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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1962, p. 6

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'w THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO VEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1962 Religion for Today 1 was tlkig 'ac a'- é Man Who wa, tuning aui piano. We wene speakîng o the econornic demression whîcl prevailed at that time, ando the great lasses màn%' perso'- had suffered. He sard: -[ hav( bèen very fortunatr. I hax( neyer lost anxthing. £ver- investment I made wa.; goo, andi has vielded te best r'_, suits." I congratulatcd hbu u.pon his gratif%-jng sucress but he said: -My investments probably, were differenit than VOu think. I nvested al! ot savings in tbc education of m children. I have two Forts and two daughtecs, and ccci- -one lx a graduate off t-e univer- rzity. One son is a ýîccrs3sfiu - -- - ROYA THURS. at 7:30 - F Matinee Sc JCK OIMMINGS MONDAY TC (4 days) APRI] One complete show "The fH Paul Newivauî, Jackie Aduit Entertainmeni, A Weekly Talk by Rev. R. R. Nicholson _Sympathv i.-;extenrieciMr. 1Tomas Horton on the cleatlu off his brother in Simcoe. Mr. Horton attendeci the funeral T'hursday. Cancer Society Pr Fi !a%,ver; the other is engagednext rive vears she wanted Syrnpathy is ais-o extended r in a large financial business,tthe Joy o01 supporting thle Mrs. Bart Van Ryswyk and of while bath off my daughters young woman entirely and orf Messrs. Manus and Harry Van-F r 8z H e e A ýh hae fine positions, one with paying aIl her coilegre expens- derbuel on the death off theirF o e i z HrAi ofa Lite Insurance Company and es. After somne hesitancy the father in Holland last Friday. the other w ith the Govern- young werman and ber parents Msds. Charles Smith, J. A.' Bowmanv'îîe Brandi off the ement. If 1 hac not spent my acceptecd the kind and gener- McArthur, Gilbert Marlov, spent à few davg in the village Canaciian Cancer Society pn CI monev this way, no doubt I ous offer, and ever since, that Russel Mountjoy, K e ri n e t hl last week. e ]tcmaino Mopn-y -", would have învested it in widow bas blessed God for Samelîs, Ernest Larmer, Ralp cdvlae s pnorn pIls2nd to aise $600000a >d stocks and bonds, and, like tbe precious investment in a Larmpr and Ceeul Hill attend- anTherviStreetFar tsp ver. wbîch us dtocal oective00in manv anotber person, prob- promising young life that sbe ed thnWmens nsttue Tertreil eaFartible so hecattocaîdrv o Ir ablv would have lost it ail. 1 was perntitted ta make. worksbap in Hanpton Friday. oncaeDrw for Bondalals. onte cS3,519,000 Tbe rvcalor- ownmvhoe ndI av Mnvyersag te eole Hearty congratulations 1 ista be usrd for improvemeni :jective is $1.700.000.00. steady em.pioymerut. My cil living in'a rural district in the Mr. and Mrs. Jose-ph Porrili, and facilities for Memorial Walton G. Pascoe. local uli 'State off Pennsylvania, decid- parents of Mr. Pat Porrill, who Park. campaign chairman. says lbe eci to bIid a church in whicb celebrated tbeir 6Otb xvedding MrCas\çclpetahpstscmunywllfo v ~ ta worship.Most off them anniversary tHlsdl a- wdy ihbe o rodbe saliifed -with 'sumpIv at- Swere poor and t meant a con- or, Os'haa, Sunday.ionToronlo siderable sacrifice on the part Mr. andi Mrs. Joe Porriti. Ms onMcab~c- D P?9fP off each famiiy. One man, Ed- CalifornawM re eeen:rndJoh ntyuchal aftrer was determineriP have a Porrii'anci fanrily w ard W . S tuntz . especia iv . guests o f M r. and M rs. P at s prend In t e wnt er o n ts i x r n er s i g an e p chrherce. lhu h e the Sunny South.A eyitrsngadh.p cburrh recd. a lnotboge nhis The team from First Black- Sryb eot[hLMr.fitThanksgiving Easter Ser- ilhad already a n rtgae to soc opayGrlG SrvIorprtta 's ice xvas held by the Unitedý farm heborowedthre tou- toc CopanvGir Gudes, Sexsmith is in poor health.c uaddlasadPti noLnder tbe direction orf Mrs. hurch Women in the C.E.ý sacidolas ndpu i ttoMurrav Byes to br A vers' large congregation Centre, Tuesdayenig ih ,oth hurchae woff biseb place in the Leonard Tropnv vere present on Sunday for 132 ladies present and a greaz! to do this, but he said: "I hap ompetition sponsored by' S,. Eastrr Service with the Sun-! manY off themn taking part. The' Jons mulne Ti ta' day Sebool taking part in tue!bake sale 1te b ls f fin cilre, ad w y~ reccivedi 214 points out of -a Services. Next Sunday Marsb 'the meeting vent over well! aiminie hista eandthm PWOssible 25.5 points.Grso Anglican Chureh wiil visit Our and uLbsýtantial returns wereý tame.TChurn me Rnd the tram were Janice Bvers, hurbhwith their Pastor Rev. realized hy Unit No. 1. sit tamefo mvfai woldcaptain, Carol Rabm, Lynda Rose in charge. KYte, Mary Bradburn and Starting Sunday, April 29, lo~ omno vsal be usless ithou it.-these trains xvîlli stop (flag) i niosie r r d nr St. jo hnsi ~~ be uiltsels Itbot t: Jan ugut God Pontypool C(2FR. Station . Churcb Thursda v exenirig withb cAIl Chiose ine bilodren b l-'lie ON.O. Club met at t'le East Bound 11.28 a.m. ID.S.T.), Canion Ashmore deliverin . a1 R .R .Ncosn bcm ri ranhs, andof t ri oe off Joan Graham Thur-.-5 ..DS'î. 'fine sermon on The Institution R.R.RNiolo beonn rq echers, anil tx' vn cejgwt 2 ,'-355 ..(...,î3 . othrs ecmin wiesoffdr evnn it 2ldies- (D.S.T.). West Bound 7.-,30 orf the Lord's Supper. Foiloxx-i rer are ail happy and pros- preachers. One off tbe present. A cancer film will be arn. (D.S.T.)t, 1:2o p.m. (D.S. illg Ibis the W.A. with sorny' better inesî- sldostincteptnber.dTheclub T.), 5:05 p.m. (D.S.T.). Weck- guests from South Nestieton, mentrou Whae gd? as ni ga disinctioneand Vill assist at a Poliochir lainend service sligbîly different Cadmus and 1Blackstock United men colc I avemae? as nan a Biho HoeîMa.% and wili rater for a wed-Frfrrifrmain o-C hurcb, met la bbe Parisb Hall. Some years ago a gentleman Stuntz, off the MethodistEpis- dngFoJr . ol ai ws a ternfii omtonevieHe(pctuesofTeunC-s took an interest in a poor copal Chur-eh. Manv years aff insxvined by a giffRoll f loth- servt aest.yoisr pat roag e te LightUof lite Wo rl wec ffamilv tIlt liveci near him. terwards lie revisit e Odasee Yagf fcOh eevsVLrptoai the old o h Wrd ee Thefahe ws dunar hoe omnuit 1 ddia: ing for the Childreis Aid. voir ant 'il -ot ined. shoxvn andl an interesting com-l nThe the r hsa dgrenat df-oaeiCw church, tNto reathe Gantes and contests were en- men tarv was read bx' Mrs. Ash- andyeheaiîd lunchd erved. moi-e.neA daincylunchepaaceer- ficultv in feeding and clothing oldonue for wbich bis Business vrve oe.y hA ngylicn laea the children. The oidest boy itad borrowed the inolev. Was Mi. and Mrs. Allait Daxes B sines Drectory \ndythAglcnaiead %vas very bright and Promis- il a goad investmnt foi, tlriî Oshawa, Miss Mariait Car na- A C n'ana pleasant hoîir off vijsiîing en- ing. He xvas an earnest ladt farnier? 'Sîirelv anv invesl- ghan, BroOklu, and, Mr. Chas. I icnc oved. and a regular attendant at nient, wbh resîîtsnbring- Andr'ews, Por't Perrv, were " DLLN Gond Fridav evcezwc chureit The gentleman decid- iiîg the ubole ffamilv t0 Chrisi Siindav giiests off Mr.' and RY..D LIG hli ohcuchsFiaý rd it xould be a good lurvest- is the verv best possible. Mrs. F. Dayes. 93 Cie Pblrc Strt nnrigihafî teîa men t eucte ha by.He Seutator James Consens off Mrs. Cecil Hill andl Mc. Rn'- in rt2381 ach chîîîcci. sent hiinto the Higlh ScooiDetroit, Michigan. it 19291 in-Feî'gusouî were xveekeutd gCUc5Z WI .H OGN tIeSna oiigsc an hnt h iiesity.- vested ten milliont dollars in Off thrir brother, Rex'. Mecril iei t on.sCuc h Wbhat was the resuit' 'r>fh at the blîdrer off the State (ff anrd iVrs. FerguIson in Strat- Charteced Arcotintant vetn SCti.on.shrcit Ute la ecre insr ndMcignFl ure oe ti fr.Second FloorReorCtnAitredl- l-ad beiae i-anministand Mictigun' etre ve hsfr.Nexv Jibrarv Building cred an inspiring ser-mon. TIll to-ay e ii t neotitstardîgx't i, s ont a tr'ust corpora Mu' and Mr-s RuýSsel Mount- Cor, Kintg & Tertpecaure Sts ch ildcen turrred tru their Lenten precho ii nu of ou lage i i se for tbe wcll-being joy visited in Newcastle on Phone MArkci 3-3612 offferings withich Ibis x-ear are Canadian cilles, off the cblîdren off the State. Wediuesday. to bie used to_ assist in lte widw i th Prvine tffAilthemoîevwas10 e e- Terewa ar exellnt u- YALE, I'RIEDLANDER building off a iiew chîirrh in A widw inthe Povine of il te moev wa to e ex- Ther ý,'&sCaiMexcllentiloI&gCOMANY lI.nTueri Sacrhe mert off o Ontrico, with rua cbildcen of pended xvit'in xxnt-fi'tenldance at Unitedl Churrh on Arcoun-iarits and Ai ditors H0vCrutîin a gi lier owri, became deeply iinter-'.vears. lie gave iltte naiim'3Sundav rnnorning when 48 Girl 111s01Yiite aniCommntered.aai ested in a cneyer, ambitious:off "'Tle Clilidrenis Furd off Guides Land Brownies auîd in Bankruptcy girlthe augbtr of a por Mihiga.He said lie desir- their leader-s attended the 64 Kinîg St. E.72161 Algeribro!cas Countr-v minister. She kilewed pecsonaliy to aid in makiuîg serv-ice.Os0a5a,16t1riA rge i-ut u Of achamo- tha lie irlwa logiug or hi fud d a muitgoo as Th Chirsang te antheni B. L. Yale, C.A. date te congregation in te a higher educaluion, but no possible, aind to have the j o,,, Biessed is he w,,,ho con-tic n F. F1icidlandc, B. Cont., C.P.A. United Cbuirch SLrnday morn- xuax xvas open fou'lher. Thelof seeîîîg the resulis. Most the name off the Lord". Rev. widoxv consulted the girl arîd people wiii readilv admoit tbat Romneril gave a splend'id ser- M1ONTEITHU ONET ing. A cornbinedi regtîlar arîd bler parents, and asked for the Ibhis was indeed, -an excellent mon on "He lionours the As RIEHL, & Co. H corlo.xýOrs sn privileg off seding ber10 inveîmeuit.aid dwelt oui the fart that 135 Sinirne, St. N., Oshtawa 'l'athm "ritTe coliege. She said that for the: We have been consider'irg God has a tise for ail people Clîarler'cd Accounitants Saviur 5 Risen". Rev. Rom-i different kilîds off lnvestmnents nniatter bnw humble or ob- 728-27cidei'rdafesrmno ,i this taik andl ail bave been -,cure they may be. Partners: the Resurrection. AP D E wortlîwhile and af great vaiue, Elcypa girls were presented 1lion. .1. W. Moitteitit, F.C.A. Hiolidiay vis'tr:Mr n but th ere is another invest-' witb their 'Religion and biffe" A. B. Monteitb, B. Cont.. C.A. Mrs. Norman Dysart. For-t 'AK C E ment off supreme value whicb ba,ý!gcs. G. W. Bielil, C.A., RI.A. Wilamn, ,ilh Dr. anld Mrs. J. Wlen uidneys fail 10 remove !we must not negîect. Rex-. Romeril annouriceil ibat (Liccutscd Trustee) A .Mc'Arthur and Anuis: Mr. exces acide and wastes. Je-gus said: "Thou shait lovei Miss Doreen Van Camp, a G. E. rcthewel-', C.A. and Mrs. Harry Poole, Tommy baîkache-tired feeling- hn y- dielurbed est etten may , Ithe Lord tby God witit ailth,, popular local girl, had been R.FLihot.C. and Amrte, Dnn Milîs, xib Mr. toilôw. Dodd's Kidney Pilaheat, ndwitiail thy.1 lappointed bv bbc United WLON&B1R-W and :o5. cGordon otrong andr suiuuile idny. 0 orml .arn gy5, andVI1Sta & BIRRy;SMr. and Mr's. Cycil duuy. Yeu fefl blir eep f and with ail thv tegtadCburch as part tinete arberi'mîy befle." P orbetr 80 -..,. wtbalbymd:adb' and missionar nIdafc Cbartered Aci-ounitants ýGibson, Montreal, Mr. and Mcs.: .'.. neigbbor as titvseif." 1Ltke Il) thî'ee yeau's. 114 Kinîg St. East, Oshawa, Ont. Bosworthî Staniland, Mc. and1 attend-xmael Mrs. Ronald Green, Scott and1 27d Aph-oxiater d I10 atn-bates The si.premne lnxest.ment fre h Fte n on banquet aber:Bruce, Toronto, with 'Mr. and; any person, is tb gîve binisef, in tbe Recreation Centreý Sat-ý Ronald F. D. Wilsont, C.A. Mrs. Geor'ge Staniland: Dr. NVILE enlG. Emon Burows C.. ad Mrs. John Werry and An- BOWMANVILE body, soul andi spirit, abso-CayonigbthAtr e Quraen- G dodBrrwCA e omn-le r.Hr MA Caon-55o8sad9ra Phorte 728-7554 nBwfavle r.Hrl L kley a esu h istda il aliidthe Mothers' Auxiliary, - -----Werry and Maron, Toronto, Lor MAa5nd Haint as bs only' served a sumptuus supper. - lb M . and M s. Rupert, k________________ Lodani avnu.The toast to the fatbers 'W., Ch îr o p r a'CI fi C ý Weciy anîd Roy; Mi. and Mrs. 'R. A . ..made by Mark Malcolm and'- -- --- Grant Ferguson and ffamily RI, A .,' &9p..Neil Malcolm replied. Ivan G. EDWIN MýA?%NN,D-C.- and Mrs. Roy Drummonci, Toc-. at t2pm L C S O K Tbompson proposed a toast to Chiropractor lonto, with tbe Roy Ferguson 's! the sons andi Douglas Meteaif Office: and Lloyd Wrighls; Mrs. Kath- 9M ~(Itdd for l week> replieci. 15 Elgin St., cor. off Hocsey St. leen Walker and family. Lind-1 UntNe. as The honoureil guest off the Phone MA 3-5509 syadMsVe Frr, Tr '1115[ IlFHh*PIISE Uit N. Iof the United evening was Mc. Geo. Lane,iOffice Hours: By Appointmentiono ih r and M aFrerToc-! Cbrucch Womnen met at the Scoutmaster, off Port Per,1 e rgtadgrs r.Mr ioemmhome Off Mrs. Ray McLaughlin ,wo aeatpediear WD aigrit rlyand Anne, WhitMa- .mwmaav on Wednesday af te r n oo utthe boys and led in a sing- , D e -- - hy, rth c . eyandAMre, Clar-i M ERItSIT Lae Ms osDufoeesouîg. Geo. Wolfe gave a re- DR. W. Mi. RUDELL. D.D.S.1 ence Marlow and Bill: Mr. and * with a seriplure passage. Mrs. port off the year's "Cubbing" Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. 1Mns. John Kexven, Tommy ard' OLCIAeý DeLOXEJ. Carnaghan read the Passion and Blake Gunter reported on 40 King St. W. Bowmanvîlle1 Elizabeth, Bcaconsfield. Qîue-! OOfooO.~OGi '.ZcP~ story' from a modemn tcansla-,Scouting for the year and, Office Hours: 'bec, witb Mc. Everett Tx'ewrn: __________________ tion. This was followed by an pcesented crests 10 the hockey' 9 ar.. t 6 pi-n. daily Mr'. and Mrs. Roy Turner Dntcetin dscusin. prlteam . le announed is re-, Closed Saturday and S nday and girls w tlî Mr. and M s.d ~~ THURSDAY ~ion Of a play for the generatirement from Scooting. Office Phone - MA 3-5790 DaeGnrad LaaJ, - 'metingnexteven Raiml best camper offý House Phone - Newcastle 35511 Napane; Mr. C. Turner witit1 L 30 - MAY 3 ing was rehearseil. A gener- 1960, presented Ray Mouuît- DR.--E. -W. SISSON - fri ends iut Winchester: Mr. and] 005u offering to purchase soap joy, best camper off 1961, witb ... ... r.WletArhrwi c nigtl at7:0 P'* foc bale was received. Fifleen a plaque, also a trophy which Office in bis boite and Mrs. Elmer Archer and! ladies and four children aI- b e may keep for one yeac. 100 ibrt St. N., Bowmanx',ille.famniiy, Wbiîbv; Mc. Gordon f tened.Vicor alclm haned he Phone MA 3-5604 Paisley at bis bomne in Dunn-! er ~Unit No. ? met aIlite Par- ladies for the lovely supper'Office Hours: ville; Mc. Merlin Baîley, Mont-' sosier niage Tuesdav evening with'and Mrs. Hudson replied. 1 9 am.tto 6 p.m daily -reai, wîlh bis mother, Mcs.' Gxleason, Piper Lawrie 10 ladies present. Mrs. Rom Evening closed witb te Closed Wednesday - Suîiday'Velva Baiiey and Mn. and Mr-. Price 75c ýPray the Lord's Prayer." Mrs. McI. andi Mrs. Melville Sam- DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D .NulBieSMsssCthrn Dalton Dorreil gave ý an Faster cils and girls, Oshawa, spenl Office *Bailev, Bowmanville, Doreeni 1 devolionai. Thte Bible studv bbc weekend with Mn. and 123 King St. E. - Bowmanxville VanCamp, Aunora, Joyce Gra-i ____________ fnm_ Ats. : -8 wa dea1 Mc.-Kenet-Samils.Offie Hors:haut,. Bcooklin, redaDuls 'omlet 49 IVx Ueutr Lrme. Ms.Stuart lions to Rodney Manning andi I ducott ai-d bhree boy-. Prîcu - Dorreli gave a ceading 'o-MuenBal h ee ~ o S borougit, withr M. and Mrs. El- a Paste 7 9c Paper ta-v biffe.' Mn-s. R. VanîCanip nnared it Manvers Cburcb ___ - - gin Gray' and familv; Mn. and ;ket 97c q9 conducted a ccunnest ont Bioie or) Saturday xith Rev. Ricit- rSADIE HAMILTON - ORONO ns. Stan R abo nad Paul, ?9c nams bgiuuiig x itt uc lt- i-doitoffcuaing Macee ~Phone 1 r 16 with Mr. and Mns. Bruc-e Watt, tocs off Blarkstock. Coiider - te daughter off Mr. andi Mca.1 Fei s o a rons Ostw;M.A.Rtn h DerTeeMot Kiler59e able busines-s, announicemrents Maurice Bradley. The young Rsines - r ma bes ;'as been wtb the Stan Rabms eeTeeMat Kiler59e off invitation to Anglican on couple will ceside in Toronto. BuiesPoeis for two weeks is spendiuîg a, Larvex Bomb 1.99 April 19tb. Varietv Supper' on' Mi. and Mrs. Elmer Warr offi Mortgage Loans Iwhile with Mc. Arthuri Raltot April 27t1t. Sprnîg Cir-c-unît Ncmrxx ond wece Sundav-, visitons Prompt, coorteous service ai, Mri. and Mc-'. W. Kuuîgs, Larvex Spray 1.09 - 1.69 Ralix' Mac 29tb. xcece enrvx. iti r Miai-d Mrs. Fred Yo'ung- HAROLD C. PEDWVELL Oshaxca; Mrs. F.dna Gibson,' Nth Prooler Bomb 1.59 al cachu Unit meetng. mai. Real Estate and Bx.nnvlc.Mr> and Mcs:. _____________________ Msdsý Har-nid Ký te, Jolini Ms R. J. Payuc us coucal-, Mortgage Broker Ferry Walteis an-d dauigbtec, Carnaghaiî, Flti îi Roa:eîil, escirîg ai the home off lier son Nexvýa.tle Phnert?,856 Oshaw-a, Mc. and Mrs. Bruce 98r - 1.99 - 2.95 - 6.95 Harold Martynt. Roy Taylor, ai Nexvnarket. Gibson and sont. Port Hope. Ross Duff.- Neil .-Malcolmt, Maplp beaf fans \vere vervx Op t m e f r y wiî h Mr. anîd MYrs.Cccii Gîb- eeS GlenîntLairmer' ai-d Keitcth happy 10 sec the beaffs wiu the s__ r on and famnilv; Mr Cet-il Fer. Samelîs attendedi the t C W, Stanley- Cup. Thece %wece soute KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. grisont, Mr. and mi. S.Fr Leadership School ini llamp- arden.t Chicago fans andi tbi' Optometrist gusout and girls, Newxcastle. ai toit on Tiiesday.. xvrier wont a sniali bel onu the! 141 Kinîg St. E. - Bowmanville Rurssel Mountjocv, sIN G 'SMrand Mr sCaîirigh Sundav ganu. !Office Hours: Bvappoinmenl ice'tp une nhma VE FIT Mr. au- id rs. FredTew, at the United Churcit on Gond' Mon. - Tucs. - Thurs. - Fr1 boo-ioscl a h STORE TRUSSES Nss's Hao11rx rvu a.i w~itl-iRec Richardzoit 1) a mtIo 5 p.m f'st Anuccican Hero t1'av 'Harrv Sandersori attcnded t ,iincharRie. 'hrdvenrrs 1crtaeupdonims Ducham Count.ý Sborthoriî ,,I. £lgii u-i % d.andSa.e -rode laaprde amnong the physical ailments of principally the fact that the mankinci is weleomned by' most earlier treatment of cancer people. That's a tact. People can be started. the better; andi are glaci to bc able to join with to give aid andi comfort to can- some of the best brains in the cer patients in need. country to fight what is a fter ______________ rep ~ares ail a cornmon eflernv.' o-- -_ mnanvîlle area willbci the M o IN E y rurr 301hoo t d blitz ri o1 n Monday evening. April' AVAILABLE FOR 30th. In the communities out- lainhng lhp objectivr. but that side off Bowmanville thedoor: ORT GE the crusading zeal of %v~~~~orkers to door canvass i iiigtc 40B GA , \vl the i crusad a ng z eai month off April. xvill atarn suham l entumi Mr. Pascoe pointed out that ***PH S.JO E theinimuarr rcquircd. the mioney collectcd during the mnimumthe campaign would be used' 'ffeel confident this will for three purposes: Io finance Barrister and Solicitor 1-ap!.eii*', said Mr. Pascoe, "be- research into the causes of'130 King St. E. Oshawa caus-z! the opportunity ta hel-p'cancer andi possible cures; to A -64 the Socîel.v in its attack on one promote the education off theRA -64 of the few remaining holdouts'public on the tac-ts of rcancr,, - BEST BUY SVE 7c! Complete Assortncnt HEINZ BABY FOODS BEST BUY!-SVE llc! - Assorted HIm -FRUIT DRINKS BEST BUY: - SAVE 5c! l'tre Straw'berr *v - Seedless Raspberry E. D. SMITH'S JAMS BEST BUY!-SVE 5c! AYLMER CATSUP BEST BUY -SVE 30c! - Regular or Chuhhiy KLEENEX TISSUES BEST BUY! - SAVE 16c! - White or Coloured WHITE SWAN TISSUE 10 tins $ 48-oz. Tins 3 for $1 90.Jars 3 f1or $1 11-0z. 'Botties 15 for $1 7 for $1 BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOOD FEATUREI Mix 'Em or Match 'Em Whole Kernel Corn 5 $ Peas or Spinach "-" DiOLLAR FEATURE!- SAVE Ile! ('atelli's Spaghetti or 2-lb. Cciio MACARONI 3 for $1 DOLLAR FEATURE!- SAVE 16c! RIed & White Homo. 9-oz. Tumbiers Peanut Butter 4 for $1 DOLLAR FEATURE! - SAVE 18e! Busrns' Dintv Mfoore 24-oz. Tins STEW 2 for $1 FEATURE! - SAE 15c' C hoice Quaiity Crushcd 20-oz. Tins PINEAPPLE 5 for $1 FEATURE! - SAVE Ile! York Fane3- 14-ni, Tins KERNEL CORN 6for$1 FEATI'RE! - SAVE 14c! la ncy Quiality 2Tins Sockeye Salmon 2 for $1 Fresh Produce F loi da - Maî'sh Seedless GRAPEFRUIT 10Ofor 49C (,arrlen I1resh - No. 1 Gradf CABBAGE lb. 9 Creamy W hite No. 1 Grade - ('eiio 1.'apped Cauliflower ea. 29c P:Sw ect, Juicy, good suze HPineapple 2 for 5 ýc ýc Prices effective at the Iisted MAPLE GROVE MARKET i i FEATURE! - SAVE 32e! Fancy Quaiity 20-oz. Tins Tomato Juice 8Sfor $1 FEATURE! - SAVE 25c! Choice Quality 28-oz. Tins TOMMES 5Sfor $1 DOLLAR FEATURE! - SAVE 9ü! Bright's Fancy 1-oz. Tins APPLE SAUCE 7lfor $1 DOLLAR FEATIJRE! - SAVE 5c Culverhouse Choice 20-oz. Tins Dessert Pears 5 for $1 DOLLAR FEATtJRE! - SAVE 8e! EVAPORTED Tail Tins PET MILK 7 for $1 FEATUIERF- SAVE 17r! Red & White JeIIy Powders 13 for $1 VEAITI E! - SAVE: 3f-! Ksng S'" CEAUER $117E i- Nabisco 12-oz. Pkgs. SHREDDIES 2 for 49c lVeston or Sunbeam Pkg. 04n"I0 BUTTER RUFFS 31 FEATURE! - SAVE 4r! AlI Vegetable Margarine 1-lb. pkgs. MARGEN E 2for55c FEATVRE! - SAVE 9c! (uli erhouse ( hoite '10 oi ITIns Cream Corn 5 for 89c 27c Off Pack DISCOUNT SALE! 'Save 50c! Johnmons Baàby Powder 2 for $1 Save 46c! - Haîr Dressint BRYLCREEM 2for$1 ,Save 34c!- Tooth Paste Giant CREST 2 for $1 Red & White Food Stores onhy 90Maple Grove CORNISH'S MARKET..... Orono PAGE sE1 GOOD INVESIMENTS PI Volume No. 15 GOLDEN BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA On Sale This Week Hair SPEC .1.00 siie Pnn ')Sc siye isk 63r size ('lga PHi Io%% Car Vsedge C Kleenex Dispe Fiashlights, c 99c size 1pana i.aundry Bask Pardec Liquid 1.25, 10 Pardec Caps. *2.-330- 4i::s.,7.-50 Geritol - or Tahlets 1.3.% - 3.2 9 - .5.49 FIRST AID KITS COWL ]PRONE DRUG Alil Popular Brand% Save 18c! Pkg%. of 203 Cigarettes 3 for $1 CHOCOLATI. Save De csize BARS 12 for $1 Golden Hour - Save 16e - Cello Pkgs. CANDIES 4for$1 Il wi BEST BUY! - SAVE c 37-oz. Packages MONARCH TEA BISK 2 or$ Value Checkd Meats____ Don't.NMiss Red & Wbite's "PORK A PLENTY SALE" The conniyPork Roast - Fresh, Piunie Style TheEcnonvFOR ROASTING3- Shoulder INPork 1lb.7f ['or 1' rying" - Lean, Meaty, "Have lou T'ried Steak on a Bun» Well 'rrimnicd - BUTT BEEF Pork Chops' lb. 59c Steakiettes 2 Ibs. $1 Ideal for Stuffing - Tender Tender - Meaty Meaty - PORK For Economy Meai LSPARERIBS Ib.49c Pork Hocks 16.29c 8 for

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