I MECCA Fast healing for CUTSà, URNS, BON LS, INFECTIONS Sooting After retîning from the farm, Mr. Kellett worked for one year with Hydro and for six years for the tawn. Mn. and Mrs. Kellett are bath in good health. Now completely retired, lie enjoys working in bis garden. Governor-General V a n i e r sent congratulations, as did Prime Minister John Diefen- baker, Dr. Perc~y Vivian, mein- ber for Durham, and Mrs. Vi- vlan, and Alex Carruthers-, M.P.P. Many other cards and messages were r eee iv ed. Among their gifts was a three- tiered wedding cake made for thcm by a close friend, Mrs. TRUSTED BY THOUSANDS 0F DURHAM FAMILIES A great number of the services we canduct are for families we have served befone. We believe there is no finer recommendation than ths. Morris Ch apel Bowmanville st#P ont in the softest loatbers ali IIetcIr WOMEN'S Naturalizers $1 2095-$i15095 WOMEN'S STYLE SHOES Brown, Beige, White Black Patent _____5$9 Teenage FLATS All sizes $4.95-$7.95 COMPLETE UNE 0F Children's SAVAGE SHOES MEN'S - WOMEN'S - BOYS' HUSH PUPPIES $8095 - $9,995 Dress Shoes $7.95-$19*95 COMPLETE UNE 0F WORK BOOTS & SHOES $7.95 -$1 2.95 CORDS WOMEN'S CHILDREN'S $198 - $298 99c - $198 Lloyd Ellis Shoes PHONE MA 3-5941 49 MIG ST. W. BOWMANVILLE 'Euchre Held By Cerebral Palsy Council 1 The Oshawa and District Cerebral Palsy Parent Coun- cil held a most enjoyable Euchre in Memnorial Park Clubhouse on Tuesday even- ing, Apnil l7th. The convenons were Mrs. David Clark, Mrs. Albert Rose, and David Gray, the president. There were 15 >tables in play. Euchre winners were: Mrs. Wanda Clark, Ruby Lane, Mrs. A. Clapp, Dot Mutton, Mis. Selby, Newcastle, and Mrs. Dora Mutton. Homemade candy was sold during the evening. The doo>r pnize was drawn by Ruby Lane and won by Mrs. Ona Beckett. The special draw for a bushel of LaSalle apples was won by Ruby Porter aind drawn by D. Cari. A deliclous lunch was servcd. Mrs. Ralph Campbiell was the, kitchen convenor. She was assistcd by Mis. and Mr. Roy Bacon, RalPh Campbiell, Mns. L. Leamaon and Albert Rose. LONG SAULT Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Wiilie and Linda, Lifford, were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. Bert Johinson. Mn. and Mis. James Sawden and family were Saturday evening guests o! Bir. and Mrs. G. Baker. Mi. and Mn.. J. C. Cook were Saturday evening visit- ors with the Smiths. Mi. and Mrs. G. Baker, Ann and Garry and Mis. Mae Johns weeFriday evening guests of Mn. and Mrs. Orme Miller. Club 50 ladies will meet nt tbe home of Mrs. Arvilla Bar- rett Tuesday cvening, May lst. Mvembers please note change Mi. and Mis. James Smith, Brian and Jacky, Ajax, were Sunday guests o! Mi. and Ms.. A. J. McLaggan. Mi. Stanley Fletcher, Ton- onto, spent the Easter week- end with bis parents Mi. and Mrs. G. Fletcher. Mi. and Mrs. Lyle Gildant and family, Oshawa, were Fnl- day afternoan callers and Sun- day supper guests o! Mi. and Mis. James Sawden. Mn. Donald Murphy, Bow- manville, is spending part o! the Easten Holiday with Mn. and Mis. H. Murphy and Tre- vor Murphy is bolidaying with Wayne Murphy, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mis. W. Vaneyk visited Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ev- ers and family, Toronto, on Sunday. KEDRON The Kedron, Columbus and Raglan charges held a joint Good Fîday service on Friday evening at Kedron United Church. The eiders o! the three churches took part in the service, and the music was under the. direction a! Mis. Ras. Lee. The service opened with a f prelude o! Easten music by Mns. Lee playing the organ and Mrs. Rodger Bishop, the violin. The Kedron chair sang the anthemn, "A Cross on Cal- vary's Hill". Mn.. A. M. Camp- bell o! Raglan sang as a solo, "Ia the Shadow o! the Cross". Carolyn Spencer and Karen fPascoe sang a duet, "In the iGarden". Rcv. Ronald Lave introduced the film "Trial Before Pilate", and commented on l. The eiders who took part in the service were Mn. Ray Scott, Mn. Grant Webber and Mr. Art Smith o! Columb us, Mn. Jack Kellington and Mn. Elwood Manns of Raglan and Mis. Harvey Crossman, Mn. Al- vin Spencer, Mi. Harold Werry and Mn. Howard Farndale. The 2lst Cub Pack, who us- uahly hold then meeting in the chrhon Friday evenings, chuench the service with its leaders. The Eastcr marning service was well atte.'ided too. A spec. ial prelude was played by Mn. Orval Selleck, accompanied by Mrs. Lee on the argan. Spec- ia music sung by the choir included Gounod's "Un fold Ye Partais" and "On Wings o! Living Light". Rcv. Bonald Love chose as the theme fan 'hi. message, "A Genuine Re- surrection". The Doubles' Club meeting, 'for May ha. been postponed until Mayr l2th.i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Pitcher Joins Legal Firm Michael Harrison, B.A., LL.B. A Port Hope young man who over the years has given Bowmanville bail players a great deal of touble in his role of ace pitcher, has now entered another field where he undoubtedly will make his mark. He is Michael "Mike" Harrison who was admitted to the Bar during ceremonies held at Osgoode Hall on Thursday, April l2th. Mr. Harrison graduat- ed from UJniversity of Toronto with a Bachelor of Arts degree fromn Trinity College in 1957. In 1960, he graduated from Osgoode Hall with a Bachelor of Law degree and on Thursday was called to the Bar with honours after completing the two-year Bar Admission Course. He is now an associate of the law firm of Honey & Brooks of Port Hope. Mr. Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. "Hap" Harrison is especially well known in baseball circles in this district, having pitched with the Port Hope Juveniles and Ontarios for many years. He also played with Whitby Seniors, Oshawa Juniors and Orono Intermediates. He was married last September to Shirley Pointer of Port Hope. IPolio Vaccination I Dates have now been set foribeing made for clinics to be the clinies to provide oral (Sa- 1 held in every school at some bin) poliomyclitis vaccine by time during the day. The vac- mouth to ail persons in Nor- cine wiîî lie given to chîldren thumberland and D ur h a mwho have consent forms, and Counties. I to aduits, infants and pre- Dr. Charlotte M. Horner, school chidren who attend Medical Officer of Health, an- the clinics at school or in nounces that arrangements arc community halls, where some omeCý«adwtseeLus! Once you're sold on a purchase that re- quires financing - drop la and talk ta the people at any branch of the Bank o! Mont- real. They'll be glad to tell you about the B af M Family Finance Plan - the safest, sunest way ta handie ail your family credit needs ... for a car, TV or any household appliance. By putting ail your credit needs under this single roof, yau take cane of ail your financing-at low cost-with cone monthly payment tailored ta your incarne. And therc's life-insurance, toa, for your family's protection! Borrowing naw ta enjoy the things yau want can lie good business. Talk it over with yaur neighbaurhaad branch of the B of M todayl1 y DANUB' 10110#UO A#M&U% inemiFinance Plan s'i -14 yurpesoal credit ne.dsÇ. Or- w ia ow-cost B cf M 1ife-insured lban Bowmanville Branch: Oshawa Branch: JAMES BELL. Manager JAMES McCANSH. Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 FFP-3298 WEDNESAYT, ARIL 25, 1962 Millbrook Couple Celebrate ý5Oth Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Kel- left for their first home, a!James Hayinan of Bowman- lett celebrated their 5th wed- farm on the Fallis Line o! ville. ding anniversary on Tuesday, Cavan Township. Brothers, Sisters April l7th, in St. Thomas Par-, Both bride and groom were Mr. and Mrs. Kellett have iliinPall, Millbrook.ensbeoetenwyed o children, but among the re- e.n April 17, 1912, the Rev. 24 years of age at the time of latives celebratirig with themn Henry J. Keith at the Presby- their rnarriage. were Mrs. Kellett's sisters, terian manse in Peterborough, Mm'. Stanley Adams <Mildred) performed the weddin g ritesi Dilferent Churches of Toronto, an-d Mrs. Wesley between Gertrude Medd, theý Mr. Kellett explains that his~ Saunders (May) of Millbrook; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sar-!wife was brought up in the Mr. Kellett's sisters, Mrs. El- gent Medd, and Talbert Kel- I Anglican Church and he as a mer Clarke (Irene) of Port lett, son of Mr. and Mis. John Methodist; so they compromis- Perry, and Mrs. Weston Hut- Kelett, ail of Manvers Town- ed by being married by ai chison (Laura) of Bethany, ship. i Presbyterian clergyman. For and his four brothers, John Mr. Keflett recalîs that it' the first 40 years of their mar- of Milbrook and bis family, Was a beautiful, sunny, 'spring niage they attended a Metho- and Albert, Roy and Leonard, day, 'so warm you could sit dist (later a United) church, ail o! Oshawa. out in your shirt sleeves" when living on the Fallis Line Among the nieres were Mrs. even though there were stjj'for the first two years, and George Lancaster, Mis. Paul great banks of snow from the, on the 8th Line for the next Hillier, Mrs. Squire Winter- severe winter just past. 13 years ln Cavan; and in bottom, ail of Peterborough, Witnessîng the ceremony Pontypool when they moved Miss Betty-An.ne Kellett of were Mrs. Arnold Olan, the ta a farm in Manvers where Toronto, and Mrs. Louis Sta- bride's sister, formerly Flor- they lived untîl coming to pies of Lifford. enceMed, ad Lura Kelett Milbrok 1 yers go.When Mr. and Mrs. Kellett enceMed, an Lara Kllet, Mllbook 0 yars go. received in St. Thomuas' Par- sister of the groom, later Mrs. For the last 10 years they ish Hall, tea was poured by Weston Hutchison of Bethany, have attended St. Thomas' Mis. Kellett's sister, Mrs. Ad- Who plamned to attend the an- Anglican, which is right next ams of Toronto, by Mrs. J. riiversary celebration. M rs. door to their home on Centre Edgar Palfrey, the rector'sý Olan has sin:e died. St. in Millbrook. Mr. Kellett wife, Mrs. H. A. Turner and Following the ceremony the1 said be thought he should go Mrs Reginald Fallis, with' Wedding party had supper at' to his wife's church with her memibers of the guild serving.! the home of the bnide's par- now, since she had attcnded Ptroog xmnr h is for 40 years.-PtrougExmn. Ru mmage Sale Held By Rebekahs An exceedingly successful Home Baking and Rummage Sale was held by Beehive Re- bckah Lodge recently la the Trinity United Church Sunday School Rooms. Mrs. Lorne Kerr was the gencral convenor. During the afternoon Mrs. Lester Highfield was ia charge o! the Home Baking Sale. She was assisted by Mrs. Cliff Samis and Mrs. Joseph Leav- itt. Ia the morning Mrs. Gor- don Richards was la charge of the Home Baking Table. She was assisted by Mrs. Roy Webber. Mrs. Nina Clarke was the convenor o! the Books Table. Mrs. H. Powell, Miss Velma « Gay and Mis. Edward Rich- ards presided oven the fascin- ating array of jcwellery. Mrs. Mabel Bagnell was the con- venor o! the Millinery Booth., NESTLETON Mr. and Mis. Oliver Robrer and Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Hy- land attended the wedding o! Mldred Colley and William Fortune la Rîversîde United Church, Weston, on Tbursday, April l9th, and wcre guests at the reception at the home of Mr. and Mis. Philip Langfeld, Scarborougli. Mr. and Mis. Ell Mains are spending the Easter weekend la Bowmanville with the Bud Virtue and the Sellers fain- ilies. Welcome home ta Nestieton ta local folk who spent the winter with families; Mrs. Jas. Farder with Mi. and Mrs. Harry McLaugblîn; Mrs. Wes- ley Campbiell with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Campbell and Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bonney, Gaît; and Mis. Sam McKee in an Oshawa apartment. Mn. and Mis. Bruce Frec- love, Peterborough, and Mn. and Mis. Perce Hullient, Ton- onto, visited their father Ar- thur Hullient. Mn. and Mis. Arthur Hyland visited bis brother Mr. and Mis. Clifford Hyland, Toronto, on Thursday and called Fnl- day evening on Mrs. Ida Hy- land and Miss Nellie Hyland ia Markham. Mrs. Herman Sameils Is spending this wcek with Mn. and Mns. Cecil Wilson. Mr. and Mis. Dauglas Fallis and family o! Bawmanville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams. Mrs. Thomas Langfeld an- rlved la Toronto from Flonida last week ln time for Mildred's wedding on Tbursday evening. She is staying with the Colley girls while Mildred and Bill boncymoon la New York for the Easter vacation. Then Mns. Langfeld will lie at the Philip Langfeld home while Violet flies for a holiday with ber mother and family in New- castle-on-the-Tyne, England.P BURKETON Mir. and Mn.. H. Gallcy, Orillia, were Monday guests of Mis. Florence Caughilil and faimily. The C.G.I.T. met Tuesday evening la the chunch hall. Plans were made to canvass I for the Cancer Society. Please lie ready for them when they cail on you. Mi. and Mis. E. M. Adams were Wednesday guests o! Mn. and Mn.. Ross Oke and fam- ily, Oshawa. Mis. B. Hubliard was Wed- nesday guest o! Mi. and Mis. W. H. Krantz, Oshawa. The Preparation C lass met. la the church hall with a good attendance on Tbursday even- ing. Mi. and Mis. Pobert Carterý and fanxily, Windsor, spent the weekend with Mi. and Mis.ý E. M. Adams and Mis. A. Carter. Mn. William Pedersen spent the weekend ia West Virginia,, U.S.A. A good number o! people' fnom bere attended the Goodi Friday Service at Enniskilleni on Friday evening.i Mi. and Mis. Orville Greeni and girls, Oshawa, were re- cent guests o! Mrs. E. Bryan. Oui Church Worship wa well attended on Sunday, monning. The churcli was, beautifully decorated w ithb Easter 111es. Mrs. J. A. Tunn- bull sang a lovcly solo, and: the choir rendered a lovely, anthemn. Mi. W .H. Crawford, delivered a fine Easter mes-! sage.i Mr. and Mis. W. Van der1eyý and family spent the weekcnd in Grand Rapids, Michigan, i U.S.A. Mi. and Mis. Edwin Cach-i rale, Raglan. Mn. and Mr&.] PAGE THREE dayrtime and evenlng elffilcs wililibe held. Clinie days willi be as fol- lows: On Monday, May l4th, cli- les will be held in the eastern half of Northumberland Coun- ty, including Cramahe and Perey Townships. On Tuesday, May l5th, the western haif o! Northumber- land County including Ain- wick Township, but flot Southi Monaghan Township. Wednesday, May l6th, cli- les will be held in eastern and northern Durham County. On Thursday, May l7th, the remainder of Durham County, namnely Darlington and Cart- wright Townships, will be covered. Dr. Horner advises that this vaccine is for persons who had the Salk vaccine as well as for those who did not. The two vaccines complement each other and bath will be used in the future. It is 1boped that poliomnyelitis will bLýcomre era- dicated in Canada through the use of both vaccines. Second dose clinics will lie arranged for the faîl o! 1962. and family speat Sunday wlth relatives in Barrie. Mr. and Mns. Tom Ashton and famiiy, Toronto, Mr. John Welsb, Tweed, were weekend guests o! Mr. and Mis. Cyrus Ashton. The United Church Womnen are packing the woollens and cattons on Wednesday, May 2nd, at 2 p.m. in the Church hall. Clarke Dist. Teachers Met At Antioch Tne monthly meeting o! the Clarke District Teachers' As-1 sociation was held at Antioch Sehool on Monday. April l6th. Preparations were discussed' a,nd appnoved concerning thej spring f ield days and inter- school basebail games. 1 Mr. Holmes, the district In-i spector, addressed the group concerning the cornpi]ing of sebool record and repart cards. Varlous methads and codes are used in the making o! these cards. Thus it is neces- sary to discuss the many ap- proaches and agree upon the most acceptable method. This affords uniform.ity throughout the arca, thus avoiding un- due confusion among students, parents, and school adminis- trators. draw were Mrs. Ben Touw, who won a Iovely luncheon cloth, and Mrs. H. Eikens. whose prize wvas a set tif lineri serviettes. Miss Margaret Ma- honey wvas in charge of the birthday box. Following the business meet- ing a social hour wvas enjoyed. Tea was served by the social convenor, Mrs. Bert Payne. 'Mrs. Heenan Elected President of C W* La Officers for the coming year1 donations, and to mark on the jwere elected at the meeting of outside whether for a boy or the Bowmanville Sub-Division gr n loidct h g of the Catholic Woman's Lea- gil1n as. niat h g gue held at St. Joseph's Hall, group intended. Liberty Street South, last The prize winners la the week. Re-elected were: presi- dent, Mrs. Michael Heenan, lst vice-president, Mis. James Fair, 2nd vice-president, Mrs. 1John Murphy, secretary, Mrs. . Floyd McKinley and treasurer, ýMrs. Delbert Hendsbee. Councillors elected for 1962. 63 wene Mis. E. Rand, Mis. Bert Payne, Mrs. W. Cowles and Mrs. H. Eikens. The re- sport of the Nominating Comn- 1mittee was givea by Mrs. Rand ln the absence of the commit- tee chairman, Mrs. Stewart Chisholm, the past president. President Heenan reported Graduate to an E on the successful catering for the Ladies Night Dinner held by Branch 178 of the RoyalA Canadian Legion. She also GETA COMPLUEI gave a report on the Nearly b mL I New and Home Baking Sale held in Newcastle recently. FRINLN UG Mrs. John Murphy and Mrs. FRINLNUG Larry Hardcastle were the con-SAEfl venors for the latter event, COURS whch was a decided success.RS (i6) Plans were discussed for the Sale of Home Baking to lie held by the C.W.L. shortly in the new Dominion Store, King Street East. The date for this will be decided later this week. It was decided to hold a draw for a television lamp ln con- juniction with this Bake Sale. The organization accepted the offer ta cater for the an- nual dinner and dance ta lie held by Court Venture of the Canadian Order o! Foresters at the Lions Community Cen- tre on Saturday evening, May pointed convenor. M A I It was announced that the Subi- Division's annual report had been completed by Presi- Je e l r dent Heenan and Mis. Hends- bee, the treasurer, and bad 39 King St. W. been sent to the Diocesan C.W.L. ia Peterborough. Mns. Hendsbee also presented a sat- isfactory financial statement for the month to the meeting Operation Aretie Circle, a iIan National C.W.L. projeet to send Christmas gifts ta Eskimo A man ran for sheriff hIa children in the northlands, was western toivn, but lie receiv- discussed. A box will lie placed ed a sound beating at the polls, inside the entrance to th.e getting a mere 125 votes out church next Sunday for contri- of a total o! 32,000. butions. Members of the parish The next day lie walked are requested ta gift wrap their down the main street with Ros Ok an Nel, shaatwo guns hanging from bis RossOke nd eilOshaa 'belt. were Sunday guests of Mr. Confronted by a group of and Mrs. E. M. Adams. puzled and Indignant citizens, Mr. and Mns. Glen Lowrey ihUZwas se:Sehryo andfamlyspet te eekndhave n iglit to carry those witb relatives iii Bloom.field guns. After ail you arcn't the and Picton. one who was elected sheriff!" Mr. Cecil Argue, Toronto, was Sunday guest of Mr. and "Listen here," lie sa*d,,"a Mrs. L. R. Argue and family. ma ih omrfiid Miss Lorraine Grills, Cour- Ive got In this town nceds to tice, was Sunday guest o! Miss carry guns." Audrey Carnochan. CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Don't forget your last Pre- paration Class meeting in the Cali the Attention o! your Cleai Church hall on Thursday ev- are easier to remove than old s- ening at 7 p.m. Be sure and put your dlocks CANADIAN C. on an hotur ahead this Sunday, April 29th. Sunda.y School MONDAY,j at 10:15 a.m. and Church Wor- sbip at 11:15 a.m. Mr. and 3&s. Eric Sinmpson rrie and family, Willowdale, were a?, -4, Sunday guests of Mi. and Mis. 4 J. A. Turnbuil and f an-ily. 4 Mi. and Mrs. George Allison. FR EE! Learn FrenTch, ftaTTip Spanish, German, Rus- sion or Japonese front EIgin's "Learn-A- Language" Record Course-free with any ~'Elgin from $39.9S, Of ez epires May 310I, zl2 tRI LGift Shop MA 3-5463 ers CA.uclýle I i Ed. Leslie aner to ail stalns..- Fresh stains stains. ,ANCER BLITZ lAPRIL 3Oth Li6>- àý Be on the Team to Save a Life! RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC Lions Community Centre, Bowmanville WED., MAY 2nd - 1.30 to 4:30 p.m. 6:30 to 9 p.in. For Transportation: MA 3-3585 MA 3-2343 Newcastle 3551 47 KN ST. E. "QUALITY MEATS" MA 3-5081 - FREE HOME DELIVERY- LEAN, SWEET PICKLED FRESHf COTTAGE LEAN R ROLLS lb.47 mRoast lb.3 LEAN, FRESH HAMBURG NEILSON'S ICE CREAM No. 1 GRADE (REAMERY BUTTER IL.65c Many Deliclous M/I gai. 89C Flavors ELGIN watch... 4 Division St. uServing This Area Since 1881" $4e95 - $7.95 zl Il PAGE THRES