Mondaiy, May 21lst Lions Club Needs A Help Defray Heavy For Fireworks Attrad Newcastle- The hig holiday24h.ýwith cuawds lining the but t attraction in the villa ge on <'rnnity park for the bigischeld Monday, Victouia Das* .M'ýay i penîng of the sumrmer sea-; The 21st seems ta 0e the annual won. This yeau, as far as wej schedi communitv nto(r fiuoworks can Ibai il lOr re acn o teams i 0ec display spansoued hy the entered n organized basebaîlmonst Nèwcastle Lions Cluh, n the village either in thetoûrderE 'in past yoaus 10e oitldoor minou ou intermodiate leagues. the Li season opeord with t he open-1 A team is entered îin the Dur-, the di iog hasebali game on May'ham L.adies Softhaii Lcatgiie,'park merci' cover I i IThe cSoci a! fIleçwcastle andc £Persona/ Tc onto sponî. a fese davs hot Mus. H. R. Pearce and Mu.ý week visiting usiîlîhou is- and Mus. Albert Pearce, Ricky iVeIVILiII feu, Mrs. Gardon Ash. and Elizabeth and Mus. Eliz-ý Mu. and Mus. R. I.. Cau1t- abeth Patterson xisited with Ntwcastle lTe s ilaga- wrighl and fanil * v of Tor- Mrs. Flor'ence Pearce iin Wil- counicil at ils MaY meeting 01o onto who have prirchased tht' losedale ait Sunday. Monday e'.cninp. purchascri a Chitty propeuty ai the lake Mu. and Mus. George Walton lot on Wilm-ot Street adjain- spent the weekcnd in the vil-,eturned ta their home here-,ing the muinicipal Weil Iot save lage (ipening theîr cottage fou ast week after spendîng the the W'eil froua pollution froua the smmer ptit Si inaths t The lot liad rer'ontlv Mr. Rickv and MssEia- :eî' home tan 'iarida. been pui'chased O'. Mu. Pire'. ' W.Allun sithIlite itoo:ii, i f beth Pearce spont the week- Mu. aitd .h'.Douis Grif idn oeo lest Pnd visiting %with their minI, jfitO and grandsan Dennis -of wbilda in a tanekutoi se Hlamilton x'.ere weekend .-'vhasptcakbueeo. itors xvtth Mu. and Mus. H. lS. Ree"7e D. J. Citotoplhai hadý D Brîtton. canta<'tcd the Walou Resotîr-. Mur. îand 1Mis. Reginald ces Commission ,%-iio 1a a ~Woodlîarnia of 'Torontio we'ee md the lot in quiest itn andr Saturda '.isitous wîtlî Mus. its pioximitY iOinte sillaOei Fred CouIch Si'., Mus. Norman wateu supplv and eccrnîmend-, ed iin a letter that cooinuii a t' NOISY PLUMBIN6. OH WHAT Samis and Mu. Leslie Aluin. tmtagin oiriaItc A SHAbME, PERHAPS ITS J(JST Mu. and Mî's. H. S. Britten tmtI ancnrlo h A MINOR CAUSE-l'HATS iO visîted an Stinidav with Mr. prperty la protcct ihe WeilI BAEand Mrs. Neil Bitton and'ta mlrioi i ni ii Blîo. . "lîcîir ' MI. Ah liii Vas nisi co-oti- grandsan Forni rotuîrîed witlî orativp 0a ndlafrOthie latnd thern ta spend a week iî ta lte111PVillage aI theoc îe lit hîs graîîdpaueîîts. had paîd S'838. A motion %vàa, i -passed authouing lite pîtiý i Coming Events cas b teitiiiicipaiiîy , rf Chamber of' Commerce!off S898, plus the insîs of meems Wednesda,\' nip,,ht. May transfer. Mu. Aliiî proposes 32_3rd i ut iecîts 1liotel al 1to Oit a lot oit BaldI'tii St. 8 o'cliîvk. A-ý staff mcmberitao uild hîs houi'. froua Onitario ('lamber will . Jon Ilcti r o ppearod b<'-1 BURNERSEÉRVICE be gucat speaker. This is an fore couitil in rîegard ta a lut-( ~~ssolopeineeting. Ev.ery'oiîc iritorlie i'eceived iii regaurd l 1, trested inii ie welfaue ofilhe brokeîî sidcsvalk iii fronti Neeateinvited Io attendu. ' b is uiiconîpleti'd bilildin., 2-ion King Strecet.:ir. lheý,tlîe i Gordon Agnew, Ediior ipc Wel United Church Observes sd edidn'break the side- a d d d 't teod ta re à pair if iii i u ci co id sabroke t il -eCh ris! ian FamiIy Sunday - was always look- ingfo smethng ta blame hini for, He said t here were Neu\castle -('hristian fam- M r. and \i s. James A îv rm sand froua the rfin- lots of othei' hroken sidewalks il\,' Sunda.v was abserved at Pa~o> dtuil og tho c'ai of the laie Mus. Rhada m 1lhc village and hie didn't the United Church on Sun-c Cunningham. sec uhli ' should be singled: day mauning wlienfthe REIv. Chw'oh for ihis sol vi e werio ou<t. Roove Cunningham said 'iL C. Wroolanid spoIkoon the placed in nîo*of 'vI' l. and Th(, Bev. T. M7. F. G. Aiv and ermn shjec. 'A 0Mthe str. Clifli WrdBro'. '.o Ilr. and d ue\v'z wi Il ho t ho giios speak- noi- x' oa I I ho only nne Muls. A larit/o Cii'. a ioiaid Mut-s. or ;ti ho <rgo la r Il o*clock itioi 0etilr hihhad . Faith". V . .toilI placotl h.\ thir otu -ou' o Sundax' morning. iii. rpotiuad tram T. C. Wai-, Suitah]e musicr for the or- la 'c i ega d I o a 1rokon <asion was conclucied hx t ho sidowalIk. NIu. Wallace was church arganist, Norman B. '-ook ng information with l'e- Williams and included flic gori ta ihe sidowalk and 10e anthemn "A prayer for the o-haiuman aof the sidewalk day" by Lea) Kompinski, sungi cammitloe agreed ta see Mu. by the' choir. Wallaco ta) work out an au-ý During the service the Rev.L. ranogement la have il repaired. Mr. Woodland officiated fou aw applications vwere ro- the sacrament of baptism ci.cland passed by council when the following childrený f'or bujilding permits ta Fuank>were presented: Sheila Eia DcoPimia for a haone on Sun- beth, daughteu of Mu. andý ý(ot Boulevard and ta George Musr,ý. Ronald Munro: Craigo Nacon l'ou a home on Mill Paul. son of Mu. and Mrs.___ Stricpt sO Wilniot Street. IVerdon Kent; Catherine Jud- iilh, daughiter aof Mu. and Mus.! Planos for the extension or Jh oe:DulsWye u'. ati, mainsi n Westview son of Mu. and Mus. H-or'ace Heigts ub-îvison eroPitt: Colleen Elaine, daughteri .'xamied and a motion xývasi-offMu. and Mus. Russell Powv- I passed authorizing the plaîi' ell: Stewart Paul, son ofMi'. o be acceptcd when approved an(']Mus. Neith Aikt'ri a ix thie \Wafr Rosotii-ces Com- Lla'.d James Cli ffoid, son of PAGE ELnVEN TE CANAIAN STATESMN, I AN. LL.ONTARIO P art y Leaders ta Vis if Durham Prior to Election Phone 3621 qriwcaste -- Party head- and Du. R. P. \*i% ii50 the Pro- IHoncv and go on through o Progessie << gussîe Caseraîi"etho Liberal candidate there.1 Proresiveparties i Dur- aie for Duuh-lam. Mu. Diofcin- Dr. Pauline Jewett. nflii rcwouks is for the, ham announced tast week that haker is expccîcd Ioa make Nodfneplsha.cee <'ni/oas off the village ta con,- Liberat Leader Lester B.[Itwo appearances on r adio sta- aNo dfne tpl a ts aseb 'i hijte the amount they would' Pearson and Prime Ministcrilion C H.U.C., Pou' Hope and vet fomie the itari\u.Pau- anmivspend for fireworks John Diefenbaker xiii pav Cobourg amaong nthcu appeau - v frIl-isto r er dn-ier children ta defray ,I flying visits ta the comansiu nces ;dtiriitg i, Oriof stav'. 011, just toiur da *'s befoue the M ~~~~~ ceues' during the eariv parto (o ctdum aIie 1I8th etection, but pairt\, TO ~cis lin ts eliuinating the June. Peîorhoraiig.î t hee.n haqarcsh1e!llOit I a off a lot of small dis-'TePie iitr ss>d-ig i the Cauiities. thai Mu. Peausan hlas ucquesi- n] admaking a large coi- uied ta visit Cobourg and Port;:The Lîberai leadru sciw'd- fouinai, him an oppou-! dispay or veroneHope on June 4th, in support i uid ta ho iii Diua Otolit'll ttlllil Io ta icet as manv' pea-J u t a> 'flrtyer Lonsof Mu. Harrv r Badley, ihe 14tih, in stupport of tOclie ihipIe an; possible in bath con- O u tia y 1"',Th' frs e the L . scandidate for*Narthumberlandioral candidae îitý iscIi C. sIiennes,.. iooko%-p thi proectslightlv ýrnreiha te cstwas cal- letdbut, in the last tv :tio nhecllcto bsfa- th olction bashp ring Varie! y Concert le haut off the mark ih Oc ir first gam-i o i le 161 collection fal gi cfirewsouks dispias i - In Port Hope a similar p a ulod ntbei Ma'i di vii ti.ome7 srat. b'y h ott.S p o n o e y Ui cmuiypark, and a ('ih vhere an admission ofo s r d b y Ui C er $200 dispias' bas boon i$100 Pc!' familv is chargvd 8 cd as iii past seasaits and lau- admission. The local clh ions Club is cauinting on is lrving one more year ta .and te canvass of tic 'tuihution system, still ba'-, Newcastle -- The United !he vauiotv praguani off oa ii baton twiing hy Tili îants of i le village la îng faillh i the people off the 'Church Sunday School audi- and instrumnental niimbei's an(] Ames., of Bo\w\manville' and Ihle casîs of the' dispias ývillage ta(-rme through with;,toruîum was the setting on Fiwecmdthe large aodicice voal selections bv 'Mus. Fred dca of the L.ion- via- the cast onIlle puaject..-. day evening for a most suc- of more than lt0 pe'ople. l"letc Il e r. Piano selections cessful and well attcnded Th l'le 1îoi'oiughl' cnoosciri .ce pi'osented bs- Fred Gua- Spring VarietY Concert. spon- puogrami incîtîdeu goitaru dct haro and several «lovclv s ocal Duncit B uys Land sored by Unit1 2 off the United; -nmheus 1hv l- iai and Bil horoises w'ere puesented b,u c l uy L ndChurcb Women. Scott, s aval qtiarict nurnbc Ille Ne%%,(astle Public Schooa1 castle United Church Women, lin nnd Bai-uyPodweli: aiio aur cietotiîimhers weue pro- E nsur P ur ty -~ f - Mistress of Ceremanies fou- 'caudianit oiiis 0v Neîl AI-, Alita. Mu.Gae ikrd sa h imru "Iir uiha-snoiOyGro n îg COMING SOON!I BIG THE Ix-muP CONTESI BEAUTIFUL WEEKLY PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FOR ORIGINALITY AND THE NUMBER OF VARIED SLIPS OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENT STORES. THE GRAND PRIZE A SEVEN-DAY TRIP FOR TWO TO NAS*SA&U Including Air Travel, Hotel and Meals i Elected Presbytery Chairman Newcastle- The Rex'. Reg- inald C. White, minister of the !Newtonville charge of the United Church was last. week elected Chairman of the Osh- awa Presbytery (Bay of Quinte Confereocr) of the Unifed Church of Canada. The Prpesbyterv sessions wPre held in the Myri le Uni- ted Chuî eh, where Mu. Whiito was also olecteri as the min- i isterial cammissioner ta attend the 201h session of the Gon- erai Colinci i of thle Un tpd Church wî \ 'vîil] hohr'lr iin iondrin Ontario, in Spom- heou of îhis Near. Harold Couch Wins (ontract For Gravelling Nowý,castle RairaId Cotîcli, local cantractur ivas aseauu- Pd t he cotraiýt 'l uppl sanîd la'.v giavel att itturo Sti(e: casl of' Mill Stuoci 0v teuicl loge <ounicil at t0e Mav itîet - top oit Iora' ' p iîî.tro- s îthet guavol ws su- ablc. Mivr ('otucli suiltlî d lh, iowe';ti f tOi eft'etndetrs for the lob of 75 <enta per u i'u d four pît r-1111guaso i and $1i.4) per' s ard forutisiiori stie The second Itiset Otddcu svo'ý Elmet Rozniîck off Clarke s'. ii suhmittedi a tt'nder of iS cents a yaî'd for' pib ruîîgua- .x'el anîd riîotender rou- coshi - ed stone. Lelaîîd Pasuve rtf Newtonvîlle was th(> highest bidder submilttng a tonder of 911 t'enta a vu s'a rd fou pît nul gravet antI $t.'lita ard foir crushed staîte. The gî as'ehla 0Io e aid ain te riew -stretch aof uoad runo- 'ing east some 275 ft. fî'om Mill Street ta 10e south off 10e Dur- ham Co-Operative Coid Star - age propeutv, An, oxîtîsiir olo Mnlriro Stireet.1 DonIf miss Ihriiling Firo- wouks Dispiay nt Bow'manville High School GroLunds. Monda'.. M!àalv 21st. MDNEY I AVAtLABLE FOR MGRBTGAGESý RALPH S. JONES Barrlster and Solicitor 130 King st. F. Oshawa RA 8-6248 I in8 9c Picnic Shoulderlb 39c ROSE SW'EET MIXEV) PICKLES HJar. 2.5C 11.NS ()N'S t'.XN NET1) Beverages C'ol a ra il p' Le nio I -Li ni p 12 G4 (il Fer A 1P - Root Beer 0I oz. Tins 8 C I(Oî INSTA\I' COFFEE Jar1 roz . O 9 tor ireh Regiilar I Ab. I' Margarine 2for5lc <,oodney, Me 1'ro'en q oz.. ' French Fries 8 f or $1 Tfable Rite Sliced. V'artîum Sp~aIed 6 oz. l'kg. COOKED MEATS 19c1 M aple Lear Big 8 10 oz. PkK. 29c Smnalt TLinI or Country St-ie SAUSAGE lb. 29c D)evon RindIess - S-'IIeed i 1h. T'kz. SIDE BACON 59c eachl19c Receive $6.00 in BonuLs Tapes w'ith STRIPE TOOTHPASTE EXTRA ATotal of $30 .00 in Bonus apes Whit. I'teclx'e S.00 'liHmn I5ouî us ' %%;s illi NIBLETS CORN SERVIETTES G r@.n an nt 2 14 "i.. T- c Rececie $2.00 in Bontis Tapes, with Pillsbury CAKE MIX la o n.Pkqgi. MONARCH WHIP 91 2oz FARMRHOUSE PIES urry - 2î4ozPi. P.E.I. POTAIGES, PARTI-TIME CHUB< Canada No. 1 Grade . 10 ibn. àoz. Chus SHOP AND SAVE AT ... BOWMANVILLE IGA MARKET Bowmanville, Ontario 1TOMS'r IGA MARKET Newcastle, Ontario LPonettes Assist With Polio Clinic Newcas4le -- The regular quet on .June l7th. rionthi dîinner meeting of . The members discussedc fwn nthe Lionettes Club was heldibooths they are planning in fin the dining roorn of theloperate during the sumnme-ý. ,Elmhurst Hotel on Mýondca.vThe first xvill he the refresh. 'Cv cing with thirteen rnm- ment, booth nt the Giant Firr- bers in attendance.i works Display in the park on Follovhng a lox elv dinner, MaV 21,' Victoria Day. The se( the presîdent, Mus. D. j. Ciîn- 1ond booth discussed xvas ilh- pninghiam presided for the busiLionette booth nt the Io mness mreeting whien man 'v let - Carnîx'a1i n .ul ' . The con'- Iteris of appreciation were read mrittee composed of Mrs. Johýi J fronm shutt-ins w~ho rceceivoed Riekard, Murs. Chas. Mogr.v plants frorn the Club at Eaqter and MU. Chas. Knox lia\, time. planned twvo draws for a ibrv, Consîdorable time waisspent ipiece iawn furniture suite ani1 in discussing plans and mak- a lighter, in addition to th(e îog a schedule for the mem- ;,ale of aprons, home nmadei hors who are holping %with cand.\ etc , and R toiîch iaul the Sabin Oral Polio Ciinic at'take lable. the public school. and the cam- 'lhle next meeting of th- munity hall on Wednesday. club xviii be the annual Mo.- Plans wore also disctissed for!iher and Daughter night nit the Mother and Dauighler Ban- June 17 th. on.. »WP"'BEVERAGES GIR ALEJ _fl LCES ODA 1&r EO THE FI CAIFORNIA - No. 1 GRADE STRAWBERRIES 2Box 49c Valetrci - .luicv New (rap - Size 190t Sunkist ORANGES 3doz.89c No. 1 Grade - Tender, Giarden I"resh - Gond size staIks California CELERY eachl19c No. 1 Grade - Tender.,(Green - Gond size bu ad% CRISP LETTUCE 1