WRDN~5flAY. APRIL 25. 1902 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVffLE, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN ig' T lewcasdie Social anc1 £Jfiersonal Rev. Philip Romeril Addresses UCW af TIAnnkChSi,4nn Mppf Challenging TaIk Given To UCW Unit Newcastle:- T he A pril1 meeting of Unit 2 of the Unit- ed Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. W. R.1 Allin on Thursday afternoon, April llth. The worship ser- vice was led by Mrs. W. Brunt and Mrs. Cecil Malley with Mrs. Irvin Allun giving in- spiring meditations for Easter.1 A splendid talk on "Youth Transition" was given by Mrs. T. A. Fairbrother, emphasiz- 1I - - 1 EE E EE 1ju y E l ie #Fi ~ n terspniil n Mrs. Henry Bowen and Dar-ý and Bruce, Lakeshore.chleg oprnstex - lee er unay dnnr ate Sndyviitr ~tŽ.Newcaste:- The Rev. Philipi ports were given by the vari- plify ta their children, respect guests with Mrs. Bowen's sis- Mrs. Marie Gartshore were1 Romeril of Blackstock was'ous officers and group leaders for property and authority. ter and brother-in-law, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, the guest speaker at the Eas- cndotn was annaunced that A lovely Easter duet en- eM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr.BUBacadan r.Be' aneM.ErctrThn-ferg etig e for the bale woulditiled "He Lives" was surig by eM Mr. Bil Barhard WickM s and !v. and Mr.ERus-0fthe UhnitOfed hrc Wmen welcomned at the church Mrs. Glen Alln and Mrs. faxnily. IWksad1ran r.RslfthUntdCucWoe during Easter week. Saturday guests with Mr.isell Powxell and famlly. hedi th Snaysoi Thwrhisrvcws x James Brown. and Mrs. Murray Paterson andý Mrs. Reginald Woodhamisauditorium of the church Ofl charge of Mrs. Jack Holmes' Duigtebsnspoin family were Mn. and Mrs.lland Mrs. Douglas Nichols ofWednesday evening. Intro- group and opened with soft'thad e etfor ,alaryn ert Bruce Drummond and family Toronto and Mrs. Leslie Ail-I duced by Mrs. E. C. Wood- music and a poem read by tadbe fprsen tey Cohert of Virginiatown, Mr. and Mrs. dread of Orono visited on land, the speaker took as bis Mrs. Ken Dean. The seipture ith e e ndy el uor Alan Patersan and famiîy and Monday with Mrs. Fred T. subjeet, "Hands", reading Bi- lesson was read by Mrs. Ben iu nMy Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thampson ,Coucb, Mrs. Norman Sa-mis hie passa-les dealing with Hoagkamp and Mrs. George Atun ecloeifnteMeetng of Toronto; Mr. Harry Pater- and Mr. Leslie Allun. bhands and developingbis sub- Kimbali led in prayer. A h ls ftemeig son of Oshawa and Mrs. J. A.i The Rev. M. C. and Mrs. jeet, telling of the great work An Easter story xa read refneshments were served by Paenson of Orono. i Fisher of Fenelon Falls were ýthzit has been done down by Mrs. John Nortbrup and a mnembers of Mrs. Allin's coin- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ross and dinner guests with Mr. and thnough the ages by huma-n very beautiful vocal trio xvas mittee. Shirley of Gait were Easter Mrs. J. H. Jase on Tuesday bands. sung by Mrs. James Bnown, guests with Miss Majonie and called on a numben of, The meeting xvas opened. Mns. Glen Ailin and Mrs. Clemence. friends in the village. îvihprerbtepesdnHoadAln Community Mn. . H Mofat f Miton Mn. and Mns. R. W. Goheen 'Mns. Carnct Riekard, who~ The meeting coneiuded withBo l g sipent a few days hast week have returned home after an welcomed the vizitors from nefneshments served by mein-Bo ln vîsiting with bis sistens andi etended winter holiday in.the Orona and Newtonville bers of Unit 3 of the organi- j bnotbers-in-law, Mn. and Mns. Sunny Flanida. idistricts and ail presenit.__RP-zation. Newcastle:- Following Is a George Allun and Mr. and Mrs. Mns. H R. Peance retunned list of b:gli scarers in the WF.Rcad home last week after sponding various leagues on the corn- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe the winter with lier daughten iO munity bowl1ing lanes for the ter Sundav dinner guests with Onval Stxnson and famiy inja Mondav ais'Laue(0 Mr. and Mrs. Robin Aildread Cbesiey. t ~ i i ~~"~ n vn . ae r gu 20J ______ __ -Mr. Mark Bridson of New ii ,,~ i ieKncioer)247,V.Coreau24, J Zeaiand vspeint wthMrEaster R Fester 223, R. Couch 216., Turn Clocks weekenAlbe t Ngwitr and m Newcatle:- Ten members "Will yaur anchor hold in thcl X. Poel 214, L. Farrow 210, ily., of the Button Club and four storms of ifo?" E. Perrin 208, D. Mercen 201. Mr. and Mrs. George Moeks 1 visitars met nt the berne of Iti lvysitrsin o1 1In's L e a g u e (225 and Ahead on of Bowmanville were Sunday Mrs .'\arie Gartshore on Eas- colt s atays ertrg ou r, avec) - B. Tilîson 310, L ih ,istos wthMr.an Ms. erMon-- aferoo. Mro bo o id btos n find field 260, 1. McCulhough 253, GodnAgnew. brswore prcsont fram Port more fa add ta thoir callic- L. Johnson 243, R. Mantgom- Saturda Nite Ms. Albert Pearce enter- Hope, Cam-pbellcraft, BovI- tien, but thcy littie realize the erv212, B. Lake 241, C. Glan- tained at afternoon tea on manville, O-hawa, Greenbank, sentiment wbich hid bcea at- ville 236, S. Powell 237, G. Newcastle- According ta a Saturday in honour of the lPirkering and Newcastle. tached ta those buttons 'n the \\atson 233. proclamation appearing else- birtbday of Mrs. H. R. Pearco,I For this meeting the mem- iyoars gone by. lîcro is thae,' WcctncsCay Ladies' Leaguel where on tais page, dayligbt wben an enjoyable time a esbc rnakdt rn tr feoGadrohrwo(290 and aven) - J. Riekardý saving time cames ino effeet spent.Out of town guosts in- a card of buttons cf their own values tbe contents of bier but- -13, R. Couch 259, J. McCnac- In tbe village at 12:01 a.m. on cluded, Mrs. A. H. Fisher and .qpocial cboice for dispiay. ton box for she knows the, hon 238, B. Forguson 220, W. Sunday, April 29th, thus we Marion, Belleville; Mn. and There was a very interesting bistory of them. Juknor7,eA.gue (175 a* will lose an bour's sieep that Mrs. Kenneth Peance and variety inciuding a card of ReJnucncioor - . Po e1253,R.Gnd we xiii not catch up on agaîn family, Orangevilie; Mr. and Royalty Buttons, anc- cfPowll v3,ege-oo until Octoben 28th. Mns. Orval Stinson and fam- t,,:abes, Ivoryan JoeBu-TeebtewiowGrd-2, D. Rudmnan 232, 1. AIl- In rdr o ee onsced iyCbesiey; M'rs. Fred Farr, ton, Diminutives, one made ma rocks drcad 203, S. Barchard 203, ulc on Sunday, citizens are ad- Miss Peggy Pearce and Mn. A. cf smai coloured buttons ne- And slowly looks through bierT akevle19,W Fitf isecl ta turn al docks and Visser, Toronto; Mns. John Ed- nrcsenting an Easten Egg, theý button box. 185. da iedLea watches in the bouse anc hour wards, Kingston and Mns. El- é,l,,Bugged Cross mode of To aepai adi ty(20 ad av ien)- .Lewise abead before netiring on Sat- izabeth Patterson, Bawman- vory aid 3oodon butons, an small, (200, M.dCouh 245, G.eBan urday nigbt, thus avoiding the ville. "Around the World" card withý embannassment of arriving an Pte. G. B.Nayior, wbo is sta- buttons from India, China, ia-From the christeningr robe of chard 225, B. Rowe 224, D. lhu aeforcburch or other tioned et Camp Bonden spent 1 e0o al Winy28 . ided25 oulteo* b.Ipan, Australia, Enxgland, Ine E. LonPal.1 ahiney 2, . Montgom-15 appointments on Sunday. -the Basten Holxday wxth --hs land, Scotland, Franice, BIol-!Reme-mbering wben y ou n g E Lng 202.C ongm land, United States and Can-1 May xvas four, ery ____202.__ ada. A cross mode witb but- How swect she looked in bier' INVISIBLE MENDING AND REWEAVING tons wihich bad a cross oný pinafore themn, one card -%vas of AncborWith tiny tucks set row on'L rC Iun C buttons arranod on the music Gowss FirIes staff, the tune being the bymn The buttons cf dainty calico. < And daughter Crpce fan bier DRY CLEANING SERVICE i panants Mn. and Mrs. Albert weddIng gownolda "FIES ODRLSSCLENIG"Naylor and family. Those small' eut st2el on vel-, r 1 r adMr.J. F. Edwands, vet bon ror Firemen SHIRT SPECIALISTS - RUGS - DRAPES IRobert and Jane of KingstonTh large black glass witbj FUR STORAGE xerEaster weekend guests figures rare, Newcaste:- Four grass fines xith Mr. and Mrs. John Rick- On a cape she wore to the bave bren extinguisbed by 22 Bruce Street Oshawa ard and family. couaty foin, loIcal volunteer fînemen dur- JACK AND BETTY LEES Mn. and Mrs. Clare Shipley From husband's army coat, ing the past week. Tbe first Phoe rs Ewrgh - Necatl 266 and son Bill of Sarnia spent, this brass, rail camne from the CPR sta- Phon Mrs Enrigh - Nwcatle 366 the Easter weekend with Mn.'Long treasured by bis loving tien on Thursday when a fine and Mns. W. F. Riekard and I ass. on CPR property between David. So nmany xnemories a button Nocth and Mill streets was __Good Fniday visitons with 0frnsrÏný,btfrme onla PRO C A M A IO N",\r. nd rs.JohnVout wre f te yarsfîown by on it itndoc ceontral. Mn.andMr. Jhn out wre eagîr's wîngs, On Good Friday finemen Mn. Leslie Kinneli of Lindsay Sa Grandma, musing, genthy rnecoivod twa colis ta spoil By resolution of the Village Council and Mn. and Mrs. Dudley Sale rokte hld and daughten Miss Joanne Sale rokshi hldy. The finst came cf tcarorogh. issSal Asagain she looks thcough frcmi Earl Stoney on Beaver ber buttan box. strcct soutb, and the second DAYLIGHT SAVING TIM E stayed on for a few days bhl- Wen rada aspsdfomterpctcfMna will commence in Newcastle onlMs en Hthno on ta bier rewand, that button Waiton who had been burning the weokend in Cavan visit- box will be set aside, no anc ,;rass and the fine got out of An with Mr. and Mns. Fred icanxng what becomes of it. central. ingay p il2 t Des Those are the boxes buttonj Firemen wene again called Mr. nd Ms. Jhn Vuttcollectons anc wishing ta s, eut on Satunday evening ta at 12:01 a.m. adMs oneSl iic ones with no senti mental the Depantment of Higbways Please turn your dlocks and watches i in Grasshill an Sunday with valet h weadc opoet nTnnosre 1 Mr Roert ameon.commercial value ta the cal- (the former Walton Farm, ahead one hour. Mn.Rbnraeo . lectar. south of Hicbway 401) wbere D. J. CUNNINGHAM, Reeve, ~~~Wekend visitons witb n h r adlt fln rs D. J CUN INGH M, Reve and Mns. D. M. Bernard wer Tbe next meeting will bhe and e otso fe t n los Mn. and Mrs. I. C. Matthews beld at the home of Mns. O. K. adwest ediadlt Village of Newcastle 1 and family of Clinton and Mn. Osborne in, Bowmanville, an ef spore ta travel, but once and Mns. Gardon Bitton and Monday afternoon, May 28th. tqa_1 the good work of the allyp local voiunteons soon bad the, son Lawrence cfBallduff. ___ blaze unden contrai. ------------------------r % Is ý; SPECIAL LOW PRICESI Iii *ON NATIONAL BRANDS* II "'At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sot."i SCRESI TOOTH PASTE ----- Reg. 10o5 ---87c iii ~DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS----Reg. 79e i IDRISTAN TABLETS --- Reg. 2.25 L--187 " LYSOL DISINFECTANT---------- Reg. 83c ---67c PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM --Reg. 65e ----57 RESDAN --Reg. 1.50 -1.27'I 1,SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO-- Reg. 1.29 ___-.97c .' SSUAVE --- - ____Reg. 98c -.---- 87c 'I1 IVITALIS Reg. 1.00 ________77c i jIPhillips' MiIk of Magnesia Tabs.--Reg. 59c --47c .111i WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE I!'COWLING'S DRUG STORE JGHNSON'S DRUG STORE "i IALEX McGREGOR, DRUGSI ORONO ' JU- - - - - - - - L.111TU T S H R M Lady Bowlers End Season With Banquet Select New Ca reta ker Forw Hill Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621_ Returning Officer Pre pares (omplicated Election Details Enumeration Starts April 30 sorry for our friends at Wel- came. The regular alternate Wor- ship Service of our Church was held at 10 a.m. on Palm Sun- day, there was a large congre- gation, the Rev. R. M. Free- man officiating. An unusual number of bas- kets of beautiful flowers were placed at the front of the church in loving memory of departed friends-. Mrs. Ada Johnston nee Osborne, Mrs. C. Battersby and Mr. Herbert Pearce, a cross of pure white chrysanthemums placed in the centre was a most appropriate symbol for this service. In the absence of our organist, Mrs. Helen McHolm, the musical part of the service was in care of Miss Dianne McConnell who accompanied the choir on the piano. Mrs. Harry Beckett, Miss Elaine Anderson and Misses Joan and Ruth Marvin led the singing. There were four aduits re- ceived into membership of the United Church of Canada and one transfer-- Mrs. D. Haines, Mrs. Frank Anderson, Mrs. Milton Brimacombe, Mrs. Mor- ton Henderson and Mrs. Don Lord were welcomed in the fellowship of the church by Rev. M. Freeman, Mrs. Daw- son Bebee and Mr. Allen Pet- ers. Members of the session, the congregation, expressed their welcome by standing during the presentation ta each member of a copy of The New Testament and certificate of membership. The Rev. M. Freeman told the children a short interesting story of Palm Sunday, follow- ed by the children's hymn 605 "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus." The theme of the sermon was- Who vas Jesus? He was human and divine, the Son of God, Jesus asks each one of us "Whom say ye that I arn?" We make aur decisian by be- coming a true foilower of Christ, in thougbt, word and deed as He would have us do. The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper was served ta a large number by Mr. Freeman as- sisted by Mr. A. Peters and Mr. Fred MeConneil, after al liad partaken the communion Lslnqcceq tvre r r-ntlv ol'. nlar'f One of the busiest men ini Durham County in the next two montbs will be Carrol Nichoils the riding's returning officer in the June 18 Federal election. Technically his job does not begin until Governor- General Georges Vanier grants Prime Minister Diefenbaker dissolution of parliament and issues the necessary writ. This is expected momentarily. However, Mr. Nicholis, a former Reeve of Hope Town- ship, bas been advised to seti up office pending further in- structions. His officiai dutiesj will begin as soon as parlia-1 ment is dissolved. Although this will be Mis1 third time as Durham's return-1 ing officer, Mr. Nicholl's dut-i ies are formidable in scope. Hej is at the head of an electoral1 machine that will involve more1 than 200 other paid officiaIs1 as well as sçores of others as-q socia'ced with the competing palitical parties. The returning officer's first job is the enumneratian of those qualified ta vote in the elec- ed by the servers. The ser- vice concluded with the last of our verses of hymn 220, "Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face ta Face" and the Bless- ing. Sunday Sehool was held et 11:15 a.m. There were thirty- six present. Mrs. Harry Beck- ett wvas acting superintendent.i There were two birthdays hon-t oured- Mrs. Harry Beckett and Laurna Gayle Anderson. Miss Dianne MeConnell accom- panied the hymns on the piano.1 Mrs. D. Haines, Mrs. Har-1 oId Osborne and Miss Beck-1 ett attended the special W.M.S.t service held at Canton on Tuesday evening, April 10th. Newcastle:- The Lad ies' %d ui Wednesday afternoon Bov.ling1 Newcastle:- The mnembersi League came ta a close after cf the Coaamunity Hall Board anothen successful s"ason cf cf Management met at the bowling, with a banquet lbeld homo, of the Chairman on Sot- at the Bo-Peep in Oshawa on îriyevoning, when the main Wednesday evening last. hu-ine-ss of the meeting wos The winning teama for the the appointment of a new, season was the Candy Canes, carotaker to replace Mc. Stan-: com'aosed of B. Bnown, G. 1elev Powell, who bas accepted Couch, W. Lovekin, B. Ton-! the pasition of caretaker of dam, A. Williams, A. Rowe. the new Clarke High Seboal. The trophy for tbe toan xitli Oxly txvo applications wene the big-hest total pinnage %-,as nerrived by the Board. The taken by the Gum Drous, a.npllicWîts we ne brothers, camposed of R. Couch, J. Mjk- Chris and Ed. Barchord, and las, C. Hend.n, .Matij. bath aaikcd the same solary cf: Rickand and B. Fenguson. S2,900 per annum ta do tbe' Thetnoby anthehig tn~ijob. Aftcr some discussion cf pe dunin.g frthe esonxt-the applicants, a secret ballot ta A. Rowe; the bighi single ta wos taken axnong the mcm- R. Coueb; and the high aven- bers cf the Board and wben, age ta J. MeCrcken. Each thov xvene tallird, Chnis Bar-: memben of the remaining two chord wos named the new tramns was given a bowling 'arietakec with duties to com- tumler mncce as soon as possible. tubln.Fcllowing t h e business, The pnesentatiorns xere madle members of the board enjcyrdý by the president of the bcague, a social evening playlng cards' B. Bnow n, wha aiso thanked and deliciaus refreshments the ployonrs for turning out xvorc sorved by Mrs. Riekard. during the soaso.n thus maic -__________ in., the lcogue the great ,ue-:! crss it was. A financial state- M ment for the seasan xvas given' MORRLLIJ.L. by A. Rowe, the srcretary-ý (Intended frls ek treasunen. frIs ek Foliowing the banquet andi The sincene sympatby of presentations some of the this cammunity is extended members taok in, a showv wbile ta the txva beceaved families the nemainder campleted thein of Wcleemc. The late Mns. Bat- evening bowling. tersbv bad many friends in _:ýoaur neighlbourhood. She was *a much loved and valurd ne- sidont of Welcomc wbene she GCet Your Price %vill be gnoatly missed. 1 ,The sudderi passing of Mn. For Your Livestock 1Herbernt Pearce camne as a great shock ta bis many fniends et: througb M'ýorriF!i, bis happy disposition' S TA T E SMAN and gunuine nexlghbounlyness C LAS S IF IE D 8 .ill ownsromain a pleasont Phone MArket 3-3303 niciiilùîv ta ah bhe came in con- il tact wîth, we are extremnely tion. Enumeration begins Ap- this rlding will be an advance rul 30 and ends May 5. More poli to be held in five riding than 20,000 are qualified to centres only, Port Hope, Bow- Enumeration is divided into manvile ilroN w two sections, urban and rural. lMibroNe- In the two urban centres, Port castle and Blackstock, from 8 Hope and Bowmanville, the a.m. to 8 p.m. June 9 and il. political parties which stood For the first time in Canadiani first and second in the last history, this wlll include any- election, In this case Progres- body who has reason ta believe sive Conservatives and Liber- he will be absent from home ais, name one enumerator each on election day. for every one of the polling Soldler's Vote subdivisions. Where there are A soldier's vote, usually In- more than 350 voters in any significant in Durham, will one subdivision, it is divided as eaddt e h ia into two or more polling sa count, several weeks after the tions. election day. In the rural areas, the re- Nominations for Durhamn turning officer has the res- close a .. ue4 ponsibility of appointing one a .. ue4 enumerator for each subdiv- As yet Mr. Nicholis cannot ision. The June election helps say how many palling stations Mr. Nichoîls, who remembers there will be since this depends bis last election in March, 1958, on enumneration. There will, when winter conditions made however, be 81 sub-divisioris enumeration a hard task. in ahl, some of which xviii b. Revision Courts multiple ones. On election day each polit- For those omitted from the ical party is entitlcd ta bave preliminary voters lists, pre- two officiai serutineers at echd cautions exist for subsequent polling station ta check th-e enrolment. A revisal offcer is count of the nearly 100 deputy named in Bowmanville and returning officers. Port Hope by the county judge. In the event of an anticipa- Assisted by revîsing agents, he ted three-cornered fight, this holds court for several days could add a further 600 of'ij- after enumeration ta add nam- il otenrbrivle'i es of those omitted from theiast the cinumbaryscinvc in voting îist et enumeration. are netirtyscuti amner In the rural areas, the enu- Inspt o hejb hido merator acts as revising of- speofhejbhado ficr fr bs pllig sb-dv-him, Mr. Nichoils stili hopes ision A further safeguard open taesame woefrk donuie. i ta rural voters only is that o elyiî am-Gie election day they can swear an affidavit of entithement if their Air, Rail or Stearnship name is still off the voting list. T 1 C K E T S Howcver, polictical parties are 'rO EVERYWHERE usually more than anxious ta osl have every possible name onCost the list on election day and JURY & LOVELL few lose a vote through flot 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 being on It.1 Bowmanville New for the first time In, 1 WMNFMATI APRIL 25, IM2 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN