PAE WETTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO \YEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1962 BowmanviIle's First Supere Market to Open Thursday ut 9 a* M. Many Bargains Feature Store Opening (FROM PAGE ONE) ers headed bv Mr. Lse The entire layout of the Only governrnent in-pected new Dominion Store has been meat of the best. brands airc planned and constructed to on sale. The service counter offer every advantage of dis- for packaged meats has a glass play and service. There are enclosed refrigerated display six eheck-out counters and case below it. Butchers xii rashiers to expedite parceling be in attendance there re&dy end the adding of accounts. to eut any size, or kind, of Plenty of well designed and meat flot oni disPla.v shold a comsnodious shopping carts customer ask. fire suipplied for patrons, and C. H. Wilcox. mneat mianager each of these easily manoeu- of Dominion Stores for Cen- verable carriers has an ad- tral and Northern Ontario, justable seat for a child, has been busy with the pre- which could also be used as parations for the openiing of n resting place for crushable the department. le wiiI re-ý merchandise or a handbag. main at the new store hierE The store is attractively for two %veeks, and sbe flecorated throughout, and has quently ,:ijllVisit it froni tiino' wide aisies between the dis- to time. Play sections. A smartily ef- OhrD ino Strof- fetctîve xadapr ît cials here for the opeinac fetchig andwell balanced1W FCasik Di jsion Pattern in shades or rust,'WMan ager, C .L, teDi benackaond gd on athetetrict Manager, Charles Me-: backgoudWdalsl.e og1Laughlin, Produce Manager for eas wal.Ontario, W. Ir. Tîttonj ,()r- The south waIl In azure duce Manager, il. p. Cole.', Mlue enamel is surmountedi on Superintendent for tisý area, either side by an enormous Who is responsibJe for thie lav.- white D with a golden maple Out of fixtures, and P. B3. Cef- leaf, the Dominion Stores fyn. Personnel Manage. f monogram. The indirect light-I The large butchier sihop bauk Ing of every section o! the1 o! the meat service connjt,,rr well arranged supermarket 1;~poie ihtpeup as effective as it is pleasing. ment. It vis itrst to fLiole Th mat department bas aithat ail packaged mleats are large staff of! qualified butch-wrapped in Goodyear plio filým nlot cellophane. 'l'h k fillin iZ *flexible and so absolutely transparent that cfostome s! sýare given a perfect view Ofj ,the contents. An extra ad- jvantage is that these packages, ,are airtight and ('an be plar-, fcd in one's homie freezer ex- actîx as thvY are. Braid. the best No. 1 Gradeý goverciment standard, code' dated, which hlas bet hung-' for 14 cda s. Tlop qnalit 'v ik: aIko assured i n other mIeatF,ý arîr also in aIl k inds or poolj-, The 12I1'b%-10 Lt irefri-er - ateci holding oom h tted xit shelvesdu vwers, and travs for packacgec meats is kept :It exactîx the ri vht temperatorc. The refriîoerated lhanginig 1roon1 is 22 feet long hv 12 feet ivide andi is alwaYts kept bctweeiî, 34 and 38 degi Ces.1 'l'le mnintsan itare t ond ition s pretail ini the cIllat depart- mient as thîev do clsettheie ini the store. Tii , ee k also al mieat 1ýe (-e 1 xiîîgi -, a 1 ini tue biîtciîeî -slhop xvii li reueix-es ineat froni loadel î rtîcks anid Passes il ov-er ail attomin,( weiglIî scale enron)Ite Io the(, Cooler ini a proues tiiat r",- sîtîts !ni less lîandiclin, c asier work. anditiine savinp,. A shining nîctai Rotiss-c-* mat near the mca t serviceý couniter will1 be an attr-actioni.À There will be hot or cold bar- heqLiîed chiickenis available d aily, 111 the green grocerv depart- ment there are specially de- signed refrigerated counters for, green vegetables and fruits. Other well planned dr,, coonters have a ILuscious stock of different veg-etables and fruit. There is a spacious pre- paration rooni for timî~ washing, and the prepacking of fresh fruit and vegetablesî and a 12 by 20 foot cooler wit[J thermastatic tcontrolied refrig-, eration. To1 the sn permiia rke,,tlt ere are 48 feet of refrigerated dis- Play counters for frozen foods. At the dair-v counters, butter, e.ggs and cheese are also kept at iexactix' the right tempera- i res,. There is an immense, specially cold coininter focr11.'e The xxeli stocked siîelve., M) c-aniid goods along,, the w'ide aisles are arrauged io conl- venient sequence. T1here is a generai merchandise depart- ment containing k itelien w-are,' cisheq, glassxvare antij otheî- articles.In addition there iN a dle 'artm-ent lilled w ith ai Wxide array of toiletries. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M a*m am am mm mMa.m Cùongratulatiotus.. DOMINION on Opening of New SUPER MARKET in Bowmanvjlle It was our privilege and pleasm-e 1<> have completed block and brick %voik on this modern structure. Masonry ContractorM COLRTICE 728-4841 Mi M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Best Wishes »OMINION STORES LIMITED) OPENING of new Super Market It %vas -our pleasure to have supplied GRAVEL - SAND « FILL for this nmodern super market and spacious parking lot. Bowman ville Sand & CO 3-2716 CO 3-2568 Oest ÇVilsAes STORES LIMITED on Opening of New Super Market in Bowmanville It %va% our privilcge and pleasure to li installed roofing and sheet inetal wor on this modern super niarkrt. Campbell Bros. Lumber Co. Lt. S CARBORO AM 1-33(î ICon gratulc to STORES TAIN OFFICIAL( <if ncv have SUPER Mi irk Il was oui pi vileup and instailed (.cramî< %Vails i uip-to-date super J. W. McA FLOOR & )UGJIPhoile 729-: 3( 17 743 AlbIer t Strecet on Officiai Opening of Bowmanville's f irst SUPER MARKET It was our privilege and pleasure to pave the spacious parking lot at this modern super market. W. Be BENNETT PAVING LDo, OSHAWA - tii :itions . e.' NIO I TEI) )PENING ýARKET 1picasuire to havé and Floors in thiis r market. ýRTHUR WALL 399 O)shawva 63oliyratu latio ns STORES LIMITED on opening new SUPER MARKET in Bowmanville While in tovn shopping at this new modernx Super Marketdi-op in and look arotund. Birthday Sale Continues with Bargains Galore F. A., KRAMP FURNITIJRE & HOME FURNISHINGS :17 King St. E. Bowrnanville Congratulations.. on opening new Super Market in Bowmanville l%'hile shopping at this ltr-a-imodei Super Mlarket . . . visit miur Used Car Lot. and Sheil Service Station ininiediafely to theNN'st. We cordiall.v invite ou b obrowse around. USED CAR SPECIALS 1961 CIIEV. 2-DR. 6 cyl., automatic. extras. Above average condition. 1961 PONTIAC 4-DR. f; cyl., automatic, customn radio. Local cab. This car ha% been thoroughly checked and is ln A-I condition. 1960 ENVOY STATION WAGON One owner, only 10,000 original miles. Support Boy Scout- Apple Day- SaturdayÎý, -May thi McQUEEN MOTOR SALES MG SPORTS CARS - RAMBLER - MORRIS 219 RING ST. E. MA 3-3356 1959 PONTIAC 2-DR. 6 cyl., automatic. A-1 condition. 1958 CHEV. 4-DR. 6 c.vl., automatie, custom radio. In above average condition. 1957 METEOR 2-DR. HARDTOP .Automatic, custom radio, white wali tires, wvheei dises, many other extras. Completeiy checked and In A-1 - '10 - »iOMINION ST ORES I IMITI 1 SEE PAGES~F 8 and 9 OPI:NING SPI'&IAI.S C 11 (1 (11,I cnue sin unl Gravel AJAX WH 2-3000 Congratulations 0 a e PAGE TWENTY 0 1 M116j 1 0 a a 1 a b a 1290 Somerville 728-8132