WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1962THE CANAPTAN FTATESM4AN. WAVIL.ONTARTO AENETE ~:Q-j~~~r V~J~JirH 'i 'iui I~ 4~u Curling Club Trophy Winners Boat Show At tracts &aras Qi Tnanks Carcis of Thanksi Auction Sale * IEE~ eaD~4 W E'.V E Wwould like ta thank the 1 would like to thank the WEL r;aiefriends and neigh- nurses and staff of MemoriaîLIVSýTT lT ~ A t N ew Mr n o ur fr helovely gifts given Hospital, Bowmanville, forit IUUICKS. ALE&~ Xome at the miscllaneous their care and kindness, alsoat Durham County Sales Arena' i.' Manv people from tIhe o~nBaî ites iieY ehower. ,relatives and friends who sent!O.... - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. adIesranigds 1 u n ti elkona * Kathleen Brown. 17-1 flowers, fruit and cards.lHorse%, camte, Swine, Calves, ý'~ '"4~atne h otSo cd53t etradfrprom Spcaltakst D.Hbbr.etc. For truck pickup Phone! " on Friday and Saturday b h n aent~otor We wou!d like ta thank the Thos. K. Stewart. 17-1*:Orono 5 r 18 by 1 p.m. day of" Bowmanville Marine'a staliîdîsr.TeGtrla frientsand neinhbours of En- sale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sales! quarters which are siuedasnaonluo unad ficld and distric and the Bow- I would like ta thank Dr.IbManagers. 38-tf back or Rabsan Mators b ~tefrtflv atmtt xnanville Fire Department in Rundie, the staff of Memorial; King Street East. Ali eeîn aîn hn rîlri hewr helping ta put out the gratis Hospital and the friends who TNo John Deere tractors,!pesdwt h adoe TeGtras a e n fire. sa kindlv rcmembered me fulli une of tractor xnachinery,, ansd wI oite liittîgncig aue n oo Gordon and PaUline "a,]r hl a ain in the three trucks, steam boiter for Boats. uwhich are manu facu dS ~tg wihaddt h 17-1 hospital. piggery, 26 Durham year-olds, b rnwc fCnd. taiinlGtrdrblt Gladys Wight. i35 pigs, the praperty of Mr.1The Beattyicataf- anadChm adprfiacreutnth We would like ta thanlk our 17-1 John Balas, Lot 2. Con. 1, es -oa tifiensand neg We -like hanWhitby, selling Saturday, ralrson. wa ý,e ias efc rnsotto nto gifsflwes, wüud id ta ta ouF;May 5. Sale at 1 p.m. Furth- rude aMr byOuad Mr paettaotehnead cards and good wishes receiv- friends and relatives for theirier atcursudebls Jc eexlfe d tosbyOte aîe i h hm talri aî ed on the occasion of our 35th cards, flowers and gifts during _reidactiuans eebiers Jckh.edesnan emlibiliatne n the laeaii wedding anniversarv. our stay in hospital and special! No reserve. 17 -2 idonirntsasdthe luurions Ga Gladys and Ed. Wîý'llatts. thanks ta Dr. H. Anfossi, Dr.! Bowmanville MarinelasatilCofrilr. hmp 1-1 lMcKay and staff of MemorialI Forty head of registered' stock of Evinrude Motors ag r atalrn~htcm ------Hospital, Bowmanville. Holstein and Guernsev cattle, ing from 3.3 to the elccti I wish ta express ni' thanks Mr. and Mrs. Bob Havward.;[milk tank, milking rnachine, The latter is equipped V~pu asaet h uoo Ia Drs. Hubbard and Anfossi. 171tractor and tractor machinery,i electric shift, genieraitar n ie nut niurses and staff, while in Me- baled hay, etc., the propertyl starter. morial Hospital, alsa ta rel- T waould like ta take this op-;of Mr. Thornton Andersan, Lot h utr o-16 atives and friends for flowers, portunity ta thank neighibaurs 13, Con. 1, Darlingtan Towvn- sprfbegasbat vr AEPOE çards and gifts, wvith sPecial;and friends who sent cards ship, on Waverly Road; sel1-1 ictus sizes with beautifulcor- OS PO LA thanks ta friends in Brown's and gifts during my stay ining Fridav, April 2-é. Sale taý mated styling and qait ~et4hî. Bnet. 1-Memorial Hospital, aiso iscomne promptlv at 1 pi.. workmanship. '1hese ugWM fStAnesPr- 9MilfredBent. 1- men and Kinette Clubs andiTernis cash. Na reserve. sale, and luxutrionsCut special thanks ta Dr. Svlvest-ýLawrence Harris, clerk; Jacký boats have e\er qualît acsflBk aeadCfe I xish ta express rnY thanks er and nursing sta ff of'Reid, auctianeer. 16-21 ensure comfortable enjomet'Bakrcn' 0h Sda to Dr. Rundle, Mrs. Smnythe,Imateirnity floor. The Ventura shiown in h inurses and staff, relatives.,otSo eei 67feit;colro.Tepeiet Iriends s'nd neighbors, for Kay Cain. 17-1 Registered and grade ieu-e- Bsao catuwhr s nbut16.7Ms JmsA.Bl, a i cadgfsand kindnesses i stJ -ford cattie, farm miachiiîery,,ia big boat exri-as. heVtur eca av csnm uigm eett gIoî express my thanks hay, ganad-h nie bi ba o atdsoers.'ieuead Mrs lV litn r.P ithown Mm dring mHo reetal ta Dr. Rundle, nurse%'of Me- household effects of Mr. Wm.lis tdsmesee ln utayia insitMemnor peaaleHospita5,lon.8,Iop lils trirn Multi-Keel blli îR oligadMs .Ptr wsgreatly appreciatcd. tmarial osptalaDa seczial Lewnshi, Lotm25,Con. 8, ofBowrnanvýille Curling Club winnei-s of the Rundie trophy. They are, from left, Wilf MeMechan,ikeep the bow low ai pMoîwrincag ofHm Mr.GldsAvr. 17-1 alsa Beehive Rebekah Lodge Elizabethville, sellinq Satui- Lander and Rundie trophies are shown. Two members Bruce Clarke, Laurence Gioddard and Jack Gay. Not ihrottle ta speed alouin a - and friens who sent ards and day, April 28. Furniture Ici be. of Iibe rinlç that wvon the Lancier tropliv are pictured sliown a re Fred Kramp and George Van Brid fs ia lne irîiî lrenubro 1would like ta take this,,. ger, The standard equîpmeoî s commncingpatrons i, thrfi-pneasedlefwith theit 'pandduinomrrcntun- oi frs ontecig t 2:0inth fonarillfttaribt TarvOsborne and rmembers of the rink which capturedth'Lader ie Vetand es. pi-trtngaa-ofckspi, forunity ta sethanke a myne-as. pr.Farrm sold. Owner mov~-th ad ileVnuricues gfriend w snt n mrds Mrs. Jean E. Harness. ing ta U.S.A. Terros cash. No XVi1f Kitson. 'l'le rinký in Ilite back row captuired lte trophx-. --Oshawa Times Phiotoiglass windshield, cable scr oke n te eiais gtay in hosputal. Special reserve. Jack Reid, auction- ________________________________________________ g gs and excear -- - lai ure adstf, eer: Lawrence lHarris and' led iin the "'Messengeir Cere- upholstered suntbathiersetednlpoua.M. thaks a al nrse an stff wih ta express "nY thankS!Heniry DeWiih, clerks. 15-1 i motiîy'inii vlih Gleni Ashtoîu, Who were 50 kind. also Rex.10 Dr Sem n ndDr.Rsone, andii\ Bell wereet nd owsinf Swann, ail branches of Stiý the nursesan staff, my rel- ,,)Illli v Aution al and Rl't MlcLatigiiiii îcaml- ny.sntolora, and -e (omandnît oSale Raph , Keel bull, fiat fînor ai a-cag fIe(nfp Andew' an m~ aI frend atives and friends, for cards, coosîstinjg of furiiiture, 'lele- posed a poster of our Mes- E U ai neighbours who were so godgrl n knnssvsiw -sion Sels, garden tractor wih, sengeu alois, wiîl surpture Dcli:xe a ppoint monts aî eeywvTaoeaatiduring ny stay in Memorialsculffil, cuitivator anîd plow,i rcading bv Ileatlier Griffiii spaciousîîess set Ventura pa Jo ver wa TooneandailHospitalý Bo'vmanviîîe, andi pover mower, dishes, and aînd cail Staiiituî,iîlvrnii 604 .4IA ,BOÂmn I ro ohrbasoflsîz (Msincee ianîorer 11afler mv, retuirn home. maîîY other articles will be \vas sLig. Listei X\elconi ',-' and prîce. lIlhe ce(ene (Mr.) ea Pote l7l~Elinor Bieuit. sotd by public auIctiau t at ie a extciîded lhx Sanîdra anîd leuîgth is 16.7, thi e hai 17-1 Orane Hall, ouitypool oui Stiron W e rr \ , NîsseîigsrApril 24th, 1962 to-ssand epth lhad lus driver's fiuîd $15 aud rosis aind eacîch edph4iîcsar tian Satturdav. May 5th at 1 p.M. grauP ip ag'WrdWide Clior-, Tloioîa., Robinîsonî.49, ,j lice se suspendcd for 6 mniths. wvas îold thatthie fislî1îig sea- the transorit iieighi is 2()oue 1 wisi t o express ny tak D.S.T. Anyone wishiiig Ioai,-, aailîl also performed anl Lippincott Si. E., Wr-stoian aod Fred Crowe, 28, Keih Fietl roi for Irout opens oui April 'l'he F.nsign, 15 feet. tic and appreciation la the Eastern add ta this list please hv ciu ag eiaîis'e- ibl Ssosu O ir3,adRnl hl,2.28111.1 hav('ac -lon snc. Rcitaions ý,-e-e:Wihold osnoski, 7, 11 (lir, 3,nacdiena, Pispa26avorite, s forvofani-o Star, Trinity Church, relatives samne at hall between 9:.30 and gîveli 1l.%,Dale McGilI, Tonme Ritsou Rd. N.,Oshwa acl a fOshawa i pjeaded, Dotlîid Ray Corîîislî. 24, lies. lier hit is designdt and friends for flowers, gifts 12:30 p.m. R. J. Paynme, 21.1c- and Ross Leadheaior, Doiiaid pleaded guil o paird gui ofsig onIle Stil pleaded gulilt.v ta driviîîg wl-iilegid effartiessly over b OEand cards sent ta me iii Me- tioneer. 1-2Trewiîî. GCou Siailiît. ianti Driving inMagist C 's C a N llsso o anvrsanihils liC-eîse was oirler stispen- water, and eut cornersiýsp marial Hospital. A speciali Glenni Asli:on. iodav. ahwstnds5 n idv pril8 F Eclxas 'siouî. lie was appreheuidcd oui aîîd evenly. thanks ta Dr. R uindle, nursesl "lie udersigned auiCtiolleer Argyle St., bv P.C. Philips! It as caîifoîable t~u and staff of Memorial Hos-' 'ili seli by public auctioiî a },asier Biitteîfirt\Orici s e aand arrested. Hle was senlenced foam cuJShioîîed back ta(ac pital. large quantity of furuiture at Wa vlt doue bv Lido - l 30 days in gaoi wiliout the1 seats that convert easîvt Dorothy Niciolas. 17-1 Pethick's Auction Shed at E - erSandra V i Blli uî e a l i pto o a fie wleî u s ob t erset i ec nd.'I -~ - ; uiskilen on Saturday, April Barbara Ashîtoun, Freuida Mc- Crwn ttoneypoitedou iSE D CA RS Mysincere thank t legh- 28, consisting of dining-room!Laghinianud Icier Griffin. CIh Att rey soied tat bEsin op.lThaspa fii iitlcd At d s, relat ves,-rlintaRl , pi eTch irs; w o LbIIr ed gM sundeu-i% sh wspeufilminnîîiato-' r cordhhobeanîa h eprovio.dTs sa m plei '9P mo h4Dr ity Church, Durham Chapter electrir- staves, washing maOW fl'A -ateýRlhhdpi fn f$0 o 7 ic en)poie O.E.S. and Staff of the T. chine, sewing machine, dress- MeLaLlgililr reccived tIeJUI-Uforeand Corîîish didriît learnt Tîte Scamp, a four parei 8 cyl., standard transmission. Eaton Ca. for cards, gifts, er, single beds, double beds, ferinîg in ii air ew "uia o n S f b l League a esn e ronexfra te port.ani Only 12,000 original miles. flowers, visits and kindnesses txxo chesis, wardrobe, odd!Churcli Baiik' ta ledeiltDavid Broder, nowîîîarried,ipgoer exa value bo One owner. Like new. 'shown while in the hospital. A chairs, sîîîall articles too num-!of the tittle ones. Tii ,Noï-t Sehe's-G. Stphi e B. \i.t, D. Bagnelt .'il a f 15Agites St., Oshiawa, lîad ivilhi the Boat Show viec Ispecial han youta D. eoCs a mnBio. SatatFa:3vIedeD Wav od qtor*' chargess!Wiadjous, -nBed -sto isJ. vider Dwhîere .. tidlh iso chagesadjornedYItn. wd*bligr wtilh '57 Plymouth 4- r le nrssand staff Terms cash. Ciiff Peth- ter Parade*' in tue permi ot .DdoG.Wgl liia, de l a ieîac ntebto îjt1seî sIw* 19O Memria Hopitl. ckauc_,:iee. l4-ll1ethe Grffi. ad CieCot e ssuspende d senitencte o n splanned I go sine 4 eyl., tahdard transmission,i Mrs. J. E. l-ouck. 17-1 Ashtion in tlieir Easier houi- i. Moorcraft, Mort Richards. Manager. lakiiig a tractor xitiiaut the fast, yet smoolbiy as vleiA wheel dises, side mirrors. -Txr ity-f wo Sitorihiarn calttie, ' fles anîd Illeir escoit, GaoItl.lîe Kenneit, G. Hleath, P. George's - -M. Burgess, T. owner's consent. The Magis- and beé absolutely steady.' One ower. iWe wîh ta xteuî otîrfarnumachiner, baled liav' Staiiitoi, çlrarmtliîg iii blai<iýCIlatir, Maiager. loar, D. Giî-ardî. Y. Cowie, G. Irate did flot wait ta burdieniSramp is just right forasiPIMIN n ETN heartfelt thanks and apprecia- antd straw, furniture, etc., theitaxera andi top liai. NMiss Si-,ffy's -l. Siio\% cii, N. Junes, A. Crossev, Irv Brooks, hini with fines, seeiuîg tliat he 'boat taa. It will give skies î 1956 Chrysier lo.o cso idnsms rpît a vrl eln, aritui Yellowlees aci-ipi-Yt .Iaîuioî .ReîdD atrC rewin, .1. Olii- just gat married.:owbrlsaenceudr DisInSrt uh sage of ympahy ad flral ot 1 Co. 9,HopeTown iedat ile-an.A sorg b"',FR.Lane, B. Nichîolsonî, S. Rowe. ski, M. McDanaid, C. Kilpat- 32 other charges tînder the i modest power. A315 OW NVI whel bors, relatives and friends dur- belîr-roft, Monday, May 7. Suai-p. Katluv Sharýp, Barbarai Wallace, D. Oke, 'i. Paires, 1 ..Jac k Parker, Manager. pentalties of. $322. signedd-for easy operationh,________ Automatlc, radio, in urrcetbeeveintt Terros cash, ira reserve. At deligluted ait. Dolelaîîînd W.T iîl, . dises. One owner. the loss of our sisler Ina. We the same time, the farnit coli- Griiffiri tcft is wiîh air Fasier TgrMngr Real sharp car. wish ta especially thank Dr. si-sling of 100 acries with 10 message in ii lui clositrg recita- ihloteMl- Bl. Obirt.J a- OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOD P DUT Storey, the nurses and staff of raomed fraehn,10 ariion, afler xvbictr atl îel iîed ta î '55 lymoth 4Dr.Memorial Hospital for Ilueir xill be offered. for sales tie r he baseriieiîl foîr a îaiîîîv t, B. Weish, R. Pollard, A.1 care and kzindness during ber tO a reserve bid. Terismi-' lunch of i-e crearut and cookice'ismn T easî. ,Ppr 6 cil. Good dlean car. lonîg iîîness. real estate made known dav CFuoi. J. Allin, T. Masý- 194P nic4D. Lily R. Cherrington and 'of sale. Jack Reid, autiorier.: Mi-. ai d M A.rtur Bruni.t tr'. C<îx, G. Duîdley,. B. Y ou can be S U R E 194P nic4D . Meloria M. Carew. 17-1 17-2 'were rnuet x.iton-s at Mn. Ru-lîardý;, A. Richards, Man-_____aîdMs lsacr(ontorir-ag. 6cil. God transportation. E NS IL N Br 7 oklit. i's P. Co 'T l . Jaties, Gel Your PriceENNISKILLEN M. andTsrR. J. Orinis*,un B.M -rstr,'.Bird, . ..ý I I v~ PalmerGelrYour ieck o!eens e-a wtha pcil doi.v diriioran ird EaPealmeisrisa srisguesis at Mr. L. Asîtams, iv merthernît atMaliair air-' f FL L Ser ic M otor ales hroug service under the auspices of! Dr. anîd M R. BI. Greri pot M otor Sale through lte Unite.d Chureh Women ot nd le Mhr. asan JhnS nd Nfrcalle rsa c an - 20 Ki S T AT E S Mi A N April 151h when Mrs F. Dia- ri irs onirvll,'ce a nStE. A3-87 C L A S S 1 F 1 E D S per brought a stirring es-alersiemo.ri.ý Phone MArket 3-3303 sae ith her chair-e ofsub- ired rnc rmiîdfrafs ft IlAAIA AIfI' Eb'fII'T iiictbeiL,-WhtA iffprp-iit-6, Miss haiq Ashtlaîr ie rnd enandfi-af The Canadian Statesman P. Box 190 - Bowinanville, Ontario CLASSIFIED WANT-AD *ORDER BLANK NOW' Placng ailad sera eict hailevr hefoexi THE SpJESAN easy' WANT-AD ORDER BLANK' COPY r Check Which Planis 'ou Desire: P'orbidden -1 Assigti Box Nuniber or 'rmes Fl- MailBox Replies FI Bill Me Please Peint Voue N a m Address -* le ph o ne M.a Week 'Makes," where she , uiih lier u-ouýiuu, Miss .laniceds- the cuowd arniost Beli apeGrv.Mrndarel'trs. llerb. 1flurîdl, 2000 vears aga shouting -FHo- Vri-s- sorrv in -eportiM'l. Rowmauîvillù, celebratcd thcîir .sanna" ai.Jesus txiumpîtatl Howa rd Sievens bq as beri lal- 1 edîgornsersai entry, and lesnltait a «vcek etu t0 Boseruainvilte lIospiý,qlwiti, t heir fariil ai M\r. aîd! laVer man.y af thr same ci-owd seliprieîmnotia Wr, aIlU i Mrs. R. Rawan*s. were saying "Crucify Hit It ini a sperd\v reeneers. . Miss Laveerre ,Oir l I.Mi-. 'The second service on Gontd On Srind"p% afiernoor '29 acd Mrs. Elwyn Dickesaidi Friday 'vas oute for aIl threr ne'nihers of lire Kense faniily 'Velîia. Bowmaiville, Mr. andl points of Burketoît, Enfietc aîrd ai thliantoe of i. Mu-s. Clarence Staitoîrit and Eninskiileil ai atire chori-b aîd Mr-,. HaratldA. lîtori in M, .anîd Mrs. M. Staîtîtori. where aur minister Mr. Crawý-- hiarr1or f Mr. S. -eesbrtt Maer'rr hynian- fard gave us a fresh glimp' re day« N. Titanepreselît Ms'vert'>v M"n, ia-i- of "The Crur-ified One," îcil- andltrIes. S. Keusce , Mr loir. speuit a CoLIPle of day- s, inig of tht agony of Jesus ardLs anc. tetîri , st tir iscoilsinis, Claie aud the tragie eventîs precediriQ te' ri. Mnand Min h ei, Plas Duga Aht the crucifixion. Thie rlanoud 'aurî. Basenansripîe. Mur-. and -Mi: A . L. Wcaili sang the anthem -Saviouî- rite Mes MelNMeCkte aind girls. arnd Susan \ 'vere esli ai Mr. Dsinz Love,-' with Mes. Keitti Mr. oid iMr-. J.PanIer and i ard Mrs. A. M. Wearîî's. Clr-' McGitl and Messrs. j1. Stemron faritilY, . O bosc. PBei- )td Mr,. mnut. anîd Ray- A. lton tak iîîg ,11- E. J. .Keesc-s ort rIf;i rti!-', T cr- Mr~. il rd M rs, t1r M \.(; i teading parts. Miss Mai-guie-ru tri a1(lid r iMnii - a rCredi' - le W Mrigh t of St. Catharnîe. MrqMrrie \,itlt Mr. artd-i Mrs. Ralpit Virtuný Wsho w-as spendiiig lte lolida i î%rart.-M .; c Ms.r>. Bitand habv .,î id\- xeree Su ncla - wveekeInd with 1li1r paienîts, i-seatic girl - .\îrs. ,Lj Ži-cst.s (f Mi.oaid Mus.I. 'vas the guest soloist aîîd gave !..(,uî a s-esuilfMuIi. McG ill. a Javels' rendition orf "WY lIe auJMîs N.. EWcilrt.Mr. aîîîu ?'Ors. Ro>SRuîwlaiîdis Shîouîd He Love Me S.' Me. PraîlMrTAINWen- udbas taea c rt A. Ribey of Burkelon, Mr. W.:allJ ftaritil\u seCI e SLndaî s isi-'Mu-s. Nd Caambs sand 'girls, BaWrmail af Eufieîd receivedîosxil r.îurMssCraPgoanM. teoffering. iLe. ed tith'r.aM-. R aird1 ess.l os PageToro to, Sunday maruîing began car L-; ýd-i. n r.RssPgla for 13 members of the C.G. MN'I. and fuiesCaieiiî-eAv- itit Mrs. Etta Page. I.T. grouup and leader, as tc-y ci..e.oriel famiile 'vere Suda. Mr. and Mes. Allait Martiut gathered fori-ni Easier Suin- -lersai Mer, atel rs Ed. aIid familY, Mr. and M.Carl ise Service at, a6;;m. om, the Cox u-auoý Miss Wcndî'- Briut aud family Bawmari- roof blc ay;tMiss SusaniCxrctiîjrrd botte vîllithcInuville, wcrr Sunday ctLIcSts al balconM.v un a otooýfoi,- licloî-s 'vit Miss Diaute Mr, and Mrs.A. Brunt*s co-operative as lie hid bchind!Ar- atrGr-Lts r .W cl%.Bue;n -Omne clOuds as ie rose above Scarbaraougli, i : lîolidayiuîg Carole, Merssrs. Brut-e and the horizon. Thîis did flot a- 'l is cousins'lte Averys. Chester- Milîs ;w-ee Sunday ter the carrying out of aitin- M u i..W l{w saieonand drihttrgue5ss teresling service in %vhk-h ailý' isureel Mes. loeI parents of NMe. and Mes. Cec-il Milis,i oarticipated with Pres. Donina ai Treuiti. Mrs . Moore is Maple Grrave. Yeîîowlees Ieading ini pras-er. -stili in hasilital. Me. and Mers. Raîphi \'irlue Two seniors, Miss Checyl'-lfa. r. ndartnM- riie ;- ud habs Judy v ere Sunda ' van ieadine the scriptuî- ec rloeaMs-EIc-Ok.ta guests of Me. alird Mr. tesson and Miss lois Ashton Mi-.AIhe-rt Oke 'vere, Sundas- Eau-t Masters, Bowmiamvill. the stor.v. "The Moîks Cou- gucsts of Mi- and Mis F. Do'--;î, nDari-leandCiîcs.e -secratioti." lantdtrtcl o aia: At 10 a.m. ai th-e regLilar1 Miss Wirtrifrrri (-,le."fM'. church servir-e a large con.-1 W'aud ubert, îtôvelaie i gregation received an enhigit,- 'ece recrit visitons al Mr I ning mess>age tram. r. Craw- atel Mes- E. A, Werrv,' ford's sermon and thie junior, Mr: Kcnneth Builsair artd r chôir's nthem, -Eastcr BelIh<. boyvs amcouipanicd ber parent,. Nine liox' infants -'vere pre- Me. aîîd Mes. Joc Crawford 'f sent bésides the Messengers BawniamisilIe, ta tte foIBsoni MA 3-3303 who had thei- mouthty meet- collage ai Pigeai Lake arr inig in thé basement. GoorIidfor iThe annual Messcnzer Eas- Mr. uifi r. KeitiI-,cgisrtWAF ,ter Concert was heîd ApriliDavud aîîd Briari. Bowmaru- W Nu-A 23rd. Mrs. A. Werry had dec-l'ville. wcre with Mr. and Mrs.ý orated the chu-ch for the c-1 W. Ferguson. David and Bria casion with sprinig flowers, remrained for holidavs. Easler liles and lighted tapers i Mr. autelMes. Edgar Wi-ight i avec an open Bible. Mr. Craw- rettur ricel Ihome on Sundas-e'- fard opened te concert with i"a i,, fro-nt usitirtg a s'. ci- ;i few reniarks anel calledrii eut tu11u i -tec-, MNl. andrlM- the folowing progrant. Mes. Lh fBraiford. Tirsetu. Ar- W. Griffin and Mrs. A. Werry - oua. A number o! theur-fa- I VJfHVVM VVIIJL1rKUiU~UL1 HOME MODERNIZATION expert assistance in y.u. your Home HOME Improvements IAADflUEEMTC.. We can arrange it with no down We will complete payment .- . plus the job for you No Monthly oget Ht started for the Do - it- yourselfer: Payments 'tiil June t REMODEL YOUR HOME BY: ADDING A ROOM *MAKE USE 0F ATTIC BY DORMERS BASEMENT ROOM OR IF YOU DESIRE A NEW HOME N'isrr OUR EXCLUSIVE SUB-DIVISION AT PARKWAY CIIESCENT CONSULT PETER KOWAI, REAL ESTATE, OUR BOWMANVILLE AGENT5 OSHAWA WOOD PRODU(TS Limitedg 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU crd Oshawa Office and 'Showroomn Mainï Office and Showroomn O OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE COURTICE - 728-1611 Phone: 728-1617 BOWMANVILLE - 728-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9600 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS R fun TiI .URun - n7 Payment Enclosed WEDNESDAV, APRIL 2,5, 1962 PAGE %7M7ETEEN