'WEDNESDAY, MAT lOth, 1962 THE CANADIAN STAT!SMAN. BOWMAN"VTT.T.'U! __ %'1I~NIL1mb~ Cards of Thanks1 Cards of Thanks In Memroicam- HeId in Bowmanville I u s i o e Smncere thanks to relatives, 1 wish to express my thanks BUTSON-In ]oving memoryi friends, neighbours for gifts to Dr. Hubbard, nurses and of my dear wife Winnifred,l Keith Van Camp. age 28. Rev. Philip Rameril, mini sasothe charge against hi n and cards, also Group 1, U.C. staff of Memorial Hospital, who passed away May 16, 1961. R.R. 3, Burketon, a farmer, ter of the Blackstock United o! having a spear within cO A.,an Ama ndRos. elties ndfrend fr ift Se adenoon be lstpleaded guilty on Tuesday inIChurcb, also took the stard. f! the waters edge % asA O rg a n iz a tfioMet n Oscar and Lulu Graham. and cards sent to me while in, fareweit Magistrate's Court, omr stated that hie hadi known dismissed. 20-1* hospital and since returningj She said goodbye to none, iletaacrgofrsnO'M.VnCmp ndh we the evidence submitted that for rive vears, and had bap- in the charge of having useài îtv toa r stc gh f ta eal incarne prpra tx ofdnei aaa I wish ta express my thanks who have helped since my re-i opened hie had set rire on April 5th'tized their two children. Heýartificia1 light whiie catchinglever., Canadian able in take in Canada today is3 salrboiathm anaradTh taffDrf the emonre n un e al Hos- O. 1' A oengit a d ik"Come".t his barn containing live- said that lhe knows the fshannasfiei$0 n 19adivantage off it.This s Lib-than t was whentheDee-bdeims ebogt pital, also ta relatives and __ The things youusdft syO stock, hie was found guilty by Van Camp family and ail have costs, or in default 15 days eral pilosaphy" Russell C. bak'er Goverrnmrent oka- aac ncniin !fi frind fo fowescars nd wsh a han al ny wode wb ued o ayMagistrate R. B. Baxter. anr excellent reputation. Hnv ierai candidtcfor fc.Th (ai n peemomntnpaîuarb fred o lwrcrsad 1ws atakalmý odrwyyou had ta die iD aeMahn uHn b bai l aded f f ihe in,6 gifla during my recent stay n relatives and friends and ap without a chance ta Say' ugetwsrsrvdu-Jcnesthta et n ack inrage 'achiad ne D uia tot aelattalieded Caith an n 9ar , f aLsi Lbra oer the hospital. special thanks ta Peerless 19 goodbye. Itii June l2th. Magistrate Bax-.Wilma are churceh members JGr ack Ber, ge 192r,indgn etuiatcofui et the Newcastleof Liberal Gv il'aetersosblt Mrs. Joan Engley. LO.O.F., B.P.O.E. 79, Sports-'Though out off sight, yu'irei1ter stated that lie wishied a! this (came as a shock, atthougb.ayHapl, g 9.wr ng01he wasi i ererment was 2 hicrtntothîoevupladfo 20-1* man Club, R. C. Legion No. ever 1pre-sentence report on Mr.il know hie is an intravert and each charged with bavingiAssociation in the Communitylit wvas rive -ea rsbeo.Titîd, ocesad aag idamaged a coin record plav- HaIl on iMonday evening. vwas the progressweudb[hi oîdv1prmeecn My incre14 of St. John, N.B.; L.O.L. Still missed, ioved, still mine Van Camp, and aiso directed 1ratiîer withdrawn. For somne Mysneethanks ta my 167 in Mill Stream, N.B. A1ilYou. will live with me inithat the accused be examined'years lie bas over-valued what. ng machiine, and secondly' The carnpaigiî manager foi' inake, coipared %iv wa sOiu~o\ i îl tbit f friends for the many cards, for my thanks for kindness sbown! memor bv a svehiarist inthe0.ea0i-lie ca dopadethisged hl witl memrvbiaving stolenntie $1060e an oandtfrorn imtaDurhani, (3len Hughes spoke iapiignx ,M.loîvpîe and for'coRestauranttinuCiar Georgi A. WontthsoTganiiatiii Mde-litaid.ailI ând conduir.dlthnI for ard o c m ng t vst urn G o ge A W ter, Lovingly re mnembered bviCobourg, was the Crown At-,adequate resources or skils. i oweîîshipari l tn my stay in Memorial Hospital, Newcastle, Ont. 204 :her husband Lamne. 20.1*itornev, and Terence Kelv;"hat Tbe two on nilivrto fthflow fics:oad Special thanks ta Dr. Rundle, Mr. Ramneri expiained fhaunon in9eehuc li oiwigofies isease the spekrîpesd1wE .tîk oe nurses and staff for their We wisb ta express our sin-ba,,ws helvetor' lus deep concern was nat the guilty oit bmath charges. VcPresident, P Mv r. ( tta; otrcui e ueIk.Pesdn f h u' theey were remandedtndaua-eVibu-Ptee penr-Mr. eorge a Patient if lhe refusdt d îîîLbia soito h kindnesses. Jack McNulty. cere appreciation ta relatives, JKIMBLE_- In boving mervteeen.pret dmgtteerîtody, and wiUl appear befoi-'KiimbaIi, 2nd V'ice-Piresidenit,;nmit that the patienwasi!spk ifi ouiîng ih - -many kîndnesses and beautifullgrandfatber. James A. KimbleiOntaria Fire Marsbal's Office Camp's wife ain d children. ."HelMfore ate r 0cingy.irý eosrge rd, s. cr eka1- iieker oe nie it oo eîîcoet bidU o Wie wish ta tbank the New- floral tributes received ai the wha passed away May 21, 1960. testified that at 10:'20 pin, on is îîul \icious. He bas good frsnecg.Taue, s CR.lvei 1nbae vrn tonviUe community and friends sudden passing o! aur dear Time takes away the edge off Aprit 5th a fire started in th2 qualities. This was extremle la lis address, 11t1.. 1ioeyitinUes ta refuse te dotIittantepwrut~okn frtebeautiful china cabinet, sister and sister-in-law Mrs. grief bano o .Cneso ,foolishness, anîd lie did nont sd "the Liberil Party i s de- iCanada lias air unempoietntok tîogotCîa mirror and tri-ligbt lamp Maud Jones; ta Captain and But memory turrîs back e\very;Cartwright Township. H-e saidthink liow il. would affect his iiu-iied [liat Ille Canadiariproblem. "The Libeatat îdiioi xnCut apa which were presented ta us Mrs. Ronald Ritson for their leaf. that the baro was completelvf familY. C ouirtice leconomv shall operate effir-i'bas made a diagnossadsadcnnttîs cmag e îtivand fairiy te providelprepared ta applyth tra-uîtob ad tekpic on tbe occasion of our recent consoling messages, Group 3, -Loviogl remembered byv destroyed, and the Jivestock1 "hn ilie last few years u marriage. They were very St. Paul's United Cburch tbe Family. 20-1 ioused tiiere had penislied. accused bad been exceedioglv Mopnîte for ervnFueflorment ", nouliedaid.'heni dtcoecnatwtbh pp much appreciated. Women and ta Nortbcutt & The court was inormed bv woîried about bis financial M. mm*gevep' noî u]epomn hnotie iea ui-we h îwLbrlG Anthony and Merlee Ton Smithi Funeral Directars for ! ira adii e nywlew1 o-fllenl 20-1 their rnany kindnesses. RUNDLE, Mrs. George T Inspector Simpson that as a burdens. and has suffered (RMPG N)be tlic lurst aim of ane Mrs.W. A Smtb ad iving memory off mother. who resuit off the investigation lie, s e v e r a 1 disappointments in IM ÂE N ~ Lberal LGoveiinenU'" lie said. 1would like.ta express ny, Mrs. D. W. Armistead. passed away May 18, 1954. iereedKthVnCm contin vth isepcaf Parents and freds, lîd 'ie years off 'J'rv governî- sîncere appreciation ta Dr. 201 A page in aur book, off at0~ the rsenffceoff Con-Iton. tile miiuilser aoi tedtcthat it is boped temakerenlaebe atdyas McKay and Dr. Siemon andý ~memories, so ntepe ne fCn U.'teOpen House at Courtice menadas iîin. wstv. Thes M yaewn Dr. nsleon rdit Is sady turned tda ." stable L. F. Drvde, OPP. '"I bis introverted \ay lie High Shool an annual exent.1in aad' str'v The ail them mbredbwondCapeladtlll adnurses tworoaaslere fr/cyars have been veaus cf eut- I . vemre emb rc bHoanCsppidtal, udea nid o or uta chmefo'1-le thanked ail the teachers UNdn pors nalo h Milemoral Hospial, Bowman-BROWN'S daughter Mel and Jack. 20-'l statement that hiielhadtcauseà the relief off is pressing prob- who had contributed tote tee od . ngCsa nadail ofw- vile,siforiteir kndnrlaes ta' H S lu el the fire. lcmis. 1 hope this awakens him, preparations, aod expressed vehuded f husWEUV A for cards and flowers sent ta a successful Euchre and Draw RUNDLE, Mrs. Gea. -luiîîe- Photographîs of the btunti10 ie îecessitY off making a bis appreciatian te the stu- eof' Cautadiari familles have me durîng my stay in the at the school on Friday night, mary of mother who passed oui barnî had beetu taken bv compiete chanîge. T hope for 'd ents taking partinithie pro- lknOwiî the bitterness and the" Phl e M334 hositi. Dorotby Eagnell. May 11th. There were 1. away May 18, 1954. jCoistable Drydetu, anud verc his tamil ' aethiat what- ganud tueuhrswiaphopekssoess cf uooîe n 20-4* tables o! enrds and the foi- "However long aur lire nmaylprodcîced in court. inspector ever thie sentence is it wiil be h ednt i is not only Z_____________ lowing were the lucky win- last, Simipsoo stated that Ille bain sounething of a suspeuîded ria- the classroom duspiaYs. hswtou jobs w'ho suf-, -- ners: High Lady, Elaine Cas- Wbatever lands .ve view. - was valned at $80()(0 and tie'tue," Mr. Roineril declaned. "ak and Fed Tu tiiese iloît1RS Notices weil; 2nd High Lady, Ha,,, Whatever jay on grief be ouis contents at $ti.7tlt. 'l'lie inu-,Mu-. Vati Camps iawyer, Mn aod Medals wcuc presented b.v VRMI1N I _______ ________ Maley Hîh GntHila CJI'We'll always tbink Off YOi.."lance oui the bartn amounted to Kelly, told the mgsrt htFre Heyiaîîd, chairrnanef'te aie îsd fecuh, L. C. Mai ~.Law Office MmagistraGntte'daCalta : e e asoiiederbcivls clo ed unil Jun 7 b, 19 2. 2nd H igh Ge t L ta S m s -L v n y r m mb ed b $7,000 and that on the con-, he wife of the a cused w as tn1 the C urtice C m m ittee of the w hue blues and pinks, thei e 16 -~ 18-5 Most 1o e h n s o n ik daughter L la Brown (Flrida) ents to $5,500, lie said. court, and was ready ta testify Durham C unty Dsrc Ilg rnit favorites, had been___ _ Dr.Streys ffce uî -The ist prize on the Draw, and granddaughier Heather lie told off the iiisurance that hie had been a good lius- Scboot Board as follows: jiun-. setected for a numbeu- offi ' beradio, went ta Susan Hart. asnîisae i. 0hCom.pany haviu paid file banuî1 band and fathet'. He stated irGrsCapoî egy'ca-nug frcks. St- pped clse My9t t 01 icus- wick, Toronto; 2nd prize, a',-iisurance te the Ontaria ion- i that- the accused owuis two yh m roh oatdbnateil er loprLv oz. K 3 5 i ve. 18-4* table lamp, ta Verne Rawe, SHIRK- To loving ineroeny off jor Farmeus Loi Establishi- farni. a total off 200 acres, anîd te High School1 Board, Run- ý . A anetv c beconi- R-IayBrowvn, Barber, w-ll be Newcastle. Refre s h ni e n t s our dear daugbter Shirley, who mcini Corporationî, Toronto, funthici- cxplaiîîedan' that nebloene working in Rainey's Barber brought a pleasant evening ta died May 11, 1957. the martgagee. atnd added that cisc ]oses financialiy excepi.tartEwrs; iemdaden cstumbles rski nZ ouse Sbop, Main St., Orono, Start- a close. We watched you suiffer day the insurance corropatiy chainîs Keith Vant Camp as there is Girls Champion, Ria Raap- 'Grade X mod'els. wiio created B 0 N E 1, r ing Monday, May 28th, 1962. Miss Joan Cail had the mri by day this amoctit from Va'î Camp. sufficicuit secumity. 1-le con- ri rpydntdb -ihthern. Amng thie niaieriais h n ol ntlepinay ýnSchoi Board, Runner-u.p, El- ergacdctossifln Tshop wll be open full fortune ta break bier collar Adcudntlepiiay The. con plicateci d e v i c e cluder bx' statung that Keith izabeth Szabo: Senior . ' ' Sleak tim buines hurs Wein-bon wble layng t h I vhicîiVanî Camp îuad uscd te Vati Camp had gotie ta Grade Champion, Sandra Chaska- ,nef,('ordurox' nylon and other R astC BEST AK vite you to came in and try home on Monday evening, AlBut just stood and saw' yocu set the fine was described b.', XII, anîd aIse asserted that lie. . rvfarcs. 'The Seniorý the new barber, 20-2 speedy recovery, Joan! pa loIspector simpson. A f t e i- did net lhave auiv record ofvîch, trephy danated by Tro-dgip rys a bso nidle5 -r \,7i1 _____________Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Reid. i loto the Saviour"s amnis ai wards, Vani Camp liad remcîx -any~ kindc. phy Crafi. Tomonto, Ruiiner-jucreattoii.,, sponîswcar, fuiiy j Bowmnvile, seni aturay lsi. d this îîîechauîisnî from Ilie Illegal Fishlng Champion, RickY Gay, lt'opliv ter'ioet-rese aîdfomas WTanted to Rent evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lovingly remlembered, moth- scene and had iîiddcîîil tw,> ueoaseagiresJses,- anaedby igormais. B- Dave Reid. addd 0 mites souti of Biacksiock in Neill, R.R. 2, Newcastle, waslard, Ruoîencup, Jaut Zaviîsky;,. "Flie Qîeen, Patricia Knox. IDNE or two light housekeep- Mr. and Mrs. P. McCullocugb-filte bush, the officiai said. Hie, resunied. He lîad beeuî charg-nemdaeBy hmin ci aibcislce s ss RS R Ing rooms for elderly persan. and chldren, Toronto, hadISHRK o loving neruior off added ihat the acccised lîad cd on two cocîîts undeî' the Camille Kinapen, trophx' don-'ýCilS. anîd the three Princes- PR OKSM KDPCI MA 3248. 24 Snday uppe witbMr. ndaur dear sitrSilywha recovered ibis dexice for hii0, Ganie and Fisheu'ics Ad: i1 ated by Sports and Eci-ss euueAlsn abr SIX taeightroom ouse a Mrs DaveReid.died May Il. 1957. and it xas euteied as e\" Catciîing ffiýIi usiog ani artifi- ment, Toronto, Runuîer-up, Mi- LaChiapeile anîd Doroîhy Foî ~U A ES o le an rent with option ta buy. Oc- Mr. Dave Reid began work We litile knew wben we woke dence. lillgi. îd2 îvigacalDikn;SnirBy v fre eutftfnl cupancy as soon as possible. with the construction companry thai mam Sa u.mnagr f te par ithiuand02,eet ingthchamp insRoben orNemus. lo-.and mded aieui exqcinisie Contact Reg Bowen at Local with wbicbh e is employed, On 1The sorrow the day would Ideat Dair ' saa v s pea wa ti 5 e rter' edc hy danaîoer ed b' A. 1-hal eid ress 64 Goodyear MA 3-3342. Monday, and hie and Lyn ex-' bring, sdd n exi witoess. le said thaI' Game Wanden D. K. Powellland Son, Oshawa, Rcînner-up,!O eafofheHm r 20-1* pect ta move their trailer ta For the cali was udnth Keitb Van Camp had been cm- si O.bhafodeuilseKHe en b. nvb -- ~Clinton, where hie is emptoy- soksveepoedteeasarlemanAlbert Gay, andthie acsdDau Breni Each off the Run- conics aoudeJnn Owthen had giveui estimany te pre-lners-cîp received a bronze, Sampseuî red, this weekrser. nd r . W To pn s ar ih o e w a e.w a s ea h xek f r t c 'os wee k before the case medal. ipresented a gift te their tea-! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __i_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "For QALITYCars M. andMrs. W Caîland 50dear.years. Fie explaincd that this'lîad been adjourned. Yester- The commentaters for thecher, Mrs. Harold Gibsan iri AESL SLEAL and Srvce otadly se Sunday n Ton- bovingly CrememberDn, b o b ntildpikig1pmiday, Russell Osborne, faiber- interesting Fash i eoi Show i appreciatinofbe epulot ndvstd ihbsbr-bohesfamaDn Du-oipoeesri lit udiniwc M.Oel, cscl-cmltewt uitcpnu-'îuuis uio h ea.Ms GO-AT -SEE ther, Mr. Ernie Caîl, wbo has las, Gerald and Jim. 20-1 Cartwright townshiips. caîctu- led ta testmfy.: abr LCaýiso lake e upl o' ibeen hospitalized for several ixaywuetBraa ah-'Gbo tînerbrppisfu M cQUEENTOFirenworksnDis- of f l'ating the lunits ini the tank. Mr. osborrue said tuait lie, pelle, Grade IX, Janine Alli- the gift. and also expressed P A Th anulhield ai tD arisatc ubaifahrand keeping recorids. The Wit'.hîad heft bu eatdhsbnfte is farm lon April. 3t1So0ul Grade X, Kathleen;appreciation qf thîcir goodi P A H SBOGN anMganfahe, owr ness stated thaï, ic hîad found te go tea Holand anîd returuîed1 Sam 13sar, Senior Girls. Doug- lwerk, anîd off the wonderfull scbool again this year an Mon- Joseph Toms who lefi us May Van Camp te be xcry,. very oii April 25thi. 'Tiiere used te las Deweilipîayed Ilic piano'lashiieuishîow tlîey lîad puti on. I~ T R S L S day evening, May 2 si, once 20, 1960. oalw kep the word , uied a d ea iithire prng heurcouraimeyof . A. ameran A by te ini muia h o 507.O" b à T R S L S more sponsored by the H. & -Deanly remembered by lhnst, la ys u t hi jo, aîc bsahed.I adreiite ns ivinîa cotesnimof . ASt age furmî- An emhCoii uical po- g7 7cTing LMTD - S, Club. fammîx 0-I Gardon Strong. Blackstock,ý centre ene being quite short." Furniture Linîited, fflowversiScheot Seniior Banîd was cx-1 69 - LI-IT said that Keih Vaui Canmplis 1H-e asserted thai since return- VanBelle Gardens and Car-1 ceedingly enjoyable, and dem-' Ear Meuee, Pes.nowemployed bv bim i0 tîme ing te his ffarm lie hadnet nation Flower Shap, fabrics, emîistrated the remankable pro- 21arI M eN ST . S O L I N A lumiber business. '"f. lavecjooked Io see if the spear was Goodbraîd Shop. and sCaen gress made bythe young mus- N I ~known the accused a1il lits Ji fe,1 stilîiiene. accesseries F. F. Morsumcians bin the short lime since BO'WMANVILLE The Explorer graup met on nual Chrisiman Faunily Sunday and had maoy dealings 'cithi Magistrate Baxicu- ask cd!pan . 'the bandid as fommed only last; AuhrzdDelrfr Saturday afternoom in1 the service of worsbip. Loveîy Ilim in the hast f iv ,*er." Gm aduxPwl abning1 Grade 1X pupils îîîedeled 'monih.04E Authrizd Delerfor Sunday School room. There bauquets of flowers graced the, He addcd lthat 'li e WLuîd 10ok i0 the spear thaï; be bad fondattractive cotien frocks blocs- Allan Fr'aser 'cas thiecn-O MG SORTSCARS were 10 members present. altar as loving tributes ta ta himuîext ta lus tvo saiso the niguit in question. Afcsadsii htieohdiînaoadheb n la-' 4 MORRI - RA BLER The rail caîl was answered mothers. Reverend Page weî-ifhe eveîcded lieîp. ter looking atitilMn. Osborne made tbemsetves. There were 1Led a Chorale, Day is Dying ini MORS -RM LR with a twig wîth a few eaves comed imta the fellawship off Isiatcd that hie had neyer seen severat three piece costumneslIthe West, by Sherwin, Sha-n MA 3-3356 oui. For the next meeting the the church by baptism, Mar-113emis, Oshawa. i1bfr li pa' nci etnn oers o'adWli1 MDT" n' b roll cal] is ta be answered ian Catherine Elaimie, daugh- I Mn. anîd Mu's. Tl~dPices- dence lîad only two prongs. Lovetv shades off greenî ]or, and 'Fayior's tonie poem, * * . with a favorite spning flower. ter of Mn. and Mrs. Tom Ba-ilton and chîiduco. Bûwmoau- Magistrale Baxter tald tbei'anging froni pastel shades tefScmîîiset Mtediiaiions. There wasý We gladly delvrorodr yordn- Asing-song was cnroed.In ker; Amber Edythe. daughter i ille: Mr. and Mrs. Charles accuscd that there is a possi- deep olive puoved popolar foi', also a demouîstraiieuî of instrcu- I o a' on ptwi.ut'hn 1961 Chevrolet the study group variaus kimids of Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor: Langýmaîd and faniuh'- wei'ehiiity tuaitu e spear was not differeni dresses. Gold tintsiments and theiu' uses._____a______________can't_______ o! trees were dîscussed. Mrs. Wayne Wesley, son ofMm.an Sundayv USa guests off Mn. anîd- - _________ _________ Convertible Výice led in the worsbip ser- Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees, andi Mis. Roy Langnîaid, Automatlc, 2-tone paint, vice. The meeting closed witb Pauline Yvonne, dauguter of j 'Mrs. S. Ilockaday xisiîcd white walls, 13,000 original a hymn and prayen. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor. Mri ad r. E. Hac-1adayv and miles, local, one owner car. The W.l. bazaar on Wed- Cetificates and bibles wereldaughitcrs on Sunda 'v nesday nighi was a very suc- presented ho each baby by Mr. and Mms. Rmue Pascoe 15 FodC ah cessful eveni and xvas weil Mrs. Bruce Tink, soperimiiemd- and childî'eu visited oii Scur En; y urr rr er L v n li sB s c99F r o c tedd nt of the Nursery Rail. Thelday ai Mn. J. Dyem's, OshaayLi i guiisB s 2.tone paint, radio, local, Several ladies fnom Satina chair selection was "My Math. and aise ah Hau'old Pasc'oe's. one owner car, top condition attended a birthday reception er's Old Bible Is True". Th,-!Mn. and Mmrs. Bill Burhk for Mrs. H. Tink ai the home stary was nicely told by Mrs. land Jehn, Bewai lvs- ih a c en n Y U onot 195 Pya!t o ber daugbter Mrs. Percy Wcs Ycllowlees and Sal lv ited Mn. and Mms. Ainot Wof- Coach Dewell, Hampton. Mrs. Tink Langmaid gave a meittin.ten and famnil\-. eo Coachobserved behr R85th birthday vMr Page chose as b is s- Mr. and Ms.N. uîcn PAGE EPibrE Liberals 0f fer More Jobs Gurnc.Freelove, Peterborough, and day. !Mantgeomery i-n Lindsay IHas- Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hulbert, Mrs. Frank Westlake. Sm., ,pitai en uxSnday cvcming. E N S A H R DA 24-Hour Troronto. was a Somida3' guesieof M.', Mn. anîd Mrs. Keith Cryder- Mr. and Mms. Arnod Wil- and Mrs. Percx' Westlake and mari and Jo Anti 'cere ai Mr. Towig Sevice liams entertained their par- family. 'Ly rom . Siaiiito's, Enniskilleri, ont FRIDAY - SATURDAY To igSrie ents Mr and M.rs. ClarkeWl1M.adrsLoy me Sunday ai a famiiv gaihernug167 Service Station - MA 3-3401 liams ai; Mr. and Mrs. George and sens wene Sunday tea in iomiar off Mrs. Jlerb. Stain- Alter Il p.m. - MA 3-5645 Bowers to dinner on Sunday. guests at Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ton. Mr. nd Ms. Fank al-lace Mcnday's, Mapie Grave. Mn.aand Mns. C Snîitb anîd N O f I NWPAL T Mn. nd Ms. Fank al-Mr. and Mrs. D. Fleti and gramicchildreuî, Damimix, PhilipE JO V ITO W ...P V LAR We are now a recorni.ed co4m of Oshawa caTIed nMr amily vstdSna fe-.adSsnSib isJa member of N. A. L. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip Sat- oon ii Mrs.T. Fleit ro- CrndermanSt, M. s eore nu l ra vnn.umbus and ere tea guests o! 0cr, Mn. and Mrs. H. FreitagN O P Y E T -L W MTH i rMr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson,:JMr and Mrs. N. Leach, Taon- anîd sans, Mn. and Mus. J. Le-'N O N P Y E T -L W M N H Y P Y E T Visit our Sheli Service Mrs. Hra SmlsandMrto.cean hle nd i-ad station for yoar Spring and Mrs. Normian Lyans o!f r mdMs a e n 'ideîadM.aî Change-over. M.ad rs larrinx' rs. Ken McMinm and chiid-1 rcso - ul otg sC n E sl e Ee Uxbridge atiended the wed- and sonîs visited un *Sunidav i'en, Oshawa. wvere visitonsPeiin-B ji otg s C n Eaiy B rce CONTACT: ding a! Mr. Wilson's neph'ew, wvtb Mnaand Mirs. Iliitauî Tink, Nvith Mn. and Mus. E. Crydet*- iDoniald Stewart, ta Miss Mar- Ebenezeî- ýman eun Suidav. I Il f :,;ij' EarI McQueen igaret Irvîn, in Pe'rth on Sat- Mis. E. Spires xisited Mrs.1 Mrs. A. .1. Balsan xxho ob- EU M Weldon Brown 'urday afternoon. E. Sottoîî, Oshawa, and bier served lien- ?Stiîbutlida',' on rcsou ltO HW OD PRfllhU T On Sunday Mrs. H. Samehîs niece Mrs. W. Allen, wxho 'cas May 10, %vas pleasamtlv coter-10T EHNESRV Bud Fogg and Mr. and M?&s. Cecil Wilson visiing frmanîBritish Clm- tained ah a supper partv at 10 ARAGE ESTO SREYOU Ace Richards were guests of! Mr. and Mrs. bia. the Banfite Barbecue. 'fiose G R G Oshawa Office and Show room anOfc adSoro Ji rmb. pHerman Rodman and daugh- Mn. auîd Mms. E. Spires vis-1preseuît ,vere Mn. and Mrs. E. Also open OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Jim Crombie er Karen oi! Little Bnitaln. ited the former's sisten, Mrs.1 Thorntnn Millbrook: Mn. and Jack Ricard IMr. and Mrs. Donald Thomp- John Law in St. Michael's Mnls. E. Larmen. Blacksak isetion Phone: 728-1617CORCE-7811 sonviatd isaut is Ws ositlToonoon Sun- Mn1ranîd Mrs. E. Crydermani for epec BOWMAN VILLE - 728-1611 AA Eih290 sales Montgomery in Lindsay Hos- day afternoon and were tea:and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tay-!i vp1 on Su.udy guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bey ilor. ; Mciqïstrate's Court TEE CAN,&DIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvnm. ow-Aitim WMNMAY. MAY lôth, lon