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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1962, p. 7

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W!DNSDY MY 6h,192THE CANADTAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLLr. ONTARIO Arr TIM of days spent et Five Oaks re- - Mies Elizabeth Timmn, who is ing and sang "Jesu oe tesv c ) ., (7) ~ ~~treat, closing with a new ver- L uretiring this year after teach- Little Cide"a nate. R - ing~~ 43 years, 37 of them Iln Susanne Eydenle in tedv cŽ> cSionr i-e so af the Lord's Pkrayer. OIUOISe Bloor Collegiate, and without long prayer and Mai1utnTu f th higligts o bercouler !M Dape gav us tak H.C. HGGIBOTHM iter stiflhaving 75% cof ber The offering wsae n yfr on "The Transition of Teen- H . GGNOH M RShe. aLEth E. uJones MsElizabeth M LWaddell etada n bt ol h toy"nsrmnt" Phone MA - 3303 gers." Mrs. M. Stainton gave; On Sunday, April 29, 1962, Th!et !Mu oe isEiaehWdelps-Grade XIII pupils pass with Leslie Fard and LryDi- H Poe M 3-3 3a rpr'nCrsta twr-the et o u ert gg-loccurred suddenly at her ed away at St. Joseph's Hos- 'first and second class hn-e.Rv.MFreaaridAut shieprtnCrstiaL.Sear -'re ~Oh 7,Ei aohome, 18 Wellington St., pital, Toronto, suddenly onurs. It is unfortunate such Ito continue the sriewt te Mis eth aie, i- r adMr.JonHu-ported on Christian Education.ýBleflheim, occurred suddenly I3owmanville, on Sunday, Saturday, April 21st, '1962, teachers ever have to retire. the annouemn Ms BeaB.C, isitungý Mr General Hospital, Chatham, May 6, 1962. She was in ber and was buried in Oronoý This wvas Family Sunday in week's activities adasin n Moria .C.esli ackson and n' pendightave eks Mn - pftravdRalOantas.nwe 76th year. Cemetery on April 24th. ýthe churches and elyieddsrmnoth ens. teleJcko n rseal Northwh erekteyinto- e ih Wa rmme Son of the late T. E. Hig- The former Maud Armis- She leaves ta mournber Sunday School and church ian children andadtsbhte, about Grandmother." Treasur-igiiibotham and Wilhemina ed daughter of the late death, two sisters, Misses Ca- srieWr obnd u-myso.lo.adlset vn Eas spenJ. h weeKn wiýth , r duhe and .J aond e-r's repart was given by Mrs. McDûweil, the deceased wast Thomas Henry Armistead and therine A.. and Helena j*ý ray Payne, superintendent, hserniec e, is elendGeiie l,I aMri. aMrJ. d rHu-a.n obsdTe ueof$9 0o!born and raised ii Bawman- Elizabeth Emma Evans, was Waddell of Orono, and two \as in charge of the f irst part phrey retunissnedeby motor withlY was callected for the Canc_,vîeH ane h omrbr at Yorkshire, England, brothers, David M., of Seattle, of the service and the child- Toronto.1 Fund. It -.vas decided to send, Bessie H. McKeough on June land attended school there. Ini Washington, and George w.Mno h colcrido David Reynolds has arrived another daughter and son-in- $10.00 to United Nations. also 4, 1921. September, 1915, she married S., Bethany, Ontario. the service. It was a pleasune home from Waterloo olgawMr and iy wore w.Rue edci ded ta pay for pauntungý A retired banker, his home Albert E. Jones who prede- Miss Waddell was born aioscte n lauet enchnea grcop e st onM. ndMr.s.part of the church. Meetingýfor the last five years had ceased ber. the family's ham-estead east of ýhear them. fo. for even the:M. his second year. Varo. . closed with hymn 16 andlbeen af Erie Manor, RR 1, Mrs. Jones came ta the Orono, eldesf daughter ofsmallest one spoke cieanly andý Mrs. W. A. Eciger and Mns., praver. Unit 2 served a dainty 'Blcnhcim, Ont. He had also Bowmanviîîe district 50 years James and Agnes Waddell. i el. Pty Payne read the' W. . agel rcetl vsied The following childrcn werc lune'h. resided in Cobourg, Oshawa ago from England and had She ivas a rnember of thCcaiî ta warship, Fhiliip Nich- W. J. agnellrecenty visie Mothered.foreth owshipntw and Whitby before moving ta residcd ini this area sunce then. Prcsbyterian Church and sub- lais read the day's theme, Gar- lof Baptismn at Tnunity United hl a r.1 cagl~Blcnheim. She was a memben of the sequently of Orono United fcdFyeld npae n vey, Detroit, Mich. i Church on Sunday mornng, on May 7th wîth 15 presct. The decased was a mcm- Salvation Army Corps, Bow- Church. Jamosjpinhis lessnad Saera Mr. Vernon Saunders of Tor- lMay l3th: Mary Lynn, daugh- 0Paynoete riedChrado thell, ndascripturfeh atede wheterreoefCnadrad oathdMaoni he dath ii yers f mm-at Antioch, and for a numberThschdrnad1otrsPA-. prnsMran r.A;dra;DrelWilliam, son "Haw, wenor wee emet1 Lade ndote aoncbernshin tearsolest studied inad 1 ot Saunders, Waveriev Road. a r n r.Gog o; adevotional ande obug.brsi, a teCop odsto yas tgaveiear n lof Mr. and Mrs. Georsiesebisnei;emember. As long as her hcalth Tononto at h Kais' Stu-h cor-o h,-mo-- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mack- Scott Cordon, son of Mr. and a eotoa n gv n unviving bsdshswf h nwe'Su i iteestngreadung on how tar wo sans, John o! Bien- permitfed she was a faith- dio. She will be rcmembered Snd a wih M and rys MrDus, sron o! Mr ; audlMs.imprave your future. A filhnýheim .and David of Toronto. fui and ardent worker in ail especialiy for her very beau-,~ tCs oayM' t Tom Bennett o!rWiandalc. DKulasnsoth fM r. dc ery was shawn, then a discussion ia brother, E. C. Higgunbotham' branches of service ini the tiful paintings, Iandscapes,' CtCs oa A penia d. it as decided ta have. Calgany, Alfa., and a sister' Corps. She was aiso a mcm- portraits and flowers. fJ3Hsessi lvii. Larry Tbompsofl, Fit, Wayne, son o! Mr. and Mrs.! the bowling party June 4ths. LnyWltn Bia)' ber o! Bowmanviile Senior Miss WddForwili b sàd1 with is prents Mn.and M.' o Mn. nd Ms. Ccii Mrri- or applcfces mith., spent the weekendlrvifl Miller; Donald John, 5 s ucons"ere* 0 j~Calgary. His step - -mothen' Citizens Club and of the Hu- -MissadeOroo id in Tond Cst EaniThopso, Ochadviw sn; BianDoulas so o!Mr.closed with Lord's Frayer. Mrs. T.E. Higginbotham of moresque Club for the Blind,Ilonto-whcre she bas lived wîth truhPro otm EalTopoOcadiwsn ra ogasno rýVancouver,* also survives. Oshawa. Although suffcringbecosnMisCutnfr S T A T E S M A NAD SIN [ld.and Mrs. Genhard Van de Beit; 1 Mother's Day supper guests bidesfr2 erted e osn isCutr o Mrg. Don. Glass and daugh-tKevin Dean James, son of Mr.: with Mrs. H. Stainton and L.wAspnaeld fnr al hshoerviceablidc frm24 yc ar.tie dePhone MArket 3-3303 terKimerl, MuntForstand Mrs. Howard Wood; Glenni Stainton's werc Mr. and Mns. Erie eld fromehi ho eeru._ _ : --- - terKmbenyMont arstAlbert, son o! Mn. aid Mrsî E. Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. R.TedyMy s. n a She is survivcd by a sister, GEORGE BATHGATE ~entthewcccndwit be Cornclius Van Dam; and James. Stainton and f amiiy, Boxvman- cnutdb e.R .Hr- Mi's. W. A. (Annie L.) Smith. mnother, Mrs. F. French, Cbur_ Bertrmcson obMn. andMrs.DvilerMr. id Mrs. . Stain ch Street. Jaetmson. ftan and Lynnvil e, Tynd no.H SneM burgh o!fPark St. United o! Oshawa and a brother, John Flongaingthy illncss,r Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Caombcs' _______- 'n Ms .Sano n Church, Chatham. Inferment Robent Anmistcad, in Eng-thdaha!GogBtgte landMrs J.Stanto an fa- fllowd i Male eafCem- lnd.aged 69, occuni'ed at bis re- am- Bucollawedudai g Mapie Leaf Ceme-ove Mr.and. 1sidence. Waiton St., Fort~ of dhBruceown c and a gestsi i vM al et Grve. Mn. and tery, Chatham. The funerai service was Hope on FidayApril 20, o law er.sonand M daughterin- E N N IS K IT T Tr M Mrs. K ih C yd r a albearers w ce Messrs, hd f &ro m th Ch a l of 9y,. la, i. n Ms RbntJ~i JJJ 1 Jan. George Eliiot, Wm. Carsweîîl otctt&SihFuea 92 Coombes, Oshawa.i SnaSevcsM o. A. Scott, Oshawa.! Ralph Bannes, Stewart Me- Home, Division St., Bawman- Son o!f the late Peter and Mn. Ted Gaddard bas re- T was a Sunday gucst o! Mn. Keough, Darcy McKeough ville, on Tucsday. May 8, and Mary Bafhgatc, the deceased tune tama ee'shoiuday w ortnig service onand Mrs. Geo. Irwin. taid Harold Maffson. was conducted by Captain was boni in Scofland whce et Myrtle Beach, South Cana- udymnigtrmae1Mn. and Mrs. L. Blair, Osh- I ,-- aid Mrs. Ronald Ritson o! the ihe atteîded school. His wife,'SEIA lina, following completion o! the special week set asîde aslaaMi ly AhoRntîdMsLodSe of, Salvafian Army. Interment who survives, was the former FET his year at Ryenson, Toi-oito. iChristian aiywe.Avr wMsLlyAstn ,-!nd r.LodSem nieRsWig. Iang Fngai weeAvey aid and littie Miss Janet Ash aydon wcrc Sunday dinnerý was in Bowmanviile Ceme-Aie os Wiht Mn. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, the second in a senies of se-n, Haydon, Mns. W. Bowiusso r.F.Tmi eiey. h ae rIahgt Mrs. B. Coiweli aid Irwintmîsan"Building Altars ,,'man and Laura, En!ield, wcre ing Mns. Toms' binthday. James beefhy, eil Mu-ss.a ern f he rmd force were Sunday dinnen guests afýI hthe firsf message a weei& Sunday callers at Mr. ani n.aiaMsmeeswizrfon erge Vne , N HarnMut- Frnce for t re drat es the former's son, Mn. aid Mrs.lago the centrai figrune wasi Mrs. R. Ormiston's. ýGates Milis, Ohio, Mn. Floyd Btt,Gemmge n eil aid the confliet.SPECI Grd oe n amlMallMr. Allai Stainton -tEmmSavingilandPheCIALSct TedFoeyai fmiyMaleAbraham aid the subject was, Fethiek, Tor-oito, werc Satur-iM Cok Mr. and Mns. Bathgate re-' "Building the Altar o! God inSîa wt n adMs day dinner guests o! ther sided in Bowmanville, at aie' I.D.A. Brand -- Reg. 30c, 50c Miss Tanya Goddard aid Our Heants." !Arthur Trewîî, Haydon. mnetMr n rs .R, Amang the many iovel i I. irtortunngt Mr. Nelson McKay, Torontoif1F/L. aid Mrs. S. R. Kersey,1 jaets n. faidl Mrs. S. . . lSofthe tLAaIEdLOTONng floralistan toke unds, ttwv,îdence o! vsitrsth eotadin 1937. They arriv-1 C L M N O IN2c 9 spent the weckeîd with Missi On Cnistian Feagely cnay 'Ottwa. wereweckend isitons1esteem in whieh the deceased e aki aaa1 er Goddard's parents, Mrn ad fu mîtn esg with Mn. aid Mrs. Harold Mr.n.-olactt Bwm held, wene those from tle c aki aaa1 en Vai-U Brand Blue Label - 1 pound G eorge Street. ________and____ f in , O shawa, Senior Citi- gde ce t r t M CiT T O N 7 caBi lisin fmîy lfeai mk-ard Stevens is home fnom the - Ien Club, Bowmanviiie, C.N. gt eie i er g ________ Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Faîney irng home a bailowed placelhaspitai. Dont miss thiîiîg Fine-' B. Advisory Board, Bow- fnom Arbo Leather, Fort Hope. L O ny40 spent the weekcnd et thein was portraycd by Isaac as bel Mr-. and Mns. Ed. Caombsi e maîville, St. Faul's United The dcceased was amm cottage, Twclve Mile Lake. cast his influence on the sur-1 aid girls, Miss Glane Page,fwor S Display at Bowmanville Church Women, Bowmaî- ber of St. Faul's Preshyterian[ WITH ANY 4.00 FURCHASE Sunday visitons a h otg onigPiitnsi oot r n r.HowardfHigh School Grounds, Manday, ville, aid the Saivation Army Church, Fort Hope, a life' wcne Mn. and Mns. Terry Mas-f simple gesture of digging o! Bradley' aid Briai, Maple1 May 21sf. Soidiers aid Frieîds, Bow- member o! the Masonic Lodgef KODAK ters, Kim aid Geoffrey. welis and bis manifestation Of Grave Mn. 'aid Mrs. Ross Page! - m Ivile. an_ .~d a member of the Royal YWWI Miss Sylvia Ncwhali, Loi- divine grace. Similar acts aid family. Hampton, werel '__ aainLgo.; .iIVJI.Y L S F N C M R don, Engiand, spent the week- could amswer our internation-iSunday guests wifh their mno- i are twa sons, Peter of Bow-f 89e sîze Gîllette Right Guard Spray Deodoraîtpu end with Mr. aid Mrs. A. W. al prabiems ta-day. To corn-!ther, Mrs. E. Page. manvilie aid Richard, Fort Smitb, Li'berty St. North, en- plete this iîspiring service' 1rai5rs A . caîHoead wo dugtes Super Blue Baaes iu roteboneafe abuins Ms . nih ad rs W'aid Susan wene with Mr. aid Joan (Mns. Ernest Furdy), 1'-i-gS tnp a Pttsurg, F., sng n ejoybleMrs. A. M. Wearn, Claremont. %i-Part Hope, aid Aima (Mrs ' s1 REUA Misss MaieneMackidu ef, "My Mother's Bible." Miss Jean Staiîtoî and Miss 15Glee ue'fo Caol Cowan, Cathy Poste At the S. S. session Supt. Phyllis Mayiard, Salem, were' ...,~.DnWlcx !Bwavle ODESS 88cc A. J. emry ad pu consder- uîdayevenig caiers a L. . Aisa surviviîg are il grand- _______ and Breda Hening wee allI. J. Wrry ha put cnsiderSuchildren aidalleoiet Leat-graîd-n onechîck-gSa!etyh k-azortyplusr 1luK15 onanaEdge successful i.n passing thein Fnl- able effort unto a weli argari- Staiitoi's. eq daughter. a'ZrT mnary Tap Exam heid in Tor- ie rga. olwn n Mrs. Herbent Staintai speit ' The fuierai service was SC IK IJCT R BA E onto reccntly. They are pu- argan prelude by Miss Shirley Fridav with Mr. aid Mrs. C. beld from the Ross Funeral ~isof Mns. Shirley Fowici-, Avery, a poem b onournngEnglish_ omiil. hpl otHoe1nMi oz. Teen-Clear Gel - Reg. 1.25 - Plus 4 oz. îýwn Mothers was recited by Mn. Mn.aid Mrs. Normai Weish, day, Apnil 23, and was con-f TEEN-CLEAR LOTION 2.50 value 20 Cnrtl ta oMn. W. .Wry e lsdteOshawa, were Satunday even- _____ " ' - Itemy ent asinUJohn WCe- een wn î- j. "Billy" Mils of St. Mas service wifh a second tributc.jng caliers on Mrs. E. Page. D ....Itrmn a nUio e eetFi rTnPak who wlIl celebrate bis 96th tomothens. Miss Lois Ashton t Miss Lonia Weann, Toronto, efery, Veteran's Plot. ->' . 1brtda tisThrsay M radthe sciptune passages. lis home for a couple o! daysFalîbearers wei-e Messrs,. I.....LLIIÂIVLA 2.50 value 17tb. To mark the ocasionToh'hihs eeadlgt with ber parents, the A. L.!Wm. Bates, L. Little, M. __ _ ___ __ Mr. Muls willI be on a haid fui sala by Master Locki Mc- Wearnms. '0it Burns. Gearge Fhillips, L. N sl ln the United States with bis NiM ohr ryr'Mr. aid Mrs. S. Kersey, Mn.WtonadRRse. diaughter. accampanied by bis sister aid Mrs. J. Lyon aid family, P"1 Amoîg the maîy beautiful BABY HAIR TREATMENT Maurcen. Mi-s. F. Draper's~ Hampton, Mn. aid Mrs. Leni4 floral tnibutes were thoseý e.12 i(r. and Mrs. Norman Cie- stary "Instruments o! Gad's Player aid Tommy, Bowman< -Ji1i4i (IfIPfJfom the Goodyear Tire &rg .5N mens, Marilyn aid Kcith, Ton- Peace" was given inhmuuivleM.adMs enFoeu tUI~~I<L 'rAi el ~ Rub b er Co., Bawmanvilie rpu onto, Mr. and Mrs. Laverie loquent style aid she nt ro- aid family, Oshawa, were 'Brnch Royal Canadian Le- f1' Clemens, Roi and Carrai, duced it with a brie! biography Sunday gucsts at Mn. aid Mrs.'aeclbrtgthr gian, Port Hope Branch Roy-,f MOTHER'S DARLING SHAI O Hamîptan, wene Mothcr's Day a! St. Francis af Assisi. Harold Astoî's. areclbaîgt ri Canadian Legion, Rebekah 51 visitons with thein parents, Mns. E. Wright had the final Mr. aid Mrs. mrvii okn lg, Msn e de Canad- 1 1.84 value 12 Mn. aid Mrs. Aibin Clemens, practice for music for the S. S. Mrs. Effie Lutes aid Gar [ / 1i. an Order oetrad _____________________________ Concession St. Anivei-sa.ny on May 2th with! y, SI. PaUlMiss uburch.h services a n 73 ..Scarbroug, MissiRverFsah- On Tuesday aid Wednesday aisti2sp a i 7:3ep.R.iek were Sunday dinner guests . ri ter abÎI- 6-12 o! iast wcek, Mns. Wesley Vsfî pae iib ev.' of Mn. aid Mrs. C. Avery. I S C E EL N Cawken was in Toronto af- K. Heron o!fPickerng. Guest! Mn aid Mrs. Jae MeGili We are praud ta have completed 81 years of WESLEY VILLE IS C EE L N temdiîg the Provincial Execu- soloist, Mn. Ross Meteaif of and Shauin. Mn. aid Mrs. Joeý Persona] protection against Mosquitoes,Bak tive o! the Wamen's Hospital Maple Grave. Everyone isBrwn Port Credit, Mn. aid service ta the people of this area, under four Twenfy oie members otfh lcGas hgesSn lcSal lc Auxliris sscitin t te oniaiyinitd.Mrs. Harvey MeGili anîd, genenations. U.C.W. and two visitons met Hospital Building, Don Mils Mer -aid Mrs. Stanley Tur- Garth wene Mathen'q Day 'at the home o! Mrs. Ernest and other Inseets. Rd., aid also the Provincial ne,*Oshawa, Mn. aidMsýust Mrs.R tti im esy"hn you" . . . and will jWebsfer, Fort Granby, ai May' 9 Executive o! the Regions a! Frank Dorland wene with girustsono!nMn. aiderve. R. At this timDuweasay thank 9th for the first eveniîg meet- Liquid 79 Lotion -- the W.H.A.A. at the Park Miss Elsie and Albert Oke. Mrs. F. Toms aeeompaîid cniu t ev nieîsiuha aîy iîg of the year. Mns. Ken Din- o!za The U.C.W. met at the home MisJa ob nthe smecaunteous, thoughtful mne which e and ber group e i Stick 79C Bomb - - 13 Plaza.1t M . .L.MisshJai Hobbs ad Mn. aidhsrgemannehepogamend n Mrs ~ £S1A0ionI~pm1~ Mrs. M. J. Hobbs to, a turkey has been the trade mark of Morris Co. in the chneoteprgam ai The 1llOth Session a! the In- at 8 p.m., with 27 presen. dinr at The Flying Duteh- i uscd as thein theme the "Home corporated Synod o! the Dia- Mns. J. Siemon opened thef mai Motel, Bowm a n v i 11i e,' past. aid ifs condition in the worid. cese of Toronto meets on Tues- meeting with a poem. Mrs. O. where aIl mothers were hon-tda. Ms.Pcy SilEx day, Wednesday aid Tbursday Ashton gave the devotional, oe i rsne ihaTlpoeM 358 read the seipture lesson and o! tIhis wcek et St. James' apeîing with the first xverseo oe Tî a uda v n.Caec ihisadf SNAACCGR ea home. DY Austin and Bud Elliott 7e ta Kcmptvuille iast 'sday, ta the coliege there, went an fa Moit-cal be- returning home. ughie Nichas aid Roy tin spent last Saturday i rand Mrs. Jack Walter Helen visifcd with Mn. ock, Mrs. Walter's bio- ,in Hastings on Sunday ng. UM ING iing 7:3 0 P.M. Denionstration of Spinning Children 10e ~pto- Esma AMPAX, - v I M I M i Pins - No Beit 40's D.A. Brand HEALTH SALTS 16 ounce tin 69C TTUS 's 5'su Dy The Carton and Save. rIONAL IDS 1,09 6109 S73c 65e 59C 59e 53c -------1.29 --98C --79c 89C n Sudav evenig enjoyed ai Last Saturday fte 4-H1 Club <I R v CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL banbecued rhickcî dinnen at fnshdtir at T r ioth L S '-.1-------U-- Reg - j ~Manchester in honor o! Mo-'1 a meeng a yroetgeer IAM LV H V RA e Mr. and Mrs.Jim KinsmanýKen Dinnerand Mns. A. AM LV H R Countice. w~ith Mn. aid Misl Tonîye, leaders, nrove te ..E l REO O H C RSIN RvMGl.gris there in early morniiig MoIu alI R E H O B O T H C H RISTIA Nd RovMg lw e flhMcGi!iv SA M SO N ITE SILH U ETTE Lnd Tor d rnc yke, MM M l ~ . a s aid hi-vs wene - evea-As b , aeDoAut n id E RF R E H R Hiig callers at Mn. aid Mrs. lIA IlereAutn n Rg REFORM D CHUR H Lval Bowmaville. jL na Frdanswered ques- RUSDAN --Rc---15- SCUgog Street, Bowmanville M.adMs aeBtwl'toso the work co'vered aid Naicl-.Mn. aid Mrs. Davel 12 ufias.thetern nd uncdtge SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO -- Rcg.1.29- Rev. John C. VerbrUgge, B.A., B.D., Minister 'Botîîwell- Sr., Maple Grave,' ritot îloar~SOIHINS TO WRITE wuffns. th erkflun cterei Telephone MA 3-5023 Uxwere Suidax' tea gmmsts af Mn. ge alth aHi OME ABOUT! wmfh thris onup o! isoî lAU I aid Mrs. C. Mstiton S. a <ia -x Uone.,e h.A demonstration on mak-fMK-Rg 8 VIM.adMs ua ti-'e!egance and eglLtencyý! ,ecaeoh U V AR D ESN WORSHIP SERVICES ton were Suidav guests o! N1n ,,t.tter hou, oo: ook atli, ý,n.,modln moded slbpe fsl î ng muffins concluded the 9:0 a.r. - R olland oM n i M. Ewyn Dickey, tf.nuart Io fintil . l' sd outtii l,-ujus iterivi naeevetq the club who had completed V T I I U OI - R10 9 : 0 0 B o w i n a i v iil ,ýjncd to ï- Nou t t glon oui f cing enl , ke b ue! And, h m p o e t e e v d a s l e 11:00 - English Mi-s. Llox'd Sic mon, Hay- orn et >- ttet o o lokimart. ' hg. 4 pettctiiioid' spoon Teses grs recem ived I A I A R T N C ---- don, Vrs. F. Toms were recent [it crod aeaslo ilhutte ..te.s iIio i a en ___________________________ 7:0pm -Egihvisitons at Mn. aid Mns. Wm., ,x, B roal -Sm0"Il! a',e to Gloriar Nichais K.ha had Proclaiming the Wbole Counsel of God Robiso's, roO.xfordG , litorFinsh Nl, .maitsum construthom ow flflefah 0 erd on MF Tosaccompail d ,tocc:'Oxford G, y. Dlb.,t Jan" has ID A nis h % DuufllMatceheqiee codiRESCRIPTIONS I Mntasec.,)F Toms t'd e #o rinaf ions but un!ortuîateiy hREMt _Mns. Draper ta Oshawa whenc Lgh., ght but super sttoug' 1 take some wceks rest at home. she speit a day with Mn. aid Pearl Austin, Joan aid Ruth' "Back T Gift Sh God Broadcasts 1 JeweleryuotinX.FM c REkORnD 1l _NhV Ms.sinn Fr Ceanii . i ooper"s J w le y & Git h p I chs wee there for the I L CKBOsawat 9:15 p.m. every Sunday MssWiadiifrClert i Mn.a1get. L X M G CKBOsaw, d ubnt illwdale '! 9Kn Mrs. Clarence Nichols was CKFH, Toronto, at 7 a.m. i ere recent callers at Mn. andI 2 Kn St. E. MA 3-5747 'thrilled last wcek ta nead inO M N ILEPO E M ~ Mn. AlaiWKrr')àL fthe Toronto papens of the Mrs. E. Trewin aid Doreeni bonouj' being paid her auntt_______________________________________ EDIES * RUGS 3-5792 WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th. 1982 FAUE SEVED 1» M Children 10e

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