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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1962, p. 12

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PAG! TW~ELVE T~ C' ~7AD!AN STATE~MAN. ~OWMA.WtLLZ, ONT ~ w FDNT~PAY. AT'RTL ~. 1~82 - I Ciarke Taxpayers Wiii Dig Deeper To Pay Added Costs deeper nîto t1ipir poc'keu; th!t year when it cornc-z tîrne t pay thcir iinnual munilcipa: taxes. The taxli sCoon to hi present.e( to t1he properU, owners ha,, an înci'rï-sp i chief1'. b tIr) ce oýý c-dj z, tion. The Tnnnof C!(ark' ,wi1J, this v'r e"a srte ol 20.8 mills for Schoo) purposes cornpared b o15>9 in 1961. I thr' Pubrlic selhoo :field most off thp rdtos show11 clecase %vi1h the 01to. ', t. Trownshiîp Sch o l A\ 'r i lhe CRCSS No 6, 11) and Il bcing cxception7. The Township or ('larkp rn.i! DEAD STOCK SERVICE Purchased accordinz tb siz and condition. SmaII animais removed free Phone Collect, Prterborouzb RIverside 2-8827 NICK PECONI, Proprietor Licence No. I17-C-61 NE DEMOCRAl NOMIIN MEE' Monday,J &no0 Odd Fellows1 SPEAKER: E. B. Jolli ;;".fi~ r' -rrer-i --i., nt ~ ..5. 39 and 7.79 nl'ý Tbe Tw hptox bill r' :show a de-(,rea5e in the Coun-. f rate vwhich for the current "c-ar is do\-wn frorn 13.0n iîs 'n 11.9 Tiiîs is, hoxuever, ofr- .ci hx' those atez that ha\. tn<reas;cd rsîl tg 0ri or- mnrev \'to ho pain to Ith t~x collecinto hiî.,ear. ADVICE ON GARDENING off llîç' evpnT: ,,ýMi'..valia Rn, chis gave tus a i c iiteret;î" displav on Art anging Flowers for dîffereut ili-es. whichi should prove ver v he]pful in ail. Mrs. Mcbaggan won a. priz'c donated by i\Mrs. Gibson. The presicct thankeri vr one it'nd a social iour w as spent b> ail. lermai) su1a:e, He further M ill R ate for H ope e1ç1pltai11nr'dtliat such a sii ran nlybe nainitained by the Jumps by 9 Milis tqîîadiaî'.oal M--. Heriniai ad liat the '11P Tu is1v orHop in I S Ntiler ý ]i rlh;ro word Canadian lias taken cri 'Ibe~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ lo nhpn'op n S um r216itl O. neu, mcaning since the enîd çrraŽed !t- mili rate by tinc enierc:al and residential, up - of )IWorld War Il. and tile set- îîîll oxi at ar Nwheii iils. 1t111z-o2 f more than 1.500.000 pl -fp for it3 xrliî-j" ipa ' P o ii th ('l c'.1ECEGRFLNsTRi 3prfrpdlng Jliîpers 're O\iae, ouutrogtdOiss Nunîber 7%1 ý.4 nul h.coi-le\\.Canaldiuansuinthis on [ p<oseý i1asrernainedcd çoset)i 1tltte '( iers ('r. lî I E RRBD(NtEIGi on iIofJnpri UnKETON 's1962 budget oIver the week- mercial and 6.66 nllîs farrnux , tiers il Tijý:dav April.3rdý -%R RO Na i reIEidential9, do of .34en, lsi o id tatoff ldt -e-ar withcilv .a , * .îuding the eves' popular pfit- aSd rtîîig a loial net .igure off Ilshîght .14 increase. The Town- "lien iev eo.uuielueu a chance B (c Ilizrtk<rfl, hetzi, and sabina varie-' Untieided for last xx ek el .gP *(ta etfgueo Thenth lto.o oletl-,'219010 to bie raîsed bx' taxes - ud. cork cornes frorn theoue e ship rate for those in the Po&- cog tax vuliicb v as discussed T ale'ouqr* Thehevadriaiions'1inefoliage Mrs. B. fiubbarnt s 1) i O c-nu oked out uts budgetofasicie fiu ariuu eshadingos l 7ilil.ili c tlu Mediterranieaii ar . e not Vieaen 0ir Oan las v.95ox Iîb gaica' 'so hlsî eo-i rce , e i l'at c ; :o iibi n reTheir ul- Krantz, OI-jua ti-lt'0iigiir ab ut3en! he C. .L . ot (d iasedai i wib", i.'l ,xIIIceos ai id thun brcai!grrol)t1 îCi!' ruutri'; iii lie ch -cîî A noare 'c larc -r B rothe rh At x a ou, t îiîueflirtes uli tor '<. <: 1r.e t ue lo'Ie 1cm (f tA.\ling iogs xvl lie -0'.Opou I i n". Pi r tin ile thrv ( a ot 3 fci w ir e Tliu Il i'tl- T i 1 l o.Pr ':C wIate1 l xx a ou l 'i cuî~ ba et u f ilg' o u o t he Poli(c re d or. ai e ino' I nîîted tin gre(-11, ti1,'t indlox or iin tront of ftaller wvith a Pgod aitlclldtiilC-' Ixxigrh. s"1 i s atlff15 2 A IrcaI >TrîusteeF rate bas been tli- " lants. Their foliage is a de-' The United Chuircluhne lg Iîiî >igMs unno an u-blbxdet rreaed V1.2nîtis ttO." C.oumuî"~ a a>o ascd 1 sbdîîîsht tb hie oye, and their met inifile chur-cl bail onrîî,r rreaOron bv12 lSebool rtesupport trie Lake lnario De-ýbline and pturplisli edTlhere hé rdinoss aiila7ing. 'Uley' have Wedn-esdax fe cing w ith a 1,e loxnhirate of 13.19 upuA i c 11 oi nhe. in a OooP biS hîoowrtes orel Assocationî as bave uare al.o x'arjous habits ofi tuix earroed a place tri exery good attei'iuancc The ladie, '~I~x .iit'iiite bî, tau foorli f oiNpa îi-gow'th. co1niuiir P.'ramic a bAsx' F'n w rierial 'f - --lic alsa. i asforoîite e.u ch. srnm' c Lar :clcn. Beure b in gv thent were mals an]hlcrease of 3.5 i ntIlt-a u <x itea. 's jloxi-p'î'clx'î'îiiîuî tc '1liu i i-roiiî. Sabinas do bet- fl ui'i uu<er Iii Nut 111'high ýI t iloIrate hs I i) Thr spirit off brt othe od ni. m eratib te i.i'. ail bý-tel, axxav froini xxats, trces doliuiClt a hotui lic <'un lof 6u'. 1 ll ýover laszt vi.(' L s t s iportanit traolain Pts.nx (lxuOSS Ie hi;i would he lex mrci (i r Il' as bîrchies, a nd naine ou', MiN .aiid M~ I.. . -l jCgue Theenod and lirgc . bud'n-s as a souind financial pol ic, '. Awvnv' Gn inret Deficie capi ta bars. xx'iliflic total cîîsî fourjd for exî"x'Ina tion nepoî.attîr lew(cdiiîugin, Port grI off Sti8. l le bcsaîtur asLois Herman off the Can1a- Ftaymnit will apply onI~ m xii p7is a total mîfl rate this hsui 56191 . z h t oi b V e x rrco cx a billi hdtî . rylvraîuî * 'i ' <d iiiStiii t<, car of 811,18 iiills for Cresider - ci H o n'e 'ti oa\ 91.da orci fC rsin"cý poery gae aîid 36 (il for g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'i lmitl,,Pr 4 iid'~ert i 1.i o~.<-f ueuiaîiî' ieuut.îiipts 'an ua.~d cac uiiui . T daî Cotîil ffChrstansaidnpotiti-rdedw-s tilaii8 Ifrc'ommiercial.-fh ltulli-red. uk-rx.,M. ad u. Cu l " i i nurlio ile lisir Jcxx's staird at the aiiîsaiiireii mott»iptonz 'icrai c . h aýA V'ar e.cre co0n: A ttion xx \as îiasrîî i. ali dîgru ts. Wbc!i rotîcrîx ý' Cauîarti-grocin, one o hs us L ia l<r ooîur mi- efie 11e iifcruth iqnt (i u iau Cu ts- irethe ot ito n t at siderabl': lower beuîug "é-. ur'uiîecîî u ' ec 'oa ed ;id i'en o. c r sîouîd Stilu . tf i ' e Mr. 1 .] piur. < .u x public.r il ra ',ti'ccc~l esm ade i is osilt and 76,7J2. For those un tnPoetsu .ti u rotxo Police' grCnus go. e'cars c c xiiare raatîv otiiers TheNs are \vere Stîndîx' g".ts of >r North 1101- Srhîloîul arca1 ionTho evout v-as iueld (cil Village fite uucrea.ýe sV. ii be'Trustrer w xxich it tur e % that oxerallros,ýis are silia±l. 'lte uoîi,htsý. eonuparatively and r T huomîas Hodgu aud strîi'ck a iliill rate off 10 uuillS. a receuut cvcîîing unthue <a (O LE T 7.95 resideuitial and 9.29 nilits'aire ln Cdisriss fi re p tct'o Wheii us. tt iling pretoe ip iSCdC fee i!oe ouy a1tx. ouiur'ii aîd îîlte ttu ste. eiuloadio'iuî.Pr con-uiercial.for i- c Toxx islîî off ('arl'i' bcd 10t" dec'p wit lu , n ar ii.s!igIlft slea iiîp Io* kecp bîieuîi Mr.ani _Mr,- Torni Si brui anîd rci'c n iaIl 'b Tis is Hoicpe. Morc Iiuan 2010 paenpo- Oisrrle&i,,tced 1Varehou For propert. os', oors in thel(011 iii] or V. er tiialai- nlnhi 1tcii huu' arI oni ýc i tlî ritle igtalî i . i a au'.v t .Sî . î'r'du u iif Ihîrnofuulls frontî xx' r reseilt ilTh resîpro-, No. I. IVestoln, Ontar Towsh. i p anud tri tllie Town- lra "t pii î îeett: lioaîî.na1 u n t ll l r arýC hle (ilf P"n<'.rate ,J î i nr - S u -l urdaY exli i g uir s off 1" hi <nrn uî l î'a r Truirtait Aîîst ijii, p rnleci~ suîtp 'Sehool area art inereas,- A tih"r'Is ics'd f 'o ~p.atiinîos I-II veuh .-', liairI atîcsa aturr î n d mi Mrs.'Vii El - j ad Tlo- Sont hi i lu ir nlAu ca M l'Fladict is al.,o indinated. Tie 1967 ',\Ili W PI xiiii -iuîct o i oao lsa d hrznai atilolll af sd w lIaiiihu h re f rate residential wiJl be 7303x'lIliliroi'icisîb-divisiono ilou '"drpped ilu urlal. th eas. lietis a hIi att ir î>faliumiî Ilcni îI'al ri a t(- of m i lllis fîrm fou T r onf te C iýadaJ hn ho p and for commercial 79.3-2. This soiîhif tuf l' cVillage off Crono. ,ctre 10 lcax',il, ut cii'xx hen plan'ti<-sage fcol ou re s aîdievae"bei our ons s oll o.ui. îr. aîîd rm'stdeuî T iI usarn ounril of Chunsiai Jcompares with 67.19 and 71_531TIir ic plphiit \,,as asking wîtîît. but lboseo atou)ird he Il 'had'le, ma ,' b e us ed' u i tlcîl î 'uois i u. Mr. and y es e n ures xi 'Fil et- Cu. atîd f u s eibea r nu K iunak Frn iaua i ndas ground cox-ens our iiinaugîRock-eî îtheîi 'e<< '<ttt!ernaîovr tional exeutive off Ille or- îo ixiis neu c ro i'wateî- xxch . 0TW5 Mr a i M is i-x il ( r cr" t' I tlî culSr huuo eettti î gui'atio ro jnall Daiural 'lEt' au. M 's Il 'nIas rw ~ offilpe Bn iinc uid 5 10 ' o i Hiei htch Y aerilu.nîunr o\aho\ql anl eun caltie;l. MssE G. Wca011-tlici îîlcd or ilCi Mn-sSLI A letter e Boiii thr i-\ paTIli - i ami rer haurd'i, ailn'nci"- att rai cl in eietxutior.r. Lv i i osslîcîtî. i. hîa'.x'u. uts frn!t ole -çalciciiiiiaii.!1 a S. orno *wmaumm 'eredt te enl .,.ýanud Jai c.TetoNrs adu .nls e Hubi-a ci T R E W H erA i V ieN soullinspcio nîf ndHugu inx il> lu i Spesan w clnuu I ie 'apaue boRaat. ran n A- r 1 C PARTYe 101317,,luxea ar g'euifouaead solarge S'ergred n res'aruv acl , arsirl. Gxx xx r-h r u b e lit n-s u ed "rha E ltt r'h sin ic us a- ulndo Ser esCnar uixie x'eeSuun ti.NIr hulanoxx'ieus i coff Cl nke Ciuithe d sioniuh ciighu. tu.î 'l. hve nsa tli lspear i e so ffraidinn K.t nin" ci is toldsrufs ibis n 15iatter ri's;irjîlox s r u n . hedge.'. 'a hiîgl ot He ,k'. 'lis" Mn. anud Mc,. KeîînCtb t , - ot s olutnd t33 x'asncssiod n i ao ClarkTh i- uci mli"; c la l'gRosteu- r e en '. Tus s 1anoR!i ), r -an M ný.ýI r pri I sx'thi co n uir rlied orrtoe h "k'iig of i e e i -areu'alSp cieTIl r litai,. r, GAdi uOlîcr HuNI\h-.. ,!i l ae redurjj i ouof f 7< ý onui Isgi'c ii - gu iigit1,: l afe tle fr u ii an r î ît eaci lîî ain u no e'uî a cilis o dscus tis ater r ii M onf, d.aydAiA prEîlI A301h>: a' skrd fîr is' t le li'oiî Ps 'auu nai ear ~baie, ps' iurifor te sfor v I l Mr- o .ira ndv. Mi-,r.' lii repot irua TIN G N~Pir-e Tiisesl'île litrlcCI" Tpv l a x ti iccc r munfoIn- eti 'Mi ron " ýn rPtebroRîugh, _S. parieî cn le ot62. ad eansd aie gocun laiutig-.nroreilondrgee.ed put ayie *W .l Haljsîxarit, sToronta jesi, -SL - largt ie m eig. !n r xcle t a5; s0'-roif o-t e pe e tuios.xxer ' i-e-app Iiito as la s s le n ffc , i reFi c iieighî eau b coIrbnMenand- I 'i 4 ril 30th rn'hichrate oedthe S ofo5 Road 13 foilesil rth of BIo beauilllai d1. mile c5zacul fr bhi te rtîgoý raati tiusîî:î'uj fo hie stlInoe blor ui-r buthii ai -,prge' f on a , Ar t 3t Pffe,1 Q CP8li0e Tl"tou ofers brdl'gia, et antos it i -lff ('j r ilu r;eeoretoge.rab l.. S10 i lnC rri i t ta i"5 0W O FE PU E B D 5 0 todi s tare 35ah lsa ,,- lbe cad ouîilS.10t leeta a n <uiTh'iisSlds us bs iiû tueanthur ofau uiii Osil a fri-ciai ;aptî't ndesuas . Mahon i fumui ctuulee.lm1962oe t -i Iutueu1:0op0alaud hs Haalts. '<" gideriw alPrL-s' 'l- s'peiil.ieiare whrre 1- arigeil j",p1oMr"reandandSpriiî1îng'Vnung Cow r -apontdasCakefrt'Ietalei-Iits-i ian. ntrfoi-gaw, er.e 1' i tehoi ad2ya-lsa eIa nm e Yal'Odnges aîîV N L D Ce. ý0 ai'itil e ure w to match -o 1 anu xx'uuollei is a n i' " lgil n ne iseMr etfid aeahr Falcn a res sîRi e, Atlram bt m fn t iles riguuhaclix tinapi nte ' jilst ere. celeci-is anurie ouilc i i teSçggRod15mls otho owlan il a dt! ml On mrond allgtndeAod;aeco ubaeMtamari an ep.CuoBe hua doUîý ion axPiut epc uiseiuitlco lii.ti- NX1'SLEWL B EL AV2s plant'îds eulrli exaec oonuilecal 44Si, o e zippy 10rSpcforS .I aca i si t - cotetliespuc uuetaro l rr l AbicitM frs.fAuE.hî h oilst ck orie p l s ead iof Port BrrIvife a le.h y7A if e . . .0 oe pt 5n. - ie on a d gallo ,ýihoffelr as nu arkvl icrulrs. alrel longer. 6T0enies e otweenc lcanesDi rietu iveîy ratan1 bUflU o lnaiefIi oiatx- 0- '1'E50IAEN }ARM LD.,PURtoE BErs '<î"tta -upen. Teda, 1 i teCln . mltiid 1 ULe tc - w ureonlOt A bý-aw aS-i\(, Ile il haibes.01-1l y0 f) s jGetoa Iour Fastern IouHEAD HOA.STEINBRA CRE tHEAD, n T~tca Forar i'cdao - i'ltruie ocat xth) e rvice ai 1115 iii. uii i'. hoelasoc96-57OW DTR I.Bactc Mn.ts lO S Oii_ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ___guide_ __ _ __ _ __ _ ___i"_ __ _ I 0u~ ~ Iwith room ... ride,... quality! a ýZ Fairane-the new standard size rdiL~ne Fard wubh a quiet ride that outluasses ail competutian! Il's thue resuIt of solid suugle-îtnit canstruction; extra insula- tuon in roof, trunk and floar; and four new trque boxes that help eliminate road noises. Fainiane inteiors are as roomy as those of big cars of several years ago. And yoti get top performance from the Fairlane *'Six"' or bxso powerfuîl Challenger V S's . .. Drue te Ldely Fairlane. thle iveliest features corne fro m 254 ride and performarnce, improved Muileage Mla Inciude 30,000 miles adjust automatically, needswaxing. Aliata p __"mCAR VETH MO Newcastle..Ontario NIr.andl n Ch(las. peixx ar- intanud famuly m7we Saturudav e- ouîîug x'ustors Off Ir. tu i s.E.Peuixxardeu, 'UbeE. tirs a rdniei.andufainils x' j I 1la stuppei gucs.s a i 'haund Mr-s. C.Broe.i aind lenifg visitons off Mn. and J27- W. Buowno. ~~~ M Nr.and Jiolt. tueo eeSruuday sisitors ofbs pzirei-îts, Ar.anud Mrs, Herbý Canuuenun. Tyrone. -' i '-"-y n td Ml . Donuald Le. EFi fu"hdc, sucre Friday v cening ix'-.utrs a nd u\11. atndlIXin. - Ariiild Eggtetoi and fauuuiix' t ~~~~~ ~O -hî:îxxa, xv. e- aticassuptier o u -atf ? ;m tud Nî Wn'~i t'arr. 'licV C'anrs andcifaiuu- ~~ ~ ~veS d,'suipper gnie'ts OuFc.atndi 7<rs. '<Vii. Ly cett,t Mus. -Pat MW'ig.c Ec Btîtanx u-pi'iil u eŽnlax ex'etiig sii î,nr s~hr. <ls. Norm'nî Davis. s -- '" .\rs'. W. Calc aîîd nhildrnc - - pen'î Vu '-niesda.% ati nooni - -- - - s ili . Fis ,Sluîrlx- Iillis S.11 auur Miss Dorotlsy %Witis, Poil- txpooh. Mr. Lloyd Armstronig, BLthia1i.v, Mrs. B. MIcQuaid, Zioti. MnI. anîd Mns. Niek Schur- i ratuff anud bab 'y, Oshaswa, auîd M'anid AMs. Rye Gîbsoîî xxere: uîhsx'a fteiniroîaonland xciei- iiig x orimrsof'l. atnd lurs. kk ::5u;.. M!I. aîdlxci',r. J ohutuBaker '<5~~ '~'. uaasa.s~ssrauîs~ and fanul>,'<rs. Gertie Baker.1 Ahdr'rshot. vissîed Mn. and! Mn.- G". Baker ai-ud fanuîly oni sLtndï.'. Mrn. acid<lus. '<. Vaîîevk seu ndas supper gueshs off inau- ad Mrs. Parti Vaneyk, i-Mr. aid '<'ls. F. 0. Smith, Boxuianvi île. -x eu-e Suuîday Sup'ier guesbs off the Smitths, ceîleb-atuuîg ins. Sîi'th's 86tii birtocias', .trs. Smuithuiceiveul nuaiu" ards anud pliotie calls ouiSaturris' Iranu rtouid- Mrln îd Mns. Statnlev Gable and Ensîce. Ts7roie. nîd F. lnotd NMurjil7- and fao', il': sene Sattirdas'e'c, n gt1ie-. n<uflie Rex ssfautmîx' '<lus Erlilh \nrpu vas iîoz - *ess tri 17 menuubers off Club 50 'ruesday os'eniiig, April 10. Pros. Mrs. Kathleen Das'ey Galaxie '500 Tudor Hardtnp opeuird the meeting and con- Galaie iîaîty how îmediaetyun iucd tîhe b ke s. ta e-u Galaie qjaliy shws imediedrin c(i de toue bus e s1 xae ad Galaxes Thuinderbîrd unspîred bea.,tý. af:euiiionua ianhoT:.rouie Situ-. t nuakes itseif feut in Gaiaxie's s'.o)erb da Shuîîlnc' i <a backed up by a chauce af V-8's or the nee, pari icuuar,). aker Six. Other important Galaxie benits A letr xas reaul fs'îm l d- sbetween chassis lubrîcatuans.' brakes brat :rah Ottîret off Heahtiu. Dr'.Ilor- and a Diamond-Lustre finish that never ruer. asking for- voltîtiteons priceyoucan afford-wibh the Liveiy Galaxie! sVh.uet ,Iliec Sabuin Vaccine for Poliouuîs'elitis chie t' sbeîng oi'r.'o menttanecd are aeîýonaî ai e4ira nost held iii orr sciiol carIs' iin .Max Daxe"- gaxe a dectailed ai(- l-etilt uienubers atteodeul anud ýTsarssortie off theur sexs'uug dis-i UFO CARS paNyed in the Fashuon Shoss'. ANO TUC~S Mare Red Cross articles w'ereI tu tn ta tlue R.C. conven- or v." Ri; ien r..h P hone 3251 i t -r ?5 b> '4 ,*er; Boiuxxua oxul le 1For' oi.r t.i'.ertasnuent pari' Now 4' 4 -inscticide offers yow *A choice of 2 wettables-50W and New Superf iiie 85W ,New uses, broader killing power at same Iow price rx- < xt in:ccc iomes in rio m'. 5 cah fbrmi --S"t-5i)\\' 1cr mii ciL\ti uipitnt anti SL\e t"51, a tire. h'm)-'l sMt a aLe.151i' is dlcq7,uun fri un îx -i sic 1î-galloflagc ce urch >acaoVbu und in lurer ~uapers, too. Andtid rdn- apuI catiOn'. St s IN :Aaiseas ailble in duàt Pfot. M< lîalscr Crops )OU Ç=rOxN', SL%'ls i-, biteueal mufIÙ- purpose in.iccîicide. lia s prorscd a dcadly killer of a/Ilmajor inseet pests-c, co rcxti.Iant strains. Ysou cati savu bc Srs î\ w1thîout na ks or protccti\xciClatitjng. C'rops cao bc protected cImue to harnet. And ri ca'icd ct'nupu tuas' lc fcd ta dairs' attiniak \x ut toutitiUl contamiînation. (eaci l the facts onSî'l insccictid ... .the safé, simple maytu contrai pests at losscstcîist! AT CHIPMAN, NIAGARA BRANDO AND GREEN CROSS DEALERS CHEMICALS 4ýt..CA ~ CARdiLàL ÇAtiALA LIMiTLD. i.nau<cflà * * Gâ (rbcn a Gd-ie. .shaiô 0 Gaaiu fPovjucL, (51 !j CARBIDEUNION 9 Tll'r, CAýIADLA-N STATEr--M,&-ýr. BOW?ý,IAN"%MM, PAGE TVV-ELVIE ,-ED"sTiAy. ArRiL M ige:

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