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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1962, p. 6

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'TNE CANADIAN 5TATESMAN, N1MNAlJW1LLF'. t7rl AWM - Here on Tliursday,_May l7th The time bas corne for us ta * CI k *prson and Mirs. V. -Hudson _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~~~ t h in k h a r d a b o u t r u r a l l if e . K a i p ae r:n t d a p a f r o k r The church, the centre of th,'is'i l b S e k r peene iloi okr comnt- ie o o ayG easv'e arada table commnit lie fo soman ~ ~M iUk j.Olamp from the cornmunity and centuries, has been affected ive e oflstratiofl friends. MNr. George Parry S a i r l V c i a i nas deeply es the farmers them- pr'esented a silver tray frorn S ab i O ra V a cin a io nselves. Yet, there is ves of waterPoetth best of ail Richar tonorctycurhthir sLie Sa ving M ethods lRicPrt aio s aro Ple ho eceved hei fist assted her parents in opening inr ics eTrciefrt The imiportance ofa wtrb h eto l.othcr gifts. Both of the hon- f e]iowshi: ni a rural communî- sized on Monday, May 7, by, ed a vote of thanks In Mr. appreciat ion. L .' aer s'a exTrencaae foCritind say Wprogam was e:a- r.E er r hubbxelenard mt- Drd couPle exa MPres d er mnseshas been feit most guest speaker at the dinner and for the presentation of Mr. R. P V Canes . .P. n acutely i the rural church. meeting of the Bowmanvil1e the two instructive films. TheMcAexCruhr, .P, In T is A ea o M a y 14 th Too ftena minister looks uP- Kiwanis Club held at the Fly-. presentation of a gift to Mr.: fittingl.% expressed theiir con- ona caîl to the city ais mov- ing Dutchman Motor Hotel., Walker was also mnade bv Dr. gratulations. also Mr. Mrv e". e s o f t-ue varrinlvwhich produci(Es pro-' Thr only persons who shouldjng up'. Ministers make a Hbado eafo h lb Lawson of Port Hope and Mr. wf ,t - i excr*: onh0ol anri TroiIgh thr blond nrî take the vaccine are those mistake wben they regard M. Walker, who is assist- Hbado eafo h lb i acse fNwovle %vil %-i'7 it ýhr)o atii Trrrfi-r, ifacutlv il, tosetakig ani- uralchurhoqaantep 'nnt tructoro toto WW. agW.heBag-rs Theh Bmem Sersacaotr-tfheetBoarde rnanv Onmrnîîniî',. has in t~herfri roewre acutelvi. ths ose tig ati-rrlcuc ssepn eItedrco Bwa- o Drctr wr aponed Dncn fl o -e itiî leu emi dr gs r c rti ost - s one ta som theing t te ville Recreation D epartm ent captains foc the door ta doori y J k a a s o cî sr Uoîtod oîmnti~ Ma 5. In~ take the Sabin vaccine roids, ihose suffering frorn a The strength otf te aton 's Swimming Classes at thelsale of peanuts ta e hloy ad a bfe înho a ]f; and 1,t7 veSahin polio lwhu-h i,,;harrniess. ard fastes neuro-lr>gical disease such as in the character of tepa riigSho ol otheheloalKians l byonenod a roufaetblce 'n -rva vacrcr n inb fant, sbo0f uvar)> t xvoîld be possible multiple scierosis and those plie. Chai-acterist e ocTanin edpowa on h oalKwnsCu .nejvdfon al et Fchool childrlaràd i r in fo lîminate poliomvclitis. So. who will have oral. throat or of srone reigiaus aath ehucated here. He Is an'Monday, May 28th. Cans or: witb the .ainniversar.v cakc. ar of strknow ependenceih wi amateur hockey referee, and vacuumý packed peanuts, con- Dr.ChrlîoM. Ilorlivr. enfapesnash Sakdtl uer within t he knos ils dpnec upon is also activeîy Interested in tainers fildwt hocolate - ~vleic~'Offner r tlclthvar-rine, lie shouliri lake thi, weeks hefore or the two weeks Go>d. Rural life cultivates this thle organizing of hockey forIcoated pau l4r n Ftated i hat. r uesabili ,a(- Sabin vaccine in order to Izivr after the clinic date. faith: and the nation which boysIeuebxswilb oddr rii itae i ouh if io he eomniiunitv% a hieh levrei A second close of Sabin vac- fails Io recognize the wortb eue oe il eslddr' desIncali rnmnîîii)t pocto.P rigs ern s eesr n secondan diitofralie Evervone should be on theling this drive. diigrestive tract as well as ant- I loglte fel eis of clinics will be held doomred, Thece are b M ai~ert do guard against water { 3n thi~~~~ it 0o,;f r e îrnfor'îng cdose. in trfal Dr. 1{orner stries-.-cirh srsI h omn o15 ÂÀSVNS bodi's i the~ steam no Salk injections have scd the advisability of ev e adfrthyua Mr. Walker declared. Water Vk In it bee rioal ken the oral vaccine member of every family ,-but if everyone puts their'5 te ok am and in-: AI will give -pro)tection, but these tending One oof uldci- to the wheelbue /-N Sie2'heriesafely over them."cnvingbu tswelar- individiials are still advisedIn dîilcd clinics centres 0ce-1"1coclsin rs Cr membe that hidden dangerS. J h ' ~ ~_ gen, ttimeinthe V c- Ib oclso rs arlies there, he pointed 0oLt. O t J h ' J iIvacine which will continue cine liill be available before quoted Edna Jacques poemn "A An interesting motion pi c- ii dyto ho, lspe. the fall. ýcountry Church" and the ture was presented by M group joined in singing "TheiWalker. It was titled NO oa azaar' i BETIf Church By the Side of theTirn tSpare" and showd A inost enlovable Bazaar' Durngthesoia hNr ha accident victim, wbether of ening W. A. of St. Jobn's An- Sr4rcrs4~,~4Ty~, Visitors n the village for Dr. and Mr. SL S ,lefollo\wed lunch was served bv, drowni ng or electrical. shock. glican Church on a recent af- EST BUX - Save 6c! the xeekend inclulei rM- and Mrs. Frank Wbite,' Mrs. Bruce Rylev, Mrs. Ro,;s. and imme-diatelv starting ar- 'ternoon in St. John's Paris3h c vle Bain and famil1 of Trenton, w tb Mr. and Mrs. !Davidýson, Mrs. Harold WhiLe tific'ial respir'ation :Hall. Mcs Ross Westlake, the l ' Zephvcr with Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Rylev and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Gladys Malcolmson.f There \vas pln enlightenirIgýpresident, vwas the general Ralph Finiev Toronto, s h NeaIs Peterborough, with Mr.i 'ng "Happy Birthday to You" methiod Or artificial respira-, Mrs. Eric Stancer and Mis. BS -SaBraIl and r Gog el;M.î oo fMs maÇ.tiOc l -ich is now pr-obablv1R. J Vance were in charge of BS U aeI MEMRIAI HOPIAL and Mrs. Bob Rochon, Belle- van ino wof that d ay a e ' be ost %wîrelv used. Tl'eithe Home Bakîng Table. Th-eA' I I île 'A HOPITtb I Mrs. ioren ar.r- baotin er81 thday . elefilin deaîlî xith dcmonstra.<Bazaar Booth convenors were ~* IVEKL REPRTMr. and Mrs. Hally MeMahon, Of peuple. If also contained.Hugb McDonald, and Mrs. T'or the week of May 7 1,1~ Peterborough, with Mrs. Ina ]Business uzrectory awrogtai hle hsJmeNwanwsncage ETBU!-Sv9! inclusive. Palmner; George Scott, Toron- to wt M.an____Adso _ c un a cy1form. practice is wise, and the& The tea convenors e ER Admissions 71 Scott; Mcs. Ross Hall. Mis.s BIRARHE s4~~~ER Brtîs. 3l maie, 3 female _. 6 Lvnda Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- RAY J. DILLING GlaE-rdrM ttnio .0te Ms Cale etlsan r Er~I RS t wit Mr and Mrs. Addson ~ ~~ ~ n ~ n cc m thiilookuis himpe a d per-of terhe Whie epan t Tablen G E £ ~ ~ 'à Dîsýc!)arges 9 imElsn I fWit~ Certified Public Accountant tc htaut aeadee ie ennadMsD PLUBIG -HETIG Mjo opraios16-- xitb Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith.~ 93 Church Street 1rahn xl.teaesa e asnwsi hreo BEST BUY ! - Save 8c! - ________MArket 3------38__ 'ilttle iiore rapîd rime, and thatitea tickets. A beautîtul gol- Emergencv treatmnents_. 12ÎMc. and Mrs. Creighton Carr WM J. H. COGGINS -Asecond film sonbv Mr. pink and white carnatiorsA :îîîj hus pm andl rchlren David and, Cbartered Accountant \Va« r ýv.ctîllerl "Boat and lighted k' taîl pink tap-,____ A G 7 10 n o urs 34) pm m.dLvnda visited with Mr. andý Second Floor I îclîg iddpce h lesrîgtbe Minci o0pratonNe7wM. ard Ms Ros Curildilengrahngi dqites. en eaonîepite erf ied with TE - Mrlv Norman Neals in Elco- NwLbar ul ing o* alla Doitis of handlîn- Mrs. Ernest Blake and Mrs.' BEST BU'i' - Save 11<-! vae n auray or Kng&TepeaceSt-boals snd calloes. Herbert Prospresided lavec Family Day and Mother's - Mr~. Walkcr aiso discussedth teacups. During the aller- 11k Corea Wernets Fasteeth PoligriP Day' v was observed in the Unit- YALE, FRIEDLANDER the Shactfer Mcvlthiof a___ 0000 two talented pianists, DROINI fl Povvder 'owder Powder Cream cd Churcb Sunday moi-ni.n & COMPANY ficial respiration, wbiîcb nowiMrs. Mark Marchant and Miss service xvith embnrs of tîe s 'is rarclv, and lie distri-!Mary Bettles provided a de-, BEST BUY! - Sav'e 14c.' 4:;-64c.98 1.c-7c99 5c67l- . 3e- 9e it mmbes f he Licensed Truistee biited pniplson mouth f0 lightful program or soft mu-ý 4:t-67 .98 31 e- 7c- 8c ae- 7~l.1 43 - 9c S 'nday School taking part. in- Bankrupty m ti respirationî, w hich is si. T I Re dng s rit r lson n 64 King St. E. 725-1621 coi i ei(,(,cl 1,v auhort es tri Those w bo assisted in serv-ý Sîînglasses '25c to S10.00 Breek FHair Spray 79e, 1.89 leading in prayers were Miss Oshawa, Ontarioa IN S rs Nlle ui, NoNzenla Suave Fair Spray 1 59 Eleanor Porteous, Miss Janel B. L. Yale, C.A. IN STA N T J Nlle un **' Fallis, Miss Gwen Richardson,'F Friedî, ÂI /A Miss 1v-y Hockley, Mrs Rab- BEST BUY! - Save 10c! (Cream 49c, 98c. 1.3.5 Spray Net .59c, 98c Donald Scott, Donald Speller,- . Cm.,C..A. Ana rew s5 1oct Hornigold, Mrs. Charles Tanzel for sunhurn R5 e I.ady Patricia andi Mervyn Pocteous. MONTEITH - MONTEITH -Blettaes, Mrs. R. Roer. henteag Firq .-Aid (Ceam 65c, 98e Spray 88e Mrs. Ralph Preston bold the" RIEHL & CO. H ds i 4fableMs eR. ers. Teî _e children's s1y"nsrmns 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa H ls 1 4 h tbewr arctveyeni N O of od.' The Jun soi Chactered Accountants tred with charming white and;1% I'epto SP E C IA L S Miss Clairol directed by Mrs. Reg. Ed- Partners: 7872 Anniversary pnk aeruns and whttolrsho Be S BU!-Sv e Bes Mai Color Bath munds sang 'Hvmn forMo Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. svas carried ont eefeeîîvely in' - 98c size Ipana Paste 79e thers". The senior choir dîr- A.B. Monteith, B. Com., rlonmts 1.65 ected bv «Mrs. S. L. Speller G .Rel .. I. On Suiilda\- lasi-î s'-th. thea'ppTntmnts 98c size Pepsodent, 79e _ _ _ _ _ _ sang ome and Mother" ( i'n e T uîe)th Re Di D W -a- of- Absorbine 1.19 size (olgate Paste 99e Rev. George Rcado'- G. E. Trethewey, C.A. lknO\ox l~ Toronto, and _______ ,!. Gin Soge 7e 3erin7e serm~on was on "Family Liv- R. F. Ligbtfoot, C.A. Presoclent (if the Caniadiariî N S L TO o ,Fd.rn it Rons 91.89e 3e g "The offering was ce- C Ounif Chtir lies, was the 1.5Qur.ithck 18 98e 1.49 ceivcd by Murray Henderson WILSON & BURROIVS zIeiiniiversarv preacher (Intended foc last week> Swift's Premium -ii " Quickand Dennis Challice. Chaz-teced Accountants isSIt. And-esv's Presbyterîaîî. Mc. aod Mis. Charles Gist, FULLV COOKEI) - Home Permanent 1.49 .St. Paul's 1W. A. Meeting- 1114 King St. East, Oshawa, On.Cîcel erbrated the 124ttîivisited on Sunidav with Mr.l ('hases Large size Vitalis 93e DoUail Miss Mildced Sisson aodipactners. n i n Wcstx ri rsyeiiîadMsHlonGaaHr Nevi loo 200>size l-udnut At ete Mrs. Dorotliv Mark enfortaîn-î s1od. N e v e F od ~ Ri ~ 1 2 A l îs p î ~ cd f ic m m b r o J.P ul s R o n a ld F . D . W ilso n , C .A . \\ r iitO s t o f a i A i r . J ae.e r e r e t , Cremn is .9 dere'erso t Pu l ev.iistrof St Arn- e. aesin:ir.Pî h 98e - 2.49 Flashlights, ennipiete 49e 75c-1.25-2.15 'Anglican C h ceh Woman's G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. dc.s 1v rdSan spent a few days wîîh herSo e Auxiliary for their May meet- ____Phono 728-7554 svcl-otiing h,; l-la s A- ohi r.N .Mr Raid Sray Bmb 1.9 DeeTeerpesiddg. Th scrittrures- hI . Grade-A" - Tender.Plu icn, ih r*Eret aband tI l e(astii-P and gratituide land visited ber parents, Mc . 1 Rad payBmb 169 De rp priing w TheMrs. rnpurest ab- C------ - f i o ,afKl p-adTs.W.MCaea Kan Kili 9, .9Math Killer i 9c, ison vas cead by Mrs. Emory prortraC C0 feII Icgii o a ihe Dr. a-iMrs. WmM Cabe i-d K EY Smith. G. EDWIN MANpDrC. iivo aig rT5 c nd Mcs. Stanley McCae F1y Tox Bomh 98c, 1.49 I.arvex 1.09, 1.69 Pln'cr 0defra a-coel owmraville ini the and family, Lotus. j S f Premium "SugarE Blue cross Larvex Spray Bomb 1.98 den Party to be hcld at the Office: Ciorco' D.C . - i cvhsvsb- Ms a amn fL Bnue tClros3 ahU .9 aihHl nJn sIad1 li tcr.o osyS.di.don spent the weekend with, Parih Hll n Jne st nd 5 EginSt. co. o HoseySt.At the mrirning serv'ice Dr .Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliott and ' commttees appointed ta make Phone MA 3-5509 Hay spoke on- The Gospel in family. I Swi ft's Premîm"id5 further arrangements. Office Hours:_By Appointment the Space Agc" strcssing the Mc ndM-.WilardA - Mrs. Noel Wood gave a ie- _ -_ wonclers of- Gods creation 'Thompson of Cannington werei FR A N K S GCritol svith Vitamins and Minerais 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 'port of the convention held DenIaiwbiqh have heen iinfolded iSunday vîsitars with Mr. and i n S . J m e s C a t e d r l , o c - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r e c e nt ye a r s bv s c e n fi f i c d i s - ! M r s. G r a n t T h o m p s o n . - cd. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville redemplive xx rk of God in enri with Mr. and Mrs. Lo- a la! r The mrembecs were lnvited Office Hours: Jesus Chrisili hfile ovening enzo Mountjov. Friends wi h U f 1fo attend a May Tea at St.1 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily tegîspriirpoke on!IMrs. Mountiov a spedy teè- DYICLM IELI'J U I PHOElDUE STO Ehn'sFI Chucch, . j Closed Saturday and Sunday the subject. -Chrisf (ir' ResI.'. tuirn ta ealth. HaFdEîo, 1EATULRT - Sasve tOc' -,%s MA3-5695 D U T R TRUSSES ftions a social bouc was enjoy- Hanse Phono -,Nesvcastie 3 J1hin pi he gereaiGOs- Ralpb and Cheryl of Leask- A L D II ____________________________ ed with lunch servecd by the DR. E. W IV.sssoN pel Truili iihat Chrisi (an gli-e dale v.isited the' Carl Ellînt: L E " R N i s 1eassisted by Mrs. L.D.S., D,., isre t- .-m,,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iD o u g la s S m e lt . O f f ic e in is h o m e w ti cI 1 i ia p t d gI e ii e .- M ir . S t a n le s v M a c o lm Is1-1- A T (! 1 - S v 4 ' - 1 0 Tt. was decidcd ta hold the il100LibertySt.N , Bowmanville: The cîtut , ir. îîu- h ( - di-ec- home, afer sp ending the. w n -: M FA T Ç F MA 2-5589 Jun.e meeting in the foi-m of'. Phone MA 3-5604 lio1n of is en tagg, PJO bepr in Plocna.Hri d'vl nR S EW Ia picnic.OfceHusvdd ue-;lnîîî i ohad c.Ega oncalda fh/ r .Jenins annonth NoacyPu l nIs urne to spruce up deatb of ber brother Mr. Wii tu eaain i ep aur- .Ternperaoce St. - Bowmanvillen i ratodlstL M PLEYD l ý.iae;3!1,frormolEeed and EÉ. ICH1ARD LOVEKIN your insurance tao! .aO4kPati cnfu atL M ~~~~Oi-en Hotise' wývIll he held, B.A., LL.B.,etoSlr din on lu e Stb 1wtl oeîbers! Barrister, Solicitor If vouîc -bll carciîg everal On Saturday esening SMay' of the UC.W. assisting Rev. King St. E. Newcastle poli(ei ii rder ta have a Sbth Mr. and Mrs. Richard 5-1h. BaZ AN LIAKAZN PODUTIO WITTEM y MLIAd IGEand Mrs. Richardson in serv- Phono 2246 aioNsltnwe h- A~ FlA ~24\ RODUTO',WRITEN B WILIAM 80E ng l nchHours: 9-5: 910 - W ed.,Sa., 9 -I brad rî1ri' L1rance pro- i u d wtb a g be î g <f c 1îî 'jý1 q ~' ~ < f yL %% N ICOiOROS The date for the annual ga, 's1ie1o caic. friends and relatives tI colo,-4 5 I~Lse. E. 'fLtiL ~ u i u L R EG arden P a t. - %vas set fo c lae ' N ow ,,u an h a'.c ,he- % ital brate the occasion o f their 25 h 1 .Xduù E,îerutinnent. -Prices - 75ci-id 50e in June and cmmibtecs Sp- M_____o___r ___f- feefac!tg eili\prs- wedding aoniversary. ('oîuîinatioi Pack' Poined o cmplte rrage-SADE -Hý-%ILT-ON-----R-O---Oý jRev. Fced Swsann, B.A. B.D, 1ets I Phone 1 r 16 %asteoapbe atefev G lenHo r (,i Mrs Raph reson cadI First Mocîgage Funds venicuîî Iolnuctuwners pî(licy' Cecemonies, Afterafe H LD Y MDNT SH WE da r Guests poemn "The Li-! Residences - Fams from '1ic siifr ecmn emcsMse tle Churc-h" Business roperties 1Elaine Melcaîf and SuzanneCa de 20 tc Chreh I Bsines Prpertes roup. Akîus aiouî ic ' Wilson sang two duets ac- MAY20ai 12:05 Ms osCr a- ak Mortgage Loans companied by Miss Cheryl (rn ad n on "Rual Churches and Prompt , courteous service ýMetealf, "Im in Love Wiib siesc Changing Conditions." "There HAROLD C. PEDWELL Yriu Honey" and "1 Believe in' Peppermint Buttseye "Invasion of the are bumps ahead for the rural Real Estato andi35 SU R R Miracles". Folowing these eVau-fitPud ehîurch in the present dav-. Mortgage Broker T hoSuoshine f-Your Smile" - Il heexodus fo tefarm is Newcastle Poe35 T A T e 4 y Ms a wrenc Macolroagge Body Snatckers" iel vto c~ontin~ue inth at rs OThemeI yJME Sulshin avof ousvas £ bs." and aWsare off ihe great changes _0__f__m__f__yAMEje____r._ougas_______as that bave heenti aking place K.EITH A. BILLETT, O.D. fNSURA1NCE REAL ESTATE and Mrs. Davison took their Pîe fetv tI oney oons in rural life. The xell-being, Optometrist KLgSiE Bwaveplaces on the platforrnre ricu lbu re is i s ro o ts, m an u - O ffice H o u rs: B y a p p o in tm en t i n g S . E o y a v l e t e r l t v s r . É r e t Sizirriîîg George Sattndcrs facturing and commerce are Tehephone MAi-ket 3-3252 Vie, reive. Mr s. eretn 1 M LE R the branches and the leas-es.' Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fr1. OfieResldenc Wmn' ntbersntd ffLl JI MA Aduit entertainiment If bhe root is iniured and theý 9 arn. to 5 p. m. 1 435693A an aluminumn tray onbea! L K I f IMU Iaves fahl, the branches T hursda y eveni ng f t e I si u e m m e s r . break away ai-d the tree dies.' Wed. and Sat. * 1 - 0-làAthur yInstiutemrs Mrs Wu'lcox. Nîrs. Edna Andersonu. ai-id Mr-s. Bruce Tîl<on. Ncs-- castle. the Vrtbx Matron ri- Durhamn Chapter, No. 181. Througbriuî the dr-ive thpre svere eaîîvassecs b'.v the Post Office, at the four corners oft King aund Teniperancfe Streets, anîdlin fronit of thue ne'.'- Dri- mniiouî Store. Tlîe proceedis of t ihe ii'. et ssill be devoted ta tlîe support oif a studeîit for the ministr. -ss-ho us beiiîg sponsoced b'.' 'Dîîrîani Chapter. No. 181i, 01- Succe ssful Fund Drive For ESTARL 'Durham Cliapter. No. 1MI Order off theFEastern Star. beld a Mule off Peninies Drive for ESTARL. t Eastern Slar Trainîing A'saî-ds for Religion,; Leader-ship). on Fridas*\-e- ung. Aprit 27t1î. aid Satiirda--, April '28i1î Miss Md Wu \il- clix '.a!z ilie -o' cuor for the pIrijeet1. Mil-s Wilcox a>-sistcd bv s commnitee composed of Mu-s C. G. Morris, NMrs. Georg-e Tliuasie-, Mrs. W. A. Edgcu-, Mrs. Mabel Bagnehll, Mrs. Don decl ot the Ealst. ri Stu - SWEET MIXED id PICKLES ic! - s.olid WVhite lIeat EAF TUNA FISH MGARINE -PINOCCHIO BALLOON D !- DeLuxe Assorted )OD Cake Mixes - SKIM NMILK POWDER MIL-KO -WHITE or COLOURED ROLUS e Check'd Meats- 3oneless - No Waste" New.' (Gotd fait 1rap s BI'(rolir sue b.4 3 c Cured" BACON ii Flit69C 'asoned" t1'ith the liglit Hickorv Smoke) 1 b. 4iI3C j ist aîIld fia t riu is---H en ryW .ib-oz. Jar 27 Ifor7Ç 1-1h. Packages 4 for 8t5 )EAI, Pkg. o<f 60 3 for $1 G12.ozBonib 7 9 15 0? Jars LISH 33C nrted Fruit - 49-n-z. Cinq (S 3 for 89c rk Brandi - ].!-oz. Titns 3 forl79c )ES 3 for 51c ýd A,- lhitp - 8-nz. .Iar f TATVRF: - Savr 6c! - 2c Off Pack STU ART HUE VI-Ail RF - Save '>3c!'- Sanîtai*s flegutar - ' KOTEX NAPKINS 2 for 79c FRESHI BAK FI)! Weston's or Suînheam l'kt. of 10 - Rez. .3r DATE & NUl Cookcies 29c 1) 1S C 0 UNT tF:A'i'RE! - Save- :4c! ;uant Tubes (RESI Tooth Paste 2 for $1 ldd svweet, juicy -F lorida - (ood sizc a irapefruit 10 for 49c tîfornia's fies! ieapini: pint box RAWERReh-Go izeSl' denfreh (ood SzeN im ,.%, green -No. 1 grade REEN CABBAGE lb.9c îeIitd ed&Wh0 .ood Stoe o v e RKET ......Orono jUSIi i ' Long- c s 'c r c i c c c ESQUIRE POISHES ANI) DRESSINGS In <loiotlrM - Savse Ge. Seufi Kale, 2-ai. 29C Lano! White, :;-oz. 29C 2I5 font Roll mt=N-Lr",Alr, MAY imth. inel eacý 19C MARKET

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