PAGIE TM à- d1 N SOFTBALL BAS STARTET) The Mens Town Softhal!I.ragiur, "aan n '>stx tepams, got away to a flying star! la-st IC~Sli thr, seasor, opener slugger Bill Osborne tunnlCd star puier oss!ng a Iwo-hitter and fanriing a dozer, as Boss ma?-ilie i lutel dowu\- ed defending champion Stephen Fîîek .ý4-1. Wednesday nighit, George -Celleral- JWoIeS na IEa triple anîd three doubles ta leaid lasi .ýea.;oii c~'dxc!es Geforge*s Sales to a lop-rided 28--, \s ni . RiS eîs Wear. In the weeks final attraction S'nffvu's Auto Bou- withstood a final inning rail ' vta spoil Kranip's Furnitune 's league debut in a close 5-4 contrst. lia rr, -liat Snowden wsas thie game"s top star, pitchîngÏ a -Kbte id a(ccaunt-ý ing for al bi-s tcarns runs %x 'h ;pire)f <e h and a single. I + ' BEAUTIFUL COURSE Without taking anything awax- froînni ois n South-1 .iew Golf and Country Club, thiis scribe bar! 11w npportunity nf playing at the beautiful Oshava Golf Club laý1, week. It %vas aur fxst visit since the ness club lrîuso and curling ink ,was buiit. We didn't have time ta sce muclb of 'lie lay-out, but hope ta see it ail next week. This reporter had a 10i. 0f <ourse %secuuld have dfonte better but it WAS hot. (Excuises, excusîes. excuses). Thanks ta Dr. Keith Siemon we were able ta) play the course, but were flot going to play witl ii bi aga iii unless we get a "stroke a haie". His 81 xvas out of oui- c-lass3. and a 39 on the tough back nine is good irn any* ones leagut-. ERINLI GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Many rumours have been heard t w pan sseeks, regarding another golf course in this area. Sonie items 'vere correct, other enti-ely wrong andtI t sel the rcecuiîd stnaicht' wve wene in touch with Mr. Ken Nie-ks. 11we sole -)%\icr and proprietar who gave us the followinuc in1formation.ý The Erinli Golf & Couintr-v (CLlb îýlocatnd 0ni>b' Fifth Concession and Third R-oad. 'le oiirw s expected to be open next spring (1963) for imemibeis andr pay-as-you- m _-_1 ,e play- golfens. At least 15 hales sill h_- asailable for' play, but it is lioped ta have ail 18 iii op- ration, IL sas sweei t v-foi- Francis Br-adley andfý Ken explained tlîat "eaeh li ole siIl ia- os own luis proud son on1 Saturday .aI.i,\lospoi-t whein the xew rbai-acteristics with whicbHie ;players yl lias e ta cape". "IMiss Whiz", a Lotus 19, carne thî-ough in fine style Twvo of the fairways wiil cross the fast-running ceek. The to capture the Dunlop Challenge Trophy in an easy property Is already beautifuily landscaperl and the large xin. Ai]liast year. driver Bradley, in a loxver-power- ]-roomed house 'viii be converted iîîta a club boause for the cd Lula had been foced to watch the tail pipes of athen tnpening. higheî--poweî-ed cornpctitors cross the finish line ahead of Ihirn, But Saturdax- bîou:.,iit sweet revenge and found him 5.5 scconds ahead of the iîearest rival, Dan Shawv in a Sadier. The Ilollingshead Corporation D~IAIIIkI ~ purchased the Lotus frorn Peter Ry1an during the O PEN B W LIN G intler. This was the car that woni the CG-anid Prix at Mospoî-t Iast fali. In the top photo, Bradley's son O e anes Every Evening carrnes the checkered flag on the victory lap. The lowei- close up shows the happy pair afteî- the 'y had returned ta the paddock area. Over 5,000 were on L IBERTY BOWL LTD adfith 2hAnaSprCaToh acs haond or e th Anitiah E poreî-tr Trphu raes Base Line Bowrnanv'ilIe soio-db h nts mieMt, lb AUTOMATIC PIN SETTERS SNACK BAR SUNDAY BOWLING . - A Mixed League wiIl be formed to operate Sunday evenings starting early inl September. Anyone interested leave naine at bowling lanes . . . or telephone MA Ô-5663. r A Si $2. SUPER KEM-TONE For Wals and ('eiIinc.s Suggested Retail Prires; rts G.allonis .75 $8.90 I $21' Special ' $71,12 KI For W ai SuggC Quarts UP TO SUGGESTED RET, OFF ,oweOF OFF LoweBros, INTERIOR LATEX SATIN White and Colours QT. GAL. $149 $499 INTERIOR SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL White and Colours QT. GAL. $189 $6.19 i -îganti winninîg runs on 'Snuffy's Ta ke base- second- sacker Nelsonî- iYea rtbbcd 1Larî-y Dewell ona nolierortveî 'second ta end ýKramp'S 5-4 te ie SnfxYoîîeîed the scot- îîg t a rly on 1 LoYd Ilamnilton's - N laI îniîngîall fe l n ead-off double anud a follow- l uni âhai fils Snuffy's Aub u:Ip t>wo-bagger yHv -arry Bods' edged Kî-amp's ui-Snstn in the first frame. turc 5--4 in a Meîfs Sof4bbal Kraiiips tied it. iithue second - fixture Thursday niglut at tbh i on ai> error by oe Rich- i Hîiglu Scbool diamond. With tards aînd doubles by Bob Dia- iiid anud .1(_cReiunett. The Fui-nituî-e inen had thie bases loaded and onlv aile out., but Snowds-ri 1,ot Viiice Vaistone ta bit iotao a force at, the plate fuil te fourtb shortstop I N. T Doug Batlaîîfaiied ta caver second ou Hamiltoifs double-.x - play hall ta Dewell anud H-aim- ~ jltoa woulid up on first witb the bases Ioaded. Sîosvden's i ,fie sin-le went through cen- tre-ieher Ferguson for E M -G I.O ced It-t-fieider Ted Faire-vfBir"Cci> nfDnMs gveKa-psasinîgle rnn, - I. oeadDotMs 'oodNwork, Kitchens tiie'f:ftî. In thie seveiutb lu - -at-h contiibutcd ahome 2~cahIîui.rsp ioediîî fJîîorlsinslek- i's >- egion G olf Schedule Biîjîîiitheci alen- ic kai stono siiigli-d anîd Ferguson' ltr ocatI n he(ywn Glos forcedi Vanstone at. scon(j, Wed., May 30th listM sde lethe panla anu l 'n Fo_ e.wtualou Galos wheîi isliop uosted ta left <r eecv n u cli handicp sý 1iiand single and Johni $11.50 i it appeared ta be ail ove,-, but Cruisers Ys Destroy3erssn s OOfl y avea been m Stail antd Bob NMai-jernison Ruttaîî was safe on Vea's bob- iI Youi ti vs D. MVarsder.ptib .Yurlpsilyîil 1-îugead dul Special ýbic. Piiuc-itter Es-cieti King A. Rosse s-s J. Baker: Hl. Cawlc- iiu t-Xt wek sc-bcdule. iap Wct c-ie the pick of the smafluod a two-strik-e singl, Nss.1. Hases. C. Andersuonivs C 13YB helime 1 1WOrct î. otr hto rriake it 5-4. liiit Yen ramn rg .Xels Firsh,-liFîrilu ,tir) -ithî thebihg play ta atone AI bl sR Tiei il - iii t e haism i,tI ioc leagu5-1(1 4 5$ . 0for bis errai. %Whiz Bangs i-s Six Pounlders w> Il l..A elui> its edleo\e* R H E W. Lyle \-s J. Ford; L. Harn- R )C- gu aqaned(eig~-14 14 ilIn ss J Bacla: C Lelietouiuîamint was lueld on Sut>- J -- _ Kranips 4 fi 1ito sJ.Brly;C esi ay - May 6th, aind pîizes were; Sn f vs5 9 r, vs G. Heath: B. Hlilditeli i.-\ol - ,J. Solo: L. Staîtuton vs A. Ma-,5.i>bY thie follosving:IsvlowAW' iul: Gleiu TiertelI vs W. JolI li. M oirb-',bde score, D. Wriightl it ,whl G etlCash Today Spilfires Ys Mosquitoes RsTetl outenol Ti'Sa-meiga bs 'AIL PRICES FrOdA pine oprssW hi;D Rayod usîngtelolt f 7. in o n sv(- ýa hnerIn a 1wo ol%ý' A. Wcatbcred vs A. Hoopen; hlîýtî.igaifeis assard wsitb a Hlomeanud .School Associa- througl4 glit s-s C. Tresviiu; B. liait-t "111,IeIi i> w-o piactise game, on the fîrsl Wediiesca ini the S T A T E 8 M A N ýJ Kiîîîatrick, W. Harrison 5: uotlcag>e rnembers faunîd mlonlu witîî ai god rasvd in C 1, A S S 1 F 1 E D s M Con ssax- Grant Tliertelithue cour-se iin excellent cojîdi- attendant-c- 'Tl i e resident, Phone MArket 3-3303 s R. Das-ies. tion ss'ilîIte nesuit that scor- B'oss Taie-. cofidîîîted thie P a n s N.3_ Handicaps wîvlilibe e-s %vre iosvcr icmp bius lincesspui orî ieu tue sec- svitlu the saine pciad li t- îetanic'>, asvc their reports. Il eralthougb Mlaxie Yourtb vý7 n-ted Ihat $81 .50 had EXTERIOsvoiuî agree witîi luis as fié,,'bec- r oleýte,Çil n the conu- EXTERIOR oareà buta the fifties ti bath- WHITECONSERVATIVE olb'no;noteai HOUSE PAINT liarAIT T E E{ ,-o- îl adn oltle No. -i $1 9Lr'alize tatBiloiîv starteciý 1 r 8 - - w- KWJJV3 are now open in Bowmanville Hotel 54 King St. E. It is the wsîs of Dr. Peî-cs-Vîvian and tîte Couservative Par-ty, that ex-et-y eligible voter- casts his or bei- ballot on Junie l3th. Theî-efoi-e. as a set-vice toalal, regarding Voters« Lists oi- Polling Places. Telephone MA 3.7231 mr di-op iii at the Cornmittee Roorns. Bowmanville Hotel. JACK BROUIJG, Pies, Bowrnan ville Conservative Association. -M Gea. s Bomb Ken's 28-5 GLooige's sent20 at.-tz the plate aînd st ored 15 iruii- inî the second iriing Io bomb Ken7s \Icnsý Wear 28-5 inî a no-cantest Men's Tosvn Soit,- ball league gaine Wediicsdas 1iglit. The leingîbv affa:î svas calod ail>-> fis-e ai-idi t baîf innings, sparng l-en's in-rbaîs a ssorse dc ubbinv.. In the second. Georges c-i lected but fise sateties, but capitalîzed on il svalks and a lori--cri-or. Star-ter Pat Cor- oc-Il sas relies-ed Ï)v Joill Jamues. y-ho gav e ss-a ta Cor- uc-hl again ii inhe ýa cnt- înnooî Play-iig-maiag*u- BruLce Cale also bad a rnugh eveningi conu. niiting, three of Ken's foui ci-ro r: Lefi - fielder Gteorge i- eral"' Jones piic-edtIi h sie nern.' 14 luit assault vv i h a triple and tbre>' doubule. ~Chuck' Kilpatnîî-k adtle d three siiîgle5, wbile liedi 1957 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hardtop V8, autoinatic, power brakes, power steering 14-f t. Insulated Vans Choice of three, 1955 - 56 HIGH STANDARD HOUSE PAINT Regular Colours Special QUART $24 A 100 LATEX HOUSE PAINT Special QUAXRTS GALiLONS $7*95 SALE ENDS SATr.> MAY 26th McGREGOR HARDWARE 95 King St. W. LEMITED MA 3-3386 TTtPE CAnA1DYAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO WEIiNESDAV, MAY 23rd, 1962 By Frank Mohun MA 3-7234 ! or and junior rooms are JYct. If you want ta know whether your life insurance pragram is adequate for the job it must do for yau .. . Jus-t usk. There's no charge or obligation. a 1 BANNER PASSANT ffl W lIMA 3-3258 14 Rehder Ave., Bowmanville SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA Dynatones ROD AND CUSTOM CLUB are holding a CAPtR WASH at - McQeenMotor Sales -on - Saturday, June 2 Starting at 9 a.m. Hait Proceeds to Bowîmanville Branch Canadian Cancer Society E, A. VIRTUE & SON TYRONE - ONTARIO SOLA HA '"Com plète Home Heatîng Service" a tip or two on your heating unit When your heating unit shuts down after several months of winter operation, moisture is quick ta form, causing cor- rosion and caking of dust deposits. Now is the time ta arrange for your annual tune-up Io avoid costly and unnecessary repairs. This annual mainte- nance pays big dividends because it increases heating efficiency and gives you maximum fuel economy. Cai us today for détails of our "Service Pro grams" - PHONE COlfax 3-2431 - 1956 Chev. 4-Dr. Automatic transmission, custom radio. Only 34,000 original miles. 1960 Chevrolet '/2-Ton Pickup Truck Fleetside long box, custom radio liltN OTIIER MAKES AND MODELS FROM WHICHf TO CIIOOSE ROBSON MOTORS Limited W. . McMECHAN, Prcsident IIUICK - PONTIAC - ACADIAN - VAUXIIALI, GMC 166 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-3396 BO WMAN VILLE i I i: <~~s< munity for the Cancer Society planning tile usuial bus trip and thanks were given ta before the end af the schaol those donating and assisting 1 year, so the sumn of $15 was in the canvass. 1voted ta each group ta help A polio ciinic to receive charter a bus. oral vaccine is ta be heid at Mr. Thoropsan Taylor %vas the schaal on Thursday, Myconvenor of the evening's en- 1, from 9-12 and it is urgent tertainnment and calied on Mr. that young and aid avail them- Harold Quarrie af the Boy's selves of the oppartunity ta Training School staff and receive this vaccine. Mrs. L. sixteen musical boys whoin Ayne and Mrs. R. Smith vol- lie had trained. With- Mrs. unteered ta help with the Workman at thec piano th~ clinic. boys sang a variety af satX The annual cash gift was ned hy.mns and choruses, voted ta be paid ta our faith- quartets and trios. They aisç) fui caretaker, Mrs. C. Giikes, sang severai papular num- wha cheerfully carnies out bers such as 'Heant of M3' his duties and those extra Heart', Walking in the Rain" tasks imposed hy Home and and "Donald Where's Your ~'-horn1 Association activities. Troosers". Highlights wei-e 1 lie iioninating cammittee the violin selections piayed composed of Lewis Wood, by a very taiented performer Mrs. A. Wood and Mlrs. R. Charles Kingston. Among his Lane brought in the fnilowing numbers 'vere the ever pop- slate of officens for 1962: ular "Humoreske" and "Biess Preidet- rs.RaySmihThis House". A vote of thanks Vice President-- Mn. Byron ",*as given ta Mrs. WXorkman, Cryderman, Secretar-to' be Mr. Quarnie and the boys. named, Treasurer- Mrs. Ter- A bountiful lunch was ser- ry Price, Carresponding Sec.- ' ed by Mns. Garnet Rickard Mrs. T. Taylor. Press Sec.-- and her committee. Mrs. M. Rabb, Pianist- Mrs. _________ 0. Brogg. Our annual picnir wvas The World Health Organiza. pianned for .lune 22, at Wal- tion standard of contrai of tona Park, if possible and a tuberculosis is reached w>en sports committee compased of not more than one per cent of Reg Brock, Everett Wood childnen af school-leaving aga and 13yron Cryderman 'vas are positive ta tuberculin. Na named. country or province in Canada Hollingshead Entry Wins Ma in Event at Mosport on Saturday NOW'S THE TIME TO PLAN FOR PAINTING EXTERIORS GANLLONS $7,59 USED- CARS ý ým MWW -F 1 1