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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1962, p. 1

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Local Man New Store Manager Tna an emx 10e Per Copy NUMBER17 -Durhami County's Great Family Journal iiVOLU-M E-108 20 Pages BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1962 New -Dominion Supermarket Many Bargai WiII Feature Store Openin The new Dominion St( completely up-to-date supernr will open tomorrow, Thursday ing at fine o'clock. This largE ern building, situated on King East near Simpson Avenue, wiJ shoppers ail the latest conven in service f acilities, and a greal of foodstuf fs and other articlec which to make their selections. SeePa ees 8 Rand 9 For Oflnne- Dfl,.f His many friends will be pleased to learn that Cuthbert A. Nlcionald,l shown here centre, has been chosen to manage Dominion Stores new super- market which opens here Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. A great array of specials and free offerings has been laidon for this gigantic three-day shopping event which is expected to draw many iustomers to Bowmanville from a wide areca. Manager McDonaid wias born ~~ educated in Bowmanviile and has becn most active in cornmunity and seP2vice work. He is shown here with Jack Stoneburgh, foreground, and Steve Reyniolds, loading Up the shelves with attrac-tive merc'liandise. -. ---t -- - Darlington ~D.P. Holds ominations E. B. .olliffe, Q.C., will bc the principal speaker at the Nomination Meeting to be held by the New Demo- cratie Party in the Odd Fel- lovvs Hall, Orono, at eight û* dock on Monday evening. NDP candidates to con- test the Durham County Rid- ing wilI be selected at this meeting for both the coming federal election, and for the subsequent provincial elec- tion. At the meeting of Darling-i ton Township Council held ina the Township Hall, Hampton,f on Monday afternoon the pur-t chase of a new truck, -snow-e plow, and wing for $14235( was authorized subject to thet approval of the Departmentv of Highways.1 Reeve Garnet Riekard and' Douglas Kemp were appoîntedr by counicil to be Darlington's representatives on the Central Lake Ontario Development As-1 sociation for 1962. Counicil authoriz e d Weed Inspector Wally Piekeli and Harvey Ycl- lowlees to attend a W7eed Spray Course Io be hield in Guelph on April 25th. jAfter a thorough discussion in Business t was dccided not le make any change in the original of- fer in the negotiations with the executors of the Campbell estate for a road right-nf mway. Council's offer was $2,000 for the property, and ahl buildings:, wer t b rmovd y u T lst. This right of way is re- ý quired to improve an existing road. The Township Clerk, Walter Rundie, was requested te write TURN TO PAGE TWO) ITEMS 0F INTERESI SMELT STARTING The anglers tell us that snielt fishing has bectn very poor up to this wcek, but the littie rascals are just start- ing to move or mun or what- evcr they do. With a bit more warm xvather, there should be p]cnty of activity around thr Iakc -ront. DAYLIGHIT SAVIN(; This Saturday night, set fhose dlocks ahead one hour before going 10 bcd and you won't notice the change to Daylight Saving Time 100 much. The hottrs, loss of sleep (an be made up in the fail whcn we go back to Standard Tim',. MILES 0F PENNIES j There will be pennies al over the place on Friday and Saturday or ihis week, if citizens get out and sup- port the Eastern Stars camn- paigri to raise funds for ESTARL. Durham Chapter QES members have the en- tire affair arranged and wilt go int action at man'y points in tow.n ESTARL is the abhreviation (or Eastern Star Training Avard for Rie- Iigious Lacrhp Roy W. NichoLs Looking rather serious here is one of Canada's oldest (in y'ears of service) car dealers, Roy W. Nichais,, \vho opcned bis f irsi shop at Courtice 40 vcars ago, April 23rd. In a reflective mood on Monday, Mr. Nichais who wvas Reeve of Darlington for manvycars and is now a councillor in Bowmanville, recalled manv of his experiences bath in business and commiunity life. He remnembered how he started in business for himnself when he was 21, aided by a mortgage from his father, who really didn't give him much hope of success in the venture. He has gone on ta becomne one of the most successful car dealers in the country,: with a garage and body shop at Courtice, and a show-1 à.roa m, garagc and car lot in Bowvmanvilc, and a repu-' e'tation for fa'ir dealing and service wbich has brought him a great deal of repeat business ovex' the vears. To mark the event. bis large staff presented IMr. Nichois with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. part of thern showing in the background of this photo. RAISING $75,00 OiCrno Unrtc'd Church on Mtilodav latinched a rani- paign to raise $75,000 to ercct a Christian Education building. A dinner with about 2 ')5 attending was planned when details of the drive wveîe to be explained by representatives of the church and the Wells organ- ization in charge of the cam- paign. Ten of the canvass- ers who wvill be taking part have alrcady pledged con- tributions of $10t,0t00. NEED MORE RAIN Firemnen are ev en more cager Ilhan farniers for sonie heavy raîns ho put a damper on the numerous grass fires which have kept themn busv. There were 12 on Good Friday. so the two crewvs just rcmained at the hall and took thcmi as they came. ,which \vas quite oftcn. The parade continued throughout tlhc firýt of the %veek and this miorning there wre cvcral more. Give us, rain. lots of rain, ay the tired Lremnen. 190,000 Trees Being Planted by Conservation Authority ns g ore, a narket, ,morn- e mod- fStreet [l off er iences :array ,s f rom dkil C. A. McDonald, who has been manager of the former Dominion Store at King and Temperance Streets since 1955, will manage the new, spacious, and really luxurious super- market. Born and educated in Bow- manville Mr. McDonald was associat- ed with Dominion Stores in Oshawa and Streetsville bef ore returning here. He has many f riends in this area and is a popular member of the Bowman- ville Lions Club, and of Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion. Customers will be *impressed with the fine meat department in the new store. The head of this depart- ment is Ed. C. Leaver, whose father, Edward G. Leaver, Scugog Rd., R.R. 1, Bowmanville, has been a leading butcher with Dominion Stores for 35 ears. ,TURN TO PAGE TWENI'Yb oE Sk-eak Hierer Rabbi Abraham I..F einbert The Canadian Club of Westi Durham wi]l hold its meeting tomorrow, Thursday, April 26 nt, the Lions Centre at 8 p.m.,i when Rabbi Abraham L. Fein- herg will be the guest speaker. H-is topic will be "The War for Peace - Suicide or Survival'.ý Rabbi Fcinberg was born in, Bellaice, Ohio, and is a grad-ý tiate of the University ofý Chicago. fle has had many vears of broadcasting and wvritin g experience and is prob- ably one of the best known' speakers on the North Amner-' ican continent. It will be re- callcd thal he was tb have been the opcniog speaker for, the Canadian Club last fall.1 hut, ninfortunatelY took ill and was unahle 10 he present. Grass Fire Burns Barn Loss $2,000 A haro owned by Charles and Edward Wade, R.R. 2, IBowrnanville, was destroyed as the result of the spread of a grass fire on Monday. Total damage amounted to approxi- mately $2.000. Although a threshing machine was alsoý lost in the blaze, there was not any loss of stock. Two houses were threatened by the spreading f ire but were isavedi from burning by more, than 50 volunteers who work- ed with buekets and brooms.1 The Bowmanville Fire De-' partment was also assistcd in their fight against the increas- ing flames by a number of Boy, Scouts. who had heen camping in Darlington Provincial Park. These lads ecrgetically' toiled attamping out lire and, OJ3ts and' The former Maggie McLaughlin farm, northeast of Enniskilien, is being used as the first major tree planting project, sponsored by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Recentiy, the author- ity purchased the 245 acre farm and, on Monday, by agreement, the Dept. of Lands and Forests began planting an estimated 90,000 red and white pine trees which eventually will cover most of the land. This photo shows the tree planting crew being shown how the work is to be donc by Ed. Youngman, Statesmani coiumnist and Durham Forest Ranger, with Darling- ton Councillor Fred G. Smith, standing at far right. Mr. Smith is the township's representative on the CLOCA. The work is expected to take two or three weeks. Meet TonightGoya ln ilHv To Discuss GoyaPln i Hv ScholCosts ýFirst Blood Clinic, Monda y There wiII be a meeting in the Council Chamber at Bowmanville Town Hall this evening at eight o'clock bet- ween the heads of municipal- ities in the area and the Durham Coun t y District High Sehool Board to dis- cuss possible methods of re- ducing the alarmingly high cost of Secondary Sehool education. The eighf municipalities in the High Sehool Area are Bowmanville, Darling t o ni, Newcastle, Clarke. P o r t Hope. Millbrook, Hope and Orono. J0)1c es BIG DAY - For ail those who live al vear ILISt for the opening of the trout season, this weckcnd will be the one day of the year. Trout season officially opens on Saturday, April 28th and piekerel season on May 121h. If you see some wet, weary, disillusioned souls wandering home ail weekend at strange hours, don't be surprised. it happens every year at about this lime. i t t 'ULCERS AND HEART ATTACKS- If you are settled in a nîce quiet job, working from cight or nine bo five, you in some respects are fortunate. We've watched the executives and staff members of Dominion Stores go through the pains of giving birth ta their new supermarket and they deserve every cent they make .. . and more. The decisions, the problems the co-ordinating and the checking that has b bec done bo put one of these stores in operation is the best way we can think of to brin g on either ulcers or heart attacks. Evcn though most of themn have gone througb f1 before, there is stili a terrible straîn trying to have everything just right for opening dav. HELP YOUNG FOLKS- - Tlhcre are' Iwo im- portant events coming up that will hclp our youngsters, in one way and another. On Thurs- day, May 3rd at the Legion there is the Minor Hockey Stag party to raise mancy. and tickets are stili available. The following Saturday. the Boy Scouts will be doing their best bto aise funds by selling apples. Both of these events deserve your support. t t+'j' + +t NEW SEASON - Now that the \1aplc Lvafs and most other hockey Ieams have folded for the season, other sports are about to begin. The soccer players will start on April 3th at 7 p.m. whcn the Hooper's Tewellery Seniors will praclice at Memorial Park. On Wednesday, May 2nd, the -Juniors, 16 years of age and under, will hoid thrir first practice, at 7 o'clock. T T i t MORE SPACE Word bas heen recr'ivcr l iat Durham Growers' Co-op Storage ai, Newcastle plans a new addition for this year. This is one of the fastest growing enterprises in the county. Every lime they add more space, it is taken up almost as soon as completed. The new section wili include two storage rooms and a service corridor, large enough ta store about 12,000 boxes of apples. Only one other storage plant in Ontario has simîlar type of storage, locatcd at Picton. Crysler, Davis & Jorgensen are the con- suiting engineers. Total cost is about $90,000, and the building wiIl be ready for the 1962 cmop. t " t MOSS HURT - Engiand's top racing driver Sterl- ing Moss was badly hurt in a crack up on Monday. F'rom the maze of reports ib is difficuit tb ascertain the exact extent of hîs injuries, but it does appear that he has a severe concussion and a fracturcd knee. He was slated ta come here for the Player's 200 at Mosport on June 9th and the sponsors are stili hopeful. However, witb the poor fellow stili unconscious, we would tbink the iminortant tbing would bc his recoverv flot whethc'î' he wl appear here or not on June 9th. On Monday, froin 10 to 12 in th norin ad2 tb 4:30 iPro the aiternoon, the Goodyear1 plant here will have ils firstJJIp o p "in factory" blood clinie. Red Cross officiais have open eraintey whvethe cved ow n fi bpeean dehve ithe co frorn Goodyear officiais who agreed to the clinic and pro- ceeded to arrange local details ofd nus o medo rstos hed-S av es iE ofnre sodros opcewd quarters in Toronto will be on Prompt a< Ihand to carry out the details morning preveni ,oE he cinic 1 nafrl iUU r11 ini l Great credit must be given Jto the local Red Cross execu- tive who really went to work as soon as they found out the clinic could be arranged at the lplant. Usually, these arrange- ments with headquarters must :be laid on six months in ad- vance. However, in thîs case, spccial efforts were made to take care of the request for a select team ta handie the, cli oic. TPh regular clinie will be held at the Lions Centre next Wednesday, May 2nd, inth aftorn-ooni and evening. Street East. Action by ire Brigade 3eaver Lumber ction by fireinen on Wednesday ted what could have been a dis- le sheds at Beaver Lumber, King The blaze was spotted on the north side of the west shed and the alarm was turned in im- mediately. The outside of the building was burn- ing furiously when firemen arrived, but thcy soon had it under control. Ncighbors were alarmcd by the huge billows of black smoke which covered the arca. Nothing definite lias been established as ta the cause of the blaze. Damnage was flot heavy. lb was fortunate that firemen were not away, answer- ing a grass f ire cali at one of the outskirt spots of town. Stacking Shelves at New Supermarket Wben customers walk through the attractive aluminum doors at Dominion's new supermarket, Thursday morning at 9 o'ciock, they will sec the resuits of many weeks of day and night work by a huge staff of men and women. Few wiIl realize the tbought, lime and effort connected witb building and stocking such an enterprise, but the four staff members shown here wîi certainly know some of the prablems. From lefIta right, thev arm: Mrs. Marion Harte-Maxweil, Gary Wiggins, Stan Hoard and Alan Plummer, who for many days have been arranging the many thousands of items required to f ili the adjustabie shelves in thc store. To handie the opening rush, expcrienced clerks and cashiers will be brought from neighboring stores to gîve '2uStomers the fastest service possible. Eventuaily, almost ail of the employees wiii be Bowmanville citizens. MM ~ ---- Cou ncil Criticize Inspector for Issuing Building Permit Forty Years OCÇZ JL ilgrn, 0 allu .7 r Ur "Priling "Çztulln 1 a - -,-- iý«

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