2. A basic choice is between 'level off aetivity lin the final ýfinishcd endi put away UPa1jabs rs f rnjrs. Lloyd Courtîce, Mrs. Ed- th- thttc vllices hertetp ofgovhwc have mnh f16 vshg n stairs in the large wardrobe mother's. ward Warburton, Mrs. Brucetýý rate off spendung moderatelv. had in the past, ivith a stress'if this is maintaincd, evenitehlhesa trs Thscobicdwih thr n-onth epot r awmaeralwithaut further gains, -there intehl.tesasrsl Lena was kept until after s o Johnsonn, 'rhi, cobind wih oher n- in te exortor rw mterils, goe towor elswher. TolEaterSurd, 'Mrs. BobànM CJohnston, J. dicators, suge'ýts that the ex- 'and a growth that would gain will be "a substantial increas.e" rgn awr lehr.ToEse uds - she promised Ms rn hmlMs pan!anstatedin 961 wil moe srcnth rommanfac unthfGras Ntioal rodctoutfits were pale blue, twota do better, but Grandfather H. Herron, Mrs. Cccil Sim-! pansion sarted in1961 wil morc stength frm pinkf-c if siek, bonnetsnalwere cf pput- hfssfootbonnens.erLenaIumons, Mrs. M MartininMrs. Norrm continue and that the currentituring. for 1962. siîk as wel ail tuckcd and'must go",fo lw." Adair, taking part. The meet-ý year will bc a good one, the' 3. The recession off 1960 and: Despîte the slowv start in1 friîîcd with a wreath off tinyi It was' a sad Easter or ing closcd wîth the singing' ComrilLetter reports. In early 1961 "proved ta be anc 1961, the Grass National Pro- flowers under the wide brimîlittlc girls who had ta wearofteTee ________________________________________duct showed an increase overof the bonnets. i their regular Sunday bonnetsl Unit No. 4 Lh peIuS year ao? an esti- As a Lenten projeet the: and dresses. Te4hUi e tte DeTeMt ilr 9e Oor-omated 21,2 percent. vicar off the prs hrhhad1 Mye -dit Unit met at the DeendTee MothoKilierrs59c-Odo-ro-nos parisho e r ch ak ! m y Gis str and mot e afn told hom e off M rs. Cecil Adam s,' Larvex 'Math Bomh 1.98 Roll Deodorant 98e pnigb osmr c sc i aîhoest aem hssas n as times[with the Leader Mrs. Vic Ba edrn .5 counts for about two-thirds off inta their homes for this sea -[ have looked at the scorched O'NcilI in the chair. Mrs. Larvex Spray 1.09 - 1.69 'BnDoorn .5 aIl expenditures in the (,con- -son, a homeiess girl or boy' and bîackencd inside off theiNorni Gibson read the minutes MahPooe om .9 Mennen Brake 1.2.5 am'. There are indications from an Orphanage in Lon- ýbig wardrobc where, miuchlfoîlowed by Mrs. Jerrold Esta- MohPooe om -9 Fresh Rail on 89e that the growth oif consumer don, with the option off kccp-: later on some off my new Eas-1 brooks with the treasurcr's re- Fiy-Tox Bomb 98c, 1.59 Arrid Spray 75ce demand is more cyclicai than ing thcmn for the summer ter dresses were hung.pot AnaefrheUi un the past few vears. For ex- months. Grandm-other had off- ___ort.A_____fotheUni - ample, Canadians nma vdelas' fcred ta takc a girl. she ar- as fmcosen, a "Cumai-aI Car LOW PRICES Wax their purchases of durable rived carIs' in Lent. Lena was CO R IEtke rmCre I eFih goods- such as automobiles- lher name. Grandfather said C U TIEifui. Thc fourth Mondas' off Cushion Vacuum Botties 79e Paper until thes' consider that times she was too bold and not con-i each month was set for the: * 88c 63e size Pepsodent 29e arc good. sidered a fit companian fori (Intended for last weck) meig. Dvtoa from ________Pst ~ 9 ________ ppasit192 he Com- his childrcn. Howevcr, Grand-! TheUntdCuh oel John 1 Oth by Mrs. Cec-cii ________9e__ Unted Church Wo6e A dcims.Meditation "The *mercal Letter sas's: "A canm- mother said she would keep of ortice United Church Churcho! Christ" by Mrs. Fruit 1.23 size Bufferin ----- 98e First Aid bination off hîgh personal dis- an es'c on Lena and try ta held the monthly meeting with Carl Down with a talk on the Basket 79e size Vamn 64e Kit posable incomes, rcduced un- teach her better manners. Mrs. Horace Vetzal, president, facts about the church. Mrs. cmplos'ment and a high level,ý Lena was ta take the girls opcning with a prose, "'Foliow Harolci Stainton, wife off the 88< 98szePpdt--7e 1.99 off persanal savings may wcll i Ott for- waîks and make lier- Me". Mrs. Orm Robertson minister, rcndered a solo. The' *Pure Castiie Soap, Se ea. ______ induce cansumners ta increase selff generaii -v useful. Theread the minutes off the last!mccting'cîosed with prayer. their rate off spending modera-1 girls - Emm~a 8, Louise 6, Ger-I meeting. Mrs. Cecil Simmons'I Ironing 1.19 size Coigate Paste 99e Fîve Year tel.V." trude 4, and Pallie nearl _:-!__________ "Joy Unit" Board Caver Large size DayTrebschlensare, h *e were delightcd to have Bsns ietr h o ntmta h 88e noted in Candda's cantinuin~g:sOmeane t ly hand B sns ielr he.o ntmta h 8e Dusting Powder ---1.48 Di0ry Thed basic challengesa hre t paj'wh home off Mrs. Don Cowle with Golf RaIls ---- 99e e devclopment: the need ta make Lena knew so nuany newj l~fan~~ the Theme sang as the opening ________________________________________________ the tullcst use off existing re-i games and sangs. Thes' werel I hm.MsAiGadngv sources in order ta iucrease 'fascinated with lier. Some off RAYj.-DILLING-- the treasurer's report. Mrs. Pardee Licjuid 1.25, 3.00 R leeC u h empioyment opportunities: thielthe songs howcver. Lena was' etfc ulcAcutn Carmen Thompson xvas ap- achievement off a SatisfactorYifor'bidden ta repeat afteri 93 Church Street Ipointcd flower convenor with Pardec Caps. 2.50 .' .5, .5 Pertussln . 65c. 89c, 1.15 rate off growtîi over a lojn* 'Grandma had beard hier sing- ___ MArket_3-3861 Mrs. Don Cowle as suppîs' Geritol- Liquid or Tabiets Pertussin Spray 1.39 tem aprid rising incin - ung thcm one day._. -.-rr ntiv;4arnswr 1.35 -3.29 - 5.49 VksFrua4 .9 es for an expandîng papula- The Saturdas' before Palm IVM. J. H. COGGINS doad from members for the Phoshoicithn 175 uckly'sMixure 7c,98c tion; and the sciection off the Sundav was verv wet sa theý Chartered Accountant tea. Coat hangers arc being Phophiecthn 175 Bukle'sMixur 67, 8e tYpe off growth that will best children were- plaving in thel Second Floor coliccted for the next meeting serve Canada's needs. i big hall upstairs. Grandmother New Library Building at the home off Mrs. Stan Kinrs- 'Canada's past growth lar-- was too busy t oieteCr mg& eprneSs a nMay' 7th. AIl ladies NewSuve ai Spay- -1.9 gls reletcdth exlotatonchildren rnuch. She was con -Phone MArkct 3-3612 werc rcmindcd ta bring their: New Save Hir Sray 159 Iely rfleced th ex fortatix- scious off their young fVoices asl YA LE. FRIEDLANDER- Bibles and donations for the Giant size Patricia Hair Spray ---- 88ec part," the Commercial Letteurtc agc n lac OPN aces aesl ttenx ýsad. Desit th diersfia rouind. Prescntly ail scemvdý Accountants and Auditors meeting. Thc layette was said. 'Duspi.eFeeldingrsifica-Liccnsed Trustee supplied with numerous gifts tien that lias taken place ith-ata be quiet. Feelingosame- Get Set Setting Lotion 15 in the Canadian econarny, thing was wrang she called to in Bankruptcs' Canadian living standards are'Lena. Receiving no answer, i64 King St. E. 725-1621 Mission Depot. Devotional was stil bascd ta a large extent a Grandmother went up thel Oshawa, Ontario given bs' Mrs. Bob Johnston theexor of lmicd n-tartaiîsiae.Sefn B. L. Yale, C.A. Ion the theme off Easter, fallow- rhemanextroeamev unble c oui e - E h anFFieIner .C in.TH..edb ynad ryr l ber off raw materials whichl'cied she smelt smoke but FFidanemBeCmCP.. dbs hnad rayer. Al- remin xtemev vlnrabe cul se nohig o car te MONTEITH meTIT ngambe enpnsw ta evlopnets brad children. Cailinig again and RIEHL & CO.n am f e-pn vt G S - an~~~~~~~~~trelpnens iat:: oa. asd n o e-Hn i~t a Mrs. Cecil Simmons adMrs. PHONE9 DR WE FIT blocks, cagngcnitosithe one with the tester bcd, Chartered AXccountaunts fracsCrolrciig r MA359 R G STORE TRUSSES world raw materiai markets land bcavv curtains, puîlingl 728-7527 iprise gifts on their scores. 11ad wrnesta tepstaie onefo the end curtains iPartners: !Eastcr eggs arc Ioalbe madebs i war boom dicoeedth hidrn. Johnstan and Mrs. deeomn a ae huddled togethler in the fa1A .MnetB Com., C immons. ý C e are gvng lis corta h ail ther bcd. Gertie and PoIls'. G. W. Richî, C.A., RIA., mos that the type off growth en- 'were crs'ing and almast smo-l (Licensed Trustee) "Friendship Unit" D ~~~~ BOWMANVILLE iaved in the past shoîild ter edb u iîw I G .TehwsCA The Friendship Unit off MA 3-5589 haps give \vsta more auto-l looked triglitened as thcy tried__ R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. _Caurtice United Church met R OÀ L nomaus fforins off developnîent ita te"I their mother same- .1nQ a he"'Ms ly s MU W ~~~~~ ~~'The ecanoînic polnîfc ti. about a fire.WISNhm s Ling Canaa in this olnefcti- hjîclof mk n hrtrdAcutns Ervine, with the leader Mrs. 1 ingCanda n tis onnetin' he mel orsi-okeand Chaterd Acoutans Wm. McKnight apcning with 11 THURSut., 7:30 - FR1., SAT., 7& 9 p.m. lis wîîethuer ta reîx- on the tra- scorched ciothing drcw G-.d 14iîng St. East, Osnawa,On. prayer. The dvtoa a ditional forces off grawvth or othe tathe ardobc ot whehe plîie soud e d-mothnu te he wsoon. Obnto artnrs:taken fram Corinthians %with I1 wheter oliiesshold b ad! mnut to soo. O th flnr hsmns Sung from records. The 1y g optcd ta encourage the devel-i las' a pile af burning clothes. Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. ! secretars' and treasurer gave: Il :AIa opment off manufacturing in- Rushing into ber bedroom and G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. terrprs oiwdb'Ms du~tr thestimlaus snatching uipth heavy water, Poe7-54 Wm. Peirson reading a stars' -SI ihE IENDU UM caming fronivithinjug, alrnost full of water hefor pogram r.oDicsioko __________________________________ There hanrc mas'initons s1the. to h unn rs mnymkn rjcsto COLOR I,--,«VINCENT PRICE The ar nafrom nitons hs wites.rn. C h i r op r ac Cf i place. Collections wcrc faken that there is growing public Afler a while the stors' came G DI AN C for the Mission Layette with awarencss off the choices open Ont, Lena had discovcred the! Chirapractor 'ah mme oaig a Aduit entertainjment ta Canada in future develop- "tinder box" used in those'Ofie:article. Somne of the members ment, and off the fact that pub- da . ama!aami ir s 15 Elgin St., cor, off Horses' St.'!r odn vnn est lic policies mighit be shaped ta which candîes wcre lit, she, Phone MA 3-5509 iraise funds. A guessing game SP C A !support the chaice that ilsffic_____ --.--. AtmýntI o l asce wne Te i made, the Commercial Letter trict who arc working an, - - - OfieH usAs ponm ntook place wi Mr.Paue Children's says. There appears ta be -a 1 Sector Plans.Den ai meeting clased with the bene- ! new pproach ta aur economic large graup off ladies De ia dcin Lunch was scrved bs' HO IA niamn eeuia attendcd the Easter Thank- - ...Mrs. Clifff Rs'an, Mrs. Perc ii MATINEES /'. tion ta adjust ta ~the changes 'offffring meeting off the Unit- D.W .RDLDDS ab'adMs ly rie hihaetaking place." ced Churrh V/amen at Kedron Ofie uyJuic Bds.Tenx meeting wilI ehec whc rÀ ntdChrha ensa 40 King St. W. Bawmanville,at Mrs. Wm. Peirson's. FRIDAY Fevening. lOffice Hos: . aiy E (EDRnN ev~~Thi special speaker for the 9an a6pm al' I -F KEDR N ievenng as Ms. Ronald Love, Closed Saturdas' and Sunday and in wWho spoke on the three aspects Office Phone - MA 3-579o Post Offtuce SATURDAY us (Intended for last wcek) off the "Love off Christ", aur HasPhn- -_c-cast-e-351 Di Mis Llin Couvesoff love for Christ, Christ's love!! DR. E. W. SISSON l 2 p.m. Greenbank lias cansented tafruadulvanon-LDSDDS Eases Rules on FE ___________________________________________ serve as orgauiist and chair, cern for ather people. Office in bis home dLrcto,_uccedng rs;Ros npecia.1 si a-p- idd10 ieryS.-. Bwav__ u~~ I MAPLE LEAF * X'ORK * ROSE BRANDS BEST BUY! - SAVE llc' ROSE MARGARINE BEST BUY! - SAVE 8c! - Fancy Qualits' BEST BUY' - SAVE 4c! - Hoinogeîîized 16-oz. lI h p 1-lb. Packages 4for87 2(>-oz. Tins 3 c oxrs5 BEST BUY! - SAVE lic! - 4c Off Pack S not wflake Shortening 2 BEST BLI X - SAVE 4c' StokeI.%'s Fauu(v MESCAFE Instant- Coffee Ir8.0Ç BEST BUY' - SAVE 14t' - Skiin MiIk Powvdcr 3-1b. Pkg. INSTANT MIL-KO ___ 111value Check'd Meats____ Fu113 Cooked- "Short Shank" - Skinless HAM S Sh~No aste l. 9 SakPortion5 G~rade "A hoice, Plunip - '*Oveti Ready" TURKEYS Bnle b45C 1 Mapie I caf M1apie Leaf sweet Pickl,,d -cryovac Chunks iMild Scasoned 2-lb. Cella Back BACON lb79c WIENERS 89C îMapie Leaf MNaple Leat - Four Varieties 11'eii Streaked I-1b. Fiat Pig. LU'NCIIEON 6-oz. Pkgs. R.,indless Bacon 69c MEATS 4for89c ceBo 1Jr 1b. Packages ;or49 48-oz. Tin EATLRI ' - Savîe 17c! - 2c Off Park I IC S 'E OF 4 8 - 4.6 9 OG FOOD 10Ofor $1 A Tit E! - Save 2c! - 12-oz. 'rin L AM LUN(HON MEAT 45c .'..'.,. - " "' a"' Fature! - Save 5c'! APLE LEAF 8o.pkgs. 11'îth Pork 20-oz. Tins ýheese Slices 2 for 49c YORK BEANS 6 for $1 7ATIVRE! - Save 26c' - l.- Tin BEST BI'Y IN E'ROZEN FOODS! APIA: LEF ~ BRAXNDI Save 4le - Libby's. 2-lb. poiy bag ANNED HAM $1,39, Mixed Vegetables 45c FRESHI PRODUCE FOR E'ASTER I"EASTING! I)eî(au -Golden X cIIov - Sav e ilh Fcatuiring Canada Packers' I i [FATUR1E! - Save 10e -5c' Off Pack M IPU E E' MILI) - 12-0z. Pkg. CHEESE WEDGES 39c FEATI'RE! - Salle 9r'! - York Brand "Spicy W afer - Breaid 'N' Butter - l6oz. jar S%'cct. Juicv - (iood size Palaii Garden No. 1 Gr. - 14 oz. celIa PINEAPPLES ea29c TOMATOE.S 19c Nutritious - SIVEETr ( nîp, T.sty ,No. 1 Gr. - Juinbo size ATURF ! - Save 7r'! FRESI BAKEI) p ci'% Vitannnlizrd 49 o-1unei ~pIe Juice 2 for 59c Mot + Bunettes doz39c ATURE! Save 2m ulem Re.3rEc lada Brand 24-nz. Bottie.s uncm -RR 9'Ec I NE G AR 2 for 43c Banana Guest Cake 35c %TVRE! - Save 4c F'E.tTI'RE! art Ilouse 25-ft. Roll - 12-inch Ayimer Stuffed Manzanilla 1-11. M WRAP 31 Save 2c! - 8-oz. jar Save 10e - 16 oz. jar HTUE WRSaP 31c OLIVES 29c 49c chs Prepard h fl7. ar EASTER CANDY F EATURE' U T A RD 2 for 25c Golden Hour - 12-o. celo UNBERRY SAVCE Flery Toffle P, 5! 15-oz.Tis 4-oz. C('db Bag3 :ean Spray 2 for 49c Licorice Allsort 39 Prices effective at the Iisted Red & White Food Stores only ýRNISH'S MARKET...... Orono I PAGE SIX tseop j Foe e a M t' 'i à.. 1 c 'c ic ýc ic c c 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 1;OWMAfflM.Tlr nrrA'DTM ýDAY, APRII, IR, lg62 ROSE BRANDS APLE GROVE MARKET 9 0 Mapie Grove

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