WEDNZSDAY, APRIL 23. 1961 ZONm Mr. and Mrs. George Hit, mawa, visited at Mrs. A1ex, Sc ser'S. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron attended a shower for Mr.' and Mrs. Jim Burgess at Wil- liamn Preston's, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron, and family, Boston, Ontario,' speat thé weekend at Wes! Cameron's. Mrs. Claude Storms and Miss! Betty Storms, Oshawa, visitedý at Wes Cameron's on Saturday. Mr. Tom Westlake is the new garage man at the corner garage. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Frank, and David, Scarborough. were overnight guests at Robert Killens on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hermnan Haass Jr. and family, Bowmanvil e, were Sunday guests nt Herman' Haass'. Mrn. Clarke Moore, Oshawa, was a weekend guest at Keith: Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs.George, Gordon and John, Oshawa,! were Sunday supper guests at Keith Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Currie, andý'f&mily, Toronto, were Sat-î ,jrdây visitors at Robert Kil-, len*s. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skin-' rier and family, Oshawa, were supper guests ai. Jim Stain-; ton's on Saturday. Miss Doris Dart, Woodville, is holidaying with her grand- L arents Mr. and Mrs. Henry art this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Apslev,! Highland Creek, Mr. and Mrs.1 L. Keeler and family, Wood-! ville, visited at Henry Dart's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dart and fami]y were Sunday din- rier guests at Hans Geissber- ger's. Mis-, Pearl Leach, %Iina,1 visited at Norman Leach's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hop-, kins, Beaverton, were Sunday visitors at Russell Perkins. Mr. and Mr.ç. Arthur Scott and family irfi. on Thursday evenir.g for Montreal where Mr. Scott. works. Sorry tn lose themn fromn the community. Mrs. Alex McMaster, Joan and Ross were Sunday supper guests at Charles Naylor's., Oshawa. Miss Norma Caverly, Port! Credit, is holidaying with her sister Mr. and Mrs. John Bar-, low and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ardron, Mrs. J. Needham, Mr. and Mrs. K. Robson. Scarborough Jet., were Saturday visitors ai. Henry Dart's. Mrs. Fred Cameron went on a bus trip to Washington over the weekend and toured the: White House. Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr., Solina, is visiting at Nelson Fice's. SKeith Fice and George Fish- rleft on Tuesday for Sask- ýtchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, Kim and Debbie, Scarborough,~ visted at Russell Stainton 's.1 MORRISH The first Good Fiday ser- 1 vice for a very long time was held at il a.m. in our church. There was a large congrega- tien and memnbers from al four points were well repre- sented. The Wesleyviile church choir was present to lead the singing, Mrs. Harold Reeves, organist for the visiting choir and Miss Dianne MrConnell, assistant for Mrs. Helen Mc- Holm accompanied on organ and piano. Two beautiful sac- red selections, anthemn and duet were greatly appreciated. The Rev. M. Freeman was In charge and for his Good Friday used part off verse 34, chapter 15 of St. Mark's gos- rl -"My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?" Church at 10 a.m., a goodlyi number off friends were pre-i sent drom Morrish to join in' v>ckrship with our minister and congregation off Zion. At the conclusion off service, copies off the annual financial report off &Hl four churches were given out, one for each home, byI stewards off ither church. In- cluded i this report is a pas- toral letter from the Rev .M.r Freeman, a summary off thel various church groups and or - ganizations off Welcomne charge, in addition may be found nain-' es off all officers off Church, Sunday Schools and organiza- lions, it is a very useful paper for home use. Regular Sunday School was held at 11:15 with an average number present. Easter bon- nets and pretty dresses were the greatest attraction, lessons were secondary this morning. on Tuesday, May Isi. at 8:15,' in Morriah Sunday School, a congregational meeting will be & held Io arrange for the cen-' tenniai off cur church which, will be in a year or two. There: la much work to be accom- plished ta make our one hun- dredth church birthday suc- ceaiu. Another discussio n i in relation to i-ring a c are-'lll tgker or ther arrangement.i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE. ONTAP.IO PAGE FIFTEEN FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA VALENCIA, FANCY GRADE ORANGES 5Mi cello bag ONTARI O GROWN, CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE, FANCY GRADE McINTOSH APPLES 3l .1 o SALMON FLESH, NO. 1 GRADE, JUMBO SIZE 36't CANTALOUPE' EIA FLORIDA, NEW CROP, FRESH, GREEN CABBAGE NO.1 GRADE MORE SAVINGS uit A&P' lona (Colour and Pectin Added) Reg. jar 45c-SAVE 6c RASPBERRY JAM 24fl-oz ia39C Heinz Strained or Junior BABY FOODS Peanut Crunch DARES COOKIES Salada Orange Pekos (10c Off Deal) TEA BAGS h Choice Quality Sliced LIBBY'S BEETS Solo RegtlaIr MARGARINE Re. 3 tins 32c-SAVE 5c 6 511-oz tifli59c 1-16 pkg 45c pkq or 6075c 2 20-fi-oz tins 33c 4 i-fb pkg 8 9 c o 39 C «aCh 39C lb lOc MIOEN F000 FEATURE! A& p CORN 2-1b. Poly Bag Reg. 49e SAVE 9c A&P HNodies On/y (unudo's Finiest Quulity Comerment Inspected und Craded Meuts à g PORK SAUSAGE BEEF BOLOGNA BEEF LIVER PORK HO(KS PICKLE PIMENTo LOAF BEEF BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST BONELESS POINT SIRLOIN ROAST BONELESS RUMP SCHNElIDER'% COUNTRY STYLE PURE SLICED CHOICE SLICED, SKINLESS M EATY 8WI"T' A pqrEMIUM -Ibpkg 49cC ODUI>FILLETS SUPER RIGHT SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS SIDE BACON'b pkg. 63( Jane Parker Baker y Features' RAISIN PIE Large 24-ox each 39(I JANE PARKER BREAD 60% Whole Wheat Reg. loaf 21rc-SAVE 7a 2 z4-oz caves 35 c ROASIS SUPER-R IG HT, ALL MEAT, BROWN 'N SERVE SHOPSY'S 8-OZ NET 8-or pkg 39C *&Ch 53C ESSEX JELLIED 12-or plastic cim 35C ALLGOOD, SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS 1-lb pkg 59C SNOWBI RD BRAND 16oz pkg29C MAPLE LEAF, SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC BACK BACON End Cuts lb 79C Centre Cuts lb 8 9c LIBERTY RED CHERRIES 6-f-ci boffle 25c SHOE POLISH Esquire Scuff Kota (Alil Colours) tach 35Sc o PRICED LOW ut A&P!o ______KLEENEX POP-UP TISSUE pkg of 400 3 1C -M - -""-W" * r. -tu -MM-M - j, f~ SAVE 30c PIII>I OF G.E. LIGHT BULIS lEST IUJY Wîth This1 Coupon IWithout Coupon 2 pkgscf 2 buibi 74c J 1.04 Thisa Coupon Valid Until Saturday, May 5th, 1962 (SAVE SAVE 15<PURCHASE 0F A&P INSTANT MILK SKIM MILK POWDER With This Coupon Without Coupon 3lb pkg74c J 89C This Coupon Valud Until Saturday, May 5ith, 1962 20C PURCHAEO CREST TOOTHPASTE With This Coupon Witho ut Coupon .conomy ide tube 69' 1 89C This Coupon Valid atuirday, May bth, 1962 SAVE 25c OTHAEI AN ORDER 0F $2.50 OR MORE Fresh Fruit & Viegetables This Coupon Valid Until Saturday, May 5th, 1962 ON THE PURCHASE OP SAVE25c Ilm,49c Sausage Patties 1.b pkg37c SALAMI CHUBS li39e HEADCHEESE li23c SIDE BACON W 1S AVE 20C PURCAE0 CIGARETTES (POPULAR BRANDS) With This Coupon Wthout Coupon cn of 300309 1 3.29 This Coupon Valid Until Satuî-day, May 5th, 1962 SAED0cPURCHASE 0F GREEN DIAMOND FERTILIZER With This Coupon W ithout Coupon 25-lb bagl.68 1 1.98 This Coupon Valid Ijotil Saturday, May 5th, 1962 IFRESH PORK ROASI Thisa Coupon Valid Until Satuî-day, May Stli, 1962 REDEEM THESE VALUABLE COUPONS AT A&P THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVUýLt ONTARIO PAGE MPTIEU Reg. 49c - - SAVE 1 Oc