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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1962, p. 16

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PAG! X, ! IDarlington Council TI-MI T!A TxMS.~ M NVL! \'AR( i General cu~of $10.045.- cillor IL C. Mî:fir, and carried. 1.3 and road âcotnt,- amount- I An application front B. W. irig Io $ wcre passed Crabhhe. Lot 6, Concessijon 4. for paymprnt ;;, he rperent was placed on ,t- agenda for me.eting of Darlington To'.xn.n- mp(c on hi the i nad >or- F.hvp Council held in the Toix ,n- rnîttee on a motion hi- Couî,- rhip Hall, Hampton. Ali mpm- <illor -Muir, secoi)dpd hi Coun- bers of lb.t council werk- prc- rine I. G .Smith. set with the exception of Dcputv - R-eex e Blanchlard. Counrtilor Sicinex' Cor -ih. seconded hvi- C> w-llnr Mui wiao was absent duje to iines. moved i iltai itrfrorn Huim- Deputy-R(eevei A. L. Blan- phi>> ,Bn chni;i and 1-Illims, chard noverl that aafie te- Osnhxaa regal ding a propert'% gistration bp made for t ï, i r ihle 'uuhbe îefferred 1o Road Superintendent. A, M. the Bv--Lavs Comrnittee for Short, for the iRoad Suipcrin- stud\x aid a report at the nexi tendent Sehool Io be hpeld on vouncil mpeting. Th's Was car- May 1-th and 15th lun'loronirn. rird. This xxa s scondeci h%-(Cour- DA1.>cnhi >fi)uligtoî> CX..IS DECORATING KEM Harmony Guide VniMa « vBorrnu OOur (npy FRFE for Perfect tnlor Miatch S U P E IR '1'4 VIvet Finisil K EM-TONE NiiPat D)urable and W'a-hahle - PLUS - KEM-GLO Iooks andî Vtaslie.s Like Baked Enaniel Ideal for Kitchens and Rathmns 1962 WALLPAPERS (;001) RAR1A I NS I N SOME NVA LLPA PERS ABERNETHY'S PAiNr ami WAIIPAPI-R APRIL US CANCER MONTH! figlit CANCER w/t-h a check up and acheque WHFN YOUR NEIGHBOUR KNOCKS ANS WER THE CALL AND BLITZ IN BOWMANVILLE MON., APRIL 30 7 - MP. M.i ToiwnFhtp Cauncil were prpsent Pt th- meeting of the Town- 'hip's M1,,ncpa coliîneil held three day-,s previousIlv for the pur-pose of receîîîng the 1961 audi- report. Councillor Smiith . .eco>îded b>v Deput *%-Reex-e Blanchard. moved thai for the puirpose of i oad iniprox-emnui-- on t he Cor rtic>e Road at, the Broken r' P'rn Lui> i . sU>it on>)>, s>101) ne painu 'lcie is a decîded iieed for t0 H. F. Osborne plijsS Si 4)1for-anV ]ie-fPInlcnr an> *vdamage thatnmax-ai se:- a oc-xv ui Tr ionaof c eirve Io Thomsas W. Bishop. S501 for t he h î,ndriecis of foreigiî si i- land anîd %50 foi' possible damn- idizIlUnvrst ag-e: an d 10 Hoxuard Siih S.)- dents attid( gucUii rux foi land and possible damage. of Toroîîn. 'crM-oore. Whiî- Thi usot ion us-as ca rried - -b ' , ld t he Bcîxx inallxi le Rn- - iuîlîîîî-lîc-oii nîctîîîg ield ai the Flx uiiic-iiiîînaii Motor I(l on xiiFrîiax-. SO'I'h -Lgei 1spc-aker- xx as iiîro- 1 Faster seir x uc-es a t ldci d uced i)\- Dr. G.- Edwxin Marin, xi-eî-e l ai teiided.-~inn~ a ii of Ille cluib's Int er - the Siiîdav School liocr A >iP- natbonmaI Cunîni iiilce .Mr.- Moore cial prograni. srranged b *la rv-îedlix lîlx Mrs. FHarrx- Knox and Mr ' iuce 19-11, sud is pas? presi- Howxard Mlsi.Was Wi~ dent of the Wlî*itihîý Chanîber, prýesetiîed. Cai-oL KoxKfavou pdof (-iîîicDr. MarnSiatrd. witIi a piano solo. Larr 1le bld lisfolx- Rois riaus5 Broome :-ead Ille scriptuire Iia the 9giest speake-r is ss passage: t ead ings mwere gixen S>P-mlirof t licOntavin Ex- b.v John Vxicrr 'v an>d Mrs. John u>-ti iî xcof t lie Ca uîiadiau Tiijjb- K io.%: Nauîcs Kîîoxsand Wal_ - rcul Irsis Associîationi, a ii ter Ts.i or gave i-ecitioiîs. bel, >î](eOshiaxwaGenleîai TIh(, Explore>'rl sang a Hospîtai BHard. ci.ud a dii ector chr n sd a dutet.,vas nitels o' tfîc, Rîuta i Internîatinal skirigzbx- Gai! Baker anîd Pal Ce'ni-î- aitIlle UVîî-.rsily of Knox. 'l'lie o ffei up ixa.9 e- Toroni iii. Ceix-ed. ,bv Lsîi-x-Broonie and 'In-iefai'>' more- tiai 1.01 GletiiWerri- stiîdc'iîs au the 1li.xvestx of Bcatitiftil Master. iii es x -re(.oiuî x i a,,,(, b stiiciv ini au ihe aliai- lof.I ltle c-ilicli C icl a tî-xîîîî ln-i.lîcii-aîl service. Rcvei euîd Page haucIiim:i1. . r. îi-xpe anîd a fie uiîee to- il ci 'lt ii a.ui 'M ic. Nînneia. > and Pat Kriox li itcl xxiji a tI. lie s,)oi> ut li îeçîlii. lxlxchiot Sand hIe cuîî ral-) Ynîiig -nfx ilqiîvc ( i)e 0as- pinixîdcd a îîînîhe-. sisItilii t.Ioclaîi and l iierî'- Nexi Sii as 'priî 'f-I , a staind 1(lxix ci.tîîîîîs. heliuIs aîici Q cii> îîî c - piiiiec-t xxj]ii l,, '-. 'Mooru e tîlx lile l3uxx - slixxu ai Siiiidav iin> iîaixift Rotiainiitai au io-- Plea-Sse îeiiiciîbc'i tie tîuue. fgano îîîf kilicîx îas Fi-î 143 a.i1). (D)a,\ ligll ,;a\ii Re-fat iions \Vilil h - el iî Tliîîie). ( It~ilRWt îidr lime lu "lueexi'îýiîîg ai t giiiiicli-cu of NisA. Rud>l. prax-icexxilil be lielci Agiuioocd'-iiii iîîiIîsiilitS isa aî¶eridsice is î-cqiic'sled. \i5iiIle tcii11amed liraIi tis, '1lî ' i T b. grci îîct aIiiigaîi. 'ai1 l> î-îuis a li: ilie e l oni f N-ls bFî-aîillWes-- uiaii-itadcluî-sýixti uilcc Ais i_ -Fidavi-iighî - auc-iîiiiiodaiinu sAd fîiin NIr. anid MN,,s.Bîcîx(e 'l'afir 'lie )x îxc Rota i,\ CL cîh aid fati)ili- eeslipper ueîsliar l bcoiiine ut-i(,,s-cIilile cin Sriiudai x IiMr. snd Mis. iai-auiî ilnciir' sd- Bni ce Moix>igouille cx - an S.anid Mi's. i îes' La r- me.Blqsx-isocis. xxeue NW'd- tisi xe ii pgiiestu ai N-I',H A M I E. R.'Fax lor's. iiieîl- l liii ast xvîel i severalf cotipic-S f-oistîlij'a M r. Faid i -s. errn Sm eeils atteîîded tlîeAO'FS Meus .,zClb i i 1 fed mii- atili-! î:ocîu ast baîîii(ei al'The Acres aud (n- ivels i ii> sR. Bu> css ap.- joYed àa m r tIfill(odprIle 11,homîîe of fier daîîglip r, tîlai s t euix-a-ds.MIrS. . lTa v f..'I'rouie. Whiie xa-lii Co>-'i 'l'lie 1' C.W. ci-acred ai cii- 'uîîe our)'T'N'Satîîr-daî - c'iî::lier h>"o P-eita l:Rail\- :xe îîot ced pîîpîls or Baker s hlId ini ]lamipiocniiClili, Irl School plax lg gaines (ni>l ie ' is.IDonîaId Prec-i<itl)a î. <-lioolroUîid, The iheIiie <if arîid iaîe. Knfii c alc-cl <on tIlle pîograîîî vas Sius fNi'SA.- 'ivBr-iii.iF- S-priliu' aîîclpî-îî-d qlîite ;Ii- dclaî ferîîuo ouicut oiFi terestine. Nir. and Niî-s J>îiiil Carrigauî Mr anid MNs. TI. \'elIîxx-le.- ix et' gicless îîu lTh iir-a ex- anîd fanîîlî xîsî:cd M,-. su ciii!(-,, , x x iil NI!. C('f::'-e l.E NI-i u . Ia rmiier, BlackIslîc-k. NVidex saicd Mi, aridM r on Scîîda- v. J as. W'iîîid le- - 'Ix iii> le. 'Mu'. S. Chiairles Alliiî. Boxx- N-lu. snd MI--. ollii (an psu îîîa lîxi île, aud AMiss Naî Ail lin-speîîî pal n fr tlle ýe eiIida Toronto.,x-îsiled Mr. anîd N.xxith M r. anuivi lis. G fBe,- VxeeNelînxx-lees anîd sous SaIt- gill.'luiiii utîdax ex-eiiii:.nluîdN:sWl>i uit Rex- Robeit Slierwiin, NI',' andîiss DioI îtiiSiiufi - slîeIi-xx iii îîd Daxvli. 1(ii.lha(H. aix a. xii i'c i tiire ii-, ai-e SPcrldifig a feix dax -u xx loi ne ic uî 'uik al:î'î u1.iii1 lii- and Nus. F. R. 'Fax lxi Miss NIî.'Pî'c'tias a Niu aîd 'vls "s lo- xt' e in-t ui Sati;,rdaît- aIle> ii Stlida\ gLieSIS xxitlîMiss luI- ý_aithule l-Va>iiNcDioih ali 1-bar, Bxxualxîl. v'cciniipiiAlhert .SI. Unitedt Nus q.Franik NNestlaise Si, f5 ('lJIii ih. If-laix .a.nsd at tlîc- visitinz her' daiglitei', 'x-' îuc-îpîuîioii l ila Ii chlmc Nel-son IFice. Z on. >-oiiiii.s FlicThbi( lesici grooli> i-. and 'xlis. l"i-ailk Cool-, licmiip t 'li" lo i l 'i Slissiîan ad F'i-alikîie. Rîxmi- - 'ngaid, llc u u- î - le, ai NIr. Fii>'.li1li e ie .1is. W s ea1a .ps il 1ix :liIi i d ei-. er ml mi, anid NIlus Ibxîx d Broiilie N> dN sM--xn îîîî and fali>i lx a I M1r. NIfac r. ars>> MI. Na i mMi lChas Mi,îd s iaple G i oue RBriggs. T'liîîtci. ix c- vo p c-bsN Mr. snd Nrs. joh l 'eîl and cîf 'NIe1'.aidN1, -Iiîci(j Cilîdac. 13Blo(-ikx\il 1(. \ . i c i ltn - \csllt]ci> , ml Sa*- Sliiîda\ lea -[je,ýs îilîN îuî xeci>. îîîd M rS. loii Flou aýid M iiI T- -.OsIlaix a. 1 l- Mc a il.ýi i jjN - uîî.d NI: Saîîi De-'.- - Your New Compact Home 9,950.00 IN K.AKI-.I> < BRbICK .AND i STNE As SI>~N DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS $99-50 'IL "r ->iix î i luuu-uiicf ren foui>- 1i !' fulj1y sepaî'ats'd ;ioepuîîg aîud i-x-uuigqi: rrý- ra,.efiiiP ls' Iriu'hedfi-lainîur --.e ex SOFPr' da,' fni x cr "i:',ihc n 'th, fa il * x-ivilhiiild tiîs honmr for im iii'olor flut- lot. 'Fli' 'ais ' tui e 'v ita: ' Fie p 'e" i.N<ii î' ii'i o'ie Mir hi ~ tslow"c Tuedîtîxîu taue toi-hi l aý" ioxx a' z \ lii lI H xx Ila!augkzp N H A niomugage'for i a - o iX f ether deislv I nder an N HA Ian 'ebur %Ioothlv T'îîiemnI umiiir lie ioIî iAs * 45.5 Our fer V IVE <-î..ouî'cU 1 i sruç cornplete> FREE pihrr nf Buit-i Rane Top iand 0%ri *Fulir Autornatir 1)r% er - oeFreezer Lr -U if Vour n.w h,... -i[ eonuu.n: t. au nd cu.i,,m huai kuleh... cabinet&in , 2H-iwn.d fici,,. thiroughout' 3.C.rm.c t.1d bath w-%th ,.c....d fi S'1.1re, 4. :00 amrF. *>octrcai SPtc[adi, wilî. nd dosiîned ceisir-qs. I.Vu tild icurh.n qr-aveiied d ýay 9. Double qti.d wuudow s. le. toundry :,bs. 0 Yntr Npw Ho-me IVIII Be ('onpletelv I iniçhrd Rradv lFor Oci upancy * .SMO-KAY CONSTRUCTION 111 S131COE ST. NORTH. <)SHAI.N DAY and EV'ENISC1S 729-7,11). c':. l : on f- c:i- - i foir lu't -.h'e - uic x ii Ie ar-cl Mis. Riig-i- ('i~!!1 au>'-.(h-iMi', shlx-fi. f. x -iu tîili tou., ai 'lv Il- iinTiik f. Fb in i m fui w a f - o, cf. f - li i- nia ix '- l lu m'- i h i cic pi'-ii- parents. N: amni Il:M l-ec-,"a tultI. Sliiida'- Mrli Il. TliV x :cSailiuda-. l-a gitesta i'laNh eali i xl Ihillt - i T:il k. î~ui- - Nir. aîîuNI-(';- ; ilIi>l alicl . :- x w ,u S ila i,-a h I:. aid NuM- a! ti,:, -a Mi: amui 'xl '-ai l- r;. iý' I i- NI. tai Nb: s G->> Ko Camo ir Wruen-<i-Ia'.xa NI r A Idci Mi z \bcuu et>>-' Nia-' -A, s' Ni Fi-iTi\ hor* NI' 5 - r i <'l-oi -ï ierrn'-. Ni-, a-o 'arryi M Ici> f-r- ile:-n'i ý: N "Ir Rit-'e: 1)-: ,,ixa. .sc 'i i g lest a: N i I-IC- deUne Nir 5R . c M-- :'--af- d ai' I N ias. e s. (f f is Iti and Non '-omNA-MOL a- i .1 Mr cfN: H ' c - ai I i fsa a:a- c e: ui:iim lias givxeuî iîipei rs Io Ilae Pro- tex-t, -Monre asserted. He infnrmed the local club tha: bhe Tor-onto Rotair.v Club has beeu cîxel'associaied uxilli the proîect. anîd lopes that ail Rotai-v Clubs ini District 707 xxi îî colît riuie firianciai lx' to ils ac-coupishnileut. A. Ih Strike iîîn moxiîg a voiue ofuf laîks Io M-r. Moore, toi'lus informative address coni îueîded ithe project. The si cdeii b ixlo conpIo 10 this x-oîîuî v from othrrlanids, iin parli uila r those frorn tIhie uexx liaiin Oiiun Afrixa, xx'îll n the tutu'ire hiecumne infuifentl i a i leaders of ilheir People-, lie re- iîarised. It is iuîdeed saxxorth - xxhile eiidcavorIo assiut tlieni in i bta iii iîg a kuioxv iledge ai apprt-cistion or Itieideals snd ciîstoîîîs of Canada, lie addedi. Pi îsîideît K. N. Morris also ihisuikeciMr. Moore, snd as a SOixuîi. (i1,ofhi s visi t Io thle Boiixiiauuxilte Robar- Club pre- seîîvdIi' lii iii1h saî'opy of '*"he Seveii Paltis I0Peste." Claie Gartoui pretueuied Io Pî'rfeu t Atteîîdaîîxe Pins.lJani- es 5h11 ii-i'ix-ed an eiglît «x\-ulv Pi'îfi tA tîichdaice Pini.said l1ese l'ani Nest a i lie icti n Pi-i fiui Aîteu>dani-e Pin. '. CL>ru ou iri sel f i-ccel edsalxx i) i i(-ar Pt-ifeci Atieîds uc-e Pini. 'lliehi u-k vxxi uic-is ifI lle- lf-sdiaxx îveî oDr. Kcittî SIx-nu t lanid Stexwai-I Mc'lavx- su Pridceît Morris staieri thi i ioctkex ticI-eis fuir Ilic gucstIi iciii glînct thle seasotî had Iuc'u-i gîerislxdciiatedf îo i le clubîîh hi Ross St rike, Q.C. (uulsts prî'scîi ai Ille Rotai, Clu i -c-t iung xx re W. J. Fisli, Rui lýiiii-tio Ai->Ili L;r i K i ugs- Ilxiii 'ix-\ ii. Do îsx cxx lanmes Ha il 1t lui Sc-arboroîil.. at-k Lnxx\(. i-r> -,Ilarold Sproffîle, 'led SIri-ve, A I Evasns anid Bob ron allforOslîsxs. PTON anei-sd N-ise aiaii Rcîhi'uscîiin> riciax ipig a' lie hîomîe of Mrs. Ruicer Mais-f iii>. O7shiawxa. Miss ('lsra Neaf MvI. aind NIi-s. GcrudonîN'kf Calhliu > j vue anid Doi-iilix. saic M r-. R i-fia rdid Mc-Lea ti.,'F o r o n tri visited ai the N liiilhomîe oui SaiLirds -. Mir. aidll.é! e -ii ali.Osî x . xre Frica i xeliu i g su ppeî' piest s xx i fi xI-sý l1itlie- A]fiuî aund fil- lIe are pIes ed iii knoxixa iiaiI 'xli s.Itou Klluis shiomuea unI fee'lin iigîîî-lî boiter. hViu-.j 1_ Dh. SYkIes j' lîack lioiies psu>. iiuic iinprox-ed îin E î-aliii anli aciN i a - iîcîid Far-i t anx su rarnulu xisuled Mr. "aivoC euh îxtler naid bîolher, Vwli s.'i v auuxx anîd Mi-. aixi -ii-> Fa cxai Sîark- N1i-seii('lava asud .Auidrev ieri eiui. Concor d. x'i sit e d lhiu sisier Mi-sllieîîîsîîa. N-Mr. lieiiistiraansd fanjx-on Siun- (lax . Nîr.1lail i lîSr.aud Nis .Is i-rp xi a - Pou-i Pei'ii i îeS uîdax lea giîests xx Ph %Ir. aud Mis C; Adcoc-is Ml-s îîuulis isu i-c-tllrned lîOiie i iore ni Sabora- -Mr isn (ami cal led on Ni . atid -'I s. Avi uîîî'î o'nîue a tîcu lnîîl N i % tî C io- i kW ('a fte:- Spc-iiie. 'lotoliîii.MIvs. Wii: Ar iuî . (>slia xa. xxvic, -uluca-dîîuuer gcîc-sIs i ti Jir. aund Nîr-. Geo.Ainour: .Mlis. .Jatck Iloinier and Slir- -x Kii.h-.x 'ledlier grasnd- ii' ie. s .JoimîîBalson i NulssliaIa lcoskii. 'l'îî cîfo, viniiiiotî0e-, Ii s fcsiî Bs]- hiî cfsiueWhe'xai dei )ajp cI a 'nboiii g(cIi Fi i la s i!' lîouuotîî r <f NI i '-hiPlilp, ilé ie iexw s Nýi- s'und xrs . . B au - îlar - ci IfiiIdid' k To.- ict( i ii Sidai - 'x:ý zilci MNU- Ciie.ier Bxîî c-- 1!1i '>iliiiai x -itipd 'xli. A i:'f Need Building for Foreign Students Attending U. of T. citOmna ic tra sie 0 I a nSi O#7"u- rgl N lu Ni b ci- ci' - i a- NI .1 i il 'l *(d f x1ia1 af'd Ii r ai-cl Mu' mîghtoîi Ir. Toriom î-jiecl NMr. and 'x.. Cari t>k nu S 1udR iI- . D Sfc q Mr, a:d NI -'z FiaN. Pelinî a: ci 'an 1 i: Tor-orîto, spe!:! S rida-, xx ii 'xli s WMm,('hap- Mna M:. Ne Richarid Gibbs andc NI---Pa: (;nos, T' trcspm> a cIa- !!ii NI:-' Chapnîac M:.Ru"a'. Mi-. Char- oia\ N 1 xIr Jos Cfiaprnai M ii,,i NI: .Xlb'n Clen - e-ý -.Rx i i 1e isi ted Ni- a ci M-L'.rpclencu-or Mr: aid Nir' ('iif (Co'oetic a!d fan.îxxetC r Li".dsA ni :~>tia-a-.d x-:-itcd Mr, Ar-i an.d c:n id:' Solina .!' 0on S-!ndax-xx M N: an.d NI:' OCi -indra. Mir. andci Nrs Dean Hocgs. éwitrd Nrs. Robert lHodgscc o' Sjtdau and 'ook 're' a,- '~: " Or' e\ i'a ircg là:.'t Mr and Mrs, Tomn Rural Route Hanipt. npiraze T-.a,z felinri - Saturciay get in touch x îh iai tC07- carne ;-H, x-e eolected 125 22?for car!v îk Yi a-iikt Kren ollerting xxoidappreirîe ' '-,, -~' "i ' them îo mpeet- ciev-xx e cao I ,' t-erineci borne aftcr a pleasa'n' vusi! xx itfiMr and MsPai:' Kelx- Raid Miss Naîîî-v Kelix-, Port Credît. Mru. an:d N 1,011eîîPlaxet and Toîunîv. BowxiîaiivHl, x isiieci Mr. aind Nrs Sid Ker- tiey 'or,,Tlîîî sdaî - Mrs. Ncciea: .d ali'- Oshawca. v'i led >î:, Suiidax xxith NIe aild NI-cKes e NMr. aud \I:-. JdiîI' .voi an idfanîîlx x :eSillidax'siî prr giie-tIsxx iii Mi.. aind NMIS. ia'nlId Aý:htoIî îil>fi. Nîi- and NI: sR. Kji e- aind î-fiîldi-eiilooîk Nr.K lens fatl'eî . Mr-Wfb-g l1osier. le: aîîd xsiedlir bolc-alidciici-ifx \I. aiid Mi-S.A roý(IdFcsi'r. Mrli. snd Nic xcî-Kilo>xx-ereSumia-ci :î-rgiîe<- uftl NIr. aiirl Mi- lof101111c mon>1aîid fm>Ani--Vîi>kil N 1r. aidcfM xlS. Ka il 1jc x ii tedl n S; idax 'cl-: xvii fIl NI r.aid Mrus. lI a r', BaIdxx in. (>iei Nu anicIM i-S. P;rl N' %ani Mxk aud fsiiilx -'Fironue. x cieSai- urdax- îîîglî i upicr jîsts xxiii Mr. aînd Mi-S. Gen Yen'v. Mr'. anid M vs. 'Foril wa I îîsjex Osîa xxa, \vnrre Sa? îî da i ex eî ilig xisitoi-s xx 'hMr. sand iVlî. Art Rex îoW -. Mîr Ani Siîafes, lai-r. Marltiransd vlaiieOsixx, wxere siîidaî -xci 'g îpc smille s. xxas a Si> idaî x'îeîîiingh suppu'i lue-i wxili Mr. aîndMi 'i NI i 11 iiI i s A l I la i v -îîcld or]Fu cluî -c>iî xl 'ii. andcl'xlis. Gc-uî is'îîiilî. At"l, ---xth'e> fbIl> foi.- Leacder-s, lî>icl ii Illec lii: lst ixet-Is a Wi>ushîi p S i(i-c xas Ileld. foffoix ccl ic îfc eec fcî f i le fou r i iai groups, ol 1w> uc tihe l ivî-'. difilic-r ic-i îl l le Illip toii) a 1CW fÀj iiceiiif ias hlî>' i I lle arf lerrI-nn il Mr. anid Mis(lai cule 'iîfs N'Ir. alicI i lIs Pî'î-x.- Dx-' Mis, Wifi Whije andclM iss Jani .ohnîs atieîîddcc t h-' floixe j -'unixai, Rcnl ,S F1 or - Ms. Olicixa -ý>TT Mor su NIi J'1'Mr.. 'ol'îli, - (a-eîi-e Sui c 'n s i Ni e. a>Ild Mi-S. fred sînac. Mrli aîd Nu Roi) Ahilo". "lIues-i S, fso NIMi ss Aîlc - Siîîle ,andîîi 'li .1' nnl- xxere S iîtd;î i isx tiN1' Mi-S.L îr'îsn13 aîîf %N-s îu -' NIa-ci- ) ii-(, 'xlu io sl aund N'Iis.s T'l'ie icWilkîiisý. Nir, aiiN. Gc-aldPBafsoîî. i Joe BaIs241> aiinI Miss Anii aý- ion ixcue gueîs aithe Fai ex - Bro'Žwnc-dd iîg fin Eheeui Cha mic o Sa lu dax aMfer- nooui. snd at It li rc.pi ion iin Lin Centrr, Boxu-rnan- Mr. ;nci %1r5Gordlon Leistc. ?Irs I csli>eSnowdet ci ndOr. Bobn ixxdu Maple Grovr, '%Il. and Fr. rancis Thornp- son Maudae. M r. Ilcir) Fhompsoliî.Zioni. vcrL-ecl> i w1r ýx th NIr. and N:s i'lnie:- Wiibîir. Mr11. and isRussfell (;i'- ai'd Nlis. Frank Gilber t. So- orc" Mfru. and Mî*s. Hoski AOTS Mus(lriih *Ladie-, N glt' banîquîet u,17 hClri a, The cp .fofx dhi- a loin- ofrithe(odx rplant Ilanipini. Sîînbc'arn !I-su ees ic \ ca il 7.30 p ni . l-!aînptuin ii Ilanipto> i îttle trictl- \1eeîier:nýitWcd at;;i2.4,'1 p nil, Tlie Sg oin mt V'< l'hn I-lins anid S>hol 1la ilad a Pot Lîîck Sippri mnIli- CF. Rldg î>n lWrdiiescfaî. On i: Su dax ilir -Id-> stnl-\ ixas ho>i Isi- a" ter >"TIesermoni xi a n Tyvro T3rn Tyrn 'l'lie 'i c]] rang clc'ar. suiii \ix h hoxved ieadis, Johnu Bol l- wrx l cf led lis i ir pi-p a ' vr. 'I'feu xx e lad 'a relax- race tl1iî-. x\ils t akrse fievitaliti ntil o ti f nr a fe('u ni1onus. hîi t! dîdli:î (Io iliu>li or thil. i'îî-t 1 i c-la\. llaiid -sfiafke andc Ani: sccnd i eax.Chia tipge ,he flag 1 -bI0h . W ihe fi ii lied ainihri, Iopi(.. 'Fbj (ue x as "li I li(, ad> .' >r fio>x hia xe .lcesijs xx s. Fli" IX-isi er sior', alid -c>uîe pi ires n cie tnfd aild ishoxun 1toils Oiîe inire 'l'pîc Iogo aîid tlîe i 111iiîîîci*l' iî. In ii inc xx s l>î>l U <o> i Iili-Otît -Sie r et - iI1 gs I)oii'l foi-pc-i 10 rm i! molî>e baskelis. f1lxs Nc Satiiirda\is -tlîe di- feu-t iîiZ paper. iiaga/iine a>r- ca-adhoaîld hiIîîdle'd stepaiatel'- u-ardhnaî-rls aios rke IIP ,, for Nav 4111. nv ji xx1 ri i x pp t pc, frni FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND IA R kE RS F SIA F FO R 1 ~ ~ )BEOS. 1LTD. Stafford Brothers lIMI1TEr> Monuments B o x113 Phone Whlthy MOhank 8-3552 rPî ,7 infr rth# Pcs/ divsI-cnefs,* GCI thr m tnin-l iu-mycrlriac oa Ç,iiAaaoted iotecli(n andti sauipui>is-pljZhiah dividenide s - lf-, , SThe Mutual Life A iPAxI OM" tO-CANADiA lAc' -pn- i ;, 'b !gu ') d; "' ua trepremeIlta tli% e: I FOR '62 <x 4 , FLOAYD) H. MrKINLEY MvIarils Avenue Bim-tnatiill. Ontario Pîmule NMA 3-537-1. - - --brakes for tas ter, easier stops if-îh(1mre3îp ping9 po-tr z z.-.- St~ aortl - --- e,' -~\CS~ oç: ...0, *[ýý l ilets ich R1 ,,e.a: u rtîu in a,'r.11i extr-a i :t Be sure to see -The lThrmm'.Ambrose Show" on the CBC TV network on Friday eçenings. Ch c k fou r local lin t ingn fo)r cfinranemdd tme. ROBSON MOTORS LTD. 0 166 King St., E. Bowmanville x GIVE TO THE CANADIAN CANCER F"OR RESEARCH, CANCER f EDUCATION AND WELFARE SERVICES P n ced for Spring Sales - seat fo exra 's for 6 - way v forextracomfort p COnVenienCe îo'rSa'aj pow'er Wisndows* ;Ire 6 ways with a toi. ra ised nr Inwered a t the of your finger' touch of a bu tton ! 2 *i.-p.l uý-a- e 4 N MA 3-3396 j 1 53 \ PONTIAC

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