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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1962, p. 10

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Provincial and County Honors Presented at 4-H Homemakers Achievement Day This group of ' oung ladies and melar vone ;:-Muarie' Mercer, Elizabetht'ille. Mr-S. M.- reevd ooson Saturday during the Achie\'ement \ic itu f Elizabethville was honored for having: D u Day held at Tyrone Hall for members of the 4-H completed fix'e years as a leader. Lirida McAllister,i' Homeakin Clbs i Duham ouny. Tisyear's 'Elizabethx'ille aud 'M\uriet Neals of Bethany were'D r aG il phojewgsmeofThe x'rk t hey ,ihdn.the lys au- ileD oncaln, ampbe hro nd SronElibto-îte em n project wsme"fthe Ceral heif", xvîth the dispares ile;nau- De a 't'nCalhoouslSro nd Tr onElibth-A hIVeT el in the background, behind the girls. Approxîrnatelv Garden Iliii!.xvon County Honors. At extreme right, 89 girls completed the project. County Honors xvere us Home Eccunumist Miss Marion Waddell who wa', un "T e C re presented to, from left to right: Patsy Bigelotv, charge oif the prigu'am. Next Fall's project will be flO er Bethany: Dianne Smith, Bethany; Sylvia Bruinsma. "The CIlub Gi'l Eiitertains". SoiaPhyllis Ann Westlake, Solina; Shelagh Murphv, MODERN FARMERS,! You are invited to a DEMONSTRATION Ford. Tractors AND Equipment THURS., MAY 3lst 1:30 P.M. MORTONS FARM IMAPLE GROVE ROAD 1 Mile North of 401 - '.i mile South of No. 2 In case of rain - Mon., lune 4th SEE and TRY this Modern Equipment SEE rad io used to co-ordinate field operations. WIN AN AIRPLANE RIDE Refreshrnent Booth hy ladies of Maple Grove Church Corne and Bring Your Neighbours S. S. Morton & son R.R. 2, BOWIANVILLE IMA 3-2279 TREWHAVE BRED HEIFER AND (ON SIGNMENT Monda y, May 1962 - at 12:30 pani. To beTRWAYNFM held at I WAVNFR which is on the Scugog Road 15 miles north of Bow south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perru 50IVE OFFER HEAD BRED HEIFERS Ail sired by Unit Sires and bred lu caif August and Noveui]ii FOLLOWED BY OUR REGUL. HOLSTEIN (ATTLE S We are offering a useful group of Fresh and Sprii and 2-year-olds, as Nvell as a number of Vearlin ACCREDITED - VACCINATED - The imajority are ready for lmmediate expert. .N eligible to enter listed or certified area NEXT SALE WILL BE HELD JU:' sale Manared by. TREWHAVEN FARMI LTD., 1K.. 1, Burketon, Ont. Phone Blackstock 986-4957 .Auctioneers : A. MIKE BRISBA HOWARD TREWI s Hold .Day ,al Sheif" Another successful Albi f- o I l ?h' itr for menit Day was carried ou bv eciîigoiIIoluncmakîng, ________________________________________________________the 4-FI Homemaking Club., Cliib toi.r x, c x'cor in Durham CounitY. The (luc l Iacers of, t bu 4-Hl nds d u~~~~lnembers and their leadersTRinlu Clb nDr a F re tsgathered ai the Tyrone Hall, 1-111Courlkt arr. l in au- on Saturday, May 12th, ltMo R(kPrestn, MIs E review xvbat they had learn- ..wabrl;Cavan --_Mrs. ed in. their latest project H.j rvl.Ms.Lsi W-ky R p r The Cereal Sholf". DuringilWGvs M.Leii tUe morning the girls Judged 1u.îAlseMr,. H. Thick-! ýmenus and muffins and ans- soli: CalrdeiililIVrs. C. El-: Dont Kudap Fuwn~ lie thun notifîed other head- wercd a cerual quiz. Approux- , Mrrsh Mr. enDm Annualiv inîu aV or Jue quarters of the lire and ru,-Iimately 89 girls conpleted tIhe ner.t-~ . Thorndyke; Ross-i suxerzil re:qie 'isare roceivulqusd additional mon and proieci. WctIVrR W. May. Mrs.' froum x,,,lcli ecdpeople cquipnt. Prov'incial lHonouris were H.ltl r.I'.IlBubn seekung a permit lu kecp "a Fire fighters arrived! at t retdtheMrd Neas, l. Mýro~ .Fns, Mrs. H pou 0lLidOudd ax'n fl ir by12:0,at vî~chtim Faine Syer and Linda MAI -,il. lo 'i un Mr.H PO ' la fa\ iV nlreb 2:0 t hci ielister. staintnil, irs' Ralph Glaspeil.l captivit ' . itlxvas about 3 acres inu size, Tcrases <if abanidorued Suppression acluvities rom-, Countv Ilonours xvere pre- ~î MI ~iilhm faxx'ns are rr.liu fart. mosImccc iimmudiately, howeverisented 10 Patsy Bigclo\xw, Di- Vs ,JroiW cel Hn favn bndii b xoosstrong winds gustigl 0 î ueSih Marie MVercer,-'oms rL)raP- habox en eeilutin somte pro- m..n.wbipped the flames 'Sharon Trew, Donna Demr rbo I h a ge VitioCo-ý te"tecl thîick.cil be i bu rnoth -out of control. Sha ron. lliott, SylIvia. Brui- aasitdb er, eJ'e Irli illde knoxxlecige 1sm-a, Phyllis Westlake ari grai ille. Sh( a sitdb )eol ý "liefirellrewasC la rence MVatin.,l)istricîý finit bier offsýpring bad b1 , Te ie in jws tînipedShelagh Murphy. Iedo etroog o c onjceaîied xve11. Thus, ilt islagain andi agaîn, each time PeiiiiPtibruh\o vith consternaition ihiat she ,the moii falling back before A<eiiiaexa îeentdm"'hoîioe xvaties be voog onebe'gthe fDames to commence buili-, snathcd wav y mau. ng a rîew line. Finally wvith land xisited the woods, before' l fîlpufct xiii bu snatj y man.Tht Club11)( t;ri Entertai ns- Everx'v -a!liginHethe assistance of ploughs and returuîng to sehool. an d the Tr'aining iSehool xviii xoc'lset hi r"elne ufnyear tractors drîven by neighbour- Plans are going ahead for U 1bnet fu or~e c l "LAVE AN ing farmet's, the fire wasitUe repeal performance of Ibie YOUNG ANliýIALS3 ALONE".!brougit Linder control ai 5:301KIedron Country Styl ve sup- Possession of a fawn dur,p.m. that eveniog. and the jobiper, which xvas so successfuil IA~T TTT ing closeci season is rontrary, of extinguishing sinudges com- h ast year. This event wilh LJ.flET VILLt to thc Ontario Gamne and Fish- meneed. Itake -place iu June. <',ries Art. Inx'nnper u51., hours the tire hadj Th'ý Sundax' Sehool ani- Last xxtek Sundai Sehiool miay he prusecuird. travueI %-I miles at an aver-iversary us planned for Sun-i was.l'd as usual and chiorcl lflih Winds SweP Fire 'age rate of 28 feet per minute, ay, June 17th, at 11:t00. Mr. services were onlv at Garden On Satorday, April 28th,'and haci burned 435 arso Constant Rugglc-s, a candi- ii.evriatueitesr hi1gh xinds swept a torust 'approximately ,4 f asarer date for the iniistry, woxie.Wt' aie sorrv f0o have' fire througbi a portion of tUe mile of plantation and wxood&}wiil be sup plying at Courticeto rport tbat Rex'. Wright basý Ganaask Foest ii ava îlos, othCrow ani pt- this summer. wilI be tUe guest -suffere ila beart atiack andi is Towvnship. 2:35 acres or yonng i:vateiy owned. spae.Tee1l cn'~ChugHsia tpe plantation aund xoodlot on tUeThe' bntin0Suna colsrieta Ganaraska Authority Fores TU (Ombgitio day Se'oMrsevicedbatsent xvee brue oeras eîîasning, high winds and dryV fuels ay. werebured veras ell was suffirient to reluase an1 Scout and Cuh Mothers 194 acres of adjoining private lafternoon of devastation. Recenîly the 2lst Cub andi plantation and woodlot by the ý1SotMtesblitii quick moving flames. The efforts of the neigh 'Scotnginth e Ld eir l 0 fA o c Gr ld ngramn, Ranger lu bouring farmers andial oth mo teingun rc Lwe hl.,7 O ilOi charge uofthte forest, noticeci ers who assisted in bringing'othcurh smoke nt noon and dispatchud 1 this fire under control are 1 I was duridud that thure: equ'pment to the tire scene.Igreatiy appreciatud by tUeIwould bu no May meeting as iDepartment. tUe group us catcring for the I '~~Mother and Daughter Ban--""g ~~ quet, for tUe Guides and I KEDRONBrownies on May 24th at 6:30. for- tUe 2ist Cubs and Scouts' %q (lrtended for last xveeký 'on June lst, and ail parents, herc Lower Hall of tUeare invited to crme to tUeý !hr was niculy filled on 'church to sec what their Wednesday evening with Ked- 1 boyi are doing. r-lon people gatbered tu hon- Commissioner Stanley RicU-. oui' Mrs. Ross Lee, who bas 'arcson, the special speakerý î'etired l'rom tUe position of for the evening, showed slides organisi andi choir director. of activities at Camp Saar, Rex'. Ronald Love acted as and of Coi. MrLiiugblin's gar- ('bairman for tUe uveniug. Mr. Iduos ai Parkwood. t Jack Francis led a spirituci -- ------- r singsong, with Mrs. Cbare S1ItI&48~~foAO2r&ipiano. A solo, 'Hoxv Greal RIS .Theu Art", was suri by Mr. Fred Dnhm ib Ms Family Day worsbip sur-' Jeanine Werry at the pianotice was heid ou SurdiMay Mrs. Stanley Ogle gave two 131h, many' families fromi i-eadings. a humorous oneZ ion were preseot (o ioio xvith WHIE ASIN SABE "Entertaining Sistcr's Bcs families ofMo-u. Leaders tPUMINGSPTICANKS Frienci", and inj a more ser- xvere the Rex'. M. Freemnan, .~~----~~---' Jois veun, "Coýmfort". M.Nra uoSna Sc'hool. superintendent of Zion, Mr. Sebastian Hohmano n Mr George Halouss, sperin-l 1 li'A te VA1 qil tertauoed with music un a'tendent of M\orrish S.S. vreyof styles playeci on xoaidet "Sweut Houri the clavichord lue bas Uuiit. o rvr assutysn This us tUe tirst lime tbis 1 i 'by Elaun Anderson and Joan sirument lias been playec bu- iMarvin. acccumpanied on pianoI fore a large group of People, by Mrs. Heleo McHolm. i N siiceMr.Hobaunbas j 'The firsi part of service was â fnsheci an amplification sys-litaken by Mr. G. Harness. The: loin for ut. Betxveen the mos- tRev. M. Freemans addruss irai nuuirbers Mr. H-ohmanu n oe b spoke "ntertainingiy ot busi uty of parents 10 children, S A L uemorics ot life as tUe son'fhus'banci andi wife for 'arn[ of an organisi and choirlother, andi children's dots', le'adier i Gerînany. obeduence andi love 1<> par-, Mr. and Mrs. Lexveru us- i cuts, (1) lu stop. («-» 10 look, crtedti 10the fronit and Mrs. (3) andi listeuî for the manyi tee was preseuiteti with a cou'- littie arts of COcuutcsx' a-ud lov'e S A L E sage by MHr'VY Crss-;i atiraushare in aigor lonot only for Mrs. Lues Mr. Normuan Gelox reati tUe outstanding service un providcistOrx', "Instrcuments" and relu-' 2 lst fo Uermmnixcluded theservicc, Mr. Freec1 bu bo er floral arrange- man having (o Icave parixvax' nietisforal sorts of churcirrb l h rormfrn occasions, andi Uer thought- ning service at Welconic. filesfin entertainiog groups The oftt'ring was ior the, L TD. i Ucr own home anîd making Deorarimut t Christianî Edu- cails. and being more than cationi, The Canadian Couril î11ianville and "mle 0i all'v are of tUe oueds of ut Churrhes. y via Ilighw ay 7A.thiersý. A basket ut Spriog iovr A groiup of eiders. who Iiad \vere piaced i athte pulpil for .50made thie arranîgementîs for Mother's Dciv hy Mrs. Wiîl- tUicee'ing. preseutrM Ms liam MrHolni.' Le ithu an arm chai, p For a number of ,'ears svl HEDhoîstereti in golti brocade, and;Ioxx' hax'e taken ui resideie a large edituon ufthte revused iunounr large shedi recently de'- x'rinof thie bible. t-ocd v tire. A lew day ., be'r A famuly gatburiug xsas ago our gusts arrived ios: .R bel.reenty a tU hoe -o us. il; 4-as--easy-. te :umag-;u.u-e Iiese par'ts last Fridax ex'en- iuug tu spenci a feuv d'ý s aui Mrs. Sulin uuBuxvuianvilie aund tu spend a fewx davs ini Tor- onto betoru guuing Io Roches- tet. Suielt tîshiliug huas been u i pou'ted tus exce'llenit ite part fexv niglîts, Sx'unpatliv -i'si"ludcl c tie r'elativ'cstof the lait'Mr 1Earh Trexv, Oha'.c.who cliec tUis x week. The tuerai xx ci. oui Wednesd3a. Mrs. Victor PeaLrur-k, O -i axva. 'perut a fexv ,dax s xx î Mr. anîd Mrs. VerîouPactk The U.C.W. hielci thîrir mýet,- iog on Weduesday ex'uuuug ai *iMrs. Vernon Peacock's home: !sex'eral attendeci aud Mrs. :Truw conducted the meeting. We plan fu have a social evuuinug at, our next rnietîn g and inx'ite tUe IJ.CW. ufthU sturroouidingcentre.We mcix'- 'cd andi serconded tie giviuîg u)r jS60t) 1t he M. & -M. *iA Ietieureueneruiing a Cblriu- hýtan Citizeoshir anîd recrue -1 iog, leader's trainuing sciiecl iu i tUe futuire was reaci, auci gv un lu Mrs. H-. Whiite, tUe roui- mrittIerouvenor, for scume. Mvrs. Morris rcad a sermnouî given b' a Toronito mniistei' onx "Blessecd are the 1pour for tbex' shah suee God." Ilxvas a xx cli wrîtten niessage. Lunch xvas served. Mr. anîd Mrs. ClarenceuMer- DEAD STOCK SER VICE Purchased according ho size and condition. SmalI animais remov ed free Phone Collect, Peterborough RIverside 2-8827 NICK PECONI, Proprietor Licence No. 117-C-61 cer andc!fauiil aiieuudud ltIlbC xxedduu' nof M r S. ?erre: 's il iu0ce. NMiss M2îliîî, at Iiitbvý On Sziturduix'1t1u, 4-H1 club girls lti t helir A'b ueuîc'uîî Div ct Tvu'uie HllI. McM- AIlister. lMrs. 'fhicksuuu ani tlle tix't'clii ub 'îi bers :iltc'ui. tire. eutedl xx'tli a cee:ti iae, a gcolci puie ,anîd ;it 9(i1 Wcrld R3oisBr'uîauiica for- uhtaunuuuti, ce'lis for 12 units. gix'uug liîcr prox'îueal hionui's, tiie fîu'st iii, iHope Tloxx '. hilp '. MeAI lister receuv 'eti a certifirail for heing, a leaderu for fix'c' x'ears, Misses -Marie Mercer'ý anîd Shar'on Trexv obtalieti thiîr cuix' hicuirs credtil fort f; units. C('o rtuituiar exteuite t o tlut îre'sc 4-11 urs. Rus. Luuigs c u xxas burut xx'euît ue .'aoutomigi t'broke and buie stluruxx'u offthe x -a-oau acd îctiut influe-aruin a-nti seuixx'hcit shckeiciiiý. WOOL Anv Goverirnent Deficlency Pay nient., %ill apply only on ProPerly graded w'ools. Seure the Utmost by patroniz. ing the' organization that made this possible. SiIIIP COLLECT TO 1Our Registered WVarehouse 1 No. 1, %Veston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine w ithout charge from John Thompson KENDAI, or hy mwriting to CANA>IANCO-OPERATIVKR W'%OOI, GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay St., Toronto, Canada ýompany product research in Canada is done by Imperiai es at Sarnia, Ontaria, more technicians are warking ta, n praducts-and tadeveop icovers many fields, fram cletergents. Another 130 The fucir' yoor rar "ii t iîxur u f he fituir,"are beirg designed today. lIn Inroî"riaisxultira wrleitrn r"xç'arch lahoralorîts at 'Sarnia, scientîsts and tu nr sare' wort'îrrg o <'rîure ' tira gaxatnes for today's cars-and ¶,rrorrow"x art' lartlord for top pe r orniari,('. ln the last ten years alone. lnipprral has -xpc'rrimre Ihan $80tinîilîori tu butld the equipment needed to buing you toi) LasuliIFi quaiuy. scîentists and technicîans arc working at Imperial's Calgary labarataries an ways ta find and produce more Canadian crude ail and natural gas. Imperial does more research than ail other ail companies in Canada combined. 4-13 TIIE DEPARTIMENT OF LANDS and FORESTS W'scsIio 'emind afl PRESIDENTS of this Dist ricit liat Fire Permits and Work Permits au-e requit cd bY laxx'in lhtel'ire District from April lst to October 31st Peu'miis nay be obtained from your nearest For'est Ranger Headquarters Departnient of Lands and Forests District Fou-ester, Lindsay.r ALWAVS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST PAGE TEX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANMLE, ONTARTO 1 WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th, 1968

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