Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 108 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th, 1962 10e Per Copy NUMB ER 20 Leaves on New Adventure Post Office FI REWORKS! Hours for -,,,t Monday evening about 8:30 o'clock, residents 210f owmanville uvili be able to sece a gigantie fireworks I oni aydisplay at the High colGuns M on.,Bowmanville Rotary Club has arranged ""ith the Holiday Hours at the Post Hand Fireworks Company to set off $750 worth of their Office Victoria Day, Mon- finest produets. This will replace the show formerly put day, May 21, 1962, are as follows: on at Memorial Park. Box Lobby open from 8:00 Tickets are now on sale at 50e each to help defray a.m. to 6:00 p.m. the project's cost. The Boys Training Sehool Band wil Public Lobby open froni present a concert prior to the main event. In Newcastle, 8.30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. the Lions Club is sponsoring a similar display for the There will be no Rural Mail Dellvery, Money Order benefit and safety of old and young in that village. or Savings Bank Business. There wlll be one Street Letter Box collection about 3:00 p.m. Despatch of mails: Satur- day, May 19-All mail 4:00 p.m.;, Sunday, May 20-No despatch; Monday, May 21- East only. 11:00 a.m., West only, 4:00 p.ni., Ail mail, Foresters lHoId Dinner- Dance On Saturday The annual dinner and dance held by Court Venture, Cana- dian Order of Foresters, at the Lions Commnunity Centre on Saturday evening was a most Senjoyable event. The gala function was a great success. 'niTe head table was centred' by three beautiful bouquets in ~ ~the Canadian Order of Fores On undy atenoo, Mss arlynFals, 7,ters' colors, red, white andl dagtOf Mr.nd Mtrs.OrnMs F ryallsRls , e 7on-green, composed of exquisitel daugterof r. nd rs.Orm Fals .R.1, ewtn-,carnations, chrysanthemumsj - ville (Starkville), left for a four* day "Adventure in ' and foliage. Citizenship" in Ottawa. The project is sponsored by' Glen Prout, District Deputy the Rotary Club of Ottawa, with local clubs across High Chief Ranger of Kings- Canada participating. Bowmanville has sent a repre- way District, C.O.F., gave the - sentative for several years. Miss Falls is an honor TeorGastmto the n-rs student of Grade 12 at B.H.S. On her return, eorg.Te Grahmate planr- will relate her experiences to Rotary here. shfs (The mmit e PAstW pre Choose New Queen Gay Mexican Dec orations feafure Fourfh "At Home" h taged by Carl wri ght Hîgh *The annual Cartwright High were gaily deeorated wîth with two cow skulls. The School "At Home" dance was colourful murals depicting a stage anld surround.ing area ViI pek H e Iield i-the Cartwright Recrea- bullfight, Mardi Gras scenes, werc bedecked with flowers W l p a ir tioné,Centre on Friday evenîng, and other typical Mexican tra- and green foliage and a scene May 11, 1962. The guests were ditions. A false ceiling of blue wîith a typical Mexican enjoy- cordially welcomed by the fol- and white streamers created ing a siesta. Mexican sombre- lowing persons in the receiv- the impression of the wide ros, bongo drums and marac- ing line- Mr. Gordon Paisley, blue yonden. As a central at- cas were featured prominent- Principal; Miss Joan Root,itraction there xvas a full- ly in the decorations. Ferd- Mvr. Dalton Dorneil, Chairman sized cactus tree surrounded inand the bull with hîs blink- of the school board, and Mrs. by a plot of sand, complete <TuRN TO PAGE TWO) Dorrell; Larry Hoskin, Pre- sident of the Students' Coun- cil; Shelagh Murphy, Elaine ( r Mvountjoy, Seceta ry-trea suren hu c O e ti w of the Students' Council; Bob Strong. Jim Swain and Dianne Mairs presented each guestFo .S.A nvesr with a miniature sombrero as o . . A n i e s r a souvenir, in keeping with the Mexican motif for the dance. AtS.P usU ie The walls of the buildingfu P uIs U ie ________ _____-A record crowd of aboutithe church. About twenty torbundred people attendedipeople were seated iin the ves- ANTI-POLIO CLINICS ýSt Paul's Churcb on Sunday tîbule. Rev. H. A. Turner re- Don't forget to arrange imorning. May l3th, for their',gretted that all could net fînd! for your Sabin anti-polio 'annual Sundav School Anni- seats. vaccine which will bc ad- vensary Service. For this Famiiy Day Service mrinistered in aIl Bowman- A mixed junior choir occu- (Motber's Day) the flowers ville Schools and at St. pied the choir loft and in front:, were most beautiful. These Hon. J. W. Pickersgill, a, Paul's Church and the Lions of these the pne-school tets were complimented by the cor- former cabinet ministen, wilil Centre tomorrow (Thurs- and nursery class sat on kmn- sages of the mothers and! ho the special speaker at thei day), fromn 9 a.m. te 9 p.m. dergarten chairs. The large'children ail in feminine pastel 'public Liberal meeting te bel This is a free clinie for al crowd filled the chunch te outfits and gay flowered hats. 'held in Bowmanville Town citizens, Young and old. capacity. Extra rows of chairs' Mn. Wilfrid Carruthers, le- 'Hall at 8:30 o'clock on Tues- Shool children -will receive were placed in the balcony cal orchandist, past-Mayor of day evening, May 22nd. Hi' the vaccine in school. and aIl around the back of (TURN TO PAGE TWO> .will bc introduccd by RÏusselld _ý~C. Honey, Liberal C-andidatei No Lost Time Accident In Over Three Years ý r icesil vsthel Minîsten of Ctznhpandj ____ rImmigration for Canada from, 1954 te 1957, and previously' ~ ~« ~~was Sceayc State. Be- fore bis election te parliamnent, in 19.53 he hiad an outstanding; career in the Department of External Affairs, and be be-il came head of Pr-ime Minister .', Mackenzie King's Office in, 'The staff of Hydro's Rural Operating staff in Bowmanville received well deserved recognition recently when thev were awanded a special certif- icate for having achieved a record of 1120 davs cf continuous work withouit a Iost time accident. At a dinner in the Lions C'entre, Central Region Manager- Adam S. Smith, left, made the presentation to W'. Rex Walters, Bowmnanville Manager, who also ;vas honored in recognition of his 25 years with Ontario 97"ro -Ontario Hydro Photo ,Mrs. Uitvlugt Presides at Convention Mrs. Jacob Uitvluigt, the! xice-president, presided at the annuai Convention of the Ca-' nadian Federation of Chris-! tian Reformed Women's Soci.-, tics held at MMse Uni- versity, Hamilton, last week.1 More than 1.000 delegates fnom the -even districts. 96 societies. and 10 lbagues of the Federation in Ontarie at- tended the convention. Mrs. John C. Veî-bruggc. wife et the nîinister cf the Christian Reformed Church, Scugog Street, and a large number cf members et the Ladies Aid of this church - companied Mrs. Uitvlta' e Hamnilton bv chartered bLu, and attended the convention. The convention's mornig session opened -mith. the sin- ing et Psalm 68 and a hv ri. 1r.Uitv1uLit said the nra c 1r. Fold lorie Illpcenktr ' the serrr report b' r.' H. Knaprper.- and the satisfac-j (TURN TG PAGE TWOb OBits anc1 (Pieces LUCKY 1VINNFR - Les Aslett, woodworking instructor at the Ontario Training School for Boys, will have a good holiday this summer. While attending the CFTO-TV show "Take a Chance" he won the door prize, a vacation for one week for two at Bear Lodge on French River. t. ~ ' DIRTY TRICK - From Long Sault comes a re- port that somebody recently dumped a mother collie and three pups, flot more thaîi two months old, out of a car, leaving them te fend for them- selves. This is not only a dirty trick on the dogs but on area farmers. Usuaily, unless neighbors take themn in, the dogs hecome wild and become s0 hungry that they attack sheep or other f arm animais for food. If the dogs aren't wanted they should be taken te the Humane Society in Oshawa where they will be diisposed of for free. A small charge is made at the local dog pound for such disposai. t t -- t 1 NICE FLIGHT - John MWorton of S. S. Morton& Son had a wonderful trip recently. He flew te Vienna, Georgia, te take part in a product and sales training school operated hy the Tracter and Implement Division of the Ford M\otor Company, and by se doing misscd the cool \veather here. We haven't heard if lie acquiîed a (icorgia drawl while in the area. NEWIMANAGER - The Canadian Irrperial Bank of Commerce branch here will bave a new manager as soon as the detaîls connected with take-over are completed. A. L. Hooey, a popular manager here for several years, will bc retired. His sucessor is Roy Gropp, a native of Milverton xvho has been with the bank since 1928. Ife is married, an RCAF veteran. with two cbildren, Douglas 13 and Patricia 9. H-e is President of the Ilderton Lions Club where he bas been manager recently, attends the United Churcb. Glf anid curling are bis recreation. It iN expected that Mr. and Mrs. Hooey will conitinue to live bore. Ty BUSINESS CHANGE --Effective eai tis morning Francis T. Britton. 2:3 Liberty Place, is the new owner of Dick's Bock and Tobacco store. The new proprietoîr is well-kiio\wn bore, baving liad considerable experience ii ihWsmall itemi ti-ade, botb in the Goodyear- plant cafeteria and previously at the Arena. lus many friends xiii wish himý well. -+- t -- - PEARSON COMING - Next Wednesda vmin ingjust before noon. Liben-al Leader Lester B. "MNike" Pearson xviii make bis only appear- ance cf the campaign in Durham County. He is scheduled te make a car stop just east of Nichols Garage at Courtice where he xvill meet and speak te those present foir a few minutes befor-e proceeding to Port Hoe )cfor a sinular noon gathering in the park ai 12:4,5. 81 YEARS OLD- This week, Morris Funeral Directors are celebrating 81 vYears since the laie Levi 'Morris foundecl the comnaniv lbore. Since tbat sniall he-inniiig ie':h- ' ýrownand prospei-eul and now have one cf t he fiinesi fLticial chapels in Ontario. Congratulations in themn on reaching such a venerable age in business. Two Queens and .Princesses Hold Court It was a big evening Friday for two Queens and their Princesse&lah the upper photo, Miss Donna McLaughlin, 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, RR 2, Nestleton, had just been chosen Qtieen of Cartwright Higli when this picture wvas taken. A Grade Il student, she is flanked by her two Princesses, Lynda Kyte, 15, a Grade 9 student, and daughter of Mr. andl Mrs. Harold Kyte of Blackstock, left, and Janice Sadier, 16, Grade 11, daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler, RR 1, Nestieton. This was the fourth Annual At Home of Cartwright High. In the lower photo, Her Majesty Pat Knox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, RR 1, Hampton and Qucen of Courtice High is having her hair prepared for a regal appearance nt the Couirtice High School's first "Open House". Her lady-în-waiting is Elizabeth Liptay. At irst Annual "Open House' .e Open House held bylThe calisthenics were per----- rtice Hfigh School on Fni-1formed in complete unison. c evening was an unquali- 'Then the squads divided endQ success. The fine gymnas. gave thrilling exhibitions of'Ch rai G rau p exhibition, graceful folk difficuit feats on 'the para- vaswell as interesting trampoline. ays in the classrooms of Mayim!, Mayim!, an Tsraeli. F ,raphy, science, Ruts, mu- folk dance by a large group of va agriculture, physîcs, ma-,girls rhythînical]y expressedIn F sia Latics and in dustrial arts the joy of pioneers in an ar- 1 At thc Ontario Couinty and eenjoyed by more than id land when they discovered 'District Music Festival, spon- 0people. They also were waten. The girls were reward- sored hy the Ajax Rotary Club, sed with the music of the cd with much applause for the Bowmanville Choral So. r Band. their grace and perfect tem-!ciety came first in the Four. he audience was enthus- PO- part Mixed Choir class witli ýally appreciative of the Principal James E. Speers,i86 points. The two songs suing rts of the boys in the out- welcomed the large numberiby the »Bowmanville group ling gymnastie display. (TURN TO PAGE FIFTEEN) wene Dancing on l le Greeni by Roger Quilter and hIn en L ii Arbour Green by Michael ostumed i-iostesses Graham-Dixon. On Friday evening the Cho. tsral Society presented H.M.S. Pinafore at Rouge ills Unit- WjIIAelcorne Guests ed hr.Tegou a !o r.B. Pbinn, Rouge Hilis. Muse m"sOpenng OnMay' 3rd sevenal memnberi lo he Bowmanville Choral stesses in period costumnewheel in the spinning and phieanConert Chepoganil welcome guests to Bow- weaving room. Dr. Tremreer,lat Earl Haig Collegiate, Wil- ville Museum tomorrow an expert spinner, bas given lowdale. The Adleiphian Con- tand invite tbem te step, demonsù-ations at the Cana-!cr hi f ue on into the past for an hour! dan Sportsmen's Show for thiecetCor fPutSun MO.1 past two years and on a rîum- University has just completed -idy eenig illbe heýerof the ocasons spn-a tour whichi took thern to day venng îllbe te bi o otei ocasons spn- y cities in the British- ing night of the Museum 'ning the hair f rom the Sa- Isles as well as Canada and the 1962 seaseri, which' <TURN TO PAGE TWO> th~eUnited States. run thnough te h, ns mg this cyar. To inýtroduce museum's first full sca- A.M.Thmpon Cai-Wins Award for Painting of the Museumi Board, at, will speak briefly, fol- id by His Worship Mayorý LHobbs. Mrs. L. B. Wil- ýis expected to, be pre- as an honored guest of even ing. ie museum will then be ' te the public and patrons have an opportunity tE rthe many intenestxng - lys in the rooms of this, - ly old bouse. The admis-j charge is 25e for adultsl lOc for cbldren. old-fashioned costume iný Vie ter i an sittinig-noom l.. nstairs will be Miss Joyce -.$ . "' ýv of Tyrone. Upstairs, ,' Douglas Delaney of Sa-ý wearing her grandmoth- wedding gown, will wel-1' Svîsitors to the roorn re other wedding dressesi ladies' costumes and ac- r ries are shown. .Doris Tremeer, of Bow- ville, aise i l charming )d costume, will be sp1- on ber own century old BRED HEIFER SALE Victoria Day w-ill net only sce youngsters congregatlng for flreworks displays. it, wIll also be uscd for a bred h'-ifer sale at Trewhaven farm in the Blackstock area. Fifty head will be sold starting at 12:30. DEIMONSTRATION S. S. '%orton and Son, Mlaple (irove. are sponsor- irig a huge demonstration of F-ord tractors and other farm equipment next Thurs- day. May 3lst. The event mwili also include a free air- plane ride for some lucky spectator and a display of radio beiîîg used te eo-ord. m 'ate farm eperations. Re- freshments %v-l] be served by Maple Grove Church ladies. Should b. quit. a show. Hleather Marie MacLean, 14, a Grade 8 student at MIaple Grove Public Sehool gained provincial pr-om- inence as an arit thiis iveek. She was aîwardeid second pnîze, a $100 bond, for heîr paintirng of 'Canadians at Leisure". There were 1,120 entries in the senior art contest sponsored by Brook Bond Canada Limîted. Miss MacLean is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John MacLean. Her principal and art teach- en'. Robert Kerr, stated tne award xvoffld be presented ai a public gatheî-ing in the near future. She is shown heî-e with a copy of her painting. -Photo courtesy 0oh4wa Timnes werp