WWflMW~~pleVmAiT &a, 1oA~ H AAINSAEMN O AVL~ NAT &Choose Queen of Courtice Hiqh School Oshawa W kSocial 9ersona/ l Phone MA 3-33031cY Ea-,er allrs o th MisesOshawa Wbolesale Limlted Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mairs Eatralesoth Miss16saerse8.2prcn ar noin vowek'ad-Wce,8 Duke Street, were 16 ae oe1.2prcn arenon atDatoBeh Faa- Mr.Ed ee s n o Jc, *. *.~ta$59,069,399, and net earn- de.atDytn Bah Fr TroEnto, zs nd onJac, ngs încreased 52,63 per cent K.oroMon- Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. ta $683,427, bath company re- treal, spent the wcekend wilh Weekes and farnily of Regina, cd, ay ocD iWolfe, Pres Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chant and Sask, Mr. and Mrs Geo., . repart ta sharehalders. fa.mily. Weekes an.d family, London, Earbxned C eas sad (Camon Michael and Jean Bocian, Ont, Miss Virginia James and - 'n' Earnîn"s"perdshare (c Toronta, were weekendvis r.Dnis'- o sintn were $1.22, a 42.99 per cent tors with her parents, Mr. and increase ov.er last year, and Mrs. J. A. Living. Easter weekend guests with Miss Kim Masters is spend- Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Harding,A u ii rO ing a few days with her unCic, Liberty Place, wvere Mr. and, .xilcir and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mrs. Paul Symons, Robert, - . Haie of Nwmarket'Janet, Teddy and Douglas ofoo or B M.r an Mr. RlphBaîeySt Catharines. Mr. and Mrs.' Ottawa, were Easter visitors mothe M Rbert Kelvin Svrnons and Ian cf '~L A ofilon ber g , .rs. t B Port Credit were alsa recent . -onor of W i HamitonKingSt. ast. guests cf Rev. and Mrs. Har- Mmt. Firth Sr. bas returnr.d ding.,""', At the meeting of the Baw- af ter spending the Easter holi-1', manville Ladies Auxiliary ta da wt brgrndagteMrs. D. R. Alldread and ý tbe Rayai Canadian Legion, Mrs. C. Carlini, in Depew, N.Y. daughter, Miss Mary AUdread,' h eld in the Legian Hall last Mr n r.Fe wizrhave rettirnedi from a three- week, tbe members cf Branch and.Cnd Mrsf gnred wer irday visit in Ottawa \vhere tbey 178 were invited guests, and Gad~'iaygetso 'î. n1attended the wedding cf the' there was a large attendance. Mrs. H-ugh McDonald and Kar- por:r:necMis;ea Pt President Audrey Bate pre- ers, and Mr. Garnet Dean in sided, and the Legion Branch lyn~. 1 Southminster United Churcb, 1 sdn, Jae\odad Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wight, 'Ottawa, on Saturday. Miss: w PresidenthJame dard,. Grant and Bey., Prospect S. Mary Alldrcad was soloist at ~,< . spent the weekend with Mr., the we. d.din:ge . ... It was annouucod that Zone~ the eddig. ~~ ,., ~-Commander Rose Bate will of- a.nd Mrs. Don Yellowlees, Ot;' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moynes ficially visit the auxiliary at tawa.1ian obe Ottawa, visited At the Courtice High Schoi's "April in Paris" bal eety isPtii h etn ob edo Mr, and Mrs. C. B. Purc. v an Gond Fridav with Mr. and Knox cf Hampton, shown here at right ern her tiara, was chosen as ue Monday eveuing, May 7th. and familv atteuded the fun- I thettbsencewoartng Queen eral cf Mrs. Purdy's sister', ad rs. a nMsoneue rta of Courtice High School. Her princesses încluded, from Ileft ta right: Miss ueCmaseceo!Pathera Mrs. Eva Patterson, in Lind- 'andnire and Mrs.MiJohnarSaaan- surer, Comrades Ruby Palmer.y say on Saturday. tan, J\aplc Grave. On Satur- JaieAlsnMs abr ahpleadMs ooh oe.wba is a patient lu Memorial day Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and -Photo csontributed Hospital, President Date read Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson Mrs. Stainton motored ta h otl innilsae and rena Jan, ýlamor,;Iej!lvile ad sent he eeký !ourses iu connection with tbe ment. Tbe accounts were pass-: spent a few days with re la-j end wi th Mr. and Mrs. Gardon:* ., EeenyMaueOrai ed for paymeut on the motion 1 tie nBowanville, Cour- EmPost and famiiy. I an tiPost and bmilyurtice nand are lu turn lu- cf Comrade Violet Somerscal- Mr.Te owelad ai Cu r tutn the individual Bran- es, seconded by Comrade Ada Miss Rosemary Goheen 1s rts. e Colw e nd usa- ches as ta their raie in caring Butler. opnin g tasuhe wiîî eru dasend with her parents, Mr. an di y Lois Ashton ! o! welcome and expressionsifor and identifying and trac- Comrade Florence Kniglit.1 Inerateacb.ng dutil es in 5caMrs. G. Bennett, Spencervîlle. lof appreciation wcre deliver-Iing major disaster victinis. A a past president, moved thati lie techig utis i Scr-On their return, Susan isi Dainty formais and pretty cd bv Lois Ashton. Special Cadet Corp of High SchoIthe auxiliary pay ail food bis borouh net Moday. spending the balance cf t crsghe:e one n cth2flks wcre aiven ta the door- ;girls is ta be inaugurated this for the Vimy Night Dinner! Mrs. N. Waodlev, Wellin9- hoîidays wit îlier rand-casion o! the first Spring For-. mar, Klaus Anscîstetter; coatlyear ta carry out duties dur-;held recently by Branch 173i tonSt, M. larnc WOdly,!oterand uncle. Ted spent mla orieHg col check girl, Kathleen Mackie;iing the summer months and far the veterans cf World \Var:, Tyrone, spent tbe Easter week- Easter Sunda.v witb bis nmo- 1 The theme "'April lu Paris": tic!ket committee, V a 1 e r i e eventually become full fledg- I.This was seconded by Comn- end with Mr. and Mrs. Davether and brother, Mrs. Bert was carricd out exclusivelv lu Stewart and Joan Westla'ke; ed Corps miembers. rade Mary Westover, and car- Hics, arrsto, Ot. Colwell and I-wiIndit pses To foa our caller, Gord Smale; the! Two Junior Red Cross mem- id Mr. and Mrs. Chas. V. Hoar, M.ad r.Sa ac, archway and red carpet led decoration conimittce so cap- ,bers, eue from a High School An invitation ta the auxil-j BararaandTom Wilowale thir augterJan tatheaudtorum hic ha a'y directcd by Deanna Mac- Branch lu Ottawa and the iary members ta attend a so- were Easter Suria visitorsSdu, been transformcd into aur ver- Lean, Elizabeth Liotav, Gord other a wee girl froru Grade cial evening ta be held by the, wit bi paent, M. ad Ms.ice and son Terry visited Mr. sien of the beautifu-l and gay Smale, Sandra Chaskavich,: 3 ols ayPbiScolWtyLdesuxiryath E. V. Ho1car, King St. East. and Mrs. Ralph Ames, Carlis e city o! Paris. Turquoise and, Bob Kozak, Rau Ruskay, Dave stole the show. They spoke of Royal Canadian Legion on Mrs. W. L. Paterson, Co- Ave., over the Easter week-1Iwhite streamners forrned a Breot, Cathv Liptay, and Hel- what their own school bran- Wednesday evening cf thisi eesson S., sent aste weeOjend. Miss Jili Arnes accomn-1 canopy which was drawn '-Pl en Hryhoruk; the refrcshment, eues were daing to raîse funds weck was nccepted. A charter-! cesia St, pen Este WO.panied Mr. and Mrs. Blackito a point in the centre sup- commi,.ittea and waitrcsses dlin- for Red Cross and ta assisted bus will leave the Legion' end with ber sou and dauigh- "and their cbjîdren ou their! ported by a replica cf the Eif-, ectcd by Mrs., Gibson, Mrs., those less fortunate than 1Hall, Quecu Street, at 7:30 ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James. returu ta Sudbury, where she fel Tower in pale pink. Haugh-DrwadEireBbed-th sles Yugas heacoktisveng Pateron, Pilips illeOt vi be their guest for the bal- ty French poodies stood CIn livery commi-ittec, Bernri were, thev i-ealized the neces- The lucky winners cf thej Mr. and Mrs. Jim Varo, ance of the Easter halidays. guard at the base o! the tOw- MacLean, Jake VanLeeuveni sity of belping others and we draw were: Comrades Barney Môontreal, and their two sons, Dirk end Mark, are spending Easter guests with Mr. and1 er. Two silver and pink pond-1 and Shcrwood Kossatz; the feel sure that their aduit life Boisvert, Ada Butler, Jack this week with ber parents, Mrs. Gardon C. Martin andilstooad onecavhesideof te, entertainment committee, Ca-lwill be spent in Red Cross Knight, Everett Bragg, Helený Mr. and Mrs. John Humphrey, Doris were Mr. and Mis, Alec stgand thlysesavnueo!tas roi Greenham ai-d Ria Raa-1 work. Your Branch are proud Wallis, Annie Wright, Nancyý Division St. Martin, Tommy and DonniteAr Tiomh rcdnharst; cedar comnmittee, Keithýof the fact that we bave SO Calmer, Mary Westover and i rsN.C Ylowesa-BNQwhamte Mr. and Mrs. Frank1 the sAe d ropegae Worden, Bill VanBelle and mnany Juniors iu the Bowmau- Lionel Byam, also tbe îmmed- te s.N.ed Cthe edngo! esa- r am and Colleen, Toron- th tg. John Rekker; Mr. Halliday ville and District scbools; it iate past president of the aux- tMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Martin, One side of the auditorium for heipirgc withi the stage is Our sincere wish that even- iliary, Comrade Millie Bates, iephew, Harry Benhani, anidavdDraM featuring a mural cf a strcet decoration, Mr. Murray for tually something cau be dune and Padre John Living of Elizabeth Richardson of1Diand Sbelly,DovlMr ~ramiptn ou Sturday andJckers. Gyril Wright and~ scene lu Paris and a typical helping with properties, Mr. ta ensure that their interest Brancb 178.weer- Brapto onSatrda atJacle G ait. Colleen Binghamn Parisienne sidewalk cafe, comn-j Joncs and Mr. Blake for help- carnies through High Sehool Committee reports e p- Grâce United Cbunch. 1 is staying for the week wbile plete xith candlelight and ing after the dance, and cur and f inally inta the Senior sented as fallows: President Jdr and Mrs. R. McKelvielber fathen and mother fily ta rosebuds created a romantic camieraman, Alvin Yea. Branch. Bate, April Bingo; 2nd Vice- Drii Jane, Kirkland Lake, and Columbus, Ohio, where Frank atmospliere. The lunch cfl Alsa during intermission, Delegates were borrified ta President Betty Woodward, ,,â and Mrs. Frank Prause, is a delegate ta a convention sandwiches, cookies, nelishes,; we relaxed and en.jye a de- learu from the Dental Com- March Bingo; lst Vice-Presi-j P~erinig, were holiday visi-ifor teachers of advanced clas- tants and punch or coffee was lightful ballet by Sandra miittee Chairman, Dr. S .A. dent Rena Bathgate, March tors with Mn. and Mrs. Harold, ses. served buffet style lu the caf e. Scott and Nýorecu Arnold. ýMeGnegor, that this year two Canteen; Comrade Florence I Iffamnond aud family, Town. 1 The waitresses, looking as i f One o! the bighlights of the a! the Dental coaches wbîch Knight, Table Linen; Comnade1 Mrs. Goardon McLean andi Sunday dînner guests with they bad just landed by jetievening was the cnowning o! tour northern Ontario and the Rena Bathgate, Kitchen; Cern-' Miss Martha Boyd spent Eas- ,Mn. and Mrs. Ken Hooper andl especially for aur dance were1 the first Quecu of Courtice lcss populated areas of the rade Grace Murdoch, Birthday ter weekend in New York, family, an the occasion cf dressed lu short black skints :High School, Miss Patricia province, will not be in ser- Box; Comrade Nancy Calmer, City. While there they grea4lvltheir daughter Pauline's birtb- and fresh white caps end ap- !Koox. Our loveiy Queeu was vice. Not because cf Iack cf Bereavemnent; Comrade Dora- enjoyed a conducted tour o! day. were Mr. and Mrs. R. V. rons. They certainly added a supportcd by three equally funds - but because o! the thy Richards, Sick; and Cern- the Uffited Nations beadquar- Hooper, Maian Swiudells, Mr. lovcly French touch te the' charming princesses, Miss Jan- di!ficultv o! finding staff for rade Barney Boisvert, the ev- ters. and Mrs. Floyd Bradd, Mr. formai, !mie Allison, Miss Dorothy Fol- them. The lack o! dental cane eniug's entertaluiment. Easer iston wih r. ndand Mrs. Ken Palmer, Gregory The musie by the "Cavaliers" i ey and Miss Barbara LaCha-1 iu these areas 15 alarmingr. Comrade Frances Bruce gave Mrs. Gordon Badgen, King St.and Gai], Mrs. Gara Aluin, Mr. provided a pragram cf danees pelle. Pat was crowned byi Many new practices are set up the television cammittee s re- Est wnethirso ad a and Mns. Alex Lucas, Ricky xith a French theme. A coat'.Lois, Ashton and Sandra Ghas- lu the cities every year but port. On motion o! Gomrade gherinla, r.an Ms. l~and Susanne, ail o! Town, Mn. check and smoking loungelkavîich presented bier with a care cf the rural population is Florence Kuight, seconded by S. aer-nlwr and amiy o!wo&:and Mrs. Arthur Humpage, wene extra touches for thi*s sterling silver bracelet from sadly neglected. Red Cross Comrade Somerseales, it -was stock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bvl and J Ms eanricheespca1due the Student Body. Kathryn' are using ail their persuasive decided ta purchase a beavier 'Bell ofanarMi. ande as.oPercy Allun, The guests were announced ,Slemnon gave each'o! the prin- powers te iutercst graduating television set. Bel fBari er as n-Sheila, Russell and Margo of as they arrived by Gond Smale cesses a dainty silver nieck- dentists lu this work and A repart on the social even- eent guests o! Mr. and Mrs.ý Newcastle. and were welcomed by mcm- lace. Branches were particularly re- ing held by the auxiliary for, Bader.bers otencption lino:- Followinrc Intermission the quested ta do what they cauld other auxiliaries in the Zonel Mrs. Ina McNaughton, Mrs.i Out-of-town guests wha ut- President o! Students' Goun- dancing continued until 1 a.m. ta interest students in the was given by President Bate.1 H. C. Osborne, Mn. and Mrs.1 tended the necent reception lu cil, Lois Ashton, and hon os-lwhen the dancens said good- health field. She alsa reported on the cat- Alan H. Osborne, Town, Mýrs.Iholion o! Mn. and Mrs. E. Pas- cant, John Tw,ýist; Principal o! b-yes and scatteneci ta their ne- The Chairman of Volunteer ering for the Niekie Plate Les Eagleson, Oshawa, and'sants Sth wedding anniver- CH SMn. J. Spcers and Mrs. 1sportive bornes or parties. Nursing, Miss E. Dick, report- Bowling League B a n q u e t. Mn. Bud Pethick, Toronto.sar vcre Mrs. E. G. Woodi Speers; Students' Gouncil ton- 1 In conluding wve would like cd an inerease in the number Conade Dorothy Richards attended the 5th weddingi London, Ont., Mn. and Mïs <cher adviser, Mr. D. Bradlley ta thank the Carnation Flower o! Homne Nursing Courses heid gave a report on drapery mu-, anniversary of Mr. and M1ýrs.;Ken Wood, Scarhonough, Mrs.ýand Mns. Bradley- vice-pnýin-ISliop for their lavely floral in the province. Your local tenial for the new curtains te' Ed Weekes, Toronto, ou Tues-I'R. Williamison, Toronto, MnI.!cipalMn. J. Munda and Mrs. arrangements arnd corsages, Branch hopes ta join these be used lu the hall. day venig. nd Ms. Jhn elsh Twed, unday; membens o! the High lthe Enniskillen U.C.W. for the ranks soon. Graduates of this President Woodward tak Mn. and Mns. Cee. Sullivan, School Board, Mr. and Mns. G.1doudcous refreshments they course find their knowled-ge ed the officers, executivean Air, Rail or Steamnship n n Mrs. J. N. SmYth, A1lun, Mn. Hyland and Mr.1ipnovided, and Marr's Jewel- invaluable ut home and many members of the Ladies Aui T CK sMr.I.Joxs.Mr.D.Boc- ndMs.G.Tbb1%,1Sor-orou Qen' o he d elnte wrka iryfrnvtngth emer CORDAL ELCME O AL I olutar Serice an Waerxince t a n eite Red cial disastens during 1961, but Yeur delegates have onlyl jThe Aunual Banquet wvasl Mns. H. T. Reid, Worn's' pensons were assisted. nual Convention. We are son-' - beld ut the Roy ai Mlîtary Work Chairman, reponted that Although your local Branch ry that many mare o! the -iCollege i h euiu set-185,802 sewn and knitted anti- does net have aIl the 18 ser- people of this area cauld nat i ting o! the Cadet Mess. J. A. Iclos vere ncceived ut the vices, tbrough your donationLs bave heard and seen ahl thut REHO B TH CH ISTIA 1, arrv, B.G.L., LL.D., Principal w ianehouse. 149 cases o! cloth- we assist in continuing their we did. We are sure that they of Qucen's University, xvas the in and beddint xvere sent t j operation tbroughout the pro- would have been inspined, as gucst speaker. He is one Of Gevlon, LebanonTPks' vince. We learned a great we wene, and we know that REFO M ED CHU CH the outstanding teachers Of tan, Jordan, Hong Kong, Tu- deai from every repart al- the Bowmanville and District R E OR~A D C UR H aw and ecanomies in the Do- ýnîsia, Monacco, Gvprus, Sudan, theugh space dees net permit Branch wouild have ne future Scugog Street, Bownianville mLaio's Hîs subject, 'Thie'YLIcosl'avia, British Honduras, us mentionîug ail services difficulty in acquiring the Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister cLaîiwaro War' dealt with the Poland and Korea; as xvel as here. members necessary te continue ý cld arand the confenences thousaucis c! articles andi Delegates were the guests and to expand the Red Cross Telephone MIA 3-5023 on Disurmument now taking dressings for Outpest Hospi- o! the city o! Kingston for programme here. _______!place ut Geneva. Dr. Carry' taIs, Disasten and Individual IVORSHIP SERVICES d that until the Bic p-ow- Emnengencv iFrtAdl THE LITTLE THINGS __________SERVICES___,_ers begiju ta take each other Ontario. The impressive total How oft we miss the joy in life that springs, 9:00 arn. - English uat their word andi ne long-er o! 2,025,796 articles were ship- Fomdigjsthsmpekndytig, 11:00 a.mn. - EHolanddistrust every staternent auto-I peci from Division Headquar- An aidin's atth spre inim leasure fs, 11:00 a.m. - Holland imaticaily, the international tens during the yean. A l redshatwt pigtm lauefls 7:30 pm. - Eglishsiuation cannat improve. Ne MAan.v of the people of this That winter day you sent her daffodils. 7:0 .m -Enlihsaid that only if ai nations arca ure famniliar xith the Red And think cf miles you travel up and down, Proclaiming the Whole Counsel of God adoopt the prînciples o! theCross Corps. We have had Along the ways and streets of your homnetown, Red Cross andi unsefishly con- many cf their rmembers bOre Odeea idw acigfo fr cern thernseives with the Oduring, BlooddwsGlinies auci utfar Da ~~needs o! thei fllwreu ir- local fa T eba a tl Perhaps are envying you in that aid car. "Bc oGdHour" Bodat regardless o! race, coloun or mernbership of 258 and duning i1 found strange peace, and more than that beside, "BakTouOu.urauCS±Screeci, eau the wold hope ta the vear gave 56,274 heurs; o! The day I stopped, - and took you for a ride. J~CKLB, Oshawa, at 9:15 p.m. every Sunday live in peaceful ca-existence. volîîntarv cîaîv ta drivîngc,l Must we do big things to find favor in His sight? CKFH, Toronto, at 7 a.m. Yotur delegates heard the hospitah1-, disasten w'ork, sen- ji_______________________________________reports of the Chairmen cf ion citizens, First Aid. The; Ah ne! remember how He praised the widow 's te 18 Redi Cross services. Mi-. Corps have alse taken special mite. -Marjorie Cunningham ' 0 Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEKI Mo ney - Saving SPECIALS Writing Pads Reg. 10e 8c, 2 for 15c Envelopes Reg. 10e 8c, 2 for 15c I.D.A. Brand - White Embossed - 70's, reg. 19e PAPER NAPKINS ---- 17c, 2 for 33c 2 ounce Top Brass After Shave with TOP BRASS HAIR DRESSING 1.25 15c Coupon for any size Listerine Antiseptic wvith BROMO SELTZER -------------98c Regular 75c SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO ------ ---59c NESTLE SPRAZE Regular Spraze For firm lasting sets and contnalling bard-ta-man- age bain. Soft Spraze No lacquer - Gives beautiful so!t pin cuni sets. BOTH TYPES CONTAIN LANOLIN Reg. 69e - 59C Reg. 98ce 69C Reg. 1.39 - 99C SHEAFFER BALL-POINT PEN plus extra refi $1.79 value -___--------98 Black or Blonde I.DA. Brand IDAFER Llquid or Capsules 2.75 COLDS 14 COLORTI NT Intensifies natural bain col.- or, adds exeitlng new coler blends i gray. T.ists through three shampoos. 6 Rinses-_49c THERMOS Perma-Case Vacuum Bottie with the practicaîl Oîxn nl Handie. Ruggod -1 proof. Peurs like a pitchei(r. Hangcs anywhene. lias Trîpl% Seul Stopper. lO-oz. 2-Tone Tan - ---2.3 COUGHS SORE THROATS Strike at throat infections before germns get a foothold. At first sign of a cold or sore, tlîroat, gargie with Listerine Antiscptir. Listerine kilis germs in the mouth and tlîroat instantly - by millions. Protect yourself - your family - gargle with Listerine full strength twice a day. 39c 73c 98c 1.49 SPECIALSON NATIONAL SPECIALSBRANDS Prices Effective April 23 to 28 CRESI TOOTH PASTE -------Reg. 1.03 7 DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS------ Reg. 79c 5 7c DRISTAN TABLETS-----eg. 2.25 18 LYSOL DISINFECTANT--- ---Reg. 83ce7 PALMOLIVE SHAVE (REAM __ Reg. 65e------57 RESDAN-_- --REeg. 1.50 12 SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO-.------- Reg. 1.29 --- 97C SUAVE ---- e.98c - --- ----.-,87c VITALIS -- Reg. 1.00 _ i Phillips' MiIk of Magnesia Tabs.-- Reg. 59c __47c *PRESCRIPTIONS ... I.DA. REMEDIES* ALEX. McGREGOR DRUGS BOWMANVILLE - PHONE MA 3-5792 f h'~'. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BoVnL&NVILLLF, ONTAlql() WMNESDAY. APRTL 23. 1962 eratians, merchandising aii accounting. 11t is the fîrszt v. %olesae '61 Salesits kind in Canada a 'l d t h c i: t to $59jO69,399stores, four discount niur!ý- and 60 xion-affiiiated mu return on shareholders equity fulfiliment," Mr. Wolfe Te- stores. rose 38.01 per cent ta 18.41 per ported. cent, the annual report shows. Oshawa Wholesale Limited's ' à "Sine te copan's fex-retail expansion program last "Sine th comany' fle !var accounted for the open- ibility of operations permits 1t I ng of MI new IGA mnarkets, to serve with equal efficiency il of which were relocati IonN Osl7ZA the retail needs of both s11131 of existing stores which ai and large food markets, theEotgrown their facilities. Five' potential for expansion con- 'markets were cnlargaed ta tiniues ta be substantially in about double their previous excess of the possibilities for capacity and twa discount food B&4'/I'O" autiets, the first in Canada and company ow,ýned and oper- ated, were opened. >o a e Seven IGA markets, four of awhich wvill be replacements, j inquet i n I and five new discount food l / markets will ho completed in - o r V eterens To accamodate steadily ris-* ,, *. \\(" quet, and also for preparing îng sales volume, plansMrec such a delious mneal. being prepared for a 40,000----- Follwingthebusiess square - foot addition ta the BIRD- ARCHER WAd.- Foing tscia housnssme Company's Toronto - Queens- B *DA ing socal hur as ejoye. iway headquarters and ware- Lunch xas served by Cor-ihouse. Shareholders xere alsa LM rade Rena Bathgate, the lst ' adviqcd that an IBM 1401 RA-. PIUMBING - HEATI' vice - president, and Comrade!MAC, the latest high speed Betty Woodward, the 2nd vice- 'data procossor, wilI be instal. president, who were the co-edti summer ta provide A'L : venars. more detailed analysis in op-