THE ANADIA ~A~SM~', OWMNVTLEONTIUOPAGE SEiVEW WEDNESDAY, MýAY 23rd, 1962 ______________te ralPrfick ency Awrd and everyorie. Mrs. McKee read'neday afternoon to thepps nrstrgadssTetem t heFedrikLag0r pie t several chapters from the book o! both school, anid peoi fws"ht o otdywl for standing firstnHol- gon o The Light Shines On. The de-i the surrounding district r.crebc oyu"TeCid eties over first and second votional period was taken bvi N. Gerow, Mrs. M. Irwl n e' trwihwsatu 'Kc a yas Mrs. Lorne McKee. Roll cal Mrs. C. MeneWley assise. lestrreainSrAe- Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank ft.ei I was answered by 19 members Mr. Chas. Meneille lftnerFmndicvero soI ara*fLry n Dn turning in articles for bazaar., Wednesday morning frTr eiil.,adHn iso PhoneMA 3-303 Trough Dwsappoumâment t vuctory1 Minutes of the last meeting oento, then on to South ie hrhlwa ln h ai ________________Shirley_____________Town,___Mr. were read and approved and1 with the Low Consrcinme Mr a.d:Ir. arl lam wr hr iseinîlaw, I'rs. and Mrs. Howard Hancock ATI e treasurer's report given. Cor- Co. Sna eolfloe h and Yd r. arl Ia-Yer ie isVrA W ekU al y e . R .i-hlsnýespondence included an in- Church services werhederceail.m Thewa niond and family spent Moni- H. P. Ahiers of Torontoa and son Jim, Beaverton, spent 1iaint lcsokfrtea inSna r.TeRv odatnac.Nx u. d.~wt rod tPgo e rnsn.BbyadK-the %weekend at the Jamieson ttoteBaktcfrtha ZnSudy.m1 dv,,wt reà tPgo i n Dsons. o! Osanad on ePgenLae Bb'L!e!sfiio dspp1t-Drard, Old Mortalitv andcripple and his affliction and fvirst U.C.W. Rally in the:Mr. White o! Newtonvilewsdytee~il udy DwoofOhw.sffrn had been caused by charge on May 29th. Plansin charge and he gave amslcola lan suul Lake. cavgeon. ments. Our cheiished plans lmafly others. "Sir Wýalter,1sfrn _________________________ Mrs. A. W. Hamniond, Tor-, Mr. William James, Pointe, are often thwarted and our however did net want te be ,hîs own sin. His soul wvas fl-wr aefrGre a , rnto was a Sunday guest of1Claire, Que., attended the! R. P. Rickaby, Dr. H. B. rgts oe r ahdteanvls;h lne ebiedw bitterness, and he which is to be in June. ThLis Mr, and Mrs. Harold Ham- 'C.W.N.A. convention in Lon- Rundie, Alick Lvle, Bill o. the ground. Consequently, a poet, but Byron's suni rose made everyone around hini part of our meeting was' mond and familv. !don, Ont., and visited with rison, C. G. "'Ted" Morris, many persons fali into bitter- and dimmd his lesser liglit.ý' miserable. At last his wife brought to a close by singing Miss Laura Loucks and _Nli,, his mother, Mrs. George .Gr Sturrock, Stu James and ns and sullen apathy. But Scott perceived hie was las- sent for me to corne and see the hymni "Blest be the lie LEON R Jessie Loucks of Toronto wereJe, frteweed oaRni eund ls this was flot the case with the îng his popularity, so he turn- him. They did not belong to than binds," followed withý an arca n r' tnp oat Bi -DLake, 175Aposte Paul. Again and ed to writing novels. "He did any church, but sent for me prayer by Mrs. McKee. Mrs. W. O. LileslleorMi ofPHull, Q*ebe. pntment, but with strong was ivriting novels". Oh, the ister. It was distressing t yMs omnRheMs Laura LaBeile. Char] ie.Welsh and son milTeysenort ofcHllIeent cshn. agin emtbhcre isa-nt ater anyouhne tso n hebeauhsoigastendret in- PrNora nlud e rgs ACUTNS1UDTR TUTE Mr. and Mrs. J.' Hayman wý,ere visitors with Mr. and erpotxclntihng faith in God and an indomit- bittercuh, iapitha i ogatadbte Milton Gray and Mrs. John aîdCalJaeand Mr. a1d M vrs. John Welsh and family, Dr. and Mrs. Albert Allin, able will, he came through ments o! life. Beneath them, cries. I tried ta quiet hirn and McFayden. A contest con-To no Mrs. C. W. Downey, Anne Twe,-ed, over the weekend. Fort William, are visiting disappointment ta victory. many apra a oedw ofr ibtali an utdb r.WsSeto Marie and Marlene spent Sun-,Mnda.- visitors with Mr. friends and relatives in Hamp- It is indeed true, that we ta utter faîlure and defeat. He dîed i dsappointment and "Famous Sayingrs" wvas wvon da nMamr.and Mrs. James Colville, Lib- ton and Bowmanville. On Fni- ail have our own troubles. The literary world has been bitterness o! soul. by Mrs. Grace Mae.Ade- Mr. and Mis. MD,. S. Dale erty St. North, were mrs. day they attended Convoca- Many are disappointed in full o! these cruel and bitter Mn utrr oa r iu uc a evdb r wee unavgu~t o ~eî Kn arn an dugte tenatQuensUniversity, their fiuancial investments disappaintrnents. in bitterness and rebellion clrsaup nd a s scial our weeSna usso hiinHmiadduheKiiong aaint Gd, ut t Iga oor s 2t. apndsa tooanounl th daughter and son-iri-law, '.%r. Caîci Of Oshawa, and R v in ston,.when their only son and their business enterprises. technique o d eaut ing i ta ! -____________ andMrs Golor S.FinÏaýandmrs GodonBruton and David graduated with hon- Some are disappointed in theirtehiufo alnwt sd an usn Eoick.faril, Willowdale. ors i the Honors Politis marriage and are unhappy.f Mr n rLnRnv Wrd Capo unrcourse. Others are deeply disappoint- The second way of dealing a pnn Ms!r. nd vitria Len erv Woia Srl Champci rune ed because they are not mar- with disappointrnent is ta rie- 1n(oe o nhp WnMr. and Mrs. Jack Bird en- re. Pretsae ispoit-srtteslfLiy eno, eeVcoiwek invfitatShrubbaeteivprtrand trctae, Mansort to se!pty. eter Mr n r. hs ay enr isitors with Mrs. Henry's ivtto eatn h pe nd a hi ot red. rn ts a ciren disappoant parents, Mr. and MIvIs. Ed. yýy. 'Canada College Annual Inter- Chemnong Lake, over the h o>i- dspithei chiir; ayaeMnypros toetei r.ndMs ha.RbSHAWJA SH P IG C N R theride, Scgog Stuct. ous.,ý Traci: Meut4in Tor-lday weekend. Weekend guests dicsponed heir ath onedsiit n sysPoused-udy hreaie onto on Thursday, May 2 4th, 1 were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley nesrn ndhatsdPussY. orpsy.I a nFnik ut 0WTlpoe7595 Mr. and Mrs. George Cav i rsetyec h to olro Ohwad denly they were attacked y " K' fo e ît hsdspon- Poliovirus vaccine (Sabin) lord and family, Toronto, oi~ a inrget ee~ mlgatdsase, and now *.~ ment how happy I would have was admînistered at St. The-1 were w1ekenddinneitursstiihe'en'Mr.they are helpless invalids. Ah! .,~ been.Y Theii they begin taern rese School, Zion, last Wed-________ his parents,'VMr.rI -aFnd E. al t \r f, Mrs. Miltonî Terry, aiso There is no lite, however suc-aiealsrso!tig.I h W. Craw ford, Con rson St . I wt1l o as g h sse vjoOsax Other friends cessful and glorious it niay be, economic depression had flot Holiday glcsts ý,h;i i nd o Theolog w ith ai cfe wr r adMs that has net suffered ait sorne .. - coeowrhtey oud Allan Kearnev, Mead o e stin g, recuivii g a Gen r Sih n Wayne, tirne frorn crushing defeat and havenbeen. If they hadnot ____________________________Pebooh.bitter disappointment. caught this disease ,how Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Barrett, Bishiop Phillips Brooks wvas strong and happy they would R NIY NIE (H R H Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dewell, one of the greatest preachers eThyflvr sryfoi \RN T N T D C U C ir. and Mrs. Jack Dni Mr. America has ever rde. themselves and rnany sink n,ýid Mrs. Robert Mutton, Mr. He was a big man physically, into the inertness o! despair, Mîister - Rcx \\ m, K. Housiander,B.A.,B.D. nd M\,rs. R. Oke aînd Mr. and mentally and spiritually. He and some even commit suicide. Oi-ganist - Mr. Arthur CollisioniMus.B.,L.R.S.M. Mrs. G. White were weekend has been described as "a greatt.thi frneangefiet -- guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Elmer magnetie personality, pouring dtsapnitenor.aitgets yo EECTI VALL HSWE Banting, Ottawa. They at- his soul out with abundant SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERFECTIV 110 . NONN OSIPtended church an Sunday power upon the people"., nowhere, and it is cowardly il 0 aiii- ~ORN N ~ WORSIWmorning to hear Rev. Arthur Now Phillips Brooks neyer and unmanly. Morgan, former minister o! intended ta be a preacher. In There is a third way to "Faith and Reason- Triiiity UJnited Church. hsi youth his cherislied arn- Bev. R. R. Nicholson deal with disappointment andi An opportunity like this oesn bition was ta be a teacher. As that is the way of the Apostie Mr. and Mrs. F. MNutton, soion as hie gra duated from Now how are we te handie Paul. He triumphed by faith SUND~ SCOOL r. ad Mr. R.Bate Mr.andcollege he plunged into hisths cre disappointments? in God. Mrs. R. Robbins, Mvr. and chosen profession of teaching How can we triumph ocver My friend, If you are suf! 'R. Bragg, Mi. and M.15. T. disrnissed frorn his position. Apostie Paul, pass through ment, remember we have a FýIY SZ 11:00 - Begiîîiiers Wren, Mr. and Mrs. L. Glass, He was deeply humiliated anâdidsappointrnent ta victory? God who can cause ail things MIY S Mr. and Mrs. H. Colmer, Mrs. for weeks shut himself up in Now, there are three ways to work together for our 11:20 a.nx. - Kindergarten anîd ?rinary il. Rowve, Mrs. R. Webber, Mrs. his home and refused ta see in which we can receive the good, if we love and trust MI. E. Leask, Mrs. K. Haw- his !riends. distressing disappointments a! Him. We cannot explain how Baby-sitting Service lins, Mrs. R. Grant, Mrs. E. Probably no yaung man lite. He does it, but He can take theB RK Murphy and Mr. Bob Noble was ever more deeply disap- First, we can receive them mast crushing disappointment B RC ~CORDIAL WBLCOME TO ALLtaeld byseilust pointed than Phillips Brooks, in bitterness and rebellion. that can corne ta a hurnan tpend last weekend in Mont- but later he was called byi It was a common human lite, and finally bring us te, rdynorning, returiiing minister o! the Gospel and his wife, when the terrible calarn- "For this slight momentary a!- S H A M P O O SPEIA Monday night. life was crowned with great ities came upon her husband, fliction is preparing for us an F REH_____CHRISTI N_______ in this new field ofta advise hirnta curse God eternal weight o! glory be- R g lry1 endeavor. and die. Many a disappointed yond ail comparison." (2 Cor. We think o! Sir Walter man in bitterness o! soul has 4:17 RSV). Scott -the novel wrîter. How cursed God. Have faith in God; seek ta RIEF RM ED CHUR H à he charmed us in aur youth I rernember a man in the serve others, and God wiii, REF gO r eet. CHURCH il ewîth his stirring tales- Ivan- cîty of Toronta. For years he bring you through disappoint- Now O n Iy ... .l,4 Scuog tret.Bovmavileu hoe, The Talisman, Quentîn!was a bed - ridden helpless ment ta victory. .Revý John C. V7erbruggre. B.A., B.D., lVnsteî __________________________ Limited Timne 01y Telephone I MA 3-5023 Etcher. KnxAareEmergency Helper's Badge FrD Y H I o O M LH I WOSIPSRVCSBox 1180, Knoxpa ieSG irl uîid e N e w s , st Cas te: Cathy West- 9:00a.nî - Hllan May14,i962over. For OILY H I 90 ..-Hladby Susan Etcher deli, our Division Commis- After the Badge Presenta -__________---___________________________ 1.1:0 a.. -Englsh Dear Sir:TelsCo an o!Gr sioner; Mrs. Lucas, our Cap- tion, there was the Gold Cord _________________________ 1.1:00__am._-__________T__e_____Company__ofGirl Enclosed you wili fînd n Guides in Bowmanville held tain; Mrs. Linton, the repre- Presentation. Mrs. Rudell pre- 7:30 pari. - English money order for $4 for a years their annual Mother and Comtatee, andteslie r EGu ntd tesGle Ewrt he Proclaiming the Whole Counsel of God , subscription o! your interest- Daughter Banquet on Friday Certanter gir l ho w ta Mrs. Lslgae Eert hese J an mysl! ae tam Oonowhih wa sun bythe uîd-recive her gorl ord.Af-tegirs. a g ve ChstiTiheS I ONNo o a iing newspaper. My husband l8th. It began with grace et " but we are beekeepers here eoîwdbyauftster cotheir etn the girls gave Mrs. Lucas a gitt from efloe yabfestlonterprogress, Mrs. Lucas the company. The copany ti une lS A I "Back To God Hour" Broadcasls 1 during the summers, and miss lunch. dneMs ua odce h ag rsn-pto he a cth Siss'Jak p u of ît ewY U N ý'CKLB, Oshaw'a, at 9:15 every Sunday JTînîgyu ecre h ohr n h olwn eevdbd n h sal oDne t Dance, the Danish Chautish, SU Y VId ffwih e Gaye naxhOe head table guests. They gs There was a presentation sinîî euxgad ____Mrs. Robt. A. Knox. e: Pat il who was t n ls adet:Ssnof prizes ta each girl in San- ~{Î~e hr G iCodRte Maows, Bannie Chishoîm, dra iRobinson's patrol for hav- Ayds- Chocolate or Carainel - -- N EN O Il Herbert, aur BdeSce-Sao Dadson, Rita VanHen- ing the most points. They ary; Mrs. Frank, aur Dis-ngaBbraCo iend were: Sandra Robinson, Val-, Larson's Coffe Reducing Diet 49 trict Camp Advisor; Mrs. Ru- at cngt erie Adams, Susan Meadows,' -Child Nurse Badge to: Shar- Shirley Sheehan and Marjory No-Cal - -----.--------- -------------------.--- 2 MAPLE GROVE oDdsGiuaEth r l Greceived as Metrecal 'Wafers 12 per, Pat Deboo, Barbara Bro- Mr.ucsitdce th i~~ . ~'. The synipathy of this coîn-iienry, Cathy Westover and sekr r.Lno.Secn Metrecal Liquid 6 for 16 rnunity is extended to Mr. and n Westover. rttdtegrso eev Mrs. and famnily, AîDancer's Badge ta: Susan ing their Gold Cords, and she Dr Gore rucotand boys'EceLl areBraamentioned the work o! the Slin Mint - -------------- ---------- 9 DrereTuct old Cord Committee. She 35 o! Ottawa, and other relatives Crombie, Susan Meadowsas ogtute th gil in the sudden passing o! wife, AnWsoeCtyWs:as ogauae h il Milburn's Safflower Oil & B6 Caps---- ,mother, daughter, and s over, Mari ory Henry, Isobel o h ucs !terdne A large number o! their neigh- SandraRbnooM n n the full turn-out in Borg Scales------------------------------ - 4.9-L---than33c- me- bars and friends wiîî remem- Hen"yfull uniform. ValrieAdas, arbra ra- Mrs. Frank told the girls SahriTasID .rad gan,10,7998 ber Nancy before she was Mariedamny, Chrstie Tighen as.ID..Brn, rin 00s înarried, when she worked orwes, Rita VanHennigan, Shar- and their mothers about the ____________ Dr. Devitt and Dr. Rudeil aso Daon Pat Deboo and girl Guide Camp at Pigeo ________________________ a dntl ureta1gt on he Bae solm ak hchw b eld ra de isBtyLu rNr-area inspector, spoke briefly 0s2' guests with the formers' sis-oî'Hos caerigte. J jB hEXOR YOUeHAVEArHANDdI THINGSRANADIAN en ,MTheBetty La, Mrs. NquEetions hes e points and J&NJIV yPowder Reg. 75c 57 when you own Life Insurance Iter,MrBasedMr. Ro Vn- The Display SThre rUnitd urd to Surpisig9 e.~buî ruc Lîe mst I imortnt anadan ntepries-Symipathy is expressed ta, Guns, Swords 1866 enjay a most deliciaus turkey ( rl 0 Supii,?Y-,-u re ikems nipotn aain nepie-Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, dinner supplied by the wo- NI EA CREMEI------ Reg. 1.33 _-A-jC*yDyTeCr people, you h av pi ob îhly tîought of yaur through the purchase of bonds and ' Mrs. M. Munday, and other OId Time Kitehen men of the church. dSa' lif isurnc a prtuI on oryor frnlystoksan thouh ortags.relatives in the loss of their, Feminine Dress and For this association o! ener *Uf- MILK 0F -a agodwy 0 IU oeyreuary Thsehrdwrkngdllr ae epîgCourtright.185-90 the past year has heid great HLISl5 J-s godwa t av nony eglal Tes hrdwokigdolas rehepigMiss Harriet Hinman, Ham-185-90 reward. Under the excellent -as a valtiable colltral if you need a ta finance great projectsalal over this iltan, Mrs. C. Hu.bbs, Bow- Coverlets and Quilts guidance o! Its executîve and TA DABrn Il mnilMl. Sev alenson Mo. ndy. 'sir. onl desveiopm proentw s-e AX3 loan for an eîntrgeic',. country such as pipelines, shopping cen-Manvi..levaledsan Mr.ond Mrs. Truis M olevluea aees-----------.egSi --WHT 11% a l it'ou luiîù rance dollars aie tres, bridges and highways, homes, Mrs. Sain Dewell, Hampton, Ilron Pot - 1794 'sibei the pleasant soc -__________________________ Actua y, Nour ne itisu w~~xas a Manday visitor with her i (Used ta Mix Medicine)> ibeamshr fcmae. mare ilian an rnve-îîî t inii n our personal apartmient and office buildings, schools, sister, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. ' Dcmns-Cia iWe are osphero! orades O AX H W E EEM R C TO seurt advorfunlxs Tisedlli fcore, nusralpansan owrUnit 1 o! the U. C. WoTnn Dcmen ts-Chn the continuance o! this rela- IO A A KY securitv ad \.our laniiWs. hesewdollrseetctoneThursdayrielepl-ts andmpoermwire thtnon Ttionshipveinantheacomorngtyear.ItFLASHFUNn CAMERAingegularlyAS39cCAMER are also an iiîvestinent in Canada. They developments. These investmenta ing (to-night) at 8 p.m. at,_________ stîmulate growth ami progress and help create employment opportunities, too. Unit 2 o! the U.C.W. will 3 ivrSre AM SO l 4O ihay$,0prhs 9 9 make this country a be îner place in which The incarne tram these investmnents me nTusa vnn t Mrs. J. Holtby's. Open Every Day The May meeting o! the' PRESCRIPTIONS . . . 1D.1R M DE to live and work. benefits yau directly by reducing the For the next three Sundays, 1 Ey 'Sunday School will aopen for Except Monday ,U.C.W. was held Tuesday ev- At this moment, 9 BILLIION DOLLN.S cost of life ineurance ta you and the bt eiradjno col ening, May 15th, at the home o!MsoRtel amr ih ALnioEXndjMcirREGOR DRU(iS p.m -etlif inuracesavngsareinestd 9milio oter anaia 10:15 a.m. because o! prAdut 2e- hld Oc ofMrs. RMcell preithe AE. MG cflt nsrnesaig r ivse 9mlin te aada aiconr.tice for the anniversary. Aut 5 hlrn1 Ms ce rsdn.Te THE LIFE. INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Unit 3 o! the U.C.W. willý Includes Garden meeting openedl singin~g thel u~v be held on Manday. June 28,1 ih="tn Up, Stand Up O M N IL - PH atthe home of Nmrs H. G.11 for Jesus," foilowed by thel sW A VL E - H N A 3 5 9 I Lord'a Prayer repeated byî THE CANADIAX 130'9nUU;Vff2,Z ()NTARIC)